Bill Amendment: AZ HB2361 | 2019 | Fifty-fourth Legislature 1st Regular

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Tourism; sporting event; promotion; marketing

Status: 2019-05-03 - Chapter 165 [HB2361 Detail]

Download: Arizona-2019-HB2361-SENATE_-_Livingston_flr_amend_ref_APPROP_adopted.html

State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: H.B. 2361

            Livingston Floor Amendment

            Reference to: APPROPRIATIONS Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Removes the exemption of  the Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT) from the Arizona Procurement Code.

2.    Removes the requirement that the marketing agency is approved by the host facility.

3.    Specifies that, if the AOT develops a competitive solicitation for a promotion and marketing vendor, the AOT must, in consultation with the host facility, develop qualifications, specifications and evaluation factors for the competitive solicitation in accordance with the Arizona Procurement Code.

4.    Requires the procurement evaluation committee to evaluate and recommend a vendor.

5.    Prescribes that the procurement evaluation committee consists of one representative from the AOT, one representative from the State Procurement Office and one representative from the host facility.

6.    Makes technical and conforming changes.


Fifty-fourth Legislature                                               Livingston

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2361



(Reference to APPROPRIATIONS Committee amendment)


Page 1, line 12, after the period insert "For the purposes of this section,"

Line 13, strike "agency that is approved by the host facility"

Line 14, strike the first "and" insert "vendor"; strike "skills" insert "expertise"

Line 15, after "event" strike remainder of line

Line 16, strike "the purposes of this section"; after the comma insert "but"; strike "may contract with a"

Line 17, strike "promotion and marketing agency that"; strike "awarded" insert "limited to"; after "a" insert "vendor on"

Line 18, after the period insert "If the office of tourism develops a competitive solicitation for a promotion and marketing vendor, the office of tourism, in consultation with the host facility, shall develop the qualifications, specifications and evaluation factors for the competitive solicitation in accordance with chapter 23 of this title and rules adopted pursuant to chapter 23 of this title.  The procurement evaluation committee that consists of a representative of the state procurement office, the office of tourism and the host facility shall evaluate and recommend a vendor."

Page 3, strike lines 7 through 32

Strike pages 4 through 8

Page 9, strike lines 1 through 24

Amend title to conform






3:15 PM

C: ns

