Bill Amendment: AZ HB2024 | 2015 | Fifty-second Legislature 1st Regular

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Child safety oversight committee; continuation

Status: 2015-04-10 - Chapter 254 [HB2024 Detail]

Download: Arizona-2015-HB2024-HOUSE_ADOPTED_AMENDMENT_Children_and_Family_Affairs_-_Strike_Everything.html
ࡱ> CEB bjbj &*,,,,,4"-"-"-h--$"-5-4-:8.8.8.l/T//|5~5~5~5~5~5~5$7: 5,/l/l///5,,8.8.45010101/,8.,8.|501/|50101:1,,2 8.0ƔKt02 h5505"2 ;t0;82;,820//01/////55&1 ///5////;///////// +: Fifty-second Legislature First Regular Session COMMITTEE ON CHILDREN AND FAMILY AFFAIRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AMENDMENTS TO H.B. 2024 (Reference to printed bill) Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert: "Section  AUTONUM   Laws 2012, chapter 50, section 1, as amended by Laws 2013, chapter 220, section 6 and Laws 2014, second special session, chapter 1, section 155, is amended to read: Section 1.  Child safety oversight committee; membership; duties; delayed repeal A.  The child safety oversight committee is established consisting of the following members: 1.  Two members of the house of representatives who are appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and who are not members of the same political party.  The speaker of the house of representatives shall designate one of these members to serve as cochairperson of the committee. 2.  Two members of the senate who are appointed by the president of the senate and who are not members of the same political party.  The president of the senate shall designate one of these members to serve as cochairperson of the committee. 3.  The director of the department of child safety or the director's designee. 4.  3.  One member of a law enforcement agency in this state.  The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint this member. 5.  4.  One child safety worker or administrator with child safety worker knowledge who is appointed by the director of the department of child safety. 6.  5.  One foster parent who is appointed by the director of the department of child safety. 7.  6.  One guardian ad litem who is appointed by the director of the administrative office of the courts. 8.  7.  One former foster child who is appointed by the president of the senate. 9.  8.  One representative from a foster care licensing agency who is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. 10.  9.  One public member who has significant experience with child safety who is appointed by the president of the senate. 11.  10.  One representative of a Native American tribe or nation who is appointed by the president of the senate. 11.  One pediatrician who has experience with the department or child fatalities, or both, and who is appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. B.  The oversight committee shall: 1.  Identify the responsibilities and scope of the department of child safety, its statutory mandates, policies and procedures. 2.  Identify areas for statutory improvement in the child safety system and recommend statutory and administrative changes. 3.  Monitor department program effectiveness and recommend any statutory efficiencies that further the purpose to protect children. 4.  Review all semiannual reports on program outcomes released by the department to the legislature for trends and areas for statutory improvement. 5.  Make recommendations on the membership and duties of any future legislative committee to oversee the department of child safety. 6.  On or before December 15, 2015 2016, submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate, and provide a copy of its report to the secretary of state. C.  Committee members are not eligible to receive compensation or reimbursement of expenses. D.  This section is repealed from and after December 31, 2015 2016." Amend title to conform and, as so amended, it do pass JOHN M. 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