Wyoming Senator Cheri Steinmetz [R]

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StateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
AN ACT relating to child protection; requiring age verification for visiting websites with material harmful to minors; specifying requirements and exceptions for age verification; specifying remedies, liability and damages; specifying applicability; ...
President Signed HEA No. 0070
WYHB0079VetoAN ACT relating to elections; requiring a minimum threshold of ballots cast in a bond election held on any day other than a general election as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Veto Message Received
WYSF0103VetoAN ACT relating to the administration of the government; generally prohibiting diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and mandates by state agencies and public educational institutions; conditioning the expenditure of appropriated funds as specified...
Veto Message Received
AN ACT relating to the Wyoming constitution, statutes and rules of construction; providing a definition of health care generally applicable to law; providing findings; specifying exceptions; providing definitions; and providing for contingent effecti...
Speaker Signed SEA No. 0092
WYSF0132VetoAN ACT relating to defense forces and affairs; prohibiting the use and operation of unmanned aircraft systems over critical infrastructure and critical systems; specifying exceptions; providing and amending penalties; authorizing the use of the Wyomi...
Assigned Chapter Number 112
AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; amending the crimes of prostitution and solicitation of prostitution to include acts of sexual contact; providing definitions; requiring reports; and providing for an effective date.
President Signed HEA No. 0069
WYHB0064VetoAN ACT relating to abortions; requiring ultrasounds before the procurement of chemical abortions; providing verification requirements; providing definitions; providing penalties; specifying applicability; providing for the conflict of laws; and provi...
Veto Message Received
WYHB0094VetoAN ACT relating to education; removing a limitation on the number of charter schools that the Wyoming charter school authorizing board may authorize; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Veto Message Received
WYHB0199PassAN ACT relating to education; modifying the education savings accounts program; changing the name of the program to the steamboat legacy scholarship act; creating the steamboat legacy scholarship program account; modifying definitions; increasing the...
Assigned Chapter Number 107
A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting the Governor concentrate on promoting stable dispatchable base load power resources from Wyoming in lieu of taxpayer subsidized commercial wind and solar generated power.
Speaker Signed SEJR No. 0002
AN ACT relating to elections; prohibiting government officials and election officials from accepting private funds to conduct elections as specified; prohibiting any person from providing or offering private funds for purposes of conducting an electi...
President Signed HEA No. 0065
AN ACT relating to elections; amending notice of intent to cancel a registration as specified; and providing for an effective date.
Speaker Signed SEA No. 0075
AN ACT relating to elections; amending the time for circulating and filing a petition to form a new political party; and providing for an effective date.
Speaker Signed SEA No. 0074
AN ACT relating to state legislative districts; providing legislative findings; requiring management council to assign legislative apportionment to a committee of the legislature for study during the 2025 legislative interim as provided by this act; ...
Speaker Signed SEA No. 0073
WYSF0127VetoAN ACT relating to administrative procedure; requiring the completion of economic analyses for major administrative rules; amending the process for legislative review and notice of rules; making conforming amendments; specifying applicability; requir...
Governor Vetoed SEA No. 0059
WYHB0060FailAN ACT relating to education; amending student eligibility requirements in interscholastic or intercollegiate activities; specifying requirements for the University of Wyoming and community colleges for student eligibility; prohibiting participation ...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYSF0084PassAN ACT relating to food labeling; authorizing country of origin labeling for beef that is a product of the United States of America; authorizing labeling for beef that is a product of the state of Wyoming; providing definitions; making conforming ame...
Assigned Chapter Number 84
WYSF0083FailAN ACT relating to the administration of the government; creating the large energy project funding program; providing requirements for large energy projects; requiring legislative approval for large energy projects; providing definitions; making conf...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0111FailAN ACT relating to motor vehicles; increasing penalties for failing to stop where an accident involves serious bodily injury or death; adding a knowledge requirement for specified failing to stop offenses; providing clarifying amendments; providing d...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYSF0089FailAN ACT relating to public health and safety; authorizing the department of health to approve alterations or additions to health care facilities for purposes of health care and life safety compliance determinations only; repealing bed expansion limita...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYSF0092FailAN ACT relating to environmental quality; providing legislative findings; specifying that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant and is a beneficial substance; providing policy statements of the state associated with carbon dioxide; repealing low-carbon e...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0123FailAN ACT relating to civil procedure; specifying that the time period for a cause of action for adverse possession does not run during periods when the property owner has paid all property taxes; specifying the process for the payment of legal fees in ...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0135FailAN ACT relating to public health and safety; authorizing the use of autologous or direct blood donations as specified; authorizing reasonable fees for blood donations; providing definitions; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0150FailAN ACT relating to agriculture, livestock and other animals; authorizing federal and state-licensed meat processors to sell composted material as fertilizer, soil amendment or soil conditioner; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effec...
H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4
AN ACT relating to elections; requiring a qualified elector to be a bona fide resident of the state of Wyoming for not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the election in which they offer to vote; requiring documentation proving residence t...
President Signed HEA No. 0057
WYHB0184FailAN ACT relating to public utilities; requiring customer allocation agreements for utility service to a customer in the certificated territory of another utility; authorizing a civil action and recovery for violations; and providing for an effective d...
H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4
WYSF0118FailAN ACT relating to game and fish; authorizing landowners to sell their landowner hunting licenses as specified; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0194FailAN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crime of promoting obscenity to minors; amending the crime of promoting obscenity as specified; providing and amending definitions; repealing an exemption from the crime of promoting obscenity for ...
H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4
WYHB0209FailAN ACT relating to public utilities; repealing low-carbon energy standard requirements; repealing conflicting provisions; making conforming amendments; specifying applicability; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0222FailAN ACT relating to public health and safety; allowing health care professionals, health care institutions and health care payers the right not to participate in or pay for health care services as specified; authorizing religious-based health care org...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0218FailAN ACT relating to public utilities; requiring stays of proceedings of the public service commission pending the resolution of lawsuits as specified; providing exemptions; making conforming amendments; specifying applicability; and providing for an e...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYHB0270FailAN ACT relating to public funds; amending spending policy amounts for earnings from the investment of permanent funds; and providing for an effective date.
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
WYSF0147PassAN ACT relating to the protection and rights of blind and disabled persons; specifying that the rights and obligations applicable to service and assistance animals apply to service animals that are being trained; increasing penalties related to injur...
Assigned Chapter Number 99
WYHB0289PassAN ACT relating to public health and safety; authorizing the department of health to approve alterations or additions to health care facilities for purposes of health care and life safety compliance determinations only; repealing bed expansion limita...
Assigned Chapter Number 102
WYSF0183FailAN ACT relating to public health and safety; prohibiting the initiation or expansion of solar and wind energy facilities as specified; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; specifying applicability; providing a sunset date; and providi...
S:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 5-4
AN ACT relating to state lands; amending the duties of the state forester; providing appropriations; providing for the transfer of funds; authorizing borrowing; authorizing grants; repealing prior borrowing authorizations; authorizing loans; revertin...
Speaker Signed SEA No. 0062
WYHB0244FailAN ACT relating to eminent domain; prohibiting persons from using the power of eminent domain to place pipelines conveying carbon dioxide for the purposes of carbon capture, utilization or storage; specifying applicability; making conforming amendmen...
H:Died in Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 5-4
WYHB0080FailAN ACT relating to the administration of the government; specifying requirements for the hiring and retention of investment managers, trustees and fiduciaries who invest state funds as specified; specifying proxy voting requirements for investment ma...
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0118FailAN ACT relating to state lands and conveyances; limiting conveyances, exchanges and sales of land to prohibit the federal government from net increases in land within Wyoming; providing definitions; specifying applicability; and providing for an effe...
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0131FailAN ACT relating to elections; prohibiting the use of drop boxes for delivery of ballots as specified; and providing for an effective date.
COW:S Did not consider for COW
WYHB0148FailAN ACT relating to the University of Wyoming board of trustees; increasing the members of the board of trustees; providing for election of trustees as specified; specifying election requirements; making conforming amendments; specifying requirements ...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
WYHB0157FailAN ACT relating to elections; requiring proof of United States citizenship to register to vote as specified; providing a definition of "proof of United States citizenship"; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Did not Consider for Introduction
WYHB0173FailAN ACT relating to elections; requiring independent candidates to swear that they are unaffiliated or not registered with a major or minor political party; revising the number of signatures required for independent candidates to appear on the general...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
WYSF0113PassAN ACT relating to professions and occupations; specifying that the practice of natural hair braiding is exempt from the Wyoming Cosmetology Act; clarifying that the owner of a salon may require certification for the practice of natural hair braiding...
Assigned Chapter Number 80
WYHB0224FailAN ACT relating to property; restricting foreign adversary ownership of land and other interests in Wyoming as specified; providing definitions; authorizing enforcement of ownership restrictions as specified; providing a civil penalty; requiring the ...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
WYHB0238FailAN ACT relating to elections; prohibiting a person from delivering ballots of other electors to the county clerk; providing exceptions; specifying that ballots shall not be tabulated as specified; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective d...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
AN ACT relating to labor and employment; reducing the maximum length of unemployment benefits; renaming the unemployment insurance commission; specifying applicability; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates.
COW:Failed 23-36-3-0-0
WYSF0181PassAN ACT relating to eminent domain; limiting the exercise of the power of condemnation for energy collector systems; providing compensation standards for condemned property as specified; requiring proof of compliance and notice of condemnation as spec...
Assigned Chapter Number 72
WYHB0324FailAN ACT relating to state officers; specifying that employees of specified state officials are at-will employees; exempting employees of specified state officials from executive branch policies and plans; authorizing human resource officer positions; ...
COW:S Did not consider for COW
WYHB0042PassAN ACT relating to public health and safety; requiring the licensure of surgical abortion facilities as specified; providing criminal penalties for violations; specifying civil liability for damages resulting from abortions; providing definitions; ma...
Assigned Chapter Number 46
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