Bill Text: NY S08491 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Establishes the New York state museum partnership trust to serve as a focal point for the receipt and administration of private gifts, devises and bequests of real and personal property donated to further historic preservation, advance cultural education, and enhance the state museum.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2024-06-07 - referred to tourism, parks, arts and sports development [S08491 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-S08491-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                    IN SENATE

                                    February 6, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen. BRESLIN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to  the  Committee  on  Finance  --  committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the arts and cultural affairs law, in relation to estab-
          lishing the New York state museum partnership trust

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. The legislature finds that
     2  the New York state museum is a vital interest of the state, enabling  us
     3  to  pass  New  York's  past and present on to our children and our chil-
     4  dren's children. The museum welcomes visitors to  explore  its  rotating
     5  and  permanent  exhibitions. The museum also offers educational program-
     6  ming, including after-school programs  that  have  benefited  more  than
     7  4,000 students in the city of Albany. The museum is essential for educa-
     8  tion,  public  programs,  and  generating tourism and economic activity.
     9  Unfortunately, present conditions inhibit  its  ability  to  thrive  and
    10  serve New Yorkers to its fullest potential. Therefore, it is the purpose
    11  of  this  act to support the museum's operations and align its oversight
    12  structure with that  of  the  other  departments  under  the  office  of
    13  cultural  education at the state education department. Both the New York
    14  state library and the New York state archives benefit from  the  support
    15  of  an affiliated trust that obtains non-state funding to supplement the
    16  operations and programming of the library and archives, respectively. It
    17  is time to bring the New York state museum in line with the other  divi-
    18  sions of the office of cultural education at the state education depart-
    19  ment.  To  accomplish this, a New York state museum partnership trust is
    20  created in order to: create an endowment to help  collect  and  preserve
    21  art,  historical  items,  objects  of  material culture, natural history
    22  specimens, and other objects that tell the story of the people who  call
    23  New York home; make possible special projects and inform the citizens of
    24  New  York  about the exhibits and programs of the state museum; and work
    25  in conjunction with the board of regents, the office of cultural  educa-
    26  tion  at  the state education department, the commissioner of education,

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8491--A                          2

     1  and the museum advisory council under the board of regents to advise and
     2  support the New York state museum.
     3    §  2.  The  arts  and  cultural affairs law is amended by adding a new
     4  title Q to read as follows:

     5                                   TITLE Q

     7                                 ARTICLE 45

     9  Section 45.01. Short title.
    10          45.03. Definitions.
    11          45.05. New York state museum partnership trust.
    12          45.07. Purpose and powers of trust.
    13          45.09. Temporary assignment and transfer of employees.
    14          45.11. Authorized expenditures.
    15          45.13. New York state museum partnership trust fund.
    16          45.15. Creation of trust for a public purpose.
    17          45.17. Members and employees not to profit.
    18    § 45.01. Short title. This title shall be known and may  be  cited  as
    19  the "New York state museum partnership trust act".
    20    § 45.03. Definitions.  For the purposes of this article, the following
    21  terms shall have the following meanings:
    22    1. "Trust" or "corporation" shall mean the New York state museum part-
    23  nership trust established by section 45.05 of this article.
    24    2. "Board" shall mean the members of the corporation appointed  pursu-
    25  ant to section 45.05 of this article.
    26    3.  "Trust  fund" or "fund" shall mean the New York state museum part-
    27  nership trust fund established in section 45.13 of this article.
    28    § 45.05. New York state museum partnership trust. 1.  A  trust  to  be
    29  known  as  the  New York state museum partnership trust is hereby estab-
    30  lished.  Such trust shall be governed by a board which shall be  a  body
    31  corporate  and politic constituting a public benefit corporation and its
    32  existence shall commence upon the appointment of the members  as  herein
    33  provided.    Such  board  shall  consist  of  twenty total members to be
    34  appointed as follows: five  members  appointed  by  the  governor;  five
    35  appointed by the board of regents; four appointed by the majority leader
    36  of  the senate, two of whom shall be private citizens; four appointed by
    37  the speaker of the assembly, two of whom shall be private citizens;  and
    38  one  appointed  each  by  minority  leaders  of the senate and assembly.
    39  Members shall be appointed for  their  interest  in  the  art,  history,
    40  culture  and natural history of New York; their knowledge and experience
    41  regarding resources for cultural and  educational  programs;  and  their
    42  support  for the purposes of the museum partnership trust. Members shall
    43  be appointed no later than ninety days following an  appropriation  made
    44  by the legislature for the purposes of this article.
    45    2.  At the first meeting of the board and the first meeting thereof in
    46  each two fiscal years thereafter, the members of the board shall  choose
    47  from their members, a chairperson and vice-chairperson. Initial appoint-
    48  ments  shall  be for staggered terms; appointments by the governor shall
    49  be for three-year terms; appointments by the legislative  leaders  shall
    50  be for two-year terms; appointments by the board of regents shall be for
    51  one-year  terms. All subsequent terms shall be for three years.  Members
    52  may be reappointed and may serve two consecutive full terms, in addition
    53  to the term of the initial appointments, but not more than eight consec-

        S. 8491--A                          3

     1  utive years. Each member shall continue in office  until  such  member's
     2  successor  has been appointed and qualifies. Such continuation in office
     3  shall not be counted in determining whether a member  has  served  eight
     4  consecutive  years. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the office of
     5  any member, other than by the expiration of a member's term, such vacan-
     6  cy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term, if applicable,
     7  in the same manner as the original appointment. Members from  government
     8  shall  be  replaced  if  they  leave government service; a new appointee
     9  shall serve for the unexpired term of the departing member  and  may  be
    10  reappointed.
    11    3.  A  majority  of  the  whole number of members then in office shall
    12  constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business or the  exercise
    13  of  any  power of the board. Except as otherwise specified in this arti-
    14  cle, for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power of
    15  the board, the board shall have power to act by a  majority  of  members
    16  present at any meeting at which a quorum is in attendance. The board may
    17  delegate  to  one or more of its members, or to its officers, agents and
    18  employees, or to its executive committee, such powers and duties as  the
    19  board  may  deem  proper.  The  members of the board shall serve without
    20  compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement of their actual and
    21  necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
    22    4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of  this  or  any  other
    23  law,  general, special or local, no officer or employee of the state, or
    24  of any public corporation as defined in the  general  construction  law,
    25  shall  be  deemed  to  have  forfeited  or shall forfeit their office or
    26  employment or any benefits provided  under  the  retirement  and  social
    27  security  law  or  under  any public retirement system maintained by the
    28  state or any of its  subdivisions  by  reason  of  their  acceptance  of
    29  membership on or chairmanship of the board.
    30    5.  The  trust and its corporate existence shall continue until termi-
    31  nated by law, provided, however, that no such law shall take  effect  so
    32  long  as  the  trust  shall  have  bonds,  notes  and  other obligations
    33  outstanding, unless adequate provision has been  made  for  the  payment
    34  thereof  in  the  documents  securing  the same. Upon termination of the
    35  existence of the trust, all its rights and properties shall vest in  the
    36  state.
    37    § 45.07. Purpose  and  powers  of  trust.  1. The purpose of the trust
    38  shall be to serve as a focal point for the receipt and administration of
    39  private gifts, devises  and  bequests  of  real  and  personal  property
    40  donated to use the arts, history, and material culture to help New York-
    41  ers  and  visitors understand the world in which we live, and to oversee
    42  and support the state museum in conjunction with the board  of  regents,
    43  the  office  of  cultural  education at the department of education, the
    44  commissioner of education, and the museum  advisory  council  under  the
    45  board of regents.
    46    2.  To  carry out such purposes under subdivision one of this section,
    47  the trust shall:
    48    (a) Oversee, and participate actively in, a campaign to secure private
    49  and public funds to create an initial endowment;
    50    (b) Review and approve a budget request and work plan annually for the
    51  operation of the board and for the use of trust  funds  to  support  the
    52  purposes of the trust fund; and
    53    (c)  Report  to  the governor and the legislature at least every three
    54  years as to the activities of the trust including information pertaining
    55  to fund raising, expenditures and projects undertaken and the sufficien-

        S. 8491--A                          4

     1  cy of the  principal  to  generate  interest  adequate  to  achieve  the
     2  purposes of the trust.
     3    3. The trust shall have the power:
     4    (a)  To  make  and  adopt official bylaws for the management and regu-
     5  lation of its affairs provided that such  bylaws  shall  only  be  made,
     6  adopted  or  amended by a majority of the whole number of the members of
     7  the board then in office;
     8    (b) To contract for and to accept assistance, including but not limit-
     9  ed to unconditional gifts, devises and bequests, and, with the  approval
    10  of  the  governor,  conditional  gifts, devises and bequests, of real or
    11  personal property for  art,  material  culture,  historic  preservation,
    12  natural  history  studies, environmental education and to administer and
    13  expend funds made available to the corporation for any of its purposes;
    14    (c) To make and execute contracts and all other instruments  necessary
    15  or  convenient  for  the exercise of its powers and functions under this
    16  article;
    17    (d) To appoint officers, agents and  employees,  and  prescribe  their
    18  duties and qualifications and fix their compensation;
    19    (e) To contract for professional and technical assistance and advice;
    20    (f)  To  provide  in  its official bylaws for the holding of an annual
    21  meeting, at which annual meeting a majority of the whole number  of  the
    22  members  of  the board then in office may transact any business or exer-
    23  cise any power of the board;
    24    (g) To invest and reinvest moneys as provided in this article  and  to
    25  enter into agreements with the state comptroller concerning the transfer
    26  of moneys among the various accounts;
    27    (h) To create committees, including an executive committee composed of
    28  not  fewer  than  five members of the board including one of the members
    29  appointed by the governor, one of the members appointed by the  majority
    30  leader of the senate, one of the members appointed by the speaker of the
    31  assembly  and  one of the members appointed by the board of regents, and
    32  special committees, to carry out its business effectively and  may  also
    33  create  task forces, regional campaign committees, and other bodies made
    34  up of individuals beyond its own members to assist in the  work  of  the
    35  board;
    36    (i) To exercise and perform such other powers and duties as shall have
    37  been or may be from time to time conferred by law;
    38    (j)  To  participate and cooperate with other public and private agen-
    39  cies having mutual interests and purposes in  appropriate  programs  and
    40  projects intended to preserve and improve the history, arts and cultural
    41  resources  of the New York state museum in furtherance of the education,
    42  welfare and enjoyment of its people;
    43    (k) To sue and be sued; and
    44    (l) To do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes
    45  of this article.
    46    § 45.09. Temporary assignment and transfer of employees.  Whenever  in
    47  the  opinion  of  the  board it would be in the public interest, it may,
    48  after prior approval of the director of the budget, request  the  tempo-
    49  rary  assignment  and  transfer of certain employees of any other board,
    50  commission, agency or department of the state or its political  subdivi-
    51  sions, and such other board, commission, agency or department, if in its
    52  opinion  such  transfer  will  not interfere with the performance of its
    53  duties and functions may make  such  assignment  and  transfer  of  such
    54  employees to the trust. Such assignment and transfer or extension there-
    55  of  shall  not in any way affect the civil service status, continuity of

        S. 8491--A                          5

     1  service, retirement plan status, right to compensation, grade or compen-
     2  sation or other rights or privileges of any employee so transferred.
     3    § 45.11. Authorized expenditures. The trust may make expenditures from
     4  the  trust  fund,  subject to availability of fund monies, provided such
     5  expenditures are within a budget approved  by  the  board  and  are  not
     6  otherwise restricted by law, for the following purposes:
     7    1.  Support  for  a development campaign to obtain donations from non-
     8  state government sources including private citizens, foundations, organ-
     9  izations and the federal government and for expenses  for  the  meetings
    10  and operation of the board and the trust;
    11    2.  Internships  to  students  in New York state who are preparing for
    12  careers in museums and fellowships to  expert  practitioners  in  museum
    13  preservation  and  curation and educational programs under the direction
    14  of the professional staff of the New York state museum;
    15    3. Hiring an executive director to administer the funds of the  trust,
    16  which  may include the hiring of expert staff in preservation, curation,
    17  and public and educational programs; and
    18    4. Purchase of supplies and services and purchase or lease  of  equip-
    19  ment needed for activities authorized by this article.
    20    § 45.13. New  York  state  museum  partnership trust fund. 1. There is
    21  hereby established in the custody of the trust  a  special  fund  to  be
    22  known  as  the "New York state museum partnership trust fund". The trust
    23  shall establish the following three separate and distinct accounts with-
    24  in the New York state  museum  partnership  trust  fund:  the  endowment
    25  account,  and  the  special  project account, which shall each be in the
    26  custody of the trust, and the operation and maintenance  account,  which
    27  shall  be  in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commis-
    28  sioner of taxation and finance.
    29    2. Moneys in the trust fund shall consist of  appropriations  therefor
    30  and donations which may include any form of equity, fixed income securi-
    31  ties,  insurance  or any other asset convertible into cash, and earnings
    32  thereon.   Pursuant to agreements made at  least  annually  between  the
    33  trust  board  and the state comptroller, the trust shall transfer suffi-
    34  cient funds from the endowment account to the operation and  maintenance
    35  account for the timely payment of estimated costs and operating expenses
    36  pursuant to budgets adopted by the trust.
    37    3.  Earnings from the endowment account may be used by the trust board
    38  for its operation and for the other purposes authorized in this article.
    39  Moneys in the endowment account, and earnings thereon, may  be  invested
    40  and  reinvested  by the trust board consistent with the prudent investor
    41  standard of section 11-2.3 of the estates, powers  and  trusts  law  and
    42  pursuant to the provisions of section twenty-nine hundred twenty-five of
    43  the public authorities law. The trust board shall give due consideration
    44  to  balancing the long-term growth of the endowment, long-term trends of
    45  the economy and the needs of trust operations  and  the  state  archives
    46  with  the goal that the endowment shall provide a permanent, growing and
    47  viable source of funds to fulfill the trust purposes.  The  trust  board
    48  shall obtain an annual independent audit and audited financial statement
    49  of the books and accounts of the trust, by a certified accounting firm.
    50    4.  Moneys  in  the special project account shall be used for carrying
    51  out the special projects designated in the donation thereof.
    52    5. The trust is intended to supplement, not replace or reduce, regular
    53  state appropriations to the state museum. The state may match the  first
    54  five million dollars donated to the endowment account in any fiscal year
    55  following the receipt of moneys.

        S. 8491--A                          6

     1    § 45.15. Creation  of  trust for a public purpose. It is hereby found,
     2  determined and declared that the creation of the trust and the  carrying
     3  out  of its corporate purposes is in all respects for the benefit of the
     4  people of the state of New York, for the preservation and improvement of
     5  the  history,  arts and cultural resources through the state museum, and
     6  is a public purpose, in that the trust will be performing  an  essential
     7  governmental function in the exercise of the powers conferred upon it by
     8  this article and the trust shall not be required to pay taxes or assess-
     9  ments  upon any of the property acquired by it or under its jurisdiction
    10  and control, or upon its activities in the operation and maintenance  of
    11  such  properties or use of any moneys, revenues or other income received
    12  by the corporation. All contributions of real or personal property  made
    13  to  the  trust  whether  by  gift,  devise  or  bequest shall qualify as
    14  deductions in computing the net taxable income  of  the  donor  for  the
    15  purposes  of any income tax imposed by the state or any political subdi-
    16  vision thereof.
    17    § 45.17. Members and employees not to profit. No  officer,  member  or
    18  employee  of  the  trust  shall  receive  or may be lawfully entitled to
    19  receive any pecuniary profit from the operation thereof  except  reason-
    20  able  compensation for services in effecting one or more of its purposes
    21  set forth under this article.
    22    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.