Bill Text: NY S08357 | 2017-2018 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Establishes the Office of Community Living to advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities and assure that persons with disabilities are afforded the opportunity to exercise all of the rights and responsibilities accorded to citizens of the state of New York and to promote and fund services that assist persons with disabilities to live independently in their home communities.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2018-05-03 - REFERRED TO FINANCE [S08357 Detail]

Download: New_York-2017-S08357-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                    IN SENATE
                                       May 3, 2018
        Introduced  by  Sen.  ROBACH -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
        AN ACT to amend the executive  law,  in  relation  to  establishing  the
          office  of  community  living; and to repeal certain provisions of the
          executive law, the education law and the private housing  finance  law
          relating thereto
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new  article  19-E
     2  to read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE 19-E
     4                         OFFICE OF COMMUNITY LIVING
     5  Section 460. Purpose.
     6          461. Office of community living.
     7          462. Director; general responsibilities.
     8          463. Additional powers of the office of community living.
     9          464. Most integrated setting coordinating council.
    10          465. Independent living centers.
    11          466. New York access to home program.
    12          467. Other responsibilities of the office of community living.
    13    §  460. Purpose. Persons with disabilities comprise a major segment of
    14  the state of New  York's  population  and  their  particular  needs  and
    15  concerns  must  be  considered  as  an integral part of the planning and
    16  implementation of all state programs and services affecting their  lives
    17  and  well-being. The office of community living shall advocate on behalf
    18  of persons with disabilities and assure that persons  with  disabilities
    19  are afforded the opportunity to exercise all of the rights and responsi-
    20  bilities  accorded  to citizens of this state, and will promote and fund
    21  services that assist persons with disabilities to live independently  in
    22  their home communities.
    23    §  461. Office of community living. There is hereby established within
    24  the executive department an office of community living.  The  office  of
    25  community  living  shall  advise  and  assist the governor in developing
    26  policies designed to help meet the needs of  persons  with  disabilities
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 8357                             2
     1  and  to encourage the full participation of persons with disabilities in
     2  society.  The office of community living shall be the state's  coordina-
     3  tor  for  implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and, as
     4  such,  is  charged  with coordinating state activities which insure that
     5  state programs do not discriminate against and are accessible to persons
     6  with disabilities. The office of community living shall also  coordinate
     7  the  state's  efforts  to  comply with the United States Supreme Court's
     8  Olmstead decision. In its 1999, Olmstead v. L.C.  decision,  the  United
     9  States Supreme Court ruled that New York, like all states, in accordance
    10  with  the  Americans  with Disabilities Act (ADA), have an obligation to
    11  provide services to individuals with disabilities in the most integrated
    12  setting appropriate to their needs. A comprehensive Olmstead implementa-
    13  tion plan that will address integrated housing, employment,  transporta-
    14  tion,  community  services  and  other  important issues will affirm New
    15  York's position as a national leader on disability rights. As such,  the
    16  office of community living will assume responsibility of chairmanship of
    17  the most integrated settings coordinating council. The office for commu-
    18  nity  living shall also be responsible for funding services that promote
    19  and advocate for independence and  community  living  for  persons  with
    20  disabilities.
    21    §  462.  Director; general responsibilities. The head of the office of
    22  community living shall be the director, who shall be  appointed  by  the
    23  governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate.  The director
    24  shall  receive  a  salary  to be fixed by the governor within the amount
    25  appropriated therefor. The director, subject to rules prescribed by  the
    26  governor,  may  appoint  and  fix  the  compensation of subordinates and
    27  employees of the division within the amounts appropriated therefor.
    28    § 463. Additional powers of the office of community living. The office
    29  of community living shall have the following additional powers:
    30    1. Submission, reviews and recommendations. (a) Each  division  within
    31  the  executive  department  and all other departments of the state shall
    32  submit to the office of community  living  for  review  proposed  legis-
    33  lation, regulations, orders and plans which may significantly affect the
    34  lives  or  well-being  of  persons  with disabilities in the state. Such
    35  matters shall, in the case of  proposed  legislation,  be  submitted  at
    36  least  thirty  days  prior  to submission to the legislature and, in the
    37  case of regulations, orders and plans, at least thirty days prior to the
    38  effective date of this article.
    39    (b) The office of community living shall review and  report  upon  all
    40  matters of significance submitted to it. The office shall submit reports
    41  or  other comments where appropriate to the division or department which
    42  referred such matter evaluating (i) the impact of  the  proposed  legis-
    43  lation,  regulation, order, or plan upon persons with disabilities; (ii)
    44  the relationship and impact  of  such  proposals  on  existing  programs
    45  affecting  persons  with  disabilities;  (iii)  the desirability of such
    46  proposals; and (iv) modifications that would enhance the impact  of  the
    47  proposal  upon persons with disabilities or aid in the implementation of
    48  the new proposal.
    49    2. Cooperation. All state agencies contemplating actions that would be
    50  subject to review under this order shall inform the office of  community
    51  living  as early as possible in the process of developing such proposals
    52  and shall cooperate with the office of community living in carrying  out
    53  these responsibilities to assure that appropriate consideration is given
    54  the needs and concerns of persons with disabilities.
    55    §  464.  Most  integrated setting coordinating council. 1. Legislative
    56  findings and intent. The Americans with Disabilities  Act  requires  the

        S. 8357                             3
     1  state  of  New  York to ensure that people of all ages with disabilities
     2  reside and function  in  the  most  integrated  setting  possible.  This
     3  requirement  was  recognized and upheld by the Supreme Court in the case
     4  of Olmstead, Commissioner, Georgia Department of Human Resources, et al.
     5  v.  L.C.,  by Zimring, Guardian ad litem and Next Friend, et al. (138 F.
     6  3d 893). While the state of New York  provides  community  supports  for
     7  people  of  all  ages  with disabilities and while the state of New York
     8  does operate a home and community-based  waiver  Medicaid  program,  the
     9  legislature  hereby  finds that the state of New York has no centralized
    10  mechanism in place to determine whether or not people of all  ages  with
    11  disabilities  are  residing  in the most integrated setting possible. In
    12  order to ensure that the state of New York is  in  compliance  with  the
    13  requirements of the Olmstead decision, the legislature hereby finds that
    14  it  is  incumbent  upon the state of New York to develop and implement a
    15  plan to reasonably accommodate the desire of people  of  all  ages  with
    16  disabilities  to  avoid institutionalization and be appropriately placed
    17  in the most integrated setting possible.
    18    2. Definitions. As used in this section the following terms shall have
    19  the following meanings:
    20    (a) "Council" means the most integrated setting coordinating council.
    21    (b) "Disability" means, with respect to an individual:
    22    (i) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits  one  or
    23  more of the major life activities of such individual;
    24    (ii) a record of such an impairment; or
    25    (iii) being regarded as having such an impairment.
    26    (c)  "Most  integrated setting" means a setting that is appropriate to
    27  the needs of the individual with the disability and enables  that  indi-
    28  vidual to interact with nondisabled persons to the fullest extent possi-
    29  ble.
    30    3. Most integrated setting coordinating council; organization. (a) The
    31  most  integrated  setting  coordinating  council is continued within the
    32  executive department to have  and  exercise  the  functions  powers  and
    33  duties  provided  by  the  provisions  of  this  article  and  any other
    34  provision of law. The council shall be comprised of the director of  the
    35  office  of community living, and the commissioners of: the department of
    36  health, the office  of  persons  with  developmental  disabilities,  the
    37  office of mental health, the department of transportation, the office of
    38  children  and family services, the office of alcohol and substance abuse
    39  services, the department of education, and the division of  housing  and
    40  community  renewal. In addition, the council shall consist of the direc-
    41  tor of the office for the  aging,  a  representative  from  the  justice
    42  center  for  persons  with  special needs, six consumers of services for
    43  individuals with disabilities, two to be appointed by the governor,  two
    44  to  be appointed by the temporary president of the senate, and two to be
    45  appointed by the speaker of the assembly, three individuals with  exper-
    46  tise  in  the  field  of  community services for people of all ages with
    47  disabilities, one to be appointed by the governor, one to  be  appointed
    48  by the temporary president of the senate, and one to be appointed by the
    49  speaker  of  the  assembly,  and  three individuals with expertise in or
    50  recipients of services available to senior citizens  with  disabilities,
    51  one  to  be appointed by the governor, one to be appointed by the tempo-
    52  rary president of the senate, and one to be appointed by the speaker  of
    53  the assembly.
    54    (b) The director of the office of community living shall be the chair-
    55  person of the council.

        S. 8357                             4
     1    (c)  The  council  shall meet as necessary to carry out its functions,
     2  powers and duties, but such meetings shall  occur  at  least  once  each
     3  quarter.
     4    4.  Functions, powers and duties of the council. (a) The council shall
     5  develop, update and oversee the implementation of a comprehensive state-
     6  wide plan for providing services to individuals of all ages  with  disa-
     7  bilities  in  the  most integrated setting. Such plan shall include, but
     8  not be limited to:
     9    (i) the number of individuals of all ages with  disabilities  who  are
    10  currently  institutionalized and are eligible for services in community-
    11  based settings, the number of individuals residing in the community  who
    12  are  dependent  on  the  assistance of community-based services to avoid
    13  institutionalization and  any  improvements  necessary  to  be  made  to
    14  current  data  collection systems or any new data collection initiatives
    15  necessary to obtain such information;
    16    (ii) the current assessment procedures utilized to  identify  individ-
    17  uals  of all ages with disabilities who could benefit from services in a
    18  more integrated setting and the development of a single assessment proc-
    19  ess for individuals of all ages with disabilities in need  of  services,
    20  to  be  implemented  by  one  community-based agency in each county with
    21  expertise in community-based services for people of all ages with  disa-
    22  bilities through the use of a uniform assessment tool;
    23    (iii)  the  identification of what community-based services are avail-
    24  able to individuals of all ages with disabilities in the  state  of  New
    25  York and an assessment of the extent to which these programs are able to
    26  serve people in the most integrated settings;
    27    (iv)  the  identification  of what improvements need to be made to the
    28  system of community-based services to ensure that the system is  compre-
    29  hensive,  accessible,  meets  the  needs  of  persons  who are likely to
    30  require assistance in order to live in the community and  provides  high
    31  quality,  adequate  supports  for individuals of all ages with disabili-
    32  ties;
    33    (v) an evaluation of the supports and  services  available  to  assist
    34  individuals  of all ages with disabilities who reside in their own homes
    35  with the presence of other family members or other  informal  caregivers
    36  and  an evaluation of the supports and services available to address the
    37  needs of individuals of all ages with disabilities who reside  in  their
    38  own homes without family members or other informal caregivers;
    39    (vi) an examination of how the identified community-based supports and
    40  services  integrate  individuals  of all ages with disabilities into the
    41  community;
    42    (vii) a review of what funding sources are available to  increase  the
    43  availability  of  community-based  services  and  an analysis of how the
    44  varied funding sources available to meet the needs of individuals of all
    45  ages with disabilities in the most integrated setting can  be  organized
    46  into a coherent system of long term care which affords people reasonable
    47  and timely access to community-based services;
    48    (viii)  an assessment of how well the current service system works for
    49  different populations, including but not limited to, elderly people with
    50  disabilities, people with physical disabilities,  people  with  develop-
    51  mental disabilities, people with mental illness, and people with HIV and
    52  AIDS, and a review of changes that might be desirable to make services a
    53  reality in the most integrated setting for all populations;
    54    (ix)  an examination of waiting lists for community-based services and
    55  what might be done to ensure that waiting lists are  created  and  accu-

        S. 8357                             5
     1  rately maintained and that people are able to come off waiting lists and
     2  receive needed community-based services at a reasonable pace;
     3    (x) an examination of what information, education, outreach and refer-
     4  ral  systems might be useful to ensure that individuals of all ages with
     5  disabilities receive the information necessary to make informed  choices
     6  regarding  how  their needs can best be met, including the evaluation of
     7  the creation of a toll free hotline with information on  community-based
     8  services for individuals of all ages with disabilities;
     9    (xi)  an  evaluation  of how quality assurance and quality improvement
    10  can be conducted effectively as more people of all ages  with  disabili-
    11  ties live in community settings; and
    12    (xii) an examination of how the overall system of health and long term
    13  care  can  best  be  managed  so  that  placement in the most integrated
    14  setting becomes the norm.
    15    (b) The council shall contract with an independent  organization  with
    16  expertise  in  the provision of community-based services for individuals
    17  of all ages with disabilities and with expertise in the area of  program
    18  evaluation  research  to  conduct  an  evaluation  of the council's plan
    19  created pursuant to subdivision one of this section and the  implementa-
    20  tion of such plan.
    21    (c) Each commissioner and director serving on the council shall ensure
    22  that  his  or  her  agency implements every aspect of the plan developed
    23  pursuant to subdivision one  of  this  section  which  falls  under  the
    24  responsibilities  of  his  or  her agency. The council shall oversee the
    25  implementation of the plan created pursuant to subdivision one  of  this
    26  section  and  shall update such plan as necessary to ensure that waiting
    27  lists for community-based services for people of all ages with disabili-
    28  ties are moving at a reasonable pace and to ensure that the state of New
    29  York is developing a system of long term care that allows individuals of
    30  all ages with disabilities to reside and function in the most integrated
    31  setting.
    32    (d) The council shall provide an annual report to  the  governor,  the
    33  temporary  president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly. Such
    34  report shall detail the plan developed pursuant to  subdivision  one  of
    35  this  section,  any changes made to such plan, all steps taken to imple-
    36  ment such plan and their outcome, and any future actions planned.
    37    (e) The plan to be developed under this article shall not be construed
    38  to increase, decrease, or change the statutory authority of  any  person
    39  or  entity and shall be implemented consistent with all otherwise appli-
    40  cable law.
    41    § 465. Independent living centers. 1. Declaration of intent. Independ-
    42  ent living centers greatly assist persons with disabilities to integrate
    43  and live more independently in the  community.  Since  their  inception,
    44  service  centers  for  independent  living  have enhanced the ability of
    45  persons with disabilities to pursue an independent and active  lifestyle
    46  within  their  community.  In order to achieve this, it is necessary for
    47  the state to  provide  funding  to  maintain  existing  service  centers
    48  designed  to  promote independent living and to encourage the establish-
    49  ment of new centers. To maximize the effectiveness of these  centers  in
    50  promoting independent living for persons with disabilities, and to opti-
    51  mally  utilize  independent  living centers in helping the state to meet
    52  its obligations to persons with  disabilities,  the  responsibility  for
    53  independent  living  should be transferred from the education department
    54  to the office of community living.

        S. 8357                             6
     1    2. Independent living centers;  purpose  and  duties.  An  independent
     2  living  center  shall  be  a  community-based,  non-residential  program
     3  designed to promote independent living for persons with disabilities.
     4    (a) Such center shall:
     5    (i)  be a private not-for-profit corporation, pursuant to subparagraph
     6  five of paragraph a of section one hundred  two  of  the  not-for-profit
     7  corporation  law;  provided,  however,  that  persons  with disabilities
     8  comprise at least fifty-one percent of the membership of  the  board  of
     9  directors;
    10    (ii)  be  staffed  by persons with persons with disabilities and other
    11  persons experienced in assisting persons with disabilities;
    12    (iii) provide services designed to meet  the  needs  of  persons  with
    13  disabilities, including such services as assisting persons with disabil-
    14  ities  to  obtain housing, employment referral, transportation referral,
    15  attendant care, independent living  skills,  peer  counseling,  advocacy
    16  services,  job training, health care, homemaker services, and other such
    17  services as approved by the director;
    18    (iv) train personnel for the purpose of attendant  care  in  assisting
    19  and serving persons with disabilities; and
    20    (v) serve persons with disabilities.
    21    (b)  Such center may also, but need not limit itself to, provide disa-
    22  bility awareness programs, peer counseling, role modeling and any  other
    23  appropriate services within elementary and secondary schools.
    24    (c)  Such  service  centers  shall not be established or operated as a
    25  residential or housing facility.
    26    (d) Such service centers shall make maximum use of existing  resources
    27  available  to  persons  with  disabilities  and  shall not duplicate any
    28  existing services or programs, to  the  extent  that  such  services  or
    29  programs  are available through other state sources to meet the needs of
    30  persons with disabilities. Such centers shall however provide  necessary
    31  information and referral to assist a person with a disability in obtain-
    32  ing  such  services  and  coordinate where possible the delivery of such
    33  services to persons with disabilities.
    34    (e) Such service centers shall be in compliance  with  all  applicable
    35  local laws and ordinances.
    36    3.  Office  of  community  living;  responsibilities. The office shall
    37  assist individuals and organizations in the planning  and  establishment
    38  of  such service centers. The office shall ensure program accountability
    39  and shall monitor and evaluate such centers.
    40    4. Regulations. The office  shall  promulgate  rules  and  regulations
    41  necessary for the implementation of this article.
    42    5.  Distribution  of  funds.  (a)  Independent living centers shall be
    43  funded out of appropriations available for such purposes to  the  extent
    44  of the entire approved budget of such centers.
    45    (b)  Budgets submitted by independent living centers shall be approved
    46  in accordance with regulations of the office.
    47    (c) Independent living centers shall be located in the cities of Alba-
    48  ny, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, White Plains, Binghamton, King-
    49  ston, Poughkeepsie, Jamestown, Yonkers, the counties of  Queens,  Kings,
    50  Nassau, Bronx, Richmond and New York and the township of Brookhaven with
    51  a satellite center in Central Islip in the county of Suffolk.
    52    (d)  Additional  independent  living  centers  shall be located in the
    53  cities of Niagara Falls,  Olean,  Troy,  Amsterdam,  Newburgh,  Corning,
    54  Ithaca,  Cortland,  Auburn, Watertown, Plattsburgh, Batavia, Massena and
    55  Glens Falls, the counties  of  Delaware  and  Rockland,  the  county  of
    56  Orange,  in  either the city of Middletown or Port Jervis or in the town

        S. 8357                             7
     1  of Deerpark, Greenville, Mount Hope, Warwick  or  Wawayanda  or  in  the
     2  village  of Goshen, in the county of New York to serve the Harlem commu-
     3  nity, and in the counties of Putnam, Sullivan and Herkimer.
     4    §  466.  New  York access to home program. 1. Statement of legislative
     5  findings and purpose. The legislature hereby  finds  and  declares  that
     6  there  exists  in the state of New York a serious need for financial and
     7  technical resources to assist renters and property owners to make dwell-
     8  ing units accessible for low and moderate income persons with  disabili-
     9  ties.  Providing  assistance with the cost of adapting homes will enable
    10  many New Yorkers with disabilities to safely  and  comfortably  continue
    11  to,  or  return  to,  live in their residences instead of residing in an
    12  institutional setting. To best accomplish this, the  responsibility  for
    13  the program is transferred to the office of community living.
    14    2. Definitions. As used in this article:
    15    (a) "Office" shall mean the office of community living.
    16    (b)  "Eligible applicant" shall mean a city, town, village or not-for-
    17  profit corporation in existence for a period of one or more years  prior
    18  to  application, which is, or will be at the time of award, incorporated
    19  under the not-for-profit corporation law and has substantial  experience
    20  in adapting or retrofitting homes for persons with disabilities.
    21    (c)  "Disabled  veteran"  shall mean a veteran who is certified by the
    22  United States department  of  veterans  affairs  or  the  department  of
    23  defense  as  entitled  to  receive  disability payments upon the certif-
    24  ication of such department for a disability incurred by him  or  her  in
    25  time of war.
    26    (d)  "Access  to  home  programs" or "programs" shall mean a series of
    27  activities by an eligible  applicant  to  administer  funds  to  provide
    28  either  loans  or  grants  to  homeowners and renters and to oversee the
    29  adaptation or retrofitting of eligible properties.
    30    (e) "Eligible property" shall mean a housing unit that is the  primary
    31  residence  of  a person with a physical disability and a total household
    32  income that does not exceed eighty percent of median income or  a  disa-
    33  bled  veteran  who has a total household income that does not exceed one
    34  hundred twenty percent of median income. A property shall not be consid-
    35  ered an eligible property if the owner  of  the  property  is  otherwise
    36  obligated  by  federal,  state  or local law to provide the improvements
    37  funded under this article.
    38    3. Access to home contracts. (a) Within the limit of  funds  available
    39  in  the access to home program, the office is hereby authorized to enter
    40  into contracts with eligible applicants to provide financial  assistance
    41  for the actual costs of an access to home program. The financial assist-
    42  ance shall be either in the form of grants or loans, as the office shall
    43  determine. No more than fifty percent of the total amount awarded pursu-
    44  ant  to  this article in any fiscal year shall be allocated to access to
    45  home programs located within any single municipality.
    46    (b) The total payment pursuant to any one contract  shall  not  exceed
    47  five  hundred  thousand  dollars  and  the  contract  shall  provide for
    48  completion of the program within a reasonable period, as specified ther-
    49  ein, which shall not in any event exceed three years from its  commence-
    50  ment.  Upon  request, the office may extend the term of the contract for
    51  up to two additional one year periods for good cause shown by the eligi-
    52  ble applicant.
    53    (c) The office may authorize the eligible applicant  to  spend  up  to
    54  seven and a half percent of the contract amount for approved administra-
    55  tive costs associated with administering the program.

        S. 8357                             8
     1    (d)  The office shall require that, in order to receive funds pursuant
     2  to this article, the eligible applicant shall submit a plan which  shall
     3  include,  but  not  be  limited  to,  program feasibility, impact on the
     4  community, budget for expenditure  of  program  funds,  a  schedule  for
     5  completion  of  the  program,  affirmative  action and minority business
     6  participation.
     7    § 467. Other responsibilities of the office of community  living.  The
     8  office  of  community  living  is also responsible for administering the
     9  following programs, some of which are being transferred from the justice
    10  center for persons with special needs:
    11    1. Information  and  referral  services.    Information  and  referral
    12  services,  including  the  toll-free  information and referral telephone
    13  line.
    14    2. Technology-related assistance  for  individuals  with  disabilities
    15  (TRAID)  program. The TRAID program's mission is to coordinate statewide
    16  activities to increase access to and acquisition of assistive technology
    17  in the areas of education, employment, community living and  information
    18  technology/telecommunications.  The  program  serves  individuals of all
    19  ages and disabilities.  The  program  supports  regional  TRAID  centers
    20  (RTCs) which provide information, training, device demonstration, reuse,
    21  exchange,  and  loans. The TRAID program also provides technical assist-
    22  ance and advocacy on how to obtain and use assistive technology services
    23  and devices.
    24    3. Adult home advocacy program.   The  adult  home  advocacy  program,
    25  which has been in operation since 1995, is now under the jurisdiction of
    26  the  office  of  community  living. The program assists individuals with
    27  mental health disabilities who reside in adult homes in the city of  New
    28  York  and  Long  Island in understanding their legal rights and promotes
    29  and protects  their  rights,  including  legal  and  non-legal  advocacy
    30  services,  training  on  residents'  rights supporting self-advocacy and
    31  leadership initiatives, and the  development  and  support  of  resident
    32  councils  is provided by qualified non-profit agencies which are awarded
    33  contracts through a competitive bidding process.
    34    4. Advocacy. Advocacy is a core function of the  office  of  community
    35  living. Advocacy is an active process with the goal of making the social
    36  system,  public  and community-based or private entities more responsive
    37  to the needs of persons with disabilities who are served by that system.
    38  Advocacy is not a singular  approach,  but  a  continuum  of  strategies
    39  including: self-advocacy, citizen advocacy, and systems advocacy.
    40    § 2. Article 25 of the executive law is REPEALED.
    41    § 3. Section 559 of the executive law is REPEALED.
    42    § 4. Article 23-A of the education law is REPEALED.
    43    § 5. Article 25 of the private housing finance law is REPEALED.
    44    §  6. This act shall take effect on the first of April next succeeding
    45  the date on which it shall have become a law,  provided,  however,  that
    46  the  governor  is  authorized  to  take,  notwithstanding any law to the
    47  contrary, whatever steps are necessary to  effectively  and  efficiently
    48  transfer  the  functions  transferred  to the office of community living
    49  from other agencies of the state so that the office of community  living
    50  may fully commence operation on the effective date of this act.