Bill Text: NY S06552 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Establishes the Middletown parking authority; provides for its powers, duties and obligations; repeals certain provisions relating thereto.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Passed) 2023-10-25 - SIGNED CHAP.597 [S06552 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-S06552-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     April 26, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen. SKOUFIS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Corporations,  Authorities
          and Commissions

        AN  ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to establishing
          the Middletown parking authority and providing for its powers,  duties
          and  obligations;  to repeal certain provisions of the public authori-
          ties law relating thereto;  and  providing  for  the  repeal  of  such
          provisions upon expiration thereof

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Title 21 of article 7 of  the  public  authorities  law  is
     2  REPEALED and a new title 21 is added to read as follows:

     3                                  TITLE 21
     4                        MIDDLETOWN PARKING AUTHORITY

     5  Section 1621-a. Short title.
     6          1621-b. Definitions.
     7          1621-c. Middletown parking authority.
     8          1621-d. Purpose and powers of the authority.
     9          1621-e. Civil service status of officers and employees.
    10          1621-f. Conveyance  of  property  by  the city to the authority;
    11                    acquisition of property by the city or by the authori-
    12                    ty.
    13          1621-g. Construction and purchase contracts.
    14          1621-h. Moneys of the authority.
    15          1621-i. Bonds of the authority.
    16          1621-j. Notes of the authority.
    17          1621-k. Agreements of the city and the state.
    18          1621-l. State and city not liable on bonds.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6552                             2

     1          1621-m. Bonds and notes legal investments  for  public  officers
     2                    and fiduciaries.
     3          1621-n. Tax exemptions.
     4          1621-o. Tax contract by the state.
     5          1621-p. Remedies of bondholders.
     6          1621-q. Actions against the authority.
     7          1621-r. Termination of the authority.
     8          1621-s. Severability.
     9          1621-t. Inconsistent provisions in other acts superseded.
    10    §  1621-a.  Short title. This title shall be known and may be cited as
    11  the "Middletown parking authority act."
    12    § 1621-b. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unless  a
    13  different meaning clearly appears from the context:
    14    1.  The term "authority" shall mean the corporation created by section
    15  sixteen hundred twenty-one-c of this title;
    16    2. The term "city" shall mean the city of Middletown;
    17    3. The term "bonds" and  "notes"  shall  mean  the  bonds  and  notes,
    18  respectively, authorized in this title;
    19    4.  The  term  "board"  shall  mean  the board established pursuant to
    20  section sixteen hundred twenty-one-c of this title;
    21    5. The term "real property" shall mean lands, structures,  franchises,
    22  and  interest  in  lands, and any and all things usually included within
    23  the said term, and includes not only fees simple absolute but  also  any
    24  and  all lesser interests, such as easements, rights of way, and rights,
    25  sub-surface rights, uses, leases, licenses, and  all  other  incorporeal
    26  hereditaments  and  every estate, interest or right, legal or equitable,
    27  including terms of years, and liens thereon by way of  judgments,  mort-
    28  gages  or  otherwise,  and also claims for damage to real estate, in the
    29  area of the city; and
    30    6. The term "project" or "projects" shall mean any area or place oper-
    31  ated or to be operated by the authority for the parking  or  storing  of
    32  motor  and  other  vehicles  and  shall, without limiting the foregoing,
    33  include all real and personal property,  driveways,  roads,  approaches,
    34  structures,  terminals  of all kinds, garages, meters, mechanical equip-
    35  ment, and all appurtenances and facilities either on, above or under the
    36  ground which are used or usable in connection with such parking or stor-
    37  ing of such vehicles in the area of the city.
    38    § 1621-c. Middletown parking authority. 1. A board to be known as  the
    39  "Middletown  parking  authority" is hereby created. The board shall be a
    40  body corporate and politic, constituting a public  benefit  corporation,
    41  and  its existence shall commence upon the appointment of the members as
    42  provided in this section.
    43    2. (a) The board  shall  consist  of  a  chairperson  and  four  other
    44  members,  all  of whom shall be appointed by the mayor with the approval
    45  of the common council of the city. The appointment  of  the  chairperson
    46  shall be for a term of four years. Of the other members first appointed,
    47  one shall be appointed for a period of one year, one for a period of two
    48  years,  one  for  a  period of three years, and one for a period of four
    49  years. At the expiration of such terms,  the  terms  of  office  of  the
    50  successors  of the board members shall be four years.  Each member shall
    51  continue to serve until the appointment and qualification of his or  her
    52  successor. A board member may be appointed for additional terms.
    53    (b)  Vacancies on the board occurring otherwise than by the expiration
    54  of term, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the  mayor  with  the
    55  approval of the common council.

        S. 6552                             3

     1    (c)  The  members  of the board shall choose from their number a vice-
     2  chairperson and such other officers deemed desirable by the board.
     3    3.  The  common council may remove any member of the board for ineffi-
     4  ciency, neglect of duty or misconduct in office, giving the board member
     5  a copy of the charges against the board member  and  an  opportunity  of
     6  being  heard  in  person, or by counsel, in his or her defense, upon not
     7  less than ten days' notice.
     8    4. The members of the board shall be entitled to no  compensation  for
     9  their  services  but shall be entitled to reimbursement for their actual
    10  and necessary expenses incurred in the  performance  of  their  official
    11  duties.
    12    5.  The  powers of the authority shall be vested in and exercised by a
    13  majority of the members of the board then in office.
    14    6. The board may delegate to one or more of  its  members  or  to  its
    15  officers,  agents  and  employees  such powers and duties as it may deem
    16  proper.
    17    § 1621-d. Purpose and powers of the  authority.  The  purpose  of  the
    18  authority  shall  be to provide, operate or maintain, or any combination
    19  thereof, one or more projects in the city. To carry  out  said  purpose,
    20  the authority shall have power:
    21    1. To sue and be sued;
    22    2. To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure;
    23    3. To acquire, hold and dispose of personal property for its corporate
    24  purposes,  including  the  power  to  purchase  prospective or tentative
    25  awards in connection with the condemnation of real property;
    26    4. To acquire real property subject to the approval of at  least  four
    27  members  of  the  common  council in the name of the city by purchase or
    28  condemnation or gift, and use necessary real property. All real property
    29  acquired by the authority by  condemnation  shall  be  acquired  in  the
    30  manner  provided  in  the  eminent  domain  procedure  law,  and further
    31  provided, that the authority shall give the common council of  the  city
    32  written notice of its intent to acquire any land by condemnation, where-
    33  upon  said  common council, within a period of forty-five days after the
    34  giving of such notice, by resolution  voted  upon  affirmatively  by  at
    35  least  two  members of such common council, may determine that such land
    36  shall not be so acquired, in which event the authority shall be  without
    37  further power to so acquire the same by condemnation;
    38    5.  To  make by-laws for the management and regulation of its affairs,
    39  and, subject to agreements with bondholders, for the regulation  of  the
    40  project;
    41    6.  With the consent of the city to use agents, employees, and facili-
    42  ties of the city, including the corporation counsel, paying to the  city
    43  its agreed proportion of the compensation or costs;
    44    7. To appoint an attorney, and to fix his or her compensation;
    45    8.  To  appoint  officers,  agents,  employees,  and  consultants,  to
    46  prescribe their qualifications and to fix their  compensation;  subject,
    47  however, to the provisions of the civil service law, as provided in this
    48  section;
    49    9.  To  designate  officers  and  employees,  appointed or used by the
    50  authority, as specified in this section, who shall be empowered to issue
    51  appearance tickets as provided for in article one hundred fifty  of  the
    52  criminal  procedure  law. Persons so designated are hereby authorized to
    53  issue and serve such tickets for traffic infractions relating to parking
    54  within "project" areas as defined herein, in  accordance  with  law  and
    55  when authorized by local law of the city to issue and serve such tickets

        S. 6552                             4

     1  for  traffic  infractions  committed  anywhere in such city including at
     2  parking spaces controlled by parking meters;
     3    10.  To make contracts, leases, as lessor or lessee, and any operating
     4  agreement, and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient;
     5    11. To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, equip and furnish any
     6  project as may be necessary or convenient;
     7    12. To maintain and operate any projects;
     8    13. To accept grants, loans or contributions from the  United  States,
     9  the  state  of  New  York, or any agency or instrumentality of either of
    10  them, or the city, or any person, by bequest or otherwise, and to expend
    11  the proceeds for any purposes of the authority;
    12    14. To fix and collect rentals, fees and other charges for the use  of
    13  any  project  and  to  pledge the same, all subject to and in accordance
    14  with such agreements with bondholders as  may  be  made  as  hereinafter
    15  provided;
    16    15.  To  construct, operate or maintain in the projects all facilities
    17  and equipment necessary or convenient in connection  therewith;  and  to
    18  contract for the providing, operation or maintenance of any parts there-
    19  of  or  for  services  to be performed; to rent parts thereof, and grant
    20  concessions, all on such terms  and  conditions  as  it  may  determine;
    21  provided,  however,  that neither the authority, the city, or any agency
    22  of the authority or city, or  any  other  person,  firm  or  corporation
    23  shall,  within  or  on  any  property  comprising  a part of any project
    24  authorized by this title, sell, dispense or otherwise handle any product
    25  used in or for the servicing of any motor vehicle using any  project  or
    26  facilities authorized by this title.
    27    § 1621-e. Civil service status of officers and employees. Officers and
    28  employees  of  any  board,  commission  or department of the city may be
    29  transferred to the authority in accordance with the  provisions  of  the
    30  civil  service  law and shall be eligible for such transfer and appoint-
    31  ment without examination to offices and positions under  the  authority.
    32  Officers  and  employees of the city who are members or beneficiaries of
    33  any existing pension or retirement system shall  continue  to  have  the
    34  rights,  privileges,  obligations and status with respect to such system
    35  or systems as are now prescribed by law, and all such employees who have
    36  been appointed to positions in the service of the city under  the  rules
    37  of  the  municipal  civil  service commission of the city shall have the
    38  same status with respect thereto after transfer to the authority as they
    39  had under their original appointments. The appointment and promotion  of
    40  all  employees  of  the  authority  shall be made in accordance with the
    41  provisions of the civil service law and all employees of  the  authority
    42  shall have the same rights and benefits as city employees.
    43    §  1621-f. Conveyance of property by the city to the authority; acqui-
    44  sition of property by the city or by the authority. 1. The city may,  by
    45  resolution  or  resolutions  of  the  common  council  or by instruments
    46  authorized by such resolutions, convey, with or  without  consideration,
    47  to the authority real and personal property owned by the city for use by
    48  the  authority  as  a  project  or  projects  or  a  part  thereof or in
    49  connection therewith and pledge and pay to the  authority,  as  security
    50  for  its  bonds, notes or other liabilities, certain revenues and income
    51  of the city from parking facilities owned or operated by  the  city.  In
    52  case of real property so conveyed, the title thereto shall remain in the
    53  city  but  the authority shall have the use and occupancy thereof for so
    54  long  as  its  corporate  existence  shall  continue,  unless  otherwise
    55  provided  for  by  the  authority  and the city. In the case of personal
    56  property so conveyed, the title shall pass to the authority.

        S. 6552                             5

     1    2. The city may acquire by gift, purchase or condemnation real proper-
     2  ty in the name of the city for any of the projects or for  the  widening
     3  of  existing  roads,  streets,  parkways, avenues or highways or for new
     4  roads, streets, parkways, avenues or highways to any of the projects, or
     5  partly  for  such  purposes and partly for other city purposes, by gift,
     6  purchase or condemnation in the manner provided by law for the  acquisi-
     7  tion  of  real  property  by the city.   For like purposes, the city may
     8  close such streets, roads, parkways, avenues,  or  highways  as  may  be
     9  necessary  or  convenient, except as to state highways and arterial ways
    10  which may not be closed without the consent of the state commissioner of
    11  transportation.
    12    3. Contracts may be entered into between the city  and  the  authority
    13  providing for the property to be conveyed or pledged or paid by the city
    14  to the authority, the additional property to be acquired by the city and
    15  so  conveyed,  the streets, roads, parkways, avenues, and highways to be
    16  closed by the city and the amounts, terms and conditions of  payment  to
    17  be  made  by the authority. Such contracts may also contain covenants by
    18  the city as to the road, street, parkway, avenue  and  highway  improve-
    19  ments to be made by the city and as to such matters which pertain to any
    20  conveyance or pledge and payment of moneys or property to the authority.
    21  Any  such contracts between the city and the authority may be pledged by
    22  the authority to secure its bonds and notes  and  may  not  be  modified
    23  thereafter  except  as  provided  by the terms of such contract and such
    24  pledge. The common council may authorize such contracts between the city
    25  and the authority and no other authorization on the part of the city for
    26  such contracts shall be necessary. Any such contracts may be so  author-
    27  ized and entered into by the city and in such manner as the common coun-
    28  cil  may determine, and the payments required to be made by the city may
    29  be made and financed notwithstanding that no  provision  therefor  shall
    30  have  first been made in the capital budget of the city. All contractual
    31  or other obligations of the city incurred in carrying out the provisions
    32  of this title shall be included in and  provided  for  by  each  capital
    33  budget  of  the city thereafter made, if and to the extent that they may
    34  appropriately be included therein.
    35    4. Subject to subdivision four of section sixteen hundred twenty-one-d
    36  of this title, the authority may itself, subject to  prior  approval  of
    37  the  common  council,  acquire,  in  the name of the city, real property
    38  necessary or convenient in connection with any project at the  cost  and
    39  expense  of  the  authority  by purchase or condemnation pursuant to the
    40  eminent domain procedure law.   The authority shall  have  the  use  and
    41  occupancy of such real property so long as its corporate existence shall
    42  continue.
    43    5.  In case the authority shall have the use and occupancy of any real
    44  property which it shall determine is no longer required for  a  project,
    45  then,  if such real property was acquired at the cost and expense of the
    46  city, the authority shall have power to surrender its use and  occupancy
    47  thereof  to the city, or, if such real property was acquired at the cost
    48  and expense of the authority, then the authority  shall  have  power  to
    49  sell,  lease  or otherwise dispose of said real property at public sale,
    50  and shall retain and have the power to use the proceeds of sale, rentals
    51  or other moneys derived from the disposition thereof for its purposes.
    52    § 1621-g. Construction and purchase contracts. 1. The authority  shall
    53  let  contracts  for construction in the same manner, so far as practica-
    54  ble, as is provided by law for contracts for the city, except that where
    55  the estimated expense of  a  contract  does  not  exceed  five  thousand
    56  dollars  such contract may be entered into without public letting. Noth-

        S. 6552                             6

     1  ing in this section shall be construed to limit the power of the author-
     2  ity to do any construction directly by the officers, agents and  employ-
     3  ees  of the authority. Contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials
     4  and  equipment shall be let in the same manner as is provided by law for
     5  contracts of the city.
     6    2. For the purposes of article fifteen-A of the  executive  law  only,
     7  the  authority  shall  be  deemed a state agency, as the term is used in
     8  such article, and its contracts for design, construction,  services  and
     9  materials  shall  be  deemed  state contracts within the meaning of that
    10  term as set forth in such article.
    11    § 1621-h. Moneys of the authority. All moneys of the  authority  shall
    12  be paid to the city treasurer of the city as agent of the authority, who
    13  shall not commingle such moneys with any other moneys. Such moneys shall
    14  be  deposited in a separate bank account or accounts. The moneys in such
    15  accounts shall be paid out by the city treasurer of the city on requisi-
    16  tion of the chairperson of the authority or  of  such  other  person  or
    17  persons  as  the authority may authorize to make such requisitions after
    18  audit by the city treasurer of the city.   All deposits of  such  moneys
    19  shall  be secured by obligations of the United States or of the state of
    20  New York of a market value equal at all  times  to  the  amount  of  the
    21  deposit,  and  all banks and trust companies are authorized to give such
    22  security for such deposits. The treasurer of the city  and  his  or  her
    23  legally  authorized  representatives  are  authorized and empowered from
    24  time to time to examine the accounts and books of the authority, includ-
    25  ing its  receipts,  disbursements,  contracts,  leases,  sinking  funds,
    26  investments  and  any other records and papers relating to its financial
    27  standing.    The  authority  shall  have  power,   notwithstanding   the
    28  provisions  of  this section, to contract with the holders of any of its
    29  bonds or notes as to the custody, collection, securing,  investment  and
    30  payment  of  any  moneys of the authority or any moneys held in trust or
    31  otherwise for the payment of bonds or notes or  in  any  way  to  secure
    32  bonds  or notes, and to carry out any such contract notwithstanding that
    33  such contract may be inconsistent with the previous provisions  of  this
    34  section.  Moneys  held in trust or otherwise for the payment of bonds or
    35  in any way to secure bonds and deposits of such moneys may be secured in
    36  the same manner as moneys of the authority,  and  all  banks  and  trust
    37  companies  are  authorized  to give such security for such deposits. The
    38  accounts of the authority shall be subject to  the  supervision  of  the
    39  state  comptroller. The authority shall render a complete account of its
    40  proceedings to the common council at its first meeting of each year  and
    41  at  such  other times as may reasonably be requested by the common coun-
    42  cil.
    43    § 1621-i. Bonds of the authority. 1.  The  authority  shall  have  the
    44  power and is hereby authorized from time to time to issue its negotiable
    45  bonds  for any of its corporate purposes and to pay such expenses, costs
    46  and payments as may be deemed by the board necessary or desirable to  or
    47  in   connection  with  the  acquisition,  construction,  reconstruction,
    48  improving, equipping and furnishing of any  project  and  the  financing
    49  thereof,  including surveys, planning, provisions for capitalized inter-
    50  est, reserve funds and appropriate  feasibility  studies,  and  for  the
    51  placing of the project or projects in operation. The aggregate principal
    52  amount  of such bonds outstanding at any one time shall not exceed twen-
    53  ty-five percent of the bonded indebtedness limitation from time to  time
    54  imposed by section 104.00 of the local finance law.  The authority shall
    55  have  power from time to time and whenever it deems refunding expedient,
    56  to refund any bonds by the issuance of new bonds, whether the  bonds  to

        S. 6552                             7

     1  be  refunded  have  or  have  not  matured and may issue bonds partly to
     2  refund bonds then outstanding and partly for any other purpose described
     3  in this subdivision. The refunding bonds may be exchanged for the  bonds
     4  to  be  refunded  with such cash adjustments as may be agreed, or may be
     5  sold and the proceeds applied to the purchase, payment or redemption  of
     6  the  bonds to be refunded. Except as may otherwise be expressly provided
     7  by the authority, the bonds of every issue shall be general  obligations
     8  of the authority payable out of any moneys or revenues of the authority,
     9  subject  only  to  any  agreements  with the holders of particular bonds
    10  pledging any particular moneys or revenues. Whether or not the bonds are
    11  of such form and character as to be negotiable instruments under article
    12  eight of the uniform commercial code, the bonds shall be, and are hereby
    13  made, negotiable instruments within the  meaning  of  and  for  all  the
    14  purposes  of the uniform commercial code, subject only to the provisions
    15  of the bonds for registration.
    16    2. The bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the board and  shall
    17  bear  such  date  or  dates, mature at such time or times, not exceeding
    18  thirty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate  or
    19  rates,  payable  annually or semi-annually, be in such denominations, be
    20  in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such registration priv-
    21  ileges, be executed in such manner, be payable in lawful  money  of  the
    22  United States of America at such place or places, and be subject to such
    23  terms  of redemption, as such resolution or resolutions may provide. The
    24  bonds may be sold at public or private sale for such price or prices  as
    25  the  authority shall determine; provided, however, that any private sale
    26  shall be subject to the approval of the  state  comptroller  where  such
    27  sale is not to the comptroller, or the director of the budget where such
    28  sale is to the comptroller.
    29    3. Any resolution or resolutions authorizing any bonds or any issue of
    30  bonds may contain provisions, which shall be a part of the contract with
    31  the holders of the bonds thereby authorized, as to:
    32    (a)  pledging all or any part of the revenues of a project or projects
    33  and revenues and income of the authority to secure the  payment  of  the
    34  bonds, subject to such agreements with bondholders as may then exist;
    35    (b) the rentals, fees and other charges to be charged, and the amounts
    36  to  be  raised  in each year thereby, and the use and disposition of the
    37  revenues;
    38    (c) the setting aside of reserves or sinking funds, and the regulation
    39  and disposition thereof;
    40    (d) limitations on the right of the authority to restrict and regulate
    41  the use of a project;
    42    (e) limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of  sale  of  any
    43  issue of bonds then or thereafter to be issued may be applied and pledg-
    44  ing  such proceeds to secure the payment of the bonds or of any issue of
    45  the bonds;
    46    (f) limitations on the issuance of additional bonds;  the  terms  upon
    47  which  additional  bonds  may  be  issued  and secured; the refunding of
    48  outstanding or other bonds;
    49    (g) the procedure, if any, by which the terms  of  any  contract  with
    50  bondholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of bonds the holders
    51  of  which must consent thereto, and the manner in which such consent may
    52  be given;
    53    (h) limitations on the amount of moneys derived from a project  to  be
    54  expended for operating, administrative or other expenses of the authori-
    55  ty;

        S. 6552                             8

     1    (i) vesting in a trustee or trustees such property, rights, powers and
     2  duties  in trust as the authority may determine which may include any or
     3  all, the rights, powers and duties of the trustee appointed by the bond-
     4  holders pursuant to section sixteen hundred twenty-one-p of this  title,
     5  and  limiting  or  abrogating  the right of the bondholders to appoint a
     6  trustee under said section or limiting the rights, duties and powers  of
     7  such trustee;
     8    (j)  any  other  matters, of like or different character, which in any
     9  way affect the security or protection of the bonds.
    10    4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,  it  is  the  intention
    11  hereof that any pledge of revenues or other moneys made by the authority
    12  shall  be  valid and binding from the time when the pledge is made; that
    13  the revenues or other moneys so pledged and thereafter received  by  the
    14  authority  shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge with-
    15  out any physical delivery thereof or further act; and that the  lien  of
    16  any such pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having
    17  claims  of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the authority
    18  irrespective of whether such parties have notice  thereof.  Neither  the
    19  resolution nor any other instrument by which a pledge is created need be
    20  recorded or filed in order to protect the security interest granted.
    21    5.  Neither  the members of the authority nor any person executing the
    22  bonds shall be liable personally on the  bonds  or  be  subject  to  any
    23  personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof.
    24    6.  The authority shall have power out of any funds available therefor
    25  to purchase bonds upon such terms and conditions as  the  authority  may
    26  determine.  The authority may hold, cancel or resell such bonds, subject
    27  to and in accordance with agreements with bondholders.
    28    7.  In  the discretion of the authority, the bonds may be secured by a
    29  trust indenture by and between the authority and  a  corporate  trustee,
    30  which  may  be  any  trust company, bank or national banking association
    31  having the powers of a trust company in the state of  New  York.    Such
    32  trust indenture may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing
    33  the  rights  and  remedies  of  the bondholders as may be reasonable and
    34  proper and not in violation of law, including  covenants  setting  forth
    35  the  duties  of  the  authority in relation to the construction, mainte-
    36  nance, operation, repair and insurance of the project or  projects,  and
    37  the custody, safeguarding and application of all moneys, and may provide
    38  that the project or projects shall be constructed and paid for under the
    39  supervision  and  approval  of  consulting  engineers. The authority may
    40  provide by such trust indenture for the payment of the proceeds  of  the
    41  bonds  and  the revenues of the project or projects or other revenues of
    42  the authority to the trustee under such trust indenture or other deposi-
    43  tory, and for the method of disbursement thereof, with  such  safeguards
    44  and  restrictions as it may determine. All expenses incurred in carrying
    45  out such trust indenture may be treated as a part of the cost of mainte-
    46  nance, operation, and repairs of the project or projects. If  the  bonds
    47  shall  be  secured  by  a trust indenture, the bondholders shall have no
    48  authority to appoint a separate trustee to represent them, and the trus-
    49  tee under such trust indenture shall have and possess all of the  powers
    50  which  are  conferred  by  section  sixteen hundred twenty-one-p of this
    51  title upon a trustee appointed by bondholders.
    52    § 1621-j. Notes of the authority. The authority shall have power  from
    53  time to time to issue notes and from time to time to issue renewal notes
    54  (hereafter  "notes"),  maturing  not  later  than  five years from their
    55  respective original dates in an amount not exceeding at any one time one
    56  hundred thousand dollars, over and above the amount of bonds  authorized

        S. 6552                             9

     1  by  subdivision  one  of  section  sixteen  hundred twenty-one-i of this
     2  title, for any purpose or purposes for which bonds may be issued,  when-
     3  ever  the  authority shall determine that payment thereof can be made in
     4  full  from any moneys or revenues which the authority expects to receive
     5  from any source. The authority may pledge such  moneys  or  revenues  or
     6  source  thereof (subject to any other pledge thereof) for the payment of
     7  the notes and may in addition secure the notes in the  same  manner  and
     8  with  the  same  effect as herein provided for bonds. The notes shall be
     9  sold and issued in the same manner as bonds. The  authority  shall  have
    10  power  to  make  contracts  for the future sale from time to time of the
    11  notes, by which the purchaser shall be committed to purchase  the  notes
    12  from  time to time on terms and conditions stated in such contracts, and
    13  the authority shall have power to pay such  consideration  as  it  shall
    14  deem  proper  for  such commitments. In case of default on its notes, or
    15  violation of any of the obligations of the authority to the noteholders,
    16  the noteholders shall have all the remedies provided  herein  for  bond-
    17  holders.  Such  notes  shall  be as fully negotiable as the bonds of the
    18  authority.
    19    § 1621-k. Agreements of the city and the state. 1. The city is author-
    20  ized to, and the state of New York does hereby pledge to and agree  with
    21  the  holders  of the bonds or notes that neither the city nor the state,
    22  respectively, will limit or  alter  the  rights  hereby  vested  in  the
    23  authority  to  acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, equip, furnish,
    24  maintain or operate any project or projects, to  establish  and  collect
    25  rentals,  fees  and other charges and to fulfill the terms of any agree-
    26  ments made with the holders of the bonds or notes, or in any way  impair
    27  the  rights  and  remedies  of the bondholders or noteholders, until the
    28  bonds or notes, together with interest thereon,  with  interest  on  any
    29  unpaid installments of interest and all costs and expenses in connection
    30  with  any  action  or  proceeding  by or on behalf of the bondholders or
    31  noteholders, are fully met and discharged.
    32    2. The authority is hereby authorized, in its discretion, for  and  on
    33  behalf  of itself and, subject to approval by the common council and the
    34  mayor of the city of Middletown, to covenant and agree with the  holders
    35  of  the  bonds  or notes, with such exceptions and limitations as it may
    36  deem in the public interest and in  the  interests  of  the  authority's
    37  bondholders  and  noteholders,  that  no public parking areas or spaces,
    38  including the installation and operation of parking meters on the public
    39  streets of the city, except those acquired and operated by the authority
    40  will be constructed or operated in the city by the city (except as here-
    41  inafter provided), or by any public benefit or  other  corporation,  the
    42  members  of  which  are  elected  or  appointed by city officials, until
    43  either: (a) the bonds or notes, together with interest thereon, interest
    44  on any unpaid installments of interest and all  costs  and  expenses  in
    45  connection  with  any  action or proceeding by or on behalf of the bond-
    46  holders or noteholders are fully met and discharged; or (b) principal or
    47  interest of any of the bonds or notes shall be overdue and unpaid for  a
    48  period  of  three years or more; provided, however, nothing contained in
    49  this section shall be deemed to impair the right of the city to continue
    50  to operate the presently existing municipal parking facilities  and  any
    51  replacements thereof.
    52    §  1621-l.  State  and  city not liable on bonds. The bonds, notes and
    53  other obligations of the authority shall not be a debt of the  state  of
    54  New  York  or  of  the city, and neither the state nor the city shall be
    55  liable thereon, nor shall they be payable out of any  funds  other  than
    56  those of the authority.

        S. 6552                            10

     1    §  1621-m.  Bonds  and notes legal investments for public officers and
     2  fiduciaries. The bonds and notes are hereby made securities in which all
     3  public officers, and bodies of the  state  and  all  municipalities  and
     4  municipal  subdivisions,  all  insurance  companies and associations and
     5  other  persons  carrying  on  an insurance business, all banks, bankers,
     6  trust companies,  savings  banks  and  savings  associations,  including
     7  savings  and  loan associations, building and loan associations, invest-
     8  ment companies and other persons carrying on  a  banking  business,  all
     9  administrators, guardians, executors, trustees and other fiduciaries and
    10  all  other persons whatsoever who are now or may hereafter be authorized
    11  to invest in bonds or other obligations of the state, may  properly  and
    12  legally  invest funds including capital in their control or belonging to
    13  them. The bonds and notes are also hereby made securities which  may  be
    14  deposited  with  and shall be received by all public officers and bodies
    15  of this state and all municipalities and municipal subdivisions for  any
    16  purpose  for  which  the  deposit  of bonds or other obligations of this
    17  state is now or may hereafter be authorized.
    18    § 1621-n. Tax exemptions. 1. It is hereby determined that the creation
    19  of the authority and the carrying out of its corporate  purposes  is  in
    20  all respects for the benefit of the people of the city of Middletown and
    21  its  environs,  and  is  a  public  purpose,  and the authority shall be
    22  regarded as performing an essential governmental function in  the  exer-
    23  cise of the powers conferred upon it by this title and shall be required
    24  to  pay  no taxes or assessments upon any of the property acquired by it
    25  or under its jurisdiction or control or supervision or upon  its  activ-
    26  ities.
    27    2. Any bonds or notes issued pursuant to this title, together with the
    28  income  therefrom,  as  well  as the property of the authority, shall be
    29  exempt from taxation, except for transfer and estate taxes.
    30    § 1621-o. Tax contract by the state. The state of New  York  covenants
    31  with  the  purchasers and with all subsequent holders and transferees of
    32  bonds or notes issued by  the  authority  pursuant  to  this  title,  in
    33  consideration  of  the acceptance of and payment for the bonds or notes,
    34  that the bonds or notes of the authority issued pursuant to  this  title
    35  and  the income therefrom, and all moneys, funds and revenues pledged to
    36  pay or secure the payment of such bonds or notes, shall at all times  be
    37  free  from taxation except for estate taxes and taxes on transfers by or
    38  in contemplation of death.
    39    § 1621-p. Remedies of bondholders. 1. In the event that the  authority
    40  shall default in the payment of principal of or interest on any issue of
    41  the  bonds  after the same shall become due, whether at maturity or upon
    42  call for redemption, and such default shall continue  for  a  period  of
    43  thirty  days, or in the event that the authority shall fail or refuse to
    44  comply with the provisions of this title, or shall default in any agree-
    45  ment made with the holders of any issue of the  bonds,  the  holders  of
    46  twenty-five  per  centum  in  aggregate principal amount of the bonds of
    47  such issue then outstanding, by instrument or instruments filed  in  the
    48  office  of  the clerk of the county of Orange and proved or acknowledged
    49  in the same manner as a deed to be recorded, may appoint  a  trustee  to
    50  represent  the  holders  of such bonds for the purposes provided in this
    51  section.
    52    2. Such trustee may, and upon written request of the holders of  twen-
    53  ty-five  per  centum  in principal amount of such bonds then outstanding
    54  shall, in the trustee's own name:
    55    (a) by mandamus or other suit, action or  proceeding,  at  law  or  in
    56  equity,  enforce  all  rights of the bondholders, including the right to

        S. 6552                            11

     1  require the authority to collect revenues adequate to carry out  by  any
     2  agreement as to, or pledge of, such revenues, and to require the author-
     3  ity to carry out any other agreements with the holders of such bonds and
     4  to perform its duties under this title;
     5    (b) bring suit upon such bonds;
     6    (c)  by  action or suit in equity, require the authority to account as
     7  if it were the trustee of an express  trust  for  the  holders  of  such
     8  bonds;
     9    (d)  by  action or suit in equity, enjoin any acts or things which may
    10  be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the holders of such bonds;
    11    (e) declare all such bonds due and payable, and if all defaults  shall
    12  be  made  good  then  with the consent of the holders of twenty-five per
    13  centum of the principal amount of such bonds then outstanding, to  annul
    14  such declaration and its consequences.
    15    3.  The  supreme  court shall have jurisdiction of any suit, action or
    16  proceeding by the trustee on behalf of bondholders.  The  venue  of  any
    17  such suit, action or proceeding shall be laid in the county of Orange.
    18    4.  Before  declaring the principal of all such bonds due and payable,
    19  the trustee shall first give thirty  days'  notice  in  writing  to  the
    20  authority.
    21    5.  Any such trustee, whether or not the issue of bonds represented by
    22  such trustee has been declared due and payable, shall be entitled as  of
    23  right  to  the  appointment  of  a  receiver of any part or parts of the
    24  project the revenues of which are pledged for the security of the  bonds
    25  of  such  issue, and such receiver may enter and take possession of such
    26  part or parts of the project and, subject to  any  pledge  or  agreement
    27  with bondholders, shall take possession of all moneys and other property
    28  derived  from or applicable to the acquisition, construction, operation,
    29  maintenance and reconstruction of such part or parts of the project  and
    30  proceed  with  the acquisition of any real property necessary or conven-
    31  ient in connection with the project that the authority has covenanted to
    32  construct, and with any construction which the authority is under  obli-
    33  gation to do and to operate, maintain and reconstruct such part or parts
    34  of  the  project and collect and receive all revenues thereafter arising
    35  therefrom subject to any pledge thereof or  agreement  with  bondholders
    36  relating  thereto and perform the public duties and carry out the agree-
    37  ments and obligations of the authority under the direction of the court.
    38  In any suit, action or proceeding by the trustee, the fee, counsel  fees
    39  and  expenses  of the trustee and of the receiver, if any, shall consti-
    40  tute taxable disbursements and all costs and  disbursements  allowed  by
    41  the  court  shall  be  a  first charge on any revenues derived from such
    42  project.
    43    6. Such trustee shall, in addition to the foregoing, have and  possess
    44  all of the powers necessary or appropriate for the exercise of any func-
    45  tions  specifically set forth in this section or incident to the general
    46  representation of bondholders in the enforcement and protection of their
    47  rights.
    48    § 1621-q. Actions against the authority. 1. In  every  action  against
    49  the authority for damages, for injuries to real or personal property, or
    50  for  the  destruction  thereof,  or  for personal injuries or death, the
    51  complaint shall contain an allegation that at  least  ninety  days  have
    52  elapsed  since  the  demand,  claim  or claims upon which such action is
    53  founded were presented to a member of the authority, or  to  its  secre-
    54  tary,  or  to  its  chief  executive  officer and that the authority has
    55  neglected or refused to make an adjustment or payment thereof for ninety
    56  days after such presentment.

        S. 6552                            12

     1    2. Except in an action for  wrongful  death,  an  action  against  the
     2  authority  for damages for injuries to real or personal property, or for
     3  the destruction thereof, or for personal injuries, alleged to have  been
     4  sustained,  shall  not  be  commenced more than one year and ninety days
     5  after  the  cause  of  action  therefor shall have accrued, nor unless a
     6  notice of claim shall have been served on the authority within the  time
     7  limit  established by and in compliance with all requirements of section
     8  fifty-e of the general municipal law. An action  against  the  authority
     9  for  wrongful  death shall be commenced in accordance with the notice of
    10  claim and time limitation provisions of title eleven of article nine  of
    11  this chapter.
    12    §  1621-r. Termination of the authority. Whenever all of the bonds and
    13  notes issued by the authority shall have been redeemed or cancelled, and
    14  all its liabilities and duties met or discharged,  the  authority  shall
    15  cease  to  exist and all rights, title and interests and all obligations
    16  and liabilities thereof vested in or possessed by  the  authority  shall
    17  thereupon vest in and be possessed by the city of Middletown.
    18    §  1621-s.  Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-
    19  sion, section or part of this article shall be adjudged by any court  of
    20  competent  jurisdiction  to  be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,
    21  impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall  be  confined  in
    22  its  operation  to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section
    23  or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judg-
    24  ment shall have been rendered.  It is hereby declared to be  the  intent
    25  of  the  legislature  that  this article would have been enacted even if
    26  such invalid provisions had not been included herein.
    27    § 1621-t. Inconsistent provisions in other acts superseded. Insofar as
    28  the provisions of this title are inconsistent with the provisions of any
    29  other act, general or special, or of any local  law  of  the  city,  the
    30  provisions of this title shall be controlling.
    31    §  2.  This  act shall take effect immediately and shall expire and be
    32  deemed repealed upon the occurrence of the events set forth  in  section
    33  1621-r  of title 21 of article 7 of the public authorities law, as added
    34  by section one of this act. Upon such occurrence, the mayor of the  city
    35  of  Middletown  shall notify the legislative bill drafting commission in
    36  order that the commission may maintain an accurate and timely  effective
    37  data  base  of the official text of the laws of the state of New York in
    38  furtherance of effectuating the provisions of section 44 of the legisla-
    39  tive law and section 70-b of the public officers law.