Bill Text: NY S05896 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Amended
Bill Title: Relates to the membership and expands the duties of the special advisory review panel on Medicaid managed care by including other managed care programs.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-02-03 - PRINT NUMBER 5896A [S05896 Detail]
Download: New_York-2013-S05896-Amended.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 5896--A 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E June 19, 2013 ___________ Introduced by Sen. RIVERA -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules -- recommitted to the Committee on Health in accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee AN ACT to amend the social services law, in relation to the special advisory review panel on Medicaid managed care THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Section 364-jj of the social services law, as amended by 2 section 80-a of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 2013, is amended to 3 read as follows: 4 S 364-jj. Special advisory review panel on Medicaid managed care. (a) 5 There is hereby established a special advisory review panel on Medicaid 6 managed care AND RELATED PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS, INCLUDING 7 CHILD HEALTH PLUS, FAMILY HEALTH PLUS, MANAGED LONG TERM CARE PROGRAMS 8 AND RELATED CARE COORDINATION MODELS, MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS DIRECTED AT 9 COORDINATING CARE FOR DUALLY ELIGIBLE MEDICAID AND MEDICARE ENROLLEES, 10 AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH COVERAGE CARE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS, INCLUDING BUT 11 NOT LIMITED TO HEALTH HOMES AND MEDICAL HOMES. The panel shall consist 12 of [twelve] THIRTEEN members who shall be appointed as follows: [four] 13 FIVE by the governor, one of which shall serve as the chair, TWO OF 14 WHICH SHALL BRING EXPERTISE IN ACCESS ISSUES FACING MEDICAID CONSUMERS 15 WITH DISABILITIES, AND ONE OF WHICH SHALL BEING EXPERTISE IN ACCESS 16 ISSUES FACING CHILDREN, AND ONE SHALL BE A MEDICAID BENEFICIARY; three 17 each by the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the 18 assembly; and one each by the minority leader of the senate and the 19 minority leader of the assembly. At least three members of such panel 20 shall be members of the joint advisory panel established under section 21 13.40 of the mental hygiene law. Members shall serve without compen- 22 sation but shall be reimbursed for appropriate expenses. The department EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD01605-06-4 S. 5896--A 2 1 shall provide technical assistance and access to data as is required for 2 the panel to effectuate the mission and purposes established herein. THE 3 PANEL SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SEEK PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS WITHIN ITS 4 JURISDICTION. PANEL MEETING TIMES, AGENDAS, AND MINUTES SHALL BE POSTED 5 PUBLICLY ON THE DEPARTMENT'S WEBSITE AT LEAST ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EACH 6 MEETING. 7 (b) The panel shall MEET NO LESS THAN SIX TIMES PER YEAR, WITH ADDI- 8 TIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETINGS AS DEEMED NECESSARY TO ADDRESS SPECIALIZED 9 ISSUES, IN ORDER TO: 10 (i) determine whether there is sufficient managed care provider 11 participation in the Medicaid managed care program AND RELATED PROGRAMS; 12 (ii) determine whether managed care providers meet proper enrollment 13 targets that permit as many Medicaid recipients as possible to make 14 their own health plan decisions, thus minimizing the number of automatic 15 assignments; 16 (iii) review AND DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATENESS OF the phase-in sched- 17 ule, AND THE AVAILABILITY OF SPECIALTY SERVICES for enrollment[,] of 18 ADDITIONAL POPULATIONS AND managed care providers under both the volun- 19 tary and mandatory programs AND EVALUATE STEPS TAKEN TO ENSURE CONTINUI- 20 TY OF CARE DURING AND AFTER THE TRANSITION; 21 (iv) assess the impact of managed care provider marketing and enroll- 22 ment strategies, [and the] INCLUDING public education [campaign 23 conducted in New York city, on enrollees] CAMPAIGNS, ENROLLEE partic- 24 ipation in Medicaid managed care plans AND RELATED PROGRAMS; 25 (v) evaluate the adequacy of managed care provider capacity by review- 26 ing established capacity measurements and monitoring actual access to 27 plan practitioners, INCLUDING TIMELY ACCESS TO SPECIALTY CARE FOR PEOPLE 28 WITH DISABILITIES AND OTHERS IN NEED OF SUCH CARE, WITH PARTICULAR 29 ATTENTION TO CAPACITY FOR SERVICES PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED IN THE TRADI- 30 TIONAL FEE FOR SERVICE ENVIRONMENT; 31 (vi) examine the [cost] implications of [populations excluded and 32 exempted from Medicaid managed care] FEDERAL HEALTH CARE REFORM ON THE 33 MEDICAID MANAGED CARE PROGRAM AND RELATED PROGRAMS, WITH PARTICULAR 34 ATTENTION TO THE INTEGRATION OF PUBLIC PROGRAM FUNCTIONS WITH SUBSIDIZED 35 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE IN ANY POTENTIAL STATE INSURANCE EXCHANGE AND ANY 36 OTHER SUBSIDIZED PRODUCTS, SUCH AS A BASIC HEALTH PLAN; 37 (vii) in accordance with the recommendations of the joint advisory 38 council established pursuant to section 13.40 of the mental hygiene law, 39 advise the commissioners of health and developmental disabilities with 40 respect to the oversight of DISCOs and of health maintenance organiza- 41 tions and managed long term care plans providing services authorized, 42 funded, approved or certified by the office for people with develop- 43 mental disabilities, and review all managed care options provided to 44 persons with developmental disabilities, including: the adequacy of 45 support for habilitation services; the record of compliance with 46 requirements for person-centered planning, person-centered services and 47 community integration; the adequacy of rates paid to providers in 48 accordance with the provisions of paragraph [1] (L) of subdivision four 49 of section forty-four hundred [three] THREE-G of the public health law, 50 paragraph (a-2) of subdivision eight of section forty-four hundred three 51 of the public health law or paragraph (a-2) of subdivision twelve of 52 section forty-four hundred three-f of the public health law; and the 53 quality of life, health, safety and community integration of persons 54 with developmental disabilities enrolled in managed care; [and] S. 5896--A 3 1 (viii) EVALUATE TRENDS IN SERVICE DENIALS BY MEDICAID MANAGED CARE 2 PLANS AND RELATED PROGRAMS, ASSESS EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE AND APPEAL 3 MECHANISMS FOR CONSUMERS; 4 (IX) EVALUATE DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING ON HEALTH CARE ACCESS AND 5 QUALITY BY RACE, ETHNICITY, LANGUAGE, DISABILITY AND OTHER FACTORS AND 6 THE AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES AND PROGRAMS THAT ADDRESS THE DISPARITIES 7 IN ACCESS TO CARE AND OUTCOMES OF CARE; 8 (X) EVALUATE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONSUMER PROTECTIONS; 9 (XI) REVIEW WAIVER APPLICATIONS BEFORE ANY DRAFT PROPOSALS ARE SUBMIT- 10 TED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND AMENDMENTS AND STATE PLAN AMENDMENTS 11 RELATED TO TOPICS AND PROGRAMS WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION, AND SOLICIT 12 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN THE PROPOSALS; 13 (XII) REVIEW AND DETERMINE THE ADEQUACY AND APPROPRIATENESS OF PROGRAM 14 MATERIALS AND PLAN-FINDING AIDS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NETWORK, 15 CONTRACT PROVISIONS, ELIGIBILITY AND BENEFIT APPEAL PROCEDURES; AND 16 (XIII) examine other issues as it deems appropriate. 17 (c) Commencing January first, [nineteen hundred ninety-seven] TWO 18 THOUSAND FIFTEEN and quarterly thereafter the panel shall [submit a 19 report regarding the status of Medicaid managed care in the state and 20 provide recommendations if it] PROVIDE WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS AND INPUT 21 AS IT deems appropriate to the governor, the temporary president and the 22 minority leader of the senate, and the speaker and the minority leader 23 of the assembly ON MATTERS WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION. 24 S 2. Section 364-jj of the social services law, as added by chapter 25 649 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows: 26 S 364-jj. Special advisory review panel on Medicaid managed care. (a) 27 There is hereby established a special advisory review panel on Medicaid 28 managed care AND RELATED PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS, INCLUDING 29 CHILD HEALTH PLUS, FAMILY HEALTH PLUS, MANAGED LONG TERM CARE PROGRAMS 30 AND RELATED CARE COORDINATION MODELS, MANAGED CARE PROGRAMS DIRECTED AT 31 COORDINATING CARE FOR DUALLY ELIGIBLE MEDICAID AND MEDICARE ENROLLEES, 32 AND OTHER PUBLIC HEALTH COVERAGE CARE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS, INCLUDING BUT 33 NOT LIMITED TO HEALTH HOMES AND MEDICAL HOMES. The panel shall consist 34 of [nine] ELEVEN members who shall be appointed as follows: [three] FIVE 35 by the governor, one of which shall serve as the chair, TWO OF WHICH 36 SHALL BRING EXPERTISE IN ACCESS ISSUES FACING MEDICAID CONSUMERS WITH 37 DISABILITIES, AND ONE OF WHICH SHALL BRING EXPERTISE IN ACCESS ISSUES 38 FACING CHILDREN, AND ONE SHALL BE A MEDICAID BENEFICIARY; two each by 39 the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly; 40 and one each by the minority leader of the senate and the minority lead- 41 er of the assembly. [All members shall be appointed no later than 42 September first, nineteen hundred ninety-six.] Members shall serve with- 43 out compensation but shall be reimbursed for appropriate expenses. The 44 department shall provide technical assistance and access to data as is 45 required for the panel to effectuate the mission and purposes estab- 46 lished herein. THE PANEL SHALL BE REQUIRED TO SEEK PUBLIC COMMENT ON 47 MATTERS WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION. PANEL MEETING TIMES, AGENDAS, AND 48 MINUTES SHALL BE POSTED PUBLICLY ON THE DEPARTMENT'S WEBSITE AT LEAST 49 ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EACH MEETING. 50 (b) The panel shall MEET NO LESS THAN SIX TIMES PER YEAR, WITH ADDI- 51 TIONAL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETINGS AS DEEMED NECESSARY TO ADDRESS SPECIALIZED 52 ISSUES, IN ORDER TO: 53 (i) determine whether there is sufficient managed care provider 54 participation in the Medicaid managed care program AND RELATED PROGRAMS; 55 (ii) determine whether managed care providers meet proper enrollment 56 targets that permit as many Medicaid recipients as possible to make S. 5896--A 4 1 their own health plan decisions, thus minimizing the number of automatic 2 assignments; 3 (iii) review AND DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATENESS OF the phase-in sched- 4 ule, AND THE AVAILABILITY OF SPECIALTY SERVICES for enrollment[,] of 5 ADDITIONAL POPULATIONS AND managed care providers under both the volun- 6 tary and mandatory programs AND EVALUATE STEPS TAKEN TO ENSURE CONTINUI- 7 TY OF CARE DURING AND AFTER THE TRANSITION; 8 (iv) assess the impact of managed care provider marketing and enroll- 9 ment strategies, [and the] INCLUDING public education [campaign 10 conducted in New York city, on enrollees] CAMPAIGNS, ENROLLEE partic- 11 ipation in Medicaid managed care plans AND RELATED PROGRAMS; 12 (v) evaluate the adequacy of managed care provider capacity by review- 13 ing established capacity measurements and monitoring actual access to 14 plan practitioners, INCLUDING TIMELY ACCESS TO SPECIALTY CARE FOR PEOPLE 15 WITH DISABILITIES AND OTHERS IN NEED OF SUCH CARE, WITH PARTICULAR 16 ATTENTION TO CAPACITY FOR SERVICES PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED IN THE TRADI- 17 TIONAL FEE FOR SERVICE ENVIRONMENT; 18 (vi) examine the [cost] implications of [populations excluded and 19 exempted from Medicaid managed care; and] FEDERAL HEALTH CARE REFORM ON 20 THE MEDICAID MANAGED CARE PROGRAM AND RELATED PROGRAMS, WITH PARTICULAR 21 ATTENTION TO THE INTEGRATION OF PUBLIC PROGRAM FUNCTIONS WITH SUBSIDIZED 22 PRODUCTS AVAILABLE IN ANY POTENTIAL STATE INSURANCE EXCHANGE AND ANY 23 OTHER SUBSIDIZED PRODUCTS, SUCH AS A BASIC HEALTH PLAN; 24 (vii) EVALUATE TRENDS IN SERVICE DENIALS BY MEDICAID MANAGED CARE 25 PLANS AND RELATED PROGRAMS, ASSESS EFFECTIVENESS OF GRIEVANCE AND APPEAL 26 MECHANISMS FOR CONSUMERS; 27 (VIII) EVALUATE DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING ON HEALTH CARE ACCESS 28 AND QUALITY BY RACE, ETHNICITY, LANGUAGE, DISABILITY AND OTHER FACTORS 29 AND THE AVAILABILITY OF SERVICES AND PROGRAMS THAT ADDRESS THE DISPARI- 30 TIES IN ACCESS TO CARE AND OUTCOMES OF CARE; 31 (IX) EVALUATE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONSUMER PROTECTIONS; 32 (X) REVIEW WAIVER APPLICATIONS BEFORE ANY DRAFT PROPOSALS ARE SUBMIT- 33 TED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND AMENDMENTS AND STATE PLAN AMENDMENTS 34 RELATED TO TOPICS AND PROGRAMS WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION, AND SOLICIT 35 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IN THE PROPOSALS; 36 (XI) REVIEW AND DETERMINE THE ADEQUACY AND APPROPRIATENESS OF PROGRAM 37 MATERIALS AND PLAN-FINDING AIDS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NETWORK, 38 CONTRACT PROVISIONS, ELIGIBILITY AND BENEFIT APPEAL PROCEDURES; AND 39 (XII) examine other issues as it deems appropriate. 40 (c) Commencing January first, [nineteen hundred ninety-seven] TWO 41 THOUSAND FIFTEEN and quarterly thereafter the panel shall [submit a 42 report regarding the status of Medicaid managed care in the state and 43 provide recommendations if it] PROVIDE WRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS AND INPUT 44 AS IT deems appropriate to the governor, the temporary president and the 45 minority leader of the senate, and the speaker and the minority leader 46 of the assembly ON MATTERS WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION. 47 S 3. This act shall take effect immediately; provided that the amend- 48 ments to section 364-jj of the social services law made by section one 49 of this act shall be subject to the expiration and reversion of such 50 section pursuant to section 84 of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 51 2013, as amended, when upon such date the provisions of section two of 52 this act shall take effect.