Bill Text: NY S03300 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Creates the New York Civil Gideon Act; establishes a right to counsel in civil matters involving the basic necessities including shelter, food, employment, health, and family sustainability.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 3-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-01-05 - REFERRED TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT [S03300 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S03300-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 28, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sens.  PARKER, BAILEY, HOYLMAN -- read twice and ordered
          printed, and when printed to be committed to the  Committee  on  Local

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  county  law,  the  real  property  actions  and
          proceedings law, the vehicle and traffic law, the  state  finance  law
          and  the  judiciary  law, in relation to enacting the "NY Civil Gideon

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the "New York
     2  Civil Gideon act".
     3    § 2. The county law is amended by adding a new article 18-C to read as
     4  follows:
     5                                ARTICLE 18-C
     7  Section 723.   Legislative findings.
     8          723-a. Civil right to counsel commission.
     9          723-b. Lead agency for civil right to counsel.
    10          723-c. Assigned counsel for civil matters review panel.
    11          723-d. Compensation and reimbursement.
    12    § 723. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds and declares
    13  as follows:
    14    1. Every year, at least eighty percent of the civil legal needs of low
    15  income New Yorkers go unmet.
    16    2. These legal needs often concern matters pertaining  to  the  essen-
    17  tials  of  life  including shelter, food, employment, health, and family
    18  sustainability.
    19    3. The lack of available civil legal assistance undermines  comprehen-
    20  sive assistance for crime victims.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 3300                             2

     1    4.  The lack of civil legal services to resolve a family's legal prob-
     2  lems often disrupts the children and young adults' education, frequently
     3  with a permanent impact.
     4    5. The lack of civil legal services can worsen chronic health problems
     5  often increasing the cost of medical care.
     6    6.  The  lack  of  civil legal services can result in homelessness not
     7  only affecting the individual families  but  also  destabilizing  entire
     8  neighborhoods.
     9    7.  In  light of these trying economic times, the need for civil legal
    10  services has increased beyond  individuals  below  the  federal  poverty
    11  guidelines  to  homeowners  and  other  middle  income  New Yorkers that
    12  provide the foundation for New York's economy.
    13    8. The substantial number of unrepresented litigants  in  civil  legal
    14  matters  adversely impacts the quality of justice for all parties in the
    15  courts of New York state, increases the amount of litigation, and under-
    16  mines the rule of law.
    17    9. It has been found that when a society is unable to meet their basic
    18  human needs it is in an ongoing state of emergency.
    19    10. The unmet  need  for  civil  legal  assistance  in  the  state  is
    20  profoundly  impacting  vulnerable  New  Yorkers  and  costing  taxpayers
    21  millions of dollars  by  increasing  homelessness,  failing  to  prevent
    22  domestic violence, and increasing poverty.
    23    11.  In order to address this emergency, this legislature finds that a
    24  right to counsel in certain civil matters is imperative.
    25    § 723-a. Civil right to counsel commission. 1. There is hereby  estab-
    26  lished  the  civil right to counsel commission.  The commission shall be
    27  composed of eleven members.
    28    2. a. The members of the commission shall be appointed as follows:
    29    (i) one member shall be appointed by the  governor  and  shall  be  an
    30  attorney with expertise in civil legal services;
    31    (ii)  one  member shall be appointed by the temporary president of the
    32  senate;
    33    (iii) one member shall be appointed by the speaker of the assembly;
    34    (iv) one member shall be appointed  by  the  minority  leader  of  the
    35  assembly;
    36    (v)  one  member  shall  be  appointed  by  the minority leader of the
    37  senate;
    38    (vi) two members shall be appointed by the chief judge of the court of
    39  appeals;
    40    (vii) one member shall be appointed by the association of counties;
    41    (viii) one member shall be appointed by the mayor of the city  of  New
    42  York  and shall be an attorney who has provided civil legal services for
    43  at least five years;
    44    (ix) one member shall be appointed by the governor, from a list of  no
    45  more  than  two  nominees  submitted  by  the chief administrator of the
    46  courts, each of whom shall be a judge or justice, or  retired  judge  or
    47  justice,  who  was  elected  to  the supreme, county or family court, or
    48  appointed to the criminal court or family court in the city of New York,
    49  and has substantial experience presiding as such a judge or  justice  in
    50  trial matters before such court; and
    51    (x)  one  member  shall be appointed by the New York state bar associ-
    52  ation.
    53    b. All members of the commission shall be residents of  the  state  of
    54  New York.
    55    c.  The members of the commission shall serve terms of four years. All
    56  members shall serve until their successors are appointed.  Vacancies  on

        S. 3300                             3

     1  the  commission  shall  be  filled  for the remainder of the term in the
     2  manner provided for by the original appointment.
     3    d.  The  members  of  the commission shall receive no compensation for
     4  their services, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses
     5  incurred in the performance of their duties.
     6    e. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law, no  officer  or
     7  employee  of  the state or any civil division thereof shall be deemed to
     8  have forfeited or shall forfeit his  or  her  office  or  employment  by
     9  reason of his or her acceptance of membership on the commission.
    10    f. The commission shall meet at least once per year.
    11    g.  A  majority  of  the  members of the commission shall constitute a
    12  quorum.
    13    h. The chief judge of the court of appeals, or his  or  her  designee,
    14  shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the commission.
    15    i.  Appointment to the commission shall be filed by the chief judge of
    16  the court of appeals, who shall convene the first meeting of the commis-
    17  sion following the filing  of  the  majority  of  appointments.  At  the
    18  initial meeting the members shall elect officers.
    19    3. The commission shall submit to the governor, temporary president of
    20  the  senate, speaker of the assembly and the chief judge of the court of
    21  appeals an annual report on  or  before  the  anniversary  date  of  the
    22  commission's first meeting. Such report shall contain all pertinent data
    23  for the prior twelve months on the operation of the commission including
    24  the  number  of  assigned  counsel  in  each county, the number of cases
    25  assigned, the number of cases resolved, recommendations  for  additional
    26  attorneys,  if necessary, the cost of operation and financial assistance
    27  to localities. Such report shall also include the  proposed  budget  for
    28  the succeeding twelve months including funds for financial assistance to
    29  localities.
    30    §  723-b.    Lead agency for civil right to counsel. 1. Representation
    31  for persons in civil matters shall be a partnership between  the  courts
    32  and all qualified legal services providers, bar associations and private
    33  organizations.
    34    2.  The  legal  services  providers shall serve as the lead agency for
    35  case assessment and direction under this article and furthermore shall:
    36    a. be the central point of contact for receipt of referrals for  legal
    37  representation;
    38    b. make determinations of eligibility based on uniform criteria;
    39    c.  be  responsible  for  providing  representation  to the clients or
    40  referring the matter to one of the organizations or individual providers
    41  with whom the lead  legal  services  agency  contracts  to  provide  the
    42  service; and
    43    d. to the extent practical, identify and make use of pro bono services
    44  in order to maximize available services efficiently and economically.
    45    3. Recognizing that not all indigent parties can be afforded represen-
    46  tation,  even when they have meritorious cases, the court partner shall,
    47  as a corollary to the services provided by the lead legal services agen-
    48  cy, be responsible for providing procedures,  personnel,  training,  and
    49  case management and administration practices that reflect best practices
    50  to  ensure  unrepresented  parties  meaningful  access to justice and to
    51  guard against the involuntary waiver of rights, as well as to  encourage
    52  fair and expeditious voluntary dispute resolution, consistent with prin-
    53  ciples of judicial neutrality.
    54    4.  The  participating  legal services agency shall be selected by the
    55  judicial council.

        S. 3300                             4

     1    a. The judicial council shall be made up of one  administrative  judge
     2  from  each judicial district. There shall be at least one legal services
     3  agency chosen for each judicial district.
     4    b.  The  judicial  council  shall  assess the applicants' capacity for
     5  success, innovation, and efficiency, including, but not limited to,  the
     6  likelihood  that  the  agency would deliver quality representation in an
     7  effective manner that would meet critical needs  in  the  community  and
     8  address  the  needs  of  the  court with regard to access to justice and
     9  calendar management, and the unique local unmet needs for representation
    10  in the community.
    11    c. Agencies approved pursuant  to  this  section  shall  initially  be
    12  authorized  for a three-year period, commencing on the effective date of
    13  this section and subject to renewal for a period to be determined by the
    14  judicial council, in consultation with the participating agency in light
    15  of the agency's capacity and success. After the initial three-year peri-
    16  od, the judicial council shall distribute any future funds available  as
    17  the result of the termination or nonrenewal of an agency pursuant to the
    18  process set forth in this subdivision.
    19    d.  Agencies  shall  be selected on the basis of whether, in the cases
    20  proposed for service, the persons  to  be  assisted  are  likely  to  be
    21  opposed  by  a party who is represented by counsel. The judicial council
    22  shall also consider the following factors in selecting the agencies:
    23    (i) the likelihood that representation in the proposed case type tends
    24  to affect whether a party prevails or otherwise obtains a  significantly
    25  more  favorable  outcome  in  a  matter  in  which  they would otherwise
    26  frequently have judgment entered against them or suffer the  deprivation
    27  of the basic human need at issue;
    28    (ii) the likelihood of reducing the risk of erroneous decisions;
    29    (iii) the nature and severity of potential consequences for the unrep-
    30  resented party regarding the basic human need at stake if representation
    31  is not provided;
    32    (iv)  whether  the provision of legal services may eliminate or reduce
    33  the potential need for and cost of public social services regarding  the
    34  basic  human  need  at  stake  for the client and others in the client's
    35  household;
    36    (v) the unmet need for legal services in the  geographic  area  to  be
    37  served; and
    38    (vi)  the  availability  and  effectiveness  of  other  types of court
    39  services, such as self-help.
    40    e. Each applicant shall do the following:
    41    (i) identify the nature of the partnership between the court  and  the
    42  other agencies or other providers that would work within the project;
    43    (ii)  describe  the  referral  protocols to be used, the criteria that
    44  would be employed in case assessment, why those cases were selected, the
    45  manner to address conflicts without violating any attorney-client privi-
    46  lege  when  adverse  parties  are  seeking  representation  through  the
    47  project,  and  the means for serving potential clients who need language
    48  assistance within the court system; and
    49    (iii) describe how the project would be  administered,  including  how
    50  the  data  collection requirements would be met without causing an undue
    51  burden on the courts, clients, or the providers, the  particular  objec-
    52  tives  of  the  project, strategies to evaluate their success in meeting
    53  those objectives, and the means by which the  project  would  serve  the
    54  particular  needs  of the community, such as by providing representation
    55  to limited-English-speaking clients, the elderly and the disabled.

        S. 3300                             5

     1    5. To ensure the most effective use of the funding available, the lead
     2  legal services agency shall serve as a hub for all  referrals,  and  the
     3  point  at  which decisions are made about which referrals will be served
     4  and by whom. Referrals shall emanate from the court, as well as from the
     5  other  agencies  providing  services  through  the program, and shall be
     6  directed to the lead legal services agency for review. That  agency,  or
     7  another  agency  or attorney in the event of conflict, shall collect the
     8  information necessary to assess whether the case should  be  served.  In
     9  performing that case assessment, the agency shall determine the relative
    10  need for representation of the litigant, including all of the following:
    11    a. case complexity;
    12    b. whether the opposing party is represented;
    13    c. the adversarial nature of the proceeding;
    14    d. the availability and effectiveness of other types of services, such
    15  as  self-help,  in  light  of the potential client and the nature of the
    16  case;
    17    e. barriers to access due to language;
    18    f. barriers to access due to disability;
    19    g. barriers to access due to literacy;
    20    h. the merits of the case;
    21    i. the nature and severity of potential consequences for the potential
    22  client if representation is not provided; and
    23    j. whether the provision of legal services may eliminate or reduce the
    24  need for and cost of public social services for the potential client and
    25  others in the potential client's household.
    26    6. The decision and level of representation should be made at the sole
    27  discretion of the lead agency, organization, or attorney  based  on  the
    28  factors set forth above.
    29    7. If both parties to a dispute are financially eligible for represen-
    30  tation, each proposal shall ensure that representation for both sides is
    31  evaluated.  In these and other cases in which conflict issues arise, the
    32  lead legal services agency shall  have  referral  protocols  with  other
    33  agencies  and  providers,  such  as a private attorney panel, to address
    34  those conflicts.
    35    8. Each lead agency, organization, or attorney  shall  be  responsible
    36  for keeping records on the referrals accepted and those not accepted for
    37  representation,  and  the  reasons  for  each, in a manner that does not
    38  violate  any  privileged  communications  between  the  agency  and  the
    39  prospective  client. Each lead agency, organization or attorney shall be
    40  provided with standardized data collection tools to be determined by the
    41  commission, and required to track case information for each referral  to
    42  allow the evaluation to measure the number of cases served, the level of
    43  service  required,  and  the  outcomes  for the clients in each case. In
    44  addition to this information on the effect of the representation on  the
    45  clients,  data  shall  be collected regarding the outcomes for the trial
    46  courts. This data shall be compiled in a report to be submitted  to  the
    47  commission on a quarterly basis.
    48    §  723-c. Assigned counsel for civil matters review panel. 1. There is
    49  hereby established the assigned counsel for civil matters review panel.
    50    2. a. The review panel shall be composed of at least sixteen  members,
    51  to be appointed as follows:
    52    (i)  Attorney-in-Chief  for the Legal Aid Society or his/her represen-
    53  tative;
    54    (ii) Chair of Legal Services NYC or his/her representative;
    55    (iii) Executive Director of Legal Services of  the  Hudson  Valley  or
    56  his/her representative;

        S. 3300                             6

     1    (iv) Executive Director of the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern NY or
     2  his/her representative;
     3    (v)  Executive Director of the Western NY Law Center or his/her repre-
     4  sentative;
     5    (vi) President of the Empire Justice Center or his/her representative;
     6    (vii) Executive Director of the New York Lawyers for the Public Inter-
     7  est or his/her representative;
     8    (viii) The President of the New York legal assistance group or his/her
     9  representative;
    10    (ix) Executive Director of Lambda Legal or his/her representative;
    11    (x) The immediate past President of the New York State Bar Association
    12  or a representative appointed by the association;
    13    (xi) The immediate past President of the Network  of  Bar  Leaders  or
    14  his/her representative;
    15    (xii)  The  immediate past President of the Women's Bar Association of
    16  the State of New York or his/her representative;
    17    (xiii) The immediate past President  of  the  Metropolitan  Black  Bar
    18  Association or his/her representative;
    19    (xiv)  The  immediate past President of the New York State Director of
    20  the Fund for Modern Courts or his/her representative;
    21    (xv) Executive Director of the Iola Fund of the State of New  York  or
    22  his/her representative; and
    23    (xvi) One representative from the National Coalition for a Civil Right
    24  to Counsel.
    25    b.  The  members  of the review panel shall serve terms of four years.
    26  All members shall serve until their successors are appointed.  Vacancies
    27  on the review panel shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the
    28  manner provided for by the original appointment.
    29    c.  The  members of the review panel shall receive no compensation for
    30  their services, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses
    31  incurred in the performance of their duties.
    32    d. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of law, no  officer  or
    33  employee  of  the state or any civil division thereof shall be deemed to
    34  have forfeited or shall forfeit his  or  her  office  or  employment  by
    35  reason of his or her acceptance of membership on the review panel.
    36    e.  A  majority  of the members of the review panel shall constitute a
    37  quorum.
    38    f. The members of the review panel may participate  in  a  meeting  of
    39  such review panel by means of a conference telephone or similar communi-
    40  cations  equipment  allowing all persons participating in the meeting to
    41  hear each other at the same time;  participation  by  such  means  shall
    42  constitute presence in person at such meeting.
    43    3.  The  purpose of the panel is to ensure that quality representation
    44  is provided under this article.   This  includes  processing  complaints
    45  against  attorneys  assigned under this article, establishing the proper
    46  remedy for aggrieved parties, attorney admission  as  assigned  counsel,
    47  attorney  training,  and  all  other  procedures  the review panel finds
    48  necessary to achieve its goal.  Nothing in this  article  shall  prevent
    49  any investigation under the New York state unified court system rules of
    50  professional conduct or otherwise.
    51    4.  The review panel may work together with the civil right to counsel
    52  commission to achieve the common goals of this article.
    53    5. a. The chief judge of the court of appeals  and  the  review  panel
    54  appointees  shall  convene  the review panel and create a plan outlining
    55  the procedure and guidelines to govern the panel  and  assigned  counsel
    56  program  in  accordance  with  the goal of providing quality civil legal

        S. 3300                             7

     1  representation. The chief judge of the court of  appeals  shall  consult
     2  with  the  administrative  judges  of  each judicial district to receive
     3  guidance on the needs of each district.
     4    b. The guidelines shall include but not be limited to:
     5    (i) meeting requirements of the panel;
     6    (ii) standards of quality representation;
     7    (iii)  training  necessary to provide civil assigned counsel represen-
     8  tation;
     9    (iv) content for the complaint form for a grievance against an  agency
    10  or attorney assigned as civil assigned counsel;
    11    (v) a grievance procedure; and
    12    (vi) establishing possible remedies for those found to be aggrieved.
    13    §  723-d.  Compensation  and reimbursement. 1. All counsel assigned in
    14  accordance with a plan of the court, other organization, or a bar  asso-
    15  ciation  conforming  to  the  requirements  of  this article whereby the
    16  services of private counsel are rotated and coordinated by  an  adminis-
    17  trator shall at the conclusion of the representation receive:
    18    a. for real property proceedings no less than fifty dollars per hour;
    19    b. for cases involving health no less than fifty dollars per hour;
    20    c.  for  cases involving license revocation or suspension no less than
    21  fifty dollars per hour;
    22    d. for cases involving sustenance no less than sixty dollars per hour;
    23  and
    24    e. for cases involving children no less than sixty dollars per hour.
    25    2. For the purposes of this section:
    26    a. real property proceedings  shall  include  sections  seven  hundred
    27  eleven,  seven  hundred thirteen, seven hundred thirteen-a, five hundred
    28  one, one thousand ninety-three, thirteen hundred three and article thir-
    29  teen of the real property actions and proceedings law;
    30    b. cases involving health shall  include  article  forty-nine  of  the
    31  public health law;
    32    c.  cases  involving  license  revocation  or suspension shall include
    33  sections two hundred twenty-seven, two hundred forty-two and two hundred
    34  sixty-one of the vehicle and traffic law;
    35    d. cases involving sustenance shall include sections one hundred nine-
    36  ty-six-a, five hundred thirty-eight, six  hundred  twenty,  six  hundred
    37  twenty-one,  six  hundred  twenty-four,  six hundred sixty-three and six
    38  hundred eighty-one of the  labor  law,  sections  twenty-two  and  three
    39  hundred  sixty-five  of  the  social services law and rule three hundred
    40  five and article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules;
    41    e. cases involving children shall include article four of  the  family
    42  court act.
    43    3.  For  all  representation,  compensation  and  reimbursement  shall
    44  include reimbursement for reasonably incurred expenses.
    45    4. Compensation for representation in such cases shall  be  guided  by
    46  the  minimum  amounts set forth above. The compensation minimums are set
    47  for counsel only, not support or administrative  staff  work.  Work  for
    48  support  or  administrative  staff  should be set by individual counsel,
    49  firm, or organization and should be set at a  lower  rate  than  compen-
    50  sation for counsel.
    51    5.  There  shall  be  no  differential in compensation rate for out of
    52  court time expended and in court time expended. Rates should be  set  at
    53  the  minimum  stated above or higher based on the complexity of the case
    54  and expertise of the attorney.  Such  rates  shall  be  subject  to  the
    55  approval  of  the  court  of jurisdiction based on the complexity of the

        S. 3300                             8

     1  case, expertise of the attorney, the market, and any other  factors  the
     2  court deems just and appropriate.
     3    6.  There should be no cap on the amount of compensation or reimburse-
     4  ment  received  for  representation.  The  amount  of  compensation  and
     5  reimbursement is subject to court approval as described above.
     6    7.  Compensation  and  reimbursement  for appeal shall be fixed by the
     7  appellate court not to be below the rates set forth in this section.
     8    8. In extraordinary circumstances  a  trial  or  appellate  court  may
     9  provide  for  payment  of  compensation  and  reimbursement for expenses
    10  before the completion of the representation upon application.
    11    § 3. The opening paragraph of  section  722  of  the  county  law,  as
    12  amended by chapter 7 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
    13    The  governing  body of each county and the governing body of the city
    14  in which a county is wholly contained shall place in operation  through-
    15  out  the  county  a plan for providing counsel to persons charged with a
    16  crime or who are entitled to counsel pursuant  to  section  two  hundred
    17  sixty-two  or  section  eleven  hundred  twenty of the family court act,
    18  article six-C of the correction law, section four hundred seven  of  the
    19  surrogate's  court  procedure  act  or article ten of the mental hygiene
    20  law, who are financially unable to obtain counsel. The governing body of
    21  each county and the governing body of the city  in  which  a  county  is
    22  wholly  contained  shall also place in operation throughout the county a
    23  plan for providing  counsel  to  financially  unable  persons  in  civil
    24  proceedings  under this section, sections one hundred ninety-six-a, five
    25  hundred thirty-eight, six hundred twenty, six  hundred  twenty-one,  six
    26  hundred  twenty-four, six hundred sixty-three and six hundred eighty-one
    27  of the labor law, sections twenty-two and  three  hundred  five  of  the
    28  social  services  law,  where there is a revocation or suspension issued
    29  pursuant to sections two hundred twenty-seven, two hundred forty-two and
    30  two hundred sixty-one of the vehicle and traffic law, article forty-nine
    31  of the public health law, sections seven hundred eleven,  seven  hundred
    32  thirteen, seven hundred thirteen-a, five hundred one, one thousand nine-
    33  ty-three,  section  thirteen  hundred  three and article thirteen of the
    34  real property actions and proceedings law, rule three hundred  five  and
    35  article  seventy-eight  of  the civil practice law and rules and article
    36  four of the family court act. For the purposes of this section the terms
    37  "financially unable" and "low income" shall mean an individual who is at
    38  or below two hundred percent of the  federal  poverty  guidelines.  Each
    39  plan  shall  also  provide  for investigative, expert and other services
    40  necessary for an adequate defense. The plan shall conform to one of  the
    41  following:
    42    §  4.  Subdivision  3 of section 1303 of the real property actions and
    43  proceedings law, as amended by section 5 of part Q of chapter 73 of  the
    44  laws of 2016, is amended to read as follows:
    45    3.  The  notice to any mortgagor required by paragraph (a) of subdivi-
    46  sion one of this section shall appear as follows:
    47                     Help for Homeowners in Foreclosure
    48    New York State Law requires that we send you  this  notice  about  the
    49  foreclosure process. Please read it carefully.
    50  Summons and Complaint
    51    You  are  in danger of losing your home. If you fail to respond to the
    52  summons and complaint in this foreclosure  action,  you  may  lose  your
    53  home.  Please read the summons and complaint carefully. You should imme-
    54  diately contact an attorney or your local legal  aid  office  to  obtain
    55  advice on how to protect yourself.
    56  Sources of Information and Assistance

        S. 3300                             9

     1    The  State  encourages  you  to  become informed about your options in
     2  foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal
     3  aid office, there are government agencies and  non-profit  organizations
     4  that  you  may contact for information about possible options, including
     5  trying  to  work with your lender during this process.  You may be enti-
     6  tled to assigned counsel if you are financially unable to obtain  repre-
     7  sentation.
     8    To  locate  an  entity  near  you, you may call the toll-free helpline
     9  maintained by the New York State Department  of  Financial  Services  at
    10  (enter number) or visit the Department's website at (enter web address).
    11    Rights and Obligations
    13  to  stay  in  your  home  during  the  foreclosure  process. You are not
    14  required to leave your home unless and until your property  is  sold  at
    15  auction pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale.
    16  Regardless  of  whether  you  choose  to  remain  in  your home, YOU ARE
    17  REQUIRED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR PROPERTY and pay property taxes in accord-
    18  ance with state and local law.
    19  Foreclosure rescue scams
    20    Be careful of people who approach you with offers to "save" your home.
    21  There are individuals who watch for notices of  foreclosure  actions  in
    22  order  to  unfairly  profit  from  a homeowner's distress. You should be
    23  extremely careful about any such promises and any suggestions  that  you
    24  pay  them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offer-
    25  ing such services for profit  to  enter  into  a  contract  which  fully
    26  describes  the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and
    27  which prohibits them from taking any money  from  you  until  they  have
    28  completed all such promised services.
    29    §  5. Section 722-c of the county law, as amended by section 3 of part
    30  J of chapter 62 of the laws of 2003, is amended to read as follows:
    31    § 722-c. Services other than counsel. Upon a finding in  an  ex  parte
    32  proceeding  that  investigative,  expert or other services are necessary
    33  and that the defendant or other person described in section two  hundred
    34  forty-nine  or  section  two  hundred sixty-two of the family court act,
    35  article six-C of the correction law [or], section four hundred seven  of
    36  the surrogate's court procedure act, section seven hundred twenty-two of
    37  this  article,  sections  one hundred ninety-six-a, five hundred thirty-
    38  eight, six hundred twenty, six hundred twenty-one, six  hundred  twenty-
    39  four,  six  hundred  sixty-three and six hundred eighty-one of the labor
    40  law, sections twenty-two and three hundred five of the  social  services
    41  law,  where  there  is  a  revocation  or  suspension issued pursuant to
    42  sections two hundred twenty-seven, two hundred forty-two and two hundred
    43  sixty-one of the vehicle and traffic  law,  article  forty-nine  of  the
    44  public  health  law,  sections seven hundred eleven, seven hundred thir-
    45  teen, seven hundred thirteen-a, five hundred one, one  thousand  ninety-
    46  three,  thirteen hundred three and article thirteen of the real property
    47  actions and proceedings law, rule three hundred five and article  seven-
    48  ty-eight  of  the  civil practice law and rules, and article four of the
    49  family court act, is financially unable to obtain them, the court  shall
    50  authorize counsel, whether or not assigned in accordance with a plan, to
    51  obtain the services on behalf of the defendant or such other person. The
    52  court upon a finding that timely procurement of necessary services could
    53  not  await prior authorization may authorize the services nunc pro tunc.
    54  The court shall determine reasonable compensation for the  services  and
    55  direct payment to the person who rendered them or to the person entitled
    56  to  reimbursement.  [Only  in  extraordinary circumstances may the court

        S. 3300                            10

     1  provide for compensation in excess of one thousand dollars per  investi-
     2  gative, expert or other service provider.]
     3    Each  claim  for  compensation shall be supported by a sworn statement
     4  specifying the time expended, services rendered, expenses  incurred  and
     5  reimbursement  or  compensation applied for or received in the same case
     6  from any other source.
     7    § 6. Section 227 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a
     8  new subdivision 7 to read as follows:
     9    7. A financially unable person who is charged with an offense punisha-
    10  ble by a revocation or suspension of his or her drivers'  license  where
    11  the  person  is dependent on driving for their employment or where there
    12  is a lack of public transportation  in  the  person's  surrounding  area
    13  shall have a right to assigned counsel by the court. Assignment of coun-
    14  sel under this section shall be implemented as provided in article eigh-
    15  teen-C  of  the  county  law.  For the purposes of this section the term
    16  "financially unable" shall mean an individual who is  at  or  below  two
    17  hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
    18    § 7. Section 261 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a
    19  new subdivision 5 to read as follows:
    20    5.  Assignment  of counsel. A financially unable person who is charged
    21  with an offense punishable by a revocation or suspension of his  or  her
    22  drivers'  license  where  the  person  is dependent on driving for their
    23  employment or where there is a lack  of  public  transportation  in  the
    24  person's  surrounding area shall have a right to assigned counsel by the
    25  court. Assignment of counsel under this section shall be implemented  as
    26  provided  in  article  eighteen-C of the county law. For the purposes of
    27  this section the term "financially unable" shall mean an individual  who
    28  is at or below two hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines.
    29    §  8. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 98-d to
    30  read as follows:
    31    § 98-d. Civil Gideon assistance fund. 1. There is  hereby  established
    32  in  the joint custody of the comptroller, office of court administration
    33  and the commissioner of taxation and finance a special fund to be  known
    34  as the civil Gideon assistance fund.
    35    2.  Such fund shall consist of all moneys appropriated for the purpose
    36  of such fund, all other moneys required to be paid into or  credited  to
    37  such fund, and all moneys received by the fund or donated to it.
    38    3.  A one-time surcharge of seventy-five dollars shall be added to the
    39  biennial attorney fees to be added to this fund, as set forth in section
    40  four hundred sixty-eight-a of the judicial law.
    41    (a) The purpose of such fund shall be to: (i) assist counties and,  in
    42  the  case  of  a  county  wholly  contained within a city, such city, in
    43  providing legal representation for persons who are financially unable to
    44  afford counsel pursuant to article eighteen-C of the  county  law;  (ii)
    45  assist  the  state,  in  improving  the  quality of civil legal services
    46  addressing the essentials of life and funding representation provided by
    47  assigned counsel paid in accordance  with  section  thirty-five  of  the
    48  judiciary law; (iii) provide support for the operations, duties, respon-
    49  sibilities and expenses for the right to civil representation commission
    50  and  panel established, respectively, pursuant to this article; and (iv)
    51  provide funding for legal representation as described herein.
    52    (b) State funds received by a county or city from such fund  shall  be
    53  used to supplement and not supplant any local funds which such county or
    54  city would otherwise have had to expend for the provision of counsel and
    55  expert,  investigative and other services pursuant to article eighteen-C
    56  of the county law. All such state funds received by  a  county  or  city

        S. 3300                            11

     1  shall  be  used  to improve the quality of services provided pursuant to
     2  article eighteen-C of the county law.
     3    (c) As used in this section, "local funds" shall mean all funds appro-
     4  priated  or  allocated  by  a  county or, in the case of a county wholly
     5  contained within a city, such city, for services and expenses in accord-
     6  ance with article  eighteen-C  of  the  county  law,  other  than  funds
     7  received  from:  (i)  the  federal  government  or  the state; or (ii) a
     8  private source, where such city or county does  not  have  authority  or
     9  control over the payment of such funds by such private source.
    10    3.  Amounts  distributed  from  such  fund shall be limited to amounts
    11  deemed appropriate by the office of court administration  and  shall  be
    12  distributed proportionately by level of need at the court's discretion.
    13    (a)  For all state fiscal years, each county and the city of New York,
    14  shall receive ninety percent of the amount paid to such  county  in  the
    15  previous fiscal year.
    16    (b)  Remaining  amounts  within such fund, after accounting for annual
    17  payments required in this section shall  be  distributed  in  accordance
    18  with sections eight hundred thirty-two and eight hundred thirty-three of
    19  the executive law.
    20    § 9. Subdivision 5 of section 468-a of the judiciary law is renumbered
    21  subdivision 6 and a new subdivision 5 is added to read as follows:
    22    5.  A one-time surcharge of seventy-five dollars shall be added to the
    23  biennial attorney fees to be allocated to and be deposited into  a  fund
    24  established  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of article eighteen-C of the
    25  county law. Such surcharge shall be assessed to every  attorney  in  the
    26  same  manner  as  the  biennial fee described in subdivision one of this
    27  section.
    28    § 10. This act shall take effect immediately, and the  appointment  of
    29  members  to the civil right to counsel commission and the assigned coun-
    30  sel for civil matters review panel shall be completed within 90 days  of
    31  such effective date.