Bill Text: NY S02342 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Authorizes the city of Albany to discontinue use of lands as park lands and to dedicate the fair market value of those park lands to the acquisition of additional park lands and/or improvements to existing park lands.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-06-20 - SUBSTITUTED BY A4717A [S02342 Detail]

Download: New_York-2013-S02342-Amended.html
                           S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                   January 16, 2013
       Introduced  by  Sen. BRESLIN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed  to  the  Committee  on  Local  Government  --
         committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and
         recommitted to said committee
       AN ACT to authorize the city of Albany to discontinue the use of certain
         lands as park lands and to dedicate new park lands
    1    Section  1. Subject to the provisions of this act, the city of Albany,
    2  located in the county of Albany, is hereby  authorized,  acting  by  and
    3  through  its common council and upon such terms and conditions as deter-
    4  mined by such common council, to discontinue the use as park  lands  the
    5  lands  more  particularly  described  in  section two of this act and to
    6  transfer such lands, at fair market value, which are  no  longer  needed
    7  for park purposes for use in connection with the development of property
    8  for independent senior garden apartments.
    9    S 2. The authorization contained in section one of this act shall only
   10  be  effective on the condition that the city of Albany acquire and dedi-
   11  cate as parklands the lands described in section four of this act,  such
   12  land  to  be  used  for park purposes. If the replacement lands are less
   13  than the fair market value of the lands being  alienated,  the  city  of
   14  Albany  must  dedicate  the difference for the acquisition of additional
   15  parkland and/or for capital improvements to existing parkland.
   16    S 3. The lands authorized by this act to be discontinued as park lands
   17  are as follows:
   18    All that tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying  and  being  in
   19  the  City  of  Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, more partic-
   20  ularly described as follows:
   21    Beginning at a point on the southeasterly side of South  Allen  Street
   22  60  feet  northeasterly  from  the corner of South Allen Street and Dale
   23  Place and running thence northeasterly along said southeasterly side  of
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 2342--A                          2
    1  South  Allen Street a distance of 390 feet to a point, thence southeast-
    2  erly along the southerly line of lot 252 as shown on map of Allen Street
    3  Terrace referenced below, 100 feet, running thence  northeasterly  on  a
    4  line parallel to South Allen Street 60 feet to the south line of lot 165
    5  on  said  map,  thence  southeasterly  98  feet to the northwest side of
    6  Onderdonk Avenue, thence running southwesterly along  the  northwesterly
    7  side  of  Onderdonk Avenue 510 feet to the northerly line of Dale Place,
    8  running thence northwesterly along the said northerly line of Dale Place
    9  98 feet, thence northeasterly on a line parallel to South  Allen  Street
   10  60  feet,  thence  northwesterly  100  feet to the southeasterly side of
   11  South Allen Street, the point and place of beginning.
   12    Said parcels being lots 166 to 182 on Onderdonk Avenue and Lots 239 to
   13  251 fronting on South Allen Street as shown on  map  or  plan  of  Allen
   14  Street  Terrace,  made by A.L. Eliot, C.E. dated March 8, 1911 and filed
   15  in the Albany County Clerk's Office in Book 25 as Map 750, said lands to
   16  be removed from park purposes.
   17    Containing 2.04 acres, more or less.
   18    S 4.  The lands to be acquired and dedicated as parkland are all  that
   19  tract,  piece  or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of
   20  Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, more  particularly  bounded
   21  and described as follows:
   22    Beginning  at  a  point  on  the  northerly street line of North Third
   23  Street distant 173.50 feet westerly from the  westerly  street  line  of
   24  North Pearl Street; running thence northerly and parallel to the wester-
   25  ly  street line of North Pearl Street for a distance of 212.00 feet to a
   26  point of bend; thence  northwesterly  with  an  interior  angle  of  214
   27  degrees,  46  minutes  for a distance of 125.38 feet to a point which is
   28  105.00 feet westerly from and at right angles to the easterly  lot  line
   29  of the property of William P. Van Rensselaer Estate Corporation, reputed
   30  owners; thence easterly with an interior angle of 55 deg. 14 minutes for
   31  a  distance  of  105.00 feet to the said easterly lot line of William P.
   32  Van Rensselaer Estate Corporation; thence  southerly  with  an  interior
   33  angle  of  90  deg. along the said easterly lot line and parallel to the
   34  westerly street line of North Pearl Street for a distance of 315.00 feet
   35  to the northerly street line of North Third Street; thence westerly with
   36  an interior angle of 90 deg. along the northerly street  line  of  North
   37  Third  Street  for  a  distance  of 33.50 feet to the point and place of
   38  beginning.
   39    All that tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying  and  being  in
   40  the  City  of  Albany, County of Albany, State of New York, more partic-
   41  ularly bounded and described as follows:
   42    Beginning at a point in the  northerly  street  line  of  North  Third
   43  Street  located  173.50  feet  westerly  along said street line from its
   44  intersection with the west line of North Pearl  Street,  running  thence
   45  northerly and parallel to the westerly street line of North Pearl Street
   46  for  a  distance of 212.00 feet to a point of bend; thence northwesterly
   47  with an interior angle of 214 deg. 46' for a distance of 125.38 feet  to
   48  a point; thence easterly a distance of 105.00 feet; thence N 24 deg. 29'
   49  58"  E  for a distance of 112.64 feet to the south line of lots fronting
   50  on Lawn Avenue; thence N 65 deg. 30' 02" W along the south lines of said
   51  lots 260.0 feet to the southwest corner of premises  known  as  42  Lawn
   52  Avenue;  thence S 24 deg. 29' 58" W a distance of 427.64 feet to a point
   53  on the north line of North Third Street; thence S  65  deg.  53'  38"  E
   54  along  the  north line of North Third Street 226.50 feet to the point of
   55  beginning.  Containing 2.20 acres more or less.
       S. 2342--A                          3
    1    S 5. If the park land that is the subject of  this  act  has  received
    2  funding  pursuant  to  the federal land and water conservation fund, the
    3  discontinuance of park land authorized by the  provisions  of  this  act
    4  shall  not  occur  until  the municipality has complied with the federal
    5  requirements  pertaining  to  the  conversion  of  park lands, including
    6  satisfying the secretary of the interior that  the  discontinuance  will
    7  include  all conditions which the secretary of the interior deems neces-
    8  sary to assure the substitution of other lands shall  be  equivalent  in
    9  fair market value and recreational usefulness to the lands being discon-
   10  tinued.
   11    S 6. This act shall take effect immediately.