Bill Text: NY S00063 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Authorizes courts to revoke firearms license and seize the weapons of certain individuals.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 3-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-03-04 - RECOMMIT, ENACTING CLAUSE STRICKEN [S00063 Detail]
Download: New_York-2013-S00063-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 63 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E (PREFILED) January 9, 2013 ___________ Introduced by Sen. PERALTA -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Codes AN ACT to amend the penal law, the criminal procedure law, and the mental hygiene law, in relation to authorizing court to revoke the firearms license and seize weapons of certain individuals THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subparagraph (f) of paragraph 1 of subdivision a of 2 section 265.20 of the penal law, as amended by chapter 578 of the laws 3 of 2006, is amended to read as follows: 4 (f) A person [voluntarily] surrendering OR OTHERWISE VOLUNTARILY 5 DELIVERING such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance, provided 6 that such surrender shall be made to the superintendent of the division 7 of state police or a member thereof designated by such superintendent, 8 or to the sheriff of the county in which such person resides, or in the 9 county of Nassau or in the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, 10 Islip and Smithtown in the county of Suffolk to the commissioner of 11 police or a member of the police department thereof designated by such 12 commissioner, or if such person resides in a city, town other than one 13 named in this subparagraph, or village to the police commissioner or 14 head of the police force or department thereof or to a member of the 15 force or department designated by such commissioner or head; and 16 provided, further, that the same shall be surrendered by such person in 17 accordance with such terms and conditions as may be established by such 18 superintendent, sheriff, police force or department. Nothing in this 19 paragraph shall be construed as granting immunity from prosecution for 20 any crime or offense except that of unlawful possession of such weapons, 21 instruments, appliances or substances surrendered as herein provided. A 22 person who possesses any such weapon, instrument, appliance or substance 23 as an executor or administrator or any other lawful possessor of such EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD01088-01-3 S. 63 2 1 property of a decedent may continue to possess such property for a peri- 2 od not over fifteen days. If such property is not lawfully disposed of 3 within such period the possessor shall deliver it to an appropriate 4 official described in this paragraph or such property may be delivered 5 to the superintendent of state police. Such officer shall hold it and 6 shall thereafter deliver it on the written request of such executor, 7 administrator or other lawful possessor of such property to a named 8 person, provided such named person is licensed to or is otherwise 9 lawfully permitted to possess the same. If no request to deliver the 10 property is received by such official within one year of the delivery of 11 such property, such official shall dispose of it in accordance with the 12 provisions of section 400.05 of this chapter. 13 S 2. Subdivision 6 of section 400.05 of the penal law, as amended by 14 chapter 578 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows: 15 6. A firearm or other weapon which is surrendered AS REQUIRED BY COURT 16 ORDER, or is otherwise voluntarily delivered pursuant to section 265.20 17 of this chapter and which has not been declared a nuisance pursuant to 18 subdivision one of this section, shall be retained by the official to 19 whom it was delivered for a period not to exceed one year. Prior to the 20 expiration of such time period, a person who surrenders a firearm shall 21 have the right to arrange for the sale, or transfer, of such firearm to 22 a dealer in firearms licensed in accordance with this chapter or for the 23 transfer of such firearm to himself or herself provided that a license 24 therefor has been issued in accordance with this chapter. If no lawful 25 disposition of the firearm or other weapon is made within the time 26 provided, the firearm or weapon concerned shall be declared a nuisance 27 and shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this 28 section. 29 S 3. Section 330.20 of the criminal procedure law is amended by adding 30 a new subdivision 2-a to read as follows: 31 2-A. FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN SURRENDER ORDER. UPON ENTRY OF A 32 VERDICT OF NOT RESPONSIBLE BY REASON OF MENTAL DISEASE OR DEFECT, OR 33 UPON THE ACCEPTANCE OF A PLEA OF NOT RESPONSIBLE BY REASON OF MENTAL 34 DISEASE OR DEFECT, THE COURT SHALL REVOKE THE DEFENDANT'S FIREARM 35 LICENSE, IF ANY, INQUIRE OF THE DEFENDANT AS TO THE EXISTENCE AND 36 LOCATION OF ANY FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN OWNED OR POSSESSED BY SUCH 37 DEFENDANT AND DIRECT THE SURRENDER OF SUCH FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN 38 PURSUANT TO SUBPARAGRAPH (F) OF PARAGRAPH ONE OF SUBDIVISION A OF 39 SECTION 265.20 OF THE PENAL LAW. 40 S 4. The criminal procedure law is amended by adding a new section 41 730.55 to read as follows: 42 S 730.55 FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN SURRENDER ORDER. 43 WHENEVER A LOCAL CRIMINAL COURT OR A SUPERIOR COURT FINDS THAT A 44 DEFENDANT IS AN INCAPACITATED PERSON, THE COURT SHALL REVOKE THE DEFEND- 45 ANT'S FIREARM LICENSE, IF ANY, INQUIRE OF THE DEFENDANT AS TO THE EXIST- 46 ENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN OWNED OR POSSESSED BY 47 SUCH DEFENDANT AND DIRECT THE SURRENDER OF SUCH FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOT- 48 GUN PURSUANT TO SUBPARAGRAPH (F) OF PARAGRAPH ONE OF SUBDIVISION A OF 49 SECTION 265.20 OF THE PENAL LAW. 50 S 5. The mental hygiene law is amended by adding a new section 9.36 to 51 read as follows: 52 S 9.36 ISSUANCE OF COURT ORDER AUTHORIZING INVOLUNTARY CARE AND TREAT- 53 MENT UNDER THIS ARTICLE. 54 IN ISSUING ANY ORDER OR DETERMINATION UNDER THIS ARTICLE THAT A PERSON 55 IS IN NEED OF INVOLUNTARY CARE AND TREATMENT OR THAT THERE IS A NEED FOR 56 RETENTION OF SUCH PERSON, THE COURT SHALL REVOKE SUCH PERSON'S FIREARM S. 63 3 1 LICENSE, IF ANY, INQUIRE OF THE PERSON AS TO THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION 2 OF ANY FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN OWNED OR POSSESSED BY SUCH PERSON AND 3 DIRECT THE SURRENDER OF SUCH FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN PURSUANT TO 4 SUBPARAGRAPH (F) OF PARAGRAPH ONE OF SUBDIVISION A OF SECTION 265.20 OF 5 THE PENAL LAW. 6 S 6. Paragraph 2 of subdivision (j) of section 9.60 of the mental 7 hygiene law, as amended by chapter 158 of the laws of 2005, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 (2) If after hearing all relevant evidence, the court finds by clear 10 and convincing evidence that the subject of the petition meets the 11 criteria for assisted outpatient treatment, and there is no appropriate 12 and feasible less restrictive alternative, the court may order the 13 subject to receive assisted outpatient treatment for an initial period 14 not to exceed six months. In fashioning the order, the court shall 15 specifically make findings by clear and convincing evidence that the 16 proposed treatment is the least restrictive treatment appropriate and 17 feasible for the subject. The order shall state an assisted outpatient 18 treatment plan, which shall include all categories of assisted outpa- 19 tient treatment, as set forth in paragraph one of subdivision (a) of 20 this section, which the assisted outpatient is to receive, but shall not 21 include any such category that has not been recommended in both the 22 proposed written treatment plan and the testimony provided to the court 23 pursuant to subdivision (i) of this section. SUCH ORDER SHALL ALSO 24 STATE THAT THE SUBJECT'S FIREARMS LICENSE, IF ANY, IS REVOKED. FURTHER, 25 THE COURT SHALL INQUIRE OF THE SUBJECT AS TO THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION 26 OF ANY FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN OWNED OR POSSESSED BY SUCH PERSON AND 27 DIRECT THE SURRENDER OF SUCH FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN PURSUANT TO 28 SUBPARAGRAPH (F) OF PARAGRAPH ONE OF SUBDIVISION A OF SECTION 265.20 OF 29 THE PENAL LAW. 30 S 7. The mental hygiene law is amended by adding a new section 15.36 31 to read as follows: 32 S 15.36 ISSUANCE OF COURT ORDER AUTHORIZING INVOLUNTARY CARE AND TREAT- 33 MENT UNDER THIS ARTICLE. 34 IN ISSUING ANY ORDER OR DETERMINATION UNDER THIS ARTICLE THAT A PERSON 35 IS IN NEED OF INVOLUNTARY CARE AND TREATMENT OR THAT THERE IS A NEED FOR 36 RETENTION OF SUCH PERSON, THE COURT SHALL REVOKE SUCH PERSON'S FIREARM 37 LICENSE, IF ANY, INQUIRE OF THE PERSON AS TO THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION 38 OF ANY FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN OWNED OR POSSESSED BY SUCH PERSON AND 39 DIRECT THE SURRENDER OF SUCH FIREARM, RIFLE OR SHOTGUN PURSUANT TO 40 SUBPARAGRAPH (F) OF PARAGRAPH ONE OF SUBDIVISION A OF SECTION 265.20 OF 41 THE PENAL LAW. 42 S 8. Section 29.03 of the mental hygiene law is amended to read as 43 follows: 44 S 29.03 Effect of court order authorizing retention of a patient. 45 No order or determination under this article that a person is in need 46 of involuntary care and treatment or that there was need for retention 47 of such person shall be construed or deemed to be a determination or 48 finding that such person is incompetent or is unable adequately to 49 conduct his OR HER personal or business affairs; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT 50 THE EXISTENCE OF SUCH AN ORDER OR DETERMINATION SHALL MAKE SUCH PERSON 51 INELIGIBLE FOR A FIREARMS LICENSE PURSUANT TO SECTION 400.00 OF THE 52 PENAL LAW AND SHALL MAKE SUCH PERSON INELIGIBLE TO PURCHASE A FIREARM 53 PURSUANT TO 18 USC 922. 54 S 9. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part 55 of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to 56 be invalid and after exhaustion of all further judicial review, the S. 63 4 1 judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, 2 but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, para- 3 graph, section or part of this act directly involved in the controversy 4 in which the judgment shall have been rendered. 5 S 10. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall 6 have become a law, provided that the amendments to paragraph 2 of subdi- 7 vision (j) of section 9.60 of the mental hygiene law made by section six 8 of this act shall not affect the repeal of such section and shall be 9 deemed repealed therewith.