Bill Text: NY A42010 | 2009-2010 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title:

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2010-11-29 - substituted by s68010 [A42010 Detail]

Download: New_York-2009-A42010-Introduced.html
                           S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              Third Extraordinary Session
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   November 29, 2010
       Introduced by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of the Governor) -- read
         once and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means
       AN ACT in relation to establishing a special commission on compensation,
         and  providing  for  their  powers and duties; and to provide periodic
         salary increases to state officers
    1    Section  1. (a) On the first of April of every fourth year, commencing
    2  April 1, 2011, there shall be established for such year a commission  on
    3  judicial compensation to examine, evaluate and make recommendations with
    4  respect  to  adequate levels of compensation and non-salary benefits for
    5  judges and justices of  the  state-paid  courts  of  the  unified  court
    6  system.   In accordance with the provisions of this section, the commis-
    7  sion shall:
    8    (i) examine the prevailing adequacy of pay levels and non-salary bene-
    9  fits received by the judges and justices of the state-paid courts of the
   10  unified court system and housing judges of the civil court of  the  city
   11  of New York and determine whether any of such pay levels warrant adjust-
   12  ment; and
   13    (ii)  determine  whether,  for any of the four years commencing on the
   14  first of April of such years, following the year in which the commission
   15  is established, the annual salaries for the judges and justices  of  the
   16  state-paid  courts of the unified court system and housing judges of the
   17  civil court of the city of New York warrant adjustment.
   18    In discharging its responsibilities under paragraphs (i) and  (ii)  of
   19  this subdivision, the commission shall take into account all appropriate
   20  factors  including,  but  not  limited to: the overall economic climate;
   21  rates of inflation; changes in public-sector  spending;  the  levels  of
   22  compensation  and  non-salary  benefits  received  by  judges, executive
   23  branch officials and legislators of other  states  and  of  the  federal
   24  government;  the levels of compensation and non-salary benefits received
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 10                               2
    1  by professionals in  government,  academia  and  private  and  nonprofit
    2  enterprise;  and  the  state's ability to fund increases in compensation
    3  and non-salary benefits.
    4    (b)  The  commission  shall  consist  of  7 members to be appointed as
    5  follows: 3 shall be appointed by the governor; 1 shall be  appointed  by
    6  the  temporary  president  of  the  senate;  1 shall be appointed by the
    7  speaker of the assembly; and 2 shall be appointed by the chief judge  of
    8  the  state.  Of  the  members  appointed by an official pursuant to this
    9  subdivision, where such official has more than one such appointment,  at
   10  least  one-half (at least a majority, in the case of the governor) shall
   11  not be employees of the state or any political subdivision thereof,  and
   12  at  least  one-half  shall  not be members of the bar of the state.  The
   13  governor shall designate the chair of  the  commission  from  among  the
   14  members so appointed. Vacancies in the commission shall be filled in the
   15  same manner as original appointments. To the extent practicable, members
   16  of the commission shall have experience in one or more of the following:
   17  determination  of  executive compensation, human resource administration
   18  and financial management.
   19    (c) The commission may meet within and without  the  state,  may  hold
   20  public hearings and shall have all the powers of a legislative committee
   21  pursuant to the legislative law.
   22    (d)  The  members  of the commission shall receive no compensation for
   23  their services but shall be allowed their actual and necessary  expenses
   24  incurred in the performance of their duties hereunder.
   25    (e) No member of the commission shall be disqualified from holding any
   26  other  public office or employment, nor shall he or she forfeit any such
   27  office or employment by reason of his or  her  appointment  pursuant  to
   28  this  section, notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or
   29  local law, regulation, ordinance or city charter.
   30    (f) To the maximum extent feasible, the commission shall  be  entitled
   31  to  request  and  receive  and  shall  utilize and be provided with such
   32  facilities, resources and  data  of  any  court,  department,  division,
   33  board,  bureau,  commission,  agency or public authority of the state or
   34  any political subdivision thereof as it may reasonably request to  carry
   35  out properly its powers and duties pursuant to this section.
   36    (g)  The commission may request, and shall receive, reasonable assist-
   37  ance from state agency personnel as necessary for the performance of its
   38  functions.
   39    (h) The commission shall make a report to the governor,  the  legisla-
   40  ture  and  the  chief  judge  of the state of its findings, conclusions,
   41  determinations and recommendations, if any, not later than  one  hundred
   42  fifty  days  after its establishment. Each recommendation made to imple-
   43  ment a determination pursuant to paragraph (ii) of  subdivision  (a)  of
   44  this section shall have the force of law, and shall supersede inconsist-
   45  ent  provisions  of article 7-B of the judiciary law, unless modified or
   46  abrogated by statute prior to April first of the year as to  which  such
   47  determination applies.
   48    (i)  Upon  the  making of its report as provided in subdivision (h) of
   49  this section, each commission established pursuant to this section shall
   50  be deemed dissolved.
   51    S 2. Date of  entitlement  to  salary  increase.  Notwithstanding  the
   52  provisions  of  this act or of any other law, each increase in salary or
   53  compensation of any officer or employee provided by this  act  shall  be
   54  added  to  the salary or compensation of such officer or employee at the
   55  beginning of that payroll period the first day of which  is  nearest  to
   56  the  effective  date of such increase as provided in this act, or at the
       A. 10                               3
    1  beginning of the earlier of two payroll periods the first days of  which
    2  are  nearest  but equally near to the effective date of such increase as
    3  provided in this act; provided, however,  the  payment  of  such  salary
    4  increase  pursuant to this section on a date prior thereto instead of on
    5  such effective date, shall not operate to confer any  additional  salary
    6  rights or benefits on such officer or employee.
    7    S  3.  The  annual salaries as prescribed pursuant to this act for the
    8  state-paid judges and justices of  the  unified  court  system  whenever
    9  adjusted  pursuant to the provisions of this act, shall be rounded up to
   10  the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars.
   11    S 4. This act shall take effect immediately.