Bill Text: NY A10365 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Provides protections for persons receiving and providing reproductive health care services and access to reproductive health care services in New York state.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 3-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-05-13 - referred to judiciary [A10365 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A10365-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 13, 2022

        Introduced  by  COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Lavine) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Judiciary

        AN ACT to amend the civil practice law and rules and the criminal proce-
          dure law, in relation to protections for persons receiving and provid-
          ing reproductive health  care  services  and  access  to  reproductive
          health care services in New York state

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. 1. As used in this act:
     2    (a) "Reproductive health care services" includes all  medical,  surgi-
     3  cal,  counseling or referral services relating to the human reproductive
     4  system, including, but not limited to, services relating  to  pregnancy,
     5  contraception or the termination of a pregnancy; and
     6    (b)  "Person" includes an individual, a partnership, an association, a
     7  limited liability company or a corporation.
     8    2. Notwithstanding any other law or rule to  the  contrary,  when  any
     9  person  has  had  a  judgment entered against such person, in any state,
    10  where liability, in whole or in part, is based on the alleged provision,
    11  receipt, assistance in receipt or provision, material  support  for,  or
    12  any  theory of vicarious, joint, several or conspiracy liability derived
    13  therefrom, for reproductive health  care  services  that  are  permitted
    14  under  the  laws of this state, such person may recover damages from any
    15  party that brought the action leading to that judgment or has sought  to
    16  enforce  that  judgment.  Recoverable  damages  shall  include: (a) Just
    17  damages created by the action that led to that judgment, including,  but
    18  not  limited  to,  money  damages  in the amount of the judgment in that
    19  other state and costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees spent  in
    20  defending the action that resulted in the entry of a judgment in another
    21  state;  and  (b) costs, expenses and reasonable attorney's fees incurred
    22  in bringing an action under this section as may be allowed by the court.
    23    3. The provisions of this  section  shall  not  apply  to  a  judgment
    24  entered  in  another  state  that  is based on: (a) an action founded in
    25  tort, contract or statute, and for which a  similar  claim  would  exist
    26  under  the  laws  of this state, brought by the patient who received the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10365                            2

     1  reproductive health care services upon which the  original  lawsuit  was
     2  based  or  the  patient's  authorized  legal representative, for damages
     3  suffered by the patient or damages derived from an individual's loss  of
     4  consortium  of  the  patient; (b) an action founded in contract, and for
     5  which a similar claim would exist under the laws of this state,  brought
     6  or sought to be enforced by a party with a contractual relationship with
     7  the person that is the subject of the judgment entered in another state;
     8  or  (c)  an  action  where no part of the acts that formed the basis for
     9  liability occurred in this state.
    10    § 2. 1. Except as provided in subdivision two of this section, in  any
    11  civil  action  or  any proceeding preliminary thereto or in any probate,
    12  legislative or administrative proceeding, no covered entity, as  defined
    13  in  45  CFR  160.103,  shall disclose (a) any communication made to such
    14  covered entity, or any information obtained by such covered entity from,
    15  a patient or the conservator, guardian or other authorized legal  repre-
    16  sentative of a patient relating to reproductive health care services, as
    17  defined in section one of this act, that are permitted under the laws of
    18  this state, or (b) any information obtained by personal examination of a
    19  patient  relating  to  reproductive  health care services, as defined in
    20  section one of this act, that are  permitted  under  the  laws  of  this
    21  state,  unless  the  patient  or that patient's conservator, guardian or
    22  other authorized legal representative explicitly consents in writing  to
    23  such  disclosure.  A  covered  entity  shall  inform  the patient or the
    24  patient's conservator, guardian or other authorized legal representative
    25  of the patient's right to withhold such written consent.
    26    2. Written consent of the patient or the patient's conservator, guard-
    27  ian or other authorized legal representative shall not be  required  for
    28  the  disclosure of such communication or information (a) pursuant to the
    29  laws of this state or the rules of court prescribed by the chief  admin-
    30  istrator of the courts, (b) by a covered entity against whom a claim has
    31  been  made, or there is a reasonable belief will be made, in such action
    32  or proceeding, to the covered entity's attorney or professional  liabil-
    33  ity  insurer  or  such  insurer's  agent  for use in the defense of such
    34  action or proceeding, (c) to the commissioner of health for records of a
    35  patient of a covered entity in connection with  an  investigation  of  a
    36  complaint, if such records are related to the complaint, or (d) if child
    37  abuse,  abuse  of  an  elderly individual, abuse of an individual who is
    38  physically disabled or incompetent or abuse of an individual with intel-
    39  lectual disability is known or in good faith suspected.
    40    3. Nothing in this section shall be construed  to  impede  the  lawful
    41  sharing  of  medical records as permitted by state or federal law or the
    42  rules of the court prescribed by the chief administrator of the  courts,
    43  except  in  the case of a subpoena commanding the production, copying or
    44  inspection of medical  records  relating  to  reproductive  health  care
    45  services, as defined in section one of this act.
    46    §  3.  Notwithstanding  any  other provision of law to the contrary, a
    47  judge, justice of the peace, notary public  or  court  clerk  shall  not
    48  issue a subpoena, appointed according to the laws or usages of any other
    49  state  or  government,  or  by  any court of the United States or of any
    50  other state or government, when such subpoena  relates  to  reproductive
    51  health  care  services,  as defined in section one of this act, that are
    52  permitted under the laws of this state, unless the subpoena relates  to:
    53  (a)  an  out-of-state  action  founded in tort, contract or statute, for
    54  which a similar claim would exist under the laws of this state,  brought
    55  by  a  patient  or  the  patient's  authorized legal representative, for
    56  damages suffered by the patient or damages derived from an  individual's

        A. 10365                            3

     1  loss of consortium of the patient; or (b) an out-of-state action founded
     2  in contract, and for which a similar claim would exist under the laws of
     3  this  state, brought or sought to be enforced by a party with a contrac-
     4  tual  relationship  with  the person that is the subject of the subpoena
     5  requested by a commissioner appointed according to the laws or usages of
     6  another state.
     7    § 4. No state or local department, division, office, bureau or  public
     8  authority,  or any employee, appointee, officer or official or any other
     9  person acting on behalf thereof, may provide any information  or  expend
    10  or  use time, money, facilities, property, equipment, personnel or other
    11  resources in furtherance of any interstate investigation  or  proceeding
    12  seeking  to  impose  civil or criminal liability upon a person or entity
    13  for (a) the provision, seeking or receipt of or inquiring  about  repro-
    14  ductive  health  care  services,  as defined in section one of this act,
    15  that are legal in this state, or (b)  assisting  any  person  or  entity
    16  providing,  seeking,  receiving or responding to an inquiry about repro-
    17  ductive health care services, as defined in section  one  of  this  act,
    18  that are legal in this state. This section shall not apply to any inves-
    19  tigation  or proceeding where the conduct subject to potential liability
    20  under the investigation or proceeding  would  be  subject  to  liability
    21  under the laws of this state if committed in this state.
    22    §  5.  Section  3119 of the civil practice law and rules is amended by
    23  adding a new subdivision (g) to read as follows:
    24    (g)  Out-of-state  abortion  proceedings.  Notwithstanding  any  other
    25  provisions  of  this  section or any other law, no court or county clerk
    26  shall issue a subpoena or a summons in a case where prosecution is pend-
    27  ing, or where a grand jury investigation has commenced or  is  about  to
    28  commence for a criminal violation of a law of such other state involving
    29  the  provision or receipt of or assistance with reproductive health care
    30  services that are legal in this state, unless the acts forming the basis
    31  of the prosecution or investigation would also constitute an offense  in
    32  this  state.  For the purposes of this subdivision, "reproductive health
    33  care services" means and includes all medical, surgical,  counseling  or
    34  referral  services relating to the human reproductive system, including,
    35  but not limited to, services relating to pregnancy, contraception or the
    36  termination of a pregnancy.
    37    § 6. The criminal procedure law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    38  570.17 to read as follows:
    39  § 570.17 Extradition of abortion providers.
    40    No  demand  for  the extradition of a person charged with providing an
    41  abortion shall be  recognized  by  the  governor  unless  the  executive
    42  authority  of  the  demanding  state  shall  allege  in writing that the
    43  accused was present in the demanding state at the time of the commission
    44  of the alleged offense, and that thereafter he, she or  they  fled  from
    45  that state.
    46    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately.