Bill Text: NY A10308 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Requires labor peace agreements as a precondition for contracts for certain retail or distribution projects in which a public agency has a substantial proprietary interest.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-05-13 - referred to labor [A10308 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A10308-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 13, 2022

        Introduced  by  COMMITTEE ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Kelles) --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Labor

        AN ACT to amend the labor law, the public authorities law and the gener-
          al municipal law, in relation to requiring labor peace  agreements  in
          contracts for certain retail or distribution projects involving public

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The labor law is amended by adding a new section  222-b  to
     2  read as follows:
     3    §  222-b.  Labor  peace  agreements;  covered  retail and distribution
     4  projects. 1. As used in this section:
     5    (a) "Contractor" means any  person,  firm,  partnership,  corporation,
     6  association,  company,  organization  or  other  similar  entity, or any
     7  combination thereof, including any subcontractor thereof,  that  employs
     8  employees  to perform work pursuant to an agreement with a public agency
     9  to undertake a covered retail or  distribution  project  as  defined  in
    10  paragraph  (b) of this subdivision, or to serve as the owner or operator
    11  of any facility, including but not limited to a retail establishment  or
    12  distribution  center  that  is  part of a covered project, or to provide
    13  services integral to the operations of the covered project or the facil-
    14  ities.
    15    (b) "Covered retail or  distribution  project"  or  "covered  project"
    16  means  any project in which a public agency enters into an agreement for
    17  development after the effective date of this section, where: (i) one  or
    18  more  retail  establishments  or  distribution  centers  are part of the
    19  project; (ii) the state agency has a substantial proprietary interest in
    20  the project, or in the retail or  distribution  center;  and  (iii)  the
    21  project  includes  at  least one retail establishment which will have at
    22  least ten employees, or at least one distribution center which will have
    23  more than twenty employees.
    24    (c) "Distribution center" means a large-scale facility involving proc-
    25  essing, repackaging and/or movement of finished or  semi-finished  goods
    26  to be redistributed to retailers, wholesalers, or directly to customers,

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 10308                            2

     1  including  but  not  limited to a warehouse, storage facility, sortation
     2  facility, fulfillment center, or any other similar facility.
     3    (d)  "Labor  peace  agreement" means an agreement between a contractor
     4  and one or more bona fide labor organizations  representing  workers  in
     5  this  state that, at a minimum, requires that the labor organization and
     6  its members refrain from engaging in labor activity  that  will  disrupt
     7  the  contractor's  operations,  including  strikes, boycotts, work stop-
     8  pages, corporate campaigns, picketing or other economic  action  against
     9  the covered retail or distribution project for a period of not less than
    10  five  years  following the commencement of operations under the contract
    11  or agreement for the covered project.
    12    (e) "Proprietary interest" means an economic and non-regulatory inter-
    13  est of a public agency in the economic or financial success of a covered
    14  retail or distribution project  that  could  be  adversely  affected  by
    15  labor-management  conflict,  including, but not limited to, the interest
    16  of the public agency as a financier, investor, lessee, lessor, operator,
    17  or owner of the project, facility, or property on which the  project  or
    18  facility  is  located,  or  as  the provider or facilitator of financial
    19  assistance to or for the project,  facility,  or  property,  whether  by
    20  direct  loan  or  grant,  or  by  a  guarantee, subsidy, deposit, credit
    21  enhancement or similar method, and  any  interest  of  a  public  agency
    22  derived from the ongoing receipt of revenues from the project or facili-
    23  ties of the project.
    24    (f)  "Public  agency"  means  the  state,  and any department, agency,
    25  board, bureau, commission, division, council or office of the  state  or
    26  any  political subdivision thereof, as defined in section one hundred of
    27  the general municipal law, a municipal corporation as defined in section
    28  sixty-six of the general construction law and any  district  thereof,  a
    29  public  benefit  corporation,  or local or state authority as defined in
    30  section two of the public authorities law, and any other entity  author-
    31  ized  and empowered to enter into any contract or arrangement to conduct
    32  economic development activity on behalf of any such public agency.
    33    (g) "Retail establishment" means any vendor that in the regular course
    34  of business sells products at retail directly to members of the  general
    35  public.
    36    2.  (a)  Except  as  provided in paragraph (c) of this subdivision, no
    37  public agency shall enter into any agreement  or  contract  under  which
    38  such  agency  has a proprietary interest in a covered project unless the
    39  agreement or contract requires as a material condition that the contrac-
    40  tor and any subcontractor thereof has entered into a labor peace  agree-
    41  ment,  as  defined  in paragraph (d) of subdivision one of this section,
    42  with a bona fide labor organization that is actively engaged in  repres-
    43  enting  or attempting to represent retail or distribution center employ-
    44  ees in the state.
    45    (b) (i) Every contractor or subcontractor subject to the provisions of
    46  this section shall incorporate the terms of such labor  peace  agreement
    47  in  any  contract,  subcontract,  lease,  sublease, operating agreement,
    48  concessionaire agreement, franchise  agreement  or  other  agreement  or
    49  instrument  giving  a  right to any person or entity to own or operate a
    50  retail establishment or distribution center in the covered  project  and
    51  shall  require the maintenance of such labor peace agreement as an ongo-
    52  ing material condition of continued operation of such covered project.
    53    (ii) (A) The duration of every  labor  peace  agreement  entered  into
    54  pursuant  to  this  subdivision shall be included within the duration of
    55  such agreement, provided, however, that no such  labor  peace  agreement
    56  shall  be  deemed to comply with the requirements of this section unless

        A. 10308                            3

     1  such agreement shall be enforceable  and  binding  between  all  parties
     2  thereto  for  not less than five years from the date the covered project
     3  becomes operational; provided further, that nothing in this subparagraph
     4  shall  be  construed  so as to prohibit the parties from entering into a
     5  labor peace agreement that exceeds the minimum five year  period  other-
     6  wise required herein.
     7    (B)  The provisions of this subdivision requiring a labor peace agree-
     8  ment shall apply to any  successor  contractor,  and  any  subcontractor
     9  thereof,  that  takes the place of any initial contractor or subcontrac-
    10  tor, provided such  replacement  occurs  while  the  project  remains  a
    11  covered  project  as defined in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of this
    12  section. The duration of a labor  peace  agreement  entered  into  by  a
    13  successor  contractor  or subcontractor pursuant to this clause shall be
    14  for a period of not less than five years commencing on the later of  the
    15  date of such replacement or the date on which the project becomes opera-
    16  tional.
    17    (iii)  Every  public agency shall, prior to entering into an agreement
    18  or contract for a covered project, provide  written  disclosure  to  the
    19  contractor  and any subcontractors of the labor peace agreement required
    20  pursuant to this section and any other  provisions  applicable  to  such
    21  agreement or contract. Where competitive bidding is required by statute,
    22  rule,  regulation  or local law, for work or services to be performed in
    23  connection with a covered project under this section, the public  agency
    24  shall  provide  such  written  disclosure  to each prospective bidder or
    25  contractor as part of any specifications or  other  conditions  required
    26  under  this  chapter or pursuant to any other general, special, or local
    27  law or administrative code.
    28    (iv) Any contractor or subcontractor that fails or refuses to  include
    29  any  of  the  provisions  required by this paragraph in the terms of any
    30  contract, agreement or other instrument subject to the  requirements  of
    31  this  section  shall  not  be  considered  a  responsible bidder for the
    32  purposes of any bid  or  proposal  submitted  in  connection  with  such
    33  covered project.
    34    (c)  (i)  Notwithstanding  any  contrary  provision of this section, a
    35  public agency may enter into an agreement or contract wherein the public
    36  agency has a substantial proprietary interest in a covered project with-
    37  out a contractor entering into a labor peace agreement,  if  the  agency
    38  determines  that  the project would not be able to go forward if a labor
    39  peace agreement was required, or the costs of the project to the  public
    40  agency  would  be substantially increased by such requirement, provided,
    41  however, that no such determination shall be made without first solicit-
    42  ing input from any labor organization that would otherwise be a party to
    43  such labor peace agreement.  Such a determination shall be supported  by
    44  a  written  finding  setting  forth the specific basis for such determi-
    45  nation, which may include, but shall not be limited to  experience  with
    46  similar projects, earlier requests for proposal for the same project, or
    47  a  detailed  evaluation of potential bidders. Each such written determi-
    48  nation, together with any supporting materials shall be submitted to the
    49  commissioner in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph  (ii)  of
    50  this paragraph in a manner consistent with rules and regulations promul-
    51  gated by the commissioner for such purpose.
    52    (ii)  The  commissioner  shall  review each such written determination
    53  submitted pursuant to subparagraph (i) of this paragraph and shall issue
    54  a public finding on such determination no later  than  fifteen  business
    55  days  after receipt of such determination. In the event the commissioner
    56  approves such  determination,  such  determination,  together  with  the

        A. 10308                            4

     1  commissioner's  statement  of  approval  and  findings  thereon shall be
     2  provided to the public agency and all other interested parties and shall
     3  be included in any public materials in connection with the  project  and
     4  shall  be  maintained  by  such agency in accordance with all applicable
     5  provisions of the public officers law, the public authorities  law,  and
     6  any other applicable law, rule or regulation.
     7    (iii)  If, after review of such determination pursuant to subparagraph
     8  (ii) of this paragraph, the commissioner shall not approve such determi-
     9  nation, the contract and agreement shall be  subject  to  the  mandatory
    10  labor  peace agreement pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdi-
    11  vision and subdivision three of this section.
    12    3. (a) Beginning on the effective date of this section and thereafter,
    13  no agreement or contract to undertake a covered retail  or  distribution
    14  project  shall  be  valid  or  enforceable  unless  it complies with the
    15  requirements set forth in this section.
    16    (b) The commissioner shall require every public agency that is subject
    17  to the provisions of this section that has  not  entered  into  a  labor
    18  peace  agreement  on  or  before  the  effective date of this section to
    19  produce an affidavit stating it shall enter into a labor peace agreement
    20  with labor organizations that are actively engaged  in  representing  or
    21  attempting to represent retail and distribution center employees in this
    22  state.
    23    (c)  Beginning  on  the effective date of this section and thereafter,
    24  each public agency that enters  into  a  contract  or  agreement  for  a
    25  covered  project  subject  to  a  labor peace agreement required by this
    26  section shall submit to the commissioner proof of  such  executed  labor
    27  peace agreement, or a written determination pursuant to paragraph (c) of
    28  subdivision  two  of  this section, together with such other information
    29  and documents as the commissioner may require in a manner prescribed  by
    30  the commissioner for such purpose.
    31    (d)  The  commissioner shall adopt any rules and regulations necessary
    32  to accomplish the purposes of this section in accordance with the  state
    33  administrative  procedure act. Such rules and regulations shall include,
    34  but not be limited to: a model labor peace agreement that complies  with
    35  the  requirements  of  this  section; remedies and procedures for public
    36  authorities  to  enforce  compliance  with   this   section,   including
    37  provisions  for  the reimbursement of any costs or damages incurred by a
    38  public  authority  in  connection  with  any  noncompliance   with   the
    39  provisions  of this section or with any contract or agreement subject to
    40  the provisions of this section; and any internal controls  necessary  to
    41  ensure compliance with such rules and regulations.
    42    4.  This  section shall not apply to any construction contract entered
    43  into in connection with a covered project; provided, however, that noth-
    44  ing in this section shall prohibit or restrict the parties to  any  such
    45  construction  contract  from  executing  a  labor  peace agreement where
    46  otherwise permitted by applicable law. For the purposes of this section,
    47  a "construction contract" means a contract for building, addition, demo-
    48  lition, and other alterations and improvements to a covered project.
    49    § 2. The public authorities law is amended by  adding  a  new  section
    50  2879-d to read as follows:
    51    §  2879-d.  Labor  peace; covered retail or distribution projects.  1.
    52  Notwithstanding any contrary provision of any law, rule  or  regulation,
    53  beginning  on  the  effective  date  of this section and thereafter, all
    54  contracts entered into by a public authority for  a  covered  retail  or
    55  distribution  project  as defined in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of
    56  section two hundred twenty-two-b of the labor law, shall  include  as  a

        A. 10308                            5

     1  material  condition  that  the  contractor  or any subcontractor thereof
     2  shall enter into a labor peace agreement with a labor organization  that
     3  represents  retail  or  distribution  center  employees in the state, in
     4  conformity  with  the  provisions of section two hundred twenty-two-b of
     5  the labor law, and the provisions of such section shall be deemed  terms
     6  of all such contracts.
     7    2.  Except  as provided in paragraph (c) of subdivision two of section
     8  two hundred twenty-two-b of the labor law,  no  public  authority  shall
     9  enter  into  any  agreement or contract for a covered retail or distrib-
    10  ution project as defined in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of  section
    11  two  hundred  twenty-two-b  of  the  labor  law  unless the agreement or
    12  contract requires as a material condition that the  contractor  and  any
    13  subcontractor  thereof  has  entered into a labor peace agreement with a
    14  labor organization that is actively engaged in representing or  attempt-
    15  ing to represent retail or distribution center employees in the state in
    16  conformity  with  section two hundred twenty-two-b of the labor law, and
    17  the provisions of such  section  shall  be  deemed  terms  of  all  such
    18  contracts.
    19    §  3.  The  general  municipal  law is amended by adding a new section
    20  109-e to read as follows:
    21    § 109-e. Labor  peace  agreements;  covered  retail  and  distribution
    22  projects. 1.  Notwithstanding any contrary provision of any law, rule or
    23  regulation,  beginning  on the effective date of this section and there-
    24  after, all contracts entered into by an officer, board or  agency  of  a
    25  political  subdivision,  or  of any district therein involving a covered
    26  retail or distribution project as defined in paragraph (b)  of  subdivi-
    27  sion  one  of  section  two hundred twenty-two-b of the labor law, shall
    28  include as a material condition that the contractor or  a  subcontractor
    29  thereof  shall enter into a labor peace agreement with a labor organiza-
    30  tion that represents retail or  distribution  center  employees  in  the
    31  state  in  conformity with the provisions of section two hundred twenty-
    32  two-b of the labor law, and the provisions  of  such  section  shall  be
    33  deemed terms of all such contracts.
    34    2.  Except  as provided in paragraph (c) of subdivision two of section
    35  two hundred twenty-two-b of the labor law, no officer, board  or  agency
    36  of  a political subdivision, or of any district therein shall enter into
    37  any agreement or contract for a covered retail or  distribution  project
    38  as  defined  in  paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section two hundred
    39  twenty-two-b of the labor law unless the agreement or contract  requires
    40  as a material condition that the contractor and any subcontractor there-
    41  of  has  entered  into a labor peace agreement with a labor organization
    42  that is actively engaged in  representing  or  attempting  to  represent
    43  retail  or distribution center employees in the state in conformity with
    44  section two hundred twenty-two-b of the labor law, and the provisions of
    45  such section shall be deemed terms of all such contracts.
    46    § 4. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day  after  it  shall
    47  have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
    48  repeal  of  any  rule  or regulation necessary for the implementation of
    49  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made  and  completed
    50  on or before such effective date.