Bill Text: NY A09646 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Provides for the transfer of New York City board of education employees to the teachers' retirement system of the city of New York.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 9-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2024-06-04 - substituted by s8855 [A09646 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A09646-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 27, 2024

        Introduced  by  M.  of A. PHEFFER AMATO -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Governmental Employees

        AN ACT to amend the administrative code of the city of New York and  the
          education  law,  in  relation  to  the  transfer of board of education
          employees to the teachers' retirement system of the city of New York

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Subdivision 7 of section 13-501 of the administrative code
     2  of the city of New York is amended by adding a new paragraph (c) to read
     3  as follows:
     4    (c) "Teacher" shall also mean all those serving as board of  education
     5  employees  in  a  title represented by the united federation of teachers
     6  who file an application for membership in the retirement association  on
     7  a form supplied by the retirement board.
     8    §  2.  The  education law is amended by adding a new section 2575-f to
     9  read as follows:
    10    § 2575-f. Transfer of employees represented by the  united  federation
    11  of  teachers  to  the  New  York  city  teachers' retirement system. Any
    12  employee represented by the united  federation  of  teachers  who  is  a
    13  member  of  the New York city board of education retirement system shall
    14  have the right to transfer their membership to the teachers'  retirement
    15  system of the City of New York. To affect such a transfer, a member must
    16  give  notice  to the New York city board of education retirement system,
    17  within one year of such member becoming eligible for membership  in  the
    18  said teachers' retirement system, of such member's intention to transfer
    19  to the said teachers' retirement system. Membership in the united feder-
    20  ation of teachers is not required to be covered under this section. Upon
    21  receipt  of  such  notice,  the  New York city board of education system
    22  shall transfer to such teachers' retirement system the reserve  on  such
    23  members'  benefits  in  the  manner  provided by subdivisions c and d of
    24  section forty-three of  the  retirement  and  social  security  law  and
    25  notwithstanding  subdivision  l of such section. The former system shall
    26  also transfer to the latter system  the  member's  contributions,  which
    27  shall  become such member's contributions in the latter system. A person

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9646                             2

     1  so transferring shall be deemed to have been a member of the  system  to
     2  which such member has transferred during the entire period of membership
     3  service credited to such member in the system from which such member has
     4  transferred.  Such transferee shall be entitled to all the rights, priv-
     5  ileges and benefits of the system to which they have transferred.
     6    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          SUMMARY: This proposed legislation would allow current and future full
        time  or part time New York City Department of Education employees serv-
        ing in New York City Board of Education Retirement System (BERS)  eligi-
        ble  titles  represented  by  the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) to
        join or transfer into the New  York  City  Teachers'  Retirement  System
        (TRS)  by filing a notice with BERS within one year of becoming eligible
        for such TRS membership.

                  by Fiscal Year for the first 25 years ($ in Millions)

                                      Year      NYC

                                      2025      2.3
                                      2026      2.3
                                      2027      2.3
                                      2028      2.4
                                      2029      2.4
                                      2030      2.4
                                      2031      2.4
                                      2032      2.4
                                      2033      2.4
                                      2034      2.4
                                      2035      2.3
                                      2036      2.3
                                      2037      2.3
                                      2038      1.1
                                      2039      1.1
                                      2040      1.0
                                      2041      1.0
                                      2042      1.0
                                      2043      0.9
                                      2044      0.9
                                      2045      0.9
                                      2046      0.8
                                      2047      0.8
                                      2048      0.8
                                      2049      0.8

          The Employer Contribution impact shown  above  reflects  the  cost  of
        expected  benefit increases using TRS assumptions only. Not shown is any
        impact due to valuing impacted BERS members using TRS  assumptions.  The
        potential  impact  of assumption changes is discussed further below. The
        Employer Contribution impact beyond  Fiscal  Year  2049  is  not  shown.
        Projected contributions include future new hires that may be impacted.

                           as of June 30, 2023 ($ in Millions)

        A. 9646                             3

                    Present Value (PV)                  Impacted

                    PV of Benefits:                     18.3
                    PV of Employee Contributions:       (2.4)
                    PV of Employer Contributions:       20.8
                    Unfunded Accrued Liabilities:       9.0



                    Number of Payments:                 13
                    Fiscal Year of Last Payment:        2037
                    Amortization Payment:               1.1 M

          Unfunded  Accrued Liability increases were amortized over the expected
        remaining working lifetime of those  impacted  by  the  benefit  changes
        using level dollar payments.
          IMPACT  ON CONTRIBUTIONS AND FUNDING: Employer contributions are actu-
        arially determined to fund expected benefit  payments  over  the  future
        working  lifetime  of  the members, with any gain or loss resulting from
        actual experience differing from expectations recognized separately.
          Applying TRS assumptions to members currently in BERS would change the
        funding pattern for these members, immediately increasing  the  employer
        contributions,  and  over time, gains and losses would ultimately offset
        any  changes  in  the  required  contributions.  Reevaluating  actuarial
        assumptions  (e.g.,  salary  scale, mortality, etc.) may be warranted if
        there is a significant change in  the  demographics  of  the  underlying
        population.  The  first-year  impact of valuing these BERS members using
        current TRS assumptions, assuming no change in  benefits,  is  an  addi-
        tional net increase in the employer contributions of $19.6 million.
          In  addition,  the transfer of reserves based on the accrued liability
        for members who switch between systems is  dependent  on  the  actuarial
        assumptions  utilized. The calculation of reserves based on BERS assump-
        tions would be less than the reserves calculated based  on  TRS  assump-
        tions.  The  net  impact will ultimately be reconciled through actuarial
        gains and losses but may vary  by  system.  The  accrued  liability  and
        expected  reserve  transfer  from BERS to TRS due to the proposed legis-
        lation is approximately $730 million.
          CENSUS DATA: The estimates presented herein are based  on  preliminary
        census  data  collected  as  of  June  30, 2023. The census data for the
        impacted population is summarized below.

                    Active Members
                    - Number Count:                     5,533
                    - Average Age:                      47
                    - Average Service:                  8.6
                    - Average Salary:                   80,300

          IMPACT ON MEMBER BENEFITS: Employees  in  the  impacted  titles  would
        generally, except as provided below, be eligible for the same respective
        plans in TRS in which they are eligible to participate in BERS.

        A. 9646                             4

          Under the proposed legislation, if a member elects to join or transfer
        to TRS, members may be entitled to additional benefits. Among those, the
        following differences were valued for purposes of this Fiscal Note:
          * Unreduced Retirement with 30 years of service for Tier 4 members
          * Provisions for additional member contributions
          * Greater Accidental Disability Retirement benefits
          * Loans Factors applied to outstanding balances at retirement
          * Early Deferred Vested Retirement commencement
          Additional  differences may apply but were not valued for the purposes
        of this Fiscal Note.
          ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS: The  estimates  presented  herein  have  been
        calculated  based  on the Revised 2021 Actuarial Assumptions and Methods
        of TRS. In addition:
          * New entrants were assumed to replace exiting members so  that  total
        payroll increases by 3% each year for impacted groups. New entrant demo-
        graphics were developed based on data for recent new hires and actuarial
          To  determine the impact of the elective nature of the proposed legis-
        lation, a subgroup of members in UFT represented  titles  was  developed
        based  on  who  is  assumed  to benefit actuarially by comparing the net
        present value of future employer costs of each  member's  benefit  under
        their current plan and under the comparable TRS plan.
          RISK  AND  UNCERTAINTY: The costs presented in this Fiscal Note depend
        highly on the actuarial assumptions, methods,  and  models  used,  demo-
        graphics  of  the impacted population, and other factors such as invest-
        ment, contribution, and other risks. If actual experience deviates  from
        actuarial   assumptions,  the  actual  costs  could  differ  from  those
        presented herein. Quantifying these risks is beyond the  scope  of  this
        Fiscal Note.
          This  Fiscal  Note  is intended to measure pension-related impacts and
        does not include other potential costs (e.g., administrative  and  Other
        Postemployment Benefits).
          In  addition,  this  Fiscal  Note  does  not measure the impact of the
        significant transfer of member contributions and reserves from  BERS  to
          STATEMENT OF ACTUARIAL OPINION: Marek Tyszkiewicz and Gregory Zelikov-
        sky  are members of the Society of Actuaries and the American Academy of
        Actuaries. We are members of NYCERS but do not believe  it  impairs  our
        objectivity  and  we  meet  the  Qualification Standards of the American
        Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion  contained  herein.
        To  the  best  of  our knowledge, the results contained herein have been
        prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles  and
        procedures  and  with  the Actuarial Standards of Practice issued by the
        Actuarial Standards Board.
          FISCAL NOTE IDENTIFICATION: This Fiscal Note 2024-32 dated  March  20,
        2024  was prepared by the Chief Actuary for the New York City Retirement
        Systems and Pension Funds. This estimate is intended for use only during
        the 2024 Legislative Session.