Bill Text: NY A07945 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to defining "critical violations" of applicable statutes and regulations by child care providers licensed or registered by the office of children and family services; the imposition of sanctions and penalties for such violations by the office of children and family services; and processes for administrative appeal of such sanctions and penalties.

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Democrat 5-2)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-01-03 - referred to children and families [A07945 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A07945-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     August 4, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. HEVESI -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Children and Families

        AN  ACT  to amend the social services law, in relation to defining crit-
          ical violations by child care providers;  establishing  a  portal  for
          child  care  providers  to self-report critical violations; clarifying
          certain sanctions, penalties, and other disciplinary actions taken  by
          the  office of children and family services against child care provid-
          ers for critical violations; and specifying procedures for child  care
          providers  to  appeal  such  sanctions,  penalties,  and  disciplinary

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. Subdivision 1 of section 390 of the social services law is
     2  amended by adding four new paragraphs (h), (i), (j) and (k) to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    (h) (i) "Critical violation" shall mean:
     5    (A) a fatality, near fatality, or serious physical or emotional injury
     6  of  a  child who is in the custody of or receiving services from a child
     7  care provider licensed or registered by the office of children and fami-
     8  ly services; or
     9    (B) circumstances which result in a reasonable  belief  that  a  child
    10  care provider licensed or registered by the office of children and fami-
    11  ly  services failed in its duty to protect a child and, as a result, the
    12  child was at imminent risk of, or suffered serious physical or emotional
    13  injury or death.
    14    (ii) Examples of  critical  violations  may  include  the  failure  to
    15  provide  proper supervision of children or comply with health and safety
    16  regulations, inadequate staffing levels, and child abuse  and  maltreat-
    17  ment.
    18    (i)  "Serious physical or emotional injury" shall mean an injury which
    19  causes or creates a substantial risk of death,  extreme  physical  pain,

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7945                             2

     1  serious  or  protracted disfigurement, protracted impairment of physical
     2  or emotional health, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of
     3  any bodily member, organ, or mental faculty.
     4    (j)  "Abused  child"  shall  mean a child, less than eighteen years of
     5  age, whose parent or other person legally responsible for  such  child's
     6  care:
     7    (i)  inflicts  or allows to be inflicted upon such child serious phys-
     8  ical or emotional injury by other than accidental means;
     9    (ii) creates or allows to be created a  substantial  risk  of  serious
    10  physical  or  emotional  injury  to  such child by other than accidental
    11  means;
    12    (iii) commits, or allows to be committed, a sex offense, as defined in
    13  article one hundred thirty of the penal law, against such child;
    14    (iv) permits or encourages such child to engage in any  act  described
    15  in article two hundred thirty of the penal law;
    16    (v)  commits  any of the acts described in section 255.25 of the penal
    17  law; or
    18    (vi) allows such child to engage in acts or conduct described in arti-
    19  cle two hundred sixty-three of the penal law;  provided,  however,  that
    20  the  corroboration  requirements  contained in the penal law and the age
    21  requirement for the application of article two  hundred  sixty-three  of
    22  the  penal  law  shall not apply to proceedings under article ten of the
    23  family court act.
    24    (k) "Maltreated child" shall mean a child, less than eighteen years of
    25  age:
    26    (i) whose physical, mental, or emotional condition has  been  impaired
    27  or is in imminent danger of becoming impaired as a result of the failure
    28  of  such  child's  parent  or  other person legally responsible for such
    29  child's care to exercise a minimum degree of care in:
    30    (A) supplying such child with adequate  food,  clothing,  shelter,  or
    31  education  pursuant  to  part one of article sixty-five of the education
    32  law; or medical, dental, optometrical, or surgical care, if such  parent
    33  or other person legally responsible for such child's care is financially
    34  able  to  do so or offered financial or other reasonable means to do so;
    35  or
    36    (B) providing such child with proper supervision or  guardianship,  by
    37  unreasonably  inflicting or allowing to be inflicted harm, or a substan-
    38  tial risk  thereof,  including  the  infliction  of  excessive  corporal
    39  punishment;  misusing  a  drug or drugs; misusing alcoholic beverages to
    40  the extent that such parent or other person legally responsible for such
    41  child's care loses self-control of their actions; or any other acts of a
    42  similarly serious nature requiring  the  aid  of  the  court;  provided,
    43  however,  that where such parent or other person legally responsible for
    44  such child's care is voluntarily and regularly participating in a  reha-
    45  bilitative  program,  evidence  that such parent or other person legally
    46  responsible has repeatedly misused a drug or drugs or alcoholic beverag-
    47  es to the extent that such parent or other  person  legally  responsible
    48  loses  self-control  of their actions shall not alone establish that the
    49  child is a neglected or maltreated child  in  the  absence  of  evidence
    50  establishing  that such child's physical, mental, or emotional condition
    51  has been impaired or is in imminent danger of becoming impaired pursuant
    52  to this subparagraph;
    53    (ii) who has been abandoned by such child's  parent  or  other  person
    54  legally responsible for such child's care; or
    55    (iii)  who has had serious physical or emotional injury inflicted upon
    56  such child by other than accidental means.

        A. 7945                             3

     1    § 2. Clause (C) of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (d) of subdivision 2
     2  of section 390 of the social services law, as amended by chapter 416  of
     3  the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (C)  Where  the  office of children and family services has determined
     5  that a registration should not be continued because the requirements  of
     6  clause  (B)  of this subparagraph have not been satisfied, the office of
     7  children and family services may terminate  the  registration.  [If  the
     8  office  of children and family services does not terminate the registra-
     9  tion, the] The office of children and family services shall inspect  the
    10  home or program before terminating the registration or acknowledging any
    11  subsequent  registration.   Where the home or program has failed to meet
    12  the requirements of this section, the  office  of  children  and  family
    13  services  may  reject any subsequent registration of a provider. Nothing
    14  herein shall prohibit the office of children and  family  services  from
    15  terminating  or  suspending  registration pursuant to subdivision ten of
    16  this section where the office of children and family services determines
    17  that termination or suspension is necessary.
    18    § 3. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 3  of  section  390  of  the  social
    19  services  law,  as  amended  by section 5 of part H of chapter 56 of the
    20  laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    21    (b) (i) Where inspections have been made and violations of  applicable
    22  statutes  or  regulations  have  been  found, the office of children and
    23  family services or its designee shall, within ten days, advise the child
    24  day care provider or enrolled legally-exempt provider in writing of  the
    25  violations and require the provider to correct such violations as speci-
    26  fied  in  a  corrective action plan.  [The office of children and family
    27  services may also act pursuant to subdivisions ten and  eleven  of  this
    28  section.]
    29    (ii) The corrective action plan shall:
    30    (A) include a statement of observations of the violations;
    31    (B)  indicate which statutes or regulations the holder of a license or
    32  child care provider has violated;
    33    (C) prescribe the method or methods of compliance with the statutes or
    34  regulations; and
    35    (D)  prescribe  a  reasonable  time  period  for  correction  of   the
    36  violations,  depending  on  the  nature  of such violations and the time
    37  required for correction.
    38    (iii) Where inspections have been  made  and  critical  violations  of
    39  applicable  statutes or regulations have been found, the office of chil-
    40  dren and family services or its designee [shall, within ten days, advise
    41  the enrolled legally-exempt provider] may,  in  [writing]  a  notice  of
    42  sanction,  impose one or more sanctions, which may include but shall not
    43  be limited to:
    44    (A) ceasing the enrollment of new children;
    45    (B) reducing the [violations] number of children  that  a  program  or
    46  component of a program is licensed to serve;
    47    (C)  hiring  one  or  more consultants to provide technical assistance
    48  and/or training;
    49    (D) hiring additional staff on a temporary or permanent basis;
    50    (E) hiring a monitor selected by  and  [require]  accountable  to  the
    51  [provider] office of children and family services; and
    52    (F)  restricting  an  administrator  and/or  staff  person's access to
    53  [correct such violations] children.
    54    § 4. Section 390 of the social services law is amended by adding a new
    55  subdivision 3-a to read as follows:

        A. 7945                             4

     1    3-a. (a) (i) Child care providers licensed or registered  pursuant  to
     2  subdivision  two of this section shall notify the office of children and
     3  family services within forty-eight hours upon learning  of  an  incident
     4  involving a critical violation.
     5    (ii)  The  office  of  children  and  family services shall develop an
     6  online portal for licensed or registered child care providers  to  self-
     7  report  critical violations and receive information regarding next steps
     8  in the licensing, registration, investigation, or disciplinary  process,
     9  including but not limited to:
    10    (A)  a  list  of violations of applicable statutes or regulations that
    11  constitute critical violations;
    12    (B) possible sanctions or other actions  that  may  be  taken  by  the
    13  office  of  children and family services in response to reports of crit-
    14  ical violations; and
    15    (C) appropriate corrective actions that may be taken by the child care
    16  provider to come into compliance with applicable statutes or regulations
    17  and avoid further violations.
    18    (b) Child care providers licensed or registered pursuant  to  subdivi-
    19  sion  two of this section shall notify the parent or guardian as soon as
    20  possible upon learning of the following events involving a  child  which
    21  occurred while such child was under the care of such child care provider
    22  at the program or facility or was being transported by such program:
    23    (i) death;
    24    (ii) serious incident;
    25    (iii) serious injury;
    26    (iv) serious condition;
    27    (v) communicable disease;
    28    (vi) transportation to a hospital; or
    29    (vii) any other incident involving a critical violation.
    30    §  5.  Subdivision  10  of  section 390 of the social services law, as
    31  amended by chapter 416 of the laws  of  2000,  is  amended  to  read  as
    32  follows:
    33    10.  (a)  Any home or facility providing child day care shall be oper-
    34  ated in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations.  Any  crit-
    35  ical violation of applicable statutes or regulations shall be a basis to
    36  deny, limit, suspend, revoke, or terminate a license or registration.
    37    (b)  Additional  bases to deny, limit, suspend, revoke, or terminate a
    38  license or registration shall include a finding that the holder of  such
    39  license or registration:
    40    (i) failed to comply with any applicable statute or regulation, or any
    41  corrective  action  plan,  notice  of  sanction, suspension, or terms of
    42  probation;
    43    (ii) failed to pay a fine after either failing to appeal  the  assess-
    44  ment  of a fine within the prescribed time or a hearing where assessment
    45  of a fine was upheld;
    46    (iii) submitted any misleading or false statement or  report  required
    47  under applicable statutes or regulations;
    48    (iv)  refused  to  submit  any  report  or  make available any records
    49  required under applicable statutes or regulations;
    50    (v) refused to admit, at a reasonable time, any employee of the office
    51  of children and family services authorized by the commissioner  of  such
    52  office to investigate or inspect a program or facility pursuant to para-
    53  graph (a) of subdivision three of this section; or
    54    (vi) failed to obtain a license prior to opening a program or facility
    55  or changing the location of a program or facility.

        A. 7945                             5

     1    (c)  Consistent  with  articles twenty-three and twenty-three-A of the
     2  correction law, and guidelines referenced in subdivision two of  section
     3  four  hundred twenty-five of this article, if the office of children and
     4  family services is made aware of the existence of a criminal  conviction
     5  or  pending  criminal charge concerning an operator of a family day care
     6  home, group family day care home,  school-age  child  care  program,  or
     7  child day care center or concerning any assistant, employee or volunteer
     8  in  such homes, programs or centers, or any persons age eighteen or over
     9  who reside in such homes, such conviction or charge may be  a  basis  to
    10  deny,  limit,  suspend, revoke, reject, or terminate a license or regis-
    11  tration.
    12    (d) Before any license [issued] or registration  is  denied,  limited,
    13  suspended, revoked, rejected, or terminated pursuant to [the provisions]
    14  paragraph  (a),  (b)  or  (c)  of this [section is suspended or revoked,
    15  before registration pursuant to this section is suspended or terminated]
    16  subdivision, the office of children and family services shall conduct an
    17  investigation of any critical violations, including an inspection of the
    18  program or facility pursuant to paragraph (a) of  subdivision  three  of
    19  this section.
    20    (e)  (i)  Before  any  license  or  registration  is  denied, limited,
    21  suspended, revoked, rejected, or terminated pursuant to  paragraph  (a),
    22  (b)  or (c) of this subdivision, or when an application for such license
    23  is denied or registration rejected, the applicant for or holder of  such
    24  registration  or  license is entitled, pursuant to section twenty-two of
    25  this chapter and the regulations of the office of  children  and  family
    26  services,  to  a  hearing  before  the  office  of  children  and family
    27  services. However,  a  license  or  registration  shall  be  temporarily
    28  suspended or limited without a hearing upon written notice to the opera-
    29  tor  of  the  facility following a finding that the public health, or an
    30  individual's safety or welfare, are in  imminent  danger.  Such  written
    31  notice  shall be hand delivered, mailed to such holder of a registration
    32  or license via first class mail, certified or registered, return receipt
    33  requested, or delivered by courier requiring a signed receipt.
    34    (ii) Upon temporary suspension or limitation of a license or registra-
    35  tion pursuant to subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, the holder of  such
    36  license or registrant shall immediately return such license or registra-
    37  tion  to  the office of children and family services and cease providing
    38  services. The licensee or registrant shall notify the parents or guardi-
    39  ans of all children enrolled in the program  or  facility  of  any  such
    40  suspension  or limitation within two business days of receipt of written
    41  notice from the office of children and family services.
    42    (iii) (A) The holder of a license or registrant is entitled to a hear-
    43  ing before the office of children and family  services  to  contest  the
    44  temporary suspension or limitation. If the holder of a license or regis-
    45  trant  requests a hearing to contest the temporary suspension or limita-
    46  tion, such hearing must be scheduled to commence as soon as possible but
    47  in no event later than thirty days after the receipt of the  request  by
    48  the  office of children and family services. [Suspension] The suspension
    49  or limitation shall continue until the condition requiring suspension or
    50  limitation is corrected or until a hearing decision has been issued.
    51    (B) The sole issue at a hearing held pursuant to clause  (A)  of  this
    52  subparagraph shall be whether the office of children and family services
    53  has  reason  to  believe  that the licensee's or registrant's failure to
    54  comply with any applicable statutes or regulations resulted in an  emer-
    55  gency situation in which the public health, or an individual's safety or
    56  welfare,  was  in  imminent  danger. A finding that any abuse or neglect

        A. 7945                             6

     1  occurred at the program or facility shall be prima facie  evidence  that
     2  such emergency situation exists.
     3    (C)  If  the office of children and family services determines after a
     4  hearing held pursuant to clause (A) of this subparagraph that the tempo-
     5  rary suspension or limitation was proper, such suspension or  limitation
     6  shall be extended until the condition requiring suspension or limitation
     7  has  been  corrected  or  until  the  license  or  registration has been
     8  revoked.
     9    (iv) Any party aggrieved by a final decision of the office of children
    10  and family services in any adjudicatory proceeding under this  paragraph
    11  may  petition for judicial review pursuant to section twenty-two of this
    12  chapter.
    13    § 6. Subparagraphs (i), (iii) and (iv) of paragraph (a) of subdivision
    14  11 of section 390 of the social services law, as amended by chapter  416
    15  of the laws of 2000, are amended to read as follows:
    16    (i) The office of children and family services shall adopt regulations
    17  establishing  civil  penalties  of no more than five hundred dollars per
    18  day to be assessed against child day care centers, school age child care
    19  programs, group family day care homes or family day care homes for crit-
    20  ical violations of this section, sections  three  hundred  ninety-a  and
    21  three  hundred  ninety-b  of  this title and any regulations promulgated
    22  thereunder. The regulations establishing civil penalties  shall  specify
    23  the violations subject to penalty.
    24    (iii)  In  addition to any other civil or criminal penalty provided by
    25  law, the office of children and family services shall have the power  to
    26  assess civil penalties in accordance with its regulations adopted pursu-
    27  ant  to  this  subdivision  after a hearing conducted in accordance with
    28  procedures established by regulations of  the  office  of  children  and
    29  family  services.  Such procedures shall require that notice of the time
    30  and place of the hearing,  together  with  a  statement  of  charges  of
    31  violations,  shall be served in person or by certified mail addressed to
    32  the school age child care program, group family day  care  home,  family
    33  day  care  home,  or child day care center at least thirty days prior to
    34  the date of the hearing. The statement of charges shall  set  forth  the
    35  existence of the critical violation or violations, the amount of penalty
    36  for  which  the program may become liable, the steps which must be taken
    37  to rectify [the] such violation or violations, and where  applicable,  a
    38  statement  that  a penalty may be imposed regardless of rectification. A
    39  written answer to the charges of critical violations shall be filed with
    40  the office of children and family services not less than ten days  prior
    41  to  the  date  of  hearing with respect to each of the charges and shall
    42  include all material and relevant matters which, if not disclosed in the
    43  answer, would not likely be known to the office of children  and  family
    44  services.
    45    (iv)  The  hearing  shall be held by the commissioner of the office of
    46  children and family services or the commissioner's designee. The  burden
    47  of  proof  at such hearing shall be on the office of children and family
    48  services to show that the charges are supported by  a  preponderance  of
    49  the  evidence.  The  commissioner  of  the office of children and family
    50  services or the commissioner's designee, in his or her  discretion,  may
    51  allow the child day care center operator or provider to attempt to prove
    52  by  a  preponderance  of  the  evidence  any  matter not included in the
    53  answer. Where the child day care  provider  satisfactorily  demonstrates
    54  that  it  has  rectified  the critical violations in accordance with the
    55  requirements of paragraph (c) of this subdivision, no penalty  shall  be
    56  imposed except as provided in paragraph (c) of this subdivision.

        A. 7945                             7

     1    §  7.  Subparagraph  (i) of paragraph (b) of subdivision 11 of section
     2  390 of the social services law, as amended by chapter 416 of the laws of
     3  2000, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (i) In assessing penalties pursuant to this subdivision, the office of
     5  children and family services may consider the completeness of any recti-
     6  fication  of  critical violations made and the specific circumstances of
     7  such critical violations as mitigating factors.
     8    § 8. Subparagraph (i) of paragraph (c) of subdivision  11  of  section
     9  390 of the social services law, as amended by chapter 117 of the laws of
    10  2010, is amended to read as follows:
    11    (i) Except as provided for in this paragraph, a child day care provid-
    12  er shall avoid payment of a penalty imposed pursuant to this subdivision
    13  where  the  provider  has  rectified the condition which resulted in the
    14  imposition of the penalty within thirty  days  of  notification  of  the
    15  existence of the critical violation of statute or regulation.
    16    §  9.  The  opening  paragraph of subparagraph (i) of paragraph (e) of
    17  subdivision 11 of section 390 of the social services law,  as  added  by
    18  chapter 117 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as follows:
    19    The  office  of children and family services shall deny a new applica-
    20  tion for licensure or registration made by a  day  care  provider  whose
    21  license  or registration was previously revoked or terminated based on a
    22  critical violation of statute or regulation for a period  of  two  years
    23  from  the  date  that  the  revocation  or termination of the license or
    24  registration became finally effective, unless such office determines, in
    25  its discretion, that approval of the application will  not  in  any  way
    26  jeopardize  the  health,  safety  or  welfare of children in the center,
    27  program or home. For the purposes of this paragraph, the date  that  the
    28  revocation or termination became finally effective shall be, as applica-
    29  ble:
    30    §  10.  Section  390 of the social services law is amended by adding a
    31  new subdivision 11-a to read as follows:
    32    11-a. (a) (i) Within seven days of receipt of a corrective action plan
    33  or notice of sanction pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision three  of
    34  this  section,  a child care provider licensed or registered pursuant to
    35  subdivision two of this section may file with the  commissioner  of  the
    36  office of children and family services a written request for administra-
    37  tive  reconsideration.    Such  request  shall  be limited to direct and
    38  specific reasons why such notice of sanction or any item in such correc-
    39  tive action plan or any portion thereof should be rescinded or modified,
    40  and the approximate times requested by such child care provider to  take
    41  corrective measure, if any.
    42    (ii)  Within  fifteen  business days after receipt of such request for
    43  administrative reconsideration, the commissioner of the office of  chil-
    44  dren  and  family  services  shall grant, deny, or otherwise act on such
    45  request.
    46    (iii) Filing such request for administrative reconsideration shall not
    47  alter the time required for compliance with such notice of  sanction  or
    48  corrective action plan.
    49    (b)  (i)  An  applicant  for  or a holder of a license or registration
    50  whose license or registration the office of children and family services
    51  intends to deny, limit, refuse to  renew,  make  probationary,  suspend,
    52  revoke,  or  terminate  pursuant  to subdivision ten of this section, or
    53  whom the office of children and family services intends to fine pursuant
    54  to subdivision eleven of this section, may request a hearing pursuant to
    55  section twenty-two of this chapter.

        A. 7945                             8

     1    (ii) The hearing officer shall enter a recommended decision  regarding
     2  the  intention  of  the  office of children and family services to deny,
     3  limit, refuse to renew, make probationary, suspend, revoke, or terminate
     4  a license or registration pursuant to subdivision ten of this section or
     5  fine  an applicant for or a holder of a license or registration pursuant
     6  to subdivision eleven of this section. A final decision shall be  issued
     7  by  the  commissioner  of  the  office  of children and family services.
     8  Hearings shall be held pursuant to regulations to be determined  by  the
     9  commissioner of the office of children and family services.
    10    (iii)  Failure  of an applicant for or a holder of a license or regis-
    11  tration to request a hearing and file timely answers  may  be  deemed  a
    12  waiver of such right and a final decision may be entered without further
    13  notice.
    14    (iv) Any party aggrieved by a final decision of the office of children
    15  and  family services in any adjudicatory proceeding under this paragraph
    16  may petition for judicial review pursuant to section twenty-two of  this
    17  chapter.
    18    (c)  (i)  Upon  the  expiration  of  the  time periods prescribed in a
    19  corrective action plan or notice of sanction issued  pursuant  to  para-
    20  graph  (b)  of  subdivision  three  of  this  section, a duly authorized
    21  employee of the office of children and family services  shall  determine
    22  compliance with such plan or notice by visiting the facility or program,
    23  reviewing  documents, and/or verifying compliance through whatever other
    24  means the office of children and family services deems  suitable.  If  a
    25  determination  of  non-compliance  with such plan or notice is made, the
    26  office of children and family services may issue an  additional  correc-
    27  tive  action  plan or take any other action pursuant to subdivisions ten
    28  and eleven of this section.
    29    (ii) Following the suspension, revocation, rejection,  or  termination
    30  of  a  license or registration pursuant to paragraph (a), (b), or (c) of
    31  subdivision ten of this section,  a  duly  authorized  employee  of  the
    32  office  of  children and family services shall determine compliance with
    33  applicable statutes or regulations by visiting the facility or  program,
    34  reviewing documents, and/or verifying compliance through any other means
    35  the office of children and family services deems suitable.
    36    (d)  Factors  which  the  office of children and family services shall
    37  consider before imposing any  sanction  or  fine  or  any  other  action
    38  authorized  pursuant  to paragraph (b) of subdivision three and subdivi-
    39  sions ten and eleven of this section shall include,  but  shall  not  be
    40  limited to, the following:
    41    (i) any violations of applicable statutes or regulations at the facil-
    42  ity or program;
    43    (ii)  the  risk  the  violations  present  to  the health, safety, and
    44  welfare of children, including  whether  such  violations  are  critical
    45  violations;
    46    (iii)  the  nature,  scope, severity, degree, number, and frequency of
    47  the violations;
    48    (iv) the failure of a holder of a license or registrant to correct the
    49  violations;
    50    (v) any previous violations; and
    51    (vi) any previous enforcement actions.
    52    § 11. This act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after  it  shall
    53  have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or
    54  repeal  of  any  rule  or regulation necessary for the implementation of
    55  this act on its effective date are authorized to be made  and  completed
    56  on or before such effective date.