Bill Text: NY A07924 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Authorizes the New York state canal corporation to abandon certain lands and authorizes such corporation to sell and convey such lands.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-06-20 - substituted by s5717a [A07924 Detail]

Download: New_York-2013-A07924-Amended.html
                           S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                     June 10, 2013
       Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  MAGNARELLI  -- read once and referred to the
         Committee on Corporations, Authorities and  Commissions  --  committee
         discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
         to said committee
       AN  ACT  in relation to authorizing the New York state canal corporation
         to abandon certain canal lands and  authorizing  the  commissioner  of
         general  services  to sell and convey the right, title and interest of
         the people of the state of New York, in and to certain  lands  of  the
         New  York  state  canal  corporation  located in the city of Syracuse,
         county of Onondaga
    1    Section  1.  The New York state canal corporation is hereby authorized
    2  to abandon certain canal lands as described in section two of  this  act
    3  as  such  lands  are determined to be no longer necessary or useful as a
    4  part of the barge canal system, as an aid to navigation thereon, or  for
    5  barge  canal  terminal purposes. Such abandonment shall be in accordance
    6  with the applicable provisions of the canal law.
    7    S 2. The subject lands herein are described generally as follows:
    8    All that tract or parcel of land, situate in  the  City  of  Syracuse,
    9  County of Onondaga and State of New York, being Parcel AR according to a
   10  map  "New York State Canal Corporation Map Showing Abandoned Barge Canal
   11  Terminal Lands in the City of Syracuse, County of Onondaga and State  of
   12  New  York"  by  John  E.  McIntosh  III dated June 29, 2011, bounded and
   13  described as follows:
   14    Beginning at the most southerly corner of said Parcel AR,  said  point
   15  being  the  following courses and distances from the intersection of the
   16  northerly boundary of West Kirkpatrick Street with the westerly boundary
   17  of an abandoned portion of West Court Street: 1)  S  56 23'00"  W  along
   18  said northerly boundary of West Kirkpatrick Street, a distance of 395.76
   19  feet  to  the southwesterly boundary of Parcel A2 according to said "New
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 7924--A                          2
    1  York State Canal Corporation Map Showing Abandoned Barge Canal  Terminal
    2  Lands  in  the  City  of  Syracuse,  County of Onondaga and State of New
    3  York"; 2) N 37 34'00" W along said southwesterly boundary of Parcel  A2,
    4  a  distance of 51.59 feet; 3) N 62 54'30" W continuing along said south-
    5  westerly boundary of Parcel A2, a distance of 81.13 feet; 4) S 57 24'46"
    6  W continuing along said southwesterly boundary of Parcel A2, a  distance
    7  of  110.10  feet;  5)  N 32 16'39" W continuing along said southwesterly
    8  boundary of Parcel A2, a distance  of  11.75  feet;  6)  N  57 24'46"  E
    9  continuing along said southwesterly boundary of Parcel A2, a distance of
   10  84.33 feet; 7) N 50 39'10" W continuing along said southwesterly bounda-
   11  ry  of  Parcel  A2, a distance of 14.30 feet to said point of beginning;
   12  running  thence  around  said  Parcel  AR  the  following  courses   and
   13  distances:  1) N 50 39'10" W, 52.28 feet; 2) N 56 21'00" E, 736.26 feet;
   14  3) N 50 17'00" W, 173.44 feet;  4)  S  56 21'00"  W,  365.60  feet;  5)N
   15  33 39'00"  W,  99.29 feet; 6) N 56 21'00" E, 335.94 feet; 7) N 50 17'00"
   16  W, 173.05 feet; 8) S 56 21'00" W, 365.21 feet; 9) N 33 39'00"  W,  99.21
   17  feet;  10)  N  56 21'00" E, 335.57 feet; 11) N 50 17'00" W, 173.62 feet;
   18  12) S 56 21'00" W, 364.95 feet; 13) N 33 39'00" W,  50.00  feet;  14)  N
   19  56 21'00"  E,  402.20  feet;  15)  S  50 17'00"  E,  305.00  feet; 16) S
   20  39 43'00" W, 30.00 feet; 17) S 50 17'00" E, 204.86 feet; 18) N 39 43'00"
   21  E, 30.00 feet; 19) S 50 17'00" E, 298.98 feet to said westerly  boundary
   22  of  an  abandoned portion of West Court Street; 20) Southerly along said
   23  westerly boundary of an abandoned portion of West Court Street following
   24  a curve to the left having a radius of 515.00 feet,  an  arc  length  of
   25  30.05  feet  to  the  northwesterly  boundary  of  said Parcel A2; 21) S
   26  56 21'00" W along said northwesterly boundary of Parcel A2, 627.30 feet;
   27  22) N 33 39'00" W along said northwesterly boundary of Parcel A2,  31.90
   28  feet;  23) S 56 21'00" W along said northwesterly boundary of Parcel A2,
   29  60.00 feet; 24) S 33 39'00"  E  along  said  northwesterly  boundary  of
   30  Parcel A2, 31.90 feet; 25) S 56 21'00" W along said northwesterly bound-
   31  ary of Parcel A2, 73.64 feet to the point of beginning.
   32    Containing 3.615 acres of land, more or less.
   33    All  as  shown  on a map "Parcel AR, Lands to be Abandoned by New York
   34  State Canal Corporation, Map  Showing  Abandoned  Barge  Canal  Terminal
   35  Lands,  City  of  Syracuse, County of Onondaga and State of New York" by
   36  Ianuzi & Romans Land Surveying, P.C. dated June 6, 2013.
   37    S 3. The commissioner of general services is hereby authorized to sell
   38  and convey at fair market value at public or private sale certain  aban-
   39  doned  lands  of  the  New  York state canal corporation, related to the
   40  Inner Harbor Project in Syracuse, described in section two of this  act.
   41  Conveyance  of  such  lands shall be made in such parcel or parcels, and
   42  upon such terms and conditions, including consideration, as the  commis-
   43  sioner  of  general  services may determine; provided, however, all such
   44  conveyances shall be subject to an easement or easements  or  permit  or
   45  permits acquired by grant or grants by any utility company, public util-
   46  ity  company,  utility  corporation  or  public  utility corporation, as
   47  defined in subdivisions 23 and 24 of section 2  of  the  public  service
   48  law,  which has installed any structure or transmission lines upon, over
   49  or under any such lands.  Such  conveyances  shall  be  subject  to  the
   50  approval of the director of the budget.
   51    S  4.  Such  private  sales  or conveyances may be made without public
   52  bidding to the owners of structures erected on the lands to be conveyed,
   53  or  to  incorporated  property  owners  associations  representing  such
   54  persons,  or  to  such  other  persons  as  the  commissioner of general
   55  services may determine. The commissioner of general  services  may  also
       A. 7924--A                          3
    1  lease  such  lands  to the owners of such structures who do not purchase
    2  such lands under the provisions of this act.
    3    S  5.  The commissioner of general services shall promulgate rules and
    4  regulations establishing the procedures to be followed in  the  disposi-
    5  tion  of  these  lands,  including a schedule of the consideration to be
    6  charged for each conveyance. Such  schedule  shall  be  subject  to  the
    7  approval of the director of the budget.
    8    S  6.  The  authorization  to sell at private sale pursuant to section
    9  three of this act shall expire 5 years after the effective date of  this
   10  act.
   11    S 7. This act shall take effect immediately.