Bill Text: NY A06799 | 2011-2012 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Allows for application by military voters to be made for absentee ballots by electronic means, including, but not limited to telefacsimile or electronic mail.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2011-03-31 - referred to election law [A06799 Detail]

Download: New_York-2011-A06799-Introduced.html
                           S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                    March 31, 2011
       Introduced by M. of A. MOLINARO -- read once and referred to the Commit-
         tee on Election Law
       AN ACT to amend the election law, in relation to allowing application by
         military voters for absentee ballots by electronic means
    1    Section 1. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subdivision 2 of section 8-400 of
    2  the election law, paragraph (a) as amended by chapter 263 of the laws of
    3  1991 and paragraph (c) as amended by chapter 321 of the  laws  of  1988,
    4  are amended to read as follows:
    5    (a)  Application  forms shall be furnished by and may be obtained from
    6  any board of elections at any time until the day before  such  election.
   10  SMISSION OR ELECTRONIC MAIL. Application forms shall also be supplied by
   11  the board of inspectors of the election district in which applicant is a
   12  qualified voter on all of the days provided for local  registration.  In
   13  addition,  application  forms  shall be supplied upon the request of the
   14  person authorized to vote pursuant to this section,  any  such  person's
   15  spouse,  parent  or  child,  a  person  residing with the applicant as a
   16  member of his household,  or  the  applicant's  duly  authorized  agent.
   17  Application  forms  sent outside of the United States to a country other
   18  than Canada or Mexico, shall be sent airmail. Any reference to "board of
   19  elections" in the remaining provisions  of  this  section,  except  with
   20  respect  to  the  furnishing  and obtaining of applications for absentee
   21  ballots, means only the board of elections of  the  county  or  city  in
   22  which the applicant is a qualified voter.
   23    (c) All applications must be mailed OR, FOR MILITARY VOTERS, TRANSMIT-
   24  TED  BY  ELECTRONIC  MEANS  to the board of elections not later than the
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 6799                             2
    1  seventh day before the election for which a ballot is first requested or
    2  delivered to such board not later than the day before such election.
    3    S  2.  Subdivision 10 of section 8-400 of the election law, as amended
    4  by chapter 373 of the laws of 1986 and renumbered by chapter 40  of  the
    5  laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
    6    10.  The  state board of elections shall prescribe a standard applica-
    7  tion form for use under this section. The use of  any  application  form
    8  which  substantially  complies with the provisions of this section shall
    9  be acceptable and any application filed on such a form shall be accepted
   14    S  3.  Section 8-406 of the election law, as amended by chapter 296 of
   15  the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:
   16    S 8-406. Absentee ballots, delivery of. If the board shall  find  that
   17  the  applicant  is a qualified voter of the election district containing
   18  his residence as stated in his  statement  and  that  his  statement  is
   19  sufficient,  it shall, as soon as practicable after it shall have deter-
   20  mined his right thereto, mail to him at an address designated by him, or
   21  deliver to him, or to any person designated for such purpose in  writing
   22  by  him,  at the office of the board, such an absentee voter's ballot or
   23  set of ballots and an envelope therefor. If the ballot or ballots are to
   24  be [sent] MAILED outside of the United States to a  country  other  than
   25  Canada  or  Mexico,  such  ballot  or ballots shall be sent by air mail.
   26  However, if an applicant who is eligible for an  absentee  ballot  is  a
   27  resident  of  a facility operated or licensed by, or under the jurisdic-
   28  tion of, the department of mental hygiene, or a resident of  a  facility
   29  defined  as  a nursing home or residential health care facility pursuant
   30  to subdivisions two and three of section two thousand eight hundred  one
   31  of  the public health law, or a resident of a hospital or other facility
   32  operated by the Veteran's Administration  of  the  United  States,  such
   33  absentee ballot need not be so mailed or delivered to any such applicant
   34  but,  may  be delivered to the voter in the manner prescribed by section
   35  8-407 of this [chapter] TITLE if such facility is located in the  county
   36  or city in which such voter is eligible to vote.
   37    S 4. Subdivision 1 of section 8-412 of the election law, as amended by
   38  chapter 155 of the laws of 1994, is amended to read as follows:
   39    1. The board of elections shall cause all absentee ballots received by
   40  it  before  the  close  of  the  polls  on  election day and all ballots
   41  contained in envelopes showing a cancellation mark of the United  States
   42  postal service or a foreign country's postal service, or showing a dated
   43  endorsement  of  receipt  by another agency of the United States govern-
   45  TIME  AND  DATE  STAMP  with a date which is ascertained to be not later
   46  than the day before election and received by such board of elections not
   47  later than seven days OR, IN THE CASE OF A MILITARY VOTER  UTILIZING  AN
   48  ABSENTEE  BALLOT,  THIRTY DAYS, following the day of election to be cast
   49  and counted except that the absentee ballot of  a  voter  who  requested
   50  such  ballot  by  letter,  rather than application, shall not be counted
   51  unless a valid application form, signed by such voter,  is  received  by
   52  the board of elections with such ballot.
   53    S  5.  Subdivisions  7-a and 11 of section 10-106 of the election law,
   54  subdivision 7-a as added by chapter 348 of the laws of 1991 and subdivi-
   55  sion 11 as amended by chapter 104 of the laws of 2010,  are  amended  to
   56  read as follows:
       A. 6799                             3
    1    7-a.  If a federal post card OR ELECTRONICALLY TRANSMITTED application
    2  form is received from a person who is qualified to vote  as  a  military
    3  voter  but  who has not previously registered pursuant to the provisions
    4  of this article, such federal post card  OR  ELECTRONICALLY  TRANSMITTED
    5  application  form shall be treated in all respects as an application for
    6  registration and enrollment as a  military  voter  and  for  a  military
    7  ballot  pursuant  to  the  provisions of this article. If such a federal
    8  post card OR ELECTRONICALLY TRANSMITTED  application  form  is  received
    9  from  a  person  already  registered as a military voter pursuant to the
   10  provisions of this article, such application shall  be  treated  in  all
   11  respects  as  an  application  for  a  military  ballot  pursuant to the
   12  provisions of this article.
   13    11. A board of elections may send to  any  spouse,  parent,  or  adult
   14  child,  brother  or sister of a military voter serving inside or outside
   15  of the continental limits of the United States,  an  application  for  a
   16  military  ballot,  in a form prescribed by the state board of elections.
   17  Such application shall be on a postcard addressed  to  OR  SUBMITTED  BY
   18  ELECTRONIC MEANS TO the appropriate board of elections and shall include
   19  the  statement  "I understand that this application will be accepted for
   20  all purposes as the equivalent of an affidavit and,  if  it  contains  a
   21  material false statement, shall subject me to the same penalties as if I
   22  had  been  duly  sworn".  Such  application may be signed by the spouse,
   23  parent or adult child, brother or sister of such  military  voter.  Upon
   24  receipt of such an application from such a relative of a military voter,
   25  the  board of elections shall mail OR TRANSMIT ELECTRONICALLY a military
   26  ballot to such military voter together with an application for  a  mili-
   27  tary ballot and instructions that such application must be completed and
   28  returned  together  with  the  envelope  containing  the military ballot
   29  EITHER BY MAIL OR ELECTRONIC MEANS.  No ballot sent to a military  voter
   30  upon  the application of a relative of such military voter shall be cast
   31  or canvassed unless a completed application for military  ballot  signed
   32  by  such  military  voter  is  returned  within  the time limits for the
   33  receipt of the military ballot itself.
   34    S 6. Subdivision 1 of section 10-108 of the election law,  as  amended
   35  by  chapter 104 of the laws of 2010, paragraph (a) as amended by chapter
   36  4 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
   37    1. (a) Ballots for  military  voters  shall  be  mailed  or  otherwise
   38  distributed  by the board of elections, in accordance with the preferred
   39  method of transmission designated  by  the  voter  pursuant  to  section
   40  10-107  of  this  article,  as  soon as practicable but in any event not
   41  later than thirty-two days before a primary or general  election;  twen-
   42  ty-five  days  before a New York city community school board district or
   43  city of Buffalo school district election; fourteen days before a village
   44  election conducted by the board of elections; and forty-five days before
   45  a special election. A voter who submits a  military  ballot  application
   46  shall  be  entitled  to a military ballot thereafter for each subsequent
   47  election through and including the next two regularly scheduled  general
   48  elections  held in even numbered years, including any run-offs which may
   49  occur; provided, however, such application shall not be  valid  for  any
   50  election held within seven days after its receipt. Ballots shall also be
   51  mailed OR TRANSMITTED ELECTRONICALLY to any qualified military voter who
   52  is  already  registered  and who requests such military ballot from such
   53  board of elections in a letter  OR  ELECTRONIC  TRANSMISSION,  which  is
   54  signed  by  the  voter  and received by the board of elections not later
   55  than the seventh day  before  the  election  for  which  the  ballot  is
   56  requested and which states the address where the voter is registered and
       A. 6799                             4
    1  the  address to which the ballot is to be mailed. The board of elections
    2  shall enclose with such  ballot  a  form  of  application  for  military
    3  ballot.  In the case of a primary election, the board shall deliver only
    4  the  ballot  of  the  party  with  which  the military voter is enrolled
    5  according to the military voter's registration records. In the  event  a
    6  primary  election  is  uncontested  in  the  military  voter's  election
    7  district for all offices or  positions  except  the  party  position  of
    8  member  of  the ward, town, city or county committee, no ballot shall be
    9  delivered to such military voter for such  election;  and  the  military
   10  voter  shall  be  advised of the reason why he or she will not receive a
   11  ballot.
   12    (b) Upon the proclamation of a special election  by  the  governor  or
   13  otherwise pursuant to law, each board of elections shall, not later than
   14  three days after the establishment of the date of such special election,
   15  transmit  by  mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail in accord-
   16  ance with the preferred method of transmission designated by  the  voter
   17  pursuant  to section 10-107 of this article, a federal write-in absentee
   18  ballot to all military voters eligible to vote  by  military  ballot  in
   19  such special election.
   20    (c)  Each  board  of  elections  which  is  served  with a court order
   21  restraining or enjoining the issuance of ballots in any election,  other
   22  than  a  special  election,  in  which any military voter is entitled to
   23  receive a ballot shall immediately notify the state board  of  elections
   24  of  such fact and shall transmit in accordance with the preferred method
   25  of transmission designated by the voter,  a  federal  write-in  absentee
   26  ballot to all military voters eligible to vote in such election.
   27    (d)  A  military  voter  who  has received a federal write-in absentee
   28  ballot shall be entitled to receive a certified  ballot  notwithstanding
   29  the  prior  transmission  of  a federal write-in absentee ballot to such
   30  voter pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of this subdivision. Such  certi-
   31  fied  military ballot shall be sent by the board of elections in accord-
   32  ance with the preferred method of transmission designated by  the  voter
   33  pursuant  to  section  10-107  of this article, or expedited mail if the
   34  military voter has not expressed a preference to receive same by facsim-
   35  ile transmission or electronic mail, and his or her request for a  mili-
   36  tary ballot was made at least thirty-two days before the election.
   37    S  7.  Subdivisions  2 and 5 of section 10-109 of the election law, as
   38  amended by chapter 200 of the laws of  1996,  are  amended  to  read  as
   39  follows:
   40    2.  If any ballot, application form or other mail OR ELECTRONIC TRANS-
   41  MISSION sent to a military voter at his military address by the board of
   42  elections is returned by the post office OR COMPUTER SERVER as  undeliv-
   43  erable,  the  board  of  elections  shall ascertain whether the military
   44  voter is residing at the address given on his  registration  records  as
   45  his  permanent  address.  If  he  is residing at such address, the board
   46  shall not send him any further military ballots unless  he  applies  for
   47  them  in  the  regular  way,  giving  a  new military OR ELECTRONIC MAIL
   48  address. If such military  voter  is  not  residing  at  such  permanent
   49  address, the board of elections shall send a confirmation notice to such
   50  military  voter at his last military OR ELECTRONIC MAIL address pursuant
   51  to the provisions of section 5-712 of this chapter and shall  place  the
   52  registration of such voter in inactive status.  However, if such a voter
   53  notifies  the  board  of  elections  that he has moved to a new military
   55  shall  restore  the  registration  of such voter to active status in the
   56  manner prescribed by section 5-213 of this chapter.
       A. 6799                             5
    1    5. Upon cancelling the registration of a military  voter  pursuant  to
    2  the  provisions of section 5-400 of this chapter, the board of elections
    3  shall forthwith notify such voter at his last military address OR  ELEC-
    4  TRONIC  MAIL  ADDRESS and at his permanent residence address of the fact
    5  of the cancellation, the reason therefor, and of his right to reregister
    6  pursuant to this article.
    7    S  8. Section 10-112 of the election law, as amended by chapter 104 of
    8  the laws of 2010, is amended to read as follows:
    9    S 10-112. Military voter; voting. The military voter  shall  mark  the
   10  military  ballot  provided  for in this article in the same manner as an
   11  absentee ballot. [After] IF UTILIZING MAIL, AFTER marking the ballot, he
   12  or she shall fold such ballot and enclose it in  the  inner  affirmation
   13  envelope  bearing the military voter's affirmation on the outside of the
   14  envelope and seal the envelope. He or she shall then sign  the  affirma-
   15  tion, with the blanks properly filled in. The inner affirmation envelope
   16  containing  the  military  ballot  shall  then  be inserted in the outer
   17  envelope addressed to the appropriate board of elections, which shall be
   18  mailed or personally delivered to such board of elections of his or  her
   19  county of residence within the time limits provided by this chapter.  IF
   22    S 9. Subdivision 1 of section 10-114 of the election law,  as  amended
   23  by chapter 165 of the laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
   24    1. The board of elections shall cause all military ballots received by
   25  it  before  the  close  of  the  polls  on  election day and all ballots
   26  contained in envelopes showing a cancellation mark of the United  States
   27  postal service or a foreign country's postal service, or showing a dated
   28  endorsement of receipt by another agency of the United States government
   29  or  are  signed  and  dated by the voter and one witness thereto, OR, IF
   31  STAMP,  with  a  date  which is ascertained to be not later than the day
   32  before election and received by such board of elections not  later  than
   33  [seven]  THIRTY  days  following  the  day of a primary election and not
   34  later than thirteen days following the  day  of  a  general  or  special
   35  election to be cast and counted.
   36    S 10. This act shall take effect immediately.