Bill Text: NY A05881 | 2017-2018 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Relates to tuition assistance program awards.

Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Republican 23-3)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2017-02-16 - referred to higher education [A05881 Detail]

Download: New_York-2017-A05881-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 16, 2017
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  LUPINACCI  --  read once and referred to the
          Committee on Higher Education
        AN ACT to amend the education law, in  relation  to  tuition  assistance
          program awards
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraph a of subdivision 3 of section 667 of  the  educa-
     2  tion law, as amended by section 1 of part B of chapter 60 of the laws of
     3  2000,  item  1 of clause (A) of subparagraph (i) as amended by section 1
     4  of part H of chapter 58 of the laws of 2011, the  opening  paragraph  of
     5  item 1 of clause (A) of subparagraph (i) as amended by section 2 of part
     6  X of chapter 56 of the laws of 2014, subitem (a) of item 1 of clause (A)
     7  of  subparagraph  (i) as amended by section 2 of part U of chapter 56 of
     8  the laws of 2014, subitem (b) of item 1 of clause  (A)  of  subparagraph
     9  (i) as amended by section 3 of part U of chapter 56 of the laws of 2014,
    10  subitem  (c)  of  item 1 of clause (A) of subparagraph (i) as amended by
    11  section 1 of part U of chapter 56 of the laws of 2014,  subitem  (d)  of
    12  item 1 of clause (A) of subparagraph (i) as added by section 1 of part E
    13  of  chapter 58 of the laws of 2011, item 2 of clause (A) of subparagraph
    14  (i) as amended by section 2 of part H of chapter 58 of the laws of  2011
    15  and  subparagraph  (iii) as amended by section 3 of part H of chapter 58
    16  of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    17    a. Amount. The president shall make awards  to  students  enrolled  in
    18  degree-granting   institutions  or  registered  not-for-profit  business
    19  schools qualified for tax exemption under § 501(c)(3)  of  the  internal
    20  revenue code for federal income tax purposes in the following amounts:
    21    (i) For each year of undergraduate study, assistance shall be provided
    22  as  computed  on  the  basis  of  the  amount which is the lesser of the
    23  following:
    24    (A) (1) In the case of students who have not been granted an exclusion
    25  of parental income, who have qualified as an orphan,  foster  child,  or
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5881                             2
     1  ward  of  the  court  for  the purposes of federal student financial aid
     2  programs authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965,  as
     3  amended,  or had a dependent for income tax purposes during the tax year
     4  next  preceding  the academic year for which application is made, except
     5  for those students who have been granted exclusion  of  parental  income
     6  who have a spouse but no other dependent:
     7    (a)  For  students  first receiving aid after nineteen hundred ninety-
     8  three--nineteen hundred ninety-four and before two  thousand--two  thou-
     9  sand one, four thousand two hundred ninety dollars; or
    10    (b) For students first receiving aid in nineteen hundred ninety-three-
    11  -nineteen  hundred  ninety-four or earlier, three thousand seven hundred
    12  forty dollars; or
    13    (c) For students first receiving aid in two thousand--two thousand one
    14  and thereafter, five thousand dollars, except starting in  two  thousand
    15  fourteen-two thousand fifteen and thereafter such students shall receive
    16  five thousand one hundred sixty-five dollars; or
    17    (d)  For  students  first receiving aid in two thousand seventeen--two
    18  thousand eighteen and thereafter,  six  thousand  four  hundred  seventy
    19  dollars; or
    20    (e)  For  undergraduate  students  enrolled in a program of study at a
    21  non-public degree-granting institution that does not offer a program  of
    22  study  that leads to a baccalaureate degree, or at a registered not-for-
    23  profit  business  school  qualified  for  tax  exemption  under  section
    24  501(c)(3)  of  the internal revenue code for federal income tax purposes
    25  that does not offer a program of study that  leads  to  a  baccalaureate
    26  degree,  four  thousand  dollars.  Provided,  however, that this subitem
    27  shall not apply to students enrolled in a program of study leading to  a
    28  certificate or degree in nursing.
    29    (2)  In the case of students receiving awards pursuant to subparagraph
    30  (iii) of this paragraph and those students who have been granted  exclu-
    31  sion of parental income who have a spouse but no other dependent.
    32    (a) For students receiving aid in two thousand seventeen--two thousand
    33  eighteen and thereafter, six thousand four hundred seventy dollars, or
    34    (b)  For  students first receiving aid in nineteen hundred ninety-four
    35  --nineteen hundred ninety-five and nineteen  hundred  ninety-five--nine-
    36  teen  hundred  ninety-six  and  thereafter,  three  thousand twenty-five
    37  dollars, or
    38    [(b)] (c) For students first receiving aid in nineteen  hundred  nine-
    39  ty-two--nineteen hundred ninety-three and nineteen hundred ninety-three-
    40  -nineteen  hundred  ninety-four,  two thousand five hundred seventy-five
    41  dollars, or
    42    [(c)] (d) For students first receiving aid in nineteen  hundred  nine-
    43  ty-one--nineteen  hundred  ninety-two  or  earlier,  two  thousand  four
    44  hundred fifty dollars; or
    45    (B) (1) Ninety-five percent of the amount  of  tuition  (exclusive  of
    46  educational  fees) charged and, if applicable, the college fee levied by
    47  the state university of New York pursuant to the April  first,  nineteen
    48  hundred sixty-four financing agreement with the New York state dormitory
    49  authority.
    50    (2) For the two thousand one--two thousand two academic year and ther-
    51  eafter one hundred percent of the amount of tuition (exclusive of educa-
    52  tional  fees)  charged and, if applicable, the college fee levied by the
    53  state university of New York  pursuant  to  the  April  first,  nineteen
    54  hundred sixty-four financing agreement with the New York state dormitory
    55  authority.

        A. 5881                             3
     1    (ii)  Except for students as noted in subparagraph (iii) of this para-
     2  graph, the base amount as determined from subparagraph (i) of this para-
     3  graph, shall be reduced in relation to income as follows:
     4  Amount of income                    Schedule of reduction
     5                                      of base amount
     6  (A) Less than [seven] eight         None
     7      thousand seven hundred
     8      fifty dollars
     9  (B) [Seven] Eight thousand          Seven per centum of excess
    10      seven hundred fifty             over [seven] eight
    11      dollars or more, but less than  thousand seven hundred
    12      [eleven] thirteen thousand      fifty dollars
    13      seven hundred fifty dollars
    14  (C) [Eleven] Thirteen thousand      [Two] Three
    15      seven hundred fifty             hundred [eighty] fifty
    16      dollars or more, but less than  dollars plus ten per centum of excess
    17      [eighteen] twenty-two           over [eleven] thirteen
    18      thousand five hundred           thousand seven hundred
    19      dollars                         fifty dollars
    20  (D) [Eighteen] Twenty-two           [Nine] One thousand
    21      thousand five hundred           two hundred
    22      dollars or more, but not more   [eighty] twenty-five dollars
    23      than [eighty] one               plus twelve per centum of
    24      hundred thousand dollars        excess over [eighteen]
    25                                      twenty-two thousand
    26                                      five hundred dollars;
    27  provided  that  dependent  students whose parental income exceeds eighty
    28  thousand dollars but not more than  one  hundred  thousand  dollars,  or
    29  students  with  a  dependent  and  income  in  excess of eighty thousand
    30  dollars, but not more than one hundred thousand dollars, shall  only  be
    31  eligible  for awards if he or she first receives an award beginning with
    32  the two thousand seventeen--two thousand eighteen academic year.
    33    (iii) (A) For students who have been  granted  exclusion  of  parental
    34  income  and were single with no dependent for income tax purposes during
    35  the tax year next preceding the academic year for which  application  is
    36  made,  the  base amount, as determined in subparagraph (i) of this para-
    37  graph, shall be reduced in relation to income as follows:
    38  Amount of income                    Schedule of reduction
    39                                      of base amount
    40  (1) Less than [three] ten thousand  None
    41      five hundred dollars
    42  (2) [Three] Ten thousand            Thirty-one per centum of
    43      five hundred dollars or more,   amount in excess of
    44      but not more than [ten]         [three] ten thousand
    45      thirty-five thousand dollars    five hundred
    46                                      dollars;
    47  provided that students with incomes in excess of  ten  thousand  dollars
    48  but  not  more than thirty-five thousand dollars, shall only be eligible

        A. 5881                             4
     1  for awards if he or she first receives an award beginning with  the  two
     2  thousand seventeen--two thousand eighteen academic year.
     3    (B)  For  those  students  who have been granted exclusion of parental
     4  income who have a spouse but no other dependent, for income tax purposes
     5  during the tax year next preceding the academic year for which  applica-
     6  tion is made, the base amount, as determined in subparagraph (i) of this
     7  paragraph, shall be reduced in relation to income as follows:
     8  Amount of income                    Schedule of reduction
     9                                      of base amount
    10  (1) Less than [seven] eight         None
    11      thousand seven hundred fifty
    12      dollars
    13  (2) [Seven] Eight thousand          Seven per centum of excess
    14      seven hundred fifty             over [seven]
    15      dollars or more, but less than  eight thousand
    16      [eleven] thirteen               seven hundred fifty
    17      thousand seven hundred          dollars
    18      fifty dollars
    19  (3) [Eleven] Thirteen               [Two] Three
    20      thousand seven hundred          hundred [eighty]
    21      fifty dollars or                fifty dollars plus
    22      more, but less than             ten per centum of excess
    23      [eighteen] twenty-two           over [eleven]
    24      thousand five hundred           thirteen thousand
    25      dollars                         seven hundred fifty dollars
    26  (4) [Eighteen] Twenty-two           [Nine] One
    27      thousand five hundred           thousand two
    28      dollars or more, but not        hundred [eighty] twenty-five
    29      more than [forty] fifty         dollars plus twelve per centum
    30      thousand dollars                of excess over [eighteen] twenty-two
    31                                      thousand five hundred dollars;
    32  provided  that students with incomes in excess of forty thousand dollars
    33  but not more than fifty thousand dollars, shall  only  be  eligible  for
    34  awards if he or she first receives an award beginning with the two thou-
    35  sand seventeen--two thousand eighteen academic year.
    36    (iv)  If  the  amount  of reduction is not a whole dollar, it shall be
    37  reduced to the next lowest whole dollar. In the case of any student  who
    38  has  received  four  or  more  payments  pursuant  to any and all awards
    39  provided for in this subdivision, for the two thousand--two thousand one
    40  academic year the base amount shall be  reduced  by  an  additional  one
    41  hundred fifty dollars for the two thousand one--two thousand two academ-
    42  ic year and thereafter the base amount shall be reduced by an additional
    43  one hundred dollars.
    44    (v)  The  award  shall be the net amount of the base amount determined
    45  pursuant to subparagraph (i)  of  this  paragraph  reduced  pursuant  to
    46  subparagraph  (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph but the award shall not be
    47  reduced for the two thousand--two thousand one and two thousand one--two
    48  thousand two academic years below two hundred  seventy-five  dollars  if
    49  the  amount  of  income is eighty thousand dollars or less and more than
    50  seventy thousand dollars,  three  hundred  twenty-five  dollars  if  the
    51  amount of income is seventy thousand dollars or less and more than sixty
    52  thousand  dollars  and four hundred twenty-five dollars if the amount of
    53  income is sixty thousand dollars or less.

        A. 5881                             5
     1    (vi) For the two thousand two--two thousand three  academic  year  and
     2  thereafter,  the award shall be the net amount of the base amount deter-
     3  mined pursuant to subparagraph (i) of this paragraph reduced pursuant to
     4  subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph but the award shall not  be
     5  reduced below five hundred dollars.
     6    § 2. This act shall take effect April 1, 2018, provided that the addi-
     7  tion,  amendment  and/or  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for
     8  the implementation of this act on its effective date is  authorized  and
     9  directed  to be made and completed by the president of the higher educa-
    10  tion services corporation on or before such effective date.