Bill Text: NY A05737 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Enacts the State Police Retention act; provides a deferred retirement option plan payable to members and officers of the division of state police.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-04-12 - print number 5737a [A05737 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A05737-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 23, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. WALLACE, BUTTENSCHON -- read once and referred to
          the  Committee on Governmental Employees -- recommitted to the Commit-
          tee on Governmental Employees in accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec.
          2 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended
          and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to amend the retirement and social security law, in relation to
          enacting the "State Police  Retention  act";  and  providing  for  the
          repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Short title.  This act shall be known and may be  cited  as
     2  the "State Police Retention act".
     3    § 2. The retirement and social security law is amended by adding a new
     4  section 381-c to read as follows:
     5    §  381-c. Deferred retirement option plan payable to members and offi-
     6  cers of the division of state  police.  a.  Deferred  retirement  option
     7  plan.    Deferred  retirement  option  plan, (hereinafter referred to as
     8  "DROP"), is a retirement plan under which an eligible member  may  elect
     9  to  participate, deferring receipt of retirement benefits while continu-
    10  ing employment with the division of state police. For  the  purposes  of
    11  this  section, an "eligible member" is any member or officer employed by
    12  the division of state police. During the period of continued employment,
    13  the eligible member's monthly retirement benefit shall be  deferred  and
    14  held  by  the retirement system on behalf of the member plus interest at
    15  an effective rate of one and one-half percent for the specific period of
    16  participation in DROP as provided in subdivision c of this section. Upon
    17  completion of the DROP period, the eligible  member  shall  receive  the
    18  total amount of retirement benefits deferred under DROP without optional
    19  modification  as  permitted  by subdivisions d and e of this section and
    20  shall begin to receive the previously  determined normal service retire-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5737--A                          2

     1  ment benefit with optional modification as further provided in  subdivi-
     2  sion d of this section.
     3    b.  Participation  in  DROP.  Any  eligible  member  who  is currently
     4  employed by the division of state police and qualifies to retire  pursu-
     5  ant  to  section  three  hundred eighty-one-b of this title by reason of
     6  completing twenty years of creditable service may elect  to  participate
     7  in DROP.
     8    c.  Election in DROP. Such election shall be on a form prepared by the
     9  comptroller and may be for any period  of  time  not  less  than  twelve
    10  months or more than thirty-six months duration. Any member who elects to
    11  participate in DROP shall be considered retired on the day following the
    12  expiration  of  the  DROP  period, provided, however, that all loans and
    13  excess contributions shall be resolved by the date of entry  into  DROP.
    14  Upon expiration of the time period selected by the eligible member, such
    15  member's participation in DROP shall terminate.
    16    d. Benefits payable under DROP. (1) Effective with the date of partic-
    17  ipation in DROP, the eligible member's normal service retirement benefit
    18  shall  be  calculated, using creditable service and final average salary
    19  as if the effective date of retirement was the date of entry into  DROP.
    20  The  amount deferred pursuant to DROP shall be calculated based upon the
    21  eligible member's zero option retirement allowance until such member has
    22  obtained the applicable maximum  service  retirement  limit  based  upon
    23  years  of  service.  Any additional participation in DROP after a member
    24  has obtained the maximum service retirement limit based  upon  years  of
    25  service  shall  be  calculated  based upon sixty percent of the member's
    26  full annual retirement allowance. In addition, for the purposes of  this
    27  section,  the  annual  retirement allowance for any member electing DROP
    28  shall be calculated using a three-year final average salary  as  defined
    29  elsewhere in this article. The eligible member shall, however, elect his
    30  or her optional retirement benefit at the completion of the DROP period.
    31    (2)  If  the eligible member dies prior to completion of the period of
    32  participation in DROP, the eligible member shall be treated as  if  such
    33  DROP  election did not exist. In lieu of the DROP payment, a death bene-
    34  fit shall be payable consistent with the terms of this chapter  and  all
    35  salary  and  service  reported  for such eligible member during the DROP
    36  period shall be considered in calculating the  eligible  member's  death
    37  benefit.
    38    (3)  If  the  eligible  member  is  approved  for  disability benefits
    39  provided in this chapter during the DROP  period,  the  eligible  member
    40  shall  be  treated as if the DROP election did not exist. In lieu of the
    41  DROP payment, a disability retirement benefit shall be payable  consist-
    42  ent  with  the terms of this chapter and all salary and service reported
    43  for such eligible member during the DROP period shall be  considered  in
    44  calculating the eligible member's disability retirement benefit.
    45    (4) If an eligible member otherwise fails to complete his or her peri-
    46  od  of service as elected pursuant to subdivision c of this section, the
    47  eligible member shall be treated as if such DROP election did not exist.
    48  In lieu of the DROP payment, the normal service retirement benefit shall
    49  be payable consistent with the terms of this chapter and all salary  and
    50  service  reported  for such eligible member during the DROP period shall
    51  be considered in calculating the eligible  member's  service  retirement
    52  benefit.
    53    (5)  If  an  eligible member remains employed after his or her partic-
    54  ipation in DROP is terminated, such member shall forfeit all DROP  bene-
    55  fits  and  continue  employment  as if such DROP election did not exist.

        A. 5737--A                          3

     1  Such member shall then be eligible to elect  DROP  consistent  with  the
     2  terms of this section.
     3    (6)  If  an  eligible member is approved for disability benefits after
     4  benefits payable pursuant to DROP have been paid,  the  eligible  member
     5  may  elect  to receive the disability benefits in lieu of DROP benefits,
     6  but such disability benefits shall be actuarially adjusted for any bene-
     7  fits paid under DROP.
     8    e. Method of payment. At the conclusion of the member's  participation
     9  in DROP, the retirement system shall pay the deferred service retirement
    10  benefits in one of the following methods as elected by the member:
    11    (1) Lump sum: All accrued DROP benefits, plus interest, less withhold-
    12  ing  as  required  by the internal revenue service, shall be paid to the
    13  DROP participant or eligible beneficiary or as otherwise  determined  by
    14  operation of law;
    15    (2)  Direct  rollover: All accrued DROP benefits, plus interest, shall
    16  be paid from the retirement  system  to  a  custodian  of  the  eligible
    17  retirement  plan  or other eligible plan or account as provided pursuant
    18  to the internal revenue code as directed by the member or eligible bene-
    19  ficiary;
    20    (3) Partial lump sum: A portion of the DROP benefits shall be paid  to
    21  the  DROP participant or eligible beneficiary, less withholding required
    22  by the internal revenue service and the remaining DROP benefits  may  be
    23  rolled over as otherwise permitted by the internal revenue code.
    24    For  purposes  of this subdivision, the term "eligible beneficiary" is
    25  one who qualifies to rollover benefits from a qualified benefit plan  or
    26  account  as  provided by the internal revenue code. The forms of payment
    27  provided by this subdivision shall comply with the minimum  distribution
    28  requirements of the internal revenue code.
    29    f.  Regulations.  The comptroller shall prescribe such rules and regu-
    30  lations as may be necessary for the effective administration and  imple-
    31  mentation of the provisions of this section.
    32    §  3.  This  act  shall  take effect immediately and shall expire five
    33  years after it  shall  have  become  a  law  when  upon  such  date  the
    34  provisions of this act shall be deemed repealed; provided, however, that
    35  the  expiration  of  this  act  shall  not prevent a member who has duly
    36  elected to participate in DROP pursuant to the provisions  of  this  act
    37  from completing the full period of DROP selected.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This  bill  would allow police officers employed by the New York State
        Division of State Police to elect to participate in a  Deferred  Retire-
        ment  Option Plan (DROP), deferring receipt of retirement benefits while
        continuing their current employment. The main features of this DROP are:
          1. Members may elect to participate in the DROP upon the attainment of
        retirement eligibility.
          2. The service retirement benefit shall be the single  life  allowance
        determined  based  on  the  service  and  final  average  salary  at the
        commencement of DROP  participation.  However,  once  a  member's  total
        service  credit  (including  service  during the DROP period) exceeds 32
        years, the monthly payment into the DROP account will be limited to  60%
        of the single life allowance.
          3.  The  New  York  State  and Local Police and Fire Retirement System
        (NYSLPFRS) shall consider DROP participants active members,  and  annual
        employer  contributions  shall  continue  to be made by the State of New
        York to the NYSLPFRS on behalf of such members.  All  loans  and  excess
        contributions shall be resolved by the date of entry into DROP.

        A. 5737--A                          4

          4.  The  length  of participation in the DROP must be specified at the
        time of election, and may not be less than one year,  nor  exceed  three
        years.    However, if the affected member should leave employment before
        or after the scheduled DROP termination date, such member shall  forfeit
        all  DROP  benefits,  and  shall be treated as though there were no DROP
          5. During the DROP  period,  the  monthly  pension  of  such  affected
        members  will  be  deferred and held by the NYSLPFRS on their behalf and
        shall accrue interest at 1.5%. Such account, with interest accumulation,
        must be distributed in full at the end of the specified DROP period.
          6. If an affected member should die or become disabled during the DROP
        period, such member would be  treated  as  though  there  were  no  DROP
          7.  Upon  termination  from  DROP, such affected members shall receive
        their deferred payments, and shall also begin to receive their previous-
        ly determined pensions.
          8. This legislation will expire five years after the date it becomes a
        law with the provision that all members who  entered  into  DROP  before
        that date will be allowed to finish their elected DROP period.
          Section  212  of  the  Retirement  and  Social  Security Law generally
        prevents service retirees from receiving salaries of more  than  $35,000
        for public employment before attaining age 65. This proposal would allow
        members  to receive a full salary and retirement benefits simultaneously
        for up to three years.
          The Partial Lump Sum program  currently  allows  NYSLPFRS  members  to
        receive  lump  sums up to 25% of the present value of their pensions. In
        combination with this proposal, an  affected  member  could  potentially
        receive  a lump sum exceeding 50% of the present value of their pension.
        This significantly reduces the value of ongoing  pension  payments  over
        the member's remaining lifetime.
          If this bill is enacted during the 2024 Legislative Session, we antic-
        ipate  that  there  will be past service costs which would depend on the
        current salary, age, and length of service of the affected members.   It
        is estimated that the past service cost per member would average approx-
        imately  100% of salary for the affected members. This past service cost
        of approximately $392 million will be borne by the State of New York  as
        a  one-time  payment  and  assumes that payment will be made on March 1,
          If the anticipated retirement experience of members who  are  eligible
        for  this  benefit  changes  significantly in the future, there would be
        additional increases in employer costs.
          Further, we anticipate additional administrative  costs  to  implement
        the provisions of this legislation.
          These  estimated costs are based on 2,274 affected members employed by
        the New York State Division of  State  Police,  with  annual  salary  of
        approximately $373 million as of March 31, 2023.
          Summary of relevant resources:
          Membership  data as of March 31, 2023 was used in measuring the impact
        of the proposed change, the same data used in the April 1, 2023 actuari-
        al valuation. Distributions and other statistics can  be  found  in  the
        2023  Report  of the Actuary and the 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial
          The actuarial assumptions and methods used are described in  the  2023
        Annual  Report  to  the  Comptroller  on  Actuarial Assumptions, and the
        Codes, Rules and Regulations  of  the  State  of  New  York:  Audit  and

        A. 5737--A                          5

          The Market Assets and GASB Disclosures are found in the March 31, 2023
        New  York  State  and  Local  Retirement System Financial Statements and
        Supplementary Information.
          I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Quali-
        fication Standards to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
          This  fiscal note does not constitute a legal opinion on the viability
        of the proposed change nor is it intended to serve as a  substitute  for
        the professional judgment of an attorney.
          This  estimate,  dated April 3, 2024, and intended for use only during
        the 2024 Legislative Session, is Fiscal Note No. 2024-132,  prepared  by
        the Actuary for the New York State and Local Retirement System.