Bill Text: NY A05278 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Relates to discharged LGBT veterans; adds veterans who have qualifying conditions or who are discharged as LGBT veterans to certain provisions that apply to veterans who have been honorably discharged or released from military service.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 5-0)

Status: (Passed) 2022-11-10 - signed chap.585 [A05278 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-A05278-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 12, 2021

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  BARRETT,  BURDICK,  SOLAGES -- read once and
          referred to the  Committee  on  Governmental  Employees  --  committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to  said  committee  --  recommitted  to the Committee on Governmental
          Employees in accordance with Assembly Rule  3,  sec.  2  --  committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee

        AN  ACT  to amend the retirement and social security law, in relation to
          discharged LGBT veterans

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraph a of subdivision 29 of section 2 of the retire-
     2  ment and social security law is amended to read as follows:
     3    a. (1) Has been  honorably  discharged  or  released  therefrom  under
     4  honorable  circumstances,  or (2) has a qualifying condition, as defined
     5  in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has received  a
     6  discharge  other  than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or
     7  (3) is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in  section  three  hundred
     8  fifty  of the executive law, and has received a discharge other than bad
     9  conduct or dishonorable from such service, and
    10    § 2. Paragraph d of subdivision 29-a of section 2  of  the  retirement
    11  and  social security law, as amended by chapter 528 of the laws of 1964,
    12  is amended to read as follows:
    13    d. Credit under this section shall not  accrue  to  a  person  who  is
    14  released  from active duty under conditions other than honorable, unless
    15  such person has a qualifying condition,  as  defined  in  section  three
    16  hundred  fifty  of the executive law, and has received a discharge other
    17  than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or is  a  discharged
    18  LGBT veteran, as defined in section three hundred fifty of the executive
    19  law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable
    20  from such service.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5278--B                          2

     1    § 3. Subdivision 31 of section 2 of the retirement and social security
     2  law,  as  amended by chapter 616 of the laws of 1995, is amended to read
     3  as follows:
     4    31.  "Service in world war II." (1) Military service during the period
     5  commencing July first, nineteen hundred forty, and terminating  December
     6  thirty-first, nineteen hundred forty-six, as a member of the armed forc-
     7  es  of  the United States, or service by one who was employed by the War
     8  Shipping Administration or Office of  Defense  Transportation  or  their
     9  agents  as a merchant seaman documented by the United States Coast Guard
    10  or Department of Commerce, or as a civil servant employed by the  United
    11  States  Army  Transport Service (later redesignated as the United States
    12  Army Transportation Corps, Water Division) or the  Naval  Transportation
    13  Service; and who served satisfactorily as a crew member during the peri-
    14  od  of  armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one, to
    15  August fifteenth, nineteen hundred forty-five, aboard  merchant  vessels
    16  in oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise service as such
    17  terms  are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301 & 10501) and further
    18  to include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and  Canada,
    19  Mexico, or the West Indies via ocean routes, or public vessels in ocean-
    20  going  service  or  foreign waters and who has received a Certificate of
    21  Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or an
    22  Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department of
    23  Defense, or service by one  who  served  as  a  United  States  civilian
    24  employed  by the American Field Service and served overseas under United
    25  States Armies and United States Army Groups in world war II  during  the
    26  period  of  armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one
    27  through May  eighth,  nineteen  hundred  forty-five,  and  who  (i)  was
    28  discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions, or (ii) has
    29  a qualifying condition, as defined in section three hundred fifty of the
    30  executive  law,  and  has received a discharge other than bad conduct or
    31  dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged  LGBT  veteran,
    32  as  defined in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has
    33  received a discharge other than bad conduct or  dishonorable  from  such
    34  service, or service by one who served as a United States civilian Flight
    35  Crew  and Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan American World Airways
    36  or one of its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served  overseas  as  a
    37  result  of  Pan  American's contract with Air Transport Command or Naval
    38  Air Transport Service during the  period  of  armed  conflict,  December
    39  fourteenth,  nineteen hundred forty-one through August fourteenth, nine-
    40  teen hundred forty-five, and who (iv) was discharged or released  there-
    41  from  under  honorable conditions, or (v) has a qualifying condition, as
    42  defined in section three hundred fifty of the  executive  law,  and  has
    43  received  a  discharge  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
    44  service, or (vi) is a discharged LGBT veteran,  as  defined  in  section
    45  three  hundred  fifty of the executive law, and has received a discharge
    46  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from  such  service,  or  of  any
    47  person who:
    48    a.  (i)  Has  been  honorably  discharged  or released therefrom under
    49  honorable circumstances, or (ii) has a qualifying condition, as  defined
    50  in  section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has received a
    51  discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such  service,  or
    52  (iii)  is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section three hundred
    53  fifty of the executive law, and has received a discharge other than  bad
    54  conduct or dishonorable from such service, and
    55    b.  Was a resident of this state at the time of his entrance into such
    56  armed forces, or, if not a resident of this state at that time, was then

        A. 5278--B                          3

     1  or thereafter became an employee of a participating employer created  by
     2  and  deriving  its  powers  from an agreement between this state and any
     3  other state and was a resident of such other state at the  time  of  his
     4  entrance into such armed forces, and
     5    c. Was either a member of the retirement system and an employee of the
     6  state  or  of a participating employer at the time he entered such armed
     7  forces or became such employee and such member while in such armed forc-
     8  es on or before July first, nineteen hundred forty-eight, or became such
     9  employee while in such armed forces and subsequently became such  member
    10  on or before July first, nineteen hundred forty-eight, or was an employ-
    11  ee  of an employer which was not a participating employer at the time he
    12  entered such armed forces but which elected to  become  a  participating
    13  employer while he was absent on military duty, or was an employee of the
    14  state  or  of  a  participating  employer or was a teacher as defined in
    15  article eleven of the education law at the time of his entrance into the
    16  armed forces and became a member of the retirement system subsequent  to
    17  separation or discharge from the armed services, and
    18    d.  Returned to the employment of the state or a participating employ-
    19  er, within one year following discharge  or  release  or  completion  of
    20  advanced  education  provided under the servicemen's readjustment act of
    21  nineteen hundred forty-four,  certified  on  a  world  war  II  military
    22  service  certificate,  and allowable as provided in section forty-one of
    23  this article. Such service shall not include any  periods  during  which
    24  civil  compensation  was  received by the member under the provisions of
    25  section two hundred forty-two of the military law,  or  section  six  of
    26  chapter six hundred eight of the laws of nineteen hundred fifty-two; or
    27    (2)  Military  service, not in excess of three years and not otherwise
    28  creditable under paragraph one hereof, rendered on active  duty  in  the
    29  armed  forces  of  the  United  States during the period commencing July
    30  first, nineteen hundred forty, and  terminating  December  thirty-first,
    31  nineteen  hundred  forty-six,  or service by one who was employed by the
    32  War Shipping Administration or Office of Defense Transportation or their
    33  agents as a merchant seaman documented by the United States Coast  Guard
    34  or  Department of Commerce, or as a civil servant employed by the United
    35  States Army Transport Service (later redesignated as the  United  States
    36  Army  Transportation  Corps, Water Division) or the Naval Transportation
    37  Service; and who served satisfactorily as a crew member during the peri-
    38  od of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred  forty-one,  to
    39  August  fifteenth,  nineteen hundred forty-five, aboard merchant vessels
    40  in oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise service as such
    41  terms are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301 & 10501) and  further
    42  to  include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and Canada,
    43  Mexico, or the West Indies via ocean routes, or public vessels in ocean-
    44  going service or foreign waters and who has received  a  Certificate  of
    45  Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or an
    46  Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department of
    47  Defense,  or  service  by  one  who  served  as a United States civilian
    48  employed by the American Field Service and served overseas under  United
    49  States  Armies  and United States Army Groups in world war II during the
    50  period of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen  hundred  forty-one
    51  through  May  eighth,  nineteen  hundred  forty-five,  and  who  (i) was
    52  discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions, or (ii) has
    53  a qualifying condition, as defined in section three hundred fifty of the
    54  executive law, and has received a discharge other than  bad  conduct  or
    55  dishonorable  from  such service, or (iii) is a discharged LGBT veteran,
    56  as defined in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and  has

        A. 5278--B                          4

     1  received  a  discharge  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
     2  service, or service by one who served as a United States civilian Flight
     3  Crew and Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan American World  Airways
     4  or  one  of  its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served overseas as a
     5  result of Pan American's contract with Air Transport  Command  or  Naval
     6  Air  Transport  Service  during  the  period of armed conflict, December
     7  fourteenth, nineteen hundred forty-one through August fourteenth,  nine-
     8  teen  hundred forty-five, and who (iv) was discharged or released there-
     9  from under honorable conditions, or (v) has a qualifying  condition,  as
    10  defined  in  section  three  hundred fifty of the executive law, and has
    11  received a discharge other than bad conduct or  dishonorable  from  such
    12  service,  or  (vi)  is  a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section
    13  three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has received  a  discharge
    14  other  than  bad  conduct or dishonorable from such service, by a person
    15  who was a resident of New York state at the  time  of  entry  into  such
    16  service and at the time of being discharged therefrom (vii) under honor-
    17  able circumstances, or (viii) with a qualifying condition, as defined in
    18  section  three  hundred  fifty  of  the  executive  law,  and received a
    19  discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such  service,  or
    20  (ix)  as  a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section three hundred
    21  fifty of the executive law, and received  a  discharge  other  than  bad
    22  conduct or dishonorable from such service, or, if not a resident of this
    23  state  at  such  times  was  then  or thereafter became an employee of a
    24  participating employer created by and deriving its powers from an agree-
    25  ment between this state and any other state, and was a resident of  such
    26  other  state  at the time of entry into and discharge from such service,
    27  and who makes the payments required by subdivision k of  section  forty-
    28  one of this article.
    29    However,  no military service shall be creditable under this paragraph
    30  two in the case of a member under an existing plan permitting retirement
    31  upon twenty years of creditable  service  who  is  receiving  a  federal
    32  pension (other than for disability) based upon a minimum of twenty years
    33  of  full  time active military service in the armed forces of the United
    34  States nor shall any military service be creditable in  the  case  of  a
    35  member  under  any other plan who is receiving a military pension (other
    36  than for disability) for military service in the  armed  forces  of  the
    37  United States.
    38    §  4. Subparagraph (c) of paragraph 8 of subdivision a of section 80-a
    39  of the retirement and social security law, as added by  chapter  219  of
    40  the laws of 1968, is amended to read as follows:
    41    (c) In the case of a senator or assemblyman, service, not in excess of
    42  three  years and not otherwise creditable under subparagraph (b) of this
    43  paragraph [eight], rendered on active duty in the armed  forces  of  the
    44  United  States during the period commencing July first, nineteen hundred
    45  forty, and terminating December thirty-first,  nineteen  hundred  forty-
    46  six,  by  a person who  was a resident of the state at the time of entry
    47  into service and at the time of being  discharged  therefrom  (i)  under
    48  honorable  circumstances, or (ii) has a qualifying condition, as defined
    49  in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and was a  resident
    50  of  the  state  at  the  time  of  entry into service and at the time of
    51  receiving a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable  from  such
    52  service,  or  (iii)  is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section
    53  three hundred fifty of the executive law, and  was  a  resident  of  the
    54  state  at  the time of entry into service and at the time of receiving a
    55  discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service.

        A. 5278--B                          5

     1    § 5. Subdivision (i) of section 89-a  of  the  retirement  and  social
     2  security  law,  as  added  by  chapter  996 of the laws of 1966 and such
     3  section as renumbered by chapter 1059 of the laws of 1968, is amended to
     4  read as follows:
     5    (i)  In  computing  the twenty-five years of total service of a member
     6  pursuant to this section full credit shall be given and  full  allowance
     7  shall  be made for service of such member in time of war after world war
     8  I as defined in section two of this chapter, provided such member at the
     9  time of his entrance into the military service of the United States  was
    10  then  a  resident of this state and in the service of a sheriffs depart-
    11  ment and (1) had been honorably discharged or released  under  honorable
    12  circumstances from such military service, or (2) has a qualifying condi-
    13  tion,  as  defined  in section three hundred fifty of the executive law,
    14  and received a discharge other than bad  conduct  or  dishonorable  from
    15  such service, or (3) is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section
    16  three hundred fifty of the executive law, and received a discharge other
    17  than  bad  conduct  or  dishonorable  from such service, and such member
    18  returned to the service of a sheriffs department within the time limited
    19  by section two of this chapter.
    20    § 6. Paragraph a of subdivision 29 of section 302  of  the  retirement
    21  and  social  security law, as added by chapter 1000 of the laws of 1966,
    22  is amended to read as follows:
    23    a. (1) Has been  honorably  discharged  or  released  therefrom  under
    24  honorable  circumstances,  or (2) has a qualifying condition, as defined
    25  in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has received  a
    26  discharge  other  than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or
    27  (3) is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in  section  three  hundred
    28  fifty  of the executive law, and has received a discharge other than bad
    29  conduct or dishonorable from such service, and
    30    § 7. Paragraph d of subdivision 29-a of section 302 of the  retirement
    31  and  social  security law, as added by chapter 1000 of the laws of 1966,
    32  is amended to read as follows:
    33    d. Credit under this section shall not  accrue  to  a  person  who  is
    34  released  from active duty under conditions other than honorable, unless
    35  such person has a qualifying condition,  as  defined  in  section  three
    36  hundred  fifty  of the executive law, and has received a discharge other
    37  than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or is  a  discharged
    38  LGBT veteran, as defined in section three hundred fifty of the executive
    39  law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable
    40  from such service.
    41    §  8. Subdivision 31 of section 302 of the retirement and social secu-
    42  rity law, as amended by chapter 616 of the laws of 1995, subparagraph  c
    43  of paragraph 1 as amended by chapter 476 of the laws of 2018, is amended
    44  to read as follows:
    45    31.  "Service in world war II." (1) Military service during the period
    46  commencing July first, nineteen hundred forty, and terminating  December
    47  thirty-first, nineteen hundred forty-six, as a member of the armed forc-
    48  es  of  the United States, or service by one who was employed by the War
    49  Shipping Administration or Office of  Defense  Transportation  or  their
    50  agents  as a merchant seaman documented by the United States Coast Guard
    51  or Department of Commerce, or as a civil servant employed by the  United
    52  States  Army  Transport Service (later redesignated as the United States
    53  Army Transportation Corps, Water Division) or the  Naval  Transportation
    54  Service; and who served satisfactorily as a crew member during the peri-
    55  od  of  armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one, to
    56  August fifteenth, nineteen hundred forty-five, aboard  merchant  vessels

        A. 5278--B                          6

     1  in oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise service as such
     2  terms  are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301 & 10501) and further
     3  to include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and  Canada,
     4  Mexico, or the West Indies via ocean routes, or public vessels in ocean-
     5  going  service  or  foreign waters and who has received a Certificate of
     6  Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or an
     7  Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department of
     8  Defense, or service by one  who  served  as  a  United  States  civilian
     9  employed  by the American Field Service and served overseas under United
    10  States Armies and United States Army Groups in world war II  during  the
    11  period  of  armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one
    12  through May  eighth,  nineteen  hundred  forty-five,  and  who  (i)  was
    13  discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions, or (ii) has
    14  a qualifying condition, as defined in section three hundred fifty of the
    15  executive  law,  and  has received a discharge other than bad conduct or
    16  dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a discharged  LGBT  veteran,
    17  as  defined in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has
    18  received a discharge other than bad conduct or  dishonorable  from  such
    19  service, or service by one who served as a United States civilian Flight
    20  Crew  and Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan American World Airways
    21  or one of its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served  overseas  as  a
    22  result  of  Pan  American's contract with Air Transport Command or Naval
    23  Air Transport Service during the  period  of  armed  conflict,  December
    24  fourteenth,  nineteen hundred forty-one through August fourteenth, nine-
    25  teen hundred forty-five, and who (iv) was discharged or released  there-
    26  from  under  honorable conditions, or (v) has a qualifying condition, as
    27  defined in section three hundred fifty of the  executive  law,  and  has
    28  received  a  discharge  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
    29  service, or (vi) is a discharged LGBT veteran,  as  defined  in  section
    30  three  hundred  fifty of the executive law, and has received a discharge
    31  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from  such  service,  or  of  any
    32  person who:
    33    a.  (i)  Has  been  honorably  discharged  or released therefrom under
    34  honorable circumstances, or (ii) has a qualifying condition, as  defined
    35  in  section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has received a
    36  discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such  service,  or
    37  (iii)  is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section three hundred
    38  fifty of the executive law, and has received a discharge other than  bad
    39  conduct or dishonorable from such service, and
    40    b.  Was a resident of this state at the time of his entrance into such
    41  armed forces, or, if not a resident of this state at that time, was then
    42  or thereafter became an employee of a participating employer created  by
    43  and  deriving  its  powers  from an agreement between this state and any
    44  other state and was a resident of such other state at the  time  of  his
    45  entrance into such armed forces, and
    46    c.  Was  either  a  member  of the New York state and local employees'
    47  retirement system and an employee of the state  or  of  a  participating
    48  employer  of such system at the time he or she entered such armed forces
    49  or became such employee and such member while in such armed forces on or
    50  before July first, nineteen hundred forty-eight, or became such employee
    51  while in such armed forces and subsequently became  such  member  on  or
    52  before  July  first, nineteen hundred forty-eight, or was an employee of
    53  an employer which was not a participating employer at the time he or she
    54  entered such armed forces but which elected to  become  a  participating
    55  employer while he or she was absent on military duty, or was an employee
    56  of  the state or of a participating employer or was a teacher as defined

        A. 5278--B                          7

     1  in article eleven of the education  law  at  the  time  of  his  or  her
     2  entrance  into  the  armed  forces and became a member of the police and
     3  fire retirement system subsequent to separation or  discharge  from  the
     4  armed services, and
     5    d.  Returned to the employment of the state or a participating employ-
     6  er, within one year following discharge  or  release  or  completion  of
     7  advanced  education  provided under the servicemen's readjustment act of
     8  nineteen hundred forty-four,  certified  on  a  world  war  II  military
     9  service  certificate,  and allowable as provided in section forty-one of
    10  this article. Such service shall not include any  periods  during  which
    11  civil  compensation  was  received by the member under the provisions of
    12  section two hundred forty-two of the military law,  or  section  six  of
    13  chapter six hundred eight of the laws of nineteen hundred fifty-two; or
    14    (2)  Military  service, not in excess of three years and not otherwise
    15  creditable under paragraph one hereof, rendered on active  duty  in  the
    16  armed  forces  of  the  United  States during the period commencing July
    17  first, nineteen hundred forty, and  terminating  December  thirty-first,
    18  nineteen  hundred  forty-six,  or service by one who was employed by the
    19  War Shipping Administration or Office of Defense Transportation or their
    20  agents as a merchant seaman documented by the United States Coast  Guard
    21  or  Department of Commerce, or as a civil servant employed by the United
    22  States Army Transport Service (later redesignated as the  United  States
    23  Army  Transportation  Corps, Water Division) or the Naval Transportation
    24  Service; and who served satisfactorily as a crew member during the peri-
    25  od of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred  forty-one,  to
    26  August  fifteenth,  nineteen hundred forty-five, aboard merchant vessels
    27  in oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise service as such
    28  terms are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301 & 10501) and  further
    29  to  include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and Canada,
    30  Mexico, or the West Indies via ocean routes, or public vessels in ocean-
    31  going service or foreign waters and who has received  a  Certificate  of
    32  Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or an
    33  Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department of
    34  Defense,  or  service  by  one  who  served  as a United States civilian
    35  employed by the American Field Service and served overseas under  United
    36  States  Armies  and United States Army Groups in world war II during the
    37  period of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen  hundred  forty-one
    38  through  May  eighth,  nineteen  hundred  forty-five,  and  who  (i) was
    39  discharged or released therefrom under honorable conditions, or (ii) has
    40  a qualifying condition, as defined in section three hundred fifty of the
    41  executive law, and has received a discharge other than  bad  conduct  or
    42  dishonorable  from  such service, or (iii) is a discharged LGBT veteran,
    43  as defined in section three hundred fifty of the executive law, and  has
    44  received  a  discharge  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such
    45  service, or service by one who served as a United States civilian Flight
    46  Crew and Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan American World  Airways
    47  or  one  of  its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served overseas as a
    48  result of Pan American's contract with Air Transport  Command  or  Naval
    49  Air  Transport  Service  during  the  period of armed conflict, December
    50  fourteenth, nineteen hundred forty-one through August fourteenth,  nine-
    51  teen  hundred forty-five, and who (iv) was discharged or released there-
    52  from under honorable conditions, or (v) has a qualifying  condition,  as
    53  defined  in  section  three  hundred fifty of the executive law, and has
    54  received a discharge other than bad conduct or  dishonorable  from  such
    55  service,  or  (vi)  is  a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section
    56  three hundred fifty of the executive law, and has received  a  discharge

        A. 5278--B                          8

     1  other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or by a person
     2  who  was  a  resident  of  New York state at the time of entry into such
     3  service and at the time of being discharged therefrom (vii) under honor-
     4  able circumstances, or (viii) with a qualifying condition, as defined in
     5  section  three  hundred  fifty  of  the  executive  law,  and received a
     6  discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such  service,  or
     7  (ix)  as  a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section three hundred
     8  fifty of the executive law, and received  a  discharge  other  than  bad
     9  conduct or dishonorable from such service, or, if not a resident of this
    10  state  at  such  times  was  then  or thereafter became an employee of a
    11  participating employer created by and deriving its powers from an agree-
    12  ment between this state and any other state, and was a resident of  such
    13  other  state  at the time of entry into and discharge from such service,
    14  and who makes the payments required by subdivision k  of  section  three
    15  hundred forty-one of this chapter.
    16    However,  no military service shall be creditable under this paragraph
    17  two in the case of a member under an existing plan permitting retirement
    18  upon twenty years of creditable  service  who  is  receiving  a  federal
    19  pension (other than for disability) based upon a minimum of twenty years
    20  of  military  service in the armed forces of the United States nor shall
    21  such military service be creditable in the case of a  member  under  any
    22  other plan who is receiving a military pension (other than for disabili-
    23  ty) for such service.
    24    §  9. Subdivision 1 of section 1000 of the retirement and social secu-
    25  rity law, as amended by chapter 41 of the laws of 2016,  is  amended  to
    26  read as follows:
    27    1.  A member, upon application to such retirement system, may obtain a
    28  total not to exceed three years of service credit for up to three  years
    29  of  military  duty, as defined in section two hundred forty-three of the
    30  military law, if the member (a) was honorably discharged from the  mili-
    31  tary,  or  (b)  has  a qualifying condition, as defined in section three
    32  hundred fifty of the executive law, and has received a  discharge  other
    33  than  bad  conduct  or  dishonorable  from  such  service,  or  (c) is a
    34  discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section three  hundred  fifty  of
    35  the  executive  law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct
    36  or dishonorable from such service.
    37    § 10. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, none
    38  of the provisions of this act shall be subject  to  section  25  of  the
    39  retirement and social security law.
    40    § 11. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become a
    41  law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any
    42  rule  or  regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its
    43  effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before such
    44  effective date.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          This bill would extend the benefits of Section 1000 of Retirement  and
        Social  Security  Law to any member of a public retirement system in New
        York State who has a qualifying condition or is a discharged LGBT veter-
        an as defined in section 350 of the Executive Law.   The  total  service
        credit  granted  for  any military service shall not exceed three years.
        Members must have at least five years of credited service (not including
        military service). Tier 1-5 members would be required to make a  payment
        of  three  percent  of  their most recent compensation per year of addi-
        tional service credit granted by this bill.  Tier  6  members  would  be
        required  to  make a payment of six percent of their most recent compen-
        sation per year of additional service credit.

        A. 5278--B                          9

          If this bill is enacted during the 2022 legislative  session,  insofar
        as this proposal affects the New York State and Local Employees' Retire-
        ment  System  (NYSLERS), it is estimated that the past service cost will
        average approximately 18% (15% for  Tier  6)  of  an  affected  members'
        compensation  for  each  year  of  additional  service  credit  that  is
          If this bill is enacted during the 2022 legislative  session,  insofar
        as  this  proposal  affects the New York State and Local Police and Fire
        Retirement System (NYSLPFRS), it is estimated that the past service cost
        will average approximately 22% (19% for Tier 6) of an affected  members'
        compensation for each year of additional service that is purchased.
          The  exact  number  of  current  members as well as future members who
        could be affected by this legislation cannot be readily determined.
          Costs arising in the NYSLERS would be shared by the State of New  York
        and the participating employers in the NYSLERS.
          Costs arising in the NYSLPFRS would be shared by the State of New York
        and the participating employers in the NYSLPFRS.
          Summary of relevant resources:
          Membership  data as of March 31, 2021 was used in measuring the impact
        of the proposed change, the same data used in the April 1, 2021 actuari-
        al valuation.  Distributions and other statistics can be  found  in  the
        2021  Report  of the Actuary and the 2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial
          The actuarial assumptions and methods used are described in  the  2020
        and  2021 Annual Report to the Comptroller on Actuarial Assumptions, and
        the Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of  New  York:  Audit  and
          The Market Assets and GASB Disclosures are found in the March 31, 2021
        New  York  State  and  Local  Retirement System Financial Statements and
        Supplementary Information.
          I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Quali-
        fication Standards to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
          This fiscal note does not constitute a legal opinion on the  viability
        of  the  proposed change nor is it intended to serve as a substitute for
        the professional judgment of an attorney.
          This estimate, dated January 21,  2022,  and  intended  for  use  only
        during  the  2022  Legislative  Session,  is  Fiscal  Note  No. 2022-57,
        prepared by the Actuary for the New  York  State  and  Local  Retirement
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          As  it  applies  to members of the New York State Teachers' Retirement
        System, Section 9 of this bill would amend Subdivision 1 of Section 1000
        of the Retirement and Social Security Law to allow a member  who  has  a
        qualifying  condition  as  defined  in  Section 350 of the Executive Law
        (post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury) or  a  member
        who is a discharged LGBT veteran as defined in Section 240 of the Execu-
        tive  Law  to  purchase  up  to  three  years of military service credit
        provided such member did not receive a dishonorable  discharge  and  was
        not  discharged  for  bad  conduct. To obtain such credit, a member must
        make payments as required by Section 1000 of the Retirement  and  Social
        Security  Law.  Tier  1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 members are required to pay three
        percent of salary earned during the twelve months  of  credited  service
        immediately preceding the year in which a claim is made for each year of
        military  service.  Tier  6  members  are required to pay six percent of
        salary earned during the twelve months of credited  service  immediately

        A. 5278--B                         10

        preceding  the  year  in which a claim is made for each year of military
          It  is  not  possible  to determine the number of eligible current and
        future members, or the number of years of military service  credit  each
        such  member may purchase under this bill. Therefore, it is not possible
        to estimate the annual increase in the employers' cost  for  this  bill.
        Whatever  increase  in  liability that arises for service credited under
        this bill above that paid by the member would be included  in  the  cost
        that  would  be  shared  by  employers through the employer contribution
          It is estimated that the cost, expressed as a percentage of a member's
        salary for each year of service credit a  member  purchases  under  this
        bill is as follows:
                           Cost per year of Service Purchased
                        (as a percentage of the member's salary)

        Tier(s)                                      1-4       5         6
        Cost                                         12.5%     10.9%     8.9%
        Member Contribution offset                   3.0%      3.0%      6.0%
        Net cost to participating employers          9.5%      7.9%      2.9%

          Member  data  is  from  the  System's  most recent actuarial valuation
        files, consisting of data provided by the employers  to  the  Retirement
        System.   Data distributions and statistics can be found in the System's
        Annual Report.  System assets are as reported in the System's  financial
        statements and can also be found in the System's Annual Report. Actuari-
        al  assumptions and methods are provided in the System's Actuarial Valu-
        ation Report and the 2021 Actuarial Assumptions Report.
          The source of this estimate is Fiscal Note 2022-27 dated April 6, 2022
        prepared by the Office of the Actuary of the New  York  State  Teachers'
        Retirement  System and is intended for use only during the 2022 Legisla-
        tive Session. I, Richard A. Young, am the Chief Actuary for the New York
        State Teachers' Retirement System. I am a member of the American Academy
        of Actuaries and I meet the  Qualification  Standards  of  the  American
        Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion contained herein.
          FISCAL NOTE.--Pursuant to Legislative Law, Section 50:
          SUMMARY  OF  BILL: This proposed legislation, as it relates to members
        of the New York City  Retirement  Systems  and  Pension  Funds  (NYCRS),
        amends  Retirement and Social Security Law (RSSL) Section 1000 to permit
        the purchase of qualifying, other than  honorably  discharged,  military
        service for NYCRS service credit.
          Effective Date: One year after enactment.
          BACKGROUND:  Members of NYCRS who were other than honorably discharged
        from military service due to (1)  post-traumatic  stress  disorder;  (2)
        traumatic brain injury; (3) an experience of military sexual trauma; (4)
        sexual  orientation,  gender  identity,  or  gender  expression;  or (5)
        conduct or acts relating to  sexual  orientation,  gender  identity,  or
        gender  expression  that  was  prohibited by the military at the time of
        discharge, are generally ineligible to purchase  such  military  service
        for purposes of NYCRS benefits.
          IMPACT  ON BENEFITS: Under the proposed legislation, if enacted, mili-
        tary service with qualifying discharges described  above,  would  become
        eligible  for  purchase pursuant to RSSL Section 1000. RSSL Section 1000
        allows for up to three years of military  service  to  be  purchased  as
        NYCRS service credit.

        A. 5278--B                         11

          Prior military service with discharges due to bad conduct or dishonor-
        able discharge would remain ineligible to purchase for purposes of NYCRS
          IMPACT  ON  PAYABILITY:  In  addition to the impact on benefits above,
        once purchased, eligible military service would  count  towards  meeting
        the minimum eligibility requirements for NYCRS pension benefits.
          ADDITIONAL  MEMBER  CONTRIBUTIONS: Eligible NYCRS members are required
        to make contributions, equal to 3% of  compensation  earned  during  the
        year  of credited service immediately preceding the date of application,
        for all military service being purchased.
          FINANCIAL IMPACT - OVERVIEW: There is no data  available  to  estimate
        the  number of members who were previously ineligible to purchase quali-
        fying military service and potentially benefit from this proposed legis-
        lation.  Therefore, the estimated financial impact has  been  calculated
        on  a  per  event  basis  equal  to the increase in the Present Value of
        Future Benefits (PVFB) for an average NYCRS  member  who  has  purchased
        military  service  under  Chapter 41 of the Laws of 2016. In determining
        the increase in the PVFB, it  has  been  assumed  that  2.4  years  were
          FINANCIAL  IMPACT  -  PRESENT VALUES: Based on the census data and the
        actuarial assumptions and methods described  herein,  the  enactment  of
        this  proposed  legislation  would  increase  the  PVFB by approximately
        $49,500, on average, for each military buyback of 2.4  years  purchased.
        The  average  cost  to  the  member  for  each buyback was approximately
        $8,400. This results in a net increase in the Present  Value  of  future
        employer  contributions  of  approximately  $41,100  for  each  military
        buyback of 2.4 years purchased.
          With respect to an individual member,  the  additional  cost  of  this
        proposed legislation could vary greatly depending on the member's length
        of service, age, and salary history.
        proposed legislation would increase employer contributions,  where  such
        amount  would  depend on the number of members affected as well as other
        member characteristics as described above.
          As there is no data currently available  to  estimate  the  number  of
        members  who  might become eligible and purchase military service due to
        the proposed legislation, the financial impact would  be  recognized  at
        the  time  of the event. Consequently, changes in employer contributions
        have been estimated assuming that the  increase  in  the  PVFB  will  be
        financed  over  a time period used under the current amortization period
        for actuarial losses under the Entry Age Normal cost method. Using  this
        approach,  the  additional PVFB would be amortized over a closed 15-year
        period (14 payments under the One-Year  Lag  Methodology  (OYLM))  using
        level dollar payments.
          Based  on  the  Actuary's  actuarial assumptions and methods in effect
        described herein, the enactment of this proposed  legislation  is  esti-
        mated  to increase annual employer contributions by approximately $4,900
        for each military buyback of 2.4 years purchased. With  respect  to  the
        timing,  increases  in  employer  contributions  would  depend upon when
        members elect to purchase the  service.  Generally,  increased  employer
        contributions will first occur the second fiscal year following process-
        ing and payment of the buyback application.
          The  proposed  legislation, pursuant to section 10 of the bill, is not
        subject to RSSL section 25. Therefore, costs associated with the  enact-
        ment  of  this bill would not be subject to State reimbursement notwith-
        standing the increased cost of prior service associated with the bill.

        A. 5278--B                         12

          CENSUS DATA: The estimates presented herein are based  on  the  census
        data  of members who have purchased military service under Chapter 41 of
        the Laws of 2016 as of June 30, 2021.
          As of June 30, 2021, there were 3,461 NYCRS members who have purchased
        prior  military  service  under Chapter 41. Those members had an average
        age of approximately 48.7 years, average service of  approximately  16.8
        years  before  buyback, and an average salary of approximately $107,600.
        The average amount of service credit  purchased  was  approximately  2.4
          ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS: The changes in the Present Value of
        future   employer   contributions   and  annual  employer  contributions
        presented herein have been calculated based on the actuarial assumptions
        and methods in effect for the June 30, 2020 (Lag)  actuarial  valuations
        used  to  determine the Final Fiscal Year 2022 employer contributions of
        each respective NYCRS.
          RISK AND UNCERTAINTY: The costs presented in this Fiscal  Note  depend
        highly  on the realization of the actuarial assumptions used, as well as
        certain demographic characteristics of each respective NYCRS  and  other
        exogenous  factors such as investment, contribution, and other risks. If
        actual experience deviates from actuarial assumptions, the actual  costs
        could  differ  from  those presented herein. Costs are also dependent on
        the actuarial methods used, and therefore  different  actuarial  methods
        could  produce  different results. Quantifying these risks is beyond the
        scope of this Fiscal Note.
          Not measured in this Fiscal Note are the following:
          * The initial, additional administrative costs of NYCRS and other  New
        York City agencies to implement the proposed legislation.
          The  impact of this proposed legislation on Other Postemployment Bene-
        fit * (OPEB) costs.
          STATEMENT OF ACTUARIAL OPINION: I, Michael J. Samet,  am  the  Interim
        Chief  Actuary  for,  and  independent  of, the New York City Retirement
        Systems and Pension Funds. I am a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and
        a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. I meet the  Qualification
        Standards  of  the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial
        opinion contained herein. To the  best  of  my  knowledge,  the  results
        contained  herein  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally
        accepted actuarial principles and  procedures  and  with  the  Actuarial
        Standards of Practice issued by the Actuarial Standards Board.
          FISCAL  NOTE  IDENTIFICATION:  This Fiscal Note 2022-18 dated April 7,
        2022 was prepared by the Interim Chief Actuary for  the  New  York  City
        Retirement  Systems and Pension Funds. This estimate is intended for use
        only during the 2022 Legislative Session.