Bill Text: NH HB350 | 2012 | Regular Session | Chaptered

Bill Title: Updating laws relative to the fiscal committee of the general court.

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Passed) 2012-06-22 - House Signed By Governor 06/18/2012; Effective 08/17/2012; Chapter 0247 [HB350 Detail]

Download: New_Hampshire-2012-HB350-Chaptered.html



4Jan2012… 2710h

04/25/12 1766s

6June2012… 2464CofC





AN ACT updating laws relative to the fiscal committee of the general court.

SPONSORS: Rep. Foose, Merr 1; Rep. Kurk, Hills 7

COMMITTEE: Legislative Administration


This bill:

I. Updates laws relative to the fiscal committee of the general court.

II. Increases the amount a department may transfer among budget accounting units without prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court and governor and council.

III. Replaces obsolete references to PAU or “program appropriation unit” with “accounting unit” to reflect current budget terminology.

IV. Clarifies the authority of the judicial branch to transfer funds among accounting units and establishes a limitation on the amount that may be transferred without approval of the fiscal committee of the general court.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

4Jan2012… 2710h

04/25/12 1766s

6June2012… 2464CofC




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eleven

AN ACT updating laws relative to the fiscal committee of the general court.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

247:1 Revenue Stabilization Reserve Account; Statutory Reference Corrected. Amend RSA 9:13-e, II and the introductory paragraph of RSA 9:13-e, III to read as follows:

II. There is hereby established within the general fund general ledger a revenue stabilization reserve account. At the close of the fiscal biennium ending June 30, 2001, and at the close of each fiscal biennium thereafter, any surplus, as determined by the official audit performed pursuant to RSA 21-I:8, [I(h)] II(a) shall be transferred by the comptroller to a special nonlapsing revenue stabilization reserve account; provided, however, that in any single fiscal year the total of such transfer shall not exceed 1/2 of the total potential maximum balance allowable under paragraph V. The comptroller is hereby directed to establish the revenue stabilization reserve account in which to deposit any money received from a general fund operating budget surplus. The state treasurer shall invest funds in this account as authorized by RSA 6:8. The interest so earned shall be deposited as unrestricted general fund revenue.

III. In the event of a general fund operating budget deficit at the close of any fiscal biennium as determined by the official audit performed pursuant to RSA 21-I:8, [I(h)] II(a), the comptroller shall notify the fiscal committee of the general court and the governor of such deficit and request that sufficient funds, to the extent available, be transferred from the revenue stabilization reserve account to eliminate such deficit. Such transfer may be made only when both of the following conditions have been met:

247:2 Transfers Authorized. Amend RSA 9:16-a to read as follows:

9:16-a Transfers Authorized. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, every department as defined in RSA 9:1 is hereby authorized to transfer funds within and among all [PAUs] accounting units within said department, provided that any transfer of [$2,500] $75,000 or more shall require prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court and the governor and council, and provided that no funds may be transferred in violation of the provisions of RSA 9:17-a, [17-b] 9:17-b, or [17-c] 9:17-c or in violation of any restrictions otherwise provided by law or to or from any account, except accounts in the department of health and human services, which is not composed of the same funding source mix.

247:3 Change from “PAU” to “Accounting Unit.” Amend the following RSA provisions by replacing “PAU” with “accounting unit”: RSA 9:4, II(a); 9:4-d, I; 21-I:56, III; and 84-C:11, I(a).

247:4 Change from “Program Appropriation” to “Accounting.” Amend the following RSA provisions by replacing “program appropriation” with “accounting”: RSA 9:8-a; 187-A:16, XV; 260:74; 284:21-f; and 383:11, I and II.

247:5 State Historic Sites Fund; Reporting Requirement Deleted. Amend RSA 12-A:10-f, IV to read as follows:

IV. The commissioner of the department of resources and economic development may transfer funds between and among the appropriations for the operation of the bureau of historic sites. The commissioner shall report [on a quarterly basis] annually 60 days after the close of each fiscal year to the fiscal committee of the general court and the governor and council all transfers accomplished under the provisions of this section. RSA 9:17-a and RSA 9:17-c shall not apply to this section.

247:6 Package Plan Programs; Reporting Requirement to Fiscal Committee Deleted. Amend RSA 12-A:15, II to read as follows:

II. The department of resources and economic development may participate in package plan programs with voluntary corporations as defined in this section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this participation may include entering into such agreements with voluntary corporations as are in the best interests of the state, which agreements may relate to the development, promotion, administration, and sales of package plan programs. Such agreements shall permit the department of resources and economic development to provide to the voluntary corporation a mutually agreed upon number of tickets or vouchers for tickets at a mutually agreed upon discounted rate in order to participate in the package plan program for promotional purposes or in lieu of dues to the voluntary corporation. Any revenue derived by participation in package plan programs payable to the department of resources and economic development in accordance with such agreements shall be deposited with the state treasurer in the same manner as regular ticket sales. The commissioner of the department of resources and economic development shall make quarterly reports on revenue derived from participation in package plan programs to the [fiscal committee, the] senate president, the speaker of the house, and governor and council.

247:7 Transfers Authorized; Ski Areas. Amend RSA 12-A:28 to read as follows:

12-A:28 Transfers Authorized; Ski Areas. The commissioner of the department of resources and economic development may transfer funds for any specific purposes to funds for other purposes within and among the appropriations for the operation of Cannon Mountain. The commissioner shall report [on a quarterly basis] annually 60 days after the close of each fiscal year to the [legislative] fiscal committee of the general court and the governor and council all transfers accomplished under the provisions of this section. The provisions of this section shall not be subject to RSA 9:17-a and RSA 9:17-c.

247:8 Job Training Program for Economic Growth; Report Requirement Eliminated. Amend RSA 12-A:58, I to read as follows:

I. No later than April 1, 2008, the commissioner, in consultation with the grant review committee, shall establish performance criteria. The committee shall submit annually [at the end] 60 days after the close of each fiscal year, to the commissioner of the department of resources and economic development, the commissioner of the department of employment security, the governor, the senate president, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the fiscal committee of the general court, a report indicating the level of performance achieved through the program.

247:9 Pease Development Authority; Report Requirement. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 12-G:42, XI to read as follows:

XI. Adopt rules, after obtaining prior approval by the [fiscal committee of the general court and the] board, relative to the setting and collecting of fees authorized under RSA 12-G:38, relating to foreign trade zones; RSA 12-G:42, IV and V, relating to wharfage, dockage, and other marine terminal operations; RSA 12-G:42, VI, relating to moorings, state-owned slips, and wait lists; RSA 12-G:42, IX, relating to state-owned commercial piers and associated facilities; RSA 12-G:49-a, relating to pilotage; and any other matter necessary for the proper administration of the division with respect to the setting and collecting of fees. The rules adopted under this paragraph shall not be subject to the provisions of RSA 541-A, so as to provide the authority with the ability to maximize revenues and to adjust fees according to market conditions and trends as is the common practice in private industry. Fees established pursuant to this paragraph shall be consistent with the following criteria:

247:10 Fiscal Committee Approval; Acceptance of Non-State Funds. Amend RSA 14:30-a, VI to read as follows:

VI. Any non-state funds in excess of [$50,000] $100,000, whether public or private, including refunds of expenditures, federal aid, local funds, gifts, bequests, grants, and funds from any other non-state source, which under state law require the approval of governor and council for acceptance and expenditure, may be accepted and expended by the proper persons or agencies in the state government only with the prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court.

247:11 Duties of Commissioner of Administrative Services; Fiscal Committee Approval Required for Assignment of Physical Facilities to State Agencies. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 21-I:13, VII to read as follows:

VII. Assign physical facilities, including rented office space, for the use of state agencies, after consultation with the governor and the [joint] prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, except:

247:12 Public Works Major Projects. Amend RSA 21-I:80, III to read as follows:

III. After written application to the [fiscal] capital budget overview committee, the requirements of paragraph II may be waived upon approval of the [fiscal] capital budget overview committee and the governor and council.

247:13 Duties of Attorney General; Reporting Requirement Changed. Amend RSA 21-M:5, VI to read as follows:

VI. Submit [every 6 months] annually 60 days after the close of each fiscal year to the [joint legislative] fiscal committee of the general court a report detailing each expenditure approved under RSA 7:12.

247:14 Fire Standards and Training and Emergency Medical Services Fund. Amend RSA 21-P:12-d to read as follows:

21-P:12-d Fire Standards and Training and Emergency Medical Services Fund. There is established in the office of the state treasurer a separate, nonlapsing fund to be known as the fire standards and training and emergency medical services fund from which the state treasurer shall pay expenses incurred in the administration of the division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services, under RSA 21-P:12-a, the division of fire safety, under RSA 21-P:12, the division of homeland security and emergency management, and the position of fireworks inspector, under RSA 160-C:17. [If the expenditure of additional funds over budget estimates is necessary for the proper functioning of the division of fire standards and training and emergency medical services, the division of fire safety, or the division of homeland security and emergency management, the department of safety may request, with prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, the transfer of funds from the fire standards and training and emergency medical services funds to the department of safety for such purposes.]

247:15 Judicial Retirement Plan; Supplemental Allowances. Amend RSA 100-C:17 to read as follows:

100-C:17 Supplemental Allowances. Each calendar year, the [fiscal committee of the] general court may approve supplemental benefits in an amount exceeding $50,000 in the aggregate upon recommendation of the board. The board shall have the authority to provide supplemental benefits annually in such percentages or amounts as the board deems advisable, including the ability to segment or tier amounts based upon years without such a benefit. Supplemental benefits shall not be permanent. The board shall provide information required by the [fiscal committee] general court, including, but not limited to, any change in the Consumer Price Index-Urban for the year prior to the year in which the nonrecurring benefit is to be granted. Supplemental benefits greater than $50,000 per year in the aggregate shall only be paid if the judicial retirement annuity accumulation fund earns at a level greater than the actuarial assumed rate of return approved by the board and the trust is at least 90 percent funded for that calendar year.

247:16 Enhanced 911 System Fund. Amend RSA 106-H:9, I to read as follows:

I. The enhanced 911 system and the statewide emergency notification system shall be funded through a surcharge to be levied upon each residence and business telephone exchange line, including PBX trunks and Centrex lines, each individual commercial mobile radio service number, and each semi-public and public coin and public access line. No such surcharge shall be imposed upon more than 25 business telephone exchange lines, including PBX trunks and Centrex lines, or more than 25 commercial mobile radio service exchange lines per customer billing account. In the case of local exchange telephone companies, the surcharge shall be contained within tariffs or rate schedules filed with the public utilities commission and shall be billed on a monthly basis by each local exchange telephone company. In the case of an entity which provides commercial mobile radio service the surcharge shall be billed to each customer on a monthly basis and shall not be subject to any state or local tax; the surcharge shall be collected by the commercial mobile radio service provider, and may be identified on the customer’s bill. Each local exchange telephone company or entity which provides commercial mobile radio service shall remit the surcharge amounts on a monthly basis to the enhanced 911 services bureau, which shall be forwarded to the state treasurer for deposit in the enhanced 911 system fund. The state treasurer shall pay expenses incurred in the administration of the enhanced 911 system and the statewide emergency notification system from such fund. Such fund shall not lapse. [If the expenditure of additional funds over budget estimates is necessary for the proper functioning of the enhanced 911 system or the statewide emergency notification system, the department of safety may request, with prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, the transfer of funds from the enhanced 911 system fund to the department of safety for such purposes.] The moneys in the account shall not be used for any purpose other than the development and operation of enhanced 911 services and the statewide emergency notification system, in accordance with the terms of this chapter. Surcharge amounts shall be reviewed after the budget has been approved or modified, and if appropriate, new tariffs or rate schedules shall be filed with the public utilities commission reflecting the surcharge amount.

247:17 Workforce Investment Act Funds. Amend RSA 124:13-c to read as follows:

124:13-c Workforce Investment Act Funds. The administrative entity for the federal Workforce Investment Act funds shall submit [a quarterly] annually 60 days after the close of each fiscal year a written report to the [legislative] fiscal committee of the general court, senate president, and speaker of the house of representatives. The entity shall make an oral presentation to the [legislative] fiscal committee of the general court on a semi-annual basis.

247:18 Family Planning Waiver. Amend RSA 126-A:4-c to read as follows:

126-A:4-c Family Planning Waiver. The department shall develop a Medicaid waiver to support the extension of Medicaid-allowable family planning services, as defined in the state’s Medicaid plan, to Medicaid-eligible clients. The department shall present the proposed waiver design, including proposed coverage groups and budget neutrality calculation, to the [legislative] fiscal committee of the general court prior to submission of a final concept paper to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for federal approval. The department shall provide periodic reports to the [legislative] fiscal committee of the general court and the standing committees of the house of representatives and state senate with authority over health and human services issues throughout the waiver development, approval, and implementation processes. The department shall seek input from health care providers and the public in the course of developing the waiver. The department shall ensure that the state realizes the enhanced 90 percent federal Medicaid match available for these services and ensure that budget neutrality is maintained or exceeded through the 5-year life of the waiver. The department may contract with an independent third party on an annual basis for the life of the waiver to evaluate the clinical and financial outcomes of the waiver. A report shall be made to the [legislative] fiscal committee of the general court and the standing committees within 6 months of the end of the first full year of waiver implementation and subsequently on an annual basis.

247:19 Economic Revitalization Zone Tax Credits; Reports. Amend RSA 162-N:9 to read as follows:

162-N:9 Reports. The commissioner of resources and economic development shall file an annual report 60 days after the close of each fiscal year with the governor, the senate president, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the fiscal committee of the general court. The report shall describe the results of the economic revitalization zone tax credit program and shall include any recommendations for further legislation regarding the economic revitalization zone tax credit program.

247:20 Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled; Report. Amend RSA 167:3-j, III to read as follows:

III. If the department of health and human services adopts a 12-month standard in accordance with this section, the department may apply any net savings realized from implementing this standard to meet required appropriation reductions for the department contained in the state’s operating budget for the biennium ending June 30, 2011. The department shall estimate net savings based on expenditures for aid to the permanently and totally disabled grants as compared to amounts budgeted in fiscal year 2010 and 2011 for this purpose, net of any increases in Medicaid medical assistance and prescription costs resulting from this change. The department shall provide [quarterly] semi-annual reports to the fiscal committee of the general court relative to any net savings realized from the implementation of this section.

247:21 Liquor Commission; Funds; Report Requirement. Amend RSA 176:16, V to read as follows:

V. The commission may transfer funds totaling up to 5 percent of the operating budget in any fiscal year for any specific purposes to funds for other purposes within and among the appropriations for the operation of the commission. The commission shall report [on a semi-annual basis] annually 60 days after the close of each fiscal year to the fiscal committee of the general court all transfers accomplished under the provisions of this section. The provisions of this section shall not be subject to RSA 9:16-a, RSA 9:17-a, and RSA 9:17-c.

247:22 Closing of State Liquor Stores; Report Required. Amend RSA 177:2, I to read as follows:

I. The commission may close any state liquor store to improve profitability and efficiency. In determining net operating profit or loss, the commission shall adhere to generally accepted accounting principles for both revenues and expenses and shall include an allocation for indirect costs. All information regarding a decision to close any state liquor store shall be made available, by the commission, to the public upon request. The commission shall provide public notice 30 days prior to closing any state liquor store. The commission shall submit a [quarterly] semi-annual report of state liquor store closings to the fiscal committee of the general court.

247:23 State College and University System; Authority of Trustees; Report Requirement Deleted. Amend RSA 187-A:16, XV to read as follows:

XV. Transfer funds among the institutions of the university system, and their divisions and departments, when such action shall appear necessary and in the best interests of the state and the institutions of the university system. [The university system shall report the amount and purpose of all transfers of funds from one program appropriation unit of the budget to a different program appropriation unit to the legislative fiscal committee of the general court by November 1 of each year. Copies of such reports shall be sent to the house education committee and the senate education committee.]

247:24 Unique Pupil Identification. Amend RSA 193-E:5, III to read as follows:

III. Any contracts or agreements necessary to implement the provisions of this section shall be approved by the governor with the consent of the executive council[, and the fiscal committee established in RSA 14:30-a].

247:25 Resident Ski Rates; Reduced Rates; Requirement for Report to Fiscal Committee Deleted. Amend RSA 227:14 to read as follows:

227:14 Reduced Rates. All season passes, including those for different age groups or military service, established by the department for the specific use of the winter facilities at Cannon Mountain aerial tramway and ski area shall be made available to any resident of this state at a 25 percent discount. For the purposes of this section, “resident of this state’’ means a person whose domicile is in this state. To qualify for the discount, a resident shall provide proof of residency and purchase the pass prior to December 15 of the year in which the pass becomes effective. Proof of residency shall include a state issued driver’s license; a state issued I.D. card with a photograph or information including name, sex, date of birth, height, weight and color of eyes; a United States passport; an affidavit certifying residency from the municipal clerk of the purchasers’ town or city of residence; or, for a person less than 18 years of age, proof of a parent’s or guardian’s residency provided by the resident parent or guardian. The commissioner of the department of resources and economic development shall make quarterly reports on season passes issued under this section to the [fiscal committee of the general court, the] senate president, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the governor and council.

247:26 Waiver in Lieu of Court Appearance; Default; Requirement for Report Changed. Amend RSA 262:44, VIII to read as follows:

VIII. The commissioner of the department of safety shall make an annual report 60 days after the close of each fiscal year to the [legislative] fiscal committee of the general court on fines and fines in default, paid and unpaid, for each year beginning with 1993.

247:27 Lottery; Disbursements; Requirement for Report Changed. Amend RSA 284:21-f to read as follows:

284:21-f Disbursements. The compensation of the commissioners, expenses of the commissioners, compensation of assistants and other necessary expenses of the commission, including suitable furniture, equipment, supplies and office expense shall be charged to and paid out of the funds received under the provisions of this subdivision, provided that no payment shall be made until sufficient money has been received under the provisions of this subdivision to cover said payments. The state lottery commission shall submit an operating budget based on program appropriation units or other budgetary units required by the general court. The commission shall submit its budget in the same format and at the same time as other state agencies. However, the commission is authorized to transfer funds between line items within and among any budgetary unit. [By October 31 of each fiscal year,] The commission shall submit reports annually 60 days after the close of each fiscal year to the fiscal committee of the general court detailing all transfers made during the last fiscal year and the reasons for them.

247:28 Pari-Mutuel Pools; Tax; Requirement for Report From Licensees Changed. Amend RSA 284:23, VI to read as follows:

VI. During each calendar year, by March 31, each licensee shall make a report to the commission with regard to such licensee’s efforts to enhance live racing at such licensee’s race track. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, licensee’s enhancement of purses, capital improvements, promotion, advertising, and other activities determined by the licensee to enhance live racing. The report shall be in writing and shall be in sufficient detail as determined by the commission. The report shall be distributed to the commission and [each member of] the fiscal committee of the general court.

247:29 Drug Forfeiture Fund; Requirement for Report Changed. Amend RSA 318-B:17-c, II to read as follows:

II. Law enforcement agencies may apply to the department of justice for grants from the forfeiture fund. Such grants shall be utilized exclusively for meeting expenses associated with drug related investigations. The attorney general shall report [on or before December 31 of each calendar] 60 days after the close of each fiscal year to the governor and council and to the fiscal committee of the general court a summary of the grants provided to law enforcement agencies under this paragraph for the preceding fiscal year.

247:30 Aquatic Resources Compensatory Mitigation Fund: Requirement for Report Changed. Amend RSA 482-A:33 to read as follows:

482-A:33 Report. The department shall submit an annual report [by October 1 beginning with fiscal year 2006] 60 days after the close of each fiscal year, to the fiscal committee of the general court, the chairperson of the house resources, recreation and development committee, and the chairperson of the senate environment and wildlife committee summarizing all receipts and disbursements of the aquatic resource compensatory mitigation fund, including a description of all projects undertaken and the status of the administrative assessment account. Each report shall be in such detail with sufficient information to be fully understood by the general court and the public. After submission to the general court, the report shall be available to the public.

247:31 Court Personnel and Compensation System; Fiscal Committee Approval Deleted. Amend RSA 490:26-b, I to read as follows:

I. The supreme court shall establish a uniform personnel classification and compensation system and salary and grievance procedures for all nonjudicial court personnel not covered by a collective bargaining agreement under RSA 273-A. The compensation system shall be approved by the legislature prior to becoming effective [if the legislature is meeting in regular session. If the legislature is not meeting in regular session, the compensation system shall be approved by the legislative fiscal committee prior to becoming effective]. The salary and grievance procedures for employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement under RSA 273-A shall be established by administrative order of the supreme court.

247:32 Judicial Branch Information Technology Fund; Requirement for Report Changed. Amend RSA 490:26-h, IV to read as follows:

IV. [On or before September 1 of each year,] The judicial branch shall submit a written report 60 days after the close of each fiscal year of the income and expenditures of the judicial branch information technology fund to the fiscal committee of the general court and the state treasurer. If such report is not submitted, any balance in the fund shall lapse to the general fund and the percentage of each entry fee which is designated for the judicial branch information technology fund under paragraph I shall be deposited in the general fund.

247:33 District Court Justices; Salaries; Requirements for Approval of Weighted Case Values Changed. Amend RSA 491-A:3, I to read as follows:

I. For purposes of calculating the annual salaries of part-time district court justices appointed after July 1, 1987, the supreme court shall establish and revise as needed a weighted case value, relating the judicial time required for each type of case included in the court’s jurisdiction, which when multiplied by the caseload of each court will produce the number of weighted case units for that court. Any revisions to the weighted case values shall be approved by the [fiscal committee] legislature. The number of weighted case units shall be calculated by the administrative office of the courts in October of each year, using caseload statistics for the preceding 12-month period. Said weighted case units shall serve as the basis for determining the salary of part-time justices for the next calendar year.

247:34 District Court Justices; Salaries; Approval by Fiscal Committee Deleted. Amend RSA 491-A:3, IV to read as follows:

IV. The supreme court, after reviewing population, caseload, judicial time and efficiency, available judicial resources, the needs of the judicial branch family division, and other relevant criteria may request the governor and council to designate a sitting part-time justice as a full-time justice. The court may recommend certain justices; however, the governor and council shall not be bound by that recommendation. Upon designation, that justice shall become full-time. Prior to making its request, [the supreme court shall receive the approval of the fiscal committee and] there shall be funds in the court’s budget specifically appropriated for the salary and benefits of an additional full-time district court justice.

247:35 Probate Judges; Salaries; Requirements for Approval of Weighted Case Values Changed. Amend RSA 491-A:4, I to read as follows:

I. For purposes of calculating the annual salaries of part-time judges appointed after October 3, 1986, the supreme court shall establish and revise as needed a weighted case value, relating the judicial time required for each type of case included in the court’s jurisdiction, which when multiplied by the caseload of each court will produce the number of weighted case units for that court. Any revisions to the weighted case values shall be approved by the [fiscal committee] legislature. The number of weighted case units, as calculated annually by the administrative office of the courts, shall serve as the basis for determining the salary of part-time justices.

247:36 Probate Court Judges; Salaries; Approval by Fiscal Committee Deleted. Amend RSA 491-A:4, IV to read as follows:

IV. The supreme court, after reviewing population, caseload, judicial time and efficiency, available judicial resources, the needs of the judicial branch family division, and other relevant criteria, may request the governor and council to designate a sitting part-time probate judge as a full-time judge. The court may recommend certain judges; however, the governor and council shall not be bound by that recommendation. Upon designation, that judge shall become full-time. Prior to making its request, [the supreme court shall receive the approval of the fiscal committee and] there shall be funds in the court’s budget specifically appropriated for the salary and benefits of an additional full-time probate judge.

247:37 Administrative Procedure Act; Notice of Rulemaking Proceedings; Notice to Fiscal Committee Deleted. Amend RSA 541-A:6, III to read as follows:

III. The agency shall send notice to the director of legislative services, to all persons regulated by the proposed rules who hold occupational licenses issued by the agency, and to all persons who have made timely request for advance notice of rulemaking proceedings. Upon request the agency shall send notice to the president of the senate, to the speaker of the house of representatives, [to the chairperson of the fiscal committee,] and to the chairpersons of the legislative committees having jurisdiction over the subject matter. Notice shall be made not less than 20 days before the first agency public hearing required by RSA 541-A:11, I. Notice to occupational licensees shall be by U.S. Mail, electronically, agency bulletin or newsletter, public notice advertisement in a publication of daily statewide circulation, or in such other manner that is reasonably calculated to inform such licensees of the proposed rulemaking. The committee may identify additional methods of notifying occupational licensees that are deemed sufficient.

247:38 Transfer of Appropriations, Supreme Court. Amend RSA 9:17-d to read as follows:

9:17-d Transfer of Appropriations, [Supreme Court] Judicial Branch. The supreme court may transfer funds for any specific purposes to funds for other purposes in the general appropriations for [the supreme court and the probate court and may transfer funds within any functional unit of the courts, and] any accounting unit within the judicial branch, provided that any transfer of $75,000 or more shall require prior approval of the fiscal committee of the general court, and provided that no funds may be transferred in violation of the provisions of RSA 9:17-a, 491-A:2, or any other restriction provided by law. The judicial branch shall certify such transfers to the commissioner of administrative services. The certification shall state that the transfers are necessary to efficiently carry out the functions of the courts and that the legislative fiscal committee has approved the transfers. The provisions of this section shall not supersede the provisions of RSA 99:4, 9:17-a, I, II, and II-a and IV, and [9:17-c] 491-A:2.

247:39 Repeal. RSA 9:17-f, relative to transfer of appropriations by the superior court, is repealed.

247:40 Repeal. The following are repealed:

I. RSA 21-G:9, IV, relative to fiscal committee approval of grants to departments.

II. RSA 21-H:8, IV, relative to fiscal committee approval of grants to the department of corrections.

III. RSA 170-G:4, IX, relative to fiscal committee approval of grants received by the department of health and human services for services for children, youth, and families.

IV. RSA 187-A:22, II, relative to copies of financial reports provided to the fiscal committee by the state college and university system trustees.

247:41 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Approved: June 18, 2012

Effective Date: August 17, 2012
