Bill Text: MI SJRB | 2011-2012 | 96th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Labor; public service employment; constitutional amendment for salary reduction for public employees and temporary pay freeze; provide for. Amends sec. 10, art. I, secs. 12 & 48, art. IV, sec. 23, art. V, secs. 3 & 18, art. VI, sec. 9, art. VII, secs. 5, 6 & 7, art. VIII & sec. 5, art. XI & adds sec. 9 to art. XI of the state constitution.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2011-01-19 - Referred To Committee On Reforms, Restructuring And Reinventing [SJRB Detail]

Download: Michigan-2011-SJRB-Introduced.html



















January 19, 2011, Introduced by Senator PAPPAGEORGE and referred to the Committee on Reforms, Restructuring and Reinventing.




     A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state


constitution of 1963, by amending section 10 of article I, sections


12 and 48 of article IV, section 23 of article V, sections 3 and 18


of article VI, section 9 of article VII, sections 5, 6, and 7 of


article VIII, and section 5 of article XI and adding section 9 to


article XI, to impose a three-year reduction of five percent in the


pay rate for all public servants in this state.


     Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the


state of Michigan, That the following amendment to the state


constitution of 1963, to impose a three-year reduction of five


percent in the pay rate for all public servants in this state, is


proposed, agreed to, and submitted to the people of the state:




     Sec. 10. No bill of attainder, ex post facto law or, except as


provided in section 9 of article XI, no law impairing the


obligation of contract shall be enacted.




     Sec. 12. The state officers compensation commission is created


which, subject to this section and section 9 of article XI, shall


determine the salaries and expense allowances of the members of the


legislature, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the attorney


general, the secretary of state, and the justices of the supreme


court. The commission shall consist of 7 members appointed by the


governor whose qualifications may be determined by law. Subject to


the legislature's ability to amend the commission's determinations


as provided in this section, the commission shall determine the


salaries and expense allowances of the members of the legislature,


the governor, the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, the


secretary of state, and the justices of the supreme court which


determinations shall be the salaries and expense allowances only if


the legislature by concurrent resolution adopted by a majority of


the members elected to and serving in each house of the legislature


approve them. The senate and house of representatives shall


alternate on which house of the legislature shall originate the


concurrent resolution, with the senate originating the first


concurrent resolution.


     The concurrent resolution may amend the salary and expense


determinations of the state officers compensation commission to


reduce the salary and expense determinations by the same proportion


for members of the legislature, the governor, the lieutenant


governor, the attorney general, the secretary of state, and the


justices of the supreme court. The legislature shall not amend the


salary and expense determinations to reduce them to below the


salary and expense level that members of the legislature, the


governor, the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, the


secretary of state, and the justices of the supreme court receive


on the date the salary and expense determinations are made. If


Except as provided in section 9 of article XI, if the salary and


expense determinations are approved or amended as provided in this


section, the salary and expense determinations shall become


effective for the legislative session immediately following the


next general election. The commission shall meet each 2 years for


no more than 15 session days. The legislature shall implement this


section by law.


     Sec. 48. The legislature may enact laws providing for the


resolution of disputes concerning public employees, except those in


the state classified civil service. The legislature shall not enact


a law to grant a right to an administrative hearing as to a salary


reduction required under section 9 of article XI.




     Sec. 23. The governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state


and attorney general shall each receive the compensation provided


by law in full payment for all services performed and expenses


incurred during his term of office. Such compensation shall not be


changed during the term of office except as provided in section 9


of article XI and as otherwise provided in this constitution.




     Sec. 3. One justice of the supreme court shall be selected by


the court as its chief justice as provided by rules of the court.


He shall perform duties required by the court. The supreme court


shall appoint an administrator of the courts and other assistants


of the supreme court as may be necessary to aid in the


administration of the courts of this state. The administrator shall


perform administrative duties assigned by the court, subject to


section 9 of article XI.


     Sec. 18. Salaries of justices of the supreme court, of the


judges of the court of appeals, of the circuit judges within a


circuit, and of the probate judges within a county or district,


shall be uniform, and may be increased but shall not be decreased


during a term of office except and only to the extent of a general


salary reduction in all other branches of government or as provided


in section 9 of article XI.


     Each Subject to section 9 of article XI, each of the judges of


the circuit court shall receive an annual salary as provided by


law. In addition to the salary received from the state, each


circuit judge may receive from any county in which he regularly


holds court an additional salary as determined from time to time by


the board of supervisors of the county, subject to section 9 of


article XI. In any county where an additional salary is granted, it


shall be paid at the same rate to all circuit judges regularly


holding court therein.




     Sec. 9. Boards of supervisors shall have exclusive power to


fix the compensation of county officers not otherwise provided by


law, except as provided in section 9 of article XI.




     Sec. 5. The regents of the University of Michigan and their


successors in office shall constitute a body corporate known as the


Regents of the University of Michigan; the trustees of Michigan


State University and their successors in office shall constitute a


body corporate known as the Board of Trustees of Michigan State


University; the governors of Wayne State University and their


successors in office shall constitute a body corporate known as the


Board of Governors of Wayne State University. Each Except as


provided in section 9 of article XI, each board shall have general


supervision of its institution and the control and direction of all


expenditures from the institution's funds. Each board shall, as


often as necessary, elect a president of the institution under its


supervision. He shall be the principal executive officer of the


institution, be ex-officio a member of the board without the right


to vote and preside at meetings of the board. The board of each


institution shall consist of eight members who shall hold office


for terms of eight years and who shall be elected as provided by


law. The governor shall fill board vacancies by appointment. Each


appointee shall hold office until a successor has been nominated


and elected as provided by law.


     Sec. 6. Other institutions of higher education established by


law having authority to grant baccalaureate degrees shall each be


governed by a board of control which shall be a body corporate. The


Except as provided in section 9 of article XI, the board shall have


general supervision of the institution and the control and


direction of all expenditures from the institution's funds. It


shall, as often as necessary, elect a president of the institution


under its supervision. He shall be the principal executive officer


of the institution and be ex-officio a member of the board without


the right to vote. The board may elect one of its members or may


designate the president, to preside at board meetings. Each board


of control shall consist of eight members who shall hold office for


terms of eight years, not more than two of which shall expire in


the same year, and who shall be appointed by the governor by and


with the advice and consent of the senate. Vacancies shall be


filled in like manner.


     Sec. 7. The legislature shall provide by law for the


establishment and financial support of public community and junior


colleges which, except as provided in section 9 of article XI,


shall be supervised and controlled by locally elected boards. The


legislature shall provide by law for a state board for public


community and junior colleges which shall advise the state board of


education concerning general supervision and planning for such


colleges and requests for annual appropriations for their support.


The board shall consist of eight members who shall hold office for


terms of eight years, not more than two of which shall expire in


the same year, and who shall be appointed by the state board of


education. Vacancies shall be filled in like manner. The


superintendent of public instruction shall be ex-officio a member


of this board without the right to vote.




     Sec. 5. The classified state civil service shall consist of


all positions in the state service except those filled by popular


election, heads of principal departments, members of boards and


commissions, the principal executive officer of boards and


commissions heading principal departments, employees of courts of


record, employees of the legislature, employees of the state


institutions of higher education, all persons in the armed forces


of the state, eight exempt positions in the office of the governor,


and within each principal department, when requested by the


department head, two other exempt positions, one of which shall be


policy-making. The civil service commission may exempt three


additional positions of a policy-making nature within each


principal department.


     The civil service commission shall be non-salaried and shall


consist of four persons, not more than two of whom shall be members


of the same political party, appointed by the governor for terms of


eight years, no two of which shall expire in the same year.


     The administration of the commission's powers shall be vested


in a state personnel director who shall be a member of the


classified service and who shall be responsible to and selected by


the commission after open competitive examination.


     The commission shall classify all positions in the classified


service according to their respective duties and responsibilities;


, subject to section 9 of this article, fix rates of compensation


for all classes of positions; , approve or disapprove disbursements


for all personal services; , determine by competitive examination


and performance exclusively on the basis of merit, efficiency and


fitness the qualifications of all candidates for positions in the


classified service; , make rules and regulations covering all


personnel transactions; , and regulate all conditions of employment


in the classified service.


     State Police Troopers and Sergeants shall, through their


elected representative designated by 50% of such troopers and


sergeants, have the right to bargain collectively with their


employer concerning conditions of their employment; , subject to


section 9 of this article, compensation; , hours; , working


conditions; , retirement; , pensions; , and other aspects of


employment except promotions, which will be determined by


competitive examination and performance on the basis of merit,


efficiency and fitness. ; and they They shall have the right 30


days after commencement of such bargaining to submit any unresolved


disputes, except disputes arising under section 9 of this article,


to binding arbitration for the resolution thereof the same as now


provided by law for Public Police and Fire Departments.


     No person shall be appointed to or promoted in the classified


service who has not been certified by the commission as qualified


for such appointment or promotion. No appointments, promotions,


demotions or removals in the classified service shall be made for


religious, racial or partisan considerations.


     Increases in rates of compensation authorized by the


commission may be effective only at the start of a fiscal year and


shall require prior notice to the governor, who shall transmit such


increases to the legislature as part of his budget. The legislature


may, by a majority vote of the members elected to and serving in


each house, waive the notice and permit increases in rates of


compensation to be effective at a time other than the start of a


fiscal year. Within 60 calendar days following such transmission,


the legislature may, by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to


and serving in each house, reject or reduce increases in rates of


compensation authorized by the commission. Any reduction ordered by


the legislature shall apply uniformly to all classes of employees


affected by the increases and shall not adjust pay differentials


already established by the civil service commission. The


legislature may not reduce rates of compensation below those in


effect at the time of the transmission of increases authorized by


the commission. Increases or decreases in compensation under this


paragraph are subject to section 9 of this article.


     The appointing authorities may create or abolish positions for


reasons of administrative efficiency without the approval of the


commission. Positions shall not be created nor abolished except for


reasons of administrative efficiency. Any employee considering


himself aggrieved by the abolition or creation of a position shall


have a right of appeal to the commission through established


grievance procedures.


     The civil service commission shall recommend to the governor


and to the legislature rates of compensation for all appointed


positions within the executive department not a part of the


classified service.


     To enable the commission to exercise its powers, the


legislature shall appropriate to the commission for the ensuing


fiscal year a sum not less than one percent of the aggregate


payroll of the classified service for the preceding fiscal year, as


certified by the commission. Within six months after the conclusion


of each fiscal year the commission shall return to the state


treasury all moneys unexpended for that fiscal year.


     The commission shall furnish reports of expenditures, at least


annually, to the governor and the legislature and shall be subject


to annual audit as provided by law.


     No payment for personal services shall be made or authorized


until the provisions of this constitution pertaining to civil


service have been complied with in every particular. Violation of


any of the provisions hereof may be restrained or observance


compelled by injunctive or mandamus proceedings brought by any


citizen of the state.


     Sec. 9. (1) During the fiscal crisis, to protect the general


welfare of the public by ensuring continuity of governmental


operations, notwithstanding any other provision in this


constitution, law, ordinance, contract, or act of this state or of


any state or local governmental entity of this state, for a three-


year period beginning October 1, 2012, the base pay rate of all


public servants of this state and units of local government,


including public schools and institutions of higher education,


shall be reduced by five percent from the base pay rate in effect


on January 1, 2012. Public funds of this state or a unit of local


government, including public schools and institutions of higher


education, shall not be used to pay a public servant at a rate


above the amount permitted under this section.


     (2) If a reduction in base pay rate that is not due to the


requirements of this section goes into effect for a unit or group


of public servants after January 1, 2011, the reduction required


under this section shall be decreased for that unit or group by the


amount of that other reduction while that reduction is in effect.


     (3) For purposes of this section, "public servant" means an


individual who receives a salary or hourly pay for services from


this state or any unit of local government, including public


schools and institutions of higher education, and includes an


employee and appointed or elected officer.


     (4) The civil service commission shall implement this section.


The civil service commission shall use the appropriation required


under section 5 of this article for costs incident to implementing


this section.


     (5) This section does not create a right to an administrative


hearing to resolve a dispute concerning a reduction in base pay


rate required under this section. A suit arising under this section


shall be brought in the Michigan State court of appeals.


     Resolved further, That the foregoing amendment shall be


submitted to the people of the state at a special election to be


held at the same time as the 2012 August regular election in the


manner provided by law.
