Bill Text: MI SB0949 | 2013-2014 | 97th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Local government; budgets; uniform budget and accounting procedures; revise. Amends secs. 1, 2c, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 & 20a of 1968 PA 2 (MCL 141.421 et seq.) & adds sec. 13a. TIE BAR WITH: SB 0952'14, SB 0957'14

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-05-21 - Referred To Committee On Appropriations [SB0949 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2013-SB0949-Introduced.html

Local government; budgets; uniform budget and accounting

procedures; revise.

Local government:  budgets; Education:  financing; State agencies

(existing):  education


























     A bill to amend 1968 PA 2, entitled


"Uniform budgeting and accounting act,"


by amending sections 1, 2c, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20a (MCL


141.421, 141.422c, 141.425, 141.434, 141.435, 141.436, 141.437,


141.438, 141.439, and 141.440a), sections 1, 2c, 14, 15, 17, and 19


as amended by 2000 PA 493, section 5 as amended by 1996 PA 146, and


sections 16 and 18 as amended by 2013 PA 172, and by adding section






     Sec. 1. (1) The state treasurer shall prescribe uniform charts


of accounts for all local units of similar size, function, or


service designed to fulfill the requirements of good accounting


practices relating to general government. Such A uniform chart of


accounts shall conform as nearly as practicable to the uniform


standards as set forth by the governmental accounting standards


board or by a successor organization that establishes national


generally accepted accounting standards and is determined


acceptable to the state treasurer. The official who by law or


charter is charged with the responsibility for the financial


affairs of the local unit shall insure ensure that the local unit


accounts are maintained and kept in accordance with the uniform


chart of accounts. The chief administrative officer for a local


unit shall present to the legislative body of the local unit a


recommended budget and proposed general appropriations act that


conforms to the uniform chart of accounts. The state treasurer may


also shall publish standard operating procedures and forms for the


guidance of applicable to local units in establishing and


maintaining uniform accounting and the uniform chart of accounts in


compliance with this act.


     (2) A local unit may request the state treasurer to provide


assistance, advice, or instruction in establishing or maintaining


the uniform chart of accounts required by subsection (1).


     (3) The state treasurer may provide assistance, advice, or


instruction to a local unit to establish or maintain the uniform


chart of accounts required by subsection (1) based on information


from 1 or more of the following sources:


     (a) Disclosure by the certified public accountant or the


department of treasury in an audit report required by section 5 or


6 that the local unit has failed to establish or maintain the


uniform chart of accounts required by subsection (1).


     (b) Disclosure by the department of treasury in a special


examination report that the local unit has failed to establish or


maintain the uniform chart of accounts required by subsection (1).


     (c) Disclosure in an audit report issued under section 5 or 6


that the records of the local unit are not auditable because the


local unit has failed to establish or maintain the uniform chart of


accounts required by subsection (1).


     (d) Disclosure from another state agency.


     (e) Department of treasury records indicate that the audit


required under section 5 has not been performed or filed and is


delinquent, and that the local unit is subject to the provisions of


section 21 of the Glenn Steil state revenue sharing act of 1971,


1971 PA 140, MCL 141.921.


     (f) Information provided by the chief administrative officer,


member of the legislative body, or other officer of the local unit.


     (4) The state treasurer, in performing the services under


subsection (2) or (3), may make a determination that the local unit


cannot adequately establish or maintain the uniform chart of


accounts without additional assistance, advice, or instruction from


the state treasurer. The If the state treasurer makes this


determination, the state treasurer shall submit a written report of


the findings and recommendations to the governing body of the local


unit. The local unit shall retain, within 90 days after receipt of


this report, the services of a certified public accountant or the


state treasurer to perform the needed additional services and shall


notify, by resolution of the governing body, the state treasurer of


such action. Upon failure of the local unit to respond within the


90-day period, the state treasurer shall perform the necessary


services to adequately establish or maintain the uniform chart of




     (5) The state treasurer shall charge reasonable and necessary


expenses, including per diem and travel expenses, to the local unit


for services performed pursuant to subsections (2), (3), and (4),


and the local unit shall make payment to the state treasurer for


these expenses. The state treasurer shall execute a contract with


the local unit or provide monthly billings if a contract is not




     Sec. 2c. (1) "Expenditure" means the cost of goods delivered


or services rendered, whether paid or unpaid, including expenses,


debt retirement not reported as a liability of the fund from which


retired, or capital outlay.


     (2) "General appropriations act" means the budget as ordinance


or resolution adopted for a local unit by the legislative body or


as otherwise given legal effect pursuant to a charter provision in


effect on the effective date of this section that authorizes


expenditures by the local unit consistent with the budget.


     Sec. 5. (1) A local unit having a population of less than


4,000 shall obtain an audit of its financial records, accounts, and


procedures not less frequently than biennially. However, if any


audit under this subsection discloses a material deviation by the


local unit from generally accepted accounting practices or from


applicable rules and regulations of a state department or agency or


discloses any fiscal irregularity, defalcation, misfeasance,


nonfeasance, or malfeasance, the department of treasury may require


an audit to be conducted in the next year.


     (1) (2) A For a fiscal year of a local unit ending after June


30, 2014, a local unit having a population of 4,000 or more shall


obtain an annual audit of its financial records, accounts, and


procedures. An audit required under this section shall be completed


not less than 150 days after the end of the fiscal year.


     (2) If a local unit fails to comply with subsection (1), the


department of treasury shall perform or contract for the necessary


services to complete the audit on behalf of the local unit.


     (3) The department of treasury shall charge the local unit for


services performed and related expenses incurred under subsection


(2), and the local unit shall pay the state treasurer for these


expenses. The state treasurer may execute a contract with the local


unit for the payment or, if a contract is not executed, provide


monthly invoices to the local unit.


     Sec. 13a. (1) For a fiscal year of a local unit ending after


June 30, 2014, a local unit shall not adopt or operate under a


deficit budget and shall not incur an operating deficit in a fund


during a fiscal year.


     (2) If a local unit has an existing deficit fund balance,


incurs a deficit fund balance in the most recently completed fiscal


year, or adopts a budget for a fiscal year that projects a deficit


fund balance, the local unit shall immediately notify the state




     (3) Within 90 days after notifying the state treasurer under


subsection (2), the local unit shall formulate and submit to the


state treasurer, in a form and manner prescribed by the department


of treasury, a deficit elimination plan for evaluation and


certification that the plan will assure elimination of the deficit.


If requested by a local unit, the department of treasury may assist


that local unit in the formulation and implementation of the plan.


Upon certification by the state treasurer, the local unit shall


implement the plan.


     (4) The state treasurer may recognize a financial plan to


correct a deficit condition submitted under section 303 of the


revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2303, or section


921 of the Glenn Steil state revenue sharing act of 1971, 1971 PA


140, MCL 141.921, as satisfying the requirement for a deficit


elimination plan under this section.


     (5) If a local unit fails to comply with this section, the


state treasurer may withhold state funds otherwise payable to the


local unit to the extent the state treasurer determines necessary


to assure compliance with this section by the local unit.


     Sec. 14. (1) Unless otherwise provided by law, charter,


resolution, or ordinance, the chief administrative officer shall


have in each local unit has final responsibility for budget


preparation, presentation of the a recommended budget to the


legislative body, and the control of expenditures under the budget


and the general appropriations act.


     (2) Unless another person is designated by charter, the chief


administrative officer in each local unit shall prepare the


recommended annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year in the manner


provided in sections 15 to 20a. The budgetary centers of the local


unit shall provide to the chief administrative officer information


which the chief administrative officer considers necessary and


essential to the preparation of a budget for the ensuing fiscal


period for presentation to the local unit's legislative body. Each


administrative officer or employee of a budgetary center shall


comply promptly with a request for information which the chief


administrative officer makes.


     (3) The chief administrative officer shall transmit the


recommended budget to the legislative body according to an


appropriate time schedule developed by the local unit. The schedule


shall allow adequate time for review and adoption by the


legislative body before commencement of the budget year. The


recommended budget, when transmitted by the chief administrative


officer, shall be accompanied by a suggested proposed general


appropriations act to implement the budget. The chief


administrative officer for a local unit subject to section 1 shall


present a recommended budget and proposed general appropriations


act that conforms to the uniform chart of accounts. The chief


administrative officer for a local unit subject to the requirements


of section 622 or 1281 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL


380.622 and 380.1281, shall present a recommended budget and


proposed general appropriations act that conforms to the basic


accounting system prescribed by the department of education. The


suggested proposed general appropriations act shall fulfill the


requirements of section 16. A proposed general appropriations act


may not adopt a recommended budget by reference.


     (4) The legislative body shall consider the recommended budget


and proposed general appropriations act transmitted by the chief


administrative officer. shall be considered by the legislative




     (5) The chief administrative officer shall furnish to the


legislative body information the legislative body requires for


proper consideration of the recommended budget and proposed general


appropriations act. Before final passage of a general


appropriations act by the legislative body, the legislative body


shall hold a public hearing shall be held as required by 1963 (2nd


Ex Sess) PA 43, MCL 141.411 to 141.415, and the open meetings act,


1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.


     Sec. 15. (1) The recommended budget shall include at least the




     (a) Expenditure data for the most recently completed fiscal


year and estimated expenditures for the current fiscal year.


     (b) An estimate of the expenditure amounts required to


conduct, in the ensuing fiscal year, the government of the local


unit, including its budgetary centers.


     (c) Revenue data for the most recently completed fiscal year


and estimated revenues for the current fiscal year.


     (d) An estimate of the revenues, by source of revenue, to be


raised or received by the local unit in the ensuing fiscal year.


     (e) The amount of surplus or deficit that has accumulated from


prior fiscal years, together with an estimate of the amount of


surplus or deficit expected in the current fiscal year. The


inclusion of the amount of an authorized debt obligation to fund a


deficit shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirement of funding


the amount of a deficit estimated under this subdivision.


     (f) An estimate of the amounts needed for deficiency,


contingent, or emergency purposes.


     (g) Other data relating to fiscal conditions that the chief


administrative officer considers to be useful in considering the


financial needs of the local unit.


     (h) For a school district, intermediate school district, or


public school academy required to submit a periodic financial


status report under section 1219 of the revised school code, 1976


PA 451, MCL 380.1219, or an enhanced deficit elimination plan under


section 1220 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1220,


other data relating to fiscal conditions that the state treasurer


considers to be useful in considering the financial needs of the


school district, intermediate school district, or public school


academy in the form and manner prescribed by the department of




     (i) For a school district or public school academy, all of the




     (i) Pupil counts for pupils in membership in the school


district or public school academy for the current fiscal year and


the 2 prior fiscal years, as determined under the state school aid


act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1601 to 388.1896, and projected


pupil counts for pupils in membership in the school district or


public school academy for the next 3 fiscal years.


     (ii) Projected cash flow for the school district or public


school academy for the remainder of the current fiscal year and


projected cash flow for the next 3 fiscal years.


     (iii) A cash flow borrowing ratio for the current fiscal year,


the prior 2 fiscal years, and a projected cash flow borrowing ratio


for the next 3 fiscal years. As used in this subparagraph, "cash


flow borrowing ratio" means the quotient of the sum of the total


amount of any tax anticipation notes issued by the school district


or public school academy in the fiscal year and the total amount of


any state school aid anticipation notes issued by the school


district or public school academy in the fiscal year divided by the


total general fund revenue for the fiscal year.


     (iv) An operating reserve ratio for the current fiscal year,


the prior 2 fiscal years, and a projected operating reserve ratio


for the next 3 fiscal years. As used in this subparagraph,


"operating reserve ratio" means the quotient of the general fund


balance divided by the total general fund expenditures for a fiscal




     (v) An operating margin ratio for the current fiscal year, the


prior 2 fiscal years, and a projected operating margin ratio for


the next 3 fiscal years. As used in this subparagraph, "operating


margin ratio" means the quotient of the difference between the


total general fund revenue and total general fund expenditures for


a fiscal year divided by the total general fund revenue for the


fiscal year.


     (vi) A fund balance change ratio for the current fiscal year,


the prior 2 fiscal years, and a projected fund balance change ratio


for the next 3 fiscal years. As used in this subparagraph, "fund


balance change ratio" means the quotient of the prior fiscal year


general fund balance and the current fiscal year general fund


balance divided by the prior fiscal year general fund balance.


     (2) The total estimated expenditures, including an accrued


deficit, in the budget shall not exceed the total estimated


revenues, including an available unappropriated surplus and the


proceeds from bonds or other obligations issued under the fiscal


stabilization act, 1981 PA 80, MCL 141.1001 to 141.1011, and the


emergency municipal loan act, 1980 PA 243, MCL 141.931 to 141.942,


or the balance of the principal of these bonds or other




     Sec. 16. (1) Unless another method for adopting a budget is


provided by a charter provision in effect on April 1, 1980, the


legislative body of each local unit shall pass a general


appropriations act for all funds except trust or agency, internal


service, enterprise, debt service or capital project funds for


which the legislative body may pass a special appropriation act.


     (2) The If the local unit is authorized to levy ad valorem


property taxes, the general appropriations act shall set forth the


total number of mills of ad valorem property taxes to be levied and


the purposes for which that millage is to be levied. The amendatory


act that added this subsection shall be known and may be cited as


"the truth in budgeting act".


     (3) The general appropriations act shall set forth the amounts


appropriated by the legislative body to defray the expenditures and


meet the liabilities of the local unit for the ensuing fiscal year,


and shall set forth a statement of estimated revenues, by source,


in each fund for the ensuing fiscal year. The general


appropriations act may not adopt a recommended budget by reference.


An appropriation included within a general appropriations act is


not a mandate to spend.


     (4) The general appropriations act shall be consistent with


and may not alter the uniform charts of accounts prescribed by the


state treasurer or, for local school districts and intermediate


school districts, by the state board department of education.


     (5) This act shall not be interpreted to mandate the


development or adoption by a local unit of a line-item budget or


line-item general appropriations act. If a school district,


intermediate school district, or public school academy is subject


to an enhanced deficit elimination plan under section 1220 of the


revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380.1220, the enhanced


deficit elimination plan may require the school district,


intermediate school district, or public school academy to develop


or adopt a line-item budget or line-item general appropriations


act, or both.


     (6) The If the local unit is authorized to levy taxes, the


legislative body shall determine the amount of money to be raised


by taxation necessary to defray the expenditures and meet the


liabilities of the local unit for the ensuing fiscal year , under


the general appropriations act, shall order that money to be raised


by taxation, within statutory and charter limitations, and shall


cause the money raised by taxation to be paid into the funds of the


local unit.


     (7) Except as otherwise permitted by section 102 of the state


school aid act of 1979, 1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1702, or by other law,


the legislative body shall not adopt a general appropriations act


or an amendment to that act which causes estimated total


expenditures, including an accrued deficit, to exceed total


estimated revenues, including an available surplus and the proceeds


from bonds or other obligations issued under the fiscal


stabilization act, 1981 PA 80, MCL 141.1001 to 141.1011, or the


emergency municipal loan act, 1980 PA 243, MCL 141.931 to 141.942,


or the balance of the principal of these bonds or other




     Sec. 17. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 19, a


deviation from the original general appropriations act shall not be


made without amending the general appropriations act. Subject to


section 16(2), the legislative body of the local unit shall amend


the general appropriations act as soon as it becomes apparent that


a deviation from the original general appropriations act then in


effect is necessary and the amount of the deviation can be


determined. For a school district, intermediate school district, or


public school academy subject to an enhanced deficit elimination


plan under section 1220 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451,


MCL 380.1220, the legislative body of the school district,


intermediate school district, or public school academy shall amend


the general appropriations act as soon as the state treasurer


notifies the school district, intermediate school district, or


public school academy that compliance with the enhanced deficit


elimination plan requires a deviation from the general


appropriations act then in effect with the amount of the deviation


consistent with the amount requested by the state treasurer. An


amendment shall indicate each intended alteration in the purpose of


each appropriation item affected by the amendment. The legislative


body may require that the chief administrative officer or fiscal


officer of a local unit shall provide it the legislative body of


the local unit with periodic reports, not less than quarterly, on


the financial condition of the local unit.


     (2) If, during a fiscal year, it appears to the chief


administrative officer or to the legislative body that the actual


and probable revenues from taxes and other sources in a fund are


less than the estimated revenues, including an available surplus


upon which appropriations from the fund were based and the proceeds


from bonds or other obligations issued under the fiscal


stabilization act, 1981 PA 80, MCL 141.1001 to 141.1011, or the


emergency municipal loan act, 1980 PA 243, MCL 141.931 to 141.942,


or the balance of the principal of these bonds or other


obligations, the chief administrative officer or fiscal officer


shall present to the legislative body recommendations which, if


adopted, would prevent expenditures from exceeding available


revenues for that current fiscal year. For a school district,


intermediate school district, or public school academy, if during a


fiscal year it appears to the chief administrative officer or


legislative body of the school district, intermediate school


district, or public school academy that actual pupil membership


within the school district, intermediate school district, or public


school academy during the fiscal year will be less than the


projected pupil membership upon which the general appropriations


act then in effect was based, the chief administrative officer


shall present to the legislative body recommendations that, if


adopted, should prevent expenditures from exceeding available


revenues for the fiscal year. The recommendations under this


subsection shall include proposals for reducing appropriations from


the fund for budgetary centers in a manner that would cause the


total of appropriations to not be greater than the total of revised


estimated revenues of the fund, or proposals for measures necessary


to provide revenues sufficient to meet expenditures of the fund, or


both. The recommendations shall recognize the requirements of state


law and the provisions of collective bargaining agreements.


     Sec. 18. (1) A member of the legislative body, chief


administrative officer, administrative officer, or employee or


other officer of the local unit shall not create a debt or incur a


financial obligation on behalf of the local unit unless the debt or


obligation is permitted by law.


     (2) The chief administrative officer may cause the


appropriations made by the legislative body authorized in the


general appropriations act for the local unit and its budgetary


centers to be divided into allotments if the allotments are based


upon the periodic requirements of the local unit and its budgetary


centers and consistent with the uniform chart of accounts for the


local unit. For a school district, intermediate school district, or


public school academy subject to an enhanced deficit elimination


plan under section 1220 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451,


MCL 380.1220, the state treasurer may require the chief


administrative officer of the school district, intermediate school


district, or public school academy to cause appropriations


authorized in the general appropriations act for the school


district, intermediate school district, or public school academy to


be divided into allotments.


     (3) Except as otherwise provided in section 19, the chief


administrative officer, an administrative officer, or an employee


or other officer of the local unit shall not incur expenditures


against an appropriation account in excess of the amount


appropriated by the legislative body. The Except for transfers


authorized under section 19(2) or by charter or law, the chief


administrative officer, an administrative officer, or an employee


or other officer of the local unit shall not apply or divert money


of the local unit for purposes inconsistent with those specified in


the appropriations of the legislative body.general appropriations




     (4) No duties shall be delegated to the chief administrative


officer that diminish any charter or statutory responsibilities of


an elected or appointed official. No duties of a chief


administrative officer under this act or any charter provision or


law may be diminished or transferred except as expressly authorized


by charter or law.


     Sec. 19. (1) A Except for transfers authorized under


subsection (2) or by charter or law, a member of the legislative


body, the chief administrative officer, an administrative officer,


or an employee or other officer of a local unit shall not authorize


or participate in the expenditure of funds except as authorized by


a general appropriations act. An Except for transfers authorized


under subsection (2) or by charter or law, an expenditure shall not


be incurred except in pursuance of the authority and appropriations


of the legislative body of the local unit.general appropriations


act then in effect.


     (2) The legislative body in a general appropriations act may


permit the chief administrative officer to execute transfers within


limits stated in the act between appropriations or budgetary


centers within the local unit without the prior approval of the


legislative body.


     Sec. 20a. (1) The department of treasury shall publish


suggested manuals, forms, and operating procedures which may that


shall be used by local units in complying with this act. These


manuals, forms, and procedures shall be designed to account for the


various kinds and sizes of local units, except that the suggested


manuals, forms, and operating procedures which may be used by


intermediate school districts and local school districts shall be


developed by the superintendent of public instruction and shall be


promulgated by the superintendent of public instruction pursuant to


Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, as amended, being sections


24.201 to 24.315 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.the administrative


procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.


     (2) The suggested manuals, forms, and operating procedures


described in subsection (1) shall be developed and may be


periodically updated by an advisory committee selected by the


department of treasury composed of persons from the department of


education, other interested state agencies, local units,


associations of local units, and other interested or concerned




     (3) The department of treasury shall provide, or and shall


cooperate in the provision of, training and educational programs to


assist local units to comply with this act. The department of


education shall provide, and shall cooperate in the provision of,


training and educational programs to assist school districts,


intermediate school districts, and public school academies to


comply with this act.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 97th Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No.957                                       




     (b) Senate Bill No.952                                       


