Bill Text: MI HB6131 | 2009-2010 | 95th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Retirement; public school employees; defined contribution plan for public school employees hired after June 1, 2010; provide for. Amends secs. 4, 8, 25, 26 & 34 of 1980 PA 300 (MCL 38.1304 et seq.) & adds secs. 41b, 109, 110, 111 & 112 & art. 7.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 9-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2010-05-06 - Printed Bill Filed 05/06/2010 [HB6131 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2009-HB6131-Introduced.html
















May 5, 2010, Introduced by Reps. Rick Jones, Agema, DeShazor, Moss, Knollenberg, Lund, Proos, Pavlov and Pearce and referred to the Committee on Education.


     A bill to amend 1980 PA 300, entitled


"The public school employees retirement act of 1979,"


by amending sections 4, 8, 25, 26, and 34 (MCL 38.1304, 38.1308,


38.1325, 38.1326, and 38.1334), section 4 as amended by 2008 PA


354, sections 8, 25, and 26 as amended by 1997 PA 143, and section


34 as amended by 2002 PA 94, and by adding sections 41b, 109, 110,


111, and 112 and article 7.




     Sec. 4. (1) "Compound interest" means interest compounded


annually on July 1 on the contributions on account as of the


previous July 1 and computed at the rate of investment return


determined under section 104a(1) for the last completed state


fiscal year.


     (2) "Contributory service" means credited service other than


noncontributory service.


     (3) "Deferred member" means a member who has ceased to be a


public school employee and has satisfied the requirements of


section 82 for a deferred vested service retirement allowance.


     (4) "Department" means the department of management and




     (5) "Designated date" means September 30, 2006.


     (6) "Direct rollover" means a payment by the retirement system


to the eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee.


     (7) "Distributee" includes a member or deferred member.


Distributee also includes the member's or deferred member's


surviving spouse or the member's or deferred member's spouse or


former spouse under an eligible domestic relations order, with


regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse.


     (8) Beginning January 1, 2002, except as otherwise provided in


this subsection, "eligible retirement plan" means 1 or more of the




     (a) An individual retirement account described in section


408(a) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 408.


     (b) An individual retirement annuity described in section


408(b) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 408.


     (c) An annuity plan described in section 403(a) of the


internal revenue code, 26 USC 403.


     (d) A qualified trust described in section 401(a) of the


internal revenue code, 26 USC 401.


     (e) An annuity contract described in section 403(b) of the


internal revenue code, 26 USC 403.


     (f) An eligible plan under section 457(b) of the internal


revenue code, 26 USC 457, which is maintained by a state, political


subdivision of a state, or an agency or instrumentality of a state


or political subdivision of a state and which agrees to separately


account for amounts transferred into such eligible plan under


section 457(b) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 457, from this


retirement system, that accepts the distributee's eligible rollover


distribution. However, in the case of an eligible rollover


distribution to a surviving spouse, an eligible retirement plan


means an individual retirement account or an individual retirement


annuity described above.


     (g) Beginning January 1, 2008, except as otherwise provided in


this subsection, "eligible retirement plan" means a Roth individual


retirement account as described in section 408A of the internal


revenue code, 26 USC 408A.


     (9) Beginning January 1, 2007, "eligible rollover


distribution" means a distribution of all or any portion of the


balance to the credit of the distributee. Eligible rollover


distribution does not include any of the following:


     (a) A distribution made for the life or life expectancy of the


distributee or the joint lives or joint life expectancies of the


distributee and the distributee's designated beneficiary.


     (b) A distribution for a specified period of 10 years or more.


     (c) A distribution to the extent that the distribution is


required under section 401(a)(9) of the internal revenue code, 26


USC 401.


     (d) The portion of any distribution that is not includable in


federal gross income, except to the extent such portion of the


distribution is paid to any of the following:


     (i) An individual retirement account or annuity described in


section 408(a) or 408(b) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 408.


     (ii) A qualified plan described in section 401(a) of the


internal revenue code, 26 USC 401, or an annuity contract described


in section 403(b) of the internal revenue code, 26 USC 403, and the


plan providers agree to separately account for the amounts paid,


including any portion of the distribution that is includable in


federal gross income, and the portion of the distribution which is


not so includable.


     (10) "Employee organization professional services leave" or


"professional services leave" means a leave of absence that is


renewed annually by the reporting unit so that a member may accept


a position with a public school employee organization to which he


or she belongs and which represents employees of a reporting unit


in employment matters. The member shall be included in membership


of the retirement system during a professional services leave if


all of the conditions of section 71(5) and (6) are satisfied.


     (11) "Employee organization professional services released


time" or "professional services released time" means a portion of


the school fiscal year during which a member is released by the


reporting unit from his or her regularly assigned duties to engage


in employment matters for a public school employee organization to


which he or she belongs. The member's compensation received or


service rendered, or both, as applicable, by a member while on


professional services released time shall be reportable to the


retirement system if all of the conditions of section 71(5) and (6)


are satisfied.


     (12) "Final average compensation" means the aggregate amount


of a member's compensation earned within the averaging period in


which the aggregate amount of compensation was highest divided by


the member's number of years, including any fraction of a year, of


credited service during the averaging period. The averaging period


shall be 36 consecutive calendar months if the member contributes


to the member investment plan; otherwise, the averaging period


shall be 60 consecutive calendar months. If the member has less


than 1 year of credited service in the averaging period, the number


of consecutive calendar months in the averaging period shall be


increased to the lowest number of consecutive calendar months that


contains 1 year of credited service.


     (13) "Health benefits" means hospital, medical-surgical, and


sick care benefits and dental, vision, and hearing benefits for


retirants, retirement allowance beneficiaries, and health insurance


dependents provided pursuant to section 91.


     (14) "Implementation date" means June 1, 2010.


     (15) (14) "Internal revenue code" means the United States


internal revenue code of 1986.


     (16) (15) "Long-term care insurance" means group insurance


that is authorized by the retirement system for retirants,


retirement allowance beneficiaries, and health insurance


dependents, as that term is defined in section 91, to cover the


costs of services provided to retirants, retirement allowance


beneficiaries, and health insurance dependents, from nursing homes,


assisted living facilities, home health care providers, adult day


care providers, and other similar service providers.


     (17) (16) "Member investment plan" means the program of member


contributions described in section 43a.


     (18) "Plan document" means the document that contains the


provisions and procedures of Tier 2 in conformity with this act and


the internal revenue code.


     Sec. 8. (1) "Service" means personal service performed as a


public school employee or creditable under this act.


     (2) "Simple interest" means interest at 1 or more rates per


annum determined by the retirement board.


     (3) "State of Michigan service" means service performed as a


state employee in the classified or unclassified service under the


state employees' retirement act, 1943 PA 240, MCL 38.1 to 38.69.


     (4) "Teacher" means a person employed by a reporting unit who


is engaged in teaching, who is engaged in administering and


supervising teaching, or who is under a teacher's contract with a


reporting unit.


     (5) "Tier 1" means the retirement plan available to a member


under this act who was first employed by a reporting unit before


the implementation date and who does not elect to become a


qualified participant of Tier 2.


     (6) "Tier 2" means the retirement plan or plans established


pursuant to the plan documents that are available to qualified


participants under sections 109 to 112 and article 7.


     (7) (5) "Transitional public employment program" means


participation in public service employment programs in the areas of


environmental quality, health care, education, public safety, crime


prevention and control, prison rehabilitation, transportation,


recreation, maintenance of parks, streets, and other public


facilities, solid waste removal, pollution control, housing and


neighborhood improvements, rural development, conservation,


beautification, veterans' outreach, and other fields of human


betterment and community improvement as part of a program of


comprehensive manpower services authorized, undertaken, and


financed under the comprehensive employment and training act of


1973, former Public Law 93-203, 87 Stat. 839.


     Sec. 25. (1) The board shall have only the rights, authority,


and discretion in the proper discharge of its duties provided in


this act and former 1945 PA 136.


     (2) The Except as otherwise provided in this section, the


retirement board may promulgate rules pursuant to the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328, for the implementation and administration of this act. The


retirement board shall not promulgate rules for the establishment,


implementation, administration, operation, investment, or


distribution of a Tier 2 retirement plan.


     Sec. 26. (1) This section does not apply to Tier 2.


     (2) (1) The state treasurer shall be treasurer of the


retirement system and shall have investment authority, including


the custodianship of the funds of the retirement system, and shall


have fiduciary responsibility with regard to the investment of


funds of the retirement system.


     (3) (2) The state treasurer shall deposit the funds of the


retirement system in the same manner and subject to the law


governing the deposit of state funds by the treasurer. Income


earned by the retirement system's funds shall be credited to the


respective reserves under this act that earned the income.


     Sec. 34. (1) The reserve for health benefits is the account to


which payments of reporting units, subscriber copayments, and


payments by the retirement system under section 136 for health


benefits are credited. Benefits payable pursuant to section 91


sections 91 and 136 shall be paid from the reserve for health


benefits. The assets and any earnings on the assets contained in


the reserve for health benefits and the health advance funding


subaccount are not to be treated as pension assets for any purpose.


     (2) The health advance funding subaccount is the account to


which amounts transferred pursuant to section 41 are credited.


Except as otherwise provided in this section, any amounts received


in the health advance funding subaccount and accumulated earnings


on those amounts shall not be expended until the actuarial accrued


liability for health benefits under section 91 is at least 100%


funded. The department may expend funds or transfer funds to


another account to expend for health benefits under section 91 if


the actuarial accrued liability for health benefits under section


91 is at least 100% funded. For each fiscal year that begins after


the first fiscal year in which the actuarial accrued liability for


health benefits under section 91 is at least 100% funded by the


health advance funding subaccount, the amounts may be expended or


credited to fund health benefits provided under section 91 as


provided in section 41(2).


     (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the


department may transfer amounts from the health advance funding


subaccount to the reserve for employer contributions established in


section 30 if the department does both of the following:


     (a) At least 45 days before the intended transfer, submits a


request to the chairs of the senate and house appropriations


committees and, at least 15 days before the intended transfer,


obtains the approval of both the senate and house appropriations




     (b) Ensures that the request submitted to the senate and house


appropriations committees contains an actuarial valuation prepared


pursuant to section 41 that demonstrates that as of the beginning


of a fiscal year, and after all credits and transfers required by


this act for the previous fiscal year have been made, the sum of


the actuarial value of assets and the actuarial present value of


future normal cost contributions does not exceed the actuarial


present value of benefits.


     Sec. 41b. For fiscal years that begin on or after the


effective date of the amendatory act that added this section, the


annual level percentage of payroll contribution rate as it applies


to the unfunded actuarial accrued liability determined under


section 41 shall be based on and applied to the combined payrolls


for members of Tier 1 and qualified participants of Tier 2.


     Sec. 109. (1) An individual who was a deferred member or


former nonvested member on the day before the implementation date,


who is employed by a reporting unit on or after the implementation


date, and who by virtue of that employment would be eligible for


membership in Tier 1 may make an election as prescribed in section




     (2) An individual who is first employed and entered upon the


payroll of a reporting unit on or after the implementation date


shall become a qualified participant of Tier 2. The date of


membership in Tier 1 or participation in Tier 2 under this


subsection dates back to the date the individual was first employed


and entered upon the payroll of a reporting unit.


     Sec. 110. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),


the retirement system shall provide an opportunity for each member


who is a Tier 1 member on the day before the implementation date,


to elect in writing to terminate membership in Tier 1 and elect to


become a qualified participant in Tier 2. An election made by a


member under this subsection is irrevocable. The retirement system


shall accept written elections under this subsection from members


during the period beginning on April 30, 2010 and ending on July 3,


2010. A member who does not make a written election or who does not


file the election during the period specified in this subsection


continues to be a member of Tier 1. A member who makes and files a


written election under this subsection elects to do all of the




     (a) Cease to be a member of Tier 1 effective 12 midnight on


May 31, 2010.


     (b) Become a qualified participant in Tier 2 effective 12:01


a.m. on June 1, 2010.


     (c) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, waive


all of his or her rights to a pension, an annuity, a retirement


allowance, or any other benefit under Tier 1 effective 12 midnight


on the day described in subdivision (a). This subdivision does not


affect a person's right to health benefits provided under this act


pursuant to section 136.


     (2) This subsection applies to an individual who was a vested


member of Tier 1 on the day before the implementation date and who


terminates the employment upon which that membership is based on or


after the implementation date but on or before December 31, 2010.


Before the termination of his or her employment, an individual


described in this subsection may elect in writing to terminate


membership in Tier 1 and become a qualified participant in Tier 2.


An election made by a member under this subsection is irrevocable.


The retirement system shall accept written elections under this


subsection from a member during the period beginning on the


implementation date and ending on December 31, 2010. A member


described in this subsection who does not make a written election


or who does not file the election before the termination of his or


her employment continues to be a member or deferred member of Tier


1. A member who makes and files a written election under this


subsection to terminate membership in Tier 1 elects to do all of


the following:


     (a) Cease to be a member of Tier 1 and become a qualified


participant in Tier 2 effective 12 midnight on the day immediately


preceding the date of the termination of employment.


     (b) Become a former qualified participant in Tier 2 effective


12:01 a.m. on the day immediately following the date described in


subdivision (a).


     (c) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, waive


all of his or her rights to a pension, an annuity, a retirement


allowance, an insurance benefit, or any other benefit under Tier 1


effective 12 midnight on the date described in subdivision (a).


This subdivision does not affect an individual's right to health


benefits provided under this act pursuant to section 136.


     (3) If an individual who was a deferred member on the day


before the implementation date or an individual who was a former


nonvested member on the day before the implementation date is


employed by a reporting unit on or after the implementation date


and by virtue of that employment is again eligible for membership


in Tier 1, the individual shall elect in writing to remain a member


of Tier 1 or to terminate membership in Tier 1 and become a


qualified participant in Tier 2. An election made by a deferred


member or a former nonvested member under this subsection is


irrevocable. The retirement system shall accept written elections


under this subsection from a deferred member or a former nonvested


member during the period beginning on the date of the individual's


reemployment and ending upon the expiration of 60 days after the


date of that reemployment. A deferred member or former nonvested


member who makes and files a written election to remain a member of


Tier 1 retains all rights and is subject to all conditions as a


member of Tier 1 under this act. A deferred member or former


nonvested member who does not make a written election or who does


not file the election during the period specified in this


subsection continues to be a member of Tier 1. A deferred member or


former nonvested member who makes and files a written election to


terminate membership in Tier 1 elects to do all of the following:


     (a) Cease to be a member of Tier 1 effective 12 midnight on


the last day of the payroll period that includes the date of the




     (b) Become a qualified participant in Tier 2 effective 12:01


a.m. on the first day of the payroll period immediately following


the date of the election.


     (c) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, waive


all of his or her rights to a pension, an annuity, a retirement


allowance, an insurance benefit, or any other benefit under Tier 1


effective 12 midnight on the last day of the payroll period that


includes the date of the election. This subdivision does not affect


an individual's right to health benefits provided under this act


pursuant to section 136.


     (4) After consultation with the retirement system's actuary


and the retirement board, the department shall determine the method


by which a member, deferred member, or former nonvested member


shall make a written election under this section. If the member,


deferred member, or former nonvested member is married at the time


of the election, the election is not effective unless the election


is signed by the individual's spouse. However, the retirement board


may waive this requirement if the spouse's signature cannot be


obtained because of extenuating circumstances.


     (5) An election under this section is subject to the eligible


domestic relations order act, 1991 PA 46, MCL 38.1701 to 38.1711.


     (6) If an individual who was a deferred member of the state


employees' retirement system on the day before the implementation


date is first employed and entered upon the payroll of a reporting


unit on or after the implementation date, the retirement system


shall provide an opportunity for that individual to elect in


writing to become a member of Tier 1 or to become a qualified


participant of Tier 2. The retirement system and the individual


shall follow the provisions and procedures provided in this section


and by the department as if the individual were a deferred member


of Tier 1 on the day before the implementation date.


     (7) If the department receives notification from the United


States internal revenue service that this section or any portion of


this section will cause the retirement system to be disqualified


for tax purposes under the internal revenue code, then the portion


that will cause the disqualification does not apply.


     Sec. 111. (1) For a member who elects to terminate membership


in Tier 1 under section 110(1), the retirement system shall direct


the state treasurer to transfer a lump sum amount from the


appropriate reserve created under article 2 to the qualified


participant's account in Tier 2 on or before June 1, 2010. The


retirement system shall calculate the amount to be transferred,


which shall be equal to the sum of the following:


     (a) The member's accumulated contributions, if any, from the


reserve for employee contributions as of 12 midnight June 1, 2010.


     (b) For a member who is a participant in the member investment


plan, the member's accumulated contributions, if any, from the


reserve for member investment plan as of 12 midnight June 1, 2010.


     (c) For a member who is vested under section 81 as of 12


midnight June 1, 2010, the excess, if any, of the actuarial present


value of the member's accumulated benefit obligation, over the


amount specified in subdivisions (a) and (b), from the reserve for


employer contributions. Except as provided in subsection (7), for


the purposes of this subsection, the present value of the member's


accumulated benefit obligation is based upon the member's actual


credited service and actual final average compensation as of 12


midnight June 1, 2010. The actuarial present value shall be


computed as of 12 midnight June 1, 2010 and shall be based on the




     (i) Eight percent effective annual interest, compounded




     (ii) A 50% male and 50% female gender neutral blend of the


mortality tables used to project retirant longevity in the most


recent actuarial valuation report.


     (iii) A benefit commencement age, based upon the member's


estimated credited service as of 12 midnight June 1, 2010. The


benefit commencement age shall be the younger of the following, but


shall not be younger than the member's age as of 12 midnight June


1, 2010:


     (A) Age 60.


     (B) Age 55, if the member's estimated credited service equals


or exceeds 30 years.


     (C) The age of the member if the member's credited service


equals or exceeds 30 years and the member contributes to the member


investment plan.


     (D) Interest on any amounts determined in subdivisions (a),


(b), and (c) from June 2, 2010 to the date of the transfer, based


upon 8% annual interest, compounded annually.


     (2) For a member who elects to terminate membership in Tier 1


under section 110(2), the retirement system shall direct the state


treasurer to transfer a lump sum amount from the appropriate


reserve created under article 2 to the former qualified


participant's account in Tier 2 on or before the expiration of 60


days after the date of the individual's termination of employment.


The retirement system shall calculate the amount to be transferred,


which shall be equal to the sum of the following:


     (a) The member's accumulated contributions, if any, from the


reserve for employee contributions as of 12 midnight on the day


immediately preceding the date of the termination of employment.


     (b) For a member who is a participant in the member investment


plan, the member's accumulated contributions, if any, from the


reserve for member investment plan as of 12 midnight on the day


immediately preceding the date of the termination of employment.


     (c) The excess of any actuarial present value of the member's


accumulated benefit obligation, over the amount specified in


subdivisions (a) and (b), from the reserve for employer


contributions. Except as provided in subsection (7), for the


purposes of this subsection, the present value of the member's


accumulated benefit obligation is based upon the member's actual


credited service and actual final average compensation as of 12


midnight on the day immediately preceding the date of the


termination of employment. The actuarial present value shall be


computed as of 12 midnight on that date and shall be based on the




     (i) Eight percent effective annual interest, compounded




     (ii) A 50% male and 50% female gender neutral blend of the


mortality tables used to project retirant longevity in the most


recent annual actuarial valuation report.


     (iii) A benefit commencement age, based upon the member's


estimated credited service as of 12 midnight on the day immediately


preceding the date of the termination of employment. The benefit


commencement age shall be the younger of the following, but shall


not be younger than the member's age as of 12 midnight on the day


immediately preceding the date of the termination of employment:


     (A) Age 60.


     (B) Age 55, if the member's estimated credited service equals


or exceeds 30 years.


     (C) The age of the member if the member's credited service


equals or exceeds 30 years and the member is a participant of the


member investment plan.


     (D) Interest on any amounts determined in subdivisions (a),


(b), and (c) from the day immediately following the date described


in subdivision (a) to the date of the transfer, based upon 8%


effective annual interest, compounded annually.


     (3) For a deferred member who elects to terminate membership


in Tier 1 under section 110(3), the retirement system shall direct


the state treasurer to transfer a lump sum amount from the


appropriate reserve created under article 2 to the qualified


participant's account in Tier 2 on or before the expiration of 60


days after the date of the individual's election to terminate


membership. The retirement system shall calculate the amount to be


transferred, which shall be equal to the sum of the following:


     (a) The deferred member's accumulated contributions, if any,


from the reserve for employee contributions as of 12 midnight on


the last day of the payroll period that includes the date of the




     (b) For a deferred member who is a participant in the member


investment plan, the deferred member's accumulated contributions,


if any, from the reserve for member investment plan as of 12


midnight on the last day of the payroll period that includes the


date of the election.


     (c) The excess, if any, of the actuarial present value of the


deferred member's accumulated benefit obligation, over the amount


specified in subdivisions (a) and (b), from the reserve for


employer contributions. Except as provided in subsection (5), for


the purposes of this subsection, the present value of the deferred


member's accumulated benefit obligation is based upon the deferred


member's actual credited service and actual final average


compensation as of 12 midnight on the last day of the payroll


period that includes the date of the election. The actuarial


present value shall be computed as of 12 midnight on that date and


shall be based on the following:


     (i) Eight percent effective annual interest, compounded




     (ii) A 50% male and 50% female gender neutral blend of the


mortality tables used to project retirant longevity in the most


recent annual actuarial valuation report.


     (iii) A benefit commencement age, based upon the member's


estimated credited service as of 12 midnight on the last day of the


payroll period that includes the date of the election. The benefit


commencement age shall be the younger of the following, but shall


not be younger than the member's age as of 12 midnight on the last


day of the payroll period that includes the date of the election:


     (A) Age 60.


     (B) Age 55, if the deferred member's estimated credited


service equals or exceeds 30 years.


     (C) The age of the deferred member if the deferred member's


credited service equals or exceeds 30 years and the deferred member


is a participant of the member investment plan.


     (D) Interest on any amounts determined in subdivisions (a),


(b), and (c) from the first day of the payroll period immediately


following the date of the election to the date of the transfer,


based upon 8% effective annual interest, compounded annually.


     (4) For the purposes of subsections (1) to (3) and subsection


(6), the calculation of actual present value of the member's or


deferred member's accumulated benefit obligation shall be based


upon methods adopted by the department and the retirement system's


actuary in consultation with the retirement board. Actual final


average compensation shall be determined as provided in sections 3a


and 4(11) as of 12 midnight on the date the member or deferred


member ceases to be a member of Tier 1 under section 110.


     (5) For a former nonvested member who elects to terminate


membership in Tier 1 under section 110(3) and who has accumulated


contributions standing to his or her credit in the reserve for


employee contributions or the reserve for member investment plan,


the retirement system shall direct the state treasurer to transfer


a lump sum amount from the appropriate reserve created under


article 2 to the qualified participant's account in Tier 2 on or


before the expiration of 60 days after the date of the individual's


election to terminate membership. The retirement system shall


calculate the amount to be transferred, which shall be equal to the


sum of the following:


     (a) The former nonvested member's accumulated contributions,


if any, from the reserve for employee contributions as of 12


midnight on the last day of the payroll period that includes the


date of the election.


     (b) For a former nonvested member who is a participant in the


member investment plan, the former nonvested member's accumulated


contributions, if any, from the reserve for member investment plan


as of 12 midnight on the last day of the payroll period that


includes the date of the election.


     (c) Interest on any amounts determined in subdivisions (a) and


(b) from the first day of the payroll period immediately following


the date of the election to the date of the transfer, based upon 8%


effective annual interest, compounded annually.


     (6) For each member who elects to terminate membership in Tier


1 under section 110, the retirement system shall do all of the




     (a) Direct the state treasurer to transfer from the reserve


for employer contributions to the qualified participant's account


in Tier 2 the excess of any recomputed amount over the previously


transferred amount together with interest from 12 midnight May 31,


2010 to the date of the transfer under this subsection, based upon


8% effective annual interest, compounded annually.


     (b) Direct the state treasurer to transfer from the qualified


participant's account in Tier 2 to the reserve for employer


contributions the excess of any previously transferred amount over


the recomputed amount, together with interest, from the date of the


transfer made under subsection (1), based upon 8% effective annual


interest, compounded annually.


     (7) If the department receives notification from the United


States internal revenue service that this section or any portion of


this section will cause the retirement system to be disqualified


for tax purposes under the internal revenue code, then the portion


that will cause the disqualification does not apply.


     Sec. 112. After consulting the retirement system's actuary,


the department shall calculate for each fiscal year any cost


savings that have accrued as a result of the implementation of the


amendatory act that added this section over the costs that would


have been incurred had the amendatory act that added this section


not been implemented.




     Sec. 121. For the purposes of this article, the words and


phrases defined in sections 122 to 124 have the meanings ascribed


to them in those sections.


     Sec. 122. (1) "Accumulated balance" means the total balance in


a qualified participant's, former qualified participant's, or


refund beneficiary's individual account in Tier 2.


     (2) "Compensation" means the remuneration paid a qualified


participant on account of the qualified participant's services


equal to the sum of the following:


     (a) A participant's W-2 earnings for services performed for


the employer.


     (b) Any amount contributed or deferred at the election of the


participant which is excluded from gross income under section 125,


132(f)(4), 401(k), 403(b), or 457 of the internal revenue code, 26


USC 125, 132, 401, 403, and 457.


     (3) "Department" means the department of management and




     (4) "Director" means the director of the department of


management and budget or his or her designee.


     Sec. 123. (1) "Employer" means a reporting unit.


     (2) "Former qualified participant" means an individual who was


a qualified participant and who terminates the employment upon


which his or her participation is based for any reason.


     (3) "Health benefit dependent" means an individual who would


have been eligible for health insurance coverage as a health


insurance dependent under section 91(15)(a) if the former qualified


participant had become a retirant of Tier 1.


     Sec. 124. (1) "Qualified participant" means an individual who


is a participant of Tier 2 and who meets 1 of the following




     (a) An individual who is first employed and entered upon the


payroll of a reporting unit on or after the implementation date.


     (b) An individual who elects to terminate membership in Tier 1


and who elects to participate in Tier 2 in the manner prescribed in


section 110.


     (2) "Refund beneficiary" means an individual nominated by a


qualified participant or a former qualified participant under


section 134 to receive a distribution of the participant's


accumulated balance in the manner prescribed in section 135.


     (3) "State treasurer" means the treasurer of this state.


     Sec. 124a. (1) The department shall designate 3 or more Tier 2


contracts or account plans provided by at least 3 different


entities, to be offered to participants in the Tier 2 plan. No Tier


2 plan option shall be designated under this section unless the


entity provides all of the following requirements:


     (a) It is authorized to conduct business in this state with


regard to any annuity contracts or certificates to be offered under


the plan.


     (b) It provides a defined contribution pension plan and


associated plan services to public sector employees in at least 10


other states.


     (c) It provides a Tier 2 option that is an annuity contract or


custodial account that is not required to be held by a separate


plan trustee.


     (2) In designating Tier 2 plans under this section, the


department shall consider all of the following:


     (a) The experience of the entity in providing the plan in


other states.


     (b) The potential effectiveness of the plan in the


recruitment and retention of academic or administrative employees.


     (c) The nature and extent of the rights and benefits to be


provided under the plan.


     (d) The relationship between the rights and benefits under the


plan and the amount of the contributions made under that plan.


     (e) The suitability of the rights and benefits under the plan


to the needs and interests of academic or administrative employees.


     (f) The capability of the entity offering the plan to provide


the rights and benefits under the plan, and to monitor compliance


under the contract or account with applicable federal tax


requirements incorporated into the contract or account.


     (g) Any other supplemental matters it considers relevant.


     (3) The department shall consult with the state treasurer in


determining appropriate investment vehicles offered within the


designated Tier 2 option plans. The department in consultation with


the state treasurer shall periodically review each Tier 2 plan


designated under this section and the entity offering the plan to


ensure that the requirements and purposes of this article are being


met. If the department finds that the entity offering a Tier 2 plan


is not in compliance with any requirement of this section or the


plan is not satisfactorily meeting the purposes of this article, it


may rescind its designation of the plan.


     (4) The department shall determine the provisions and


procedures of Tier 2 in conformity with this article and the


requirements of the internal revenue code.


     (5) The director shall use a competitive bidding process to


select any managerial, professional, or administrative services for


the proper administration and investment of assets of Tier 2. The


competitive bidding process shall include a requirement that any


service provider selected under this subsection will be required to


pay for the cost of any notification of members entitled to make an


election under section 110.


     Sec. 126. (1) A qualified participant, former qualified


participant, health benefit dependent, or refund beneficiary may


request a hearing on a claim involving his or her rights under Tier


2. Upon written request, the department shall provide for a hearing


that shall be conducted pursuant to chapter 4 of the administrative


procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.271 to 24.287. An


individual may be represented by counsel or other authorized agent


at a hearing conducted under this section.


     (2) Chapters 2, 3, and 5 of the administrative procedures act


of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.224 to 24.264 and 24.291 to 24.292, do


not apply to the establishment, implementation, administration,


operation, investment, or distribution of Tier 2.


     Sec. 127. Each qualified participant, former qualified


participant, and refund beneficiary shall direct the investment of


the individual's accumulated employer and employee contributions


and earnings to 1 or more investment choices within available


categories of investment provided by the state treasurer. The


limitations on the percentage of total assets for investments


provided in the public employee retirement system investment act,


1965 PA 314, MCL 38.1132 to 38.1140m, do not apply to Tier 2.


     Sec. 128. The administrative expenses of Tier 2 shall be paid


by the qualified participants, former qualified participants, and


refund beneficiaries who have not closed their accounts in a manner


determined by the department.


     Sec. 129. A qualified participant shall not participate in any


other public sector retirement benefits plan for simultaneous


service rendered to the same public sector employer. Except as


otherwise provided in this act or by the department, this section


does not prohibit a qualified participant from participating in a


retirement plan established by a public sector employer under the


internal revenue code. For the purposes of this section, public


sector employer includes, but is not limited to, a reporting unit.


     Sec. 130. (1) The department shall promptly credit the Tier 2


account of a qualified participant or former qualified participant


who makes an election under section 110 to terminate membership in


Tier 1 with any amount transferred from Tier 1 pursuant to section




     (2) Not later than 30 days after receipt of a recomputed


amount, the department shall charge the participant's Tier 2


account for any amount of excess transfers and transfer that amount


to the appropriate reserve in Tier 1. The director may determine


which investment choice or choices within a participant's Tier 2


account will be used for this purpose.


     Sec. 131. (1) This section is subject to the vesting


requirements of section 132.


     (2) A qualified participant's employer shall contribute to the


qualified participant's Tier 2 account an amount equal to 4% of the


qualified participant's compensation.


     (3) A qualified participant may periodically elect to


contribute up to 3% of his or her compensation to his or her Tier 2


account. The qualified participant's employer shall make an


additional contribution to the qualified participant's Tier 2


account in an amount equal to the contribution made by the


qualified participant under this subsection.


     (4) A qualified participant may make contributions in addition


to contributions made under subsection (3) to his or her Tier 2


account as permitted by the department and the internal revenue


code. The qualified participant's employer shall not match


contributions made by the qualified participant under this




     Sec. 132. (1) A qualified participant is immediately 100%


vested in his or her contributions made to Tier 2. A qualified


participant shall vest in the employer contributions made on his or


her behalf to Tier 2 according to the following schedule:


     (a) Upon completion of 2 years of service, 50%.


     (b) Upon completion of 3 years of service, 75%.


     (c) Upon completion of 4 years of service, 100%.


     (2) A qualified participant is vested in the health insurance


coverage provided in section 136 if the qualified participant meets


1 of the following requirements:


     (a) The qualified participant has completed 10 years of


service as a qualified participant and was not a member, deferred


member, or former nonvested member of Tier 1.


     (b) The qualified participant was a member, deferred member,


or former nonvested member of Tier 1 who made an election to


participate in Tier 2 pursuant to section 110, and who has met the


service requirements he or she would have been required to meet in


order to vest in health benefits under section 91.


     Sec. 133. A qualified participant who was a member, deferred


member, or former nonvested member of Tier 1 who makes an election


to participate in Tier 2 pursuant to section 110, shall be credited


with the years of service accrued under Tier 1 on the effective


date of participation in Tier 2 for the purpose of meeting the


vesting requirements for benefits under section 132.


     Sec. 134. A qualified participant or former qualified


participant may nominate 1 or more individuals as a refund


beneficiary by filing written notice of nomination with the


department. If the qualified participant or former qualified


participant is married at the time of the nomination and the


participant's spouse is not the refund beneficiary for 100% of the


account, the nomination is not effective unless the nomination is


signed by the participant's spouse. However, the department may


waive this requirement if the spouse's signature cannot be obtained


because of extenuating circumstances.


     Sec. 135. (1) A qualified participant is eligible to receive


distribution of his or her accumulated balance in Tier 2 upon


becoming a former qualified participant.


     (2) Upon the death of a qualified participant or former


qualified participant, the accumulated balance of that deceased


participant is considered to belong to the refund beneficiary, if


any, of that deceased participant. If a valid nomination of refund


beneficiary is not on file with the department, the department, in


a lump sum distribution, shall distribute the accumulated balance


to the legal representative, if any, of the deceased participant


or, if there is no legal representative, to the deceased


participant's estate.


     (3) A former qualified participant or refund beneficiary may


elect 1 or a combination of several of the following methods of


distribution of the accumulated balance:


     (a) A lump sum distribution to the recipient.


     (b) A lump sum direct rollover to another qualified plan, to


the extent allowed by federal law.


     (c) Periodic distributions, as authorized by the department.


     (d) No current distribution, in which case the accumulated


balance shall remain in Tier 2 until the former qualified


participant or refund beneficiary elects a method or methods of


distribution under subdivisions (a) to (c), to the extent allowed


by federal law.


     Sec. 135a. (1) A qualified participant whom the retirement


board finds to have become totally and permanently disabled from


any gainful employment by reason of personal injury or mental or


physical illness while serving as an employee of that reporting


unit shall be granted a supplemental benefit equivalent to the


amount provided for in section 84 as if the former qualified


participant had retired under section 87, which supplemental


benefit shall be offset by the value of the distribution of his or


her accumulated balance upon becoming a former qualified


participant pursuant to section 135.


     (2) If a qualified participant dies as a result of injury or


illness arising out of and in the course of the qualified


participant's reporting unit service for which worker's disability


compensation is paid, or a duty disability retirant who is in


receipt of weekly worker's disability compensation on account of


the retirant's reporting unit service dies from the same causes for


which the former qualified participant retired within 36 months


after the former qualified participant's retirement, and in either


case the death or the illness or injury resulting in death is found


by the retirement board to have resulted, without the qualified


participant's or former qualified participant's willful negligence,


from the performance of the qualified participant's or former


qualified participant's reporting unit service, a supplemental


benefit shall be granted equivalent to the amount provided for in


section 84 had the former qualified participant been considered


retired under section 90, which supplemental benefit shall be


offset by the value of the distribution of his or her accumulated


balance upon becoming a former qualified participant pursuant to


section 135.


     (3) A qualified participant who has at least 10 years of


credited service whom the retirement board finds to have become


totally and permanently disabled for purposes of employment by his


or her reporting unit by reason of personal injury or mental or


physical illness before termination of reporting unit service and


employment shall be granted a supplemental benefit equivalent to


the amount provided for in section 84 as if the former qualified


participant had retired under section 86, which supplemental


benefit shall be offset by the value of the distribution of his or


her accumulated balance upon becoming a former qualified


participant pursuant to section 135.


     (4) If a qualified participant who meets the service


requirements of section 89 dies as a result of injury or illness


that does not arise out of and in the course of the qualified


participant's reporting unit service, a supplemental benefit shall


be granted equivalent to the amount provided for in section 89 had


the former qualified participant been considered retired under


section 89, which supplemental benefit shall be offset by the value


of the distribution of his or her accumulated balance upon becoming


a former qualified participant pursuant to section 135.


     (5) A qualified participant, former qualified participant, or


beneficiary of a deceased participant, which participant is


eligible for a disability retirement allowance under this section,


is eligible for health insurance coverage under section 91 in all


respects and under the same terms as a retirant and his or her


beneficiaries under Tier 1.


     Sec. 136. (1) A former qualified participant may elect health


insurance benefits in the manner prescribed in this section if he


or she meets both of the following requirements:


     (a) The former qualified participant is vested in health


benefits under section 132(2).


     (b) The former qualified participant is at least 60 years of


age or has at least 25 years of credited service.


     (2) A former qualified participant who is eligible to elect


health insurance coverage under subsection (1) may elect health


insurance coverage in a health benefit plan or plans as authorized


by section 91 or in another plan as provided in subsection (6). A


former qualified participant who is eligible to elect health


insurance coverage under subsection (1) may also elect health


insurance coverage for his or her health benefit dependents, if


any. A surviving health benefit dependent of a deceased former


qualified participant who is eligible to elect health insurance


coverage under subsection (1) may elect health insurance coverage


in the manner prescribed in this section.


     (3) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (6), an


individual who elects health insurance coverage under this section


shall become a member of a health insurance coverage group


authorized under section 91.


     (4) For a former qualified participant who is eligible to


elect health insurance coverage under subsection (1) and who is


vested in those benefits under section 132(2)(a), and for his or


her health benefit dependents, the retirement system shall pay a


portion of the health insurance premium as calculated under this


subsection on a cash disbursement method. An individual described


in this subsection who elects health insurance coverage under this


section shall pay to the retirement system the remaining portion of


the health insurance coverage premium not paid by the retirement


system under this subsection. The portion of the health insurance


coverage premium paid by the retirement system under this


subsection shall be as follows: if an individual described in this


subsection has 10 or more but less than 25 years of service credit


under this act and the individual was at least 60 years of age at


the time of application for benefits under this section, the


retirement system shall pay a portion of the monthly premium or


membership or subscription fee for the plans or combination of


plans equal to the product of 3% and the individual's or deceased


individual's years of service for the first 10 years and 4% for


each year after the first 10 years. This subsection does not apply


to an individual described in this subsection who receives a


disability retirement allowance under section 135a or to a health


benefit dependent beneficiary under section 135a.


     (5) A former qualified participant who is eligible to elect


health insurance coverage under subsection (1) and who is vested in


those benefits under section 132(2)(b) may elect health insurance


coverage under section 91 for himself or herself and for his or her


health benefit dependents, in all respects and under the same terms


as would a retirant and his or her health insurance dependents


under Tier 1.


     (6) A former qualified participant or health benefit dependent


who is eligible to elect health insurance coverage under this


section and who elects health insurance coverage under a different


plan than the plan authorized under section 91 may elect to have an


amount up to the amount of the retirement system's share of the


monthly health insurance premium subsidy provided in this section


paid by the retirement system directly to the other health


insurance plan or to a medical savings account established pursuant


to section 220 of the internal revenue code, to the extent allowed


by law or under the provisions and procedures of Tier 2.


     (7) If the department receives notification from the United


States internal revenue service that this section or any portion of


this section will cause the retirement system to be disqualified


for tax purposes under the internal revenue code, then the portion


that will cause the disqualification does not apply.


     Sec. 137. (1) The right of a qualified participant or a former


qualified participant, or his or her beneficiaries, to a


distribution described in subsection (1) is subject to forfeiture


pursuant to the public employee retirement benefits forfeiture act,


1994 PA 350, MCL 38.2701 to 38.2705.


     (2) The director has the right of setoff to recover


overpayments made under this article and to satisfy any claims


arising from embezzlement or fraud committed by a qualified


participant, former qualified participant, refund beneficiary, or


other person who has a claim to a distribution or any other benefit


from Tier 2.


     (3) The director shall correct errors in the records and


actions under this article, and shall seek to recover overpayments


and shall make up underpayments.
