Bill Text: MI HB6084 | 2015-2016 | 98th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Retirement; county employees; retirement health benefits for charter county employees subject to the local unit of government retirement act; provide for. Amends secs. 14, 14a & 15 of 1966 PA 293 (MCL 45.514 et seq.) & adds sec. 15c. TIE BAR WITH: HB 6074'16

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-12-01 - Bill Electronically Reproduced 11/30/2016 [HB6084 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2015-HB6084-Introduced.html




















November 30, 2016, Introduced by Reps. Somerville and Poleski and referred to the Committee on Local Government.


     A bill to amend 1966 PA 293, entitled


"An act to provide for the establishment of charter counties; to

provide for the election of charter commissioners; to prescribe

their powers and duties; to prohibit certain acts of a county board

of commissioners after the approval of the election of a charter

commission; to prescribe the mandatory and permissive provisions of

a charter; to provide for the exercise by a charter county of

certain powers whether or not authorized by its charter; and to

prescribe penalties and provide remedies,"


by amending sections 14, 14a, and 15 (MCL 45.514, 45.514a, and


45.515), section 14 as amended by 2005 PA 208, section 14a as added


by 2012 PA 466, and section 15 as amended by 1980 PA 7, and by


adding section 15c.




     Sec. 14. (1) A county charter adopted under this act shall


must provide for all of the following:


     (a) In a county having a population of less than 1,500,000,


for a salaried county executive, who shall be elected at large on a


partisan basis, and for the county executive's authority, duties,


and responsibilities. In a county having a population of 1,500,000


, or more, a county charter adopted under this act shall must


provide for a form of executive government described and adopted


under section 11a.


     (b) The election of a legislative body to be known as the


county board of commissioners, whose term of office shall be


concurrent with that of state representatives, and for their


authority, duties, responsibilities, and number, which shall be not


less than 5 nor or more than 21. in counties of less than 600,000 ,


and not less than 5 nor more than 27 in counties of 600,000 or


more. The county board of commissioners shall provide by ordinance


for their compensation and may increase or decrease their


compensation. A change in compensation shall not be effective


during the term of office for which the legislative body making the


change was elected. The charter shall must also provide for the


partisan election of members of the legislative body from single


single-member districts to be established by the county


apportionment commission as created in section 5 and pursuant to


under the standards and guidelines established in section 5 for


reapportionment based upon the last official federal decennial


census, effective at the first regular general election of the


members of the legislative body occurring not less than 12 months


after the completion and certification of the federal census. Each


city and township shall be apportioned so that it has the largest


possible number of complete districts within its boundaries before


any part of the city or township is joined to territory outside the

boundaries of the city or township to form a district.


     (c) The partisan election of a sheriff, a prosecuting


attorney, a county clerk, a county treasurer, and a register of


deeds, and for the authority of the county board of commissioners


to combine the county clerk and register of deeds into 1 office as


authorized by law.


     (d) Except as provided in subdivision (c), the continuation of


all existing county offices, boards, commissions, and departments


whether established by law or by action of the county board of


commissioners; the performance of their respective duties by other


county offices, boards, commissions, and departments; or for the


discontinuance of these county offices, boards, commissions, and


departments. Notwithstanding this subdivision in relation to


existing county offices, boards, commissions, and departments, a


county charter shall must insure the following:


     (i) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (2), in a


county having a population of less than 1,500,000, the charter


shall not be in derogation of the powers and duties of the county


road commission in the exercise of their its statutory duties


concerning the preservation of a county road system. The charter


for these counties shall must provide for the creation of a


commission consisting of not fewer than 3 or more than 5 members.


Not less than 1 member of the commission shall be a resident of a


township within the county.


     (ii) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), in a


county having a population of 1,500,000 or more, the charter shall


must provide for the continuation of a county road system within

the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this act, the


charter described in this subparagraph shall must provide that


responsibility for the determination of the expenditure of all


funds for road construction and road maintenance , and for carrying


out the powers and duties pertaining to a county road system as


provided in sections 9 to 32 of chapter 4 IV of 1909 PA 283, MCL


224.9 to 224.32, shall be is vested in a commission consisting of


not fewer than 3 or more than 5 members. The charter shall must


provide that 1 member of the commission shall be is a resident of


the most populous city in the county, 1 member shall be is a


resident of a city other than the most populous city within the


county, and that 1 member shall be is a resident of a township


within the county. The charter shall must provide that the


commission shall be appointed by either the elected county


executive or the chief administrative officer. Appointment to the


commission shall require advice and consent by a majority of the


county board of commissioners elected and serving not more than 60


days after the appointment. If the county board of commissioners


does not vote on the appointment within 60 days, the appointment


shall become final. The charter may provide for the number of


members and a fixed term of years for the members of the


commission, but the charter shall must provide that the members of


the commission may be removed at the pleasure of the elected county


executive or the chief administrative officer. The charter shall


must specify duties and procedures to assure that administrative


decisions made for road construction shall be are coordinated with


administrative decisions made for other programs which relate to

roads. As used in this subparagraph, "road construction" means all


of the following:


     (A) The building of a new road or street and the improving of


an existing road or street by correction grades, drainage


structures, width, alignment, or surface.


     (B) The building of bridges or grade separations and the


repair of these structures by strengthening, widening, and the


replacement of piers and abutments.


     (C) The initial signing of newly constructed roads or streets,


major resigning of projects, and the installation, replacement, or


improvement of traffic signals.


     (e) The Subject to section 15c, the continuation and


implementation of a system of pensions and retirement for county


officers and employees in those counties having a system in effect


at the time of the adoption of the charter. The Subject to section


15c, the system provided under the charter shall must recognize the


accrued rights and benefits of the officers and employees under the


system then in effect. The Subject to section 15c, the charter


shall must not infringe upon nor be in derogation of those accrued


rights and benefits. The charter shall must not preclude future


modification of the system.


     (f) The continuation and implementation of a system of civil


service in those counties having a system at the time of the


adoption of the charter. The system of civil service provided under


the charter shall recognize the rights and status of persons under


the civil service system then in effect. The charter shall must not


infringe upon nor be in derogation of those rights and that status.

The charter shall must not preclude future modification of the


system. Except as provided in subdivision (d), the charter shall


must provide that the system of civil service be coordinated among


the county offices, boards, commissions, and departments.


     (g) That the general statutes and local acts of this state


regarding counties and county officers shall continue in effect


except to the extent that this act permits the charter to provide


otherwise, if the charter does in fact provide otherwise.


     (h) That all ordinances of the county shall remain in effect


unless changed by the charter or an ordinance adopted under the




     (i) The power and authority to adopt, amend, and repeal any


ordinance authorized by law , or necessary to carry out any power,


function, or service authorized by this act and by the charter.


     (j) The power and authority to enter into any


intergovernmental contract which is not specifically prohibited by




     (k) The power and authority to join, establish, or form with


any other governmental unit an intergovernmental district or


authority for the purpose of performing a public function or


service, which each is authorized to perform separately, the


performance of which is not prohibited by law.


     (l) A debt limit of not to exceed 10% of the state equalized


value of the taxable property within the county.


     (m) The levy and collection of taxes, the fixing of an ad


valorem property tax limitation of not to exceed 1% of the state


equalized value of the taxable property within the county, and that

the levy of taxes from within this ad valorem property tax


limitation shall not exceed, unless otherwise approved by the


electors, the tax rate in mills, equal to the number of mills


allocated to the county either by a county tax allocation board or


by a separate tax limitation under the property tax limitation act,


1933 PA 62, MCL 211.201 to 211.217a, in the year immediately


preceding the year in which the county adopts a charter.


     (n) Initiative and referendum on all matters within the scope


of the county's power and authority; and for the recall of all


county officials.


     (o) Amendment or revision of the charter initiated either by


action of the legislative body of the county or by initiatory


process. An amendment or revision shall not become effective unless


the amendment or revision is submitted to the electorate of the


county and approved by a majority of those voting.


     (p) That the acquisition, operation, and sale of public


utility facilities for furnishing light, heat, or power shall be


subject to the same restrictions as imposed on cities and villages


by the state constitution of 1963 and applicable law.


     (q) Annual preparation, review, approval, and adherence to a


balanced budget in a manner which assures coordination among the


county offices, boards, commissions, and departments, except as


provided in subdivision (d).


     (r) An annual audit by an independent certified public


accountant of all county funds.


     (s) That a county that incurs a budget deficit in any fiscal


year shall prepare and submit a detailed and specific 5-year plan

for short short-term financial recovery and long long-range


financial stability to the governor and the legislature, before


adoption of the next annual county budget, for review. The 5-year


plan shall must include, but not be limited to, a projection of


annual revenues and expenditures, an employee classification and


pay plan, a capital improvements budget, and equipment replacement




     (2) Subsection (1)(d) shall does not apply to a county in


which the charter is amended to provide for an alternative method


of carrying out the powers and duties which are otherwise provided


by law for a board of county road commissioners.


     (3) The county board of commissioners may by resolution


provide for staggered terms of office for the road commissioners


under subsection (1)(d) so that not more than 2 road commissioners'


terms of office expire in the same year.


     Sec. 14a. (1) Beginning September 30, 2014, each county road


agency shall annually certify to the department that it satisfies 1


of the following conditions with respect to transportation




     (a) The county road agency has developed and publicized a


transportation employee compensation plan that the county road


agency intends to implement with any new, modified, or extended


contract or employment agreements for transportation employees not


covered under contract or employment agreement. The transportation


employee compensation plan that each county road agency plans to


achieve shall must be posted on a publicly accessible internet site


and shall must be submitted to the department. At Subject to

section 15c, at a minimum, the transportation employee compensation


plan shall must include all of the following:


     (i) New transportation employee hires who are eligible for


retirement plans are placed on retirement plans that cap annual


employer contributions at 10% of base salary for transportation


employees who are eligible for social security benefits. For


transportation employees who are not eligible for social security


benefits, the annual employer contribution is capped at 16.2% of


base salary.


     (ii) For defined benefit pension plans, a maximum multiplier


of 1.5% for all transportation employees who are eligible for


social security benefits, except, if postemployment health care is


not provided, the maximum multiplier shall be 2.25%. For all


transportation employees who are not eligible for social security


benefits, a maximum multiplier of 2.25%, except, if postemployment


health care is not provided, the maximum multiplier shall must be


3.0%. This subparagraph does not apply to years of service accrued


prior to before September 30, 2013, or to contracts entered into


prior to before September 30, 2013.


     (iii) For defined benefit pension plans, final average


compensation for all transportation employees is calculated using a


minimum of 3 years of compensation and shall must not include more


than a total of 240 hours of paid leave. Overtime hours shall must


not be used in computing the final average compensation for a


transportation employee. This subparagraph does not apply to years


of service accrued prior to before September 30, 2013, or to


contracts entered into prior to before September 30, 2013.

     (iv) Health care premium costs for new transportation employee


hires shall must include a minimum transportation employee share of


20%; or, an employer's share of the local health care plan costs


shall must be cost competitive with the new state preferred


provider organization health plan, on a per-transportation-employee




     (b) The county road agency complies with 1 of the following:


     (i) A county road agency that offers medical benefits to its


transportation employees or elected public officials shall certify


to the department by September 30, 2014 that it is in compliance


with the publicly funded health insurance contribution act, 2011 PA


152, MCL 15.561 to 15.569. For purposes of this subparagraph,


dental and vision coverages are not considered medical benefits.


The department shall develop a certification process and method for


county road agencies to follow.


     (ii) A county road agency that does not offer medical benefits


to its transportation employees or elected public officials shall


certify to the department by September 30, 2014 that it does not


offer medical benefits to its transportation employees or elected


public officials. For purposes of this subparagraph, dental and


vision coverages are not considered medical benefits. The


department shall develop a certification process and method for


county road agencies to follow.


     (2) If a county road agency does not make the certification


required under subsection (1), the department may withhold all or


part of the distributions to the county road agency from the


Michigan transportation fund under 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.651 to

247.675. A withholding under this subsection shall must continue


for the period of noncompliance with subsection (1) by the county


road agency.


     (3) A county road agency shall maintain a searchable website


accessible by the public at no cost that includes, but is not


limited to, all of the following:


     (a) Current fiscal year budget.


     (b) The number of active transportation employees of the


county road agency by job classification and wage rate.


     (c) A financial performance dashboard that contains


information on revenues, expenditures, and unfunded liabilities.


The county road agency may link to financial information provided


by the Michigan transportation asset management council.


     (d) The names and contact information for the governing body


of the county road agency.


     (e) A copy of the certification required by subsection (1).


     (4) A county road agency may develop and operate its own


website to provide the information required under subsection (3),


or the county road agency may reference this state's central


transparency website as the source for the information required


under subsection (3). If a county road agency does not have a


website, the county road agency may post the information required


under subsection (3) on the website for the county within which the


county road agency is located or on the website of a statewide road


association of which the county road agency is a member.


     (5) As used in this section:


     (a) "County road agency" means a county road commission or a

body that has the powers of a county road commission in a county


that adopts a charter under this act. In addition, if a board of


county road commissioners of a county is dissolved as provided in


section 6 of chapter IV of 1909 PA 283, MCL 224.6, county road


commission includes the county board of commissioners of that




     (b) "Department" means the state transportation department.


     (c) "Transportation employee" means an employee paid in whole


or in part through revenues distributed under sections 12 to 13 of


1951 PA 51, MCL 247.662 to 247.663, or an employee who is engaged


primarily in work funded through revenues distributed under


sections 12 to 13 of 1951 PA 51, MCL 247.662 to 247.663.


     Sec. 15. A county charter adopted under the provisions of this


act may provide for 1 or more of the following:


     (a) The office of corporation counsel, public defender,


auditor general, and all other offices, boards, commissions, or


departments necessary for the efficient operation of county


government. The charter may also provide for the power and


authority to establish, by ordinance, other offices, boards,


commissions, and departments as may become necessary.


     (b) That the legislative body of any unit of government which


that is wholly or partially within the county may transfer, subject


to the approval of the legislative body of the county and upon on


mutually agreed conditions, any a municipal function or service to


the county if the performance of that the function or service , by


the county is not specifically prohibited by law, and if the


function or service is offered on a county-wide countywide basis.

     (c) The authority to perform at the county level any a


function or service not prohibited by law, which shall include, by


way of enumeration and not limitation: Police including, but not


limited to, police protection, fire protection, planning, zoning,


education, health, welfare, recreation, water, sewer, waste


disposal, transportation, abatement of air and water pollution,


civil defense, and any other function or service necessary or


beneficial to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the


county. Powers granted solely by charter may not be exercised by


the charter county in a local unit of government which that is


exercising a similar power without the consent of the local


legislative body. The cost of any a service authorized by charter


to be performed by the county, may be determined by negotiation


between the local unit of government and the charter county and


this the cost shall must be charged to the local unit of government


or area benefited by the service, unless it is rendered on a


county-wide countywide basis in which event the cost may be paid


from the general fund of the county. If a function exercised by a


local unit of government is transferred to the county and becomes a


county function financed through the general fund of the county,


the county shall reimburse a local unit of government a negotiated


sum representing the value of the transferred capital assets of the


function owned by and paid for by the local unit of government,


including outstanding bonded indebtedness of the local unit of




     (d) The establishment and maintenance, either within or


outside of the county corporate limits, of roads, parks,

cemeteries, hospitals, medical facilities, airports, ports, jails,


water supply and transmission facilities, sewage transmission and


disposal systems, all public works, or other types of facility


facilities necessary to preserve and provide effectively for the


public health, safety, and general welfare of the county.


     (e) The power and authority to levy and collect any taxes,


fees, rents, tolls, or excises, the levy and collection of which is


authorized by law. A The county may not levy a tax on income may


not be levied by the county unless authorized by law.


     (f) A Subject to section 15c, a system of retirement for


county officers and employees.


     (g) A classified civil service or merit system for county


officers and employees, except those officers and employees who are


expressly exempted from civil service by either the state


constitution of 1963 or


     (h) The election or appointment of a drain commissioner.


     Sec. 15c. If a county provides a system of retirement for its


officers and employees under this act, the system of retirement is


subject to the local unit of government retirement act.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. 6074 (request no.


06264'16 *) of the 98th Legislature is enacted into law.
