Bill Text: MI HB5774 | 2011-2012 | 96th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Health; home health care; home health care agencies; require to be licensed. Amends secs. 1104, 20106, 20115, 20142, 21325, 21766 & 22205 of 1978 PA 368 (MCL 333.1104 et seq.) & adds pt. 218.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-08-15 - Printed Bill Filed 07/19/2012 [HB5774 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2011-HB5774-Introduced.html



















July 18, 2012, Introduced by Rep. Heise and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending sections 1104, 20106, 20115, 20142, 21325, 21766, and


22205 (MCL 333.1104, 333.20106, 333.20115, 333.20142, 333.21325,


333.21766, and 333.22205), section 1104 as amended by 1996 PA 307,


section 20106 as amended by 2000 PA 253, section 20115 as amended


by 1999 PA 206, section 21325 as added by 2000 PA 437, section


21766 as amended by 2001 PA 243, and section 22205 as amended by


2002 PA 619, and by adding part 218.




     Sec. 1104. (1) "Acknowledgment of parentage" means an


acknowledgment executed as provided in the acknowledgment of


parentage act.


     (2) "Administrative procedures act of 1969" means Act No. 306


of the Public Acts of 1969, being sections 24.201 to 24.328 of the


Michigan Compiled Laws, the administrative procedures act of 1969,


1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, or a successor act.


     (3) "Adult" means an individual 18 years of age or older.


     (4) "Code" means the public health code.


     (5) "Department", except as provided in article 15 and part


218, means the state department of community health.


     (6) "Director", except as provided in article 15 and part 218,


means the state director of community health.


     (7) "Governmental entity" means a government, governmental


subdivision or agency, or public corporation.


     Sec. 20106. (1) "Health facility or agency", except as


provided in section 20115, means:


     (a) An ambulance operation, aircraft transport operation,


nontransport prehospital life support operation, or medical first


response service.


     (b) A clinical laboratory.


     (c) A county medical care facility.


     (d) A freestanding surgical outpatient facility.


     (e) A health maintenance organization.


     (f) A home for the aged.


     (g) A hospital.


     (h) A nursing home.


     (i) A hospice.


     (j) A hospice residence.


     (k) A facility or agency listed in subdivisions (a) to (h)


located in a university, college, or other educational institution.


     (l) A home care agency.


     (2) "Health maintenance organization" means that term as


defined in section 3501 of the insurance code of 1956, 1956 PA 218,


MCL 500.3501.


     (3) "Home care agency" means that term as defined in section




     (4) (3) "Home for the aged" means a supervised personal care


facility, other than a hotel, adult foster care facility, hospital,


nursing home, or county medical care facility that provides room,


board, and supervised personal care to 21 or more unrelated,


nontransient, individuals 60 years of age or older. Home for the


aged includes a supervised personal care facility for 20 or fewer


individuals 60 years of age or older if the facility is operated in


conjunction with and as a distinct part of a licensed nursing home.


     (5) (4) "Hospice" means a health care program that provides a


coordinated set of services rendered at home or in outpatient or


institutional settings for individuals suffering from a disease or


condition with a terminal prognosis.


     (6) (5) "Hospital" means a facility offering inpatient,


overnight care, and services for observation, diagnosis, and active


treatment of an individual with a medical, surgical, obstetric,


chronic, or rehabilitative condition requiring the daily direction


or supervision of a physician. Hospital does not include a mental


health hospital licensed or operated by the department of community


health or a hospital operated by the department of corrections.


     (7) (6) "Hospital long-term care unit" means a nursing care


facility, owned and operated by and as part of a hospital,


providing organized nursing care and medical treatment to 7 or more


unrelated individuals suffering or recovering from illness, injury,


or infirmity.


     Sec. 20115. (1) The department may promulgate rules to further


define the term "health facility or agency" and the definition of a


health facility or agency listed in section 20106 as required to


implement this article. The department may define a specific


organization as a health facility or agency for the sole purpose of


certification authorized under this article. For purpose of


certification only, an organization defined in section 20106(5),


20106(6), 20108(1), or 20109(4) is considered a health facility or


agency. The term "health facility or agency" does not mean a


visiting nurse service or home aide service conducted by and for


the adherents of a church or religious denomination for the purpose


of providing service for those who depend upon spiritual means


through prayer alone for healing.


     (2) The department shall promulgate rules to differentiate a


freestanding surgical outpatient facility from a private office of


a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other health professional. The


department shall specify in the rules that a facility including,


but not limited to, a private practice office described in this


subsection in which 50% or more of the patients annually served at


the facility undergo an abortion must be licensed under this


article as a freestanding surgical outpatient facility.


     (3) The department shall promulgate rules that in effect


republish R 325.3826, R 325.3832, R 325.3835, R 325.3857, R


325.3866, R 325.3867, and R 325.3868 of the Michigan administrative


code, but shall include in the rules standards for a freestanding


surgical outpatient facility in which 50% or more of the patients


annually served in the freestanding surgical outpatient facility


undergo an abortion. The department shall assure that the standards


are consistent with the most recent United States supreme court


decisions regarding state regulation of abortions.


     (4) Subject to section 20145 and part 222, the department may


modify or waive 1 or more of the rules contained in R 325.3801 to R


325.3877 of the Michigan administrative code regarding construction


or equipment standards, or both, for a freestanding surgical


outpatient facility in which 50% or more of the patients annually


served in the freestanding surgical outpatient facility undergo an


abortion, if both of the following conditions are met:


     (a) The freestanding surgical outpatient facility was in


existence and operating on the effective date of the amendatory act


that added this subsection.March 10, 2000.


     (b) The department makes a determination that the existing


construction or equipment conditions, or both, within the


freestanding surgical outpatient facility are adequate to preserve


the health and safety of the patients and employees of the


freestanding surgical outpatient facility or that the construction


or equipment conditions, or both, can be modified to adequately


preserve the health and safety of the patients and employees of the


freestanding surgical outpatient facility without meeting the


specific requirements of the rules.


     (5) As used in this subsection, section, "abortion" means that


term as defined in section 17015.


     Sec. 20142. (1) A health facility or agency shall apply for


licensure or certification on a form authorized and provided by the


department. The application shall include attachments, additional


data, and information required under this article and by the




     (2) An applicant shall certify the accuracy of information


supplied in the application and supplemental statements.


     (3) An applicant or a licensee under part 213, or 217, or 218


shall disclose the names, addresses, principal occupations, and


official positions of all persons individuals who have an ownership


interest in the health facility or agency. If the health facility


or agency is located on or in leased real estate, the applicant or


licensee shall disclose the name of the lessor and any direct or


indirect interest the applicant or licensee has in the lease other


than as lessee. A change in ownership shall be reported to the


director not less than 15 days before the change occurs, except


that a person purchasing stock of a company registered pursuant to


the securities exchange act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78a to 78kk, 15 USC


78a to 78oo, is exempt from disclosing ownership in the facility. A


person required to file a beneficial ownership report pursuant to


section 16(a) of the securities exchange act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78p


15 USC 78p, shall file with the department information relating to


securities ownership required by the department rule or order. An


applicant or licensee proposing a sale of a nursing home to another


person shall provide the department with written, advance notice of


the proposed sale. The applicant or licensee and the other parties


to the sale shall arrange to meet with specified department


representatives and shall obtain before the sale a determination of


the items of noncompliance with applicable law and rules which that


shall be corrected. The department shall notify the respective


parties of the items of noncompliance prior to the change of


ownership and shall indicate that the items of noncompliance must


be corrected as a condition of issuance of a license to the new


owner. The department may accept reports filed with the securities


and exchange commission relating to the filings. A person who


violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by


a fine of not more than $1,000.00 for each violation.


     (4) An applicant or licensee under part 217 shall disclose the


names and business addresses of suppliers who furnish goods or


services to an individual nursing home or a group of nursing homes


under common ownership, the aggregate charges for which exceed


$5,000.00 in a 12-month period which that includes a month in a


nursing home's current fiscal year. An applicant or licensee shall


disclose the names, addresses, principal occupations, and official


positions of all persons individuals who have an ownership interest


in a business which that furnishes goods or services to an


individual nursing home or to a group of nursing homes under common


ownership, if both of the following apply:


     (a) The person, individual, or the person's individual's


spouse, parent, sibling, or child, has an ownership interest in the


nursing home purchasing the goods or services.


     (b) The aggregate charges for the goods or services purchased


exceeds $5,000.00 in a 12-month period which that includes a month


in the nursing home's current fiscal year.


     (5) An applicant or licensee who makes a false statement in an


application or statement required by the department pursuant to


this article is guilty of a felony , punishable by imprisonment for


not more than 4 years , or a fine of not more than $30,000.00, or




     Sec. 21325. If a resident of a home for the aged is receiving


care in the facility in addition to the room, board, and supervised


personal care specified in section 20106(3), 20106(4), as


determined by a physician, the department shall not order the


removal of the resident from the home for the aged if both of the


following conditions are met:


     (a) The resident, the resident's family, the resident's


physician, and the owner, operator, and governing body of the home


for the aged consent to the resident's continued stay in the home


for the aged.


     (b) The owner, operator, and governing body of the home for


the aged commit to assuring that the resident receives the


necessary additional services.


     Sec. 21766. (1) A nursing home shall execute a written


contract solely with an applicant or patient or that applicant's or


patient's guardian or legal representative authorized by law to


have access to those portions of the patient's or applicant's


income or assets available to pay for nursing home care, at each of


the following times:


     (a) At the time an individual is admitted to a nursing home.


     (b) At the expiration of the term of a previous contract.


     (c) At the time the source of payment for the patient's care




     (2) A nursing home shall not discharge or transfer a patient


at the expiration of the term of a contract, except as provided in


section 21773.


     (3) A nursing home shall specifically notify in writing an


applicant or patient or that applicant's or patient's guardian or


legal representative of the availability or lack of availability of


hospice care in the nursing home. This written notice shall be by


way of a specific paragraph located in the written contract


described in subsection (1) and shall require the applicant or


patient or that applicant's or patient's guardian or legal


representative to sign or initial the paragraph before execution of


the written contract. As used in this subsection, "hospice" means


that term as defined in section 20106(4).20106.


     (4) A nursing home shall provide a copy of the contract to the


patient, the patient's representative, or the patient's legal


representative or legal guardian at the time the contract is




     (5) For a patient supported by funds other than the patient's


own funds, a nursing home shall make a copy of the contract


available to the person providing the funds for the patient's




     (6) For a patient whose care is reimbursed with public funds


administered by the department of community health, a nursing home


shall maintain a copy of the contract in the patient's file at the


nursing home and upon request shall make a copy of the contract


available to the department of community health.


     (7) The nursing home shall ensure that the contract is written


in clear and unambiguous language and is printed in not less than


12-point type. The form of the contract shall be prescribed by the




     (8) The contract shall specify all of the following:


     (a) The term of the contract.


     (b) The services to be provided under the contract, including


the availability of hospice or other special care, and the charges


for the services.


     (c) The services that may be provided to supplement the


contract and the charges for the services.


     (d) The sources liable for payments due under the contract.


     (e) The amount of deposit paid and the general and foreseeable


terms upon which the deposit will be held and refunded.


     (f) The rights, duties, and obligations of the patient, except


that the specification of a patient's rights may be furnished on a


separate document that complies with the requirements of section




     (9) The nursing home may require a patient's or applicant's


guardian or legal representative who is authorized by law to have


access to those portions of the patient's or applicant's income or


assets available to pay for nursing home care to sign a contract


without incurring personal financial liability other than for funds


received in his or her legal capacity on behalf of the patient.


     (10) A nursing home employee may request the appointment of a


guardian for an individual applicant or patient only if the nursing


home employee reasonably believes that the individual meets the


legal requirements for the appointment of a guardian.


     Sec. 22205. (1) "Health facility", except as otherwise


provided in subsection (2), means:


     (a) A hospital licensed under part 215.


     (b) A psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit licensed under


the mental health code, 1974 PA 258, MCL 330.1001 to 330.2106.


     (c) A nursing home licensed under part 217 or a hospital long-


term care unit as defined in section 20106(6).20106.


     (d) A freestanding surgical outpatient facility licensed under


part 208.


     (e) A health maintenance organization issued a license or


certificate of authority in this state.


     (2) "Health facility" does not include the following:


     (a) An institution conducted by and for the adherents of a


church or religious denomination for the purpose of providing


facilities for the care and treatment of the sick who depend solely


upon spiritual means through prayer for healing.


     (b) A health facility or agency located in a correctional




     (c) A veterans facility operated by the state or federal




     (d) A facility owned and operated by the department of


community health.


     (3) "Initiate" means the offering of a covered clinical


service that has not been offered in compliance with this part or


former part 221 on a regular basis at that location within the 12-


month period immediately preceding the date the covered clinical


service will be offered.


     (4) "Medical equipment" means a single equipment component or


a related system of components that is used for clinical purposes.


PART 218


     Sec. 21801. (1) For purposes of this part, the words and


phrases defined in sections 21803 to 21813 have the meanings


ascribed to them in those sections.


     (2) In addition, article 1 contains general definitions and


principles of construction applicable to all articles in this code


and part 201 contains definitions applicable to this part.


     Sec. 21803. (1) "Certified home care agency" means an agency


that is certified by either the federal centers for medicare and


medicaid services or the department to provide skilled home health


or personal care services.


     (2) "Department" means the department of licensing and


regulatory affairs.


     (3) "Director" means the department director or his or her




     Sec. 21805. (1) "Home care agency" means a sole


proprietorship, partnership, association, corporation, government


or governmental subdivision or agency subject to the restrictions


of this article, nonprofit agency, or any other legal or commercial


entity that manages and offers, directly or by contract, skilled


home health services or personal care services to a home care


consumer in the home care consumer's temporary or permanent home or


place of residence. A residential health facility or agency that


delivers skilled home health or personal care services that the


health facility or agency is not licensed to provide must either be


licensed as a home care agency or require the skilled home health


or personal care services to be delivered by a licensed home care


agency. Home care agency does not include any of the following:


     (a) An organization that provides only housekeeping services.


     (b) A community and rural health network that furnishes home


visits for the purpose of public health monitoring and disease




     (c) An individual who is not employed by or affiliated with a


home care agency and who acts alone, without employees or




     (d) An outpatient rehabilitation agency or comprehensive


outpatient rehabilitation facility certified under title XVIII or




     (e) A consumer-directed attendant program administered by the




     (f) A licensed dialysis center that provides in-home dialysis


services, supplies, and equipment.


     (g) Subject to the requirements of section 21825, a health


facility or agency otherwise licensed by the department.


     (h) A home care placement agency.


     (2) "Home care agency cash fund" or "fund" means the home care


agency cash fund created in section 21831.


     (3) "Home care consumer" means a person who receives skilled


home health services or personal care services in his or her


temporary or permanent home or place of residence from a home care


agency or home care placement agency.


     (4) "Home care placement agency" means an organization that,


for a fee, provides only referrals of providers to home care


consumers seeking services. A home care placement agency does not


include an organization that provides skilled home health services


or personal care services to a home care consumer in the home care


consumer's temporary or permanent home or place of residence


directly or by contract.


     Sec. 21809. (1) "Person" means an individual, partnership,


corporation, association, governmental entity, or other legal




     (2) "Personal care services" means assistance with activities


of daily living, including, but not limited to, bathing, dressing,


eating, transferring, walking or mobility, toileting, and


continence care. Personal care services also include housekeeping,


personal laundry, medication reminders, and companionship services


furnished to a home care consumer in the home care consumer's


temporary or permanent home or place of residence and those normal


daily routines that the home care consumer could perform for


himself or herself were he or she physically capable, that are


intended to enable that individual to remain safely and comfortably


in the home care consumer's temporary or permanent home or place of




     Sec. 21813. (1) "Skilled home health services" means health


and medical services furnished to a home care consumer in the home


care consumer's temporary or permanent home or place of residence


that include wound care services, use of medical supplies including


drugs and biologicals prescribed by a physician, in-home infusion


services, nursing services, home health aide or certified nurse


aide services that require the supervision of a licensed or


certified health care professional acting within the scope of his


or her license or certificate, occupational therapy, physical


therapy, respiratory care services, dietetics and nutrition


counseling services, medication administration, medical social


services, and speech-language pathology services. Skilled home


health services do not include delivery of either durable medical


equipment or medical supplies.


     (2) "Title XVIII" means title XVIII of the social security


act, 42 USC 1395 to 1395kkk-1.


     (3) "Title XIX" means title XIX of the social security act, 42


USC 1396 to 1396w-5.


     Sec. 21821. (1) Beginning January 1, 2014, a person shall not


conduct or maintain a home care agency that provides skilled home


health services without having submitted a completed application


for licensure as a home care agency to the department. Beginning


January 1, 2015, a person shall not conduct or maintain a home care


agency that provides skilled home health services without having


obtained a license from the department.


     (2) Beginning January 1, 2015, a person shall not conduct or


maintain a home care agency that provides in-home personal care


services without having submitted a completed application for


licensure as a home care agency to the department. Beginning


January 1, 2016, a person shall not conduct or maintain a home care


agency that provides in-home personal care services without having


obtained a license from the department.


     (3) A person who violates this section is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $50.00 and not


more than $500.00 and is subject to a civil penalty assessed by the


department of not more than $10,000.00 for each violation of this


section. The department shall assess, enforce, and collect the


penalty to credit to the home care agency cash fund. Enforcement


and collection of the penalty shall occur following a decision


reached in a hearing conducted under chapter 4 of the


administrative procedures act of 1969, MCL 24.271 to 24.287.


     Sec. 21823. (1) Beginning June 1, 2014, a home care placement


agency shall notify the department in writing that the home care


placement agency provides referrals for skilled home health


services or personal care services and shall annually update that


notice. The department shall maintain a list of all home care


placement agencies and shall make the list accessible to the




     (2) A person who violates this section is subject to a civil


penalty assessed by the department of not less than $500.00 per


year and not more than $1,000.00 per year for failure to provide


notice required by this section to the department. Money collected


from a civil penalty assessed under this section shall be deposited


in the home care agency cash fund.


     Sec. 21825. If a health facility or agency provides skilled


home health or personal care services outside of its premises, the


health facility or agency's license must be amended to include the


skilled home health or personal care services and the health


facility or agency must meet the requirements of this part in


addition to any other licensing requirement.


     Sec. 21827. (1) Not later than May 1, 2014, the department


shall promulgate rules to implement this part according to the


administrative procedures act of 1969. The rules promulgated under


this section must provide minimum standards for operating a home


care agency in this state. In promulgating these rules, the


department shall consider the different requirements appropriate to


the various types of skilled home health and personal care


services, including differentiating requirements for providers that


are substantially funded through medicare and medicaid


reimbursement, providers that are already licensed under this


article, and providers that are solely or substantially privately


funded. This differentiation may consider the requirements already


imposed by other federal and state regulatory agencies.


     (2) Rules promulgated under this section shall include, at a


minimum, all of the following:


     (a) Inspection of home care agencies by the department or its


designated representative.


     (b) Minimum educational, training, and experience standards


for the administrator and staff of a home care agency, including a


requirement that the administrator and staff be of good, moral, and


responsible character.


     (c) Requirements for disclosure notices to be provided by home


care agencies and home care placement agencies to home care


consumers concerning the duties and employment status of the


individual providing services.


     (d) Intermediate enforcement remedies as authorized in this




     (e) A requirement and form for written plans, to be submitted


by home health care agencies to the department for approval,


detailing the measures that will be taken to correct violations


found as a result of inspections.


     (f) Establishing occurrence reporting requirements required


under this part.


     (g) Fees for home care agency licensure that shall not exceed


$1,500.00 per year for 2 years from the effective date of fees


established by rule for home care agencies that are certified


providers through the federal centers for medicare and medicaid


services or the department. Home care agency fees shall be payable


to the home care agency cash fund. The annual fee shall include a


component that reflects whether a survey is planned for the year


based on the home health care agency's compliance history. The fee


schedule shall also be tiered to reflect the differences in type


and volume of services of various home care agencies, including,


but not limited to, their volume of medicaid and medicare services.


The fee schedule shall also provide for reduced fees for home care


agencies that are certified through the federal centers for


medicare and medicaid services or the department before submitting


the initial license application. The department shall not charge a


duplicate fee for survey work conducted according to its role as


state survey agency for the federal centers for medicare and


medicaid services or the department. Not later than January 1,


2016, the department shall issue an independent report detailing


the direct and indirect costs associated with the administration of


home care agency licensure.


     (h) Requirements for home care agencies to provide evidence of


and maintain either liability insurance coverage or a surety bond


in lieu of liability insurance coverage, in amounts set through


rules of the department director.


     Sec. 21829. (1) The home care advisory committee is


established within the department. The home care advisory committee


shall make recommendations to the department and the department


director concerning the rules promulgated according to this part


and implementation of licensing home care agencies.


     (2) The home care advisory committee shall be appointed by the


department director. The home care advisory committee shall, at a


minimum, consist of representatives from skilled home health


services agencies, representatives from personal care services


agencies, members of the disabled community who are home care


consumers, seniors or representatives of seniors who are home care


consumers, providers of medicaid services, providers of in-home


support services, and representatives of the department, the


department of community health, and the department of human


services. Members of the home care advisory committee shall serve


at the pleasure of the appointing authority on a voluntary basis


and shall serve without compensation.


     Sec. 21831. (1) The home care agency cash fund is created


within the state treasury.


     (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from


any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer shall


direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall credit


to the fund interest and earnings from fund investments.


     (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall


remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.


     (4) The department shall be the administrator of the fund for


auditing purposes.


     (5) The department of shall expend money from the fund, upon


appropriation, only as provided in this part.


     Sec. 21833. After being licensed under this part, an


application for license renewal to operate a home care agency must


be submitted to the department annually upon forms and in the


manner as prescribed by the department.


     Sec. 21835. (1) The department shall investigate and review


each original application and each renewal application for a


license. The department shall determine an applicant's compliance


with the rules adopted under this part before a license is issued


or renewed. A certified home care agency that applies for a license


not later than June 1, 2014 is exempt from licensure inspection


before being issued the initial license. The department shall make


inspections as it considers necessary to ensure that the health,


safety, and welfare of the home care consumers are being protected.


Inspections of a home care consumer's home are subject to the


consent of the home care consumer to access the property. The home


care agency shall submit in writing, in a form prescribed by the


department, a plan detailing the measures that will be taken to


correct any violations found by the department as a result of


inspections undertaken under this part.


     (2) The department shall keep all medical records obtained


during an inspection or investigation of a home care agency


confidential, and the medical records are exempt from disclosure


except as otherwise required by law.


     Sec. 21837. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsections


(2) and (3), the department shall issue or renew a license after it


determines that the applicant or licensee is in compliance with the


requirements of this part and the rules promulgated under this


part. Except for provisional licenses issued in accordance with


subsections (2) and (3), a license issued or renewed under this


section expires 1 year after the date of issuance or renewal.


     (2) The department may issue a provisional license to an


applicant for the purpose of operating a home care agency for a


period of 90 days if the applicant is temporarily unable to conform


to all of the minimum standards required under this part. No


license shall be issued to an applicant if operating the


applicant's home care agency will adversely affect the health,


safety, or welfare of the home care consumers of that home care


agency. As a condition of obtaining a provisional license, the


applicant shall show proof to the department that attempts are


being made to conform and comply with applicable standards. No


provisional license shall be granted before completion of a


criminal history check required under this part and a finding in


accordance with section 20173a. A second provisional license may be


issued, for a similar period of time and similar fee, to effect


compliance. No further provisional licenses may be issued for the


current year after the second issuance.


     (3) The department may issue a provisional license for a


period of 90 days to a home health care agency that has previously


applied to be a certified home care agency through the federal


centers for medicare and medicaid services but have not received an


acceptance or rejection. No provisional license shall be granted


before completion of a criminal history check required under this


part and a finding in accordance with section 20173a. A second


provisional license may be issued, for a similar period of time and


similar fee, to effect compliance. No further provisional licenses


may be issued for the current year after the second issuance.


     Sec. 21839. (1) Notice of intent to deny, limit, suspend, or


revoke a license shall be given by certified mail or personal


service, shall set forth the particular reasons for the proposed


action, and shall fix a date, not less than 30 days after the date


of service, on which the applicant or licensee shall be given the


opportunity for a hearing before the director or the director's


authorized representative. The hearing shall be conducted in


accordance with the administrative procedures act of 1969 and rules


promulgated by the department. A full and complete record shall be


kept of the proceeding and shall be transcribed when requested by


an interested party, who shall pay the cost of preparing the




     (2) On the basis of a hearing or on the default of the


applicant or licensee, the department may issue, deny, limit,


suspend, or revoke a license. A copy of the determination shall be


sent by certified mail or served personally upon the applicant or


licensee. The determination becomes final 30 days after it is


mailed or served, unless the applicant or licensee within the 30


days appeals the decision to the circuit court in the county of


jurisdiction or to the Ingham county circuit court.


     (3) The department may establish procedures, hold hearings,


administer oaths, issue subpoenas, or order testimony to be taken


at a hearing or by deposition in a proceeding pending at any stage


of the proceeding. A person may be compelled to appear and testify


and to produce books, papers, or documents in a proceeding.


     (4) In case of disobedience of a subpoena, a party to a


hearing may invoke the aid of the circuit court of the jurisdiction


in which the hearing is held to require the attendance and


testimony of witnesses. The circuit court may issue an order


requiring an individual to appear and give testimony. Failure to


obey the order of the circuit court may be punished as contempt by


the court.


     Sec. 21841. (1) The department may impose intermediate


restrictions or conditions on a licensee that may include 1 or more


of the following:


     (a) Retaining a consultant to address corrective measures.


     (b) Monitoring by the department for a specific period.


     (c) Providing additional training to employees, owners, or


operators of the home care agency.


     (d) Complying with a directed written plan to correct a




     (e) Paying a civil fine not to exceed $10,000.00 per calendar


year for all violations.


     (2) If the department imposes an intermediate restriction or


condition that is not a result of a serious and immediate threat to


health or welfare, the licensee shall receive written notice of the


restriction or condition. Not later than 10 days after the date the


notice is received from the department, the licensee shall submit a


written plan that includes the time frame for completing the plan


and addresses the restriction or condition specified.


     (3) If the department imposes an intermediate restriction or


condition that is the result of a serious and immediate threat to


health, safety, or welfare, the department shall notify the


licensee in writing, by telephone, or in person during an on-site


visit. The licensee shall remedy the circumstances creating harm or


potential harm immediately upon receiving notice of the restriction


or condition. If the department provides notice of a restriction or


condition by telephone or in person, the department shall send


written confirmation of the restriction or condition to the


licensee within 2 business days.


     (4) After submission of an approved written plan, a licensee


may appeal any intermediate restriction or condition imposed on the


license to the department through an informal review process as


established by the department. If the restriction or condition


requires payment of a civil fine, the licensee may request and the


department shall grant a stay in payment of the fine until final


disposition of the restriction or condition. If a licensee is not


satisfied with the result of the informal review or chooses not to


seek informal review, no intermediate restriction or condition on


the licensee shall be imposed until after an opportunity for a


hearing has been afforded the licensee.


     (5) If the department assesses a civil fine under this


section, money received by the department shall be transmitted to


the state treasurer, who shall credit the money to the home care


agency cash fund.


     (6) Civil fines collected under this section shall be used for


expenses related to any of the following:


     (a) Continuing monitoring required under this section.


     (b) Education for licensees to avoid restrictions or


conditions or facilitate the application process or the change of


ownership process.


     (c) Education for home care consumers and their families about


resolving problems with a home care agency, rights of home care


consumers, and responsibilities of home care agencies.


     (d) Providing technical assistance to any home care agency for


the purpose of complying with changes in rules, state law, or


federal law.


     (e) Monitoring and assisting in the transition of home care


consumers to other home care agencies, when the transition is a


result of the revocation of a license or other appropriate medical




     (f) Maintaining the operation of a home care agency pending


correction of violations, as determined necessary by the




     Sec. 21843. (1) A home care agency shall not employ, contract


with, or grant clinical privileges to an individual who regularly


has direct access to or provides direct services to patients or


clients unless a criminal history check of that individual has been


conducted in compliance with section 20173a. An individual


disqualified or denied employment by a home care agency based on a


criminal history check conducted under this section may appeal as


provided in section 20173b.


     (2) The department shall revoke or refuse to renew the license


of a home care agency if the owner or licensee has been convicted


of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or involving


conduct that the department determines could pose a risk to the


health, safety, or welfare of the home care consumer. A revocation


or refusal under this section shall be made only after a hearing is


provided in accordance with this part.
