Bill Text: MI HB4790 | 2013-2014 | 97th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Local government; other; regional water and sewer alliance; create. Creates new act. TIE BAR WITH: HB 4791'13

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-05-30 - Printed Bill Filed 05/30/2013 [HB4790 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2013-HB4790-Introduced.html



















May 29, 2013, Introduced by Rep. Heise and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources.


     A bill to provide for the establishment of a regional water


and sewer alliance; to provide for a board of trustees; to provide


for transfer of certain rights in water supply and sewerage


facilities; to provide for payment for water supply and sewerage


services and facilities through rates, charges, special


assessments, and other means; to provide for the issuance and


payment of bonds or other obligations; and to provide for the


powers and duties of certain governmental officials and entities.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"regional water and sewer alliance act".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Acquire" means acquisition by purchase, construction, or


any other method.


     (b) "Alliance" means a regional water and sewer alliance


created by this act.


     (c) "Board of trustees" or "board" means the governing body of


an alliance.


     (d) "Local unit of government" means a county, city, village,


township, charter township, drainage district, or authority


existing under the laws of this state.


     (e) "Metropolitan area" means the service area of a regional




     (f) "Municipal sewage collection system" means a sewerage


system located within or outside the corporate limits of a local


unit of government that collects sewage or combined sewage directly


from the users of that system and transports that sewage to a


regional system or another wastewater treatment facility for




     (g) "Municipal water distribution system" means a water supply


system located within or outside the corporate limits of a local


unit of government that receives water from a regional system or


another water source and distributes water directly to the users or


ratepayers of that system.


     (h) "Regional system" means interconnected water supply and


sewerage services and facilities that provide water supply service


or sewerage service, or both, for more than 20% of the population


of this state. A regional system may consist of water supply


facilities and services that serve 1 group of customers and users


and a system of sewerage facilities and services that serves a


different group of customers and users.


     Sec. 3. Each regional system shall be incorporated as a


regional water and sewer alliance under this act. An alliance


created under this act has the power to do the following:


     (a) To exercise exclusive jurisdiction, control, and


supervision of a regional system and other water supply or sewage


disposal systems placed under its jurisdiction.


     (b) To maintain, operate, reconstruct, improve, or


decommission a regional system and other water distribution or


sewage disposal systems under its jurisdiction and make additions,


betterments, and extensions to those systems to monitor and protect


the public health and welfare by preventing or abating the


pollution of water.


     (c) To prepare, revise, and adopt plans, designs, and


estimates of costs of a system of outfalls, sewers, trunks, water


mains, submains, interceptors, lateral sewers, outlets for


sewerage, storm water drains, pump stations, ventilating stations,


water and wastewater treatment plants and works, and all other


structures, systems, and works which provide an effective and


advantageous means for insuring the area within the alliance of


safe drinking water and adequate sanitary sewage treatment.


     (d) To construct any additions, improvements, or extensions to


the facilities of the alliance, including across, through, over, or


under any public highway, railroad right-of-way, tract, grade, fill


or cut, and any other right-of-way or easement in the alliance and


remove any fence, building, or other improvement in the alliance


where necessary for the construction of the additions,


improvements, or extensions.


     (e) To establish, own, acquire, construct, lease, operate, and


maintain, as a part of the systems of the alliance, water treatment


facilities, sewage treatment and disposal plants, and all


appurtenances and appliances belonging to them and sell any product


or by-product manufactured in the course of water or wastewater




     (f) To own, acquire, and hold personal property considered


necessary to carry out the corporate purposes of the alliance and


dispose of personal property when the alliance has no further need


of it.


     (g) To own, hold, control, and acquire by donation, purchase,


contract, lease, or the exercise of the power of eminent domain all


rights of property, either public or private, necessary for the


purposes of the alliance. In exercising the power of eminent


domain, an alliance shall follow the procedures set forth in the


uniform condemnation procedures act, 1980 PA 87, MCL 213.51 to


213.75. An alliance may sell and convey property no longer


necessary or useful in its operations.


     (h) To contract with state or federal governments or their


agencies, local units of government, drainage districts, other


public agencies, individuals, or private corporations for the


construction, use, or maintenance of common or joint sewers, common


or joint water lines, drains, outlets, or water treatment and


wastewater disposal plants or for any service required by the




     (i) To contract with and permit municipalities, districts,


other public agencies, individuals, or private corporations to


contract for the purpose of connecting with and using the


facilities of the alliance.


     (j) To apply for and accept grants, loans, or contributions


from the federal government, its agencies, this state, or other


public or private agencies for the purposes of this act and do all


things within its powers necessary or desirable to secure the aid


or cooperation.


     (k) To incur debts by borrowing money in anticipation of the


collection of revenues and to give appropriate evidence of those




     (l) To meet the cost of acquiring, constructing, improving, or


extending all or any part of the water and sewage disposal systems


operated by the alliance by any of the following:


     (i) The expenditure of funds available for that purpose.


     (ii) The issuance of bonds for that purpose, payable from fees


or special assessments collected by the alliance.


     (iii) The proceeds of special assessments.


     (iv) Any other funds which may be obtained under the law of


this state or of the United States for that purpose.


     (v) The proceeds of revenue bonds, payable from the revenues


to be derived from the operation of water supply systems and sewage


disposal systems of the alliance.


     (vi) Any combination of these methods of providing funds.


     (m) To prescribe the manner and time at which the rates and


charges authorized by the public service commission under 1939 PA


3, MCL 460.1 to 460.11, are to be paid, and to collect or enforce


collection of those charges.


     (n) To contract with a local unit of government, public


agency, or private water company for service contracts, joint use


contracts, or contracts for the construction or operation of any


part of the water supply systems or sewage disposal systems or for


the collection of rates or other charges levied by the alliance for


water supply and sewage disposal services. The local unit of


government, public agency, or private water company may contract to


collect the rates or other charges and to discontinue water


services or sewage collection services upon failure to pay the


rates or charges within the time prescribed by ordinance.


     (o) To enter lands, waters, and premises for the purposes of


making surveys, evaluations, and examinations.


     (p) To approve, revise, or reject the plans and designs of all


outfalls, sewers, trunks, water mains, submains, interceptors,


lateral sewers, outlets for sewerage, storm water drains, pump


stations, ventilating stations, water and wastewater treatment


plants and works, and all other structures, systems, and works


proposed to be constructed, altered, or reconstructed by any other


person or corporation, private or public, in the alliance. Any work


shall be subject to inspection and supervision of the alliance.


     (q) To fix, levy, and collect special assessments, in the form


of supplemental rates, for the construction, improvement, or


extension of water, sewer, or drainage facilities, levied ratably


by area upon lots or parcels of ground within the alliance, whether


public or private, benefited by the construction, improvement, or


extension and provide by ordinance for the classification and


reclassification of these properties into classes or subclasses


that the board determines are fair and reasonable.


     (r) To provide a retirement system for employees of the


alliance if and when permissible under the constitution and laws of


this state.


     (s) To bargain collectively and enter into agreements with


labor organizations. An alliance shall be bound by existing labor


union agreements with publicly or privately owned water supply


systems or sewage disposal systems that are acquired, purchased, or


condemned by the alliance.


     (t) To require the owner of any real property capable of being


efficiently served by water supply or sewage disposal systems


operated by the alliance to connect with and use the facilities if


the board finds that the water supply or sewage collection from


that property constitutes a public nuisance or a danger to public


health or safety.


     Sec. 4. (1) An alliance shall be governed by a 9-member board


of directors whose members are appointed for a term of 4 years as




     (a) Two board members appointed by the mayor of the city with


the largest population served by the regional system.


     (b) One board member appointed by the city council of the city


with the largest population served by the regional system.


     (c) One board member appointed by the governor.


     (d) Two board members appointed by the governor. The board


members appointed under this subdivision shall be local elected


officials from 2 of the local units of government served by the


regional system, but not local elected officials from the city with


the largest population served by the regional system.


     (e) Each county executive or chief executive officer from a


county with 1 of the 3 largest populations served by the regional


system shall appoint 1 board member.


     (2) A majority of the members of the board constitute a quorum


for the transaction of business. Each member of the board shall


have 1 vote.


     (3) The first meeting of the board shall be held not more than


120 days after the effective date of this act. After its first


meeting, the board shall meet not less than every 30 days and at


other times determined by the board.


     Sec. 5. A local unit of government, sewer district, or public


agency situated within a metropolitan area shall retain its


municipal water distribution system and municipal sewage collection


system together with all contracts, rights, privileges, interests,


easements, books, maps, plans, papers, records, and title to them.


A local unit of government, sewer district, or public agency may,


under a separate contract or transfer of ownership, transfer


administration, control, and supervision of a municipal water


distribution system or a municipal sewage collection system to an


alliance. An alliance shall not assume, agree to pay, or be liable


for any bonded indebtedness of a local unit of government, sewer


district, or other public agency unless ownership of the system is




     Sec. 6. (1) In order to assure continuity of operation and


maintenance, a local unit of government, sewer district, or other


public agency shall continue to maintain and operate the municipal


water distribution system and sewage collection system until


January 1, 2018, when the alliance shall exclusively maintain,


operate, and control the systems and facilities.


     (2) An alliance shall administer, control, and supervise the


regional system. A local unit of government that owns a regional


system shall retain ownership of its portion of the regional system


and all rights, privileges, interests, easements, books, maps,


plans, papers, records, and title to them. A local unit of


government that owns a regional system shall assign all contracts


for water supply and sewage disposal and treatment to the alliance.


A local unit of government that owns a regional system may transfer


ownership of the regional system to the alliance. In order to


assure continuity of operation and maintenance, a local unit of


government that owns a regional system shall continue to maintain


and operate the regional system until January 1, 2018, when the


alliance shall administer, control, and supervise the system.


     Sec. 7. The public service commission shall, as provided in


1939 PA 3, MCL 460.1 to 460.11, authorize rates and other charges


for services and use of the water supply systems or sewage disposal


systems owned or operated within the jurisdiction of the alliance.


An alliance shall determine, after appropriate public hearing, the


water supply systems and sewage disposal systems to be operated by


it and the services to be available to the public.


     Sec. 8. An alliance may not levy taxes or pledge the credit or


taxing power of this state or a local unit of government, except


for the pledging of receipts of taxes collected by this state or a


local unit of government and returnable or payable by law or by


contract to the alliance and except for the pledge by a local unit


of government of its full faith and credit in support of its


contractual obligations to the alliance as authorized by law. A


regional system and any municipal water supply or municipal sewage


disposal system which the alliance has agreed to control,


supervise, administer, operate, and maintain shall be financed, in


addition to other methods of financing provided by law, by any of


the following:


     (a) Rates and charges.


     (b) Income or revenues from whatever source available,


including appropriations or contributions of whatever nature or


other revenues of the participating local units of government.


     (c) Grants, loans, or contributions from federal, state, or


local units of government and grants, contributions, gifts,


devises, or bequests from public or private sources.


     (d) Proceeds of taxes, special assessments, or charges imposed


pursuant to law and collected by this state or a local unit of




     Sec. 9. (1) An alliance may borrow money and issue bonds to


finance and carry out its powers and duties. The bonds shall be


payable from and may be issued in anticipation of payment of the


proceeds of any of the methods of financing described in section 8


or elsewhere in this act or as provided by law.


     (2) A local unit of government within the geographical


boundaries of the alliance may contract to make payments,


appropriations, or contributions to the alliance of the proceeds of


taxes, special assessments, or charges imposed and collected by the


local unit of government or out of other funds legally available


and may pledge its full faith and credit in support of its


contractual obligation to the alliance. The contractual obligation


shall not constitute an indebtedness of a local unit of government


within a statutory or charter debt limitation. If the alliance has


issued bonds in anticipation of payments, appropriations, or


contributions to be made to the alliance pursuant to contract by a


local unit of government having the power to levy and collect ad


valorem taxes, the local unit of government may obligate itself by


the contract and may levy a tax on all taxable property in the


local unit of government to provide sufficient money to fulfill its


contractual obligation to the alliance. The tax rate or amount


shall be as provided in section 6 of article IX of the state


constitution of 1963 for contract obligations in anticipation of


which bonds are issued.


     (3) The bonds of the alliance shall be issued and sold in


compliance with the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL


141.2101 to 141.2821, except that the bonds may be issued for a


period not exceeding 50 years.


     (4) A local unit of government may advance money or deliver


property to an alliance to finance or carry out the alliance's


powers and duties. The alliance may agree to repay the advances or


pay for the property within a period not exceeding 10 years, from


the proceeds of its bonds or from other funds legally available for


that purpose, with or without interest as agreed at the time of


advance or of repayment. The obligation of the alliance to make the


repayment or payment may be evidenced by a contract or note, which


may pledge the full faith and credit of the alliance.


     (5) An alliance may advance money or deliver property to a


local unit of government to finance or to carry out the local unit


of government's powers and duties. The local unit of government may


agree to repay the advances or pay for the property within a period


not exceeding 10 years from the proceeds of its bonds or from other


funds legally available for that purpose, with or without interest


as agreed at the time of advance or of repayment. The obligation of


the local unit of government to make the repayment or payment may


be evidenced by a contract or note, which may pledge the full faith


and credit of the local unit of government.


     (6) Notes issued and contracts entered into under this section


are not subject to the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34,


MCL 141.2101 to 141.2821.


     Sec. 10. This act, being necessary for the public peace,


health, safety, and welfare, shall be liberally construed to effect


the purposes hereof, which are declared to be public purposes.


     Sec. 11. The alliance and its property, real, personal, and


mixed, are exempt from fees and the assessment, levy, and


collection of all general and special taxes of this state or a


local unit of government.


     Sec. 12. Records and any other writings prepared, owned, used,


in the possession of, or retained by the alliance in the


performance of an official function shall be available to the


public during normal business hours in compliance with the freedom


of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246. The business


which the board may perform shall be conducted at a public meeting


of the board held in compliance with the open meetings act, 1976 PA


267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275. Public notice of the time, date, and


place of the meeting shall be given in the manner required by the


open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275.


     Sec. 13. Pursuant to section 27 of article VII of the state


constitution of 1963 and any other applicable law, an alliance


created under this act is an agency and instrumentality of the


state that has all of the powers of a public corporation in the


exercising of its duties under this act. The enumeration of any


powers in this act shall not be construed as a limitation upon


those general powers.


     Sec. 14. A challenge to the validity of any provision of this


act shall be filed with and decided by the court of appeals


pursuant to section 10 of article VI of the state constitution of




     Enacting section 1. This act does not take effect unless


Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 4791(request no. 02388'13) of


the 97th Legislature is enacted into law.
