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MT HB26 Repeal mercury thermostat collection act
US SB5586 A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide for a percentage...
VA SB1312 Real property tax; high exemption locality reimbursements.
SC S0053 Compassionate Care Act
VA HB2421 Baccalaureate public institutions of higher education; intercollegiate...
VA HB2495 Collective bargaining by firefighters and emergency medical services p...
VA SB1319 Department of Environmental Quality; industrial wastewater; publicly owned...
VA SB1279 Hospitals, freestanding emergency departments, and birthing centers; standardized...
VA SB1286 Line of Duty Act; auxiliary police officers and volunteer deputy sheri...
VA SB1303 Public elementary and secondary schools; diabetes medical care and management...