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IDH0501PassMEDICAL LIENS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding medical liens, to update a provision regarding perfection of such liens, and to provide that liens shall relate to the charges for services or treatments provided.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 28, 2024 Session Law Chapter 236 Effective: 03/28/2024

Sine Die
SHORT-TERM RENTALS -- Amends existing law to provide limitations on regulation of short-term rentals.
Retained on General Orders
IDH0502PassFUNERAL DIRECTORS AND MORTICIANS -- Amends existing law to provide for the respectful disposition of certain unclaimed human remains.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 20, 2024 Session Law Chapter 117 Effective: 03/20/2024
IDH0478PassELECTRICAL CODE AND PLUMBING CODE -- Amends existing law to provide for local enforcement of the Idaho electrical code and the Idaho plumbing code.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 18, 2024 Session Law Chapter 54 Effective: 03/18/2024
IDH0505PassDIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSES -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the duration and renewal of occupational and professional licenses.
Reported Signed by Governor on March 18, 2024 Session Law Chapter 86 Effective: 07/01/2024 SECTION 1-54; 07/01/2028 SECTION 55 & 56
IDH0466PassARCHITECTS -- Amends existing law to include responding to solicitations for services within the practice of architecture and to provide that a firm offering to practice in Idaho shall identify an Idaho-licensed architect who will supervise such serv...
Reported Signed by Governor on March 12, 2024 Session Law Chapter 35 Effective: 07/01/2024

Sine Die
COMMUNITY RESIDENT ASSOCIATIONS -- Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding certain notices to community resident associations.
To House Business Committee

Sine Die
ELECTRICITY METERS -- Adds to existing law to prohibit the requirement of a single electricity meter in commercial buildings or units within commercial buildings.
To House Business Committee

Sine Die
LIFE INSURANCE -- Amends existing law to provide an option for certain lapse and termination notices to be sent by certified mail.
To House Business Committee

Sine Die
MONEY TRANSMISSION MODERNIZATION ACT -- Repeals and adds to existing law to establish the Money Transmission Modernization Act.
To House Business Committee

Sine Die
DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSES -- Amends existing law to create an exemption from licensure for certain subcontractors and to eliminate a class of licensure.
To House Business Committee
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