Bill Text: IA SF2287 | 2013-2014 | 85th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles on highways, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SSB 3192.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-03-13 - Placed on calendar under unfinished business. S.J. 550. [SF2287 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2013-SF2287-Introduced.html
Senate File 2287 - Introduced SENATE FILE 2287 BY COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 3192) A BILL FOR An Act relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles on 1 highways, and making penalties applicable. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh
S.F. 2287 Section 1. Section 321.1, subsection 32, Code 2014, is 1 amended to read as follows: 2 32. “Implement of husbandry” means a vehicle or special 3 mobile equipment manufactured, designed, or reconstructed 4 for agricultural purposes and, except for incidental uses, 5 exclusively used in the conduct of agricultural operations. 6 “Implements of husbandry” includes all-terrain vehicles operated 7 in compliance with section 321.234A, subsection 1 , paragraph 8 “a” , subparagraph (1), fence-line feeders, and vehicles used 9 exclusively for the application of organic or inorganic plant 10 food materials, organic agricultural limestone, or agricultural 11 chemicals. To be considered an implement of husbandry, a 12 self-propelled implement of husbandry must be operated at 13 speeds of thirty-five miles per hour or less. 14 a. “Reconstructed” as used in this subsection means 15 materially altered from the original construction by the 16 removal, addition, or substitution of essential parts, new or 17 used. 18 b. A vehicle covered under this subsection , if it otherwise 19 qualifies, may be operated as special mobile equipment 20 and under such circumstances this subsection shall not be 21 applicable to such vehicle, and such vehicle shall not be 22 required to comply with sections 321.384 through 321.423 , when 23 such vehicle is moved during daylight hours; however, the 24 provisions of section 321.383 shall remain applicable to such 25 vehicle. 26 Sec. 2. Section 321.1, subsection 47A, Code 2014, is amended 27 by striking the subsection and inserting in lieu thereof the 28 following: 29 47A. “Off-road utility vehicle” means as defined in section 30 321I.1, but does not include vehicles with rubberized tracks. 31 “Off-road utility vehicle” does not include dune buggies, golf 32 carts, go-carts, or minitrucks. 33 Sec. 3. Section 321.234A, Code 2014, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 -1- LSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh 1/ 7
S.F. 2287 321.234A All-terrain vehicles —— highway use. 1 An all-terrain vehicle shall not be operated on a highway 2 except as provided in this section. 3 1. a. All-terrain vehicles shall not An all-terrain vehicle 4 may be operated on a highway unless if one or more of the 5 following conditions apply: 6 a. (1) The operation is between sunrise and sunset and 7 is incidental to the vehicle’s use for agricultural purposes. 8 For purposes of this paragraph subparagraph , “incidental to the 9 vehicle’s use for agricultural purposes” includes stopping in the 10 course of agricultural use to obtain fuel for the all-terrain 11 vehicle or to obtain food or a nonalcoholic beverage for the 12 operator. 13 b. (2) The operation is incidental to the vehicle’s use 14 for the purpose of surveying by a licensed engineer or land 15 surveyor. 16 c. (3) The all-terrain vehicle is operated by an employee 17 or agent of a political subdivision or public utility for the 18 purpose of construction or maintenance on or adjacent to the 19 highway. 20 d. (4) The all-terrain vehicle is operated by an employee 21 or agent of a public agency as defined in section 34.1 for the 22 purpose of providing emergency services or rescue. 23 e. (5) The all-terrain vehicle is operated for the purpose 24 of mowing, installing approved trail signs, or providing 25 maintenance on a snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle trail 26 designated by the department of natural resources. 27 f. The all-terrain vehicle is operated on a county roadway 28 in accordance with section 321I.10, subsection 2 , or a city 29 street in accordance with section 321I.10, subsection 3 . 30 2. b. A person operating an all-terrain vehicle on a 31 highway under this subsection shall have a valid driver’s 32 license and the vehicle shall be operated at speeds of 33 thirty-five miles per hour or less . 34 2. a. An all-terrain vehicle that is designed to travel on 35 -2- LSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh 2/ 7
S.F. 2287 four or more wheels and is registered under chapter 321I may be 1 operated on a highway as follows: 2 (1) An all-terrain vehicle may be operated on secondary 3 roads unless the county has adopted an ordinance prohibiting 4 such operation pursuant to section 321.236, subsection 14B. 5 (2) A person shall not operate an all-terrain vehicle on a 6 primary highway except to cross a primary highway; however, the 7 provisions of section 321I.10 govern the crossing of a primary 8 highway when the all-terrain vehicle is being operated on a 9 designated all-terrain vehicle trail. 10 (3) A person shall not operate an all-terrain vehicle on 11 a highway within the corporate limits of a city except on 12 a nonprimary highway where such operation is authorized by 13 ordinance pursuant to section 321.236, subsection 14A. 14 b. The motor vehicle laws, including but not limited to 15 the provisions of sections 321.20B, 321.285, 321.317, 321.385, 16 and 321.387, apply to the operation of all-terrain vehicles on 17 highways under this subsection, except for those provisions 18 relating to required equipment which by their nature can have 19 no practical application. 20 c. A person shall not operate an all-terrain vehicle on 21 a highway under this subsection unless the person is sixteen 22 years of age or older and possesses a valid driver’s license 23 other than a license valid only for the operation of a 24 motorized bicycle. 25 3. An all-terrain vehicle shall not be operated on a highway 26 at a speed exceeding thirty-five miles per hour. 27 3. 4. An all-terrain vehicle that is owned by the owner 28 of land adjacent to a highway, other than an interstate road, 29 may be operated by the owner of the all-terrain vehicle, or by 30 a member of the owner’s family, on the portion of the highway 31 right-of-way that is between the shoulder of the roadway, or at 32 least five feet from the edge of the roadway, and the owner’s 33 property line. A person operating an all-terrain vehicle 34 within the highway right-of-way under this subsection shall 35 -3- LSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh 3/ 7
S.F. 2287 comply with the registration, safety, and age requirements 1 under chapter 321I . 2 4. 5. A person convicted of a violation of this section 3 is guilty of a simple misdemeanor punishable as a scheduled 4 violation under section 805.8A, subsection 3 . 5 Sec. 4. Section 321.236, Code 2014, is amended by adding the 6 following new subsections: 7 NEW SUBSECTION . 14A. Authorizing the operation of 8 all-terrain vehicles on highways under the jurisdiction of a 9 city, other than municipal extensions of primary highways, in 10 accordance with section 321.234A, subsection 2. 11 NEW SUBSECTION . 14B. Prohibiting the operation of 12 all-terrain vehicles on secondary roads under the jurisdiction 13 of a county, in accordance with section 321.234A, subsection 2. 14 Sec. 5. Section 321I.9, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2014, 15 is amended to read as follows: 16 Registration under this chapter shall not be required for 17 the following described all-terrain vehicles: 18 Sec. 6. Section 321I.9, subsection 2, Code 2014, is amended 19 to read as follows: 20 2. All-terrain vehicles used in accordance with section 21 321.234A, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , subparagraph (1) . 22 Sec. 7. Section 321I.10, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2014, are 23 amended by striking the subsections. 24 Sec. 8. Section 321I.31, subsection 1, Code 2014, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 1. The owner of an all-terrain vehicle acquired on or 27 after January 1, 2000, other than an all-terrain vehicle used 28 exclusively as a farm implement or a motorcycle previously 29 issued a title pursuant to chapter 321 , shall apply to the 30 county recorder of the county in which the owner resides for a 31 certificate of title for the all-terrain vehicle. The owner 32 of an all-terrain vehicle used exclusively as a farm implement 33 may obtain a certificate of title. A person who owns an 34 all-terrain vehicle that is not required to have a certificate 35 -4- LSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh 4/ 7
S.F. 2287 of title may apply for and receive a certificate of title for 1 the all-terrain vehicle and, subsequently, the all-terrain 2 vehicle shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter 3 as if the all-terrain vehicle were required to be titled. All 4 all-terrain vehicles that are titled shall be registered under 5 this chapter . 6 Sec. 9. Section 331.362, subsection 9, Code 2014, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 9. A county may regulate traffic on and use of the secondary 9 roads, in accordance with sections 321.236 to 321.250 , 321.254 , 10 321.255 , 321.285, subsection 4 , sections 321.352 , 321.471 11 to 321.473 , and other applicable provisions of chapter 321 , 12 chapter 321E , and sections 321G.9 , 321I.10 , and 327G.15 . 13 EXPLANATION 14 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 15 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 16 This bill provides for expanded highway use of all-terrain 17 vehicles. 18 Currently, the operation of all-terrain vehicles on highways 19 is permitted if the operation is between sunrise and sunset and 20 is incidental to the vehicle’s use for agricultural purposes; 21 if the operation is incidental to land surveying; if the 22 operation is by an employee or agent of a political subdivision 23 or public utility for the purpose of construction or 24 maintenance on or adjacent to the highway; or if the operation 25 is for the purpose of mowing, installing approved trail 26 signs, or providing maintenance on a designated snowmobile 27 or all-terrain vehicle trail. The operator is required to 28 have a valid driver’s license, and a 35-mile-per-hour speed 29 restriction applies. These provisions for the operation of 30 all-terrain vehicles on a highway for limited purposes are not 31 changed under the bill. 32 The bill provides that an all-terrain vehicle designed to 33 travel on four or more wheels may be operated on secondary 34 roads, but not on primary highways, except to cross over a 35 -5- LSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh 5/ 7
S.F. 2287 primary highway, and not on highways within the corporate 1 limits of a city except where all-terrain vehicles are 2 permitted by ordinance. A county may, by ordinance, prohibit 3 the use of all-terrain vehicles on county roads, and a city may 4 authorize the operation of all-terrain vehicles on highways 5 under the city’s jurisdiction other than municipal extensions 6 of primary highways. The bill strikes current provisions in 7 Code chapter 321I that allow cities and counties to designate 8 roads under their jurisdiction for the operation of all-terrain 9 vehicles. 10 The bill states that a person who operates an all-terrain 11 vehicle on a highway under the new provisions must be at 12 least 16 years of age and have a valid driver’s license other 13 than a license valid only for the operation of a motorized 14 bicycle. The all-terrain vehicle must be registered with the 15 department of natural resources. Iowa motor vehicle laws apply 16 to the operation of all-terrain vehicles on highways except 17 those equipment provisions which by their nature can have no 18 practical application. The bill specifies that the operator 19 of an all-terrain vehicle must carry proof of motor vehicle 20 financial liability coverage, and the all-terrain vehicle must 21 meet requirements for headlamps, rear lamps, and turn signals. 22 Current speed limits apply to all-terrain vehicles operated 23 on a highway, except that an all-terrain vehicle may not be 24 operated at a speed exceeding 35 miles per hour. 25 Pursuant to current law, a violation of restrictions on the 26 operation of all-terrain vehicles on a highway is a simple 27 misdemeanor punishable by a scheduled fine of $50. 28 The definition of “all-terrain vehicle”, for purposes of 29 Code chapter 321, includes off-road utility vehicles. The 30 bill revises the definition of “off-road utility vehicle”, 31 for purposes of Code chapter 321, to match the definition 32 under Code chapter 321I, which encompasses larger vehicles. 33 However, the bill specifies that for purposes of Code chapter 34 321, “off-road utility vehicle” does not include vehicles with 35 -6- LSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh 6/ 7
S.F. 2287 rubberized tracks, dune buggies, golf carts, go-carts, or 1 minitrucks. 2 -7- LSB 6152SV (1) 85 dea/nh 7/ 7