Bill Text: IA HF413 | 2013-2014 | 85th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to career and technical programs offered by community colleges or administered by the department of education and making appropriations. (See Cmte. Bill HF 501)

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Republican 7-3)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-12-31 - END OF 2013 ACTIONS [HF413 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2013-HF413-Introduced.html
House File 413 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 413 BY BYRNES , J. SMITH , GRASSLEY , KAUFMANN , STANERSON , DOLECHECK , GASSMAN , RIDING , KELLEY , and HALL A BILL FOR An Act relating to career and technical programs offered by 1 community colleges or administered by the department of 2 education and making appropriations. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc
H.F. 413 Section 1. Section 256.40, subsection 2, unnumbered 1 paragraph 1, Code 2013, is amended to read as follows: 2 The purpose of the program shall be to build a seamless 3 career, future prepare students for the workforce , and economic 4 development system in Iowa to by connecting business and 5 education and offering relevant workplace and career learning 6 activities to students and teachers. The program shall be 7 structured to accomplish all of the following: 8 Sec. 2. Section 256.40, subsection 2, paragraphs d, f, and 9 h, Code 2013, are amended by striking the paragraphs. 10 Sec. 3. Section 256.40, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code 11 2013, is amended to read as follows: 12 e. Provide a one-stop contact point for information useful 13 to both educators and employers, including a state-level 14 clearinghouse for but not limited to information relating to 15 internships, job shadowing experiences, and other workplace 16 and career learning opportunities for students that are linked 17 to the state’s economic goals , particularly opportunities in 18 occupations relating to science, technology, engineering, 19 or mathematics or to opportunities in targeted industries 20 identified by the economic development authority in accordance 21 with chapter 15 . 22 Sec. 4. Section 256.40, subsection 2, Code 2013, is amended 23 by adding the following new paragraphs: 24 NEW PARAGRAPH . j. Integrate services with other activities 25 related to exploring workforce and career opportunities, 26 such as the core curriculum plan developed pursuant to 27 section 279.61 and the state-designated career information 28 and decision-making system administered by the department as 29 provided in section 279.61. 30 NEW PARAGRAPH . k. Facilitate the attainment of portable 31 credentials of value to employers, when appropriate. 32 Sec. 5. Section 256.40, subsections 4, 5, 6, and 7, Code 33 2013, are amended to read as follows: 34 4. The steering committee shall develop a design for a 35 -1- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 1/ 9
H.F. 413 statewide network comprised of fifteen regional work-based 1 learning intermediary networks. The design shall include 2 network specifications, strategic functions, and desired 3 outcomes. The steering committee shall recommend program 4 parameters and reporting requirements to the department. 5 5. Each regional network shall establish an advisory 6 council to develop provide advice and implement assistance to 7 the regional network. Membership on the advisory council shall 8 include but not be limited to representatives of business and 9 industry. The advisory council shall meet at least annually. 10 6. Funds Moneys deposited in the statewide work-based 11 learning intermediary network fund created in subsection 1 12 shall be distributed to each region for the implementation of 13 the statewide work-based learning intermediary network based 14 upon the distribution of the kindergarten through grade twelve 15 student enrollments in each region. The amount shall not 16 exceed three dollars per student . Upon approval of the plan 17 submitted pursuant to subsection 7, moneys in the fund shall be 18 distributed annually as follows: 19 a. If the moneys in the fund total less than one million 20 five hundred thousand dollars, the moneys in the fund shall 21 be distributed by the department on a competitive basis to 22 regional networks or to consortia of regional networks. 23 b. If the moneys in the fund total one million five hundred 24 thousand dollars or more, not less than one hundred thousand 25 dollars shall be distributed to each regional network and all 26 remaining funds shall be distributed utilizing the state aid 27 distribution formula established pursuant to section 260C.18C 28 as if a regional network was a community college. 29 7. The department shall provide oversight of the statewide 30 work-based learning intermediary network and shall annually 31 evaluate the statewide and regional network progress toward 32 the outcomes identified by the steering committee pursuant to 33 subsection 4 . Each regional network, or consortium of regional 34 networks, shall annually submit a report to the department 35 -2- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 2/ 9
H.F. 413 that details its operations and activities for the most 1 recent fiscal year and includes a plan for providing, in the 2 following year, core services to all school districts within 3 its region and for integrating job shadowing activities into 4 secondary career and technical education programs, and any 5 other information required by the department. 6 Sec. 6. Section 256.40, Code 2013, is amended by adding the 7 following new subsection: 8 NEW SUBSECTION . 9. The state board of education shall adopt 9 rules which establish the parameters of the program. 10 Sec. 7. Section 257.11, subsection 3, paragraph b, 11 subparagraph (2), Code 2013, is amended to read as follows: 12 (2) Included in the fall, spring, or summer community 13 college catalog or an amendment or addendum to the a fall, 14 spring, or summer catalog. 15 Sec. 8. Section 297.22, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code 16 2013, is amended to read as follows: 17 a. The board of directors of a school district may sell, 18 lease, exchange, give, or grant, and accept any interest 19 in real property to, with, or from a county, municipal 20 corporation, school district, community college, township, 21 or area education agency if the real property is within the 22 jurisdiction of both the grantor and grantee. In the case of a 23 community college, the provisions of this paragraph shall apply 24 only for purposes of a joint infrastructure project as provided 25 in section 298.3, subsection 1, paragraph “n” , or section 26 423F.3, subsection 3, paragraph “a” . 27 Sec. 9. Section 298.3, subsection 1, Code 2013, is amended 28 by adding the following new paragraph: 29 NEW PARAGRAPH . n. Notwithstanding sections 28E.41 and 30 274.1, joint infrastructure projects with one or more school 31 districts or one or more school districts and a community 32 college established under chapter 260C, for which buildings 33 or facilities are constructed or leased for the purpose of 34 offering classes under a district-to-community college sharing 35 -3- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 3/ 9
H.F. 413 agreement or concurrent enrollment program that meets the 1 requirements for funding under section 257.11, subsection 3. 2 A school district that seeks to enter into a contract for the 3 construction or lease of a building or facility pursuant to 4 this paragraph shall hold a public hearing on the question 5 prior to entering into the contract. 6 Sec. 10. Section 423F.3, subsection 1, Code 2013, is amended 7 by adding the following new paragraph: 8 NEW PARAGRAPH . g. Notwithstanding sections 28E.41 and 9 274.1, for joint infrastructure projects with one or more 10 school districts or one or more school districts and a 11 community college established under chapter 260C, for which 12 buildings or facilities are constructed or leased for the 13 purposes of offering classes under a district-to-community 14 college sharing agreement or concurrent enrollment program 15 that meets the requirements for funding under section 257.11, 16 subsection 3. 17 Sec. 11. Section 423F.3, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code 18 2013, is amended to read as follows: 19 a. If the board of directors adopts a resolution to use 20 funds received under the operation of this chapter solely 21 for providing property tax relief by reducing indebtedness 22 from the levies specified under section 298.2 or 298.18 23 or , notwithstanding sections 28E.41 and 274.1, for joint 24 infrastructure projects with one or more school districts 25 or one or more school districts and a community college 26 established under chapter 260C, for which buildings or 27 facilities are constructed or leased for the purpose of 28 offering classes under a district-to-community college sharing 29 agreement or concurrent enrollment program that meets the 30 requirements for funding under section 257.11, subsection 3, 31 the board of directors may approve a revenue purpose statement 32 for that purpose either of such purposes without submitting the 33 revenue purpose statement to a vote of the electors. 34 Sec. 12. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION —— STATEWIDE WORK-BASED 35 -4- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 4/ 9
H.F. 413 LEARNING INTERMEDIARY FUND. There is appropriated from the 1 general fund of the state to the department of education for 2 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013, and ending June 30, 3 2014, the following amount, or so much thereof as is necessary, 4 to be used for the purposes designated: 5 For deposit in the statewide work-based learning 6 intermediary network fund created pursuant to section 256.40: 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,000,000 8 Sec. 13. SECONDARY CAREER AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING TASK 9 FORCE. 10 1. a. The director of the department of education, or the 11 director’s designee, shall convene a task force that includes 12 secondary and postsecondary education stakeholders to review 13 current secondary career and technical programming offered by 14 community colleges and make recommendations for programming 15 that reduces skill shortages, enhances the state’s economic 16 growth, and ensures that all students statewide have access 17 to high quality globally competitive career and technical 18 education programs. 19 b. The task force shall review appropriate provisions 20 of the Iowa Code, including but not limited to Code chapter 21 258, relating to vocational education, and section 256.11, 22 subsection 5, paragraph “h”, relating to vocational service 23 area requirements in the core curriculum standards for 24 grades nine through 12, and related provisions of the Iowa 25 administrative code. The task force shall consider measures 26 to ensure rigorous standards, consistency in program quality 27 statewide, alignment with postsecondary programs leading 28 to middle-skill occupations with family-sustaining wages, 29 responsiveness to labor market needs, robust business and 30 industry participation, including participation on advisory 31 committees, and efficient statewide delivery of programming. 32 The task force shall also review the definition of “career 33 academy” for purposes of Code sections 260C.18A and 261E.10, 34 and review and recommend core components of career academies 35 -5- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 5/ 9
H.F. 413 and regional centers. 1 c. The task force shall recommend specific changes in policy 2 or statute to ensure that all students statewide have access 3 to high-quality, globally competitive career and technical 4 education programs. The task force shall submit an interim 5 progress report by January 15, 2014, and a final report with 6 its findings and recommendations by November 1, 2015, to 7 the state board of education, the governor, and the general 8 assembly. 9 2. There is appropriated from the general fund of the state 10 to the department of education for the fiscal year beginning 11 July 1, 2013, and ending June 30, 2014, the following amount, 12 or so much thereof as is necessary, to be used for the purposes 13 designated: 14 For expenses associated with the activities of the secondary 15 career and technical programming task force pursuant to 16 subsection 1: 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50,000 18 EXPLANATION 19 This bill relates to career and technical programs offered 20 by community colleges or administered by the department of 21 education and makes appropriations. 22 STATEWIDE WORK-BASED LEARNING INTERMEDIARY NETWORK —— 23 APPROPRIATION. The bill makes a number of changes to Code 24 section 256.40, relating to the statewide work-based learning 25 intermediary network program administered by the department 26 of education. The purposes of the program are modified to 27 purposes focused on preparing students for the workforce by 28 connecting business and education and offering relevant, 29 work-based learning activities to students and teachers, 30 particularly opportunities in occupations relating to science, 31 technology, engineering, or mathematics or to opportunities 32 in targeted industries identified by the economic development 33 authority. 34 The program’s purposes must also include integrating 35 -6- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 6/ 9
H.F. 413 services with other career exploration-related activities and 1 facilitating the attainment of portable credentials of value 2 to employers, when appropriate. 3 Current purposes stricken by the bill relate to the sharing 4 of best practices; implementing services to all students, 5 staff, and districts and integrating workplace skills into 6 the curriculum; and improving the skills of Iowa’s future 7 workforce. 8 The program’s steering committee is directed to recommend 9 program parameters and reporting requirements to the 10 department. The state board of education is directed to adopt 11 rules which establish the parameters of the program. 12 Each regional network’s advisory council is directed to 13 provide advice and assistance to the regional network. The 14 council must also meet at least annually and must include in 15 its membership representatives of business and industry. 16 Each regional network, or consortium of regional networks, 17 must annually submit a report to the department that includes a 18 plan for providing core services to all school districts within 19 its region and for integrating job shadowing activities into 20 secondary career and technical education programs, and any 21 other information required by the department. Upon approval 22 of the plan, moneys in the statewide work-based learning 23 intermediary network fund shall be distributed annually to 24 each region for the implementation of the statewide work-based 25 learning intermediary network. If the moneys in the fund total 26 more than $1.5 million, the moneys shall be distributed using 27 the state aid distribution formula established for community 28 colleges, but if the moneys in the fund total less than $1.5 29 million, the moneys shall be distributed on a competitive 30 basis. 31 The bill appropriates $3 million from the general fund 32 of the state to the department of education for FY 2013-2014 33 for deposit in the statewide work-based learning intermediary 34 network fund. 35 -7- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 7/ 9
H.F. 413 WEIGHTING FOR DISTRICT-TO-COMMUNITY COLLEGE SHARING OR 1 CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT —— SUMMER. Code section 257.11, relating 2 to additional weighting under a district-to-community college 3 sharing or concurrent enrollment program, is amended to specify 4 that “community college catalog” includes the fall, spring, or 5 summer catalog. 6 USE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPERTY —— PHYSICAL PLANT 7 AND EQUIPMENT LEVY (PPEL) REVENUES AND STATEWIDE SCHOOL 8 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS. The bill permits a school district 9 to sell, lease, exchange, give, or grant, and accept any 10 interest in real property to, with, or from a community 11 college for purposes of a joint infrastructure project, and 12 allows the district to use PPEL revenues or statewide school 13 infrastructure revenues for a joint infrastructure project 14 with one or more school districts or one or more school 15 districts and a community college for buildings or facilities 16 constructed or leased for the purpose of offering classes under 17 a district-to-community college sharing agreement or concurrent 18 enrollment program. If the district intends to use PPEL funds, 19 it must hold a public hearing on the question of using the 20 funds prior to entering into a contract. However, to use 21 statewide school infrastructure revenues, the school board may 22 adopt a resolution to use the funds for such purpose and may 23 approve a revenue purpose statement without submitting it to 24 election. 25 SECONDARY CAREER AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMMING TASK FORCE —— 26 APPROPRIATION. The director of the department of education 27 or designee is directed to convene a task force that includes 28 secondary and postsecondary education stakeholders to review 29 current statutory secondary career and technical programming 30 offered by community colleges and make recommendations for 31 programming that reduces skill shortages and enhances the 32 state’s economic growth. The task force shall consider 33 measures to ensure rigorous standards, consistency in program 34 quality statewide, alignment with postsecondary programs 35 -8- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 8/ 9
H.F. 413 that focus on income levels and skills, as specified in the 1 bill, robust business and industry participation, including 2 participation on advisory committees, and efficient statewide 3 delivery of programming. The task force shall also review the 4 definition of “career academy” for purposes of Code sections 5 260C.18A and 261E.10, and review and recommend core components 6 of career academies and regional centers. The task force shall 7 recommend specific changes in policy or statute to ensure that 8 all students statewide have access to high-quality, globally 9 competitive career and technical education programs. The task 10 force shall submit an interim progress report by January 15, 11 2014, and a final report with its findings and recommendations 12 by November 1, 2015, to the state board of education, the 13 governor, and the general assembly. 14 The bill appropriates $50,000 from the general fund of the 15 state to the department of education for FY 2013-2014 for 16 expenses associated with the activities of the task force. 17 -9- LSB 2048HH (3) 85 kh/sc 9/ 9