Bill Text: IA HF233 | 2023-2024 | 90th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to determination of school district enrollments and education savings account participation and including effective date and applicability provisions.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2023-02-21 - Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 2-0. [HF233 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2023-HF233-Introduced.html
House File 233 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 233 BY GEHLBACH and RINKER A BILL FOR An Act relating to determination of school district enrollments 1 and education savings account participation and including 2 effective date and applicability provisions. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 2060YH (3) 90 md/jh
H.F. 233 Section 1. Section 256.9, Code 2023, is amended by adding 1 the following new subsection: 2 NEW SUBSECTION . 67. Develop and maintain an internet-based 3 method to allow a parent or guardian, prior to the application 4 deadline under section 257.11B, to declare that their child 5 intends to apply for an education savings account for the 6 next school year. Following a submission of intent, the 7 department shall notify the child’s district of residence of 8 the declaration of intent, but shall not provide any names of 9 children, parents, or guardians, and shall only provide the 10 number of children and the grade level of each child. 11 Sec. 2. Section 256C.5, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 12 2023, is amended to read as follows: 13 c. “Preschool budget enrollment” means the figure that is 14 equal to fifty percent of the actual enrollment of eligible 15 students in the preschool programming provided by a school 16 district approved to participate in the preschool program on 17 October 1 of the base year, or the first Monday in October if 18 October 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday unless the board of 19 directors adopts and files a resolution with the school budget 20 review committee on or before March 1 following the October 21 determination, in which case the enrollment is determined on 22 that March 1 or the first Monday in March if March 1 falls on a 23 Saturday or Sunday . 24 Sec. 3. Section 257.6, subsection 1, paragraph a, 25 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2023, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 Actual enrollment is determined annually on October 1, or 28 the first Monday in October if October 1 falls on a Saturday 29 or Sunday unless the board of directors adopts and files a 30 resolution with the school budget review committee on or before 31 March 1 following the October determination, in which case the 32 enrollment is determined on that March 1 or the first Monday 33 in March if March 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday , and includes 34 all of the following: 35 -1- LSB 2060YH (3) 90 md/jh 1/ 6
H.F. 233 Sec. 4. Section 257.6, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 2023, 1 is amended to read as follows: 2 b. A school district shall certify its actual enrollment 3 to the department of education by October 15 of each year, and 4 the department shall promptly forward the information to the 5 department of management. If the board of directors adopts 6 and files a resolution with the school budget review committee 7 as provided in paragraph “a” , the school district shall also 8 certify its modified actual enrollment to the department of 9 education by March 15 and the department shall promptly forward 10 the information to the department of management. 11 Sec. 5. Section 257.6, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code 2023, 12 is amended to read as follows: 13 a. A school district shall determine its additional 14 enrollment because of special education, as defined in this 15 section , by November 1 of each year , or by the first Monday in 16 November if November 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday unless 17 the board of directors adopts and files a resolution with the 18 school budget review committee on or before March 1 following 19 the November determination, in which case the additional 20 enrollment because of special education is determined on that 21 March 1 or the first Monday in March if March 1 falls on a 22 Saturday or Sunday, and shall certify its additional enrollment 23 because of special education to the department of education by 24 November 15 of each year within fifteen days of the applicable 25 determination date , and the department shall promptly forward 26 the information to the department of management. 27 Sec. 6. Section 257.6, subsection 5, paragraph a, Code 2023, 28 is amended to read as follows: 29 a. Weighted enrollment is the budget enrollment plus the 30 district’s additional enrollment because of special education 31 calculated by November 1 determined on the applicable date of 32 the base year under subsection 3 plus additional pupils added 33 due to the application of the supplementary weighting. 34 Sec. 7. Section 257.6, Code 2023, is amended by adding the 35 -2- LSB 2060YH (3) 90 md/jh 2/ 6
H.F. 233 following new subsection: 1 NEW SUBSECTION . 5A. Pupils added due to application of 2 supplementary weighting. A school district shall determine its 3 pupils added due to application of supplementary weighting by 4 October 1 of each year, or by the first Monday in October if 5 October 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, unless the board of 6 directors adopts and files a resolution with the school budget 7 review committee on or before March 1 following the October 8 determination, in which case the enrollment is determined on 9 that March 1 or the first Monday in March if March 1 falls on a 10 Saturday or Sunday, and shall certify its pupils added due to 11 the application of supplementary weighting to the department of 12 education within fifteen days of the applicable determination 13 date, and the department of education shall promptly forward 14 the information to the department of management. 15 Sec. 8. Section 261E.7, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 16 1, Code 2023, is amended to read as follows: 17 Not later than June 30 of each year, a school district 18 shall pay a tuition reimbursement amount to a postsecondary 19 institution that has enrolled its resident eligible 20 students under this chapter , unless the eligible student is 21 participating in open enrollment under section 282.18 , in 22 which case, the tuition reimbursement amount shall be paid 23 by the receiving district. However, if a child’s residency 24 changes during a school year, the tuition shall be paid by the 25 district in which the child was enrolled as of the October 26 date specified in section 257.6, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , 27 or the district in which the child was counted under section 28 257.6, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , subparagraph (6) , as of 29 the October date specified in section 257.6, subsection 1, 30 paragraph “a” . For students enrolled at the Iowa school for the 31 deaf and the Iowa braille and sight saving school, the state 32 board of regents shall pay a tuition reimbursement amount by 33 June 30 of each year. The amount of tuition reimbursement for 34 each separate course shall equal the lesser of: 35 -3- LSB 2060YH (3) 90 md/jh 3/ 6
H.F. 233 Sec. 9. Section 273.5, subsection 5, Code 2023, is amended 1 to read as follows: 2 5. Provide Subject to the determination dates under section 3 257.6, annually provide each school district within the area 4 served and the department of education with a special education 5 weighted enrollment count, including the additional enrollment 6 because of special education for December 1 of each year . 7 Sec. 10. Section 279.60, subsection 1, Code 2023, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 1. Each school district shall administer the teaching 10 strategies gold early childhood assessment to every resident 11 prekindergarten or four-year-old child whose parent or guardian 12 enrolls the child in the district, and shall administer a valid 13 and reliable universal screening instrument, as prescribed by 14 the department of education, to every kindergarten student 15 enrolled in the district not later than the October date 16 specified in section 257.6, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” . The 17 assessment shall be aligned with state early learning standards 18 and preschool programs shall be encouraged to administer the 19 assessment at least at the beginning and end of the preschool 20 program, with the assessment information entered into the 21 statewide longitudinal data system. The department shall work 22 to develop agreements with head start programs to incorporate 23 similar information about four-year-old children served by head 24 start into the statewide longitudinal data system. 25 Sec. 11. Section 282.12, subsection 4, Code 2023, is amended 26 to read as follows: 27 4. The number of pupils participating in a whole grade 28 sharing agreement shall be determined on the October date 29 specified in section 257.6, subsection 1 , paragraph “a” , and on 30 the second Friday of January of each year. 31 Sec. 12. Section 282.18, subsection 7, paragraph a, Code 32 2023, is amended to read as follows: 33 a. If a parent or guardian of a child, who is participating 34 in open enrollment under this section , moves to a different 35 -4- LSB 2060YH (3) 90 md/jh 4/ 6
H.F. 233 school district during the course of either district’s academic 1 year, the child’s first district of residence as determined 2 on the October date specified in section 257.6, subsection 1 , 3 shall be responsible for payment of the cost per pupil plus 4 weightings or special education costs to the receiving school 5 district for the balance of the school year in which the move 6 took place. The new district of residence shall be responsible 7 for the payments during succeeding years. 8 Sec. 13. EFFECTIVE DATE. The section of this Act amending 9 section 256.9, being deemed of immediate importance, takes 10 effect upon enactment. 11 Sec. 14. APPLICABILITY. Except for the section of this Act 12 amending section 256.9, this Act applies to actual enrollment 13 determinations for school budget years beginning on or after 14 July 1, 2023. 15 EXPLANATION 16 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 17 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 18 Code section 257.6(1)(a) provides that each school 19 district’s actual enrollment is determined annually on October 20 1, or the first Monday in October if October 1 falls on a 21 Saturday or Sunday. This bill amends the methodology for 22 determining the actual enrollment each year. Under the bill, 23 actual enrollment is determined annually on the applicable 24 October date unless the board of directors adopts and files a 25 resolution with the school budget review committee on or before 26 March 1 following the October determination, in which case the 27 enrollment is determined on that March 1 or the first Monday in 28 March if March 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday. 29 The bill makes corresponding changes to other provisions 30 of law including provisions for preschool enrollment 31 determinations, additional enrollment because of special 32 education, and pupils added due to application of supplementary 33 weighting. 34 The bill requires the director of the department of 35 -5- LSB 2060YH (3) 90 md/jh 5/ 6
H.F. 233 education to develop and maintain an internet-based method to 1 allow a parent or guardian, prior to the application deadline 2 for an education savings account, to declare that their child 3 intends to apply for an education savings account for the next 4 school year. Following a submission of intent, the department 5 of education shall notify the child’s district of residence of 6 the declaration of intent, but shall not provide any names of 7 children, parents, or guardians, and shall only provide the 8 number of children and the grade level of each child. 9 The section of the bill amending Code section 256.9 takes 10 effect upon enactment. Except for the section of the bill 11 amending Code section 256.9, the bill applies to actual 12 enrollment determinations for school budget years beginning on 13 or after July 1, 2023. 14 -6- LSB 2060YH (3) 90 md/jh 6/ 6