Bill Text: IA HF2205 | 2013-2014 | 85th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to academic and assessment standards and consortiums and contracts for the development and implementation of such standards.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 11-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-03-10 - Withdrawn. H.J. 467. [HF2205 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2013-HF2205-Introduced.html
House File 2205 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 2205 BY SHEETS , FISHER , HEARTSILL , WATTS , ALONS , GUSTAFSON , GASSMAN , SHAW , SALMON , MAXWELL , and VANDER LINDEN A BILL FOR An Act relating to academic and assessment standards and 1 consortiums and contracts for the development and 2 implementation of such standards. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj
H.F. 2205 Section 1. Section 256.7, subsection 21, paragraph b, 1 subparagraphs (2) and (3), Code 2014, are amended to read as 2 follows: 3 (2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (1), for the school year 4 beginning July 1, 2016, and each succeeding school year, the 5 rules shall provide that all students enrolled in school 6 districts in grades three through eleven shall be administered 7 an assessment during the last quarter of the school year 8 that at a minimum assesses the indicators identified in this 9 paragraph “b” ; is aligned with the Iowa common core content 10 standards in both content and rigor; accurately describes 11 student achievement and growth for purposes of the school, the 12 school district, and state accountability systems; and provides 13 valid, reliable, and fair measures of student progress toward 14 college or career readiness. 15 (3) The director shall establish an assessment task force 16 to review and make recommendations for a statewide assessment 17 of student progress on the indicators identified pursuant to 18 this paragraph “b” . The task force shall recommend a statewide 19 assessment that is aligned to the Iowa common core content 20 standards and is, at a minimum, valid, reliable, tested, and 21 piloted in Iowa. In addition, in developing recommendations, 22 the task force shall consider the costs to school districts and 23 the state in providing and administering such an assessment and 24 the technical support necessary to implement the assessment. 25 The task force shall submit its recommendations in a report 26 to the director, the state board, and the general assembly by 27 January 1, 2015. The task force shall assist with the final 28 development and implementation of the assessment administered 29 pursuant to subparagraph (2). The task force members shall 30 include but not be limited to teachers, school administrators, 31 business leaders, representatives of state agencies, and 32 members of the general public. This subparagraph is repealed 33 July 1, 2020. 34 Sec. 2. Section 256.7, subsection 21, paragraph c, Code 35 -1- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 1/ 10
H.F. 2205 2014, is amended to read as follows: 1 c. A requirement that all school districts and accredited 2 nonpublic schools annually report to the department and the 3 local community the district-wide progress made in attaining 4 student achievement goals on the academic and other core 5 indicators and the district-wide progress made in attaining 6 locally established student learning goals. The school 7 districts and accredited nonpublic schools shall demonstrate 8 the use of multiple assessment measures in determining student 9 achievement levels. The school districts and accredited 10 nonpublic schools shall also report the number of students 11 who graduate; the number of students who drop out of school; 12 the number of students who are tested and the percentage of 13 students who are so tested annually; and the percentage of 14 students who graduated during the prior school year and who 15 completed a core curriculum the Iowa content standards . The 16 board shall develop and adopt uniform definitions consistent 17 with the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 18 107-110 and any federal regulations adopted pursuant to the 19 federal Act. The school districts and accredited nonpublic 20 schools may report on other locally determined factors 21 influencing student achievement. The school districts and 22 accredited nonpublic schools shall also report to the local 23 community their results by individual attendance center. 24 Sec. 3. Section 256.7, subsection 26, paragraph a, 25 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2014, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 Adopt rules that establish a core curriculum and the Iowa 28 content standards which school districts and accredited 29 nonpublic schools may elect to use. The state board shall also 30 adopt high school graduation requirements for all students in 31 school districts and accredited nonpublic schools that include 32 at a minimum satisfactory completion of four years of English 33 and language arts, three years of mathematics, three years of 34 science, and three years of social studies. 35 -2- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 2/ 10
H.F. 2205 Sec. 4. Section 256.7, subsection 26, paragraph a, 1 subparagraph (3), Code 2014, is amended to read as follows: 2 (3) The rules establishing a core curriculum the Iowa 3 content standards shall address the core content assessment 4 standards in subsection 28 and the skills and knowledge 5 students need to be successful in the twenty-first century. 6 The core curriculum Iowa content standards shall include 7 social studies and twenty-first century learning skills which 8 include but are not limited to civic literacy, health literacy, 9 technology literacy, financial literacy, and employability 10 skills; and shall address the curricular needs of students 11 in kindergarten through grade twelve in those areas. The 12 department shall further define the twenty-first century 13 learning skills components by rule. 14 Sec. 5. Section 256.7, subsection 26, paragraph b, Code 15 2014, is amended by striking the paragraph. 16 Sec. 6. Section 256.7, subsection 26, paragraph c, Code 17 2014, is amended to read as follows: 18 c. Neither the state board nor the department shall require 19 school districts or accredited nonpublic schools to adopt a 20 specific textbook, textbook series, or specific instructional 21 methodology, or acquire specific textbooks, curriculum 22 materials, or educational products from a specific vendor 23 in order to meet the core curriculum requirements of this 24 subsection or the core content assessment standards adopted 25 pursuant to subsection 28 . 26 Sec. 7. Section 256.7, subsection 28, Code 2014, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 28. Adopt a set of core content assessment standards 29 applicable to all students in kindergarten through grade twelve 30 in every school district and accredited nonpublic school. For 31 purposes of this subsection , core content assessment standards” 32 includes reading, mathematics, and science. The core content 33 assessment standards shall be identical to the core content 34 assessment standards included in Iowa’s approved 2006 standards 35 -3- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 3/ 10
H.F. 2205 and assessment system under Tit. I of the federal Elementary 1 and Secondary Education Act of 1965, 20 U.S.C. § 6301 et 2 seq., as amended by the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 3 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-110. School districts and accredited 4 nonpublic schools shall include, at a minimum, the core content 5 assessment standards adopted pursuant to this subsection in any 6 set of locally developed content standards. School districts 7 and accredited nonpublic schools are strongly encouraged to set 8 higher expectations in local standards. As changes in federal 9 law or regulation occur, the state board is authorized to amend 10 the core content assessment standards as appropriate. 11 Sec. 8. Section 256.7, Code 2014, is amended by adding the 12 following new subsection: 13 NEW SUBSECTION . 33. Adopt rules prohibiting the department 14 from adopting and implementing the common core state standards 15 published by the national governors association center for best 16 practices and the council of chief state school officers. The 17 rules may only allow the department to adopt and implement 18 the Iowa content and assessment standards identified or 19 developed by Iowa educators. The rules shall also prohibit 20 the department from entering into a contract or a memorandum 21 of understanding with another state or national organization 22 for the development or implementation of statewide content 23 or assessment standards unless the state board submits the 24 contract or memorandum of understanding to the general assembly 25 while the general assembly is in session or the director 26 appears before the standing committees of the senate and house 27 of representatives having jurisdiction over education to report 28 on the proposed contract or memorandum of understanding. 29 Sec. 9. Section 256.9, subsection 53, paragraph a, Code 30 2014, is amended to read as follows: 31 a. Develop and distribute, in collaboration with the area 32 education agencies, core curriculum Iowa content standards 33 technical assistance and implementation strategies that school 34 districts and accredited nonpublic schools shall may utilize, 35 -4- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 4/ 10
H.F. 2205 including but not limited to the development and delivery 1 of formative and end-of-course model assessments classroom 2 teachers may use to measure student progress on the core 3 curriculum content standards adopted pursuant to section 4 256.7, subsection 26 . The department shall, in collaboration 5 with the advisory group convened in accordance with paragraph 6 “b” and educational assessment providers, identify and make 7 available to school districts end-of-course and additional 8 model end-of-course and additional assessments to align with 9 the expectations included in the Iowa core curriculum content 10 standards . The model assessments shall be suitable to meet the 11 multiple assessment measures requirement specified in section 12 256.7, subsection 21 , paragraph “c” . 13 Sec. 10. Section 256.9, subsection 54, Code 2014, is amended 14 to read as follows: 15 54. Submit an annual report to the general assembly by 16 January 1 regarding activities, findings, and student progress 17 under the core curriculum Iowa content standards established 18 pursuant to section 256.7, subsection 26 . The annual report 19 shall include the state board’s findings and recommendations. 20 Sec. 11. Section 256.40, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code 21 2014, is amended to read as follows: 22 e. Integrate services provided through the program with 23 other career exploration-related activities such as the student 24 core curriculum graduation plan and the career information and 25 decision-making system developed and administered under section 26 279.61 , where appropriate. 27 Sec. 12. Section 256.42, subsection 6, Code 2014, is amended 28 to read as follows: 29 6. Coursework offered under the initiative shall be 30 rigorous and high quality, and the department shall annually 31 evaluate the quality of the courses and ensure that coursework 32 is aligned with the state’s core curriculum and core Iowa 33 content requirements standards and the assessment standards, as 34 well as national standards of quality for online courses issued 35 -5- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 5/ 10
H.F. 2205 by an internationally recognized association for kindergarten 1 through grade twelve online learning. 2 Sec. 13. Section 257.11, subsection 11, Code 2014, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 11. Shared classes and curriculum standards. A school 5 district shall ensure that any course made available to a 6 student through any sharing agreement between the school 7 district and a community college or any other entity providing 8 course programming pursuant to this section to students 9 enrolled in the school district meets the expectations 10 contained in the core curriculum adopted pursuant to section 11 256.7, subsection 26 . The school district shall ensure that 12 any course that has the capacity to generate college credit 13 shall be equivalent to college-level work. 14 Sec. 14. Section 258.4, subsection 8, Code 2014, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 8. Establish a minimum set of competencies and core 17 curriculum content standards for approval of a vocational 18 program sequence that addresses the following: new and 19 emerging technologies; job-seeking, job-keeping, and 20 other employment skills, including self-employment and 21 entrepreneurial skills, that reflect current industry 22 standards, leadership skills, entrepreneurial, and labor-market 23 needs; and the strengthening of basic academic skills. 24 Sec. 15. Section 260C.14, subsection 22, paragraph b, Code 25 2014, is amended to read as follows: 26 b. Collaborate with the state board of regents to meet 27 the requirements specified in section 262.9, subsection 33 , 28 including but not limited to developing a systematic process 29 for expanding academic discipline and meetings between the 30 community college faculty and faculty of the institutions 31 of higher education governed by the state board of regents, 32 developing criteria to prioritize core curriculum areas 33 Iowa content standards , promoting greater awareness of 34 articulation-related activities, facilitating additional 35 -6- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 6/ 10
H.F. 2205 opportunities for individual institutions to pursue program 1 articulation agreements for career and technical educational 2 programs, and developing and implementing a process to 3 examine a minimum of eight new associate of applied science 4 degree programs for which articulation agreements would serve 5 students’ continued academic success in those degree programs. 6 Sec. 16. Section 261E.4, subsection 4, Code 2014, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 4. A school district shall establish prerequisite 9 coursework for each advanced placement course offered and shall 10 describe the prerequisites in the course registration handbook, 11 which shall be provided to every junior high school or middle 12 school student prior to the development of a core curriculum 13 graduation plan pursuant to section 279.61 . 14 Sec. 17. Section 261E.6, subsection 2, Code 2014, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 2. Notification. The availability and requirements of this 17 program shall be included in each school district’s student 18 registration handbook. Information about the program shall be 19 provided to the student and the student’s parent or guardian 20 prior to the development of the student’s core curriculum 21 graduation plan under section 279.61 . The school district 22 shall establish a process by which students may indicate 23 interest in and apply for enrollment in the program. 24 Sec. 18. Section 261E.8, subsection 1, Code 2014, is amended 25 to read as follows: 26 1. A district-to-community college sharing or concurrent 27 enrollment program is established to be administered by the 28 department to promote rigorous academic or career and technical 29 pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options to high 30 school students to enroll part-time in eligible nonsectarian 31 courses at or through community colleges established under 32 chapter 260C . The program shall be made available to all 33 resident students in grades nine through twelve. Notice of 34 the availability of the program shall be included in a school 35 -7- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 7/ 10
H.F. 2205 district’s student registration handbook and the handbook shall 1 identify which courses, if successfully completed, generate 2 college credit under the program. A student and the student’s 3 parent or legal guardian shall also be made aware of this 4 program as a part of the development of the student’s core 5 curriculum graduation plan in accordance with section 279.61 . 6 Sec. 19. Section 261E.9, subsection 2, paragraph b, Code 7 2014, is amended to read as follows: 8 b. A regional academy may include in its curriculum virtual 9 or internet-based coursework and courses delivered via the Iowa 10 communications network, career and technical courses, core 11 curriculum Iowa content standards coursework, courses required 12 pursuant to section 256.7, subsection 26 , or section 256.11, 13 subsections 4 and 5 , and asynchronous learning networks. 14 Sec. 20. Section 261E.9, subsection 4, Code 2014, is amended 15 to read as follows: 16 4. Information regarding regional academies shall be 17 provided to a student and the student’s parent or guardian 18 prior to the development of the student’s core curriculum 19 graduation plan under section 279.61 . 20 Sec. 21. Section 261E.10, subsection 4, Code 2014, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 4. Information regarding career academies shall be provided 23 by the school district to a student and the student’s parent 24 or guardian prior to the development of the student’s core 25 curriculum graduation plan under section 279.61 . 26 Sec. 22. Section 262.9, subsection 33, paragraph c, Code 27 2014, is amended to read as follows: 28 c. Develop criteria to prioritize core curriculum areas the 29 Iowa content standards and create or review transition guides 30 for the core curriculum areas Iowa content standards . 31 Sec. 23. Section 279.61, Code 2014, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 279.61 Student plan for progress toward university admissions 34 —— report. 35 -8- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 8/ 10
H.F. 2205 1. For the school year beginning July 1, 2008, and each 1 succeeding school year, the The board of directors of each 2 school district shall cooperate with each student enrolled 3 in grade eight to develop for the student a core curriculum 4 plan to guide the student toward the goal of successfully 5 completing, at a minimum, the core curriculum developed high 6 school graduation requirements adopted by the state board of 7 education pursuant to section 256.7, subsection 26 , by the 8 time the student graduates from high school. The plan shall 9 include career options and shall identify the coursework 10 needed in grades nine through twelve to support the student’s 11 postsecondary education and career options. Additionally, the 12 plan shall include a timeline for each student to successfully 13 complete, prior to graduation, all components of the 14 state-designated career information and decision-making system 15 administered by the department in accordance with section 118 16 of the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education 17 Improvement Act of 2006, Pub. L. No. 109-270. The student’s 18 parent or guardian shall sign the core curriculum graduation 19 plan developed with the student and the signed plan shall be 20 included in the student’s cumulative records. 21 2. For the school year beginning July 1, 2008, and each 22 succeeding school year, the The board of directors of each 23 school district shall report annually to each student enrolled 24 in grades nine through twelve in the school district, and, if 25 the student is under the age of eighteen, to each student’s 26 parent or guardian, the student’s progress toward meeting the 27 goal of successfully completing the core curriculum and high 28 school graduation requirements adopted by the state board of 29 education pursuant to section 256.7, subsection 26 . 30 Sec. 24. Section 280.3, subsection 3, Code 2014, is amended 31 by striking the subsection. 32 EXPLANATION 33 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 34 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 35 -9- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 9/ 10
H.F. 2205 This bill continues to direct the state board of education 1 to adopt sets of academic and assessment standards, but amends 2 the terms used to describe the standards and makes use of the 3 academic standards by school districts and accredited nonpublic 4 schools voluntary. The bill directs the state board to adopt 5 rules to prohibit the department from adopting and implementing 6 common core state standards and from entering into a contract 7 or memorandums of understanding with another state or national 8 organization for the development or implementation of statewide 9 content or assessment standards unless the contract or 10 memorandum is presented before the general assembly. The 11 bill provides that the rules may only allow the department to 12 adopt and implement the Iowa content and assessment standards 13 identified or developed by Iowa educators. 14 The bill replaces the terms “core curriculum”, “Iowa 15 core curriculum”, and “Iowa common core”, which were used to 16 describe the academic standards adopted by the state board, 17 with the term “Iowa content standards”. Also, provisions 18 directing school districts to cooperate with each eighth grade 19 student on a core curriculum plan to meet core curriculum 20 requirements are amended to replace “core curriculum plan” 21 with “graduation plan” and “core curriculum requirements” 22 with “high school graduation requirements”. The term “core 23 content standards”, which was used to describe the assessment 24 standards adopted by the state board, is replaced with the 25 term “assessment standards”. The assessment standards will 26 remain applicable to all students in kindergarten through 27 grade 12 in every school district and accredited nonpublic 28 school. Corresponding changes are made throughout the Code, 29 and obsolete language is eliminated. 30 -10- LSB 5779YH (4) 85 kh/rj 10/ 10