Bill Text: GA SB84 | 2011-2012 | Regular Session | Engrossed

Bill Title: DeKalb County School System; provide a code of ethics; definitions; prohibited practices

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2011-03-11 - House Second Readers [SB84 Detail]

Download: Georgia-2011-SB84-Engrossed.html
11 LC 33 3841
Senate Bill 84
By: Senators Jones of the 10th and Carter of the 42nd



To provide a code of ethics for the DeKalb County School System; to provide for definitions; to provide for prohibited practices; to provide for disclosure of financial interests in contracts or matters pending before the board; to prohibit use of school system property for personal benefit; to provide that contracts are voidable in certain circumstances; to provide for hearings; to provide for an Ethics Commission and the appointment, terms of office, qualifications, and organization of members; to provide for duties and powers of the Ethics Commission, including investigation, procedures, hearings, and actions; to provide for procedures relating to indictments; to provide for immunity; to provide for circumstances when a board member shall not be in violation; to provide for removal from office of board members; to provide for whistleblower protection; to provide for a code of ethics oath; to amend an Act establishing in DeKalb County districts from which the members of the county board of education shall be elected, approved April 12, 1963 (Ga. L. 1963, p. 3424), as amended, particularly by an Act approved January 28, 1982 (Ga. L. 1982, p. 3797), so as to add a qualification for board members; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.



As used in this Act, the term:
(1) "Board" means the DeKalb County Board of Education.
(2) "Commission" or "Ethics Commission" means the Ethics Commission created by Section 7 of this Act.
(3) "Relative" means an individual who is related to the elected official, appointed officer, or employee as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, husband, wife, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, or son-in-law; any other relative living in the household of the elected official, appointed officer, or employee; a person who is engaged to be married to the elected official, appointed officer, or employee or who otherwise holds himself or herself out as or is generally known as the person whom the elected official, appointed officer, or employee intends to marry or with whom the elected official, appointed officer, or employee intends to form a household; or any other natural person having the same legal residence as the elected official, appointed officer, or employee.
(4) "School system" means the DeKalb County School System.

Conflict of interest.

(a) Except as otherwise provided by general law, no elected official, appointed officer, or employee of the DeKalb County School System or of any office, department, or agency thereof shall knowingly:
(1) Engage in any business or transaction with or have a financial or other personal interest, direct or indirect, in the affairs of the school system which would result in a financial benefit, except for a financial benefit of a nominal or incidental amount, to the official, appointed officer, or employee or to a relative of such person or which would tend to impair the independence of judgment or action in the performance of official duties;
(2) Engage in or accept private employment from or render services for private interests when such employment or service is incompatible with the proper discharge of that person's official duties or would tend to impair his or her independence of judgment or action in the performance of his or her official duties;
(3) Disclose information or use information, including information obtained at meetings which are closed pursuant to Chapter 14 of Title 50 of the O.C.G.A., concerning the property, government, or affairs of the school system or any office, department, or agency thereof that is not available to members of the general public and gained by reason of his or her official position for his or her personal gain or benefit, to advance his or her financial or other private interest, or to advance the financial or private interest of any other person or business entity;
(4) Represent private interests in any action or proceeding against the school system or any office, department, or agency thereof;
(5) Vote or otherwise participate in the negotiation or the making of any contract with any business or entity in which he or she, or his or her relative, has a financial interest;
(6) Solicit, accept, or agree to accept gifts, loans, gratuities, entertainment, transportation, lodging, meals, any ticket of admission, discounts, payment, or service, except those of a value less than $50.00, from any employee, student, parent, person, firm, or corporation which to his or her knowledge is interested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the school system or any office, department, or agency thereof; provided, however, that an elected official who is a candidate for public office may accept campaign contributions and services in connection with any campaign;
(7) Advertise business and professional services to the school system or its employees for personal gain;
(8) Use district resources for personal or commercial enterprise;
(9) Vote or otherwise participate in an appointment, employment, or promotion decision related to a relative;
(10) Vote or otherwise participate in an appointment, employment, or promotion decision of a person when the public official knows or should know that such vote or participation would create a direct or indirect monetary benefit or economic opportunity;
(11) Have a personal interest, directly or indirectly, in school real estate, school textbooks, or school materials and supplies of any kind whatsoever;
(12) Sell, solicit, or offer for sale to the board or to any official or employee of the board, directly or indirectly, any kind of school real estate, school textbooks, or school materials and supplies, or receive any salary, bonus, or commission on any such sale;
(13) Have a financial interest in school buses or bus equipment or supplies, provide services for buses owned by the board, or sell gasoline to the board from a corporation in which the board member is a shareholder; or
(14) Vote or participate in discussions or deliberations at any meeting of the board or any committee of the board on any issue before the board in which the board member or a relative of the board member has matters involving consideration of his or her conduct, matters which would inure to his or her financial or personal interests, or matters which would be a conflict of interest as provided in this Act. Such board member shall, prior to the vote being taken, publicly state during the meeting the nature of his or her interest in the matter from which he or she is abstaining from voting and shall within ten days of such abstention disclose the nature of his or her interest as a public record in a memorandum filed with the board secretary who shall incorporate the memorandum into the minutes of the meeting.
(b)(1) No board member, superintendent, or general counsel may, within one year after retirement or termination from such position or employment:
(A) Act as agent or attorney for an employee or board member before a tribunal or board hearing; or
(B) Knowingly attempt to influence, on behalf of any other person, the school system, including its employees and board members, in connection with any matter in which the school system has a direct interest.
(2) No board member as a consequence of his or her board position may accept any honoraria. As used in this paragraph, the term "honoraria" means a payment of money or anything of value for any appearance, discussion, speech, or article by such board member or for travel and subsistence expenses in excess of any actual and necessary expenses in connection with such appearance, discussion, or speech.


(a) Any elected official, appointed officer, or employee of the school system who has any financial interest, directly or indirectly, in any contract or matter pending before or within any office, department, or agency of the school system shall disclose such interest in writing to the board. Any board member who has a financial interest in any contract or matter pending before the board shall disclose such interest, in writing, and such disclosure shall be entered on the records of the board. The disclosure of any salary received by a board member from the school system or any entity doing business with the school system may be accomplished by naming the entity and position held by the board member with such entity. Interest and dividends from entities doing business with the school system which are listed on a national stock exchange or have more than 100 stockholders do not have to be disclosed. Likewise, the disclosure of any salary received by an immediate relative of the board member may be accomplished by naming the relative and the position held. The board member also shall disqualify himself or herself from participating in any decision or vote relating thereto.
(b) Prior to January 31 of each year, each elected official shall disclose publicly the identity of any relative employed by the school system to the board on such form as prescribed by the board.

Use of public property.

No elected official, appointed officer, or employee of the school system shall use property of the school system for personal use, benefit, or profit except in accordance with policies and procedures promulgated by the board.

Contracts voidable and rescindable.

Any contract between the DeKalb County School System and another party shall be voidable or rescindable at the discretion of the board at any time if any elected official, appointed officer, or employee has any interest in such contract and does not disclose such interest in accordance with the provisions within this Act.

Hearings and determinations; penalties for violations.

Elected officials, appointed officers, and employees of the school system may be punished for violation of the provisions within this Act as follows:
(1) The members of the board shall be subject to removal from office as provided in this Act;
(2) Appointed officers and employees not subject to civil service or covered by the provisions of O.C.G.A. Section 20-2-940, et seq., shall have the right to request a hearing before the board upon written charges being provided to such officer or employee. At such hearing, the officer or employee shall have the right to be heard, to be represented by counsel, and to require the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers. If, after the hearing, the accused is found guilty as charged, he or she may be suspended or dismissed from the service of the school system by a majority vote of the members of the board.
(3) Employees covered by the provisions of O.C.G.A. Section 20-2-940, et seq., shall be subject to suspension, dismissal, or nonrenewal in accordance with the provisions of that general law; and
(4) Employees subject to civil service rules, upon a violation of this Act, shall be subject to suspension or dismissal in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the personnel rules and regulations adopted by the board.

Ethics Commission.

(a) Creation of Ethics Commission. The board shall establish a seven-member Ethics Commission. Members of the commission shall be appointed by the board for staggered five-year terms. When the commission is first established, two persons will be appointed to serve five-year terms, one person will be appointed to serve a four-year term, two persons will be appointed to serve three-year terms, one person will be appointed to serve a two-year term, and one person will be appointed to serve a one-year term. Each member of the commission shall hold office from the date of appointment until the end of the term for which he or she was appointed or until his or her successor qualifies for office. Members of the commission shall not be eligible for reappointment. If a vacancy occurs on the commission, the board shall within 90 days appoint a person to fill the unexpired term.
(b) Qualifications. A person is eligible to serve as a member of the Ethics Commission if that person, while serving:
(1) Resides in DeKalb County and is a registered voter;
(2) Is not an employee of the DeKalb County Board of Education or a relative or business associate of any member of the board;
(3) Does not hold any elective or appointive office and is not a candidate for any office in the governments of the United States, the State of Georgia, or DeKalb County;
(4) Has not provided a financial contribution of more than $100.00 to, or worked significantly in, the political campaign of any current member of the board;
(5) Is not a relative of a person who provided a financial contribution of more than $100.00 to, or worked significantly in, the political campaign of any current member of the board; and
(6) Has not been convicted of a felony and has not been convicted of a misdemeanor in the past ten years.
(c) Duties and powers. The Ethics Commission shall have the following duties and powers:
(1) To receive and hear complaints of violations by board members of standards established by this Act, the code of ethics, or applicable state or federal law;
(2) Upon receipt of a complaint, to conduct investigations as it deems necessary to determine whether any board member has violated any standards established by this Act, the code of ethics, or applicable state or federal law. An affirmative vote of three members is required to initiate an investigation. For the purpose of conducting a meeting or hearing, five members shall constitute a quorum and five affirmative votes are required to issue any finding;
(3) To take appropriate action as a result of a violation of the standards established by this Act, the code of ethics, or applicable state or federal law;
(4) To request funding from the board in order to conduct a hearing and to use any funds provided to conduct hearings;
(5) To establish policies and procedures for conducting meetings and hearings of the commission; and
(6) To perform any other function authorized by this Act.
(d) Organization of the Ethics Commission.
(1) Members of the Ethics Commission shall be compensated on a per meeting basis at a rate determined by the board.
(2) The Ethics Commission shall elect one member to act as chairperson for a term of two years or until a successor is duly elected. The chairperson shall have the same voting rights as the other commission members. The commission shall also elect one member to act as vice chairperson for the same term. If the office of chairperson or vice chairperson is vacated in any manner before the expiration of the term, the commission shall elect a member to fill the unexpired term.
(3) The board may remove a commission member for neglect of duty, misconduct in office, or a disability rendering the member unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office as specified in this Act, for no longer qualifying for the position as specified in this Act, or for any reason that would justify the removal of a member of a board of education.
(4) There shall be no scheduled regular monthly or bimonthly meetings of the commission. The chairperson shall call meetings as the chairperson deems necessary. A meeting can also be called by written notice signed by at least four members of the commission. All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public. The purpose of the public meetings shall be to hear and dispose of complaints or to render advisory opinions as set forth in this section.
(5) The board office will provide staff support to the Ethics Commission.
(6) The Ethics Commission shall be governed by and subject to the provisions of this section. No official action, except as outlined in this section, shall be taken by the commission. If a commission member has a conflict of interest involving any matter before the commission or must otherwise disqualify himself or herself under the conditions of this Act or by law, the remaining commission members shall choose by majority vote an alternative person who meets all qualifications set out above to hear the complaint.
(e) Complaint and investigation procedures.
(1) Any citizen eligible to vote in DeKalb County and any employee of the DeKalb County School System may file a complaint alleging a violation of the standards established by this Act, the code of ethics, or other applicable state or federal law by filing it with the chairperson to the board. The complaint shall be in writing and verified under oath.
(2) The chairperson of the board shall immediately deliver the complaint to the chairperson of the Ethics Commission or a designee and shall also immediately forward a copy of the complaint by certified and regular mail to the board member against whom the complaint was filed, along with a copy to the superintendent and general counsel of the school system. A complaint must be filed within six months of the date of the alleged violation or, in the case of concealment or nondisclosure, within six months of the date the alleged violation should have been discovered after due diligence.
(3) Within 60 days of receipt of a complaint, the Ethics Commission shall conduct and conclude an investigation to determine whether good and sufficient cause exists concerning the complaint. During the investigation, the commission has the power to secure necessary documents. The superintendent shall ensure that school system employees cooperate with any commission investigation. The investigation shall not be open to the public. The commission shall not receive live testimony as part of the investigation. If, after conducting an investigation, the commission by majority vote determines that no good and sufficient cause exists for a determination that a violation exists, the commission may dismiss the complaint and shall report said dismissal to the board.
(f) Ethics Commission hearings. If the commission determines that good and sufficient cause exists for a determination that a violation has occurred, or if the board refers a case against a board member as provided in Section 8 of this Act, a formal public hearing shall be conducted. The commission shall notify the board member charged with a violation of the date, time, and place for the hearing by certified and regular mail. At the hearing, the commission shall hear sworn testimony from all witnesses it deems relevant. The hearing shall be recorded by a certified court reporter. The commission is authorized to issue subpoenas on behalf of any party and for the appearance of any party or documents as provided by law. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the commission shall issue written findings of fact and conclusions of law and take, but shall not be limited to taking, one or more of the following actions:
(1) Find that the board member did not violate any of the standards established by this Act, the code of ethics, or other applicable state or federal law; upon a finding that an initial complaint was filed without justification or was supported by erroneous information or evidence, the commission may recommend that the board reimburse the accused board member up to $2,500.00 in actual attorney fees and costs;
(2) Censure or reprimand of the member of the board;
(3) To the extent applicable, file criminal charges against the board member; or
(4) Recommend removal of the board member.
Formal hearings shall be open to the public and shall comply with all state and federal open meetings and open records laws.
(g) Actions of the commission. If the Ethics Commission finds the board member has:
(1) Breached the confidentiality of privileged information, including statements made in an executive session of the board;
(2) Violated local, state, or federal laws, policies, rules, and regulations regarding fraud and fraudulent activities;
(3) Engaged in conflicts of interest;
(4) Used school system contacts and privileges to promote partisan politics or sectarian religious views;
(5) Voted on or influenced in any way a decision or action by the board or a school system employee that directly affects the board member or any of his or her relatives;
(6) Discussed or otherwise communicated with vendors, individuals, or groups who are soliciting business from the school system regarding the subject of the solicitation or any matter related to the solicitation once the solicitation is issued by the school system and until such time as the board has rendered a decision on the solicitation; or
(7) Consistently, intentionally, and willfully violated the procedures, norms, rules, or regulations regarding the prohibition against involvement in the day-to-day operation of the school system,
then the Ethics Commission must find that the board member should be removed from office.
(h) Notice; rejection or modification of the commission's action. The Ethics Commission will notify the board and board member of its action by sending a certified letter to the chairperson of the board and the board member who is the subject of the investigation. Within 30 days of receipt of the notice from the commission, the board may reject or modify the action of the commission, but only by a three-fourths' vote of the board.
(i) Suspension and removal of member. If the Ethics Commission finds that the board member should be removed from office, then the board member is automatically and immediately suspended from the board. If the board accepts, by majority vote, the findings of the Ethics Commission or if, after the 30 day period specified in subsection (h) of this section, the board has not rejected the findings of the Ethics Commission that the board member should be removed from office, the board member is automatically and immediately removed from the board.
(j) Appeals. Any board member sought to be removed from office as provided in this section shall have the right of appeal from the decision of the board to the Superior Court of DeKalb County. Such appeal shall be governed by the same rules as govern appeals to the superior court from the probate court.
(k) Indictment. Upon indictment of a board member for a felony by a grand jury of this state or by the United States that relates to the performance or activities of the office of board member, the Ethics Commission shall be authorized to conduct an investigation and a hearing in accordance with this section. If the Ethics Commission determines that the indictment relates to and adversely affects the administration of the office of the indicted board member and that the rights and interests of the public are adversely affected thereby, the Ethics Commission shall recommend that the board suspend the board member immediately and without further action pending the final disposition of the case or until the expiration of the board member's term of office, whichever occurs first. During the term of office to which such board member was elected and in which the indictment occurred, if a nolle prosequi is entered, if the board member is acquitted, or if after conviction the conviction is later overturned as a result of any direct appeal or application for a writ of certiorari, the board member shall be immediately reinstated. While a board member is suspended under this subsection and until initial conviction by the trial court, the board member shall continue to receive the compensation from such office. After initial conviction by the trial court, the board member shall not be entitled to receive the compensation from such office. If the board member is reinstated to office, he or she shall be entitled to receive any compensation withheld under the provisions of this subsection. For the duration of any suspension under this subsection, the board shall appoint a replacement member. Upon a final conviction with no appeal or review pending, the office shall be declared vacant and a successor to that office shall be chosen as provided by law. After any suspension is imposed under this subsection, the suspended board member may petition the board for a review. The board may direct the Ethics Commission to review the suspension. The commission shall make a written report within 14 days. If the commission recommends that the board member be reinstated, the board member shall immediately be reinstated to office by the board. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any indictment handed down prior to July 1, 2011.
(l) Civil recovery. The Board of Education shall take appropriate legal action to recover the value of anything received by any person or persons in violation of the standards established by this Act, the code of ethics, or applicable state or federal law, as determined by the Ethics Commission. A taxpayer, pursuant to applicable law, may take such legal action after a written demand to the board to bring such action and failure of the board to initiate the action within 60 days after receipt of the demand.
(m) Official's liability. No member of the Ethics Commission or any person acting on behalf of the Ethics Commission, operating within the course and scope of this section, shall be liable to any person for any damages arising out of such action.
(n) Safe harbor. Notwithstanding anything in this Act to the contrary, a board member may not be found in violation of the provisions of this Act if:
(1) The board member, prior to engaging in the conduct, completely disclosed the existence of the issue or matter to the board at a public meeting;
(2) The board member sought and received a public legal opinion from the legal department; and
(3) The board member acted in reliance on that legal opinion.
However, a board member shall nonetheless be subject to an adverse finding upon a determination that the disclosure to the board was not sufficiently complete or was materially false or misleading. Additionally, citizens who report alleged violations in good faith shall not be subject to any reprisal by the individual board member or the board as a whole.

Removal or suspension of board members.

(a) Pursuant to the provisions in this Act, a member of the board shall be subject to suspension or removal from office for any of the following causes:
(1) Incompetence, misfeasance, or malfeasance in office;
(2) Failure at any time to possess any of the qualifications of office as provided by law;
(3) Violation of Section 2, 3, or 4 of this Act, relating to conflicts of interest, disclosures, and use of public property, respectively;
(4) Violation of the oath of office provided in Section 10 of this Act;
(5) Abandonment of office or neglect to perform the duties of office; or
(6) Failure for any other cause to perform the duties of office as required by the provisions in this Act or by law.
(b) Removal or suspension of a board member pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be accomplished as provided in this subsection. In the event a member of the board is sought to be removed or suspended by the board, the board will refer the matter to the Ethics Commission stating the basis for removing the board member. The Ethics Commission shall notify the board member and conduct a hearing as specified in subsection (f) of Section 7 of this Act.

Whistleblower protection.

(a) The board or school system shall not discharge, threaten, or otherwise discriminate against a complainant or an employee or official acting on behalf of a complainant regarding compensation, terms, conditions, location, or privileges of employment because:
(1) The complainant or employee or official acting on behalf of the complainant reports or is about to report, verbally or in writing, a violation or a suspected violation of this Act, the code of ethics, or other applicable state or federal law; or
(2) A complainant or employee or official acting on behalf of the complainant is requested by the Ethics Commission to participate in an investigation, hearing, or inquiry held by the Ethics Commission or any related court action;
provided, however, that this section shall not apply to a complainant or an employee or official acting on behalf of a complainant who knowingly makes a false report.
(b) Nothing in this section shall limit or prohibit the school system from taking disciplinary action against a whistleblower as a result of the whistleblower's misconduct that may be revealed, discovered, or uncovered as a result of a report or an attempted report of an ethics violation.

Code of ethics oath.

At the first regular meeting of the board in January following each regular election, each board member will read and sign the following code of ethics:
"As a member of the DeKalb County Board of Education, I will strive to improve public education, and to that end I will:
(1) Make decisions based on what is best for students in all cases;
(2) Recognize that authority rests with the board as a whole and make no personal promises or take any independent action that might compromise the board as a whole;
(3) Maintain honest, equitable, and professional relationships with fellow board members;
(4) Observe local, state, and federal laws, policies, rules, and regulations;
(5) Base my decisions upon all available facts, vote my convictions in every case, remain unswayed by bias of any kind, and uphold the majority decision of the board once a decision is made;
(6) Vote in accordance with what is best for the district as a whole;
(7) Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information, including statements made in any executive session of the board;
(8) Focus on the board's role of policymaking and evaluation and not become involved in the day-to-day operations of the school system;
(9) Support cooperation between the school system and the community;
(10) Refer complaints, comments, and criticism to the superintendent and not to other staff unless otherwise provided by law;
(11) Support school system staff in the proper performance of their duties;
(12) Communicate the reaction of the community and other key stakeholders to board policies to other board members and the superintendent;
(13) Disclose by December 31 of each year through a written report to be maintained by the board for public inspection the source, nature, and amount of any income or other item of value received by me or any immediate relative, directly or indirectly, from the school system itself, any employee of the school system, or any entity doing or seeking to do business with the school system;
(14) Provide full documentation in the form of receipts or other evidence of payment in accordance with accepted accounting practices or a daily mileage log for any expense for which reimbursement is requested from the school system; and
(15) Ensure that my behavior, as a reflection on the school system, is above reproach at all times.
Furthermore, I understand that I will be removed from the board if the Ethics Commission finds that I have:
(1) Breached the confidentiality of privileged information, including statements made in an executive session of the board;
(2) Violated local, state, and federal laws, policies, rules, and regulations regarding fraud and fraudulent activities;
(3) Become engaged in conflicts of interest;
(4) Used school system contacts and privileges to promote partisan politics or sectarian religious views;
(5) Voted on or influenced in any way a decision or action by the board or a school system employee that directly affects me or any of my relatives;
(6) Discussed or otherwise communicated with vendors, individuals, or groups who are soliciting business from the school system regarding the subject of the solicitation or any matter related to the solicitation once the solicitation is issued by the school system and until such time as the board has rendered a decision on the solicitation; or
(7) Consistently, intentionally, and willfully violated the procedures, norms, rules, or regulations regarding the prohibition against involvement in the day-to-day operation of the school system.
For the purposes of this statement, the term 'relative' is as defined in Section 1 of the Act establishing the Ethics Commission for the DeKalb County Board of Education.
Member signature: ______________________
Date: ____________________".

An Act establishing in DeKalb County districts from which the members of the county board of education shall be elected, approved April 12, 1963 (Ga. L. 1963, p. 3424), as amended, particularly by an Act approved January 28, 1982 (Ga. L. 1982, p. 3797), is amended by striking Section 4 in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof a new Section 4 to read as follows:
The board of education established herein shall consist of a member from each of the school board districts and posts created by Section 1 of this Act. Each member of the board of education shall be elected by the qualified voters of DeKalb County residing within the respective school board district. Each candidate for membership on said board shall have been a resident of the school board district which the candidate offers to represent for at least one year as of the date of taking office. No person shall be eligible to be a candidate for the board who has been convicted of a felony or who has been convicted of a misdemeanor in the past ten years from the date of the election. Any member of said board shall immediately be disqualified to continue serving as a member of said board if such member ceases to be a resident of the member's respective school board district, if the member qualifies as a candidate for any other federal, state, or county elective office, or if the member is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. A candidate for election to said board shall designate the school board district and the post, when applicable, for which the candidate is offering for election."

This Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law without such approval.

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.