Bill Text: FL S1756 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Succession to Office of Governor, Auditing, and Government Efficiency
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-28 - Filed [S1756 Detail]
Download: Florida-2025-S1756-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2025 SJR 1756 By Senator Fine 19-01053A-25 20251756__ 1 Senate Joint Resolution 2 A joint resolution proposing the repeal of Section 2 3 of Article IV of the State Constitution, relating to 4 the creation of the office of Lieutenant Governor; the 5 repeal of subsection (i) of Section 19 of Article III 6 of the State Constitution, relating to the creation of 7 the Government Efficiency Task Force; amendments to 8 Section 2 of Article II, Sections 2 and 17 of Article 9 III, Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Article IV, Section 4 10 of Article VI of the State Constitution; and the 11 creation of a new section in Article XII of the State 12 Constitution to revise provisions relating to auditing 13 and government efficiency, create the office of the 14 Commissioner of Government Efficiency as a Cabinet 15 officer, revise provisions relating to succession to 16 the office of Governor if there is a vacancy or in the 17 case of impeachment or incapacity, and to submit to 18 the electorate, during a specified election year, a 19 ballot question regarding whether to repeal the office 20 of the Commissioner of Government Efficiency. 21 22 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 23 24 That the following repeal of Section 2 of Article IV and 25 subsection (i) of Section 19 of Article III of the State 26 Constitution; amendments to Section 2 of Article II, Sections 2 27 and 17 of Article III, Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Article IV, 28 Section 4 of Article VI of the State Constitution; and creation 29 of a new section in Article XII of the State Constitution are 30 agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors of this state 31 for approval or rejection at the next general election or at an 32 earlier special election specifically authorized by law for that 33 purpose: 34 ARTICLE II 35 GENERAL PROVISIONS 36 SECTION 2. Seat of government.—The seat of government shall 37 be the City of Tallahassee, in Leon County, where the offices of 38 the governor,lieutenant governor,cabinet members, and the 39 supreme court shall be maintained and the sessions of the 40 legislature shall be held; provided that, in time of invasion or 41 grave emergency, the governor by proclamation may for the period 42 of the emergency transfer the seat of government to another 43 place. 44 ARTICLE III 45 LEGISLATURE 46 SECTION 2. Members; officers.—Each house shall be the sole 47 judge of the qualifications, elections, and returns of its 48 members, and shall biennially choose its officers, including a 49 permanent presiding officer selected from its membership, who 50 shall be designated in the senate as President of the Senate, 51 and in the house as Speaker of the House of Representatives. The 52 senate shall designate a Secretary to serve at its pleasure, and 53 the house of representatives shall designate a Clerk to serve at 54 its pleasure.The legislature shall appoint an auditor to serve55at its pleasure who shall audit public records and perform56related duties as prescribed by law or concurrent resolution.57 SECTION 17. Impeachment.— 58 (a) The governor,lieutenant governor,members of the 59 cabinet, justices of the supreme court, judges of district 60 courts of appeal, judges of circuit courts, and judges of county 61 courts shall be liable to impeachment for misdemeanor in office. 62 The house of representatives by two-thirds vote shall have the 63 power to impeach an officer. The speaker of the house of 64 representatives shall have power at any time to appoint a 65 committee to investigate charges against any officer subject to 66 impeachment. 67 (b) An officer impeached by the house of representatives 68 shall be disqualified from performing any official duties until 69 acquitted by the senate, and, unless impeached, the governor may 70 by appointment fill the office until completion of the trial. 71 (c) All impeachments by the house of representatives shall 72 be tried by the senate. The chief justice of the supreme court, 73 or another justice designated by the chief justice, shall 74 preside at the trial, except in a trial of the chief justice, in 75 which case the governor shall preside. The senate shall 76 determine the time for the trial of any impeachment and may sit 77 for the trial whether the house of representatives be in session 78 or not. The time fixed for trial shall not be more than six 79 months after the impeachment. During an impeachment trial 80 senators shall be upon their oath or affirmation. No officer 81 shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the 82 members of the senate present. Judgment of conviction in cases 83 of impeachment shall remove the offender from office and, in the 84 discretion of the senate, may include disqualification to hold 85 any office of honor, trust or profit. Conviction or acquittal 86 shall not affect the civil or criminal responsibility of the 87 officer. 88 SECTION 19. State Budgeting, Planning and Appropriations 89 Processes.— 90 (a) ANNUAL BUDGETING. 91 (1) General law shall prescribe the adoption of annual 92 state budgetary and planning processes and require that detail 93 reflecting the annualized costs of the state budget and 94 reflecting the nonrecurring costs of the budget requests shall 95 accompany state department and agency legislative budget 96 requests, the governor’s recommended budget, and appropriation 97 bills. 98 (2) Unless approved by a three-fifths vote of the 99 membership of each house, appropriations made for recurring 100 purposes from nonrecurring general revenue funds for any fiscal 101 year shall not exceed three percent of the total general revenue 102 funds estimated to be available at the time such appropriation 103 is made. 104 (3) As prescribed by general law, each state department and 105 agency shall be required to submit a legislative budget request 106 that is based upon and that reflects the long-range financial 107 outlook adopted by the joint legislative budget commission or 108 that specifically explains any variance from the long-range 109 financial outlook contained in the request. 110 (4) For purposes of this section, the terms department and 111 agency shall include the judicial branch. 112 (b) APPROPRIATION BILLS FORMAT. Separate sections within 113 the general appropriation bill shall be used for each major 114 program area of the state budget; major program areas shall 115 include: education enhancement “lottery” trust fund items; 116 education (all other funds); human services; criminal justice 117 and corrections; natural resources, environment, growth 118 management, and transportation; general government; and judicial 119 branch. Each major program area shall include an itemization of 120 expenditures for: state operations; state capital outlay; aid to 121 local governments and nonprofit organizations operations; aid to 122 local governments and nonprofit organizations capital outlay; 123 federal funds and the associated state matching funds; spending 124 authorizations for operations; and spending authorizations for 125 capital outlay. Additionally, appropriation bills passed by the 126 legislature shall include an itemization of specific 127 appropriations that exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) 128 in 1992 dollars. For purposes of this subsection, “specific 129 appropriation,” “itemization,” and “major program area” shall be 130 defined by law. This itemization threshold shall be adjusted by 131 general law every four years to reflect the rate of inflation or 132 deflation as indicated in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban 133 Consumers, U.S. City Average, All Items, or successor reports as 134 reported by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of 135 Labor Statistics or its successor. Substantive bills containing 136 appropriations shall also be subject to the itemization 137 requirement mandated under this provision and shall be subject 138 to the governor’s specific appropriation veto power described in 139 Article III, Section 8. 140 (c) APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS. 141 (1) No later than September 15 of each year, the joint 142 legislative budget commission shall issue a long-range financial 143 outlook setting out recommended fiscal strategies for the state 144 and its departments and agencies in order to assist the 145 legislature in making budget decisions. The long-range financial 146 outlook must include major workload and revenue estimates. In 147 order to implement this paragraph, the joint legislative budget 148 commission shall use current official consensus estimates and 149 may request the development of additional official estimates. 150 (2) The joint legislative budget commission shall seek 151 input from the public and from the executive and judicial 152 branches when developing and recommending the long-range 153 financial outlook. 154 (3) The legislature shall prescribe by general law 155 conditions under which limited adjustments to the budget, as 156 recommended by the governor or the chief justice of the supreme 157 court, may be approved without the concurrence of the full 158 legislature. 159 (d) SEVENTY-TWO HOUR PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD. All general 160 appropriation bills shall be furnished to each member of the 161 legislature, each member of the cabinet, the governor, and the 162 chief justice of the supreme court at least seventy-two hours 163 before final passage by either house of the legislature of the 164 bill in the form that will be presented to the governor. 165 (e) FINAL BUDGET REPORT. A final budget report shall be 166 prepared as prescribed by general law. The final budget report 167 shall be produced no later than the 120th day after the 168 beginning of the fiscal year, and copies of the report shall be 169 furnished to each member of the legislature, the head of each 170 department and agency of the state, the auditor general, and the 171 chief justice of the supreme court. 172 (f) TRUST FUNDS. 173 (1) No trust fund of the State of Florida or other public 174 body may be created or re-created by law without a three-fifths 175 vote of the membership of each house of the legislature in a 176 separate bill for that purpose only. 177 (2) State trust funds shall terminate not more than four 178 years after the effective date of the act authorizing the 179 initial creation of the trust fund. By law the legislature may 180 set a shorter time period for which any trust fund is 181 authorized. 182 (3) Trust funds required by federal programs or mandates; 183 trust funds established for bond covenants, indentures, or 184 resolutions, whose revenues are legally pledged by the state or 185 public body to meet debt service or other financial requirements 186 of any debt obligations of the state or any public body; the 187 state transportation trust fund; the trust fund containing the 188 net annual proceeds from the Florida Education Lotteries; the 189 Florida retirement trust fund; trust funds for institutions 190 under the management of the Board of Governors, where such trust 191 funds are for auxiliary enterprises and contracts, grants, and 192 donations, as those terms are defined by general law; trust 193 funds that serve as clearing funds or accounts for the chief 194 financial officer or state agencies; trust funds that account 195 for assets held by the state in a trustee capacity as an agent 196 or fiduciary for individuals, private organizations, or other 197 governmental units; and other trust funds authorized by this 198 Constitution, are not subject to the requirements set forth in 199 paragraph (2) of this subsection. 200 (4) All cash balances and income of any trust funds 201 abolished under this subsection shall be deposited into the 202 general revenue fund. 203 (g) BUDGET STABILIZATION FUND. Subject to the provisions 204 of this subsection, an amount equal to at least 5% of the last 205 completed fiscal year’s net revenue collections for the general 206 revenue fund shall be retained in the budget stabilization fund. 207 The budget stabilization fund’s principal balance shall not 208 exceed an amount equal to 10% of the last completed fiscal 209 year’s net revenue collections for the general revenue fund. The 210 legislature shall provide criteria for withdrawing funds from 211 the budget stabilization fund in a separate bill for that 212 purpose only and only for the purpose of covering revenue 213 shortfalls of the general revenue fund or for the purpose of 214 providing funding for an emergency, as defined by general law. 215 General law shall provide for the restoration of this fund. The 216 budget stabilization fund shall be comprised of funds not 217 otherwise obligated or committed for any purpose. 218 (h) LONG-RANGE STATE PLANNING DOCUMENT AND DEPARTMENT AND 219 AGENCY PLANNING DOCUMENT PROCESSES. General law shall provide 220 for a long-range state planning document. The governor shall 221 recommend to the legislature biennially any revisions to the 222 long-range state planning document, as defined by law. General 223 law shall require a biennial review and revision of the long 224 range state planning document and shall require all departments 225 and agencies of state government to develop planning documents 226 that identify statewide strategic goals and objectives, 227 consistent with the long-range state planning document. The 228 long-range state planning document and department and agency 229 planning documents shall remain subject to review and revision 230 by the legislature. The long-range state planning document must 231 include projections of future needs and resources of the state 232 which are consistent with the long-range financial outlook. The 233 department and agency planning documents shall include a 234 prioritized listing of planned expenditures for review and 235 possible reduction in the event of revenue shortfalls, as 236 defined by general law. 237(i)GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY TASK FORCE.No later than238January of 2007, and each fourth year thereafter, the president239of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, and240the governor shall appoint a government efficiency task force,241the membership of which shall be established by general law. The242task force shall be composed of members of the legislature and243representatives from the private and public sectors who shall244develop recommendations for improving governmental operations245and reducing costs. Staff to assist the task force in performing246its duties shall be assigned by general law, and the task force247may obtain assistance from the private sector. The task force248shall complete its work within one year and shall submit its249recommendations to the joint legislative budget commission, the250governor, and the chief justice of the supreme court.251 (i)(j)JOINT LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMISSION. There is 252 created within the legislature the joint legislative budget 253 commission composed of equal numbers of senate members appointed 254 by the president of the senate and house members appointed by 255 the speaker of the house of representatives. Each member shall 256 serve at the pleasure of the officer who appointed the member. A 257 vacancy on the commission shall be filled in the same manner as 258 the original appointment. From November of each odd-numbered 259 year through October of each even-numbered year, the chairperson 260 of the joint legislative budget commission shall be appointed by 261 the president of the senate and the vice chairperson of the 262 commission shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of 263 representatives. From November of each even-numbered year 264 through October of each odd-numbered year, the chairperson of 265 the joint legislative budget commission shall be appointed by 266 the speaker of the house of representatives and the vice 267 chairperson of the commission shall be appointed by the 268 president of the senate. The joint legislative budget commission 269 shall be governed by the joint rules of the senate and the house 270 of representatives, which shall remain in effect until repealed 271 or amended by concurrent resolution. The commission shall 272 convene at least quarterly and shall convene at the call of the 273 president of the senate and the speaker of the house of 274 representatives. A majority of the commission members of each 275 house plus one additional member from either house constitutes a 276 quorum. Action by the commission requires a majority vote of the 277 commission members present of each house. The commission may 278 conduct its meetings through teleconferences or similar means. 279 In addition to the powers and duties specified in this 280 subsection, the joint legislative budget commission shall 281 exercise all other powers and perform any other duties not in 282 conflict with paragraph (c)(3) and as prescribed by general law 283 or joint rule. 284 ARTICLE IV 285 EXECUTIVE 286SECTION 2.Lieutenant governor.—There shall be a lieutenant287governor, who shall perform such duties pertaining to the office288of governor as shall be assigned by the governor, except when289otherwise provided by law, and such other duties as may be290prescribed by law.291 SECTION 3. Succession to office of governor; acting 292 governor.— 293 (a)Upon vacancy in the office of governor, the lieutenant294governor shall become governor. FurtherSuccession to the office 295 of governor shall be prescribed by law when there is a vacancy 296 in the office of governor. A successor shall serve for the 297 remainder of the term. 298 (b) Upon impeachment of the governor and until completion 299 of trial thereof, or during the governor’s physical or mental 300 incapacity, general law shall prescribe whothe lieutenant301governorshall act as governor. Further succession as acting 302 governor mayshallbe prescribed by law. Incapacity to serve as 303 governor may be determined by the supreme court upon due notice 304 after docketing of a written suggestion thereof by three cabinet 305 members, and in such case restoration of capacity shall be 306 similarly determined after docketing of written suggestion 307 thereof by the governor, the legislature or three cabinet 308 members. Incapacity to serve as governor may also be established 309 by certificate filed with the custodian of state records by the 310 governor declaring incapacity for physical reasons to serve as 311 governor, and in such case restoration of capacity shall be 312 similarly established. 313 SECTION 4. Cabinet.— 314 (a) There shall be a cabinet composed of an attorney 315 general, a chief financial officer,anda commissioner of 316 agriculture, and a commissioner of government efficiency. In 317 addition to the powers and duties specified herein, they shall 318 exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be 319 prescribed by law.In the event of a tie vote of the governor320and cabinet, the side on which the governor voted shall be321deemed to prevail.322 (b) The attorney general shall be the chief state legal 323 officer. There is created in the office of the attorney general 324 the position of statewide prosecutor. The statewide prosecutor 325 shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the state attorneys to 326 prosecute violations of criminal laws occurring or having 327 occurred, in two or more judicial circuits as part of a related 328 transaction, or when any such offense is affecting or has 329 affected two or more judicial circuits as provided by general 330 law. The statewide prosecutor shall be appointed by the attorney 331 general from not less than three persons nominated by the 332 judicial nominating commission for the supreme court, or as 333 otherwise provided by general law. 334 (c) The chief financial officer shall serve as the chief 335 fiscal officer of the state, and shall settle and approve 336 accounts against the state, and shall keep all state funds and 337 securities. 338 (d) The commissioner of agriculture shall have supervision 339 of matters pertaining to agriculture except as otherwise 340 provided by law. 341 (e) The commissioner of government efficiency shall have 342 the power to audit, investigate, and report on fraud, waste, and 343 abuse exclusively within the executive branch of state 344 government and within counties, municipalities, and special 345 districts as provided by law. 346 (f)(e)The governor as chair, the chief financial officer, 347andthe attorney general, and the commissioner of government 348 efficiency shall constitute the state board of administration, 349 which shall succeed to all the power, control, and authority of 350 the state board of administration established pursuant to 351 Article IX, Section 16 of the Constitution of 1885, and which 352 shall continue as a body at least for the life of Article XII, 353 Section 9(c). 354 (g)(f)The governor as chair, the chief financial officer, 355 the attorney general,andthe commissioner of agriculture, and 356 the commissioner of government efficiency shall constitute the 357 trustees of the internal improvement trust fund and the land 358 acquisition trust fund as provided by law. 359 (h)(g)The governor as chair, the chief financial officer, 360 the attorney general,andthe commissioner of agriculture, and 361 the commissioner of government efficiency shall constitute the 362 agency head of the Department of Law Enforcement. The Office of 363 Domestic Security and Counterterrorism is created within the 364 Department of Law Enforcement. The Office of Domestic Security 365 and Counterterrorism shall provide support for prosecutors and 366 federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies that 367 investigate or analyze information relating to attempts or acts 368 of terrorism or that prosecute terrorism, and shall perform any 369 other duties that are provided by law. 370 SECTION 5. Election of governor, lieutenant governorand 371 cabinet members; qualifications; terms.— 372 (a) At a state-wide general election in each calendar year 373 the number of which is even but not a multiple of four, the 374 electors shall choose a governorand a lieutenant governorand 375 members of the cabinet each for a term of four years beginning 376 on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of the 377 succeeding year.In primary elections, candidates for the office378of governor may choose to run without a lieutenant governor379candidate. In the general election, all candidates for the380offices of governor and lieutenant governor shall form joint381candidacies in a manner prescribed by law so that each voter382shall cast a single vote for a candidate for governor and a383candidate for lieutenant governor running together.384 (b) When elected, the governor, lieutenant governorand 385 each cabinet member must be an elector not less than thirty 386 years of age who has resided in the state for the preceding 387 seven years. The attorney general must have been a member of the 388 bar of Florida for the preceding five years. No person who has, 389 or but for resignation would have, served as governor or acting 390 governor for more than six years in two consecutive terms shall 391 be elected governor for the succeeding term. 392 SECTION 6. Executive departments.—All functions of the 393 executive branch of state government shall be allotted among not 394 more than twenty-five departments, exclusive of those 395 specifically provided for or authorized in this constitution. 396 The administration of each department, unless otherwise provided 397 in this constitution, shall be placed by law under the direct 398 supervision of the governor,the lieutenant governor,the 399 governor and cabinet, a cabinet member, or an officer or board 400 appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the governor, 401 except: 402 (a) When provided by law, confirmation by the senate or the 403 approval of three members of the cabinet shall be required for 404 appointment to or removal from any designated statutory office. 405 (b) Boards authorized to grant and revoke licenses to 406 engage in regulated occupations shall be assigned to appropriate 407 departments and their members appointed for fixed terms, subject 408 to removal only for cause. 409 ARTICLE VI 410 SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS 411 SECTION 4. Disqualifications.— 412 (a) No person convicted of a felony, or adjudicated in this 413 or any other state to be mentally incompetent, shall be 414 qualified to vote or hold office until restoration of civil 415 rights or removal of disability. Except as provided in 416 subsection (b) of this section, any disqualification from voting 417 arising from a felony conviction shall terminate and voting 418 rights shall be restored upon completion of all terms of 419 sentence including parole or probation. 420 (b) No person convicted of murder or a felony sexual 421 offense shall be qualified to vote until restoration of civil 422 rights. 423 (c) No person may appear on the ballot for re-election to 424 any of the following offices: 425 (1) Florida representative, 426 (2) Florida senator, 427(3)Florida Lieutenant governor,428 (3)(4)any office of the Florida cabinet, 429 (4)(5)U.S. Representative from Florida, or 430 (5)(6)U.S. Senator from Florida 431 432 if, by the end of the current term of office, the person will 433 have served (or, but for resignation, would have served) in that 434 office for eight consecutive years. 435 ARTICLE XII 436 SCHEDULE 437 Implementation of amendments relating to the office of the 438 commissioner of government efficiency.— 439 (a) The amendments to Section 19 of Article III and Section 440 4 of Article IV and the creation of this section shall take 441 effect upon approval by the electors. 442 (b) Appointment to the office of the commissioner of 443 government efficiency is not subject to Section 1(f) of Article 444 IV, relating to the appointment of any vacancy in state or 445 county office, but the office shall remain vacant until 446 legislative appointment pursuant to subsection (c). 447 (c) No later than March 2, 2027, the president of the 448 senate and the speaker of the house of representatives shall 449 convene the legislature to appoint a person to the office of the 450 commissioner of government efficiency, who shall serve until 451 such time as a person is elected to the office at the 2028 452 general election. The person appointed to the office of the 453 commissioner of government efficiency may not seek election to 454 fill such office as described in subsection (e). The 455 commissioner shall be appointed by the legislature by concurrent 456 resolution. 457 (d) Following legislative appointment of a commissioner of 458 government efficiency pursuant to subsection (c), the office 459 becomes subject to Section 1(f) of Article IV. 460 (e) At the 2028 general election, the office of the 461 commissioner of government efficiency shall be filled by 462 election pursuant to subsection (c), and, beginning with the 463 2030 general election, the office of the commissioner of 464 government efficiency shall be filled by election pursuant to 465 Section 5(a) of Article IV. 466 (f) At the 2044 general election, the following question 467 shall be placed on the ballot: 468 469 ARTICLE IV, SECTION 4 470 REPEAL OF OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY.— 471 Shall the office of the commissioner of government efficiency be 472 repealed from the constitution? 473 474 If the repeal of the office of the commissioner of government 475 efficiency is approved by the electorate, the office shall be 476 repealed on December 31, 2046, and all references to the office 477 of the commissioner of government efficiency shall be removed 478 from the constitution. 479 480 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be 481 placed on the ballot: 482 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS 483 ARTICLE II, SECTION 2 484 ARTICLE III, SECTIONS 2, 17, AND 19 485 ARTICLE IV, SECTIONS 2, 3, 4, 5, AND 6 486 ARTICLE VI, SECTION 4 487 ARTICLE XII 488 CREATION OF OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY 489 AND REPEAL OF OFFICE OF LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR.—Proposing 490 amendments to the State Constitution to repeal the creation of 491 the office of Lieutenant Governor, the office of Legislative 492 Auditor, and the Government Efficiency Task Force, to create the 493 office of the Commissioner of Government Efficiency as a Cabinet 494 officer, and to revise provisions relating to government 495 efficiency and succession to the office of Governor if there is 496 a vacancy or in the case of impeachment or incapacity.