Bill Text: FL S1390 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced

Bill Title: Availability of Marijuana for Adult Use

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-26 - Filed [S1390 Detail]

Download: Florida-2025-S1390-Introduced.html
       Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1390
       By Senator Smith
       17-00875A-25                                          20251390__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to the availability of marijuana for
    3         adult use; amending s. 212.08, F.S.; revising the
    4         sales tax exemption for the sale of marijuana and
    5         marijuana delivery devices to apply only to purchases
    6         by qualified patients and caregivers; amending s.
    7         381.986, F.S.; revising definitions; revising
    8         background screening requirements for caregivers;
    9         revising provisions related to the licensure and
   10         functions of medical marijuana treatment centers
   11         (MMTCs); requiring the Department of Health to adopt
   12         by rule certain standards and procedures; requiring
   13         the department to adopt by rule a specified MMTC
   14         registration form; providing registration
   15         requirements; providing that a registration expires
   16         after a specified time; requiring an MMTC to obtain
   17         separate operating licenses to perform certain
   18         operations; specifying application requirements for
   19         MMTCs to obtain cultivation licenses and processing
   20         licenses; providing for the expiration of and renewal
   21         of such licenses; requiring an MMTC to obtain a
   22         facility permit before cultivating or processing
   23         marijuana at the facility; authorizing MMTCs licensed
   24         to cultivate or process marijuana to use contractors
   25         to assist with the cultivation and processing of
   26         marijuana but providing that the licensee is
   27         ultimately responsible for all operations relating to
   28         the cultivation and processing and for maintaining
   29         physical possession of the marijuana at all times;
   30         requiring work done by contractors to be performed at
   31         permitted facilities; requiring licensees using a
   32         contractor to register the contractor’s principals and
   33         employees; providing that such principals and
   34         employees may not begin participating in the
   35         operations until they have received an identification
   36         card from the department; providing for the
   37         destruction of certain marijuana byproducts within a
   38         specified timeframe after their production;
   39         authorizing MMTCs licensed to cultivate and process
   40         marijuana to sell marijuana at wholesale to other
   41         registered MMTCs only if certain conditions are met;
   42         prohibiting an MMTC from transporting or delivering
   43         marijuana outside of its property without a
   44         transportation license; providing requirements for the
   45         cultivation and processing of marijuana; deleting a
   46         requirement that each MMTC produce and make available
   47         for purchase at least one low-THC cannabis product;
   48         deleting certain tetrahydrocannabinol limits for
   49         edibles; requiring an MMTC that holds a license for
   50         processing to test marijuana before it is sold in
   51         addition to when it is dispensed; deleting obsolete
   52         language; revising packaging requirements for
   53         marijuana and edibles; providing application
   54         requirements for an MMTC to obtain a retail license;
   55         providing for the expiration and renewal of such
   56         license; requiring an MMTC to obtain a facility permit
   57         before selling, dispensing, or storing marijuana in a
   58         facility; requiring an MMTC to cease certain
   59         operations in a facility under certain circumstances;
   60         prohibiting a dispensing facility from repackaging or
   61         modifying marijuana that has already been packaged for
   62         sale; providing exceptions; authorizing a retail
   63         licensee to contract with an MMTC that has a
   64         transportation license to transport marijuana for the
   65         retail licensee under certain circumstances;
   66         prohibiting onsite consumption or administration of
   67         marijuana at a dispensing facility; revising
   68         requirements for the dispensing of marijuana by an
   69         MMTC licensed for retail; requiring an MMTC licensed
   70         for retail to include specified information on the
   71         label for marijuana or a marijuana delivery device
   72         dispensed to a qualified patient or caregiver;
   73         authorizing an MMTC to sell marijuana to an adult 21
   74         years of age or older under certain circumstances;
   75         requiring MMTC employees to verify the age of such
   76         buyers using specified methods; prohibiting an MMTC
   77         from requesting or storing any personal information of
   78         a buyer other than that needed to verify the buyer’s
   79         age; revising a provision prohibiting an MMTC from
   80         dispensing or selling specified products; revising
   81         safety and security requirements for MMTCs; providing
   82         application requirements for an MMTC to obtain a
   83         transportation license; prohibiting the transportation
   84         of marijuana on certain properties; requiring the
   85         transportation of marijuana only in vehicles owned or
   86         leased by a licensee or the licensee’s contractor and
   87         appropriately permitted by the department; providing a
   88         process and requirements for obtaining a vehicle
   89         permit; requiring MMTCs to designate a registered
   90         employee or contract employee as the driver for each
   91         permitted vehicle; requiring the designation to be
   92         displayed in the vehicle at all times; requiring that
   93         each permitted vehicle be GPS-monitored; providing for
   94         the expiration and cancellation of vehicle permits;
   95         specifying that a permitted vehicle transporting
   96         marijuana is subject to inspection and search without
   97         a search warrant by specified persons; authorizing an
   98         MMTC licensed to transport marijuana and marijuana
   99         delivery devices to deliver or contract for the
  100         delivery of marijuana and marijuana delivery devices
  101         to other MMTCs within this state, to qualified
  102         patients and caregivers within this state, and to
  103         adults 21 years of age or older within this state;
  104         specifying that a county or municipality may not
  105         prohibit deliveries of marijuana or marijuana delivery
  106         devices to qualified patients and caregivers within
  107         the county or municipality; requiring an MMTC
  108         delivering marijuana or a marijuana delivery device to
  109         a qualified patient or his or her caregiver to verify
  110         the identity of the qualified patient; requiring an
  111         MMTC or its contractor delivering marijuana to an
  112         adult 21 years of age or older to verify his or her
  113         age; providing requirements for such verification;
  114         requiring the department to adopt certain rules for
  115         the delivery of marijuana; authorizing MMTCs to use
  116         contractors to assist with the transportation of
  117         marijuana; specifying that an MMTC is responsible for
  118         a contractor’s actions and operations related to the
  119         transportation of marijuana; requiring an MMTC to know
  120         the location of all of its marijuana products at all
  121         times; requiring principals and employees of a
  122         contractor to register with the department and receive
  123         an MMTC employee identification card before
  124         participating in the operations of an MMTC; providing
  125         for the permitting of cultivation, processing,
  126         dispensing, and storage facilities; requiring the
  127         department to adopt by rule a facility permit
  128         application form; requiring the department to inspect
  129         a facility before issuing a permit; requiring the
  130         department to issue or deny a facility permit within a
  131         specified timeframe; providing for the expiration of
  132         facility permits; requiring the department to inspect
  133         a facility for compliance before the renewal of a
  134         facility permit; requiring an MMTC to cease applicable
  135         operations if a facility’s permit expires or is
  136         suspended or revoked until the department takes
  137         certain actions; requiring cultivation facilities and
  138         processing facilities to be insured with specified
  139         hazard and liability insurance; providing requirements
  140         for the location of cultivation facilities and
  141         processing facilities; preempting to the state all
  142         matters regarding the permitting and regulation of
  143         cultivation facilities and processing facilities;
  144         requiring dispensing facilities and storage facilities
  145         to be insured with specified hazard and liability
  146         insurance; providing requirements for the location of
  147         dispensing facilities and storage facilities;
  148         clarifying that the governing body of a county or a
  149         municipality may prohibit or limit the number of
  150         dispensing facilities located within its jurisdiction
  151         but may not prohibit a licensed retail MMTC or its
  152         permitted storage facility from being located in such
  153         county’s or municipality’s jurisdiction if the MMTC is
  154         delivering marijuana to qualified patients in that
  155         jurisdiction; prohibiting counties and municipalities
  156         from requiring, requesting, or accepting financial
  157         contributions or similar benefits from MMTCs, except
  158         for levying local business taxes; prohibiting the
  159         department from issuing a facility permit for a
  160         dispensing facility in a county or municipality that
  161         adopts a specified ordinance; authorizing a county or
  162         municipality to levy a local tax on a dispensing
  163         facility; providing that local ordinances may not
  164         result in or provide for certain outcomes; authorizing
  165         the department to adopt specified requirements by
  166         rule; requiring the department to adopt rules to
  167         administer the registration of certain MMTC
  168         principals, employees, and contractors; requiring an
  169         MMTC to apply to the department for the registration
  170         of certain persons before hiring or contracting with
  171         such persons; requiring the department to adopt by
  172         rule a registration form that includes specified
  173         information; requiring the department to register
  174         persons who satisfy specified conditions and issue
  175         them MMTC employee identification cards; providing
  176         requirements for the identification cards; requiring a
  177         registered person and the MMTC to update the
  178         department within a specified timeframe if certain
  179         information or the person’s employment status changes;
  180         authorizing the department to contract with vendors to
  181         issue MMTC employee identification cards; requiring
  182         the department to inspect an MMTC and its facilities
  183         upon receipt of a complaint and to inspect each
  184         permitted facility at least biennially; authorizing
  185         the department to conduct additional inspections of a
  186         facility under certain circumstances; revising
  187         administrative penalties; authorizing the department
  188         to suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew an MMTC’s
  189         registration, operating licenses, vehicle permits, or
  190         facility permits for violating certain provisions;
  191         requiring the department to refuse to renew an MMTC’s
  192         cultivation, processing, retail, or transportation
  193         license under certain circumstances; revising
  194         provisions related to criminal and civil penalties and
  195         fees to conform to changes made by the act; providing
  196         applicability; deleting obsolete language; creating s.
  197         381.990, F.S.; authorizing a person 21 years of age or
  198         older to purchase marijuana products, marijuana in a
  199         form for smoking, and marijuana delivery devices under
  200         certain circumstances; providing that such products be
  201         purchased from an MMTC licensed by the department for
  202         the retail sale of marijuana and registered with the
  203         Department of Business and Professional Regulation for
  204         sale of marijuana for adult use; providing for
  205         criminal penalties; authorizing a person 21 years of
  206         age or older to possess, use, transport, or transfer
  207         to another person 21 years of age or older marijuana
  208         products, marijuana in a form for smoking, and
  209         marijuana delivery devices under certain
  210         circumstances; providing limitations and criminal
  211         penalties; clarifying that a private property owner
  212         may restrict the smoking or vaping of marijuana on his
  213         or her property but a landlord may not prevent his or
  214         her tenants from possessing or using marijuana by
  215         other means; providing that certain provisions do not
  216         exempt a person from prosecution for a criminal
  217         offense related to impairment or intoxication
  218         resulting from the use of marijuana and do not relieve
  219         a person from any legal requirement to submit to
  220         certain tests to detect the presence of a controlled
  221         substance; requiring the Department of Agriculture and
  222         Consumer Services, by a specified date, to adopt rules
  223         regulating the cultivation of marijuana by members of
  224         the public for their private use, including the use of
  225         a specified model for cultivation; amending s. 893.13,
  226         F.S.; authorizing a person 21 years of age or older to
  227         deliver marijuana products to another person 21 years
  228         of age or older and to possess marijuana products in a
  229         specified amount under certain circumstances;
  230         providing criminal penalties for the delivery or
  231         possession of marijuana products by a person younger
  232         than 21 years of age under certain circumstances;
  233         creating s. 893.1352, F.S.; providing legislative
  234         intent; providing construction; providing for the
  235         retroactive applicability of s. 893.13, F.S.;
  236         requiring certain sentences for specified offenses;
  237         requiring sentence review hearings for individuals
  238         serving certain sentences for specified crimes, if
  239         requested; providing requirements for sentence review
  240         and resentencing; requiring the waiver of certain
  241         conviction-related fines, fees, and costs under
  242         certain circumstances; amending s. 893.147, F.S.;
  243         authorizing a person 21 years of age or older to
  244         possess, use, transport, or deliver, without
  245         consideration, a marijuana delivery device to another
  246         person 21 years of age or older; providing criminal
  247         penalties for the possession, use, transport, or
  248         delivery, without consideration, of a marijuana
  249         delivery device by a person younger than 21 years of
  250         age under certain circumstances; creating s. 943.0586,
  251         F.S.; defining terms; authorizing an individual
  252         convicted of certain crimes to petition the court for
  253         expunction of his or her criminal history record under
  254         specified circumstances; requiring such individual to
  255         first obtain a certificate of eligibility for
  256         expunction from the Department of Law Enforcement;
  257         requiring the Department of Law Enforcement to adopt
  258         rules establishing the procedures for applying for and
  259         issuing such certificates; requiring the Department of
  260         Law Enforcement to issue a certificate of eligibility
  261         for expunction under specified circumstances;
  262         providing that the certificate is valid for a
  263         specified timeframe; providing for reapplication for
  264         such certificate; providing requirements for the
  265         petition for expunction; providing criminal penalties;
  266         providing for the court’s authority over its own
  267         procedures, with an exception; requiring the court to
  268         order the expunction of a criminal history record
  269         under certain circumstances; clarifying that
  270         expunction of certain criminal history records does
  271         not affect eligibility for expunction of other
  272         criminal history records; providing requirements for
  273         processing expunction petitions and orders; providing
  274         that expunction orders that do not comply with
  275         specified provisions are not required to be acted on;
  276         providing a process to remedy any such noncompliance;
  277         providing that no cause of action may rise against any
  278         criminal justice agency for failure to act on such an
  279         expunction order during the noncompliance; providing
  280         that a person granted an expunction may lawfully deny
  281         or fail to acknowledge the underlying arrest or
  282         conviction, with exceptions; providing that a person
  283         may not be deemed to have committed perjury or
  284         otherwise held liable for giving a false statement if
  285         he or she fails to recite or acknowledge an expunged
  286         criminal history record; amending s. 893.15, F.S.;
  287         conforming a provision to changes made by the act;
  288         providing effective dates.
  290  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
  292         Section 1. Paragraph (l) of subsection (2) of section
  293  212.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  294         212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and
  295  storage tax; specified exemptions.—The sale at retail, the
  296  rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and the
  297  storage to be used or consumed in this state of the following
  298  are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed by this
  299  chapter.
  300         (2) EXEMPTIONS; MEDICAL.—
  301         (l) Marijuana and marijuana delivery devices, as defined in
  302  s. 381.986, are exempt from the taxes imposed under this chapter
  303  if they are purchased by a qualified patient or a caregiver, as
  304  those terms are defined in s. 381.986.
  305         Section 2. Paragraphs (e) through (i), (k), and (l) of
  306  subsection (1), paragraph (b) of subsection (3), paragraph (f)
  307  of subsection (4), paragraphs (a) and (f) of subsection (5),
  308  paragraph (b) of subsection (6), subsections (8) through (12),
  309  paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (f) of subsection (14), and
  310  subsection (17) of section 381.986, Florida Statutes, are
  311  amended to read:
  312         381.986 Medical use of marijuana.—
  313         (1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
  314         (e) “Edibles” means commercially produced food items made
  315  with marijuana oil, but no other form of marijuana, which that
  316  are produced and dispensed by a medical marijuana treatment
  317  center (MMTC).
  318         (f) “Low-THC cannabis” means a plant of the genus Cannabis,
  319  the dried flowers of which contain 0.8 percent or less of
  320  tetrahydrocannabinol and more than 10 percent of cannabidiol
  321  weight for weight; the seeds thereof; the resin extracted from
  322  any part of such plant; or any compound, manufacture, salt,
  323  derivative, mixture, or preparation of such plant or its seeds
  324  or resin which that is dispensed from an MMTC a medical
  325  marijuana treatment center.
  326         (g) “Marijuana” means all parts of any plant of the genus
  327  Cannabis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin
  328  extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound,
  329  manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the
  330  plant or its seeds or resin, including low-THC cannabis, which
  331  is are dispensed from an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment
  332  center for medical use by a qualified patient.
  333         (h) “Marijuana delivery device” means an object used,
  334  intended for use, or designed for use in preparing, storing,
  335  ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing marijuana into the
  336  human body, and which object is dispensed from an MMTC a medical
  337  marijuana treatment center for medical use by a qualified
  338  patient; however, such objects except that delivery devices
  339  intended solely for the medical use of marijuana by smoking need
  340  not be dispensed from an MMTC and a medical marijuana treatment
  341  center in order to qualify as marijuana delivery devices.
  342         (i) “Marijuana testing laboratory” means a facility
  343  certified by the department pursuant to s. 381.988 which that
  344  collects and analyzes marijuana samples from an MMTC a medical
  345  marijuana treatment center and has been certified by the
  346  department pursuant to s. 381.988.
  347         (k) “Medical use” means the acquisition, possession, use,
  348  delivery, transfer, or administration of marijuana authorized by
  349  a physician certification. The term does not include:
  350         1. Possession, use, or administration of marijuana that was
  351  not purchased or acquired from an MMTC a medical marijuana
  352  treatment center.
  353         2. Possession, use, or administration of marijuana in the
  354  form of commercially produced food items other than edibles or
  355  of marijuana seeds.
  356         3. Use or administration of any form or amount of marijuana
  357  in a manner that is inconsistent with the qualified physician’s
  358  directions or physician certification.
  359         4. Transfer of marijuana to a person other than the
  360  qualified patient for whom it was authorized or the qualified
  361  patient’s caregiver on behalf of the qualified patient.
  362         5. Use or administration of marijuana in the following
  363  locations:
  364         a. On any form of public transportation, except for low-THC
  365  cannabis not in a form for smoking.
  366         b. In any public place, except for low-THC cannabis not in
  367  a form for smoking.
  368         c. In a qualified patient’s place of employment, except
  369  when permitted by his or her employer.
  370         d. In a state correctional institution, as defined in s.
  371  944.02, or a correctional institution, as defined in s. 944.241.
  372         e. On the grounds of a preschool, primary school, or
  373  secondary school, except as provided in s. 1006.062.
  374         f. In a school bus, a vehicle, an aircraft, or a motorboat,
  375  except for low-THC cannabis not in a form for smoking.
  376         6. The smoking of marijuana in an enclosed indoor workplace
  377  as defined in s. 386.203(5).
  378         (l) “Physician certification” means a qualified physician’s
  379  authorization for a qualified patient to receive marijuana and a
  380  marijuana delivery device from an MMTC a medical marijuana
  381  treatment center.
  383         (b) A qualified physician may not be employed by, or have
  384  any direct or indirect economic interest in, an MMTC a medical
  385  marijuana treatment center or a marijuana testing laboratory.
  387         (f) A qualified physician may not issue a physician
  388  certification for more than three 70-day supply limits of
  389  marijuana or more than six 35-day supply limits of marijuana in
  390  a form for smoking. The department shall quantify by rule a
  391  daily dose amount with equivalent dose amounts for each
  392  allowable form of marijuana dispensed by an MMTC a medical
  393  marijuana treatment center. The department shall use the daily
  394  dose amount to calculate a 70-day supply.
  395         1. A qualified physician may request an exception to the
  396  daily dose amount limit, the 35-day supply limit of marijuana in
  397  a form for smoking, and the 4-ounce possession limit of
  398  marijuana in a form for smoking established in paragraph
  399  (14)(a). The request must shall be made electronically on a form
  400  adopted by the department in rule and must include, at a
  401  minimum:
  402         a. The qualified patient’s qualifying medical condition.
  403         b. The dosage and route of administration that was
  404  insufficient to provide relief to the qualified patient.
  405         c. A description of how the patient will benefit from an
  406  increased amount.
  407         d. The minimum daily dose amount of marijuana that would be
  408  sufficient for the treatment of the qualified patient’s
  409  qualifying medical condition.
  410         2. A qualified physician must provide the qualified
  411  patient’s records upon the request of the department.
  412         3. The department shall approve or disapprove the request
  413  within 14 days after receipt of the complete documentation
  414  required by this paragraph. The request is shall be deemed
  415  approved if the department fails to act within this time period.
  417         (a) The department shall create and maintain a secure,
  418  electronic, and online medical marijuana use registry for
  419  physicians, patients, and caregivers as provided under this
  420  section. The medical marijuana use registry must be accessible
  421  to law enforcement agencies, qualified physicians, and MMTCs
  422  medical marijuana treatment centers to verify the authorization
  423  of a qualified patient or a caregiver to possess marijuana or a
  424  marijuana delivery device and record the marijuana or marijuana
  425  delivery device dispensed. The medical marijuana use registry
  426  must also be accessible to practitioners licensed to prescribe
  427  prescription drugs to ensure proper care for patients before
  428  medications that may interact with the medical use of marijuana
  429  are prescribed. The medical marijuana use registry must prevent
  430  an active registration of a qualified patient by multiple
  431  physicians.
  432         (f) The department may revoke the registration of a
  433  qualified patient or caregiver who cultivates marijuana or who
  434  acquires, possesses, or delivers marijuana from any person or
  435  entity other than an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment center.
  436         (6) CAREGIVERS.—
  437         (b) A caregiver must:
  438         1. Not be a qualified physician and not be employed by or
  439  have an economic interest in an MMTC a medical marijuana
  440  treatment center or a marijuana testing laboratory.
  441         2. Be 21 years of age or older and a resident of this
  442  state.
  443         3. Agree in writing to assist with the qualified patient’s
  444  medical use of marijuana.
  445         4. Be registered in the medical marijuana use registry as a
  446  caregiver for no more than one qualified patient, except as
  447  provided in this paragraph.
  448         5. Successfully complete a caregiver certification course
  449  developed and administered by the department or its designee,
  450  which must be renewed biennially. The price of the course may
  451  not exceed $100.
  452         6. Pass a level 2 background screening pursuant to chapter
  453  435 subsection (9), unless the patient is a close relative of
  454  the caregiver. In addition to the disqualifying offenses
  455  specified in s. 435.04(2) and (3), a person may not serve as a
  456  caregiver if he or she has an arrest awaiting final disposition
  457  for; has been found guilty of, regardless of adjudication; or
  458  has entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to an offense
  459  under chapter 837, chapter 895, or chapter 896 or a similar law
  460  of another jurisdiction.
  462         (a) The department shall license medical marijuana
  463  treatment centers to ensure reasonable statewide accessibility
  464  and availability as necessary for qualified patients registered
  465  in the medical marijuana use registry and who are issued a
  466  physician certification under this section.
  467         1. As soon as practicable, but no later than July 3, 2017,
  468  the department shall license as a medical marijuana treatment
  469  center any entity that holds an active, unrestricted license to
  470  cultivate, process, transport, and dispense low-THC cannabis,
  471  medical cannabis, and cannabis delivery devices, under former s.
  472  381.986, Florida Statutes 2016, before July 1, 2017, and which
  473  meets the requirements of this section. In addition to the
  474  authority granted under this section, these entities are
  475  authorized to dispense low-THC cannabis, medical cannabis, and
  476  cannabis delivery devices ordered pursuant to former s. 381.986,
  477  Florida Statutes 2016, which were entered into the compassionate
  478  use registry before July 1, 2017, and are authorized to begin
  479  dispensing marijuana under this section on July 3, 2017. The
  480  department may grant variances from the representations made in
  481  such an entity’s original application for approval under former
  482  s. 381.986, Florida Statutes 2014, pursuant to paragraph (e).
  483         2. The department shall license as medical marijuana
  484  treatment centers 10 applicants that meet the requirements of
  485  this section, under the following parameters:
  486         a. As soon as practicable, but no later than August 1,
  487  2017, the department shall license any applicant whose
  488  application was reviewed, evaluated, and scored by the
  489  department and which was denied a dispensing organization
  490  license by the department under former s. 381.986, Florida
  491  Statutes 2014; which had one or more administrative or judicial
  492  challenges pending as of January 1, 2017, or had a final ranking
  493  within one point of the highest final ranking in its region
  494  under former s. 381.986, Florida Statutes 2014; which meets the
  495  requirements of this section; and which provides documentation
  496  to the department that it has the existing infrastructure and
  497  technical and technological ability to begin cultivating
  498  marijuana within 30 days after registration as a medical
  499  marijuana treatment center.
  500         b. As soon as practicable, the department shall license one
  501  applicant that is a recognized class member of Pigford v.
  502  Glickman, 185 F.R.D. 82 (D.D.C. 1999), or In Re Black Farmers
  503  Litig., 856 F. Supp. 2d 1 (D.D.C. 2011). An applicant licensed
  504  under this sub-subparagraph is exempt from the requirement of
  505  subparagraph (b)2. An applicant that applies for licensure under
  506  this sub-subparagraph, pays its initial application fee, is
  507  determined by the department through the application process to
  508  qualify as a recognized class member, and is not awarded a
  509  license under this sub-subparagraph may transfer its initial
  510  application fee to one subsequent opportunity to apply for
  511  licensure under subparagraph 4.
  512         c. As soon as practicable, but no later than October 3,
  513  2017, the department shall license applicants that meet the
  514  requirements of this section in sufficient numbers to result in
  515  10 total licenses issued under this subparagraph, while
  516  accounting for the number of licenses issued under sub
  517  subparagraphs a. and b.
  518         3. For up to two of the licenses issued under subparagraph
  519  2., the department shall give preference to applicants that
  520  demonstrate in their applications that they own one or more
  521  facilities that are, or were, used for the canning,
  522  concentrating, or otherwise processing of citrus fruit or citrus
  523  molasses and will use or convert the facility or facilities for
  524  the processing of marijuana.
  525         4. Within 6 months after the registration of 100,000 active
  526  qualified patients in the medical marijuana use registry, the
  527  department shall license four additional medical marijuana
  528  treatment centers that meet the requirements of this section.
  529  Thereafter, the department shall license four medical marijuana
  530  treatment centers within 6 months after the registration of each
  531  additional 100,000 active qualified patients in the medical
  532  marijuana use registry that meet the requirements of this
  533  section.
  534         (b) An applicant for licensure as a medical marijuana
  535  treatment center shall apply to the department on a form
  536  prescribed by the department and adopted in rule. The department
  537  shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54
  538  establishing a procedure for the issuance and biennial renewal
  539  of licenses, including initial application and biennial renewal
  540  fees sufficient to cover the costs of implementing and
  541  administering this section, and establishing supplemental
  542  licensure fees for payment beginning May 1, 2018, sufficient to
  543  cover the costs of administering ss. 381.989 and 1004.4351. The
  544  department shall identify applicants with strong diversity plans
  545  reflecting this state’s commitment to diversity and implement
  546  training programs and other educational programs to enable
  547  minority persons and minority business enterprises, as defined
  548  in s. 288.703, and veteran business enterprises, as defined in
  549  s. 295.187, to compete for medical marijuana treatment center
  550  licensure and contracts. Subject to the requirements in
  551  subparagraphs (a)2.-4., the department shall issue a license to
  552  an applicant if the applicant meets the requirements of this
  553  section and pays the initial application fee. The department
  554  shall renew the licensure of a medical marijuana treatment
  555  center biennially if the licensee meets the requirements of this
  556  section and pays the biennial renewal fee. However, the
  557  department may not renew the license of a medical marijuana
  558  treatment center that has not begun to cultivate, process, and
  559  dispense marijuana by the date that the medical marijuana
  560  treatment center is required to renew its license. An individual
  561  may not be an applicant, owner, officer, board member, or
  562  manager on more than one application for licensure as a medical
  563  marijuana treatment center. An individual or entity may not be
  564  awarded more than one license as a medical marijuana treatment
  565  center. An applicant for licensure as a medical marijuana
  566  treatment center must demonstrate:
  567         1. That, for the 5 consecutive years before submitting the
  568  application, the applicant has been registered to do business in
  569  the state.
  570         2. Possession of a valid certificate of registration issued
  571  by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant
  572  to s. 581.131.
  573         3. The technical and technological ability to cultivate and
  574  produce marijuana, including, but not limited to, low-THC
  575  cannabis.
  576         4. The ability to secure the premises, resources, and
  577  personnel necessary to operate as a medical marijuana treatment
  578  center.
  579         5. The ability to maintain accountability of all raw
  580  materials, finished products, and any byproducts to prevent
  581  diversion or unlawful access to or possession of these
  582  substances.
  583         6. An infrastructure reasonably located to dispense
  584  marijuana to registered qualified patients statewide or
  585  regionally as determined by the department.
  586         7. The financial ability to maintain operations for the
  587  duration of the 2-year approval cycle, including the provision
  588  of certified financial statements to the department.
  589         a. Upon approval, the applicant must post a $5 million
  590  performance bond issued by an authorized surety insurance
  591  company rated in one of the three highest rating categories by a
  592  nationally recognized rating service. However, a medical
  593  marijuana treatment center serving at least 1,000 qualified
  594  patients is only required to maintain a $2 million performance
  595  bond.
  596         b. In lieu of the performance bond required under sub
  597  subparagraph a., the applicant may provide an irrevocable letter
  598  of credit payable to the department or provide cash to the
  599  department. If provided with cash under this sub-subparagraph,
  600  the department shall deposit the cash in the Grants and
  601  Donations Trust Fund within the Department of Health, subject to
  602  the same conditions as the bond regarding requirements for the
  603  applicant to forfeit ownership of the funds. If the funds
  604  deposited under this sub-subparagraph generate interest, the
  605  amount of that interest shall be used by the department for the
  606  administration of this section.
  607         8. That all owners, officers, board members, and managers
  608  have passed a background screening pursuant to subsection (9).
  609         9. The employment of a medical director to supervise the
  610  activities of the medical marijuana treatment center.
  611         10. A diversity plan that promotes and ensures the
  612  involvement of minority persons and minority business
  613  enterprises, as defined in s. 288.703, or veteran business
  614  enterprises, as defined in s. 295.187, in ownership, management,
  615  and employment. An applicant for licensure renewal must show the
  616  effectiveness of the diversity plan by including the following
  617  with his or her application for renewal:
  618         a. Representation of minority persons and veterans in the
  619  medical marijuana treatment center’s workforce;
  620         b. Efforts to recruit minority persons and veterans for
  621  employment; and
  622         c. A record of contracts for services with minority
  623  business enterprises and veteran business enterprises.
  624         (c) A medical marijuana treatment center may not make a
  625  wholesale purchase of marijuana from, or a distribution of
  626  marijuana to, another medical marijuana treatment center, unless
  627  the medical marijuana treatment center seeking to make a
  628  wholesale purchase of marijuana submits proof of harvest failure
  629  to the department.
  630         (d)Department responsibilities.The department shall do
  631  all of the following:
  632         1. Adopt by rule all of the following:
  633         a. Operating standards for the cultivation, processing,
  634  packaging, and labeling of marijuana.
  635         b. Standards for the sale of marijuana.
  636         c. Procedures and requirements for all of the following:
  637         (I) The registration and registration renewal of MMTCs.
  638         (II) The issuance and renewal of cultivation, processing,
  639  retail, and transportation operating licenses.
  640         (III) The issuance and renewal of cultivation, processing,
  641  dispensing, and storage facility permits and vehicle permits.
  642         (IV) The registration of all principals, employees, and
  643  contractors of an MMTC who will participate in the operations of
  644  the MMTC.
  645         (V) The issuance of MMTC employee identification cards to
  646  registered principals, employees, and contractors of MMTCs.
  647         2. Establish, maintain, and control a computer software
  648  tracking system that traces marijuana from seed to sale and
  649  allows real-time, 24-hour access by the department to data from
  650  all MMTCs medical marijuana treatment centers and marijuana
  651  testing laboratories. The tracking system must allow for
  652  integration of other seed-to-sale systems and, at a minimum,
  653  include notification of when marijuana seeds are planted, when
  654  marijuana plants are harvested and destroyed, and when marijuana
  655  is transported, sold, stolen, diverted, or lost. Each MMTC
  656  medical marijuana treatment center shall use the seed-to-sale
  657  tracking system established by the department or integrate its
  658  own seed-to-sale tracking system with the seed-to-sale tracking
  659  system established by the department. Each MMTC medical
  660  marijuana treatment center may use its own seed-to-sale system
  661  until the department establishes a seed-to-sale tracking system.
  662  The department may contract with a vendor to establish the seed
  663  to-sale tracking system. The vendor selected by the department
  664  may not have a contractual relationship with the department to
  665  perform any services pursuant to this section other than the
  666  seed-to-sale tracking system. The vendor may not have a direct
  667  or indirect financial interest in an MMTC a medical marijuana
  668  treatment center or a marijuana testing laboratory.
  669         (b) Registration.
  670         1. The department shall adopt by rule an MMTC registration
  671  form that, at a minimum, requires all of the following:
  672         a.The applicant’s full legal name.
  673         b.The physical address of each location where the
  674  applicant will apply for a facility permit to cultivate,
  675  process, dispense, or store marijuana.
  676         c.The name, address, and date of birth of each of the
  677  applicant’s principals.
  678         d.The name, address, and date of birth of each of the
  679  applicant’s current employees and contractors who will
  680  participate in the operations of the MMTC.
  681         e.The operation or operations in which the applicant
  682  intends to engage, which may include one or more of the
  683  following:
  684         (I)Cultivation.
  685         (II)Processing.
  686         (III)Retail sales.
  687         (IV) Transportation.
  688         2.To be registered as an MMTC, an applicant must submit
  689  all of the following to the department:
  690         a.The applicant’s completed registration form.
  691         b.Personnel registration forms, as described in subsection
  692  (9), for all principals, employees, and contractors listed on
  693  the applicant’s registration form who will participate in the
  694  operations of the MMTC. The department may not register the
  695  applicant as an MMTC until all principals, employees, and
  696  contractors listed on the applicant’s registration form have
  697  registered with the department and are issued MMTC employee
  698  identification cards.
  699         c.Proof that all principals listed on the applicant’s
  700  registration form who will participate in the operations of the
  701  MMTC have passed a level 2 background screening within the
  702  previous year pursuant to chapter 435.
  703         d. Proof that the MMTC has the capability to comply with
  704  seed-to-sale tracking system requirements.
  705         e.Proof of the applicant’s financial ability to maintain
  706  operations for the duration of the registration.
  707         f.A $500,000 performance and compliance bond, or a $1
  708  million performance and compliance bond if the MMTC intends to
  709  cultivate or process marijuana, which will be forfeited if the
  710  MMTC fails to comply with:
  711         (I) Registration requirements in this paragraph during the
  712  registration period; or
  713         (II) Material requirements of this section which are
  714  applicable to the functions the applicant intends to perform, as
  715  indicated on the registration form.
  716         3. A registration expires 2 years after the date it is
  717  issued.
  718         4.In addition to obtaining registration pursuant to this
  719  paragraph, an MMTC must obtain an operating license for each
  720  operation it will perform as provided in paragraph (c),
  721  paragraph (d), or paragraph (f), as applicable.
  722         (c) Cultivation licenses and processing licenses.
  723         1.A registered MMTC may apply for a cultivation license or
  724  a processing license. When applying, the MMTC must provide the
  725  department with, at a minimum, all of the following:
  726         a. A completed cultivation license or processing license
  727  application form.
  728         b. The physical address of each location where marijuana
  729  will be cultivated, processed, or stored.
  730         c. As applicable to the requested license or licenses:
  731         (I)Proof of an established infrastructure, or the ability
  732  to establish an infrastructure in a reasonable amount of time,
  733  that is designed for cultivation, processing, testing,
  734  packaging, and labeling marijuana; proof of the ability to
  735  maintain the infrastructure’s security; and proof of the ability
  736  to prevent the theft or diversion of any marijuana.
  737         (II) Proof that the applicant has the technical and
  738  technological ability to cultivate and test or process and test
  739  marijuana.
  740         d. Proof of operating procedures designed to secure and
  741  maintain accountability for all marijuana and marijuana-related
  742  byproducts that come into the applicant’s possession and to
  743  comply with the required seed-to-sale tracking system.
  744         2. Cultivation licenses and processing licenses expire 2
  745  years after the date they are issued. To renew a license, the
  746  licensee must meet all of the requirements for initial
  747  licensure; must provide all of the documentation required under
  748  subparagraph 1.; and may not have any uncorrected substantial
  749  violation of the standards adopted by department rule for the
  750  cultivation, processing, testing, packaging, and labeling of
  751  marijuana.
  752         3. Before beginning cultivation or processing at any
  753  location, the licensee must obtain a facility permit from the
  754  department for that location pursuant to paragraph (g).
  755         4.A licensee under this subsection may use contractors to
  756  assist with the cultivation or processing of marijuana, as
  757  applicable, but the licensee is ultimately responsible for all
  758  of the operations performed by each contractor relating to the
  759  cultivation or processing of marijuana and is responsible for
  760  maintaining physical possession of the marijuana at all times.
  761  All work done by a contractor must be performed at a location
  762  that has a facility permit issued by the department. A licensee
  763  using a contractor must register any principal or employee of a
  764  contractor who will be participating in the operations of the
  765  licensee as provided in subsection (9). Such principal or
  766  employee may not begin participating in the operations of the
  767  licensee until he or she has received an MMTC employee
  768  identification card from the department.
  769         5. All marijuana byproducts that cannot be processed or
  770  reprocessed must be destroyed by the cultivation licensee or the
  771  processing licensee or their respective contractors within 30
  772  days after the production of the byproducts.
  773         6.A licensee under this subsection may sell marijuana at
  774  wholesale only to other registered MMTCs. Before selling
  775  marijuana at wholesale, the selling MMTC shall provide the
  776  purchasing MMTC with documentation showing that the marijuana
  777  meets the testing, packaging, and labeling requirements of this
  778  section. The purchasing MMTC shall review such documentation to
  779  determine whether the marijuana is in compliance with this
  780  section before taking possession of the marijuana.
  781         7.Transportation or delivery of marijuana outside of the
  782  property owned by a licensee under this subsection may be
  783  performed only by an MMTC that holds a transportation license
  784  issued pursuant to paragraph (f)
  785         (e) A licensed medical marijuana treatment center shall
  786  cultivate, process, transport, and dispense marijuana for
  787  medical use. A licensed medical marijuana treatment center may
  788  not contract for services directly related to the cultivation,
  789  processing, and dispensing of marijuana or marijuana delivery
  790  devices, except that a medical marijuana treatment center
  791  licensed pursuant to subparagraph (a)1. may contract with a
  792  single entity for the cultivation, processing, transporting, and
  793  dispensing of marijuana and marijuana delivery devices. A
  794  licensed medical marijuana treatment center must, at all times,
  795  maintain compliance with the criteria demonstrated and
  796  representations made in the initial application and the criteria
  797  established in this subsection. Upon request, the department may
  798  grant a medical marijuana treatment center a variance from the
  799  representations made in the initial application. Consideration
  800  of such a request shall be based upon the individual facts and
  801  circumstances surrounding the request. A variance may not be
  802  granted unless the requesting medical marijuana treatment center
  803  can demonstrate to the department that it has a proposed
  804  alternative to the specific representation made in its
  805  application which fulfills the same or a similar purpose as the
  806  specific representation in a way that the department can
  807  reasonably determine will not be a lower standard than the
  808  specific representation in the application. A variance may not
  809  be granted from the requirements in subparagraph 2. and
  810  subparagraphs (b)1. and 2.
  811         1. A licensed medical marijuana treatment center may
  812  transfer ownership to an individual or entity who meets the
  813  requirements of this section. A publicly traded corporation or
  814  publicly traded company that meets the requirements of this
  815  section is not precluded from ownership of a medical marijuana
  816  treatment center. To accommodate a change in ownership:
  817         a. The licensed medical marijuana treatment center shall
  818  notify the department in writing at least 60 days before the
  819  anticipated date of the change of ownership.
  820         b. The individual or entity applying for initial licensure
  821  due to a change of ownership must submit an application that
  822  must be received by the department at least 60 days before the
  823  date of change of ownership.
  824         c. Upon receipt of an application for a license, the
  825  department shall examine the application and, within 30 days
  826  after receipt, notify the applicant in writing of any apparent
  827  errors or omissions and request any additional information
  828  required.
  829         d. Requested information omitted from an application for
  830  licensure must be filed with the department within 21 days after
  831  the department’s request for omitted information or the
  832  application shall be deemed incomplete and shall be withdrawn
  833  from further consideration and the fees shall be forfeited.
  834         e.Within 30 days after the receipt of a complete
  835  application, the department shall approve or deny the
  836  application.
  837         2. A medical marijuana treatment center, and any individual
  838  or entity who directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds
  839  with power to vote 5 percent or more of the voting shares of a
  840  medical marijuana treatment center, may not acquire direct or
  841  indirect ownership or control of any voting shares or other form
  842  of ownership of any other medical marijuana treatment center.
  843         3. A medical marijuana treatment center may not enter into
  844  any form of profit-sharing arrangement with the property owner
  845  or lessor of any of its facilities where cultivation,
  846  processing, storing, or dispensing of marijuana and marijuana
  847  delivery devices occurs.
  848         4. All employees of a medical marijuana treatment center
  849  must be 21 years of age or older and have passed a background
  850  screening pursuant to subsection (9).
  851         5. Each medical marijuana treatment center must adopt and
  852  enforce policies and procedures to ensure employees and
  853  volunteers receive training on the legal requirements to
  854  dispense marijuana to qualified patients.
  855         8.6. When growing marijuana, an MMTC licensed for
  856  cultivation a medical marijuana treatment center:
  857         a. May use pesticides determined by the department, after
  858  consultation with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
  859  Services, to be safely applied to plants intended for human
  860  consumption, but may not use pesticides designated as
  861  restricted-use pesticides pursuant to s. 487.042.
  862         b. Shall Must grow marijuana within an enclosed permitted
  863  cultivation facility structure and in a room separate from any
  864  other plant.
  865         c. Shall Must inspect seeds and growing plants for plant
  866  pests that endanger or threaten the horticultural and
  867  agricultural interests of the state in accordance with chapter
  868  581 and any rules adopted thereunder.
  869         d. Shall Must perform fumigation or treatment of plants, or
  870  remove and destroy infested or infected plants, in accordance
  871  with chapter 581 and any rules adopted thereunder.
  872         7. Each medical marijuana treatment center must produce and
  873  make available for purchase at least one low-THC cannabis
  874  product.
  875         9.8.An MMTC A medical marijuana treatment center that
  876  produces edibles must hold a permit to operate as a food
  877  establishment pursuant to chapter 500, the Florida Food Safety
  878  Act, and must comply with all the requirements for food
  879  establishments pursuant to chapter 500 and any rules adopted
  880  thereunder. Edibles may not contain more than 200 milligrams of
  881  tetrahydrocannabinol, and a single serving portion of an edible
  882  may not exceed 10 milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol. Edibles
  883  may have a tetrahydrocannabinol potency variance of no greater
  884  than 15 percent. Marijuana products, including edibles, may not
  885  be attractive to children; be manufactured in the shape of
  886  humans, cartoons, or animals; be manufactured in a form that
  887  bears any reasonable resemblance to products available for
  888  consumption as commercially available candy; or contain any
  889  color additives. To discourage consumption of edibles by
  890  children, the department shall determine by rule all any shapes,
  891  forms, and ingredients allowed and prohibited for edibles. MMTCs
  892  Medical marijuana treatment centers may not begin processing or
  893  dispensing edibles until after the effective date of the rule.
  894  The department shall also adopt sanitation rules providing the
  895  standards and requirements for the storage, display, or
  896  dispensing of edibles.
  897         9. Within 12 months after licensure, a medical marijuana
  898  treatment center must demonstrate to the department that all of
  899  its processing facilities have passed a Food Safety Good
  900  Manufacturing Practices, such as Global Food Safety Initiative
  901  or equivalent, inspection by a nationally accredited certifying
  902  body. A medical marijuana treatment center must immediately stop
  903  processing at any facility which fails to pass this inspection
  904  until it demonstrates to the department that such facility has
  905  met this requirement.
  906         10.A medical marijuana treatment center that produces
  907  prerolled marijuana cigarettes may not use wrapping paper made
  908  with tobacco or hemp.
  909         10.11. When processing marijuana, an MMTC licensed for
  910  processing shall a medical marijuana treatment center must:
  911         a. Process the marijuana within an enclosed permitted
  912  processing facility structure and in a room separate from other
  913  plants or products.
  914         b. Comply with department rules when processing marijuana
  915  with hydrocarbon solvents or other solvents or gases exhibiting
  916  potential toxicity to humans. The department shall determine by
  917  rule the requirements for the medical marijuana treatment
  918  centers to use of such solvents or gases by MMTCs exhibiting
  919  potential toxicity to humans.
  920         c. Comply with federal and state laws and regulations and
  921  department rules for solid and liquid wastes. The department
  922  shall determine by rule procedures for the storage, handling,
  923  transportation, management, and disposal of solid and liquid
  924  waste generated during marijuana production and processing. The
  925  Department of Environmental Protection shall assist the
  926  department in developing such rules.
  927         d. Test the processed marijuana using a medical marijuana
  928  testing laboratory before it is sold or dispensed. Results must
  929  be verified and signed by two MMTC medical marijuana treatment
  930  center employees. Before selling, selling at wholesale, or
  931  dispensing, the MMTC shall medical marijuana treatment center
  932  must determine whether that the test results indicate that low
  933  THC cannabis meets the definition of low-THC cannabis, the
  934  concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol meets the potency
  935  requirements of this section, the labeling of the concentration
  936  of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol is accurate, and all
  937  marijuana is safe for human consumption and free from
  938  contaminants that are unsafe for human consumption. The
  939  department shall determine by rule which contaminants must be
  940  tested for and the maximum levels of each contaminant which are
  941  safe for human consumption. The Department of Agriculture and
  942  Consumer Services shall assist the department in developing the
  943  testing requirements for contaminants that are unsafe for human
  944  consumption in edibles. The department shall also determine by
  945  rule the procedures for the treatment of marijuana that fails to
  946  meet the testing requirements of this section, s. 381.988, or
  947  department rule. The department may select samples of marijuana
  948  from an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment center facility,
  949  which must shall be tested by the department to determine
  950  whether the marijuana meets the potency requirements of this
  951  section and, is safe for human consumption, and is accurately
  952  labeled with the tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
  953  concentration or to verify the result of marijuana testing
  954  conducted by a marijuana testing laboratory. The department may
  955  also select samples of marijuana delivery devices from a medical
  956  marijuana treatment center to determine whether the marijuana
  957  delivery device is safe for use by qualified patients. An MMTC A
  958  medical marijuana treatment center may not require payment from
  959  the department for the sample. An MMTC shall A medical marijuana
  960  treatment center must recall marijuana, including all marijuana
  961  and marijuana products made from the same batch of marijuana,
  962  that fails to meet the potency requirements of this section,
  963  that is unsafe for human consumption, or for which the labeling
  964  of the tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol concentration is
  965  inaccurate. The department shall adopt rules to establish
  966  marijuana potency variations of no greater than 15 percent using
  967  negotiated rulemaking pursuant to s. 120.54(2)(d) which accounts
  968  for, but is not limited to, time lapses between testing, testing
  969  methods, testing instruments, and types of marijuana sampled for
  970  testing. The department may not issue any recalls for product
  971  potency as it relates to product labeling before issuing a rule
  972  relating to potency variation standards. An MMTC shall A medical
  973  marijuana treatment center must also recall all marijuana
  974  delivery devices determined to be unsafe for use by qualified
  975  patients. An MMTC shall The medical marijuana treatment center
  976  must retain records of all testing and samples of each
  977  homogeneous batch of marijuana for at least 9 months. An MMTC
  978  shall The medical marijuana treatment center must contract with
  979  a marijuana testing laboratory to perform audits on the MMTC’s
  980  medical marijuana treatment center’s standard operating
  981  procedures, testing records, and samples and provide the results
  982  to the department to confirm that the marijuana or low-THC
  983  cannabis meets the requirements of this section and that the
  984  marijuana or low-THC cannabis is safe for human consumption. An
  985  MMTC A medical marijuana treatment center shall reserve two
  986  processed samples from each batch and retain such samples for at
  987  least 9 months for the purpose of such audits. An MMTC A medical
  988  marijuana treatment center may use a laboratory that has not
  989  been certified by the department under s. 381.988 until such
  990  time as at least one laboratory holds the required
  991  certification, but in no event later than July 1, 2018.
  992         e. Package the marijuana in compliance with the United
  993  States Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970, 15 U.S.C. ss.
  994  1471 et seq.
  995         f. Package the marijuana in a receptacle that has a firmly
  996  affixed and legible label stating the following information:
  997         (I) That the marijuana or low-THC cannabis meets the
  998  requirements of sub-subparagraph d.
  999         (II) The name of the MMTC medical marijuana treatment
 1000  center from which the marijuana originates.
 1001         (III) The batch number and harvest number from which the
 1002  marijuana originates and the date that the marijuana is sold or
 1003  dispensed.
 1004         (IV) The name of the physician who issued the physician
 1005  certification.
 1006         (V) The name of the patient.
 1007         (VI) The product name, if applicable, and dosage form,
 1008  including concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol.
 1009  The product name may not contain wording commonly associated
 1010  with products that are attractive to children or which promote
 1011  the recreational use of marijuana.
 1012         (V)(VII) The recommended dose.
 1013         (VI)(VIII) A warning that it is illegal to transfer medical
 1014  marijuana to a another person younger than 21 years of age.
 1015         (VII)(IX) A marijuana universal symbol developed by the
 1016  department.
 1017         11.12. The MMTC that packages the marijuana medical
 1018  marijuana treatment center shall include in each package an a
 1019  patient package insert with information on the specific product
 1020  dispensed related to all of the following:
 1021         a. Clinical pharmacology.
 1022         b. Indications and use.
 1023         c. Dosage and administration.
 1024         d. Dosage forms and strengths.
 1025         e. Contraindications.
 1026         f. Warnings and precautions.
 1027         g. Adverse reactions.
 1028         12.13. In addition to the packaging and labeling
 1029  requirements specified in subparagraphs 10. and 11. and 12.,
 1030  marijuana in a form for smoking must be packaged in a sealed
 1031  receptacle with a legible and prominent warning to keep the
 1032  receptacle away from children and a warning that states that
 1033  marijuana smoke contains carcinogens and may negatively affect
 1034  health. Such receptacles for marijuana in a form for smoking
 1035  must be plain, opaque, and white without depictions of the
 1036  product or images other than the MMTC’s medical marijuana
 1037  treatment center’s department-approved logo and the marijuana
 1038  universal symbol.
 1039         13.14. The department shall adopt rules to regulate the
 1040  types, appearance, and labeling of marijuana delivery devices
 1041  dispensed from an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment center. The
 1042  rules must require marijuana delivery devices to have an
 1043  appearance consistent with medical use.
 1044         14.15. Each edible must be individually sealed in plain,
 1045  opaque wrapping marked only with the marijuana universal symbol.
 1046  Where practical, Each edible must be marked with the marijuana
 1047  universal symbol. In addition to the packaging and labeling
 1048  requirements in subparagraphs 10. and 11. and 12., edible
 1049  receptacles must be plain, opaque, and white without depictions
 1050  of the product or images other than the MMTC’s medical marijuana
 1051  treatment center’s department-approved logo and the marijuana
 1052  universal symbol. The receptacle must also include a list of all
 1053  the edible’s ingredients, storage instructions, information on
 1054  the estimated amount of time for the edible to take effect, an
 1055  expiration date, a legible and prominent warning to keep the
 1056  receptacle away from children and pets, and a warning that the
 1057  edible has not been produced or inspected pursuant to federal
 1058  food safety laws.
 1059         (d)Retail licenses.
 1060         1.A registered MMTC may apply for a retail license. When
 1061  applying, the MMTC must provide the department with, at a
 1062  minimum, all of the following:
 1063         a. A completed retail license application form.
 1064         b.A statement by the applicant which indicates whether the
 1065  applicant intends to dispense by delivery. A retail licensee may
 1066  not deliver marijuana without also obtaining a transportation
 1067  license pursuant to paragraph (f).
 1068         c. The physical address of each location where the
 1069  applicant will dispense or store marijuana.
 1070         d. Identifying information for all other current or
 1071  previous retail licenses held by the applicant or any of the
 1072  applicant’s principals.
 1073         e. Proof of operating procedures designed to secure and
 1074  maintain accountability for all marijuana that the applicant
 1075  receives and possesses, to ensure that only the allowed amount
 1076  of marijuana is sold or dispensed, to ensure that the specified
 1077  type of marijuana is correctly dispensed to a qualified patient
 1078  or his or her caregiver pursuant to a physician certification,
 1079  and to monitor the medical marijuana patient registry and
 1080  electronically update the registry with dispensing information.
 1081         2. A retail license expires 2 years after the date it is
 1082  issued. The retail licensee must apply for license renewal
 1083  before the expiration date. To renew a license, a retail
 1084  licensee must meet all of the requirements for initial
 1085  licensure; must provide all of the documents required under
 1086  paragraph (b); and must not have any outstanding substantial
 1087  violations of the applicable standards adopted by department
 1088  rule.
 1089         3. Before beginning to sell, dispense, or store marijuana,
 1090  the retail licensee must obtain a facility permit from the
 1091  department for each location where marijuana will be sold,
 1092  dispensed, or stored. If a facility’s permit expires or is
 1093  suspended or revoked, the MMTC must cease all applicable
 1094  operations at that facility until the department inspects the
 1095  facility and renews or reinstates the facility’s permit.
 1096         4. A dispensing facility may not repackage or modify
 1097  marijuana that has already been packaged for sale by a
 1098  cultivation licensee or processing licensee unless the
 1099  repackaging is of unprocessed marijuana, is done in accordance
 1100  with instructions from the cultivator or processor, and is
 1101  documented in the required seed-to-sale tracking system.
 1102         5.A retail licensee may contract with an MMTC that has a
 1103  transportation license to transport marijuana between properties
 1104  owned by the retail licensee, to deliver the marijuana for sale
 1105  or dispensing, and to pick up returns of marijuana.
 1106         6. Onsite consumption or administration of marijuana at a
 1107  dispensing facility is prohibited.
 1108         7.16. When dispensing marijuana or a marijuana delivery
 1109  device, an MMTC licensed for retail a medical marijuana
 1110  treatment center:
 1111         a. May dispense any active, valid order for low-THC
 1112  cannabis, medical cannabis and cannabis delivery devices issued
 1113  pursuant to former s. 381.986, Florida Statutes 2016, which was
 1114  entered into the medical marijuana use registry before July 1,
 1115  2017.
 1116         b. May not dispense more than one a 70-day supply of
 1117  marijuana within any 70-day period to a qualified patient or
 1118  caregiver and. may not dispense more than one 35-day supply of
 1119  marijuana in a form for smoking within any 35-day period to a
 1120  qualified patient or caregiver. A 35-day supply of marijuana in
 1121  a form for smoking may not exceed 2.5 ounces unless an exception
 1122  to this amount is approved by the department pursuant to
 1123  paragraph (4)(f).
 1124         c. Shall require Must have the MMTC’s medical marijuana
 1125  treatment center’s employee who dispenses the marijuana or a
 1126  marijuana delivery device to enter into the medical marijuana
 1127  use registry his or her name or unique employee identifier.
 1128         d. Before dispensing to a qualified patient or caregiver,
 1129  shall must verify that the qualified patient and, if applicable,
 1130  the caregiver, if applicable, each have an active registration
 1131  in the medical marijuana use registry and an active and valid
 1132  medical marijuana use registry identification card; that, the
 1133  amount and type of marijuana dispensed matches the physician
 1134  certification in the medical marijuana use registry for that
 1135  qualified patient;, and that the physician certification has not
 1136  already been filled.
 1137         e. Before dispensing to a qualified patient or caregiver,
 1138  shall label the marijuana or the marijuana delivery device with
 1139  the name of the physician who issued the physician certification
 1140  and the name of the patient for whom the certification was
 1141  issued.
 1142         f. May not dispense marijuana to a qualified patient who is
 1143  younger than 18 years of age. If the qualified patient is
 1144  younger than 18 years of age, marijuana may only be dispensed
 1145  only to the qualified patient’s caregiver.
 1146         g.May sell marijuana to an adult 21 years of age or older
 1147  pursuant to s. 381.990, provided that the MMTC is registered
 1148  with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation
 1149  pursuant to that section. When selling marijuana pursuant to
 1150  that section, the employee selling the marijuana must determine
 1151  that the appearance of the buyer is such that a prudent person
 1152  would believe the buyer to be 21 years of age or older or must
 1153  carefully check the buyer’s driver license, identification card
 1154  issued by this state or another state of the United States,
 1155  passport, or United States Armed Services identification card to
 1156  determine the buyer’s age. Other than for the purpose of
 1157  determining a buyer’s age, an MMTC may not request or store any
 1158  personal information provided by the buyer.
 1159         h.f. May not dispense or sell any other type of cannabis,
 1160  alcohol, or illicit drug-related product, including pipes or
 1161  wrapping papers made with tobacco or hemp, other than a
 1162  marijuana delivery device required for the medical use of
 1163  marijuana and which is specified in a physician certification.
 1164         i.g.Must, Upon dispensing the marijuana or marijuana
 1165  delivery device to a qualified patient or caregiver, shall
 1166  record in the registry the date, time, quantity, and form of
 1167  marijuana dispensed; the type of marijuana delivery device
 1168  dispensed; and the name and medical marijuana use registry
 1169  identification number of the qualified patient or caregiver to
 1170  whom the marijuana delivery device was dispensed.
 1171         j.h.Shall Must ensure that patient records are not visible
 1172  to anyone other than the qualified patient, his or her
 1173  caregiver, and authorized MMTC medical marijuana treatment
 1174  center employees.
 1175         (e)(f)Security.To ensure the safety and security of
 1176  premises where the cultivation, processing, storing, or
 1177  dispensing of marijuana occurs, and to maintain adequate
 1178  controls against the diversion, theft, and loss of marijuana or
 1179  marijuana delivery devices, an MMTC a medical marijuana
 1180  treatment center shall do all of the following:
 1181         1.a. Maintain a fully operational security alarm system
 1182  that secures all entry points and perimeter windows and is
 1183  equipped with motion detectors; pressure switches; and duress,
 1184  panic, and hold-up alarms.; and
 1185         b. Maintain a video surveillance system that records
 1186  continuously, 24 hours a day, and meets all of the following
 1187  criteria:
 1188         (I) Cameras are fixed in a place that allows for the clear
 1189  identification of persons and activities in controlled areas of
 1190  the premises. Controlled areas include grow rooms, processing
 1191  rooms, storage rooms, disposal rooms or areas, and point-of-sale
 1192  rooms.
 1193         (II) Cameras are fixed in entrances and exits to the
 1194  premises in a place that allows recording, which shall record
 1195  from both indoor and outdoor, or ingress and egress, vantage
 1196  points.
 1197         (III) Images are recorded images must clearly and
 1198  accurately displaying display the time and date of recording.
 1199         c.(IV) Retain video surveillance recordings for at least 45
 1200  days or longer upon the request of a law enforcement agency.
 1201         2. Ensure that the MMTC’s medical marijuana treatment
 1202  center’s outdoor premises have sufficient lighting from dusk
 1203  until dawn.
 1204         3. Ensure that the indoor premises where dispensing occurs
 1205  include includes a waiting area with sufficient space and
 1206  seating to accommodate qualified patients and caregivers and at
 1207  least one private consultation area that is isolated from both
 1208  the waiting area and the area where dispensing occurs. An MMTC A
 1209  medical marijuana treatment center may not display products or
 1210  dispense marijuana or marijuana delivery devices in the waiting
 1211  area.
 1212         4. Cease dispensing Not dispense from its premises
 1213  marijuana or a marijuana delivery devices from its premises
 1214  device between the hours of 11 p.m. 9 p.m. and 7 a.m., but may
 1215  perform all other operations and deliver marijuana to qualified
 1216  patients 24 hours a day.
 1217         5. Store marijuana in a secured, locked room or a vault.
 1218         6. Require at least two of its employees, or two employees
 1219  of a security agency with whom it contracts, to be on the
 1220  premises at all times where cultivation, processing, or storing
 1221  of marijuana occurs, at all times.
 1222         7. Require each employee or contractor to wear a photo
 1223  identification badge at all times while on the premises.
 1224         8. Require each visitor to wear a visitor pass at all times
 1225  while on the premises.
 1226         9. Implement an alcohol and drug-free workplace policy.
 1227         10. Report to a local law enforcement agency within 24
 1228  hours after the MMTC medical marijuana treatment center is
 1229  notified or becomes aware of the theft, diversion, or loss of
 1230  marijuana.
 1231         (f) Transportation licenses; vehicle permits.
 1232         1.A registered MMTC may apply for a transportation
 1233  license. When applying, the MMTC must provide the department
 1234  with, at a minimum, all of the following:
 1235         a. The physical address of the MMTC’s place of business.
 1236         b.Proof that the MMTC has a documentation system in
 1237  accordance with the required seed-to-sale tracking system,
 1238  including transportation manifests, for transporting marijuana
 1239  between licensed facilities and to qualified patients.
 1240  Transportation manifests may be electronically stored and
 1241  presented.
 1242         c. Proof of the MMTC’s compliance with health and
 1243  sanitation standards for the transportation of marijuana.
 1244         d. Proof that all marijuana transported between licensed
 1245  facilities will be transported in tamper-evident shipping
 1246  containers.
 1247         2.An MMTC with a transportation license may not transport
 1248  marijuana on the property of an airport, a seaport, a spaceport,
 1249  or any property of the Federal Government.
 1250         3. An MMTC with a transportation license may transport
 1251  marijuana and marijuana delivery devices only in a vehicle that
 1252  is owned or leased by the MMTC or the MMTC’s contractor and for
 1253  which a valid vehicle permit has been issued by the department.
 1254         4. An MMTC with a transportation license may obtain a
 1255  vehicle permit upon submission of an application. The MMTC shall
 1256  designate as the driver for each permitted vehicle an employee
 1257  or contracted employee who is registered with the department and
 1258  who is authorized to possess marijuana when not on the property
 1259  of the MMTC. Such designation must be displayed in the vehicle
 1260  at all times. Each permitted vehicle must be GPS-monitored. A
 1261  vehicle permit remains valid and does not expire unless the MMTC
 1262  or its contractor disposes of the permitted vehicle or the
 1263  MMTC’s registration or transportation license is transferred,
 1264  canceled, not renewed, or revoked by the department. The
 1265  department shall cancel a vehicle permit upon the request of the
 1266  MMTC or its contractor.
 1267         5. When transporting marijuana, a permitted vehicle is
 1268  subject to inspection and search without a search warrant by
 1269  authorized employees of the department, sheriffs, deputy
 1270  sheriffs, police officers, or other law enforcement officers to
 1271  determine whether the MMTC is operating in compliance with this
 1272  section.
 1273         6.An MMTC with a transportation license may deliver, or
 1274  contract for the delivery of, marijuana and marijuana delivery
 1275  devices to other MMTCs within this state, to qualified patients
 1276  and caregivers within this state, and to adults 21 years of age
 1277  or older within this state. A county or municipality may not
 1278  prohibit deliveries of marijuana or marijuana delivery devices
 1279  to qualified patients or caregivers within the county or
 1280  municipality. Deliveries may be made only to the qualified
 1281  patient who placed the order or his or her caregiver. When
 1282  delivering to a qualified patient or caregiver, an MMTC or its
 1283  contractor shall verify the identity of the qualified patient
 1284  upon placement of the delivery order and, again, upon delivery.
 1285  When delivering marijuana to an adult 21 years of age or older,
 1286  an MMTC or its contractor shall verify the age of the buyer upon
 1287  placement of the order and, again, upon delivery. In order to
 1288  verify the age of the buyer, the MMTC must determine that the
 1289  appearance of the buyer is such that a prudent person would
 1290  believe the buyer to be 21 years of age or older or must
 1291  carefully check the buyer’s driver license, identification card
 1292  issued by this state or another state of the United States,
 1293  passport, or United States Armed Services identification card to
 1294  determine the buyer’s age. The department shall adopt rules
 1295  specific to the delivery of marijuana which include both of the
 1296  following:
 1297         a.Procedures for verifying the age and identity of the
 1298  person placing an order and receiving a delivery, as
 1299  appropriate, including required training for delivery personnel.
 1300         b.A maximum dispensary value for all marijuana and
 1301  currency that may be in the possession of a registered MMTC
 1302  employee or contractor while he or she makes a delivery. The
 1303  maximum value established by rule may not be less than $5,000.
 1304         7.Licensees under this subsection may use contractors to
 1305  assist with the transportation of marijuana. A licensee is
 1306  ultimately responsible for all of the actions and operations of
 1307  each contractor relating to the transportation of marijuana and
 1308  must know the location of all marijuana products at all times.
 1309  To participate in the operations of a licensee under this
 1310  subsection, a principal or an employee of a contractor
 1311  contracted by the licensee must first register with the
 1312  department under subsection (9) and be issued an MMTC employee
 1313  identification card.
 1314         (g) Facility permits.
 1315         1. Before cultivating, processing, dispensing, or storing
 1316  marijuana at any location, an MMTC shall apply to the department
 1317  for the applicable facility permit for that location. The
 1318  department shall adopt by rule an application form. Upon
 1319  receiving a request for a permit from a licensee, the department
 1320  shall inspect the facility for compliance with this section and
 1321  rules adopted hereunder and, upon a determination of compliance,
 1322  shall issue a permit to the facility. The department shall issue
 1323  or deny a facility permit within 30 days after receiving the
 1324  request for the permit.
 1325         2. A facility permit expires 2 years after the date it is
 1326  issued. Each facility must be inspected by the department for
 1327  compliance with this section and department rules before the
 1328  facility’s permit is renewed.
 1329         3. If a facility permit expires or is suspended or revoked,
 1330  the MMTC must cease all applicable operations at that facility
 1331  until the department inspects the facility and renews or
 1332  reinstates the facility’s permit.
 1333         4. Cultivation facilities and processing facilities:
 1334         a. Shall maintain insurance with at least $1 million of
 1335  hazard and liability insurance per location; and
 1336         b. Must be secure, closed to the public, and, unless an
 1337  ordinance allows a facility to be located closer, located at
 1338  least 1,000 feet away from any existing public or private
 1339  elementary or secondary school, child care facility as defined
 1340  in s. 402.302, or licensed service provider offering substance
 1341  abuse services.
 1342         5. All matters regarding the permitting and regulation of
 1343  cultivation facilities and processing facilities, including the
 1344  location of such facilities, are preempted to the state.
 1345         6. Dispensing facilities and storage facilities:
 1346         a. Shall maintain insurance with at least $500,000 of
 1347  hazard and liability insurance for each facility where marijuana
 1348  is dispensed or stored; and
 1349         b. Unless an ordinance allows a facility to be located
 1350  closer, must be located at least 1,000 feet away from any
 1351  existing public or private elementary or secondary school, child
 1352  care facility as defined in s. 402.302, or licensed service
 1353  provider offering substance abuse services.
 1354         7. The governing body of a county or municipality, by
 1355  ordinance, may prohibit or limit the number of dispensing
 1356  facilities located within its jurisdiction but may not prohibit
 1357  an MMTC with a retail license or its permitted storage facility
 1358  from being located within its jurisdiction if the licensee is
 1359  delivering or contracting to deliver marijuana to qualified
 1360  patients within that jurisdiction. The department may not issue
 1361  a facility permit for a dispensing facility in a county or
 1362  municipality in which the board of county commissioners or other
 1363  local governing body, as applicable, has adopted such an
 1364  ordinance. A county or municipality may not require, request, or
 1365  accept financial contributions or similar benefits from MMTCs;
 1366  however, in addition to other taxes authorized by law, a county
 1367  or municipality may levy a local business tax on a dispensing
 1368  facility. An ordinance adopted by a municipality or county
 1369  pursuant to this paragraph may not do any of the following:
 1370         a. Provide exclusive access to one or several individuals
 1371  or entities to operate dispensing facilities within the
 1372  jurisdiction.
 1373         b. Prohibit specific individuals or entities from operating
 1374  a dispensing facility within the jurisdiction if the ordinance
 1375  allows dispensing facilities to operate in the jurisdiction.
 1376         c. Prohibit the delivery of marijuana within the
 1377  jurisdiction by a properly licensed MMTC located within the
 1378  jurisdiction.
 1379         8. The department may adopt by rule additional requirements
 1380  for the permitting of cultivation, processing, dispensing, and
 1381  storage facilities to ensure the sanitary, safe, and secure
 1382  cultivation, processing, dispensing, storage, and sale of
 1383  marijuana To ensure the safe transport of marijuana and
 1384  marijuana delivery devices to medical marijuana treatment
 1385  centers, marijuana testing laboratories, or qualified patients,
 1386  a medical marijuana treatment center must:
 1387         1. Maintain a marijuana transportation manifest in any
 1388  vehicle transporting marijuana. The marijuana transportation
 1389  manifest must be generated from a medical marijuana treatment
 1390  center’s seed-to-sale tracking system and include the:
 1391         a. Departure date and approximate time of departure.
 1392         b. Name, location address, and license number of the
 1393  originating medical marijuana treatment center.
 1394         c. Name and address of the recipient of the delivery.
 1395         d. Quantity and form of any marijuana or marijuana delivery
 1396  device being transported.
 1397         e. Arrival date and estimated time of arrival.
 1398         f. Delivery vehicle make and model and license plate
 1399  number.
 1400         g. Name and signature of the medical marijuana treatment
 1401  center employees delivering the product.
 1402         (I) A copy of the marijuana transportation manifest must be
 1403  provided to each individual, medical marijuana treatment center,
 1404  or marijuana testing laboratory that receives a delivery. The
 1405  individual, or a representative of the center or laboratory,
 1406  must sign a copy of the marijuana transportation manifest
 1407  acknowledging receipt.
 1408         (II) An individual transporting marijuana or a marijuana
 1409  delivery device must present a copy of the relevant marijuana
 1410  transportation manifest and his or her employee identification
 1411  card to a law enforcement officer upon request.
 1412         (III) Medical marijuana treatment centers and marijuana
 1413  testing laboratories must retain copies of all marijuana
 1414  transportation manifests for at least 3 years.
 1415         2. Ensure only vehicles in good working order are used to
 1416  transport marijuana.
 1417         3. Lock marijuana and marijuana delivery devices in a
 1418  separate compartment or container within the vehicle.
 1419         4. Require employees to have possession of their employee
 1420  identification card at all times when transporting marijuana or
 1421  marijuana delivery devices.
 1422         5. Require at least two persons to be in a vehicle
 1423  transporting marijuana or marijuana delivery devices, and
 1424  require at least one person to remain in the vehicle while the
 1425  marijuana or marijuana delivery device is being delivered.
 1426         6. Provide specific safety and security training to
 1427  employees transporting or delivering marijuana and marijuana
 1428  delivery devices.
 1429         (h) Advertising.—An MMTC A medical marijuana treatment
 1430  center may not engage in advertising that is visible to members
 1431  of the public from any street, sidewalk, park, or other public
 1432  place, except:
 1433         1. An MMTC dispensing facility The dispensing location of A
 1434  medical marijuana treatment center may have a sign that is
 1435  affixed to the outside or hanging in the window of the premises
 1436  which identifies the dispensing facility dispensary by the
 1437  licensee’s business name, a department-approved trade name, or a
 1438  department-approved logo. An MMTC’s A medical marijuana
 1439  treatment center’s trade name and logo may not contain wording
 1440  or images that are attractive to children or which promote
 1441  recreational use of marijuana.
 1442         2. An MMTC A medical marijuana treatment center may engage
 1443  in Internet advertising and marketing under the following
 1444  conditions:
 1445         a. All advertisements must be approved by the department.
 1446         b. An advertisement may not have any content that is
 1447  attractive to children or which promotes the recreational use of
 1448  marijuana.
 1449         c. An advertisement may not be an unsolicited pop-up
 1450  advertisement.
 1451         d. Opt-in marketing must include an easy and permanent opt
 1452  out feature.
 1453         (i) Online retail catalogs.Each retail MMTC medical
 1454  marijuana treatment center that dispenses marijuana and
 1455  marijuana delivery devices shall make all of the following
 1456  available to the public on its website:
 1457         1. Each marijuana and low-THC product available for
 1458  purchase, including the form, strain of marijuana from which it
 1459  was extracted, cannabidiol content, tetrahydrocannabinol
 1460  content, dose unit, total number of doses available, and the
 1461  ratio of cannabidiol to tetrahydrocannabinol for each product.
 1462         2. The price for a 30-day, 50-day, and 70-day supply at a
 1463  standard dose for each marijuana and low-THC product available
 1464  for purchase.
 1465         3. The price for each marijuana delivery device available
 1466  for purchase.
 1467         4. If applicable, any discount policies and eligibility
 1468  criteria for such discounts.
 1469         (j) Sourcing of marijuana for medical use.—MMTCs Medical
 1470  marijuana treatment centers are the sole source from which a
 1471  person qualified patient may legally obtain marijuana.
 1472         (k) Rulemaking.The department may adopt rules pursuant to
 1473  ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this subsection.
 1476         (a)The department shall adopt rules to administer the
 1477  registration of MMTC principals, employees, and contractors who
 1478  participate in the operations of an MMTC. Before hiring or
 1479  contracting with any individual who is not registered with the
 1480  department or who does not possess a current MMTC employee
 1481  identification card, an MMTC must apply to the department to
 1482  register that person as an MMTC employee. The department shall
 1483  adopt by rule a form for such applications for registration,
 1484  which must require the applicant to provide all of the
 1485  following:
 1486         1.His or her full legal name, social security number, date
 1487  of birth, and home address.
 1488         2.A full-face, passport-type, color photograph of the
 1489  applicant taken within 90 days immediately preceding submission
 1490  of the application.
 1491         3.Proof that he or she has passed a level 2 background
 1492  screening pursuant to chapter 435 within the previous year.
 1493         4.An indication as to whether the applicant will be
 1494  authorized by the MMTC to possess marijuana while not on MMTC
 1495  property.
 1496         (b)Once the department has received a completed
 1497  application form from an MMTC, the department shall register the
 1498  principal, employee, or contractor associated with the MMTC and
 1499  issue him or her an MMTC employee identification card that, at a
 1500  minimum, includes all of the following:
 1501         1.The employee’s name and the name of the MMTC that
 1502  employs him or her.
 1503         2.The employee’s photograph, as required under paragraph
 1504  (a).
 1505         3. The expiration date of the card, which must be 1 year
 1506  after the date it is issued.
 1507         4.An indication of whether the employee is authorized by
 1508  the MMTC to possess marijuana while not on MMTC property.
 1509         (c)If any information provided to the department for the
 1510  registration of an MMTC principal, employee, or contractor or in
 1511  the application for an MMTC employee identification card
 1512  changes, or if the registered person’s employment status with
 1513  the MMTC changes, the registered person and the MMTC must
 1514  provide the department with the new information or status within
 1515  7 days after the change.
 1516         (d)The department may contract with one or more vendors
 1517  for the purpose of issuing MMTC employee identification cards
 1518  under this subsection BACKGROUND SCREENING.—An individual
 1519  required to undergo a background screening pursuant to this
 1520  section must pass a level 2 background screening as provided
 1521  under chapter 435, which, in addition to the disqualifying
 1522  offenses provided in s. 435.04, shall exclude an individual who
 1523  has an arrest awaiting final disposition for, has been found
 1524  guilty of, regardless of adjudication, or has entered a plea of
 1525  nolo contendere or guilty to an offense under chapter 837,
 1526  chapter 895, or chapter 896 or similar law of another
 1527  jurisdiction. Exemptions from disqualification as provided under
 1528  s. 435.07 do not apply to this subsection.
 1529         (a) Such individual must submit a full set of fingerprints
 1530  to the department or to a vendor, entity, or agency authorized
 1531  by s. 943.053(13). The department, vendor, entity, or agency
 1532  shall forward the fingerprints to the Department of Law
 1533  Enforcement for state processing, and the Department of Law
 1534  Enforcement shall forward the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau
 1535  of Investigation for national processing.
 1536         (b) Fees for state and federal fingerprint processing and
 1537  retention shall be borne by the medical marijuana treatment
 1538  center or caregiver, as applicable. The state cost for
 1539  fingerprint processing shall be as provided in s. 943.053(3)(e)
 1540  for records provided to persons or entities other than those
 1541  specified as exceptions therein.
 1542         (c) Fingerprints submitted to the Department of Law
 1543  Enforcement pursuant to this subsection shall be retained by the
 1544  Department of Law Enforcement as provided in s. 943.05(2)(g) and
 1545  (h) and, when the Department of Law Enforcement begins
 1546  participation in the program, enrolled in the Federal Bureau of
 1547  Investigation’s national retained print arrest notification
 1548  program. Any arrest record identified shall be reported to the
 1549  department.
 1552         (a) The department shall conduct announced or unannounced
 1553  inspections of medical marijuana treatment centers to determine
 1554  compliance with this section or rules adopted pursuant to this
 1555  section.
 1556         (b)The department shall inspect a medical marijuana
 1557  treatment center Upon receiving a complaint or notice that an
 1558  MMTC the medical marijuana treatment center has dispensed
 1559  marijuana containing mold, bacteria, or any other contaminant
 1560  that may cause or has caused an adverse effect to human health
 1561  or the environment, the department shall inspect the MMTC, its
 1562  facilities, and, as appropriate, any cultivation or processing
 1563  facility of the MMTC from which the batch of marijuana was
 1564  purchased.
 1565         (b)(c) The department shall conduct at least a biennial
 1566  inspection of each MMTC medical marijuana treatment center to
 1567  evaluate its the medical marijuana treatment center’s records,
 1568  personnel, equipment, processes, security measures, sanitation
 1569  practices, and quality assurance practices.
 1570         (c) The department shall conduct at least a biennial
 1571  inspection of each permitted facility. The department may
 1572  conduct additional announced or unannounced inspections of a
 1573  permitted facility within reasonable hours in order to ensure
 1574  compliance with this section and rules adopted hereunder.
 1575         (d) The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and
 1576  the department shall enter into an interagency agreement to
 1577  ensure cooperation and coordination in the performance of their
 1578  obligations under this section and their respective regulatory
 1579  and authorizing laws. The department, the Department of Highway
 1580  Safety and Motor Vehicles, and the Department of Law Enforcement
 1581  may enter into interagency agreements for the purposes specified
 1582  in this subsection or subsection (7).
 1583         (e) The department shall publish a list of all approved
 1584  MMTCs medical marijuana treatment centers, medical directors,
 1585  and qualified physicians on its website.
 1586         (f) The department may impose administrative penalties,
 1587  including reasonable fines not to exceed $10,000, on an MMTC a
 1588  medical marijuana treatment center for any of the following
 1589  violations:
 1590         1. Violating this section or department rule.
 1591         2. Failing to maintain qualifications for approval.
 1592         3. Endangering the health, safety, or security of a
 1593  qualified patient or an adult purchasing marijuana pursuant to
 1594  s. 381.990.
 1595         4. Improperly disclosing personal and confidential
 1596  information of the qualified patient.
 1597         5. Attempting to procure MMTC medical marijuana treatment
 1598  center approval by bribery, fraudulent misrepresentation, or
 1599  extortion.
 1600         6. Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea
 1601  of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a
 1602  crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the business
 1603  of an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment center.
 1604         7. Making or filing a report or record that the MMTC
 1605  medical marijuana treatment center knows to be false.
 1606         8. Willfully failing to maintain a record required by this
 1607  section or department rule.
 1608         9. Willfully impeding or obstructing an employee or agent
 1609  of the department in the furtherance of his or her official
 1610  duties.
 1611         10. Engaging in fraud or deceit, negligence, incompetence,
 1612  or misconduct in the business practices of an MMTC a medical
 1613  marijuana treatment center.
 1614         11. Making misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent
 1615  representations in or related to the business practices of an
 1616  MMTC a medical marijuana treatment center.
 1617         12. Having a license or the authority to engage in any
 1618  regulated profession, occupation, or business that is related to
 1619  the business practices of an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment
 1620  center suspended, revoked, or otherwise acted against by the
 1621  licensing authority of any jurisdiction, including its agencies
 1622  or subdivisions, for a violation that would constitute a
 1623  violation under Florida law.
 1624         13. Violating a lawful order of the department or an agency
 1625  of the state, or failing to comply with a lawfully issued
 1626  subpoena of the department or an agency of the state.
 1627         14.Failing to determine adequately the age of a buyer who
 1628  is not a qualified patient or caregiver.
 1629         (g) The department may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew
 1630  an MMTC’s registration, operating licenses, and any vehicle
 1631  permits or facility permits a medical marijuana treatment center
 1632  license if the MMTC medical marijuana treatment center commits
 1633  any of the violations specified in paragraph (f).
 1634         (h)The department shall refuse to renew the cultivation,
 1635  processing, retail, or transportation license of an MMTC that
 1636  has not begun to cultivate, process, dispense, or transport
 1637  marijuana, as applicable, by the date that the MMTC is required
 1638  to renew such license.
 1639         (i)(h) The department may adopt rules pursuant to ss.
 1640  120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this subsection.
 1641         (11) PREEMPTION.—Regulation of cultivation, processing, and
 1642  delivery of marijuana by MMTCs medical marijuana treatment
 1643  centers is preempted to the state except as provided in this
 1644  subsection.
 1645         (a) An MMTC A medical marijuana treatment center
 1646  cultivating or processing facility may not be located within 500
 1647  feet of the real property that comprises a public or private
 1648  elementary school, middle school, or secondary school.
 1649         (b)1. A county or municipality may, by ordinance, ban MMTC
 1650  medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities from
 1651  being located within the boundaries of that county or
 1652  municipality. A county or municipality that does not ban
 1653  dispensing facilities under this subparagraph may not place
 1654  specific limits, by ordinance, on the number of dispensing
 1655  facilities that may locate within that county or municipality.
 1656         2. A municipality may determine by ordinance the criteria
 1657  for the location of, and other permitting requirements that do
 1658  not conflict with state law or department rule for, MMTC medical
 1659  marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities located within
 1660  the boundaries of that municipality. A county may determine by
 1661  ordinance the criteria for the location of, and other permitting
 1662  requirements that do not conflict with state law or department
 1663  rule for, all such dispensing facilities located within the
 1664  unincorporated areas of that county. Except as provided in
 1665  paragraph (c), a county or municipality may not enact ordinances
 1666  for permitting or for determining the location of dispensing
 1667  facilities which are more restrictive than its ordinances
 1668  permitting or determining the locations for pharmacies licensed
 1669  under chapter 465. A municipality or county may not charge an
 1670  MMTC a medical marijuana treatment center a license or permit
 1671  fee in an amount greater than the fee charged by such
 1672  municipality or county to pharmacies. A dispensing facility
 1673  location approved by a municipality or county pursuant to former
 1674  s. 381.986(8)(b), Florida Statutes 2016, is not subject to the
 1675  location requirements of this subsection.
 1676         (c) An MMTC A medical marijuana treatment center dispensing
 1677  facility may not be located within 500 feet of the real property
 1678  that comprises a public or private elementary school, middle
 1679  school, or secondary school unless the county or municipality
 1680  approves the location through a formal proceeding open to the
 1681  public at which the county or municipality determines that the
 1682  location promotes the public health, safety, and general welfare
 1683  of the community.
 1684         (d) This subsection does not prohibit any local
 1685  jurisdiction from ensuring that MMTC medical marijuana treatment
 1686  center facilities comply with the Florida Building Code, the
 1687  Florida Fire Prevention Code, or any local amendments to the
 1688  Florida Building Code or the Florida Fire Prevention Code.
 1689         (12) PENALTIES.—
 1690         (a) A qualified physician commits a misdemeanor of the
 1691  first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
 1692  775.083, if he or she the qualified physician issues a physician
 1693  certification for the medical use of marijuana for a patient
 1694  without a reasonable belief that the patient is suffering from a
 1695  qualifying medical condition.
 1696         (b) A person who fraudulently represents that he or she has
 1697  a qualifying medical condition to a qualified physician for the
 1698  purpose of being issued a physician certification commits a
 1699  misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
 1700  775.082 or s. 775.083.
 1701         (c)1. A person qualified patient who uses marijuana, not
 1702  including low-THC cannabis, or a caregiver who administers
 1703  marijuana, not including low-THC cannabis, in plain view of or
 1704  in a place open to the general public is subject to a civil fine
 1705  not exceeding $100.
 1706         2. A person who uses marijuana, not including low-THC
 1707  cannabis,; in a school bus, a moving vehicle, or an aircraft, or
 1708  a boat; or on the grounds of a school except as provided in s.
 1709  1006.062, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable
 1710  as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
 1711         (d) A person qualified patient or caregiver who cultivates
 1712  marijuana or who purchases or acquires marijuana from any person
 1713  or entity other than an MTMC a medical marijuana treatment
 1714  center violates s. 893.13 and is subject to the penalties
 1715  provided therein.
 1716         (e)1. A qualified patient or caregiver in possession of
 1717  marijuana or a marijuana delivery device who fails or refuses to
 1718  present his or her marijuana use registry identification card
 1719  upon the request of a law enforcement officer commits a
 1720  misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.
 1721  775.082 or s. 775.083, unless it can be determined through the
 1722  medical marijuana use registry that the person is authorized to
 1723  be in possession of that marijuana or marijuana delivery device.
 1724         2. A person charged with a violation of this paragraph may
 1725  not be convicted if, before or at the time of his or her court
 1726  or hearing appearance, the person produces in court or to the
 1727  clerk of the court in which the charge is pending a medical
 1728  marijuana use registry identification card issued to him or her
 1729  which is valid at the time of his or her arrest. The clerk of
 1730  the court is authorized to dismiss such case at any time before
 1731  the defendant’s appearance in court. The clerk of the court may
 1732  assess a fee of $5 for dismissing the case under this paragraph.
 1733         (f) A caregiver who violates any of the applicable
 1734  provisions of this section or applicable department rules, for
 1735  the first offense, commits a misdemeanor of the second degree,
 1736  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083 and, for a
 1737  second or subsequent offense, commits a misdemeanor of the first
 1738  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
 1739         (f)(g) A qualified physician who issues a physician
 1740  certification for marijuana or a marijuana delivery device and
 1741  receives compensation from an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment
 1742  center related to the issuance of a physician certification for
 1743  marijuana or a marijuana delivery device is subject to
 1744  disciplinary action under the applicable practice act and s.
 1745  456.072(1)(n).
 1746         (g)(h) A person transporting marijuana or marijuana
 1747  delivery devices on behalf of an MMTC a medical marijuana
 1748  treatment center or a marijuana testing laboratory who fails or
 1749  refuses to present a transportation manifest, whether in paper
 1750  or electronic format, upon the request of a law enforcement
 1751  officer commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable
 1752  as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
 1753         (h)(i) Persons and entities conducting activities
 1754  authorized and governed by this section and s. 381.988 are
 1755  subject to ss. 456.053, 456.054, and 817.505, as applicable.
 1756         (i)(j) A person or entity that cultivates, processes,
 1757  distributes, sells, or dispenses marijuana, as defined in s.
 1758  29(b)(4), Art. X of the State Constitution, and is not licensed
 1759  as an MMTC a medical marijuana treatment center violates s.
 1760  893.13 and is subject to the penalties provided therein. This
 1761  paragraph does not apply to a transfer of marijuana products or
 1762  marijuana which is authorized by this section, s. 381.990, or s.
 1763  893.13.
 1764         (j)(k) A person who manufactures, distributes, sells,
 1765  gives, or possesses with the intent to manufacture, distribute,
 1766  sell, or give marijuana or a marijuana delivery device that he
 1767  or she holds out to have originated from a licensed MMTC medical
 1768  marijuana treatment center but that is counterfeit commits a
 1769  felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.
 1770  775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. For the purposes of this
 1771  paragraph, the term “counterfeit” means marijuana; a marijuana
 1772  delivery device; or a marijuana or marijuana delivery device
 1773  container, seal, or label which, without authorization, bears
 1774  the trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark, imprint,
 1775  or device, or any likeness thereof, of a licensed MMTC medical
 1776  marijuana treatment center and which thereby falsely purports or
 1777  is represented to be the product of, or to have been distributed
 1778  by, that licensed MMTC medical marijuana treatment facility.
 1779         (k)(l)A Any person who possesses or manufactures a blank,
 1780  forged, stolen, fictitious, fraudulent, counterfeit, or
 1781  otherwise unlawfully issued medical marijuana use registry
 1782  identification card commits a felony of the third degree,
 1783  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
 1784         (14) EXCEPTIONS TO OTHER LAWS.—
 1785         (a) Notwithstanding s. 893.13, s. 893.135, s. 893.147, or
 1786  any other provision of law, but subject to the requirements of
 1787  this section, a qualified patient and the qualified patient’s
 1788  caregiver may purchase from an MMTC a medical marijuana
 1789  treatment center for the patient’s medical use a marijuana
 1790  delivery device and up to the amount of marijuana authorized in
 1791  the physician certification, but may not possess more than a 70
 1792  day supply of marijuana, or the greater of 4 ounces of marijuana
 1793  in a form for smoking or an amount of marijuana in a form for
 1794  smoking approved by the department pursuant to paragraph (4)(f),
 1795  at any given time and all marijuana purchased must remain in its
 1796  original packaging.
 1797         (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), s. 893.13, s. 893.135,
 1798  s. 893.147, or any other provision of law, a qualified patient
 1799  and the qualified patient’s caregiver may purchase and possess a
 1800  marijuana delivery device intended for the medical use of
 1801  marijuana by smoking from a vendor other than an MMTC a medical
 1802  marijuana treatment center.
 1803         (c) Notwithstanding s. 893.13, s. 893.135, s. 893.147, or
 1804  any other provision of law, but subject to the requirements of
 1805  this section, an approved MMTC medical marijuana treatment
 1806  center and its owners, managers, and employees may manufacture,
 1807  possess, sell, deliver, distribute, dispense, and lawfully
 1808  dispose of marijuana or a marijuana delivery device as provided
 1809  in this section, s. 381.988, s. 381.990, and by department rule.
 1810  For the purposes of this subsection, the terms “manufacture,”
 1811  “possession,” “deliver,” “distribute,” and “dispense” have the
 1812  same meanings as provided in s. 893.02.
 1813         (f) A licensed MMTC medical marijuana treatment center and
 1814  its owners, managers, and employees are not subject to licensure
 1815  or regulation under chapter 465 or chapter 499 for
 1816  manufacturing, possessing, selling, delivering, distributing,
 1817  dispensing, or lawfully disposing of marijuana or a marijuana
 1818  delivery device, as provided in this section, in s. 381.988, and
 1819  by department rule.
 1820         (17) Rules adopted pursuant to this section before July 1,
 1821  2025, are not subject to ss. 120.54(3)(b) and 120.541. This
 1822  subsection expires July 1, 2025.
 1823         Section 3. Section 381.990, Florida Statutes, is created to
 1824  read:
 1825         381.990Adult use of marijuana.—
 1826         (1)A person 21 years of age or older may purchase in a
 1827  single transaction marijuana products containing up to 2,000
 1828  milligrams of tetrahydrocannabinol; up to 2.5 ounces of
 1829  marijuana in a form for smoking; and one or more marijuana
 1830  delivery devices, as defined in s. 381.986, provided that such
 1831  marijuana products, marijuana in a form for smoking, and
 1832  marijuana delivery devices are purchased from a medical
 1833  marijuana treatment center (MMTC) that is licensed by the
 1834  department pursuant to s. 381.986 for the retail sale of
 1835  marijuana and registered by the Department of Business and
 1836  Professional Regulation for the sale of marijuana for adult use.
 1837  A violation of this subsection is punishable as provided in s.
 1838  893.13.
 1839         (2)A person 21 years of age or older who purchases
 1840  marijuana products, marijuana in a form for smoking, or
 1841  marijuana delivery devices in accordance with subsection (1) may
 1842  possess, use, transport, and transfer, without consideration, to
 1843  another person 21 years of age or older such products or
 1844  devices. However, a person may not at any time possess marijuana
 1845  products that, in total, contain more than 2,000 milligrams of
 1846  tetrahydrocannabinol or more than 4 ounces of marijuana in a
 1847  form for smoking. A violation of this subsection is punishable
 1848  as provided in s. 893.13.
 1849         (3)This section does not limit the ability of a private
 1850  property owner to restrict the smoking or vaping of marijuana on
 1851  his or her private property; however, a landlord may not prevent
 1852  his or her tenants from possessing or using marijuana by other
 1853  means.
 1854         (4)This section does not exempt a person from prosecution
 1855  for a criminal offense related to impairment or intoxication
 1856  resulting from the use of marijuana or relieve a person from any
 1857  requirement under law to submit to a breath, blood, or urine
 1858  test or any other test to detect the presence of a controlled
 1859  substance.
 1860         Section 4. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer
 1861  Services shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and
 1862  120.54, Florida Statutes, regulating the cultivation of
 1863  marijuana by members of the public for their private use,
 1864  including the use of a cooperative model for cultivation. The
 1865  department shall adopt the rules no later than October 1, 2025.
 1866         Section 5. Subsection (3) and paragraphs (a) and (b) of
 1867  subsection (6) of section 893.13, Florida Statutes, are amended
 1868  to read:
 1869         893.13 Prohibited acts; penalties.—
 1870         (3)(a) A person 21 years of age or older may, without
 1871  consideration, deliver to another person 21 years of age or
 1872  older:
 1873         1. Marijuana products that contain a total of 2,000
 1874  milligrams or less of tetrahydrocannabinol; and
 1875         2.A quantity of 2.5 ounces or less of cannabis, as defined
 1876  in this chapter.
 1877         (b)A person younger than 21 years of age who, without
 1878  consideration, delivers to another person marijuana products
 1879  that contain a total of 2,000 milligrams or less of
 1880  tetrahydrocannabinol or a quantity of 2.5 ounces or less of
 1881  cannabis, as defined in this chapter, commits a misdemeanor of
 1882  the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
 1883  775.083, for a first conviction of a violation of this paragraph
 1884  and commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
 1885  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, for a second or subsequent
 1886  conviction of a violation of this paragraph who delivers,
 1887  without consideration, 20 grams or less of cannabis, as defined
 1888  in this chapter, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree,
 1889  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. As used in
 1890  this subsection, the term “cannabis” does not include the resin
 1891  extracted from the plants of the genus Cannabis or any compound
 1892  manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of such
 1893  resin.
 1894         (6)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a
 1895  person may not be in actual or constructive possession of a
 1896  controlled substance unless such controlled substance was
 1897  lawfully obtained from a practitioner or pursuant to a valid
 1898  prescription or order of a practitioner while acting in the
 1899  course of his or her professional practice or to be in actual or
 1900  constructive possession of a controlled substance except as
 1901  otherwise authorized by this chapter. A person who violates this
 1902  provision commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as
 1903  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
 1904         (b)1.A person 21 years of age or older may possess
 1905  marijuana products that contain a total of 2,000 milligrams or
 1906  less of tetrahydrocannabinol and may possess 4 ounces or less of
 1907  cannabis, as defined in this chapter If the offense is the
 1908  possession of 20 grams or less of cannabis, as defined in this
 1909  chapter, the person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree,
 1910  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. As used in
 1911  this subsection, the term “cannabis” does not include the resin
 1912  extracted from the plants of the genus Cannabis, or any compound
 1913  manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of such
 1914  resin.
 1915         2.A person under 21 years of age who possesses marijuana
 1916  products that contain a total of 2,000 milligrams or less of
 1917  tetrahydrocannabinol or who possesses 4 ounces or less of
 1918  cannabis, as defined in this chapter, commits a misdemeanor of
 1919  the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
 1920  775.083, for a first conviction of a violation of this paragraph
 1921  and a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in
 1922  s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, for a second or subsequent conviction
 1923  of a violation of this paragraph.
 1924         Section 6. Section 893.1352, Florida Statutes, is created
 1925  to read:
 1926         893.1352 Retroactive application of s. 893.13.
 1927         (1) It is the intent of the Legislature to apply amendments
 1928  to s. 893.13 retroactively to certain persons who were convicted
 1929  of possession of cannabis before January 1, 2026.
 1930         (2) As used in this section, a reference to former s.
 1931  893.13, Florida Statutes 2025,” is a reference to s. 893.13 as
 1932  it existed at any time before January 1, 2026.
 1933         (3)(a) A person who was convicted of a violation of former
 1934  s. 893.13, Florida Statutes 2025, for possessing 4 ounces or
 1935  less of cannabis as defined in chapter 893, but was not
 1936  sentenced under that section before January 1, 2026, must be
 1937  sentenced in accordance with s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
 1938  775.084 for the degree of offense provided in s. 893.13.
 1939         (b) A person who was convicted of a violation of former s.
 1940  893.13, Florida Statutes 2025, for possessing 4 ounces or less
 1941  of cannabis as defined in chapter 893, who was sentenced before
 1942  January 1, 2026, to a term of imprisonment or probation pursuant
 1943  to former s. 893.13, Florida Statutes 2025, and who is serving
 1944  the term of imprisonment or probation on or after January 1,
 1945  2026, must have an opportunity for a sentence review hearing. If
 1946  the person requests a sentence review hearing, he or she must be
 1947  resentenced in accordance with paragraph (c).
 1948         (c) Resentencing under this section must occur in the
 1949  following manner:
 1950         1. The Department of Corrections shall notify the person
 1951  described in paragraph (b) of his or her eligibility to request
 1952  a sentence review hearing.
 1953         2. A person seeking sentence review under this section may
 1954  submit an application to the court of original jurisdiction
 1955  requesting that a sentence review hearing be held. The
 1956  sentencing court retains original jurisdiction for the duration
 1957  of the sentence for the purpose of this review.
 1958         3.A person who is eligible for a sentence review hearing
 1959  under this section is entitled to representation by legal
 1960  counsel. If the person is indigent and unable to employ counsel,
 1961  the court must appoint counsel under s. 27.52. Determination of
 1962  indigence and costs of representation is as provided in ss.
 1963  27.52 and 938.29.
 1964         4. Upon receipt of a request for a sentence review hearing,
 1965  the court of original jurisdiction shall hold such hearing to
 1966  determine whether the person meets the criteria for resentencing
 1967  under this section. If the court determines by a preponderance
 1968  of the evidence that the person is currently serving a sentence
 1969  for a violation of former s. 893.13, Florida Statutes 2025, and
 1970  that the violation was for possession of cannabis in the amount
 1971  of 4 ounces or less, the court must resentence the person in
 1972  accordance with this section. If the court determines that the
 1973  person does not meet the criteria for resentencing under this
 1974  section, the court must provide written findings as to why the
 1975  person does not meet the criteria.
 1976         5. If the court finds that the underlying facts of a
 1977  conviction that is subject to resentencing are classified as a
 1978  crime under s. 893.13, the person must be resentenced to a term
 1979  that would not exceed the maximum sentence provided by that
 1980  section. The person is entitled to receive credit for his or her
 1981  time served.
 1982         6. If the court finds that the underlying facts of a
 1983  conviction that is subject to resentencing are not classified as
 1984  a crime under s. 893.13, the person must be resentenced to time
 1985  served and released from supervision as soon as reasonably
 1986  possible.
 1987         (4)Notwithstanding any other law, a person who has been
 1988  convicted of a crime under former s. 893.13, Florida Statutes
 1989  2025, and whose offense would not be classified as a crime under
 1990  s. 893.13, must have all fines, fees, and costs related to such
 1991  conviction waived.
 1992         Section 7. Present subsections (5), (6), and (7) of section
 1993  893.147, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (6),
 1994  (7), and (8), respectively, a new subsection (5) is added to
 1995  that section, and subsections (1), (2), and (4) of that section
 1996  are amended, to read:
 1997         893.147 Use, possession, manufacture, delivery,
 1998  transportation, advertisement, or retail sale of drug
 1999  paraphernalia, specified machines, and materials.—
 2001  provided in subsection (5), it is unlawful for any person to
 2002  use, or to possess with intent to use, drug paraphernalia:
 2003         (a) To plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest,
 2004  manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test,
 2005  analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, or conceal a controlled
 2006  substance in violation of this chapter; or
 2007         (b) To inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into
 2008  the human body a controlled substance in violation of this
 2009  chapter.
 2011  Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a
 2012  misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
 2013  775.082 or s. 775.083.
 2015  as provided in subsection (5), it is unlawful for any person to
 2016  deliver, possess with intent to deliver, or manufacture with
 2017  intent to deliver drug paraphernalia, knowing, or under
 2018  circumstances where one reasonably should know, that it will be
 2019  used:
 2020         (a) To plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest,
 2021  manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test,
 2022  analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, or conceal a controlled
 2023  substance in violation of this act; or
 2024         (b) To inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into
 2025  the human body a controlled substance in violation of this act.
 2027  Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a felony of
 2028  the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.
 2029  775.083, or s. 775.084.
 2031  provided in subsection (5), it is unlawful to use, possess with
 2032  the intent to use, or manufacture with the intent to use drug
 2033  paraphernalia, knowing or under circumstances in which one
 2034  reasonably should know that it will be used to transport:
 2035         (a) A controlled substance in violation of this chapter; or
 2036         (b) Contraband as defined in s. 932.701(2)(a)1.
 2038  Any person who violates this subsection commits a felony of the
 2039  third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083,
 2040  or s. 775.084.
 2042         (a) A person 21 years of age or older may possess, use,
 2043  transport, or deliver, without consideration, to another person
 2044  21 years of age or older a marijuana delivery device as defined
 2045  in s. 381.986.
 2046         (b) A person younger than 21 years of age who possesses,
 2047  uses, transports, or delivers, without consideration, a
 2048  marijuana delivery device as defined in s. 381.986 commits a
 2049  misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.
 2050  775.082 or s. 775.083 for a first conviction of a violation of
 2051  this paragraph and a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable
 2052  as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, for a second or
 2053  subsequent conviction of a violation of this paragraph.
 2054         Section 8. Section 943.0586, Florida Statutes, is created
 2055  to read:
 2056         943.0586 Cannabis expunction.—
 2057         (1)DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
 2058         (a) “Cannabis” has the same meaning as provided in chapter
 2059  893.
 2060         (b) “Expunction” has the same meaning and effect as
 2061  provided in s. 943.0585.
 2062         (c) “Former s. 893.13, Florida Statutes 2025,” is a
 2063  reference to s. 893.13 as it existed at any time before January
 2064  1, 2026.
 2065         (2) ELIGIBILITY.—Notwithstanding any other law, a person is
 2066  eligible to petition a court to expunge a criminal history
 2067  record for the conviction of former s. 893.13, Florida Statutes
 2068  2025, if:
 2069         (a)The person received a withholding of adjudication or
 2070  adjudication of guilt for a violation of former s. 893.13,
 2071  Florida Statutes 2025, for the possession of cannabis;
 2072         (b)The person possessed 4 ounces or less of cannabis; and
 2073         (c)The person is no longer under court supervision related
 2074  to the disposition of arrest or alleged criminal activity to
 2075  which the petition to expunge pertains.
 2076         (3) CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY.—Before petitioning a court
 2077  to expunge a criminal history record under this section, a
 2078  person seeking to expunge such record must apply to the
 2079  department for a certificate of eligibility for expunction. The
 2080  department shall adopt rules to establish procedures for
 2081  applying for and issuing a certificate of eligibility for
 2082  expunction.
 2083         (a) The department shall issue a certificate of eligibility
 2084  for expunction to a person who is the subject of a criminal
 2085  history record under this section, if that person:
 2086         1. Satisfies the eligibility criteria in subsection (2);
 2087         2. Has submitted to the department a written certified
 2088  statement from the appropriate state attorney or statewide
 2089  prosecutor which confirms the criminal history record complies
 2090  with the criteria in subsection (2); and
 2091         3. Has submitted to the department a certified copy of the
 2092  disposition of the charge to which the petition to expunge
 2093  pertains.
 2094         (b) A certificate of eligibility for expunction is valid
 2095  for 12 months after the date of issuance stamped by the
 2096  department on the certificate. After that time, the petitioner
 2097  must reapply to the department for a new certificate of
 2098  eligibility. The petitioner’s status and the law in effect at
 2099  the time of the renewal application determine the petitioner’s
 2100  eligibility.
 2101         (4) PETITION.—Each petition to expunge a criminal history
 2102  record must be accompanied by:
 2103         (a) A valid certificate of eligibility issued by the
 2104  department.
 2105         (b) The petitioner’s sworn statement that he or she:
 2106         1. Satisfies the eligibility requirements for expunction in
 2107  subsection (2); and
 2108         2. Is eligible for expunction to the best of his or her
 2109  knowledge.
 2110         (5) PENALTIES.—A person who knowingly provides false
 2111  information on his or her sworn statement submitted with a
 2112  petition to expunge commits a felony of the third degree,
 2113  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
 2114         (6) COURT AUTHORITY.—
 2115         (a)The courts of this state have jurisdiction over their
 2116  own procedures, including the maintenance, expunction, and
 2117  correction of judicial records containing criminal history
 2118  information, to the extent that such procedures are not
 2119  inconsistent with the conditions, responsibilities, and duties
 2120  established by this section.
 2121         (b) A court of competent jurisdiction shall order a
 2122  criminal justice agency to expunge the criminal history record
 2123  of a person who complies with this section. The court may not
 2124  order a criminal justice agency to expunge a criminal history
 2125  record under this section until the person seeking to expunge a
 2126  criminal history record has applied for and received a
 2127  certificate of eligibility under subsection (3).
 2128         (c)Expunction granted under this section does not prevent
 2129  the person who receives such relief from petitioning for the
 2130  expunction or sealing of a later criminal history record as
 2131  provided for in ss. 943.0583, 943.0585, and 943.059, if the
 2132  person is otherwise eligible under those sections.
 2134         (a) In judicial proceedings under this section, a copy of
 2135  the completed petition to expunge must be served upon the
 2136  appropriate state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and upon
 2137  the arresting agency; however, it is not necessary to make any
 2138  agency other than the state a party. The appropriate state
 2139  attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting agency
 2140  may respond to the court regarding the completed petition to
 2141  expunge.
 2142         (b)If relief is granted by the court, the clerk of the
 2143  court shall certify copies of the order to the appropriate state
 2144  attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting agency.
 2145  The arresting agency shall forward the order to any other agency
 2146  to which the arresting agency disseminated the criminal history
 2147  record information to which the order pertains. The department
 2148  shall forward the order to expunge to the Federal Bureau of
 2149  Investigation. The clerk of the court shall certify a copy of
 2150  the order to any other agency that the records of the court
 2151  reflect has received the criminal history record from the court.
 2152         (c)The department or any other criminal justice agency is
 2153  not required to act on an order to expunge entered by a court if
 2154  such order does not meet the requirements of this section. Upon
 2155  receipt of such an order, the department shall notify the
 2156  issuing court, the appropriate state attorney or statewide
 2157  prosecutor, the petitioner or the petitioner’s attorney, and the
 2158  arresting agency of the reason for noncompliance. The
 2159  appropriate state attorney or statewide prosecutor shall take
 2160  action within 60 days to correct the record and petition the
 2161  court to void the order. No cause of action, including contempt
 2162  of court, may arise against any criminal justice agency for
 2163  failure to comply with an order to expunge if the petitioner for
 2164  such order failed to obtain the certificate of eligibility as
 2165  required by this section or such order does not otherwise meet
 2166  the requirements of this section.
 2168         (a)The person who is the subject of a criminal history
 2169  record that is expunged under this section may lawfully deny or
 2170  fail to acknowledge any arrest or conviction covered by the
 2171  expunged record, except if the person who is the subject of the
 2172  record:
 2173         1. Is a candidate for employment with a criminal justice
 2174  agency;
 2175         2. Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;
 2176         3. Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief under
 2177  this section, s. 943.0583, s. 943.0585, or s. 943.059;
 2178         4. Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;
 2179         5. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to contract
 2180  with the Department of Children and Families, the Division of
 2181  Vocational Rehabilitation within the Department of Education,
 2182  the Agency for Health Care Administration, the Agency for
 2183  Persons with Disabilities, the Department of Health, the
 2184  Department of Elderly Affairs, or the Department of Juvenile
 2185  Justice or to be employed or used by such contractor or licensee
 2186  in a sensitive position having direct contact with children,
 2187  persons with disabilities, or the elderly;
 2188         6. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by the Department
 2189  of Education, any district school board, any university
 2190  laboratory school, any charter school, any private or parochial
 2191  school, or any local governmental entity that licenses child
 2192  care facilities;
 2193         7. Is seeking to be licensed by the Division of Insurance
 2194  Agent and Agency Services within the Department of Financial
 2195  Services; or
 2196         8. Is seeking to be appointed as a guardian pursuant to s.
 2197  744.3125.
 2198         (b)A person who has been granted an expunction under this
 2199  section and who is authorized under paragraph (a) to lawfully
 2200  deny or fail to acknowledge the arrests and convictions covered
 2201  by an expunged record may not be held under any law of this
 2202  state to have committed perjury or to be otherwise liable for
 2203  giving a false statement by reason of his or her failure to
 2204  recite or acknowledge an expunged criminal history record.
 2205         Section 9. Section 893.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to
 2206  read:
 2207         893.15 Rehabilitation.—Any person who violates s.
 2208  893.13(6)(a) or (b) relating to possession may, in the
 2209  discretion of the trial judge, be required to participate in a
 2210  substance abuse services program approved or regulated by the
 2211  Department of Children and Families pursuant to the provisions
 2212  of chapter 397, provided the director of such program approves
 2213  the placement of the defendant in such program. Such required
 2214  participation shall be imposed in addition to any penalty or
 2215  probation otherwise prescribed by law. However, the total time
 2216  of such penalty, probation, and program participation may shall
 2217  not exceed the maximum length of sentence possible for the
 2218  offense.
 2219         Section 10. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
 2220  act and except for this section, which shall take effect upon
 2221  becoming a law, this act shall take effect January 1, 2026.
