Bill Text: FL H1193 | 2010 | Regular Session | Engrossed
Bill Title: Retirement [WPSC]
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Passed) 2010-06-01 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2010-179 [H1193 Detail]
Download: Florida-2010-H1193-Engrossed.html
HB 1193 |
1 | |
2 | An act relating to retirement; providing a short title; |
3 | providing legislative findings; providing a statement of |
4 | important state interest; amending s. 121.021, F.S.; |
5 | revising the definition of "special risk member" to |
6 | include certain members suffering a qualifying injury; |
7 | amending s. 121.0515, F.S.; providing eligibility |
8 | requirements for membership in the Special Risk Class for |
9 | certain members suffering a qualifying injury; providing |
10 | medical certification requirements; providing a |
11 | definition; prohibiting the grant or creation of |
12 | additional rights; providing retroactive effect; amending |
13 | s. 112.191, F.S.; revising provisions providing death |
14 | benefits for firefighters; expanding activities entitling |
15 | firefighters to death benefits to include participation in |
16 | training exercises and injury by an unlawful and |
17 | intentional act that results in death; providing |
18 | legislative findings that the act fulfils an important |
19 | state interest; providing for application; providing an |
20 | effective date. |
21 | |
22 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
23 | |
24 | Section 1. This act may be cited as the "Adam Pierce Act." |
25 | Section 2. The Legislature finds that persons employed in |
26 | law enforcement, firefighting, and criminal detention positions |
27 | perform state and municipal functions; that it is their duty to |
28 | protect life and property at their own risk and peril; that it |
29 | is their duty to instruct school personnel, public officials, |
30 | and private citizens about safety; and that their activities are |
31 | vital to public safety. Therefore, the Legislature finds that it |
32 | is a proper and legitimate state purpose to provide a uniform |
33 | retirement system for the benefit of persons employed in law |
34 | enforcement, firefighting, and criminal detention positions and |
35 | finds, in implementing the provisions of s. 14, Art. X of the |
36 | State Constitution relating to pension trust fund systems and |
37 | plans, that such retirement systems or plans be managed, |
38 | administered, operated, and funded in such manner as to maximize |
39 | the protection of pension trust funds. Pursuant to s. 18, Art. |
40 | VII of the State Constitution, the Legislature determines and |
41 | declares that the provisions of this act fulfill an important |
42 | state interest. |
43 | Section 3. Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (15) of |
44 | section 121.021, Florida Statutes, to read: |
45 | 121.021 Definitions.-The following words and phrases as |
46 | used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth |
47 | unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context: |
48 | (15) |
49 | (f) Effective August 1, 2008, "special risk member" |
50 | includes any member who meets the special criteria for continued |
51 | membership set forth in s. 121.0515(2)(k). |
52 | Section 4. Paragraphs (g) through (j) of subsection (2) of |
53 | section 121.0515, Florida Statutes, are amended, paragraph (k) |
54 | is added to that subsection, and paragraph (d) is added to |
55 | subsection (7) of that section, to read: |
56 | 121.0515 Special risk membership.- |
57 | (2) CRITERIA.-A member, to be designated as a special risk |
58 | member, must meet the following criteria: |
59 | (g) The member must be employed as a youth custody officer |
60 | and be certified, or required to be certified, in compliance |
61 | with s. 943.1395. In addition, the member's primary duties and |
62 | responsibilities must be the supervised custody, surveillance, |
63 | control, investigation, apprehension, arrest, and counseling of |
64 | assigned juveniles within the community; |
65 | (h) Effective October 1, 2005, through June 30, 2008, the |
66 | member must be employed by a law enforcement agency or medical |
67 | examiner's office in a forensic discipline recognized by the |
68 | International Association for Identification and must qualify |
69 | for active membership in the International Association for |
70 | Identification. The member's primary duties and responsibilities |
71 | must include the collection, examination, preservation, |
72 | documentation, preparation, or analysis of physical evidence or |
73 | testimony, or both, or the member must be the direct supervisor, |
74 | quality management supervisor, or command officer of one or more |
75 | individuals with such responsibility. Administrative support |
76 | personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose primary |
77 | responsibilities are clerical or in accounting, purchasing, |
78 | legal, and personnel, shall not be included; |
79 | (i) Effective July 1, 2008, the member must be employed by |
80 | the Department of Law Enforcement in the crime laboratory or by |
81 | the Division of State Fire Marshal in the forensic laboratory in |
82 | one of the following classes: |
83 | 1. Forensic technologist (class code 8459); |
84 | 2. Crime laboratory technician (class code 8461); |
85 | 3. Crime laboratory analyst (class code 8463); |
86 | 4. Senior crime laboratory analyst (class code 8464); |
87 | 5. Crime laboratory analyst supervisor (class code 8466); |
88 | 6. Forensic chief (class code 9602); or |
89 | 7. Forensic services quality manager (class code 9603); |
90 | (j) Effective July 1, 2008, the member must be employed by |
91 | a local government law enforcement agency or medical examiner's |
92 | office and must spend at least 65 percent of his or her time |
93 | performing duties that involve the collection, examination, |
94 | preservation, documentation, preparation, or analysis of human |
95 | tissues or fluids or physical evidence having potential |
96 | biological, chemical, or radiological hazard or contamination, |
97 | or use chemicals, processes, or materials that may have |
98 | carcinogenic or health-damaging properties in the analysis of |
99 | such evidence, or the member must be the direct supervisor of |
100 | one or more individuals having such responsibility. If a special |
101 | risk member changes to another position within the same agency, |
102 | he or she must submit a complete application as provided in |
103 | paragraph (3)(a); or |
104 | (k) The member must have already qualified for and be |
105 | actively participating in special risk membership under |
106 | paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (c), must have |
107 | suffered a qualifying injury as defined in this paragraph, must |
108 | not be receiving disability retirement benefits as provided in |
109 | s. 121.091(4), and must satisfy the requirements of this |
110 | paragraph. |
111 | 1. The ability to qualify for the class of membership |
112 | defined in s. 121.021(15)(f) shall occur when two licensed |
113 | medical physicians, one of whom is a primary treating physician |
114 | of the member, certify the existence of the physical injury and |
115 | medical condition that constitute a qualifying injury as defined |
116 | in this paragraph and that the member has reached maximum |
117 | medical improvement after August 1, 2008. The certifications |
118 | from the licensed medical physicians must include, at a minimum, |
119 | that the injury to the special risk member has resulted in a |
120 | physical loss, or loss of use, of at least two of the following: |
121 | left arm, right arm, left leg, or right leg; and: |
122 | a. That this physical loss or loss of use is total and |
123 | permanent, except in the event that the loss of use is due to a |
124 | physical injury to the member's brain, in which event the loss |
125 | of use is permanent with at least 75-percent loss of motor |
126 | function with respect to each arm or leg affected. |
127 | b. That this physical loss or loss of use renders the |
128 | member physically unable to perform the essential job functions |
129 | of his or her special risk position. |
130 | c. That, notwithstanding this physical loss or loss of |
131 | use, the individual is able to perform the essential job |
132 | functions required by the member's new position, as provided in |
133 | subparagraph 3. |
134 | d. That use of artificial limbs is either not possible or |
135 | does not alter the member's ability to perform the essential job |
136 | functions of the member's position. |
137 | e. That the physical loss or loss of use is a direct |
138 | result of a physical injury and not a result of any mental, |
139 | psychological, or emotional injury. |
140 | 2. For the purposes of this paragraph, "qualifying injury" |
141 | means an injury sustained in the line of duty, as certified by |
142 | the member's employing agency, by a special risk member that |
143 | does not result in total and permanent disability as defined in |
144 | s. 121.091(4)(b). An injury is a qualifying injury when the |
145 | injury is a physical injury to the member's physical body |
146 | resulting in a physical loss, or loss of use, of at least two of |
147 | the following: left arm, right arm, left leg, or right leg. |
148 | Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, an |
149 | injury that would otherwise qualify as a qualifying injury shall |
150 | not be considered a qualifying injury if and when the member |
151 | ceases employment with the employer for whom he or she was |
152 | providing special risk services on the date the injury occurred. |
153 | 3. The new position, as described in sub-subparagraph |
154 | 1.c., that is required for qualification as a special risk |
155 | member under this paragraph is not required to be a position |
156 | with essential job functions that entitle an individual to |
157 | special risk membership. Whether a new position as described in |
158 | sub-subparagraph 1.c. exists and is available to the special |
159 | risk member is a decision to be made solely by the employer in |
160 | accordance with its hiring practices and applicable law. |
161 | 4. This paragraph does not grant or create additional |
162 | rights for any individual to continued employment or to be hired |
163 | or rehired by his or her employer that are not already provided |
164 | within the Florida Statutes, the State Constitution, the |
165 | Americans with Disabilities Act, if applicable, or any other |
166 | applicable state or federal law. |
168 | (d) Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection to |
169 | the contrary, this subsection does not apply to any special risk |
170 | member who qualifies for continued membership pursuant to the |
171 | provisions of paragraph (2)(k). |
172 | Section 5. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (2) of |
173 | section 112.191, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: |
174 | 112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.- |
175 | (2) |
176 | (b) The sum of $50,000, as adjusted pursuant to paragraph |
177 | (i), shall be paid as provided in this section if a firefighter |
178 | is accidentally killed as specified in paragraph (a) and the |
179 | accidental death occurs as a result of the firefighter's |
180 | response to what is reasonably believed to be an emergency |
181 | involving the protection of life or property or the |
182 | firefighter's participation in a training exercise. This sum is |
183 | |
184 | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, |
185 | amount payable under this subsection may not be less than the |
186 | actual amount stated therein. |
187 | (c) If a firefighter, while engaged in the performance of |
188 | his or her firefighter duties, is unlawfully and intentionally |
189 | killed, is injured by an unlawful and intentional act of another |
190 | person and dies as a result of such injury, dies as a result of |
191 | a fire which has been determined to have been caused by an act |
192 | of arson, or subsequently dies as a result of injuries sustained |
193 | therefrom, the sum of $150,000, as adjusted pursuant to |
194 | paragraph (i), shall be paid as provided in this section. |
195 | Notwithstanding any other provision of law, |
196 | amount payable under this subsection may not be less than the |
197 | actual amount stated therein. |
198 | Section 6. The Legislature finds that this act fulfills an |
199 | important state interest. |
200 | Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, |
201 | and applies to firefighter deaths occurring on or after November |
202 | 1, 2003. |
CODING: Words |