Bill Text: CT SB00443 | 2010 | General Assembly | Chaptered

Bill Title: An Act Concerning The Cancellation Of Unissued Bond Fund Authorizations.

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Democrat 10-5-1)

Status: (Passed) 2010-05-18 - Signed by the Governor [SB00443 Detail]

Download: Connecticut-2010-SB00443-Chaptered.html

Senate Bill No. 443

Special Act No. 10-1


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Section 1 of number 281 of the special acts of 1969, as amended by section 1 of number 1 of the special acts of June, 1969, section 5 of number 4 of the public acts of June, 1971, section 11 of special act 74-43, section 35 of special act 77-47, section 45 of special act 78-81, section 52 of special act 79-95, section 27 of special act 80-41, section 43 of special act 81-71, section 69 of special act 82-46, section 82 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 52 of special act 84-54, section 50 of special act 85-102, section 78 of special act 86-54, section 125 of special act 87-77, section 69 of special act 88-77 and section 33 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 to 11, inclusive, of number 281 of the special acts of 1969, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate [two hundred twenty-six million nine hundred sixty-two thousand six hundred twenty-three] two hundred twenty-six million six hundred eight thousand six hundred eighty-eight dollars.

Sec. 2. Subdivision (4) of subsection (a) of section 2 of number 281 of the special acts of 1969, as amended by section 79 of special act 88-77 and section 35 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Grants-in-aid to housing development corporations, not exceeding [one million six hundred forty-five thousand eight hundred ninety-one] two million twenty-eight thousand three hundred fourteen dollars.

Sec. 3. Subdivision (6) of subsection (a) of section 2 of number 281 of the special acts of 1969, as amended by section 8 of special act 75-101, section 85 of special act 83-17, section 78 of special act 88-77 and section 34 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Research, demonstration and planning projects including grants-in-aid and advances, not exceeding [seven hundred seventeen thousand three hundred sixty-eight] four hundred seventy-one thousand three hundred eighty-four dollars.

Sec. 4. Subdivision (7) of subsection (a) of section 2 of number 281 of the special acts of 1969, as amended by section 2 of number 1 of the special acts of June, 1969, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Grants-in-aid to housing development corporations, not exceeding [two million five hundred thousand] two million two hundred thirty-five thousand eight hundred twenty-six dollars.

Sec. 5. Subparagraph (G) of subdivision (5) of subsection (v) of section 2 of number 281 of the special acts of 1969, as amended by section 83 of special act 82-46 and section 64 of special act 84-54, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Development of athletic facilities including land acquisition, not exceeding [one million six hundred thousand] one million three hundred seventy-three thousand eight hundred dollars.

Sec. 6. Section 1 of number 315 of the special acts of 1967, as amended by section 4 of number 755 of the public acts of 1969, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power in accordance with the provisions of [this act] number 315 of the special acts of 1967, from time to time, to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts in the aggregate not exceeding [seventy-six million nine hundred fifty thousand] seventy-four million five hundred thousand dollars. From revenues available to the highway commissioner in the highway fund for the biennia ending June 30, 1969 and June 30, 1971 and appropriated to the highway department for highway construction for said biennia five million eight hundred fifty thousand dollars and thirty million dollars respectively shall be deemed to be appropriated for the purposes of [this act] number 315 of the special acts of 1967.

Sec. 7. Section 1 of special act 74-43, as amended by section 59 of special act 77-47, section 78 of special act 79-95, section 46 of special act 80-41, section 69 of special act 81-71, section 139 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 72 of special act 84-54, section 125 of special act 88-77 and section 43 of special act 90-34, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in part, in lieu of the provisions of law amended by sections 8 to 17, inclusive, of special act 74-43, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 to 7, inclusive, of special act 74-43, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate [ten million ninety-seven thousand nine hundred fifty-five] ten million ninety-five thousand dollars.

Sec. 8. Subsection (d) of section 2 of special act 74-43, as amended by section 79 of special act 79-95, section 142 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 75 of special act 84-54 and section 127 of special act 88-77, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For Contingency Reserve: Additions to the amount hereinbefore stated for any of the foregoing projects or purposes, amounts in the aggregate not exceeding [thirty-two thousand seven hundred eighty-eight] twenty-nine thousand eight hundred thirty-three dollars.

Sec. 9. Section 1 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 8 of special act 74-43, section 73 of special act 78-81, section 71 of special act 79-95, section 42 of special act 80-41, section 62 of special act 81-71, section 91 of special act 82-46, section 136 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 69 of special act 84-54, section 89 of special act 86-54, section 161 of special act 87-77, section 43 of special act 89-52, section 34 of special act 91-7 of the June special session and section 39 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of special act 73-74, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate [forty-two million eight hundred ninety-eight thousand seven hundred seventy-nine] forty-one million dollars.

Sec. 10. Subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 137 of special act 83-17 of the June special session and section 162 of special act 87-77, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

At Rocky Neck State Park, bathhouse, parking facilities and fencing, not exceeding [three hundred eighty-two thousand seven hundred forty-six] four hundred sixteen thousand six hundred dollars.

Sec. 11. Subdivision (4) of subsection (b) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 90 of special act 86-54 and section 163 of special act 87-77, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Improvements to sanitary facilities at various state parks, not exceeding [two hundred twenty-eight thousand one hundred eighty-nine] three hundred thousand dollars.

Sec. 12. Subdivision (5) of subsection (b) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 91 of special act 86-54, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

At Bluff Point State Park, land acquisition and development, not exceeding [seven hundred sixty-five thousand four hundred forty-four] eight hundred thousand dollars.

Sec. 13. Subdivision (6) of subsection (b) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 63 of special act 81-71 and section 164 of special act 87-77, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

At Silver Sands State Park, development and improvement, not exceeding [one hundred sixty-one thousand eight hundred three] one hundred seventy-four thousand nine hundred fifty dollars.

Sec. 14. Subparagraph (D) of subdivision (7) of subsection (b) of section 2 of special act 73-74 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Pardee Brook, Hamden, not exceeding [two hundred fifty thousand] twenty-two thousand dollars.

Sec. 15. Subsection (d) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 92 of special act 86-54, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For the Commission on [Medocolegal] Medicolegal Investigations, for the Office of the Medical Examiner: Office, autopsy and laboratory facilities, not exceeding [three hundred twenty-two thousand one hundred fifteen] three hundred twenty-four thousand dollars.

Sec. 16. Subparagraph (B) of subdivision (2) of subsection (f) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 9 of special act 74-43 and section 70 of special act 84-54, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Runway facilities improvements, not exceeding [fifty-two thousand eight hundred fifteen] fifty-eight thousand dollars.

Sec. 17. Subdivision (4) of subsection (g) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 165 of special act 87-77, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

At Warren F. Kaynor Regional Vocational-Technical School, Waterbury, improvements and additions to existing facilities, not exceeding [one million four hundred eighty-six thousand ninety-seven] one million five hundred thousand dollars.

Sec. 18. Subdivision (1) of subsection (h) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 75 of special act 78-81 and section 94 of special act 82-46, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Completion of facilities, including moveable equipment, not exceeding [two million six hundred eighty-five thousand six hundred forty-four] two million six hundred ninety-seven thousand five hundred dollars.

Sec. 19. Subdivision (2) of subsection (h) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 95 of special act 82-46, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Acquisition and installation of ground fault protection equipment, not exceeding [one hundred fifteen thousand six hundred] one hundred twenty thousand dollars.

Sec. 20. Subdivision (1) of subsection (k) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 166 of special act 87-77, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

At the in-town campus, renovation of the administration building, not exceeding [three hundred eighty-nine thousand eight hundred fifteen] four hundred twelve thousand dollars.

Sec. 21. Subparagraph (B) of subdivision (1) of subsection (l) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 167 of special act 87-77 and section 35 of special act 91-7 of the June special session, is repealed. (Effective from passage)

Sec. 22. Subdivision (2) of subsection (l) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 96 of special act 82-46, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For Connecticut Correctional Institution, Somers, planning for maximum security facilities, not exceeding [one hundred seventy-nine thousand nine hundred ninety] two hundred thousand dollars.

Sec. 23. Subdivision (2) of subsection (m) of section 2 of special act 73-74 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For a courthouse complex in the Danbury area, land acquisition and/or development of facilities, not exceeding [three million two hundred thousand] two million fifty-six thousand four hundred dollars.

Sec. 24. Subsection (n) of section 2 of special act 73-74, as amended by section 76 of special act 78-81, section 75 of special act 79-95, section 45 of special act 80-41, section 68 of special act 81-71, section 97 of special act 82-46, section 138 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 71 of special act 84-54, section 93 of special act 86-54, section 168 of special act 87-77, section 44 of special act 89-52, section 36 of special act 91-7 of the June special session and section 40 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For Contingency Reserve: Additions to the amount hereinbefore stated for any of the foregoing projects or purposes, amounts in the aggregate not exceeding [one million nine hundred forty thousand four hundred eleven] one million nine hundred ninety thousand nine hundred forty dollars.

Sec. 25. Section 1 of special act 77-47, as amended by section 98 of special act 79-95, section 52 of special act 80-41, section 89 of special act 81-71, section 111 of special act 82-46, section 161 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 87 of special act 84-54, section 87 of special act 85-102, section 173 of special act 87-77, section 128 of special act 88-77, section 52 of special act 89-52, section 52 of special act 90-34, section 39 of special act 91-7 of the June special session and section 44 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 to 7, inclusive, of special act 77-47, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate [eighty million five hundred twenty-nine thousand seven hundred eleven dollars] eighty million one hundred twenty-four thousand three hundred twenty-two dollars and fifty cents.

Sec. 26. Subsection (l) of section 2 of special act 77-47, as amended by section 45 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For the Veterans Home and Hospital: Elevators and renovations to accommodate handicapped persons, not exceeding [three hundred ninety-nine thousand seven hundred eleven] two hundred thirty-seven thousand two hundred fifty dollars.

Sec. 27. Subdivision (11) of subsection (n) of section 2 of special act 77-47, as amended by section 84 of special act 78-81, section 54 of special act 80-41 and section 146 of special act 82-46, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Equipment, renovation and construction or repair of an existing junior or senior high school in Enfield for a vocational-technical school and community college, not exceeding [one million dollars] seven hundred fifty-one thousand three hundred seventy-nine dollars and fifty cents.

Sec. 28. Subsection (u) of section 2 of special act 77-47, as amended by section 100 of special act 79-95, section 100 of special act 81-71, section 114 of special act 82-46, section 167 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 92 of special act 84-54, section 91 of special act 85-102, section 185 of special act 87-77, section 53 of special act 89-52, section 55 of special act 90-34 and section 40 of special act 91-7 of the June special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For Contingency Reserve: Additions to the amount hereinbefore stated for any of the foregoing projects or purposes, amounts in the aggregate not exceeding [one million four hundred seventy-four thousand three hundred seventy-eight] one million four hundred eighty thousand seventy-one dollars.

Sec. 29. Section 1 of special act 80-41, as amended by section 125 of special act 81-71, section 128 of special act 82-46, section 186 of special act 83-17 of the June special session, section 114 of special act 84-54, section 101 of special act 85-102, section 199 of special act 87-77, section 142 of special act 88-77, section 62 of special act 89-52, section 63 of special act 90-34, section 45 of special act 91-7 of the June special session and section 50 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 to 8, inclusive, of special act 80-41, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate [seventy-two million six hundred five thousand seven hundred eighty-four] seventy-two million seventy thousand dollars.

Sec. 30. Subparagraph (A) of subdivision (2) of subsection (f) of section 2 of special act 80-41, as amended by section 201 of special act 87-77 and section 51 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Replacement of windows, not exceeding [one hundred sixteen thousand one hundred ninety-two] four hundred five thousand one hundred sixty-nine dollars.

Sec. 31. Subparagraph (C) of subdivision (2) of subsection (f) of section 2 of special act 80-41, as amended by section 52 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Stair towers for hospital building, not exceeding [sixteen thousand three hundred fifty-six] one hundred sixty-seven thousand dollars.

Sec. 32. Subdivision (5) of subsection (g) of section 2 of special act 80-41 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Fire, safety and patient environmental improvements including various improvements in compliance with current codes, including intermediate care facility standards, not exceeding [one million five hundred thousand] one million three hundred sixteen thousand five hundred seventy-five dollars.

Sec. 33. Subsection (j) of section 2 of special act 80-41, as amended by section 131 of special act 82-46 and section 64 of special act 90-34, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For the Board of Trustees for State Colleges: Alterations and improvements to buildings and grounds, including energy conservation, utilities and mechanical systems, not exceeding [two million seven hundred eleven thousand eight hundred six] two million five hundred eighty-eight thousand eight hundred twenty-six dollars.

Sec. 34. Section 9 of special act 80-41, as amended by section 70 of special act 90-34, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 9 to 17, inclusive, of special act 80-41, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not in the aggregate exceeding [one hundred ninety-seven thousand four hundred sixty-five dollars] one hundred ninety-seven thousand four hundred sixty-four dollars and twenty cents.

Sec. 35. Subsection (B) of section 10 of special act 80-41, as amended by section 72 of special act 90-34, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Eastern Connecticut State University dormitory facilities, not exceeding [one hundred eighty-three thousand nine hundred sixty-six dollars] one hundred eighty-three thousand nine hundred sixty-five dollars and twenty cents.

Sec. 36. Section 1 of public act 80-392 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of this section, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate [five hundred thousand] four hundred ninety-eight thousand nine hundred ninety-one dollars, the proceeds of the sale of which shall be used by the commissioner of transportation to plan, design, lay out and construct ramps to and from the east at Route 177 on Route 72 in Plainville. All provisions of section 3-20 of the general statutes or the exercise of any right or power granted thereby which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this section are hereby adopted and shall apply to all bonds authorized by the state bond commission pursuant to this section, and temporary notes in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of any such bonds so authorized may be issued in accordance with said section 3-20 and from time to time renewed. Such bonds shall mature at such time or times not exceeding twenty years from their respective dates as may be provided in or pursuant to the resolution or resolutions of the state bond commission authorizing such bonds. Such bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due, and accordingly and as part of the contract of the state with the holders of such bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of such principal and interest is hereby made, and the treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same become due.

Sec. 37. Section 1 of special act 83-2 of the October special session, as amended by section 169 of special act 84-54, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 to 7, inclusive, of special act 83-2 of the October special session, to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not exceeding in the aggregate [one million five hundred thousand] one million three hundred thirty-eight thousand five hundred thirty-three dollars.

Sec. 38. Subparagraph (D) of subdivision (6) of subsection (k) of section 2 of special act 80-41, as amended by section 68 of special act 90-34, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Modifications and renovations for energy conservation, not exceeding [one million four hundred fifty thousand four hundred] seven hundred eighty-one thousand four hundred dollars.

Sec. 39. Section 1 of special act 84-54, as amended by section 136 of special act 85-102, section 118 of special act 86-54, section 221 of special act 87-77, section 168 of special act 88-77, section 89 of special act 89-52, section 92 of special act 90-34, section 64 of special act 91-7 of the June special session, section 57 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, section 61 of special act 93-2 of the June special session, section 39 of public act 94-2 of the May special session and section 39 of special act 97-1 of the June 5 special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The State Bond Commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 to 7, inclusive, of special act 84-54, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts in the aggregate, not exceeding [one hundred seventeen million two hundred sixty thousand one hundred fifty-eight] one hundred fourteen million six hundred thirteen thousand eight hundred twenty-eight dollars.

Sec. 40. Subdivision (3) of subsection (d) of section 2 of special act 84-54, as amended by section 40 of special act 97-1 of the June 5 special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Dam repairs including state-owned dams, not exceeding [three million nine hundred sixty-eight thousand six hundred fourteen] one million six hundred ninety-two thousand thirty dollars.

Sec. 41. Subdivision (6) of subsection (d) of section 2 of special act 84-54, as amended by section 120 of special act 86-54 and section 59 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Land acquisition, Scantic River, Enfield and East Windsor, not exceeding [six hundred fifty-eight thousand two hundred] five hundred seventy-seven thousand two hundred dollars.

Sec. 42. Subdivision (2) of subsection (e) of section 2 of special act 84-54 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Addition to the Restoration of Historic Assets in Connecticut Fund, in accordance with the provisions of section 8 of special act 77-47, not exceeding [two hundred fifty thousand] two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars.

Sec. 43. Subsection (f) of section 2 of special act 84-54 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

For the Department of Health Services, for grants-in-aid to community health center facilities, not exceeding [two hundred fifty thousand] two hundred forty-three thousand one hundred nine dollars.

Sec. 44. Subdivision (1) of subsection (i) of section 2 of special act 84-54, as amended by section 141 of special act 85-102, section 121 of special act 86-54, section 96 of special act 90-34 and section 61 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Land acquisition, construction or purchase and renovation of specialized group homes, not exceeding [one million nine hundred seventy-two thousand two hundred nineteen] one million six hundred nine thousand two hundred sixty-four dollars.

Sec. 45. Subdivision (6) of subsection (j) of section 2 of special act 84-54 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Grants-in-aid to community residential and out-patient facilities for alterations, repairs and improvements, not exceeding [five hundred thousand] four hundred eighty-six thousand nine hundred eighty-seven dollars.

Sec. 46. Subdivision (2) of subsection (w) of section 2 of special act 84-54, as amended by section 261 of special act 87-77 and section 62 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

To towns, cities and boroughs and to districts, as defined in section 7-324 of the general statutes, not located within the area of the state to which the Presidential Disaster Declaration of June 14, 1982 is applicable on a pro-rata basis, for reimbursement for flood related costs or expenses for damage to property identified and reported to the Office of Policy and Management owned by such town, city, borough or district not otherwise reimbursed by state or federal funds, not exceeding [three hundred eighty thousand eight hundred eighty-seven] five hundred eighty thousand dollars, provided all repairs, improvements and reconstructions not made, pursuant to this subsection by September 30, 1987, shall not receive further reimbursement.

Sec. 47. Section 12 of special act 85-102, as amended by section 185 of special act 88-77, section 110 of special act 89-52, section 144 of special act 90-34, section 84 of special act 91-7 of the June special session, section 68 of special act 92-3 of the May special session and section 45 of special act 97-1 of the June 5 special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The State Bond Commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 12 to 21, inclusive, of special act 85-102, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts in the aggregate, not exceeding [one million seven hundred thirty-one thousand one hundred forty-five] one million six hundred twenty-three thousand one hundred eighty dollars.

Sec. 48. Subparagraph (B) of subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of section 13 of special act 85-102, as amended by section 69 of special act 92-3 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Improvements and renovations to dormitories including related parking, not exceeding [one hundred sixty-seven thousand nine hundred sixty-five] sixty thousand dollars.

Sec. 49. Section 12 of special act 86-54, as amended by section 122 of special act 89-52, section 165 of special act 90-34, section 99 of special act 91-7 of the June special session, section 80 of special act 92-3 of the May special session and section 48 of public act 94-2 of the May special session, is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

The state bond commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of [section] sections 12 to 21, inclusive, of special act 86-54, from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts in the aggregate not exceeding [four million one hundred forty-seven thousand three hundred sixty-five] four million one hundred thirty-one thousand three hundred sixty-five dollars.

Sec. 50. Subparagraph (A)(ii) of subdivision (1) of subsection (c) of section 13 of special act 86-54 is amended to read as follows (Effective from passage):

Renovations and improvements to buildings in accordance with current codes, not exceeding [forty-nine thousand] thirty-three thousand dollars.

Approved May 18, 2010
