| CO | SB003 | Intro 25% | Concerning prohibited activity involving semiautomatic firearms, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, transfer, sale, and purchase of specified semiautomatic firearms and classifying a device that increases the rat... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 [Hearing: Feb 13 @ 7:00 am] Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 02/13/2025 - No Amendments |
| CO | HB1030 | Engross 50% | Concerning the requirement that certain building codes have accessibility standards that are at least as stringent as international building codes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 To Senate Local Government & Housing Committee |
| CO | HJR1013 | Intro 25% | Concerning honoring Colorado veterans on the eightieth anniversary of the end of World War II. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1015 | Intro 25% | Concerning honoring Korean War veterans. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1011 | Intro 25% | Concerning honoring Gold Star Families. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1017 | Intro 25% | Concerning honoring the 10th Mountain Division of Colorado. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1014 | Intro 25% | Concerning recognition and remembrance of Colorado military veterans who served in the Vietnam War. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1012 | Intro 25% | Concerning the fifty-seventh anniversary of the capture of the U.S.S. Pueblo by North Korea. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1010 | Intro 25% | Concerning recognition of Military, Veterans, and POW/MIA Appreciation Day. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1016 | Intro 25% | Concerning recognition and remembrance of Colorado military veterans who served in the Persian Gulf War. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1018 | Intro 25% | Concerning recognition of the contributions of Latina and Latino veterans. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1019 | Intro 25% | Concerning honoring and recognizing the military service and contributions of Native American veterans and communities. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HB1138 | Intro 25% | Concerning evidentiary requirements to protect victims of sexual misconduct in civil suits. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HB1027 | Intro 25% | Concerning modifications to statutes governing disease control. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HB1009 | Intro 25% | Concerning a vegetative fuel mitigation program for a district providing fire protection services. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1020 | Intro 25% | Concerning recognition of African American veterans. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-07 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | SB005 | Intro 25% | Concerning the elimination of the requirement for a second election to negotiate a union security clause in the collective bargaining process. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 [Hearing: Feb 13 @ 7:00 am] Senate Second Reading Laid Over to 02/13/2025 - No Amendments |
| CO | SB014 | Engross 50% | Concerning repealing the statutory unconstitutional ban on same-sex marriage. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 [Hearing: Mar 26 @ 7:00 am] To House Judiciary Committee |
| CO | HB1005 | Intro 25% | Concerning the creation of tax incentives to support the film festival industry. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To House Appropriations Committee |
| CO | HB1033 | Engross 50% | Concerning medical assistance third-party liability payments. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 [Hearing: Feb 11 @ 7:00 am] Senate Committee on Health & Human Services Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole |
| CO | HB1019 | Engross 50% | Concerning third-party administration of programs for persons experiencing homelessness that are overseen by the division of housing in the department of local affairs. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 [Hearing: Feb 11 @ 7:00 am] Senate Committee on Local Government & Housing Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole |
| CO | HJR1004 | Engross 50% | Concerning approval of water project revolving fund eligibility lists administered by the Colorado water resources and power development authority. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 Senate Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources Refer Unamended to Senate Committee of the Whole |
| CO | HB1157 | Intro 25% | Concerning the extension of the advanced industry investment tax credit. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 House Committee on Finance Refer Unamended to Appropriations |
| CO | HJR1009 | Pass | Concerning recognizing February of 2025 as Black History Month. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 Signed by the Speaker of the House |
| CO | HB1003 | Engross 50% | Concerning a medicaid waiver program for children with complex health needs. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To Senate Health and Human Services Committee |
| CO | HB1025 | Engross 50% | Concerning the state stockpile of essential materials, and, in connection therewith, broadening the circumstances in which distributions from the stockpile are allowed. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee |
| CO | HB1091 | Engross 50% | Concerning the designation of the Agaricus julius mushroom as the state mushroom. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 To Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee |
| CO | HB1084 | Intro 25% | Concerning the substitution of gender-neutral language for gendered language in title 35 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HB1023 | Engross 50% | Concerning local government review of certain fencing projects. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to |
| CO | HB1053 | Intro 25% | Concerning limited immunity from civil liability for landowners who allow access to their property for entry and exit in connection with an emergency. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-06 House Third Reading Passed - No Amendments |
| CO | HB1077 | Engross 50% | Concerning requirements for individuals who work on backflow prevention devices, and, in connection therewith, removing the licensure requirement for individuals who inspect, test, or repair the devices. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To Senate Business, Labor, & Technology Committee |
| CO | HB1006 | Engross 50% | Concerning allowing a school district to lease district property for any term of years. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To Senate Education Committee |
| CO | SB157 | Intro 25% | Concerning reducing burdens to enforcement of laws prohibiting deceptive acts. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To Senate Business, Labor, & Technology Committee |
| CO | SB129 | Intro 25% | Concerning protections related to a legally protected health-care activity. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 [Hearing: Feb 12 @ 1:30 pm] To Senate Judiciary Committee |
| CO | SB132 | Intro 25% | Concerning a spirituous liquor manufacturer's authority to conduct tastings. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 To Senate Business, Labor, & Technology Committee |
| CO | SB130 | Intro 25% | Concerning providing emergency medical services. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-05 [Hearing: Feb 12 @ 1:30 pm] To Senate Judiciary Committee |
| CO | SJR005 | Pass | Concerning the designation of February 4 as "Missing Persons Day" in Colorado. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 Signed by the Speaker of the House |
| CO | HB1170 | Intro 25% | Concerning lobbying on behalf of a charitable tax-exempt nonprofit entity. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 [Hearing: Feb 24 @ 1:30 pm] To House State, Civic, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee |
| CO | HJR1008 | Engross 50% | Concerning designating the third week of September as "Co-Responder Units and Behavioral Health Crisis Professionals Week" in Colorado. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-03 Senate Third Reading Laid Over to 02/10/2025 - No Amendments |
| CO | HJR1006 | Pass | Concerning the designation of Colorado 4-H Day. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 Signed by the President of the Senate |
| CO | HJR1007 | Pass | Concerning the designation of United States Interstate 25 Southbound from mile marker 199.4 and Interstate 25 Northbound mile marker 194.8 as "Firefighters Memorial Hwy In Memory of Chief Troy Jackson". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-31 Signed by the President of the Senate |
| CO | HB1001 | Intro 25% | Concerning the enforcement of wage and hour laws. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-30 [Hearing: Feb 24 @ 1:30 pm] House Committee on Business Affairs & Labor Refer Unamended to Finance |
| CO | HB1015 | Engross 50% | Concerning clarifying changes to ensure that bond can be posted online. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-29 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
| CO | HB1039 | Intro 25% | Concerning muffler requirements for commercial vehicles. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To House Appropriations Committee |
| CO | SJR004 | Pass | Concerning the designation of January 22 as "Reproductive Rights and Justice Day". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 Signed by the Speaker of the House |
| CO | HB1112 | Intro 25% | Concerning the enforcement of certain motor vehicle statutes related to the failure to register a vehicle. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-27 [Hearing: Feb 11 @ 1:30 pm] To House Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee |
| CO | HJR1003 | Pass | Concerning a Joint Session of the House of Representatives and the Senate for the purpose of hearing a message from Representatives of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Tribal Council and the Southern Ute Indian Tribe Tribal Council, and, in connection ther... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 Signed by the President of the Senate |
| CO | HJR1005 | Pass | Concerning the commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 Signed by the President of the Senate |
| CO | SJR003 | Pass | Concerning the appointment of members to the Colorado commission on uniform state laws. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-16 Signed by the Speaker of the House |
| CO | SJR002 | Pass | Concerning the officers and employees of the First Regular Session of the Seventy-fifth General Assembly. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-15 Signed by the Speaker of the House |