Bill Text: IA SSB1242 | 2019-2020 | 88th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to guardianships and conservatorships for adults and minors and providing for jurisdiction, definitions, proceedings, administration, and closing, and including effective date and applicability provisions.

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (N/A - Dead) 2019-03-07 - Subcommittee: Dawson, Garrett, and Kinney. [SSB1242 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2019-SSB1242-Introduced.html
Senate Study Bill 1242 - Introduced SENATE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY BILL BY CHAIRPERSON ZAUN) A BILL FOR An Act relating to guardianships and conservatorships 1 for adults and minors and providing for jurisdiction, 2 definitions, proceedings, administration, and closing, and 3 including effective date and applicability provisions. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 5 TLSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh
S.F. _____ DIVISION I 1 GUARDIANSHIPS AND CONSERVATORSHIPS 2 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 633F.1 Jurisdiction. 3 1. The juvenile court shall have exclusive, original 4 jurisdiction of all proceedings governing minor guardianships 5 for petitions filed on or after January 1, 2020. Prior to 6 January 1, 2020, the district court shall have exclusive, 7 original jurisdiction of all proceedings governing minor 8 guardianships. Existing minor guardianships as of January 1, 9 2020, shall be transferred to the juvenile court if requested 10 by the protected person’s attorney, parent, or guardian, or if 11 directed by the court. 12 2. Proceedings governing the appointment of conservators 13 and the appointment of guardians for adults; the granting of 14 letters of conservatorship and the granting of letters of 15 guardianship for adults; and the administration, settlement, 16 and closing of conservatorships and the administration, 17 settlement, and closing of guardianships for adults shall be in 18 district court, unless moved elsewhere by a court order. 19 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION . 633F.2 Definitions and use of terms. 20 When used in this chapter, unless otherwise required by the 21 context, the following words and phrases shall be construed as 22 follows: 23 1. “Adult” means an individual eighteen years of age or 24 older. 25 2. “Clerk” means clerk of the court in the county in which 26 the matter is pending. 27 3. “Conservator” means a person appointed by the court to 28 have the custody and control of the property of a protected 29 person. 30 4. “Court” means the Iowa district court sitting in probate 31 and includes any Iowa district court judge and any Iowa 32 district associate court judge or associate probate judge, 33 and the Iowa juvenile court, and includes any Iowa juvenile 34 judge and Iowa associate juvenile judge, presiding over minor 35 -1- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 1/ 83
S.F. _____ guardianships. 1 5. “Court advisor” means a person appointed by the court to 2 investigate and report information relevant to a guardianship 3 or conservatorship proceeding. 4 6. “Demonstrated lack of consistent parental participation” 5 means the refusal or inability of a parent to comply with 6 the duties and responsibilities imposed upon a parent by 7 the parent-child relationship, including but not limited to 8 providing the minor with necessary food, clothing, shelter, 9 health care, education, and other care and supervision 10 necessary for the minor’s physical, mental, and emotional 11 health and development. 12 7. “Fiduciary” includes guardian and conservator. 13 8. “Full age” means the state of legal majority attained by 14 having arrived at the age of eighteen years; having married, 15 even if such marriage has been terminated by divorce; or 16 having been declared to be emancipated by a court of competent 17 jurisdiction. 18 9. “Functional limitations” means the behavior or condition 19 of a person which impairs the person’s ability to care for 20 the person’s personal safety, to attend to or provide for 21 necessities for the person, or to make, communicate, or carry 22 out important decisions concerning the person’s financial 23 affairs. 24 10. “Guardian” means the person appointed by the court to 25 have the custody of the protected person under the provisions 26 of this chapter. 27 11. “Legal custody” means an award to a parent or guardian 28 under which a parent or guardian has custodial rights and 29 responsibilities toward a minor child, which includes 30 decision making affecting the child’s legal status, medical 31 care, education, extracurricular activities, and religious 32 instruction. 33 12. “Legal representative” includes an attorney; guardian; 34 conservator; a person appointed under power of attorney; 35 -2- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 2/ 83
S.F. _____ court-appointed custodian; representative payee for social 1 security purposes, veterans affairs benefits, or any other 2 representative receiving federal or state benefits on behalf of 3 a protected person; trustee; or federal fiduciary. 4 13. “Limited conservatorship” means a conservatorship 5 that grants the conservator less than all powers available 6 under this chapter or otherwise restricts the powers of the 7 conservator. 8 14. “Limited guardianship” means a guardianship that grants 9 the guardian less than all powers available under this chapter 10 or otherwise restricts the powers of the guardian. 11 15. “Loyalty” means actions solely in the best interests of 12 a protected person and with due regard to a protected person’s 13 wishes. 14 16. “Minor” means an unmarried individual under the age 15 of eighteen years who has not become emancipated pursuant to 16 chapter 232C. 17 17. “Parent” means a biological or adoptive mother or 18 father of a child; or an individual whose parental status has 19 been established by operation of law due to the individual’s 20 marriage to the mother at the time of conception or birth of 21 the child, by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or by 22 an administrative order when authorized by state law. “Parent” 23 does not include a mother or father whose parental rights have 24 been terminated. 25 18. “Person” includes natural persons and corporations. 26 19. “Property” includes both real and personal property. 27 20. “Protected person” means the person for whom a guardian 28 or conservator has been appointed, or who is a respondent in a 29 proceeding under this chapter. 30 21. “Prudence” means being careful in the way a conservator 31 makes decisions or spends money so that the conservator 32 avoids unnecessary risk by considering the purposes, terms, 33 distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the 34 conservatorship. 35 -3- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 3/ 83
S.F. _____ 22. “Respondent” means the proposed protected person, 1 including a person who is the subject of other proceedings 2 under this chapter. 3 Sec. 3. NEW SECTION . 633F.3 Applicability of chapter 633. 4 All relevant provisions of the probate code, chapter 633, 5 shall apply to proceedings to the extent not inconsistent with 6 the provisions of this chapter. 7 Sec. 4. NEW SECTION . 633F.4 Venue. 8 1. Venue for proceedings under this subchapter shall be in 9 the judicial district where the minor customarily resides at 10 the time the proceeding is initiated. The court may transfer 11 any minor guardianship proceeding brought under this subchapter 12 to the juvenile court of another county if the court determines 13 one of the following: 14 a. Such a transfer is in the best interest of the minor 15 and will assist the court in monitoring and reviewing the 16 guardianship. 17 b. The respondent minor and the guardian consent to the 18 transfer and the court finds good cause for the transfer. 19 2. The court shall transfer the case by ordering the 20 transfer and a continuance by forwarding to the clerk of the 21 receiving court a certified copy of all papers filed together 22 with an order of transfer. The judge of the receiving court 23 shall either accept the filings of the transferring court, or 24 direct the filing of a new petition upon a finding that it 25 would be in the minor respondent’s best interest to do so. 26 Sec. 5. NEW SECTION . 633F.5 Petition for appointment of 27 guardian for a minor. 28 1. Any adult, or minor at least fourteen years of age for 29 whom the petition is sought, may file with the clerk a verified 30 petition for the appointment of a guardian of a minor. The 31 petition shall include all of the following: 32 a. The petitioner’s name, residential and electronic mail 33 addresses, and the relationship of the petitioner to the 34 respondent. 35 -4- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 4/ 83
S.F. _____ b. The respondent’s name, date of birth, county of 1 residence, and, to the extent known, the following: place of 2 residence, address, and the address of any other residence and 3 the name and address of any facility at which the respondent 4 has resided within the six-month period before the filing of 5 the petition. 6 c. To the extent known, the names, residential and 7 electronic mail addresses, and phone numbers of all of the 8 following persons: 9 (1) The respondent’s parents, if any. 10 (2) The respondent’s adult siblings. 11 (3) If none of the previous, then at least one adult nearest 12 in kinship to the respondent. 13 (4) Any adult who has had the primary care or custody of the 14 respondent or with whom the respondent has resided within six 15 months immediately prior to the filing of the petition, if any. 16 (5) Any attorney or other legal representative of the 17 respondent. 18 (6) Any attorney or other legal representative of the 19 respondent’s parents. 20 d. The name and address of any qualified and suitable 21 proposed guardian and the reason the court should accept the 22 proposed guardian. 23 e. The reasons why a guardianship is sought and would be in 24 the best interests of the respondent. 25 f. The powers to be granted to the guardian and whether a 26 limited guardianship is appropriate. 27 g. Whether the petitioner seeks a change of the respondent’s 28 residence or school district. 29 h. To the extent known, a statement of any other proceedings 30 concerning the care or custody of the respondent pending in any 31 court in this state or any other jurisdiction. 32 2. Except as required by section 633F.6, any persons 33 identified pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph “c” , are not 34 entitled to notice of the filing of the petition. 35 -5- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 5/ 83
S.F. _____ 3. If a minor guardianship proceeding under this chapter 1 pertains to an Indian child as defined in section 232B.3 and 2 the proceeding is subject to the Iowa Indian child welfare Act 3 under chapter 232B, the proceeding and other actions taken in 4 connection with the proceeding shall comply with chapter 232B. 5 4. The information required by section 598B.209 shall be 6 contained as part of the petition or in an attached affidavit 7 to the petition. 8 Sec. 6. NEW SECTION . 633F.6 Notice to minor respondent. 9 1. If the respondent is at least fourteen years of age 10 and subsection 3 does not apply, notice of the filing of the 11 petition and the order appointing counsel for the respondent 12 and setting hearing on the petition shall be served upon the 13 respondent in the manner of an original notice and the content 14 of the notice is governed by the rules of civil procedure 15 governing original notice. If the respondent has retained an 16 attorney or an attorney has been appointed by the court for the 17 respondent, the petitioner shall provide the respondent and the 18 respondent’s attorney with a copy of the original notice. 19 2. If the respondent has not attained the age of fourteen 20 years of age or if subsection 3 applies, the petitioner shall 21 serve such notice upon the respondent by mailing the attorney 22 representing the respondent or the court advisor appointed in 23 the proceeding, a copy of the original notice. 24 3. If the respondent is at least fourteen years of age and 25 the court, for good cause shown, determines that the respondent 26 should not be served an original notice as otherwise required 27 under subsection 1, the respondent shall be served as provided 28 in subsection 2. 29 4. Notice shall also be served upon the respondent’s known 30 parents listed in the petition in the manner of an original 31 notice and the parents’ attorney if appointed in accordance 32 with section 633F.7. 33 5. As stated in the petition, notice shall also be mailed to 34 all of the following persons: 35 -6- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 6/ 83
S.F. _____ a. Any adult with whom the respondent has resided in the 1 six-month period preceding the filing of the petition. 2 b. If the respondent has no parents, to the respondent’s 3 adult siblings, or if none, to at least one adult nearest in 4 kinship to the respondent. 5 6. Any notice required to be mailed under this section 6 shall conform to the requirements set forth in section 633.40, 7 subsection 5. 8 Sec. 7. NEW SECTION . 633F.7 Attendance and participation at 9 hearing for appointment of guardian for minor. 10 1. Unless excused by the court for good cause shown, the 11 attorney for the respondent, the petitioner, and the proposed 12 guardian shall attend the hearing on the petition. 13 2. The respondent shall be entitled to attend the hearing 14 on the petition if the respondent is of an age appropriate 15 to attend the hearing. A presumption shall exist that 16 a respondent fourteen years of age or older is of an age 17 appropriate to attend the hearing. 18 3. Any parent of a respondent has the right to attend such 19 hearing. 20 4. A person may request permission to participate in such 21 hearing. The court may grant the request, with or without 22 hearing, on determining that it is in the best interests of the 23 respondent. The court may impose appropriate conditions on the 24 person’s participation. 25 Sec. 8. NEW SECTION . 633F.8 Preference for selection of 26 guardian for a minor. 27 1. The court shall appoint as guardian a qualified and 28 suitable person who is willing to serve subject to the 29 preferences as to the appointment of a guardian set forth in 30 subsections 2 and 3. 31 2. In appointing a guardian for a minor whose parents are 32 deceased, the court shall give preference to a person, if 33 qualified and suitable, nominated as guardian for the minor by 34 a will that was executed by the parent or parents having legal 35 -7- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 7/ 83
S.F. _____ custody of the minor at the time of the parent’s or parents’ 1 death, and that was admitted to probate under chapter 633 or 2 635 or delivered to the clerk under section 633.356. 3 3. In appointing a guardian for a minor, the court shall 4 give preference, if qualified and suitable, to a person 5 requested by a minor fourteen years of age or older. 6 Sec. 9. NEW SECTION . 633F.9 Standby petition for 7 appointment of guardian for a minor. 8 1. An adult person having physical and legal custody of 9 a minor may execute a verified petition for the appointment 10 of a guardian of the minor upon the express condition that 11 the petition shall be acted upon by the court only upon 12 the occurrence of an event specified or the existence of a 13 described condition of the mental or physical health of the 14 petitioner, the occurrence of which event, or the existence of 15 which condition, shall be established in the manner directed 16 in the petition. The petition, in addition to containing 17 the information required in section 633F.5, shall include a 18 statement that the petitioner understands the result of a 19 guardian being appointed for the minor. An appointment of a 20 guardian for a minor shall only be effective until the minor 21 attains full age. 22 2. A standby petition may nominate a person for appointment 23 to serve as guardian as well as alternate guardians if the 24 nominated person is unable or unwilling or is removed as 25 guardian. The court in appointing the guardian shall appoint 26 the person or persons nominated by the petitioner unless the 27 person or persons are not qualified or for other good cause and 28 shall give due regard to other requests and recommendations 29 contained in the petition. 30 3. A standby petition may be deposited with the clerk of the 31 county in which the minor resides or with any person nominated 32 by the petitioner to serve as guardian. 33 4. A standby petition may be revoked by the petitioner 34 at any time before appointment of a guardian by the court, 35 -8- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 8/ 83
S.F. _____ provided that the petitioner is of sound mind at the time 1 of revocation. Revocation shall be accomplished by the 2 destruction of the petition by the petitioner, or by the 3 execution of an acknowledged instrument of revocation. If the 4 petition has been deposited with the clerk, the revocation may 5 likewise be deposited there. 6 5. If the standby petition has been deposited with the 7 clerk under the provisions of subsection 3 and has not been 8 revoked under the provisions of subsection 4, the petition 9 may be filed with the court upon the filing of a verified 10 statement to the effect that the occurrence of the event or 11 the condition provided for in the petition has occurred. If 12 the petition has not been deposited with the clerk under the 13 provisions of subsection 3 and has not been revoked under 14 the provisions of subsection 4, then the petition shall be 15 filed with the court at the time a verified statement that the 16 occurrence of the event or the condition provided for in the 17 petition has occurred is filed with the court in the county 18 where the minor then resides. Upon filing of the petition and 19 verified statement, the minor shall then become the respondent 20 and the person filing the verified statement shall become the 21 petitioner and the proceedings shall be thereafter conducted as 22 provided for in this chapter. 23 Sec. 10. NEW SECTION . 633F.10 Appointment of guardian for a 24 minor. 25 1. Upon the filing of the petition for appointment of a 26 guardian for a minor, the court shall request records of child 27 abuse, dependent adult abuse, sex offender registries, and 28 criminal convictions, in the state of the proposed guardian’s 29 residence unless the proposed guardian has undergone these 30 required background checks within the prior twelve months. 31 The court shall consider these records and other information 32 regarding the proposed guardian that it deems appropriate prior 33 to determining whether the proposed guardian is qualified 34 and suitable to serve as guardian for the respondent. The 35 -9- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 9/ 83
S.F. _____ petitioner shall be responsible for paying the costs of 1 obtaining background information described in this section 2 unless the court waives such costs for good cause shown. 3 2. Prior to granting a petition for guardianship, the 4 court shall consider whether the filing of a child in need of 5 assistance petition is appropriate under section 232.87. If 6 the court determines a child in need of assistance petition 7 may be appropriate, the court shall notify the department of 8 human services or the county attorney. The court may appoint a 9 guardian for a respondent in a child in need of assistance case 10 under section 232.101A, 232.103A, or 232.104. 11 Sec. 11. NEW SECTION . 633F.11 Appointment of guardian for 12 a minor with parental consent. 13 1. The court shall appoint a guardian for a minor if the 14 court finds all of the following: 15 a. The parent or parents having legal custody of the minor 16 understand the nature of the guardianship and knowingly and 17 voluntarily consent to the guardianship. 18 b. The minor is in need of a guardianship because of any of 19 the following: 20 (1) The parent having legal custody of the minor has a 21 physical or mental illness that prevents the parent from 22 providing care and supervision of the child. 23 (2) The parent having legal custody of the minor is 24 incarcerated. 25 (3) The parent having legal custody of the minor is on 26 active military duty. 27 (4) The minor is in need of a guardianship for some other 28 reason constituting good cause shown. 29 c. Appointment of a guardian for the minor is in the best 30 interest of the minor. 31 2. If the guardianship petition requests a guardianship 32 with parental consent, the petition shall include an affidavit 33 signed by the parent or parents verifying that the parent or 34 parents knowingly and voluntarily consent to the guardianship. 35 -10- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 10/ 83
S.F. _____ The consent required by this subsection shall be on a form 1 prescribed by the judicial branch. 2 3. On or before the date of the hearing on the petition, 3 the parent or parents and the proposed guardian shall file 4 an agreement with the court. This agreement shall state the 5 following: 6 a. The responsibilities of the guardian. 7 b. The responsibilities of the parent or parents. 8 c. The expected duration of the guardianship, if known. 9 4. If the court grants the petition, the court shall approve 10 the guardianship agreement between the custodial parent and the 11 proposed guardian and incorporate its terms by reference unless 12 the court finds the agreement was not reached knowingly and 13 voluntarily or is not in the best interests of the minor. 14 Sec. 12. NEW SECTION . 633F.12 Appointment of guardian for a 15 minor without parental consent. 16 1. The court shall appoint a guardian for a minor without 17 the consent of the parent or parents having legal custody of 18 the minor if the court finds by clear and convincing evidence 19 one of the following: 20 a. Appointment of a guardian is in the best interest of 21 the minor and no parent of the respondent is willing or able 22 to adequately exercise the powers the court would grant to the 23 guardian. 24 b. The respondent has a person serving as de facto 25 guardian, and the court finds a demonstrated lack of consistent 26 participation in the respondent’s life by the parent or parents 27 with legal custody after considering all of the following: 28 (1) The intent and circumstances of the parent or parents 29 when placing the respondent in the de facto guardian’s care and 30 supervision. 31 (2) The amount of communication and visitation by the parent 32 or parents with the respondent while in the de facto guardian’s 33 care and supervision. 34 (3) Whether the parent or parents have refused to comply 35 -11- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 11/ 83
S.F. _____ with any conditions for retaining custody of the respondent in 1 prior court orders. 2 2. In appointing a guardian, the court’s order shall address 3 all of the following: 4 a. Whether a limited guardianship is appropriate. 5 b. Whether any terms of any agreement between the custodial 6 parents or parents and the proposed guardian should be 7 modified, or that the agreement was not reached knowingly and 8 voluntarily. 9 c. The reasons why the appointment of a guardian is in the 10 respondent’s best interests. 11 d. That all respondents have been provided with notice of 12 the right to representation by an attorney, the right to be 13 personally present in hearings on a petition, and evidence of 14 whether notification was provided pursuant to the order on 15 whether to appoint a guardian. 16 e. The reporting period to be covered by the guardian’s 17 first annual report. 18 3. A proceeding under this section shall not create a new 19 eligibility category for the department of human services 20 protective services. 21 Sec. 13. NEW SECTION . 633F.13 Representation for minor 22 respondent. 23 1. Upon the filing of a petition for appointment of a 24 guardian pursuant to section 633F.5, the court shall appoint 25 an attorney for the minor, if the court determines that the 26 interests of the minor are or may be inadequately represented. 27 2. An attorney representing the minor shall advocate for the 28 wishes and views of the minor to the extent that those wishes 29 and views are reasonably ascertainable and advocate for best 30 interest of the minor if the wishes and views of the minor are 31 not reasonably ascertainable. 32 Sec. 14. NEW SECTION . 633F.14 Representation for indigent 33 parent or parents of minor respondent. 34 Upon the filing of a petition for appointment of a guardian 35 -12- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 12/ 83
S.F. _____ pursuant to section 633F.5, the court shall appoint an attorney 1 for the parent identified in the petition if all of the 2 following are true: 3 1. The parent objects to the appointment of a guardian for 4 the minor. 5 2. The parent requests appointment of an attorney and 6 the court determines that the parent is unable to pay for an 7 attorney in the same manner as in section 232.141. 8 Sec. 15. NEW SECTION . 633F.15 Emergency appointment of 9 guardian for a minor. 10 1. The court may appoint a guardian for a minor ex parte 11 only when the petitioner proves by clear and convincing 12 evidence that an emergency exists justifying the need for an 13 immediate appointment. This subsection does not apply to a 14 protected person with an actively serving guardian. The order 15 appointing a guardian under this section shall include a list 16 of powers of the guardian, which powers shall be only such 17 powers as the court deems necessary to address the emergency 18 justifying the appointment. 19 2. The petition for emergency appointment must include the 20 contents of section 633F.5, subsection 1, paragraphs “a” , “b” , 21 “c” , and “d” . 22 3. Upon appointment as a guardian under this section, 23 the guardian shall provide notice of such appointment to all 24 persons required to be given notice under section 633F.6. 25 4. A protected person shall be entitled to a hearing within 26 five days after the filing of a motion by the protected person 27 asking that the emergency guardianship be terminated. A motion 28 may also be filed by a legal representative of the protected 29 person or a parent of the protected person. 30 5. A guardianship under this section shall terminate 31 twenty-eight days after the order of appointment is entered. 32 Sec. 16. NEW SECTION . 633F.16 Duties of guardian for a 33 minor. 34 1. A guardian for a minor is a fiduciary. Except as 35 -13- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 13/ 83
S.F. _____ otherwise limited by the court, a guardian for a minor has the 1 duties and responsibilities of a parent regarding the minor’s 2 safety, care, education, health, and welfare. A guardian shall 3 act in the minor’s best interest and exercise reasonable care, 4 diligence, and prudence. 5 2. A guardian of a minor shall do all of the following: 6 a. Meet with and maintain sufficient contact with the 7 minor to know of the minor’s abilities, limitations, needs, 8 opportunities, and physical and mental health. 9 b. Take reasonable care of the minor’s personal effects 10 and may bring a proceeding for a conservatorship or protective 11 arrangement instead of conservatorship, if necessary to protect 12 other property of the minor. 13 c. Inform the court of any change in the minor’s dwelling, 14 address, or school district. 15 d. In determining what is in the minor’s best interest, take 16 into account the minor’s preferences to the extent actually 17 known or reasonably ascertainable by the guardian. 18 Sec. 17. NEW SECTION . 633F.17 Powers of guardian for a 19 minor. 20 1. Except as otherwise limited by the court, a guardian of 21 a minor has the powers a parent would otherwise have regarding 22 the minor’s safety, care, education, health, and welfare. 23 2. A guardian of a minor may do any of the following: 24 a. If consistent with the terms of any order by a court 25 of competent jurisdiction relating to custody of the minor, 26 take custody of the minor and establish the minor’s place of 27 dwelling, but shall not establish or move the minor’s dwelling 28 outside the state without prior authorization of the court. 29 b. Consent to and arrange for emergency and routine medical, 30 dental or other care, treatment, or service for the minor. 31 c. To the extent reasonable, delegate to the minor 32 responsibilities for decisions affecting the minor’s 33 well-being. 34 d. Any other powers the court may specify. 35 -14- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 14/ 83
S.F. _____ 3. The court may authorize a guardian of a minor to consent 1 to adopt the minor who does not have a living parent. 2 4. A guardian of a minor may consent to the marriage of the 3 minor upon receipt of prior court authorization. 4 Sec. 18. NEW SECTION . 633F.18 Petitions to transition from 5 minor to adult guardianships. 6 Within six months of a protected person’s eighteenth 7 birthday, the guardian may petition the court to continue the 8 guardianship beyond the protected person’s eighteenth birthday 9 for the reasons stated in the guardian’s petition. The court 10 shall set a hearing date on a petition under this section to 11 be between twenty days after the order setting the hearing 12 is entered, and sixty days before the protected person’s 13 eighteenth birthday. The respondent shall be present at the 14 hearing unless the court finds good cause for the absence of 15 the respondent. If the respondent is not present, the court 16 shall make a record of the lack of presence. The court shall 17 make reasonable accommodations to enable the respondent to be 18 present at the hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be mailed 19 to all persons who would be entitled to notice of a hearing on 20 a petition for guardianship by the same petitioner for the same 21 respondent, if the respondent was of full age. 22 Sec. 19. NEW SECTION . 633F.19 Petition for appointment of 23 guardian. 24 Any adult person may file with the clerk a verified petition 25 for the appointment of guardian. The petition shall state all 26 of the following: 27 1. The petitioner’s name, address, and electronic mail 28 address, the relationship of the petitioner to the respondent, 29 and, to the extent known, all of the following: 30 a. The respondent’s name, age, county of residence, place 31 of residence, address, the address of any other residence, and 32 the name and address of any facility at which the respondent 33 has resided within the six-month period before the filing of 34 the petition. 35 -15- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 15/ 83
S.F. _____ b. The names and addresses of: 1 (1) Respondent’s spouse and all adult children of the 2 respondent. 3 (2) If there are no persons in subparagraph (1), then 4 respondent’s living parents and adult siblings. 5 (3) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) and (2), 6 then at least one adult nearest in kinship to the respondent. 7 (4) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) through 8 (3), then any adults with whom the respondent has resided 9 within the six months before the filing of the petition. 10 (5) Any legal representative of the respondent. 11 (6) Any person nominated as guardian by the respondent and 12 the document in which the person was nominated. 13 2. The name and address of any proposed guardian and the 14 reason the court should accept the proposed guardian. 15 3. The reasons why the guardianship is necessary, including 16 a brief description of the respondent’s alleged functional 17 limitations which make the respondent unable to care for the 18 respondent’s personal safety or to attend to or provide for 19 necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, or medical care, 20 without which physical injury or illness may occur. 21 4. Whether the petitioner seeks a change of the respondent’s 22 residence. 23 5. The powers to be granted to the guardian and the reasons 24 a limited guardianship is inappropriate. 25 6. That a guardianship is the least restrictive means to 26 protect the best interests of the respondent. 27 7. Whether the respondent is capable of requesting an 28 attorney and whether appointment of a court advisor is 29 appropriate. 30 8. Except as required by section 633F.20, any persons 31 identified pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph “b” , are not 32 entitled to notice of hearings on the petition. 33 Sec. 20. NEW SECTION . 633F.20 Notice to respondent. 34 1. Except where the respondent is the petitioner, notice of 35 -16- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 16/ 83
S.F. _____ the filing of a petition to appoint a guardian shall be served 1 upon the respondent in the manner of an original notice and 2 the content of the notice is governed by the rules of civil 3 procedure governing original notice. 4 2. Notice shall also be mailed to the following persons, to 5 the extent known to the petitioner: 6 a. The respondent’s legal representative. 7 b. The spouse and adult children of the respondent. 8 c. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” and “b” , then 9 to the respondent’s adult grandchildren. 10 d. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” through “c” , 11 then to the respondent’s parents and adult siblings. 12 e. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” through “d” , 13 then to any adult with whom respondent has resided in the 14 six-month period preceding the filing of the petition, and any 15 adult who has assisted the respondent with decision making for 16 such period. 17 f. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” through “e” , 18 then at least one adult in the priority shown in section 19 633.219. 20 3. Any notice required to be mailed under this section shall 21 conform to section 633.40, subsection 5. 22 Sec. 21. NEW SECTION . 633F.21 Notification of guardianship 23 powers. 24 In a proceeding for the appointment of a guardian, the 25 respondent shall be given written notice, as provided in 26 section 633F.20, which advises the respondent that, if 27 a guardian is appointed, the guardian may, without court 28 approval, provide for the care of the respondent, manage 29 the respondent’s personal property and effects, assist 30 the respondent in developing self-reliance and receiving 31 professional care, counseling, treatment, or services as 32 needed, and ensure that the respondent receives necessary 33 emergency medical services. The notice shall also advise 34 the respondent that, upon the court’s approval, the guardian 35 -17- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 17/ 83
S.F. _____ may change the respondent’s permanent residence to a more 1 restrictive residence. The notice shall also advise the 2 respondent that, without court approval, the guardian may 3 arrange for certain routine medical procedures for the 4 respondent. The notice shall clearly advise the respondent in 5 boldface type of a minimum size of ten points, of the right 6 to counsel and the potential deprivation of the respondent’s 7 civil rights. The notice shall also state that the respondent 8 may use the respondent’s own attorney instead of an attorney 9 appointed by the court. 10 Sec. 22. NEW SECTION . 633F.22 Appointment of guardian. 11 1. If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence 12 that the respondent’s decision-making capacity is so impaired 13 that the respondent is unable to care for the respondent’s 14 personal safety or to attend to or provide for the respondent’s 15 necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, or medical 16 care, without which physical injury or illness may occur, and 17 the court finds there are no less restrictive alternatives 18 that will protect the respondent, the court shall appoint a 19 guardian. 20 2. In appointing a guardian, the court shall consider the 21 functional abilities and limitations of the respondent and 22 whether a limited guardianship is appropriate. 23 3. If the court appoints a guardian for a respondent who has 24 been diagnosed as having an intellectual disability, the court 25 shall make a separate determination as to the respondent’s 26 competency to vote. The court shall find a respondent 27 incompetent to vote only upon determining that the person lacks 28 sufficient mental capacity to comprehend and exercise the right 29 to vote. 30 4. Upon the filing of the petition for appointment of a 31 guardian, the court shall request records of child abuse, 32 dependent adult abuse, sex offender registries, and criminal 33 convictions, in the state of the proposed guardian’s residence 34 unless the proposed guardian has undergone these required 35 -18- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 18/ 83
S.F. _____ background checks within the prior twelve months. The court 1 shall consider these records and other information regarding 2 the proposed guardian that it deems appropriate prior to 3 determining whether the proposed guardian is qualified 4 and suitable to serve as guardian for the respondent. The 5 petitioner shall be responsible for paying the costs of 6 obtaining background information described in this subsection 7 unless the court waives such costs for good cause shown. 8 5. In appointing a guardian, the court’s order shall address 9 all of the following: 10 a. Whether a limited guardianship is appropriate. 11 b. The reasons why the appointment of a guardian is in the 12 respondent’s best interests. 13 c. That the respondent has been provided with notice of 14 the right to representation by an attorney, the right to be 15 personally present in hearings on a petition, and evidence of 16 whether notification was provided pursuant to the order on 17 whether to appoint a guardian. 18 d. The reporting period to be covered by the guardian’s 19 first annual report. 20 Sec. 23. NEW SECTION . 633F.23 Emergency appointment of 21 guardian. 22 1. The court may appoint a guardian ex parte only when 23 the petitioner proves by clear and convincing evidence that 24 an emergency exists justifying the need for an immediate 25 appointment. This subsection does not apply to a protected 26 person with an actively serving guardian. The order appointing 27 a guardian under this section shall include a list of powers 28 of the guardian, which powers shall be only such powers as the 29 court deems necessary to address the emergency justifying the 30 appointment. 31 2. Upon appointment as a guardian under this section, 32 the guardian shall provide notice of such appointment to all 33 persons required to be given notice under section 633F.20. 34 3. A protected person shall be entitled to a hearing within 35 -19- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 19/ 83
S.F. _____ five days after the filing of a motion by the protected person 1 asking that the emergency guardianship be terminated. 2 4. A guardianship under this section shall terminate 3 twenty-eight days after the order of appointment is entered. 4 Sec. 24. NEW SECTION . 633F.24 Preference as to appointment 5 of guardian. 6 The court shall appoint as guardian a qualified and 7 suitable person who is willing to serve in that capacity. The 8 same person may be appointed to serve as both guardian and 9 conservator. 10 Sec. 25. NEW SECTION . 633F.25 Appointment of guardian on a 11 standby basis. 12 1. A petition for the appointment of a guardian on a standby 13 basis may be filed by any adult person under the same procedure 14 and requirements as provided in sections 633.596, 633.597, 15 and 633F.41 for appointment of standby conservator, insofar 16 as applicable. In all proceedings to appoint a guardian, 17 the court shall consider whether a limited guardianship is 18 appropriate. 19 2. If prior to the time of hearing on a petition for the 20 appointment of a guardian or a conservator, a petition is 21 filed under the provisions of this section or section 633F.19, 22 633F.28, or 633F.41, subsection 1, the court shall combine the 23 hearing on such petitions and determine who shall be appointed 24 guardian or conservator, and such petition shall be triable to 25 the court. 26 Sec. 26. NEW SECTION . 633F.26 Responsibilities of guardian. 27 1. A guardian is a fiduciary. A guardian shall have the 28 following responsibilities: 29 a. Treat protected persons with dignity and respect. 30 b. Promote self-determination of the protected persons, to 31 the extent reasonably possible, by involving them in decisions 32 that affect them and by considering their wishes, values, and 33 preferences in making decisions on their behalf. 34 c. In making decisions for a protected person, make the 35 -20- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 20/ 83
S.F. _____ decisions known or reasonably believed the protected person 1 would make if able unless such a decision would unreasonably 2 harm or endanger the protected person’s welfare or interest. 3 If the guardian does not know or cannot reasonably ascertain 4 the decisions that the protected person would make if able, or 5 if making such a decision would unreasonably harm or endanger 6 the protected person’s welfare, the guardian shall act in the 7 protected person’s best interest. 8 d. Maintain regular contact with the protected person to the 9 extent reasonably possible. 10 e. Make a good-faith effort to cooperate with other legal 11 representatives of the protected person. 12 2. Based upon evidence produced at the hearing, the court 13 may grant a guardian the following powers and duties which may 14 be exercised without additional court approval: 15 a. Providing for the care, comfort, and maintenance of the 16 protected person, including appropriate training and education 17 to maximize the protected person’s potential. 18 b. Taking reasonable care of the protected person’s 19 clothing, furniture, vehicle, and other personal effects. 20 c. Ensuring the protected person receives necessary 21 emergency medical services. 22 d. Ensuring the protected person receives appropriate 23 professional care, counseling, and medical treatment and 24 services limited to preventive and diagnostic services and 25 treatment related to a specific illness, symptom, complaint, 26 or injury. 27 e. Changing the protected person’s permanent residence to an 28 arrangement that is less restrictive of the protected person’s 29 ability to leave or have visitors than the arrangement at the 30 time of the guardian’s appointment. 31 f. Placing reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on 32 communication, visitation, or interaction between the protected 33 person and another person. 34 g. Any other powers or duties the court may specify. 35 -21- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 21/ 83
S.F. _____ 3. The court in issuing any order shall take into account 1 all the available information concerning the capabilities of 2 the protected person including any additional evaluation deemed 3 necessary and the availability of third-party assistance to 4 meet the needs of the protected person. 5 4. The court may direct that the guardian have only limited 6 responsibility for the protected person. If the responsibility 7 is limited, the court shall state those areas of responsibility 8 which shall be the guardian’s, and all others shall be retained 9 by the protected person. 10 5. Following hearing and notice to the protected person and 11 court advisor, the court, by specific reference to the power 12 being granted, may authorize a guardian to exercise any of the 13 following powers: 14 a. Changing, at the guardian’s request, the protected 15 person’s permanent residence to a nursing home, or other secure 16 facility or secure portion of a facility, or a facility that 17 restricts the protected person’s ability to leave or have 18 visitors. 19 b. Arranging for health, including mental health, or other 20 care, treatment, or services for the protected person that were 21 not granted in subsection 2. 22 c. Consenting to the withholding or withdrawal of 23 life-sustaining procedures in accordance with chapter 144A for 24 the protected person. 25 d. Upon a showing to the court of good cause, denying all 26 communication, visitation, or interaction by the protected 27 person with a person with whom the protected person has 28 expressed a desire to communicate, visit, or interact, or with 29 a person who seeks to communicate, visit, or interact with the 30 protected person. 31 6. If the court makes a separate determination that the 32 protected person lacks sufficient mental capacity to comprehend 33 and exercise the right to vote then the court shall order that 34 the protected person may not vote without further order of the 35 -22- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 22/ 83
S.F. _____ court. 1 7. If the court makes a separate determination that the 2 protected person lacks sufficient mental capacity to contract a 3 valid marriage then the court shall order that the protected 4 person may not marry without further order of the court. 5 Sec. 27. NEW SECTION . 633F.27 Rights of protected person 6 under guardianship. 7 An adult protected person under a guardianship has the right 8 of communication, visitation, or interaction with other persons 9 upon the consent of the adult protected person, subject to 10 section 633F.26, subsection 2, paragraph “f” . If an adult 11 protected person is unable to give express consent to such 12 communication, visitation, or interaction with a person due to 13 a physical or mental condition, consent of an adult protected 14 person may be presumed by a guardian or a court based on an 15 adult protected person’s prior relationship with such person. 16 Sec. 28. NEW SECTION . 633F.28 Petition for appointment of 17 conservator. 18 1. Any adult person may file with the clerk a verified 19 petition for the appointment of a conservator. The petition 20 shall state all of the following information: 21 a. The petitioner’s name, address, and electronic mail 22 address, and relationship to the respondent. 23 b. To the extent known, the respondent’s name, age, county 24 of residence, mailing address, and current location. 25 c. To the extent known, the name, address, electronic mail 26 address, and phone number of the following persons: 27 (1) The respondent’s spouse, if any, and respondent’s adult 28 children. 29 (2) If there are no persons in subparagraph (1), the 30 respondent’s living parents and adult siblings. 31 (3) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) and (2), 32 then, one or all of the below: 33 (a) Any adult with whom the respondent has resided in a 34 noninstitutional setting for more than six months immediately 35 -23- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 23/ 83
S.F. _____ prior to the filing of the petition, if any. 1 (b) Any person or institution primarily responsible for the 2 care or having custody of the respondent, if any. 3 (4) Any nominated or presently acting legal representative 4 of the respondent. 5 2. Any person nominated as conservator by the respondent, 6 and the document in which the person was nominated. 7 3. The name and address of any proposed conservator, and 8 the reasons the court should accept the proposed conservator. 9 If the respondent has nominated a conservator other than the 10 proposed conservator, the reasons the proposed conservator 11 should be appointed in lieu of the respondent’s nominee. 12 4. The reasons why the conservatorship is necessary, 13 including a brief description of the respondent’s alleged 14 functional limitations which make the respondent unable to 15 make, communicate, or carry out important decisions concerning 16 the respondent’s financial affairs. 17 5. A list of what alternatives to the appointment of a 18 conservator have been considered or attempted and why these 19 alternatives do not address the limitations in the respondent’s 20 ability to make, communicate, or carry out the respondent’s 21 financial decisions. 22 6. The powers to be granted to the limited conservator, or, 23 the reasons a limited conservatorship is inappropriate. 24 7. The estimated present value of the real estate, the 25 estimated value of the personal property, and the estimated 26 gross annual income of the estate. If any money is payable, 27 or to become payable, to the respondent by the United States 28 through the United States department of veterans affairs, the 29 petition shall so state. 30 8. Whether the respondent is capable of requesting an 31 attorney and whether appointment of a court advisor is 32 appropriate. 33 9. Except as required by section 633F.20, any persons 34 identified pursuant to section 1, paragraph “c” , are not 35 -24- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 24/ 83
S.F. _____ entitled to notice of hearings on the petition. 1 Sec. 29. NEW SECTION . 633F.29 Notice to respondent. 2 1. Except where the respondent is the petitioner, notice of 3 the filing of the petition shall be served upon the respondent 4 in the manner of an original notice and the content of the 5 notice is governed by the rules of civil procedure governing 6 original notice. 7 2. Notice shall be mailed to the following persons, to the 8 extent known to the petitioner: 9 a. The respondent’s legal representative. 10 b. The spouse and adult children of the respondent. 11 c. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” and “b” , then 12 to the respondent’s adult grandchildren. 13 d. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” through “c” , 14 then to the respondent’s parents and adult siblings. 15 e. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” through “d” , 16 then to any adult with whom the respondent has resided in the 17 six-month period preceding the filing of the petition, and any 18 adult who has assisted the respondent with decision making for 19 such period. 20 f. If there are no persons in paragraphs “a” through “e” , 21 then at least one adult in the priority shown in section 22 633.219. 23 3. Notice shall also be mailed to the United States 24 department of veterans affairs in the event the respondent is 25 receiving a veterans benefit. 26 4. Any notice required to be mailed hereunder shall conform 27 to section 633.40, subsection 5. 28 Sec. 30. NEW SECTION . 633F.30 Notification of 29 conservatorship powers. 30 In a proceeding for the appointment of a conservator, the 31 respondent shall be given written notice which advises the 32 respondent that if a conservator is appointed, the conservator 33 may, without court approval, manage the respondent’s principal, 34 income, and investments, sue and defend any claim by or against 35 -25- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 25/ 83
S.F. _____ the respondent, sell and transfer personal property, and vote 1 at corporate meetings. The notice shall also advise the 2 respondent that, upon the court’s approval, the conservator 3 may, after approval of the conservator’s plan and without 4 further approval, invest the respondent’s funds, execute 5 leases, make payments to or for the benefit of the respondent, 6 support the respondent’s legal dependents, compromise or settle 7 any claim, and do any other thing that the court determines 8 is in the respondent’s best interests. The notice shall 9 clearly advise the respondent, in boldface type of a minimum 10 size of ten points, of the right to counsel and the potential 11 deprivation of the respondent’s civil rights. The notice shall 12 also state that the respondent may use the respondent’s own 13 attorney instead of an attorney appointed by the court. In an 14 involuntary conservatorship proceeding, the notice shall be 15 served upon the respondent with the notice of the filing of the 16 petition as provided in section 633F.29. 17 Sec. 31. NEW SECTION . 633F.31 Appointment of conservator. 18 1. If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that 19 the respondent’s functional limitations prevent the respondent 20 from making, communicating, or carrying out important decisions 21 concerning the respondent’s financial affairs, and the court 22 finds there are no less-restrictive alternatives that will 23 protect the respondent, the court shall appoint a conservator. 24 2. In appointing a conservator, the court shall consider 25 the functional abilities and limitations of the respondent and 26 whether a limited conservatorship is appropriate. 27 3. Upon the filing of the petition for appointment of a 28 conservator, the court shall request records of child abuse, 29 dependent adult abuse, sex offender registries, and criminal 30 convictions, in the state of the proposed conservator’s 31 residence unless the proposed conservator has undergone these 32 required background checks within the prior twelve months, 33 or unless the proposed conservator is an Iowa financial 34 institution with trust powers. The court shall consider 35 -26- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 26/ 83
S.F. _____ these records and other information regarding the proposed 1 conservator that it deems appropriate prior to determining 2 whether the proposed conservator is qualified and suitable to 3 serve as conservator for the respondent. The petitioner shall 4 be responsible for paying the costs of obtaining background 5 information described in this section unless the court waives 6 such costs for good cause shown. 7 4. In appointing a conservator, the court’s order shall 8 address all of the following: 9 a. Whether a limited conservatorship is appropriate. 10 b. The reasons why the appointment of a conservator is in 11 the respondent’s best interests. 12 c. That all respondents have been provided with notice of 13 the right to representation by an attorney, the right to be 14 personally present in hearings on a petition, and evidence of 15 whether notification was provided pursuant to the order on 16 whether to appoint a conservator. 17 d. The reporting period to be covered by the conservator’s 18 first annual report. 19 Sec. 32. NEW SECTION . 633F.32 Emergency appointment of 20 conservator. 21 1. The court may appoint a conservator ex parte only when 22 the petitioner proves by clear and convincing evidence that 23 an emergency exists justifying the need for an immediate 24 appointment. This subsection does not apply to a protected 25 person with an actively serving conservator. The order 26 appointing a conservator under this section shall include 27 a list of powers of the conservator, which powers shall be 28 only such powers as the court deems necessary to address the 29 emergency justifying the appointment. 30 2. Upon appointment as a conservator under this section, 31 the conservator shall provide notice of such appointment to all 32 persons required to be given notice under section 633F.29. 33 3. A protected person shall be entitled to a hearing within 34 five days after the filing of a motion by the protected person 35 -27- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 27/ 83
S.F. _____ asking that the emergency conservatorship be terminated. 1 4. A conservatorship under this section shall terminate 2 twenty-eight days after the order of appointment is entered. 3 Sec. 33. NEW SECTION . 633F.33 Selection of conservator. 4 The court shall appoint as conservator a qualified and 5 suitable person who is willing to serve in that capacity. The 6 same person may be appointed to serve as both guardian and 7 conservator. 8 Sec. 34. NEW SECTION . 633F.34 Combining petitions for 9 appointment of guardian and conservator. 10 1. The petition for the appointment of a guardian for an 11 adult and a petition for a conservator for an adult may be 12 combined and the cause tried in the same manner as a petition 13 for the appointment of a conservator. 14 2. The petition for the appointment of a guardian for a 15 minor and the petition for the appointment of a conservator of 16 a minor shall not be combined. 17 Sec. 35. NEW SECTION . 633F.35 Powers of protected person 18 in conservatorship. 19 1. A protected person for whom a conservator has been 20 appointed shall not have the power to convey, encumber, or 21 dispose of property in any manner, other than by will if the 22 protected person possesses the requisite testamentary capacity, 23 unless the court determines that the protected person has a 24 limited ability to handle the protected person’s own funds. If 25 the court makes such a finding, it shall specify to what extent 26 the protected person may possess and use the protected person’s 27 own funds. 28 2. Any modification of the powers of the protected person 29 that would be more restrictive of the protected person’s 30 control over the protected person’s financial affairs shall 31 be based upon clear and convincing evidence and the burden of 32 persuasion is on the conservator. Any modification that would 33 be less restrictive of the protected person’s control over the 34 protected person’s financial affairs shall be based upon proof 35 -28- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 28/ 83
S.F. _____ in accordance with the requirements of section 633F.55. 1 Sec. 36. NEW SECTION . 633F.36 Title and possession of 2 protected person’s property. 3 1. The title to all property of the protected person is 4 in the protected person and not the conservator, subject, 5 however, to possession by the conservator and to the control of 6 the court for the purposes of administration, sale, or other 7 disposition. Any real property of the protected person titled 8 at any time in the name of a conservatorship shall be deemed 9 to be titled in the protected person’s name subject to the 10 conservator’s right of possession. 11 2. Every conservator shall have a right to, and shall take, 12 possession of all of the real and personal property of the 13 protected person. The conservator shall pay the taxes and 14 collect the income from the property until the conservatorship 15 is terminated. The conservator may maintain an action for the 16 possession of the property, and to determine the title to the 17 property. 18 Sec. 37. NEW SECTION . 633F.37 Duties of conservator. 19 1. A conservator is a fiduciary and has duties of prudence 20 and loyalty to the protected person. 21 2. A conservator shall promote the self-determination of 22 the protected person and, to the extent feasible, encourage 23 the protected person to participate in decisions, act on the 24 protected person’s own behalf, and develop or regain the 25 capacity to manage the protected person’s financial affairs. 26 3. In making decisions for a protected person, the 27 conservator shall make the decision the conservator reasonably 28 believes the protected person would make if able, unless doing 29 so would fail to preserve the resources needed to maintain 30 the protected person’s well-being and lifestyle or otherwise 31 unreasonably harm or endanger the welfare or personal or 32 financial interests of the protected person. To determine 33 the decision the protected person would make if able, the 34 conservator shall consider the protected person’s prior or 35 -29- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 29/ 83
S.F. _____ current directions, preferences, opinions, values, and actions, 1 to the extent actually known or reasonably ascertainable by the 2 conservator. 3 4. If a conservator cannot make a decision under subsection 4 3 because the conservator does not know and cannot reasonably 5 determine the decision the protected person would make if 6 able, or the conservator reasonably believes the decision the 7 protected person would make would fail to preserve resources 8 needed to maintain the protected person’s well-being and 9 lifestyle or otherwise unreasonably harm or endanger the 10 welfare or personal or financial interests of the protected 11 person, the conservator shall act in accordance with the best 12 interests of the protected person. In determining the best 13 interests of the protected person, the conservator shall 14 consider all of the following: 15 a. Information received from professionals and persons that 16 demonstrate sufficient interest in the welfare of the protected 17 person. 18 b. Other information the conservator believes the protected 19 person would have considered if the protected person were able 20 to act. 21 c. Other factors a reasonable person in the circumstances 22 of the protected person would consider, including consequences 23 to others. 24 5. Except when inconsistent with the conservator’s duties 25 under subsections 1 through 4, a conservator shall invest and 26 manage the protected person’s assets as a prudent investor 27 would, by considering the circumstances and property of the 28 protected person. 29 6. The propriety of a conservator’s investment and 30 management of the conservatorship estate is determined in light 31 of the facts and circumstances existing when the conservator 32 decides or acts and not by hindsight. 33 7. A conservator that has special skills or expertise, 34 or is named conservator in reliance on the conservator’s 35 -30- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 30/ 83
S.F. _____ representation of special skills or expertise, has a duty 1 to use the special skills or expertise in carrying out the 2 conservator’s duties. 3 8. In investing and selecting specific property for 4 distribution, a conservator shall consider any estate plan or 5 other donative, nominative, or appointive instrument of the 6 protected person, known to the conservator. 7 9. A conservator shall maintain insurance on the insurable 8 real and personal property of the protected person, unless 9 the conservatorship estate lacks sufficient funds to pay for 10 insurance or the court finds any of the following: 11 a. The property lacks sufficient equity to justify the 12 insurance premium. 13 b. Insuring the property would unreasonably dissipate the 14 conservatorship estate. 15 c. Insuring the property would not be in the best interest 16 of the protected person. 17 10. If a protected person has executed a valid power of 18 attorney under chapter 633B, the conservator shall act in 19 accordance with the applicable provisions of chapter 633B. 20 11. The conservator shall report to the department of 21 human services the protected person’s assets and income, if 22 the protected person is receiving medical assistance under 23 chapter 249A. Such reports shall be made upon establishment of 24 a conservatorship for an individual applying for or receiving 25 medical assistance, upon application for benefits on behalf 26 of the protected person, upon annual or semiannual review of 27 continued medical assistance eligibility, when any significant 28 change in the protected person’s assets or income occurs, or 29 as otherwise requested by the department of human services. 30 Written reports shall be provided to the department of human 31 services office for the county in which the protected person 32 resides or the office in which the protected person’s medical 33 assistance is administered. 34 Sec. 38. NEW SECTION . 633F.38 Powers of conservator. 35 -31- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 31/ 83
S.F. _____ 1. The conservator, acting reasonably and consistent 1 with the fiduciary duties of the conservator to accomplish 2 the purpose of the conservatorship, and acting in a manner 3 consistent with the conservator’s plan, and consistent with 4 the order establishing the conservatorship, including any 5 limitations in the order, shall, without the necessity of prior 6 court approval, have all the following powers on behalf of the 7 protected person: 8 a. Collect, receive, receipt for any principal or income, 9 and to enforce, defend against, or prosecute any claim by or 10 against the protected person or the conservator; and to sue on 11 and defend claims in favor of or against the protected person 12 or the conservator. 13 b. Sell and transfer personal property of a perishable 14 nature and tangible personal property for which there is a 15 regularly established market. 16 c. Vote at corporate meetings in person or by proxy. 17 d. Receive additional property from any source. 18 e. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 633.123, 19 continue to hold any investment or other property originally 20 received by the conservator, and also any increase thereof, 21 pending the timely filing of the first annual report. 22 f. Pay court costs, bond premiums, and court-approved 23 expenses. 24 g. Open a depository account. 25 h. Receive bank statements and investment reports and 26 correspond with financial institutions. 27 i. Buy, sell, invest, or reinvest assets, except real 28 estate, pursuant to section 633.123. 29 j. Make payments on any existing mortgage, including for 30 real estate taxes and for property and liability insurance. 31 k. Pay for the protected person’s housing under an existing 32 agreement. 33 l. Pay health care insurance premiums and prescription 34 medications, medical expenses, hospital expenses, and ambulance 35 -32- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 32/ 83
S.F. _____ bills. 1 m. Authorize preparation and filing of, and pay any amount 2 due for, state and federal income taxes. 3 n. Pay utilities on the real property owned or leased by the 4 protected person. 5 o. Purchase clothing. 6 p. Purchase food, cleaning supplies, toiletries, and 7 personal grooming for the protected person. 8 q. Reimburse the guardian or guardians for reasonable 9 out-of-pocket expenses advanced on behalf of the protected 10 person for health care and other items upon presentation of a 11 receipt or statement to the conservator. 12 r. Pay reasonable wages and any required employment taxes 13 to individuals or organizations that can assist the protected 14 person as needed with cooking, cleaning, shopping, and other 15 activities of daily living. 16 2. Except as otherwise ordered by the court, a conservator 17 must give notice to persons entitled to notice and receive 18 specific prior authorization by the court before the 19 conservator may take any other action on behalf of the 20 protected person. These other powers requiring court approval 21 include the authority of the conservator to: 22 a. Invest the protected person’s assets consistent with 23 section 633.123. 24 b. Make gifts on the protected person’s behalf from 25 conservatorship assets to persons or religious, educational, 26 scientific, charitable, or other nonprofit organizations to 27 whom or to which such gifts were regularly made prior to the 28 conservator’s appointment; or on a showing that such gifts 29 would benefit the protected person from the perspective of 30 gift, estate, inheritance, or other taxes. No gift shall be 31 allowed which would foreseeably prevent adequate provision for 32 the protected person’s best interest. 33 c. Make payments consistent with the conservator’s plan 34 described above directly to the protected person or to others 35 -33- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 33/ 83
S.F. _____ for the protected person’s education and training needs. 1 d. Use the protected person’s income or assets to provide 2 for any person that the protected person is legally obligated 3 to support. 4 e. Compromise, adjust, arbitrate, or settle any claim by or 5 against the protected person or the conservator. 6 f. Make elections for a protected person who is the 7 surviving spouse as provided in sections 633.236 and 633.240. 8 g. Exercise the right to disclaim on behalf of the protected 9 person as provided in section 633E.5. 10 h. Sell, mortgage, exchange, pledge, or lease the protected 11 person’s real and personal property consistent with subchapter 12 VII, part 6 of chapter 633 regarding sale of property from a 13 decedent’s estate. 14 Sec. 39. NEW SECTION . 633F.39 Presumption of fraud in 15 conservatorship. 16 If a conservator is appointed, all contracts, transfers, 17 and gifts made by the protected person after the filing of the 18 petition shall be presumed to be a fraud against the rights and 19 interest of the protected person except as otherwise directed 20 by the court pursuant to section 633.637. 21 Sec. 40. NEW SECTION . 633F.40 Procedure in lieu of 22 conservatorship. 23 If a conservator has not been appointed, money due a minor or 24 other property to which a minor is entitled, not exceeding in 25 the aggregate fifty thousand dollars in value, shall be paid 26 or delivered to a custodian under any uniform transfers to 27 minors Act. The written receipt of the custodian constitutes 28 an acquittance of the person making the payment of money or 29 delivery of property. 30 Sec. 41. NEW SECTION . 633F.41 Standby petition for 31 appointment of conservator for adult. 32 1. Any adult person of sound mind may execute a verified 33 petition for the appointment of a conservator of the person’s 34 property upon the express condition that such petition shall 35 -34- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 34/ 83
S.F. _____ be acted upon by the court only upon the occurrence of an event 1 specified or the existence of a described condition of the 2 mental or physical health of the petitioner, the occurrence 3 of which event, or the existence of which condition, shall 4 be established in the manner directed in the petition. The 5 petition, in addition to containing the information required in 6 section 633F.28, shall include a statement in substantially the 7 language of section 633F.30 that the petitioner understands the 8 result of a conservator being appointed for the petitioner. 9 2. Such petition may nominate a person for appointment to 10 serve as such conservator as well as alternate conservators 11 if the nominated person is unable or unwilling or is removed 12 as conservator, and may request that the appointment be made 13 without bond, or with bond of a certain stated sum. The 14 court in appointing the conservator shall appoint the person 15 or persons nominated by the petitioner unless the person or 16 persons are not qualified or for other good cause and shall 17 give due regard to other requests and recommendations contained 18 in the petition. 19 3. Such petition may be deposited with the clerk of the 20 county in which the party resides, or with any person, firm, 21 bank, or trust company nominated by the petitioner. 22 4. Such petition may be revoked by the petitioner at any 23 time before appointment of a conservator by the court, provided 24 that the petitioner is of sound mind at the time of revocation. 25 Revocation shall be accomplished by the destruction of 26 the petition by the petitioner, or by the execution of an 27 acknowledged instrument of revocation. If the petition has 28 been deposited with the clerk, the revocation may likewise be 29 deposited there. 30 5. If the petition has been deposited with the clerk under 31 the provisions of subsection 3 and has not been revoked, the 32 petition may be filed with the court upon the filing of a 33 verified statement to the effect that the occurrence of the 34 event or the condition provided for in the petition has come 35 -35- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 35/ 83
S.F. _____ to pass. If the petition has not been deposited with the clerk 1 under the provisions of subsection 3 and has not been revoked, 2 then the petition shall be filed with the court at the time 3 a verified statement that the occurrence of the event or the 4 condition provided for in the petition has come to pass is 5 filed with the court in the county where the petitioner then 6 resides. Upon filing of the petition and verified statement, 7 the person who filed the petition under subsection 1 shall 8 then become the respondent and the person filing the verified 9 statement under this subsection shall become the petitioner 10 and the proceedings shall be thereafter conducted as provided 11 for in sections 633F.29 through 633F.40, except as otherwise 12 provided for in this section. 13 6. If prior to the time of hearing on a petition for the 14 appointment of a guardian or a conservator, a petition is filed 15 under the provisions of section 633F.19, 633F.25, 633F.28, 16 or subsection 1 of this section, the court shall combine the 17 hearing on such petitions and determine who shall be appointed 18 guardian or conservator, and such petition shall be triable to 19 the court. 20 Sec. 42. NEW SECTION . 633F.42 Standby petition for 21 appointment of conservator for a minor. 22 1. An adult person having physical and legal custody of 23 a minor may execute a verified petition for the appointment 24 of a conservator of the minor upon the express condition 25 that the petition shall be acted upon by the court only upon 26 the occurrence of an event specified or the existence of a 27 described condition of the mental or physical health of the 28 petitioner, the occurrence of which event, or the existence of 29 which condition, shall be established in the manner directed 30 in the petition. The petition, in addition to containing 31 the information required in section 633F.28, shall include 32 a statement that the petitioner understands the result of a 33 conservator being appointed for the minor. An appointment of a 34 conservator for a minor shall only be effective until the minor 35 -36- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 36/ 83
S.F. _____ attains full age. 1 2. A standby petition may nominate a person for appointment 2 to serve as such conservator as well as alternate conservator 3 if the nominated person is unable or unwilling or is removed 4 as conservator. The court in appointing the conservator shall 5 appoint the person or persons nominated by the petitioner 6 unless the person or persons are not qualified or for other 7 good cause and shall give due regard to other requests and 8 recommendations contained in the petition. 9 3. A standby petition may be deposited with the clerk of the 10 county in which the minor resides or with any person nominated 11 by the petitioner to serve as guardian. 12 4. A standby petition may be revoked by the petitioner at 13 any time before appointment of a conservator by the court, 14 provided that the petitioner is of sound mind at the time 15 of revocation. Revocation shall be accomplished by the 16 destruction of the petition by the petitioner, or by the 17 execution of an acknowledged instrument of revocation. If the 18 petition has been deposited with the clerk, the revocation may 19 likewise be deposited there. 20 5. If the standby petition has been deposited with the 21 clerk under the provisions of subsection 3 and has not been 22 revoked under the provisions of subsection 4, the petition may 23 be filed with the court upon the filing of a verified statement 24 to the effect that the occurrence of the event or the condition 25 provided for in the petition has come to pass. If the petition 26 has not been deposited with the clerk under the provisions of 27 subsection 3 and has not been revoked under the provisions of 28 subsection 4, then the petition shall be filed with the court 29 at the time a verified statement that the occurrence of the 30 event or the condition provided for in the petition has come to 31 pass is filed with the court in the county where the minor then 32 resides. Upon filing of the petition and verified statement, 33 the minor shall then become the respondent and the person 34 filing the verified statement shall become the petitioner and 35 -37- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 37/ 83
S.F. _____ the proceedings shall be thereafter conducted as provided for 1 in this chapter. 2 Sec. 43. NEW SECTION . 633F.43 Appointing conservator for 3 absentee. 4 1. When a person owns property located in this state, 5 the person’s whereabouts are unknown, and no provision for 6 the care, control, and supervision of such property has been 7 made, with the result that such property may be lost, damaged, 8 or diminished in value, or that the dependents of such owner 9 are likely to be deprived of means of support because of such 10 absence, any adult person may file with the clerk a petition 11 for the appointment of a conservator of such property of the 12 absentee. The petition shall state the petitioner’s name, 13 address, and electronic mail address, relationship to the 14 absentee, and all of the following: 15 a. The absentee’s name, county of residence, and last known 16 address. 17 b. To the extent known, the name, address, electronic mail 18 address, and telephone number of the absentee’s: 19 (1) Spouse, if any. 20 (2) Adult children, or if the absentee has none, the 21 absentee’s living parents and adult siblings. 22 (3) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) and (2), 23 then: 24 (a) Any adult with whom the absentee has resided in a 25 noninstitutional setting for more than six months immediately 26 prior to the filing of the petition, if any. 27 (b) Any person or institution primarily responsible for the 28 care or having had custody of the absentee within six months 29 immediately prior to the filing of the petition, if any. 30 (4) Any nominated or presently acting legal representative 31 of the absentee. 32 (5) Any person nominated as conservator by the absentee and 33 the document in which the person was nominated. 34 c. The name and address of the proposed conservator, and the 35 -38- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 38/ 83
S.F. _____ reasons that the court should accept the proposed conservator. 1 If the absentee has nominated a conservator other than the 2 proposed conservator, the reasons that the proposed conservator 3 should be appointed in lieu of the absentee’s nominee. 4 d. The facts concerning the disappearance of the absentee, 5 including the reasons why the conservatorship is necessary. 6 e. A general description of the property of the absentee 7 within this state and of the absentee’s right to receive 8 property, the estimated value of the absentee’s real estate, 9 the estimated value of the absentee’s personal property, and 10 the estimated gross annual income of the property. If any 11 money is payable, or to become payable, to the absentee by the 12 United States through the United States department of veterans 13 affairs, the petition shall so state. 14 f. Except as required by section 633F.29, any persons 15 identified pursuant to paragraph “b” of this section are not 16 entitled to notice. 17 2. Notice of the filing of a petition under this section: 18 a. Shall be served together with notice of the hearing on 19 the petition on the absentee by publication in the manner of 20 an original notice and the rules of civil procedure governing 21 original notices by publication shall also govern such a notice 22 as to content. 23 b. Shall be mailed to the following persons, to the extent 24 known to the petitioner: 25 (1) The legal representative of the absentee. 26 (2) The spouse and adult children of the absentee. 27 (3) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) and (2), 28 then to the absentee’s adult grandchildren. 29 (4) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) through 30 (3), then to the absentee’s parents and adult siblings. 31 (5) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) through 32 (4), then to any adults with whom the absentee has resided in 33 the six-month period preceding the filing of the petition, and 34 any adult who has assisted the absentee with decision making 35 -39- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 39/ 83
S.F. _____ in such period. 1 (6) If there are no persons in subparagraphs (1) through 2 (5), then at least one adult in the priority shown in section 3 633.219. 4 c. Notice of any other subsequent hearings related to the 5 petition hereunder shall be mailed in conformity with section 6 633.40, subsection 5. 7 3. In the event that the absentee does not appear at the 8 hearing on the petition, the court shall hear the petition and 9 the proof offered. All evidence shall be made part of the 10 record of the proceeding. If the allegations of the petition 11 are proved by clear and convincing evidence, the court shall 12 appoint a conservator. 13 Sec. 44. NEW SECTION . 633F.44 Appointing foreign 14 conservator. 15 1. When there is no conservatorship or pending application 16 for a conservatorship in this state, the duly qualified foreign 17 conservator or guardian of a nonresident protected person may, 18 upon application, be appointed conservator of the property of 19 the protected person in this state if a resident conservator is 20 appointed to serve with the foreign conservator. However, for 21 good cause shown, the court may appoint the foreign conservator 22 to act alone without the appointment of a resident conservator. 23 2. The application for appointment of a foreign conservator 24 or guardian as conservator in this state shall include the name 25 and address of the nonresident protected person, and of the 26 nonresident conservator or guardian, and the name and address 27 of the resident conservator to be appointed, if applicable. 28 The application shall be accompanied by a certified copy of 29 the original letters or other authority conferring the power 30 upon the foreign conservator or guardian to act as conservator 31 or guardian. The application shall state the cause for 32 the appointment of the foreign conservator to act as sole 33 conservator, if applicable. 34 3. A foreign conservator or guardian of a nonresident may 35 -40- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 40/ 83
S.F. _____ be authorized by the court of the county where the protected 1 person has personal property to receive the personal property 2 upon compliance with the provisions of subsections 4, 5, and 6. 3 4. A foreign conservator or guardian shall file in the 4 office of the clerk in the county where the property is 5 situated a certified copy of the conservator’s or guardian’s 6 official bond, if any, duly authenticated by the court granting 7 the letters. The foreign conservator or guardian shall also 8 execute a receipt for the property received by the conservator 9 or guardian. 10 5. Upon the filing of the bond as provided in subsection 11 4, if the court determines that the amount of the bond is 12 sufficient security, the court shall order the personal 13 property of the protected person delivered to the foreign 14 conservator or guardian. 15 6. The clerk shall record the bonds and the receipt, 16 and notify by mail the court which granted the letters of 17 conservatorship or guardianship of the amount of property 18 delivered to the fiduciary and the date of delivery. 19 Sec. 45. NEW SECTION . 633F.45 Disposition of protected 20 person’s will. 21 1. When a conservator receives an instrument purporting 22 to be the will of the protected person, the conservator shall 23 immediately deliver the instrument to the court. 24 2. Upon receiving an instrument purporting to be the 25 will of a living protected person under this section, the 26 court may open and read the instrument. The court, with or 27 without notice, may enter orders in the conservatorship as the 28 court deems advisable for the proper administration of the 29 conservatorship in light of the expressed testamentary intent 30 of the protected person. 31 3. An instrument purporting to be the will of a protected 32 person that the court receives under this section shall then be 33 resealed by the court and deposited with the clerk to be held 34 by the clerk as provided in sections 633.286 through 633.289. 35 -41- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 41/ 83
S.F. _____ Sec. 46. NEW SECTION . 633F.46 Claims against protected 1 person or conservator. 2 1. Claims accruing before or after the appointment of 3 the conservator, and whether arising in contract or tort or 4 otherwise, after being allowed or established as provided in 5 subsections 3 through 5, shall be paid by the conservator from 6 the assets of the conservatorship. 7 2. The provision of medical care or services to a protected 8 person who is a recipient of medical assistance under chapter 9 249A creates a claim for the amount owed to the provider under 10 the medical assistance program for the care or services. The 11 amount of the claim, after being allowed or established as 12 provided in this subchapter, shall be paid by the conservator 13 from the assets of the conservatorship. 14 3. A claim shall not be allowed against a protected person’s 15 conservatorship unless the claim is in writing, filed with the 16 clerk, states the claimant’s name and address, and describes 17 the nature and the amount of the claim, if ascertainable. The 18 claim shall be accompanied by the affidavit of the claimant, 19 or of someone for the claimant, that the amount is justly due, 20 or if not due, when the amount will or may become due, that no 21 payments have been made on the amount which are not credited, 22 and that there are no offsets against the amount, to the 23 knowledge of the affiant, except as stated in the claim. Valid 24 contract claims arising in the ordinary course of the conduct 25 of the business or affairs of the protected person by the 26 conservator may be paid by the conservator without requiring 27 affidavit or filing. 28 4. If a claim is founded upon a written instrument, the 29 original or a copy of the instrument, with all endorsements, 30 must be attached to the claim. The original instrument must be 31 shown to the conservator or to the court, upon demand, unless 32 the original instrument has been lost or destroyed, in which 33 case, the original instrument’s loss or destruction must be 34 stated in the claim. 35 -42- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 42/ 83
S.F. _____ 5. All claims filed against a protected person’s 1 conservatorship shall be titled in the name of the claimant 2 against the conservator as conservator, naming the conservator, 3 and in all further proceedings on the claim, this title shall 4 be preserved. 5 6. The filing of a claim in the conservatorship tolls the 6 statute of limitations applicable to the claim. 7 7. No claimant shall have the right to compel payment until 8 the claimant’s claim has been duly filed and allowed. 9 8. When a claim has been filed and has been admitted in 10 writing by the conservator, the claim shall be deemed allowed, 11 in the absence of fraud or collusion. 12 9. Execution shall not issue upon, and levy shall not 13 be made against, any property of the protected person’s 14 conservatorship under any judgment against the protected 15 person or the protected person’s conservator, but this 16 section shall not be construed to prevent the enforcement of a 17 mortgage, pledge, or other lien upon property in an appropriate 18 proceeding. 19 10. If the conservator is a creditor of the protected 20 person, the conservator shall file the claim as other 21 creditors, and the court shall appoint a temporary conservator 22 to protect the conservatorship estate at the hearing on the 23 conservator’s claim. The same procedure shall be followed in 24 the case of co-conservators where all such conservators are 25 creditors of the protected person. However, if one of the 26 co-conservators is not a creditor of the protected person, the 27 disinterested conservator shall protect the conservatorship 28 estate at the hearing on the co-conservator’s claim. 29 11. The court may determine whether or not the applicable 30 statute of limitation shall be invoked to bar a claim which the 31 conservator recommends be allowed. 32 12. This section shall not affect or prevent an action or 33 proceeding to enforce any mortgage, pledge, or other lien upon 34 the property of the protected person. 35 -43- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 43/ 83
S.F. _____ 13. a. Any action pending against the protected person at 1 the time the conservator is appointed shall also be considered 2 a claim filed in the conservatorship if notice of substitution 3 is served on the conservator as defendant, and proof of service 4 of notice of such proceeding is filed in the conservatorship 5 proceeding. 6 b. A separate action based on a debt or other liability 7 of the protected person may be commenced against the 8 conservator as conservator in lieu of filing a claim in the 9 conservatorship. Such an action shall be commenced by serving 10 an original notice on the conservator and filing proof of 11 service of notice of such proceeding in the conservatorship 12 proceeding. Such an action shall also be considered a claim 13 filed in the conservatorship. Such an action may be commenced 14 only in a county where the venue would have been proper if 15 there were no conservatorship and the action had been commenced 16 against the protected person. 17 14. The provisions of sections 633.438 to 633.448 shall 18 be applicable to the denial and contest of claims against 19 conservatorships, but shall not be applicable to actions 20 continued or commenced under this section. 21 15. When it appears that the assets in a conservatorship 22 are insufficient to pay in full all the claims against the 23 conservatorship, the conservator shall report such matter to 24 the court, and the court shall, upon hearing, with notice to 25 all persons who have filed claims in the conservatorship, make 26 an order for the pro rata payment of claims giving claimants 27 the same priority as in section 633.425. 28 Sec. 47. NEW SECTION . 633F.47 Professional evaluation. 29 1. For purposes of this section: 30 a. “Professional evaluation” means an evaluation by 31 a licensed or certified person qualified to evaluate 32 a respondent’s cognitive and functional abilities and 33 limitations. 34 b. “Respondent” includes, when appropriate, a protected 35 -44- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 44/ 83
S.F. _____ person. 1 2. A petitioner or respondent may submit a professional 2 evaluation in a matter concerning the granting, modifying, 3 or terminating a guardianship or conservatorship for the 4 respondent. 5 3. a. At or before a hearing on a petition for the 6 appointment of a guardian or conservator or the modification 7 or termination of a guardianship or conservatorship, the court 8 shall order a professional evaluation of the respondent unless 9 one of the following criteria are met: 10 (1) The court finds it has sufficient information 11 to determine whether the criteria for a guardianship or 12 conservatorship are met. 13 (2) The petitioner or respondent has filed a professional 14 evaluation. 15 b. If the respondent has filed a professional evaluation and 16 the court determines an additional professional evaluation will 17 assist the court in understanding the decision-making capacity 18 and functional abilities and limitations of the respondent, the 19 court may order a professional evaluation of the respondent. 20 4. If the court orders an evaluation, the respondent must be 21 examined by a licensed or certified person, appointed by the 22 court, who is qualified to evaluate the respondent’s cognitive 23 and functional abilities and limitations. 24 5. The court shall not appoint an individual to conduct the 25 examination if the individual has a conflict of interest. 26 6. The individual conducting the evaluation shall promptly 27 file a written report with the court and, if so ordered, shall 28 attend a court hearing and be available for cross-examination. 29 7. Unless otherwise directed by the court, the report must 30 contain all of the following: 31 a. A description of the nature, type, and extent of 32 the respondent’s cognitive and functional abilities and 33 limitations. 34 b. An evaluation of the respondent’s mental and physical 35 -45- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 45/ 83
S.F. _____ condition and, if appropriate, educational potential, adaptive 1 behavior, and social skills. 2 c. A prognosis for improvement and recommendation for the 3 appropriate treatment, support, or habilitation plan. 4 d. The evaluator’s qualifications to evaluate the 5 respondent’s cognitive and functional abilities limitations and 6 lack of conflict of interest. 7 e. The date of the examination on which the report is based. 8 8. The cost of the professional evaluation shall be paid 9 by the respondent unless the respondent is indigent under the 10 provisions of section 633.561, in which case the costs shall 11 be paid by the county in which the proceedings are pending, or 12 unless the court otherwise orders. 13 9. The court may order the production of any existing 14 professional evaluation that is relevant to the determination 15 of whether a guardian or a conservator should be appointed, as 16 well as whether a guardianship or conservatorship should be 17 modified or terminated. 18 10. In a proceeding to establish a guardianship or 19 conservatorship, any professional evaluation provided in the 20 proceeding, whether voluntarily or pursuant to a court order, 21 shall be confidential and shall be sealed and available to only 22 the court, the respondent, the petitioner, the respondent’s 23 attorney, the petitioner’s attorney for purposes of the 24 proceeding, a court advisor, and other persons the court orders 25 for good cause and limited for the purposes set out in the 26 court’s order. 27 11. In a proceeding to modify or terminate a guardianship 28 or conservatorship, the court upon good cause shown and for 29 such purposes as the court orders may grant access to any 30 professional evaluation that was sealed in a proceeding to 31 establish the guardianship or conservatorship. 32 Sec. 48. NEW SECTION . 633F.48 Appointment and role of court 33 advisor. 34 1. The court may appoint any qualified person as a court 35 -46- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 46/ 83
S.F. _____ advisor in a guardianship or conservatorship proceeding. The 1 role of the court advisor is to gather and report factual 2 information that will assist the court in making custody, 3 visitation, or other decisions related to the welfare of the 4 respondent. Unless the appointing judge specifies otherwise, 5 the court advisor role is limited to gathering and reporting 6 information to the court. The court advisor may include 7 recommendations in the report in subsection 6 only if the 8 court’s appointment order authorizes inclusion of such 9 recommendations. 10 2. The court shall not appoint a guardian ad litem in a 11 guardianship or conservatorship proceeding. 12 3. The same person shall not serve both as the attorney 13 representing the respondent and as court advisor. 14 4. Unless otherwise enlarged or circumscribed by the court, 15 the court advisor shall do all of the following: 16 a. Conduct an initial in-person interview with the 17 respondent. 18 b. Discuss with the respondent the substance of the 19 petition, the purpose and effect of the proceeding, the rights 20 of the respondent at the hearing, and the general powers and 21 duties of a guardian or conservator. 22 c. Determine the views of the respondent regarding the 23 proposed guardian or conservator, the proposed guardian’s or 24 conservator’s powers and duties, and the scope and duration of 25 the proposed guardianship or conservatorship. 26 5. In addition, if directed by the court, the court advisor 27 shall do the following: 28 a. Interview the petitioner and an appointed or proposed 29 guardian or conservator. 30 b. Visit, to the extent feasible, the residence where it 31 is reasonably believed that the respondent will live if the 32 appointment of a guardian or conservator is made. 33 c. Make any other investigation the court directs including 34 but not limited to interviewing any persons providing medical, 35 -47- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 47/ 83
S.F. _____ mental health, educational, social, and other services to the 1 respondent. 2 d. Determining the financial resources available to the 3 respondent. 4 6. The court advisor shall submit a written report to the 5 court that shall contain all of the following: 6 a. A recommendation regarding the appropriateness of a 7 limited guardianship or conservatorship for the respondent, 8 including whether less restrictive alternatives are available. 9 b. A statement of the qualifications of the proposed 10 guardian or conservator together with a statement of whether 11 the respondent has expressed agreement with the appointment of 12 the proposed guardian or conservator. 13 c. Any other matters the court advisor deems relevant to 14 the petition for guardianship or conservatorship and the best 15 interests of the respondent. 16 d. Any other matters the court directs. 17 7. The report of the court advisor shall be made part of the 18 court record unless otherwise ordered by the court. 19 Sec. 49. NEW SECTION . 633F.49 Attorneys for minor and adult 20 respondents and protected persons in conservatorships and for 21 adult respondents and protected persons in guardianships. 22 1. Upon the filing of a petition to appoint or remove a 23 guardian for an adult or conservator for a minor or adult, the 24 court shall appoint an attorney to represent the respondent, 25 provided that the respondent is not the petitioner. The court 26 shall set a hearing on the petition and provide for notice of 27 the appointment of counsel and the date of hearing. 28 a. The court may reconsider the determination regarding 29 representation by an attorney upon application by any 30 interested person. 31 b. The court may discharge an attorney appointed by the 32 court if the respondent has privately retained an attorney who 33 has filed an appearance on behalf of the respondent. 34 2. An attorney representing a respondent or protected 35 -48- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 48/ 83
S.F. _____ person shall, to the extent feasible: 1 a. Ensure that the respondent or protected person has been 2 properly advised of the nature and purpose of the proceeding. 3 b. Ensure that the respondent or protected person has been 4 advised of the respondent’s or protected person’s rights in the 5 proceeding. 6 c. Personally interview the respondent. 7 d. Advocate for the respondent’s or protected person’s 8 position to the extent that the position is reasonably 9 ascertainable. If the respondent’s or protected person’s 10 position is not reasonably ascertainable, the attorney shall 11 advocate for the result that is the least restrictive option in 12 type, duration, and scope, consistent with the respondent’s or 13 protected person’s interests. 14 e. Represent the respondent or protected person. 15 f. Ensure that guardianship and conservatorship procedures 16 conform to the statutory and due process requirements under 17 law. 18 g. File a written report stating whether there is evidence 19 on file showing that proper service on the respondent has been 20 made and also stating that specific compliance with paragraphs 21 “a” , “b” , and “c” has been made or stating the inability to 22 comply by reason of the respondent’s condition. 23 3. If the court determines, on application, that it is 24 appropriate or necessary, the court may order that the attorney 25 representing the respondent or protected person be given copies 26 of and access to the respondent’s or protected person’s health 27 information. Such an order must describe, with reasonable 28 specificity, the health information to be disclosed or accessed 29 for purposes of fulfilling the attorney’s responsibilities 30 pursuant to this section. 31 4. If an order appointing a guardian or conservator 32 is entered, the respondent’s attorney shall do all of the 33 following: 34 a. Inform the respondent of the effects of the order. 35 -49- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 49/ 83
S.F. _____ b. Advise the respondent of the respondent’s rights to 1 petition for modification or termination of the guardianship 2 or conservatorship. 3 c. Advise the respondent of the rights retained by the 4 respondent. 5 5. Following the appointment of a guardian or conservator, 6 if the court determines that it would be in the protected 7 person’s best interest to be represented by an attorney 8 with respect to any further proceedings in a guardianship or 9 conservatorship, the court may appoint an attorney to represent 10 the protected person at the protected person’s expense or at 11 the county’s expense for indigents as provided in subsection 6. 12 6. The cost of court-appointed attorneys for indigents 13 shall be assessed against the county in which the proceedings 14 are pending. For purposes of this section, the court shall 15 find a person indigent if the person’s income and resources do 16 not exceed one hundred fifty percent of the federal poverty 17 level or the person would be unable to pay such costs without 18 prejudicing the person’s financial ability to provide economic 19 necessities for the respondent or the respondent’s dependents. 20 Sec. 50. NEW SECTION . 633F.50 Mediation. 21 1. The district court may, on its own motion or on the 22 motion of any party, order the parties to participate in 23 mediation in any guardianship or conservatorship action. 24 Mediation performed under this section shall comply with the 25 provisions of chapter 679C. The court shall, upon application 26 of a party, grant a waiver from any court-ordered mediation 27 under this section if the party demonstrates that a history 28 of domestic abuse exists similarly as considered in section 29 598.41, subsection 3, paragraph “j”. The court may, upon 30 application of a party, grant a waiver from any court-ordered 31 mediation if the action involves elder abuse pursuant to 32 chapter 235F. 33 2. Mediation shall comply with all of the following 34 standards: 35 -50- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 50/ 83
S.F. _____ a. The parties will participate in good faith. 1 Participation in mediation shall include attendance at 2 a mediation session with the mediator and the parties to 3 the action, listening to the mediator’s explanation of the 4 mediation process, presentation of one party’s view of the 5 case, and listening to the response of the other party. 6 Participation in mediation does not require that the parties 7 reach an agreement. 8 b. Unless the parties agree upon a mediator, the court shall 9 appoint a mediator. Any mediator appointed by the court shall 10 meet the qualifications established in this section. 11 c. Parties to the mediation shall have the right to 12 representation by an attorney at all times. 13 d. The parties to the mediation shall present any agreement 14 reached through the mediation to their attorneys, if any. 15 A mediation agreement reached by the parties shall not be 16 enforceable until approved by the court. 17 e. The costs of mediation shall be borne by the parties, as 18 agreed to by the parties, or as ordered by the court, and may 19 be taxed as court costs. 20 3. A mediator appointed by the court acting pursuant to this 21 section shall have the following qualifications: 22 a. Completed a one-hour internet seminar or live session 23 regarding the external resources available to a respondent with 24 particular focus on resources for older persons. 25 b. A minimum of twenty-five hours of general mediation 26 training. 27 c. Either of the following: 28 (1) Fifteen hours of probate-specific or elder-specific 29 mediation training. 30 (2) Ten continuous years of practice in Iowa as a licensed 31 attorney with the greater of four hundred hours or forty 32 percent of the total hours of law practice per year being 33 devoted to matters concerning wills, trusts, and estate work 34 for each of the ten continuous years. For mediations involving 35 -51- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 51/ 83
S.F. _____ guardianship of juveniles, the mediator shall also be currently 1 qualified as a family law mediator and have completed a 2 one-hour live session concerning guardianship procedures. 3 Sec. 51. NEW SECTION . 633F.51 Presumption regarding 4 testamentary capacity. 5 The appointment of a guardian or conservator does not create 6 a presumption that the protected person lacks testamentary 7 capacity. 8 Sec. 52. NEW SECTION . 633F.52 Reports by guardians. 9 1. A guardian appointed under this chapter shall file with 10 the court the following written verified reports, which the 11 court shall not waive: 12 a. An initial care plan within sixty days of the guardian’s 13 appointment. The initial care plan must include all of the 14 following: 15 (1) The protected person’s current residence and the 16 guardian’s plan for the protected person’s living arrangements. 17 (2) The guardian’s plan for payment of the protected 18 person’s living expenses and other expenses. 19 (3) The protected person’s health status and the guardian’s 20 plan for meeting the protected person’s health needs. 21 (4) The protected person’s educational, training, and 22 vocational needs and the guardian’s plan for meeting the 23 protected person’s educational needs. 24 (5) The guardian’s plan for facilitating contacts of the 25 protected person with the family members of the protected 26 person. 27 (6) The guardian’s plan for contact with and activities on 28 behalf of the protected person. 29 b. An annual report, within sixty days of the close of 30 the reporting period, unless the court otherwise orders an 31 extension for good cause shown in accordance with rules of 32 probate procedure. 33 c. A final report within thirty days of the termination of 34 the guardianship unless that time is extended by the court. 35 -52- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 52/ 83
S.F. _____ 2. Annual reports and the final report shall include all of 1 the following: 2 a. The current mental and physical condition of the 3 protected person. 4 b. The present living arrangement of the protected person, 5 including a description of each residence where the protected 6 person has resided during the reporting period. 7 c. A summary of the medical, educational, vocational, and 8 technical, and other professional services provided for the 9 protected person. 10 d. A description of the guardian’s visits with and 11 activities on behalf of the protected person. 12 e. Any changes in the care plan. 13 f. A recommendation as to the need for continued 14 guardianship. 15 g. When the guardianship is for a minor protected person: 16 (1) The nature and extent of parental visits and 17 communication with the minor. 18 (2) The ability of the guardian to continue as guardian and 19 arranging for the provision of care for the minor protected 20 person. 21 h. Other information requested by the court or useful in the 22 opinion of the guardian. 23 3. In accordance with the requirements of subsections 1 and 24 2, the court shall provide simplified uniform reporting forms 25 for use in filing the required reports. 26 4. The clerk of the court shall notify the guardian in 27 writing of the reporting requirements and shall provide 28 information and assistance to the guardian in filing the 29 reports. 30 5. Reports of guardians shall be submitted to the court for 31 approval. 32 6. Reports required by this section shall be served on the 33 attorney representing the respondent or the protected person 34 and, if requested, all other parties who have filed appearances 35 -53- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 53/ 83
S.F. _____ in the proceeding. 1 Sec. 53. NEW SECTION . 633F.53 Reports by conservators. 2 1. A conservator shall file an initial plan for protecting, 3 managing, investing, expending, and distributing the assets 4 of the conservatorship estate within ninety days after 5 appointment. The plan must be based on the needs of the 6 protected person and take into account the best interest of the 7 protected person as well as the protected person’s preference, 8 values, and prior directions to the extent known to, or 9 reasonably ascertainable by, the conservator. 10 a. The initial plan shall include all of the following: 11 (1) A budget containing projected expenses and resources, 12 including an estimate of the total amount of fees the 13 conservator anticipates charging per year and a statement or 14 list of the amount the conservator proposes to charge for each 15 service the conservator anticipates providing to the protected 16 person. 17 (2) A statement as to how the conservator will involve 18 the protected person in decisions about management of the 19 conservatorship estate. 20 (3) If ordered by the court, any step the conservator plans 21 to take to develop or restore the ability of the protected 22 person to manage the conservatorship estate. 23 (4) An estimate of the duration of the conservatorship. 24 b. Within two days after filing the initial plan, the 25 conservator shall give notice of the filing of the initial plan 26 with a copy of the plan to the protected person, the protected 27 person’s attorney and court advisor, if any, and others as 28 directed by the court. The notice must state that any person 29 entitled to a copy of the plan must file any objections to the 30 plan not later than fifteen days after it is filed. 31 c. At least twenty days after the plan has been filed, the 32 court shall review and determine whether the plan should be 33 approved or revised, after considering objections filed and 34 whether the plan is consistent with the conservator’s powers 35 -54- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 54/ 83
S.F. _____ and duties. 1 d. After approval by the court, the conservator shall 2 provide a copy of the approved plan and order approving the 3 plan to the protected person, the protected person’s attorney 4 and court advisor, if any, and others as directed by the court. 5 e. The conservator shall file an amended plan when there has 6 been a significant change in circumstances or the conservator 7 seeks to deviate significantly from the plan. Before the 8 amended plan is implemented, the provisions for court approval 9 of the plan shall be followed as provided in paragraphs “b” , 10 “c” , and “d” . 11 2. A conservator shall file an inventory of the protected 12 person’s assets within ninety days after appointment which 13 includes an oath or affirmation that the inventory is believed 14 to be complete and accurate as far as information permits. 15 Copies of the inventory shall be provided to the protected 16 person, the protected person’s attorney and court advisor 17 (if any), and others as directed by the court. When the 18 conservator receives additional property of the protected 19 person, or becomes aware of its existence, a description of the 20 property shall be included in the conservator’s next annual 21 report. 22 3. A conservator shall file a written and verified report 23 for the period since the end of the preceding report period. 24 The court shall not waive these reports. 25 a. These reports shall include all of the following: 26 (1) Balance of funds on hand at the beginning and end of the 27 period. 28 (2) Disbursements made. 29 (3) Changes in the conservator’s plan. 30 (4) List of assets as of the end of the period. 31 (5) Bond amount and surety’s name. 32 (6) Residence and physical location of the protected 33 person. 34 (7) General physical and mental condition of the protected 35 -55- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 55/ 83
S.F. _____ person. 1 (8) Other information reflecting the condition of the 2 conservatorship estate. 3 b. These reports shall be filed: 4 (1) On an annual basis within sixty days of the end of the 5 reporting period unless the court orders an extension for good 6 cause shown in accordance with the rules of probate procedure. 7 (2) Within thirty days following removal of the 8 conservator. 9 (3) Upon the conservator’s filing of a resignation and 10 before the resignation is accepted by the court. 11 (4) Within sixty days following the termination of the 12 conservatorship. 13 (5) At other times as ordered by the court. 14 c. Reports required by this section shall be served on the 15 protected person’s attorney and court advisor, if any, and the 16 veterans administration if the protected person is receiving 17 veterans benefits. 18 Sec. 54. NEW SECTION . 633F.54 Removal of guardian and 19 conservator. 20 1. The court may conduct a hearing to determine whether the 21 removal of a guardian or conservator is appropriate upon any 22 of the following: 23 a. The filing of a petition by a protected person, a 24 guardian, a conservator, or other person with an interest in 25 the welfare of such a person. 26 b. The receipt of a written communication from a protected 27 person, a guardian, a conservator, or other person with an 28 interest in the welfare of such a person, indicating that 29 removal may be appropriate. 30 c. The court’s determination that such a hearing would be in 31 the best interest of a protected person. 32 2. A person who is not the guardian, conservator, or 33 protected person may request permission to participate in such 34 hearing. The court may grant the request, with or without 35 -56- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 56/ 83
S.F. _____ hearing, on determining that the person’s participation is 1 in the best interest of the protected person. The court may 2 impose appropriate limitations on the person’s participation. 3 3. Following a hearing, the court may remove a guardian 4 and conservator for failure to perform the guardian or 5 conservator’s duties or for other good cause, and appoint a 6 successor guardian or conservator to assume the duties of the 7 guardian or conservator, if needed under the circumstances. 8 4. The court may decline to hold a hearing under subsection 9 1 if the same or substantially similar facts were alleged in a 10 petition or written communication filed in the preceding six 11 months. 12 Sec. 55. NEW SECTION . 633F.55 Termination and modification 13 of guardianships and conservatorships. 14 1. Guardianships and conservatorships shall terminate upon 15 the occurrence of any of the following circumstances: 16 a. Death of the protected person. 17 b. A finding by the court that the basis for appointment no 18 longer exists. 19 c. A determination by the court that the guardianship or 20 conservatorship is no longer necessary for any other reason. 21 2. A protected person, a guardian, a conservator, or a 22 person interested in the welfare of the protected person may 23 petition for or request one of the following: 24 a. Termination of the guardianship or conservatorship 25 because the basis for appointment no longer exists. 26 b. Modification of the guardianship or conservatorship 27 because the extent of protection or assistance granted is no 28 longer appropriate. 29 3. The court shall conduct a hearing to determine 30 whether termination or modification of a guardianship or 31 conservatorship is appropriate upon the filing of a petition 32 under subsection 2 that contains allegations that, if 33 true, would support a reasonable belief that termination or 34 modification of the guardianship or conservatorship may be 35 -57- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 57/ 83
S.F. _____ appropriate. The court may also conduct a hearing upon any of 1 the following: 2 a. The receipt of written communication from a protected 3 person, a guardian, a conservator, or other person interested 4 in the welfare of the protected person indicating that 5 termination or modification may be appropriate. 6 b. The court’s determination that such a hearing would be in 7 the best interest of a protected person. 8 c. A report from a guardian or conservator. 9 4. A person seeking termination or modification has the 10 burden of making a prima facie showing that the guardianship 11 or conservatorship should be terminated or modified. If such 12 a showing is made, the guardian, the conservator, or other 13 person resisting termination or modification has the burden to 14 prove by clear and convincing evidence that the guardianship or 15 conservatorship should not be terminated or modified. 16 5. The court shall modify the powers granted to the 17 guardian or conservator if the court finds that the powers are 18 either more than needed or less than needed in view of the 19 decision-making capacity, functional abilities and limitations 20 of the protected person, the availability of third party 21 assistance and decision making supports for the protected 22 person, or other circumstances. 23 6. Except as otherwise ordered by the court for good 24 cause, before terminating or modifying a guardianship or 25 conservatorship, the court shall follow the same procedures 26 to safeguard the rights of the protected person as apply to a 27 petition for a guardianship or conservatorship, including the 28 right to representation by an attorney. 29 Sec. 56. NEW SECTION . 633F.56 Pleadings and hearings. 30 In proceedings to establish, modify, or terminate a 31 guardianship or conservatorship, or remove a guardian or 32 conservator, the case shall be tried as a law action and 33 be governed by the rules of civil procedure subject to the 34 following requirements: 35 -58- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 58/ 83
S.F. _____ 1. The respondent shall be entitled to a hearing on 1 appointment, modification, removal, or termination. 2 2. The respondent shall be present at the hearing and at 3 all other stages of the proceedings unless the court finds good 4 cause for the absence of the respondent. If the respondent 5 is not present, the court shall make a record of the lack of 6 presence. The court shall make reasonable accommodations to 7 enable the respondent to be present at the hearing and at all 8 other stages of the proceedings. 9 3. The respondent may subpoena witnesses and documents, 10 examine witnesses and documents, present evidence, and 11 otherwise participate in the hearing. 12 4. The court shall require the proposed or existing guardian 13 or conservator to attend the hearing except upon a showing of 14 good cause. 15 5. The court shall require any court advisor it has 16 appointed to attend the hearing. 17 6. Any person may file a written application to participate 18 in a hearing or other proceeding. The court may grant the 19 request without hearing unless a resistance to such application 20 is filed within five days. If a resistance is filed within 21 five days, the court shall hold a hearing on the application. 22 7. All hearings and proceedings shall be reported. 23 8. For purposes of this section, the term respondent 24 includes, when appropriate, a protected person. 25 Sec. 57. NEW SECTION . 633F.57 Compensation of guardians, 26 conservators, and attorneys. 27 The compensation of guardians, conservators, guardian’s 28 attorneys, and conservator’s attorneys shall be fixed according 29 to section 633.200. 30 Sec. 58. NEW SECTION . 633F.58 Liability of guardians and 31 conservators. 32 Guardians and conservators shall not be held personally 33 liable for actions or omissions taken or made in the official 34 discharge of the guardian’s or conservator’s duties, except for 35 -59- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 59/ 83
S.F. _____ any of the following: 1 1. A breach of fiduciary duty imposed by the provisions of 2 chapter 633 or this chapter. 3 2. Willful or wanton misconduct in the official discharge of 4 the guardian’s or conservator’s duties. 5 Sec. 59. NEW SECTION . 633F.59 Tort liability of guardians 6 and conservators. 7 The fact that a person is a guardian or conservator shall 8 not make the person personally liable for damages for the acts 9 of the protected person. 10 Sec. 60. NEW SECTION . 633F.60 Court costs in guardianships 11 and conservatorships. 12 A protected person shall be charged with the court costs 13 of the protected person’s guardianship and conservatorship 14 proceedings, including guardian’s and conservator’s fees, and 15 the fees of attorneys representing guardians and conservators. 16 The court may, upon application, enter an order waiving 17 payment of the court costs in indigent cases. However, if the 18 protected person becomes financially capable of paying any 19 waived costs, the costs shall no longer be waived and shall be 20 immediately payable. 21 Sec. 61. NEW SECTION . 633F.61 Provisions applicable to all 22 fiduciaries shall govern. 23 The provisions of chapter 633 applicable to all fiduciaries 24 shall govern the appointment, qualification, oath, and bond of 25 guardians and conservators with the following exceptions: 26 1. Guardians shall not be required to give bond unless the 27 court, for good cause, finds that the best interests of the 28 protected person require a bond. 29 2. Notwithstanding section 633.175, conservators other 30 than Iowa financial institutions with trust powers must give 31 surety bonds unless the court finds there is an alternative 32 to such a bond that will provide sufficient protection of the 33 conservatorship assets. The conservator shall submit a plan 34 for any proposed alternative to a bond for review and approval 35 -60- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 60/ 83
S.F. _____ by the court. 1 Sec. 62. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVES. 2 1. The Code editor shall designate sections 633F.1 3 through 633F.3, as enacted by this division of this Act, 4 as a subchapter entitled “JURISDICTION, DEFINITIONS, AND 5 APPLICABILITY”. 6 2. The Code editor shall designate sections 633F.4 through 7 633F.18, as enacted by this division of this Act, as a 8 subchapter entitled “GUARDIANSHIPS FOR MINORS”. 9 3. The Code editor shall designate sections 633F.19 10 through 633F.27, as enacted by this division of this Act, as a 11 subchapter entitled “GUARDIANSHIPS FOR ADULTS”. 12 4. The Code editor shall designate sections 633F.28 13 through 633F.46, as enacted by this division of this Act, as a 14 subchapter entitled “CONSERVATORSHIPS”. 15 5. The Code editor shall designate sections 633F.47 16 through 633F.61, as enacted by this division of this Act, as a 17 subchapter entitled “PROCEEDINGS, ADMINISTRATION, AND CLOSING”. 18 DIVISION II 19 CONFORMING CHANGES 20 Sec. 63. Section 10.1, subsection 7, Code 2019, is amended 21 to read as follows: 22 7. “Farm estate” means the real and personal property of a 23 decedent, a ward protected person , or a trust as provided in 24 chapters 633 , and 633A , and 633F, if at least sixty percent of 25 the gross receipts from the estate comes from farming. 26 Sec. 64. Section 48A.2, subsection 4, Code 2019, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 4. “Person who is incompetent to vote” means a person with an 29 intellectual disability who has been found to lack the mental 30 capacity to vote in a proceeding held pursuant to section 31 633.556 633F.22 . 32 Sec. 65. Section 135C.24, subsection 5, Code 2019, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 5. The provisions of this section notwithstanding, upon 35 -61- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 61/ 83
S.F. _____ the verified petition of the county board of supervisors the 1 district court may appoint the administrator of a county care 2 facility as conservator or guardian, or both, of a resident of 3 such county care facility, in accordance with the provisions 4 of chapter chapters 633 and 633F . Such administrator shall 5 serve as conservator or guardian, or both, without fee. The 6 county attorney shall serve as attorney for the administrator 7 in such conservatorship or guardianship, or both, without fee. 8 The administrator may establish either separate or common bank 9 accounts for cash funds of such resident wards. 10 Sec. 66. Section 141A.1, subsection 15, Code 2019, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 15. “Legal guardian” means a person appointed by a court 13 pursuant to chapter 633 or 633F or an attorney in fact as 14 defined in section 144B.1 . In the case of a minor, “legal 15 guardian” also means a parent or other person responsible for 16 the care of the minor. 17 Sec. 67. Section 144A.7, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 18 2019, is amended to read as follows: 19 b. The guardian of the person of the patient if one has been 20 appointed, provided court approval is obtained in accordance 21 with section 633.635, subsection 2, paragraph “c” 633F.26, 22 subsection 5, paragraph “c” . This paragraph does not require 23 the appointment of a guardian in order for a treatment decision 24 to be made under this section . 25 Sec. 68. Section 144B.6, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 26 to read as follows: 27 1. Unless the district court sitting in equity specifically 28 finds that the attorney in fact is acting in a manner contrary 29 to the wishes of the principal or the durable power of attorney 30 for health care provides otherwise, an attorney in fact who is 31 known to the health care provider to be available and willing 32 to make health care decisions has priority over any other 33 person, including a guardian appointed pursuant to chapter 633 34 or 633F , to act for the principal in all matters of health 35 -62- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 62/ 83
S.F. _____ care decisions. The attorney in fact has authority to make 1 a particular health care decision only if the principal is 2 unable, in the judgment of the attending physician, to make the 3 health care decision. If the principal objects to a decision 4 to withhold or withdraw health care, the principal shall be 5 presumed to be able to make a decision. 6 Sec. 69. Section 217.13, subsection 3, Code 2019, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 3. All volunteers registered with the department and 9 in compliance with departmental rules are considered state 10 employees for purposes of chapter 669 . However, this section 11 does not except a conservator or guardian from an action 12 brought under section 658.1A or 658.3 . This section does not 13 relieve a guardian or conservator from duties under chapter 633 14 or 633F . 15 Sec. 70. Section 222.34, Code 2019, is amended to read as 16 follows: 17 222.34 Guardianship proceedings. 18 If a guardianship is proposed for a person with an 19 intellectual disability, guardianship proceedings shall be 20 initiated and conducted as provided in chapter 633 633F . 21 Sec. 71. Section 229.27, subsection 3, unnumbered paragraph 22 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 23 A hearing limited to the question of the person’s competence 24 and conducted in substantially the manner prescribed in 25 sections 633.552 to 633.556 633F.19, 633F.20, 633F.22, and 26 633F.56 shall be held when: 27 Sec. 72. Section 231E.5, subsection 2, paragraph g, 28 subparagraph (6), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 29 (6) If determined necessary, file a petition for the 30 appointment of a guardian or conservator pursuant to chapter 31 633 633F . 32 Sec. 73. Section 231E.5, subsections 4 and 5, Code 2019, are 33 amended to read as follows: 34 4. An individual acting as the state public guardian or a 35 -63- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 63/ 83
S.F. _____ local public guardian shall comply with applicable requirements 1 for guardians and conservators pursuant to chapter 633 633F , or 2 representative payees pursuant to federal law and regulations. 3 5. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, an 4 individual acting as the state public guardian or a local 5 public guardian shall not be subject to the posting of a bond 6 pursuant to chapter 633 633F . An individual acting as the 7 state public guardian or a local public guardian shall complete 8 at least eight hours of training annually as certified by the 9 department. 10 Sec. 74. Section 231E.6, subsection 2, Code 2019, is amended 11 to read as follows: 12 2. For all appointments made pursuant to this section , 13 notice shall be provided to the state office or local office 14 prior to appointment. For appointments made pursuant to this 15 section , the state office or local office shall only accept 16 appointments made pursuant to the filing of an involuntary 17 petition for appointment of a conservator or guardianship 18 pursuant to chapter 633 633F . 19 Sec. 75. Section 231E.8, subsection 5, Code 2019, is amended 20 to read as follows: 21 5. The state public guardian or a local public guardian 22 shall be subject to discharge or removal, by the court, on 23 the grounds and in the manner in which other guardians or 24 conservators are discharged or removed pursuant to chapter 633 25 633F . 26 Sec. 76. Section 231E.12, Code 2019, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 231E.12 Liability. 29 All employees and volunteers of the state office and local 30 offices operating under this chapter and other applicable 31 chapters and pursuant to rules adopted under this and other 32 applicable chapters are considered employees of the state 33 and state volunteers for the purposes of chapter 669 and 34 shall be afforded protection under section 669.21 or 669.24 , 35 -64- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 64/ 83
S.F. _____ as applicable. This section does not relieve a guardian or 1 conservator from performing duties prescribed under chapter 633 2 or 633F . 3 Sec. 77. Section 232.3, subsection 1, Code 2019, is amended 4 to read as follows: 5 1. During the pendency of an action under this chapter , a 6 party to the action is estopped from litigating concurrently 7 the custody, guardianship, or placement of a child who 8 is the subject of the action, in a court other than the 9 juvenile court. A district judge, district associate judge, 10 magistrate, or judicial hospitalization referee, upon notice 11 of the pendency of an action under this chapter , shall not 12 issue an order, finding, or decision relating to the custody, 13 guardianship, or placement of the child who is the subject of 14 the action, under any law, including but not limited to chapter 15 598 , 598B , or 633 , or 633F . 16 Sec. 78. Section 232.101A, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 17 amended to read as follows: 18 2. If the court transfers guardianship pursuant to 19 subsection 1 , the court may close the child in need of 20 assistance case by transferring jurisdiction over the child’s 21 guardianship to the probate court. The court shall inform the 22 proposed guardian of the guardian’s reporting duties under 23 section 633.669 633F.52 and other duties under chapter 633 24 633F . Upon transferring jurisdiction, the court shall direct 25 the probate clerk, once the proposed guardian has filed an 26 oath of office and identification in accordance with section 27 602.6111 , to issue letters of appointment for guardianship and 28 docket the case in probate. Records contained in the probate 29 case file that were copied or transferred from the juvenile 30 court file concerning the case shall be subject to section 31 232.147 and other confidentiality provisions of this chapter 32 for cases not involving juvenile delinquency. 33 Sec. 79. Section 232.104, subsection 8, paragraph b, Code 34 2019, is amended to read as follows: 35 -65- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 65/ 83
S.F. _____ b. In lieu of the procedures specified in paragraph “a” , 1 the court may close the child in need of assistance case 2 by transferring jurisdiction over the child’s guardianship 3 to the probate court. The court shall inform the proposed 4 guardian of the guardian’s reporting duties under section 5 633.669 633F.52 and other duties under the probate code. Upon 6 transferring jurisdiction, the court shall direct the probate 7 clerk, once the proposed guardian has filed an oath of office 8 and identification in accordance with section 602.6111 , to 9 issue letters of appointment for guardianship and docket the 10 case in probate. Records contained in the probate case file 11 that were copied or transferred from the juvenile court file 12 concerning the case shall be subject to section 232.147 and 13 other confidentiality provisions of this chapter for cases not 14 involving juvenile delinquency. 15 Sec. 80. Section 235B.2, subsection 5, paragraph b, 16 subparagraph (3), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 17 (3) The withholding or withdrawing of health care from 18 a dependent adult who is terminally ill in the opinion of a 19 licensed physician, when the withholding or withdrawing of 20 health care is done at the request of the dependent adult or at 21 the request of the dependent adult’s next of kin, attorney in 22 fact, or guardian pursuant to the applicable procedures under 23 chapter 125 , 144A , 144B , 222 , 229 , or 633 633F . 24 Sec. 81. Section 235B.3, subsection 9, paragraph a, Code 25 2019, is amended to read as follows: 26 a. If, upon completion of the evaluation or upon referral 27 from the department of inspections and appeals, the department 28 determines that the best interests of the dependent adult 29 require court action, the department shall initiate action 30 for the appointment of a guardian or conservator or for 31 admission or commitment to an appropriate institution or 32 facility pursuant to the applicable procedures under chapter 33 125 , 222 , 229 , or 633 633F , or shall pursue other remedies 34 provided by law. The appropriate county attorney shall assist 35 -66- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 66/ 83
S.F. _____ the department in the preparation of the necessary papers 1 to initiate the action and shall appear and represent the 2 department at all district court proceedings. 3 Sec. 82. Section 235B.18, subsections 4 and 5, Code 2019, 4 are amended to read as follows: 5 4. If, at the hearing, the judge finds by clear and 6 convincing evidence that the dependent adult is in need of 7 protective services and lacks the capacity to consent to the 8 receipt of protective services, the judge may issue an order 9 authorizing the provision of protective services. The order 10 may include the designation of a person to be responsible for 11 performing or obtaining protective services on behalf of the 12 dependent adult or otherwise consenting to the receipt of 13 protective services on behalf of the dependent adult. Within 14 sixty days of the appointment of such a person the court 15 shall conduct a review to determine if a petition shall be 16 initiated in accordance with section 633.552 633F.19 for good 17 cause shown. The court may extend the sixty-day period for 18 an additional sixty days, at the end of which the court shall 19 conduct a review to determine if a petition shall be initiated 20 in accordance with section 633.552 633F.19 . A dependent adult 21 shall not be committed to a mental health facility under this 22 section . 23 5. A determination by the court that a dependent adult lacks 24 the capacity to consent to the receipt of protective services 25 under this chapter shall not affect incompetency proceedings 26 under sections 633.552 through 633.556 633F.19, 633F.20, 27 633F.22, and 633F.56 or any other proceedings, and incompetency 28 proceedings under sections 633.552 through 633.556 633F.19, 29 633F.20, 633F.22, and 633F.56 shall not have a conclusive 30 effect on the question of capacity to consent to the receipt of 31 protective services under this chapter . A person previously 32 adjudicated as incompetent under the relevant provisions of 33 chapter 633 633F is entitled to the care, protection, and 34 services under this chapter . 35 -67- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 67/ 83
S.F. _____ Sec. 83. Section 235B.19, subsection 5, paragraph a, 1 unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2019, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 Notwithstanding sections 633.552 633F.19 and 633.573 4 633F.32 , upon a finding that there is probable cause to believe 5 that the dependent adult abuse presents an immediate danger to 6 the health or safety of the dependent adult or is producing 7 irreparable harm to the physical or financial resources or 8 property of the dependent adult, and that the dependent adult 9 lacks capacity to consent to the receipt of services, the court 10 may order the appointment of a temporary guardian or temporary 11 conservator without notice to the dependent adult or the 12 dependent adult’s attorney if all of the following conditions 13 are met: 14 Sec. 84. Section 235E.1, subsection 5, paragraph b, 15 subparagraph (3), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 16 (3) The withholding or withdrawing of health care from 17 a dependent adult who is terminally ill in the opinion of a 18 licensed physician, when the withholding or withdrawing of 19 health care is done at the request of the dependent adult or at 20 the request of the dependent adult’s next of kin, attorney in 21 fact, or guardian pursuant to the applicable procedures under 22 chapter 125 , 144A , 144B , 222 , 229 , or 633 633F . 23 Sec. 85. Section 235E.2, subsection 6, paragraph a, Code 24 2019, is amended to read as follows: 25 a. If, upon completion of an investigation, the department 26 determines that the best interests of the dependent adult 27 require court action, the department shall notify the 28 department of human services of the potential need for a 29 guardian or conservator or for admission or commitment to an 30 appropriate institution or facility pursuant to the applicable 31 procedures under chapter 125 , 222 , 229 , or 633 633F , or shall 32 pursue other remedies provided by law. The appropriate county 33 attorney shall assist the department of human services in the 34 preparation of the necessary papers to initiate the action and 35 -68- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 68/ 83
S.F. _____ shall appear and represent the department of human services at 1 all district court proceedings. 2 Sec. 86. Section 235F.1, subsection 5, paragraph b, 3 subparagraph (3), Code 2019, is amended to read as follows: 4 (3) The withholding or withdrawing of health care from 5 a vulnerable elder who is terminally ill in the opinion of 6 a licensed physician, when the withholding or withdrawing of 7 health care is done at the request of the vulnerable elder or 8 at the request of the vulnerable elder’s next of kin, attorney 9 in fact, or guardian pursuant to the applicable procedures 10 under chapter 125 , 144A , 144B , 222 , 229 , or 633 633F . 11 Sec. 87. Section 235F.6, subsection 3, paragraph b, Code 12 2019, is amended to read as follows: 13 b. Grants relief that is more appropriately obtained in a 14 protective proceeding filed under chapter 633 633F including 15 but not limited to giving control and management of the funds, 16 benefits, property, resources, belongings, or assets of the 17 vulnerable elder to a guardian, conservator, or attorney in 18 fact for any purpose other than the relief granted under 19 subsection 2 . 20 Sec. 88. Section 239B.13, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 21 amended to read as follows: 22 2. The department may order the cash assistance under 23 this chapter to be paid to a protective payee if it has 24 been demonstrated that the specified relative with whom 25 the child is residing is unable to manage the assistance in 26 the best interest of the child. Protective payment of cash 27 assistance shall not be made beyond a period of two years. The 28 department may petition the district court sitting in probate 29 to establish, pursuant to chapter 633 633F , a conservatorship 30 over a participant. If a conservatorship is established, the 31 participant’s cash assistance shall be paid to the conservator. 32 In addition to the cash assistance, an amount not to exceed ten 33 dollars per case per month may be allowed for conservatorship 34 or guardianship fees if authorized by court order. The 35 -69- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 69/ 83
S.F. _____ department may pay cash assistance or other cash benefits to 1 a third party if the department determines that a third-party 2 payment is essential to assure the proper use of the assistance 3 or benefits. 4 Sec. 89. Section 252B.6A, subsection 4, Code 2019, is 5 amended to read as follows: 6 4. For the purposes of this section , a “judicial proceeding” 7 means an action to enforce support filed with a court of 8 competent jurisdiction in which the court issues an order which 9 identifies the amount of the support collection which is a 10 direct result of the court proceeding. “Judicial proceedings” 11 include but are not limited to those pursuant to chapters 598 , 12 626 , 633 , 633F, 642 , 654 , or 684 and also include contempt 13 proceedings if the collection payment is identified in the 14 court order as the result of such a proceeding. “Judicial 15 proceedings” do not include enforcement actions which the unit 16 is required to implement under federal law including, but not 17 limited to, income withholding. 18 Sec. 90. Section 565B.24, Code 2019, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 565B.24 Other laws not applicable. 21 Chapter Chapters 633 and 633F and all other laws of this 22 state to the extent contrary to this chapter do not apply to 23 the custodial property of a minor held by the custodian under 24 this chapter . 25 Sec. 91. Section 602.6306, subsection 2, Code 2019, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 2. District associate judges also have jurisdiction 28 in civil actions for money judgment where the amount in 29 controversy does not exceed ten thousand dollars; jurisdiction 30 over involuntary commitment, treatment, or hospitalization 31 proceedings under chapters 125 and 229 ; jurisdiction of 32 indictable misdemeanors, class “D” felony violations, and other 33 felony arraignments; jurisdiction to enter a temporary or 34 emergency order of protection under chapter 235F or 236 , and to 35 -70- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 70/ 83
S.F. _____ make court appointments and set hearings in criminal matters; 1 jurisdiction to enter orders in probate which do not require 2 notice and hearing and to set hearings in actions under chapter 3 633 , or 633A , or 633F ; and the jurisdiction provided in section 4 602.7101 when designated as a judge of the juvenile court. 5 While presiding in these subject matters a district associate 6 judge shall employ district judges’ practice and procedure. 7 Sec. 92. Section 602.8102, subsections 105 and 105A, Code 8 2019, are amended to read as follows: 9 105. Carry out duties of the clerk of the probate court as 10 provided in chapter chapters 633 and 633F . 11 105A. Provide written notice to all duly appointed 12 guardians and conservators of their liability as provided in 13 sections 633.633A 633F.58 and 633.633B 633F.59 . 14 Sec. 93. Section 633.27A, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 15 2019, is amended to read as follows: 16 When a petition is filed for a conservatorship or 17 guardianship, or a combined petition as provided in section 18 633.627 633F.34 , the administration thereof shall be treated as 19 one proceeding, with one docket number, from the date of the 20 filing of the petition. The separate reporting requirements 21 for conservatorships and guardianships shall continue to apply 22 in a combined petition. The clerk shall clearly indicate on 23 the docket whether the proceedings are voluntary or involuntary 24 and whether a guardianship, a conservatorship, or combined. 25 Sec. 94. Section 633.551, subsections 3 and 5, Code 2019, 26 are amended to read as follows: 27 3. In determining whether a guardianship or conservatorship 28 is to be established, modified, or terminated, the 29 district court shall consider if a limited guardianship or 30 conservatorship pursuant to section 633.635 633F.26 or 633.637 31 633F.35 is appropriate. In making the determination, the court 32 shall make findings of fact to support the powers conferred on 33 the guardian or conservator. 34 5. Except as otherwise provided in sections 633.672 and 35 -71- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 71/ 83
S.F. _____ 633.673 section 633F.57 or 633F.60 , in proceedings to establish 1 a guardianship or conservatorship, the costs, including 2 attorney fees and expert witness fees, shall be assessed 3 against the ward protected person or the ward’s protected 4 person’s estate unless the proceeding is dismissed either 5 voluntarily or involuntarily, in which case fees and costs may 6 be assessed against the petitioner for good cause shown. 7 Sec. 95. Section 633.562, Code 2019, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 633.562 Notification of guardianship powers. 10 In a proceeding for the appointment of a guardian, the 11 proposed ward respondent shall be given written notice which 12 advises the proposed ward respondent that if a guardian is 13 appointed, the guardian may, without court approval, provide 14 for the care of the ward protected person , manage the ward’s 15 protected person’s personal property and effects, assist the 16 ward protected person in developing self-reliance and receiving 17 professional care, counseling, treatment or services as needed, 18 and ensure that the ward protected person receives necessary 19 emergency medical services. The notice shall also advise the 20 proposed ward respondent that, upon the court’s approval, the 21 guardian may change the ward’s protected person’s permanent 22 residence to a more restrictive residence, and arrange for 23 major elective surgery or any other nonemergency major medical 24 procedure. The notice shall clearly advise the proposed ward 25 respondent in boldface type of a minimum size of ten points, 26 of the right to counsel and the potential deprivation of the 27 proposed ward’s respondent’s civil rights. The notice shall 28 also state that the proposed ward respondent may use the ward’s 29 respondent’s own attorney instead of an attorney appointed by 30 the court. In an involuntary guardianship proceeding, the 31 notice shall be served upon the proposed ward respondent with 32 the notice of the filing of the petition as provided in section 33 633.554 633F.20 . 34 Sec. 96. Section 633.634, Code 2019, is amended to read as 35 -72- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 72/ 83
S.F. _____ follows: 1 633.634 Combination of voluntary and standby petitions with 2 involuntary petition for hearing. 3 If prior to the time of hearing on a petition for the 4 appointment of a guardian or a conservator, a petition is filed 5 under the provisions of section 633.557, 633.572 633F.19 or 6 633.591 section 633F.41, subsection 1 , the court shall combine 7 the hearing on such petitions and determine who shall be 8 appointed guardian or conservator, and such petition shall be 9 triable to the court. 10 Sec. 97. Section 633.717, subsection 8, Code 2019, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 8. The denial by a court of this state of a petition to 13 accept a guardianship or conservatorship transferred from 14 another state does not affect the ability of the guardian or 15 conservator to seek appointment as guardian or conservator in 16 this state under section 633.551 , 633.552 633F.19 , or 633.566 17 633F.28 , if the court has jurisdiction to make an appointment 18 other than by reason of the provisional order of transfer. 19 Sec. 98. Section 633B.102, subsections 2 and 6, Code 2019, 20 are amended to read as follows: 21 2. “Conservator” or “conservatorship” means a conservator 22 appointed or conservatorship established pursuant to sections 23 633.570 and 633.572 section 633F.31 or a similar provision of 24 the laws of another state. 25 6. “Guardian” or “guardianship” means a guardian appointed 26 or a guardianship established pursuant to sections 633.556 27 633F.22 and 633.560 633F.25 or a similar provision of the laws 28 of another state. 29 Sec. 99. Section 633B.108, subsection 1, Code 2019, is 30 amended to read as follows: 31 1. Under a power of attorney, a principal may nominate 32 a conservator of the principal’s estate or guardian of 33 the principal’s person for consideration by the court if 34 proceedings for the principal’s estate or person are begun 35 -73- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 73/ 83
S.F. _____ after the principal executes the power of attorney. Except 1 for good cause shown or disqualification, the court shall make 2 its appointment in accordance with the principal’s most recent 3 nomination. This section does not prohibit an individual 4 from executing a petition for the voluntary appointment of a 5 guardian or conservator on a standby basis pursuant to sections 6 633.560 633F.25 and 633.591 633F.41 . 7 Sec. 100. Section 815.11, Code 2019, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 815.11 Appropriations for indigent defense —— fund created. 10 Costs incurred for legal representation by a court-appointed 11 attorney under chapter 229A , 665 , 822 , or 908 , or section 12 232.141, subsection 3 , paragraph “d” , or section 598.23A , 13 600A.6B , 814.9 , 814.10 , 814.11 , 815.4 , 815.7 , or 815.10 on 14 behalf of an indigent shall be paid from moneys appropriated by 15 the general assembly to the office of the state public defender 16 in the department of inspections and appeals and deposited in 17 an account to be known as the indigent defense fund. Costs 18 incurred representing an indigent defendant in a contempt 19 action, or representing an indigent juvenile in a juvenile 20 court proceeding, are also payable from the fund. However, 21 costs incurred in any administrative proceeding or in any other 22 proceeding under this chapter or chapter 598 , 600 , 600A , 633 , 23 633A , 633F, 814 , or 915 or other provisions of the Code or 24 administrative rules are not payable from the fund. 25 Sec. 101. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. 26 1. Section 633.3, subsections 7, 15, 20, and 21, section 27 633.78, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 1 and paragraph 28 “b”, and subsection 4, paragraph “a”, sections 633.80, 633.93, 29 and 633.112, section 633.123, subsection 1, paragraph “a”, and 30 subparagraph (3), section 633.551, subsections 1, 2, and 4, 31 and sections 633.617, 633.662, 633.676, 633.677, 633.681, and 32 633.682, Code 2019, are amended by striking the word “ward” and 33 inserting in lieu thereof the words “protected person”. 34 2. Section 633.551, subsections 1 and 4, and section 35 -74- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 74/ 83
S.F. _____ 633.557, subsection 1, Code 2019, are amended by striking the 1 words “proposed ward” and inserting in lieu thereof the word 2 “respondent”. 3 3. The Code editor is directed to make changes in any Code 4 sections amended or enacted by any other Act to correspond with 5 the changes made in this section of this Act if there appears 6 to be no doubt as to the proper method of making the changes and 7 the changes would not be contrary to or inconsistent with the 8 purposes of this Act or any other Act. 9 Sec. 102. REPEAL. Sections 633.552, 633.554, 633.555, 10 633.556, 633.557, 633.558, 633.559, 633.560, 633.561, 633.562, 11 633.566, 633.568, 633.569, 633.570, 633.571, 633.572, 633.573, 12 633.574, 633.575, 633.576, 633.580, 633.581, 633.582, 633.584, 13 633.585, 633.591, 633.591A, 633.592, 633.593, 633.594, 14 633.595, 633.596, 633.603, 633.604, 633.605, 633.606, 633.607, 15 633.608, 633.627, 633.628, 633.633, 633.633A, 633.633B, 16 633.635, 633.636, 633.637, 633.637A, 633.638, 633.639, 633.640, 17 633.641, 633.643, 633.644, 633.645, 633.646, 633.647, 633.648, 18 633.649, 633.650, 633.652, 633.653, 633.653A, 633.654, 633.655, 19 633.656, 633.657, 633.658, 633.659, 633.660, 633.661, 633.663, 20 633.664, 633.665, 633.666, 633.667, 633.668, 633.669, 633.670, 21 633.671, 633.672, 633.673, 633.675, and 633.679, Code 2019, are 22 repealed. 23 DIVISION III 24 EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPLICABILITY PROVISIONS 25 Sec. 103. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect January 1, 26 2020. 27 Sec. 104. APPLICABILITY. This Act applies January 1, 2020, 28 to guardianships and conservatorships proceedings occurring on 29 or after that date. 30 EXPLANATION 31 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 32 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 33 This bill relates to guardianships and conservatorships for 34 adults and minors and provides for jurisdiction, definitions, 35 -75- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 75/ 83
S.F. _____ proceedings, administration, and closing. The bill creates 1 new Code chapter 633F and repeals similar provisions from Code 2 chapter 633. The new Code chapter is organized into five 3 subchapters: jurisdictions, definitions, and applicability; 4 guardianships for minors; guardianships for adults; 5 conservatorships; and proceedings, administration, and closing. 6 JURISDICTION, DEFINITIONS, AND APPLICABILITY. The bill 7 provides the jurisdiction for minor and adult guardianships and 8 conservatorships. The bill provides that district courts have 9 jurisdiction over all conservatorships and adult guardianships. 10 The bill provides that effective for petitions filed January 11 1, 2020, the juvenile court shall have exclusive, original 12 jurisdiction for minor guardianships. The bill provides that 13 existing guardianships as of that date shall be transferred 14 to the juvenile court if requested by the protected person’s 15 attorney, parent, or guardian, or if requested by the court. 16 Prior to January 1, 2020, the district court shall have 17 jurisdiction over minor guardianships. 18 The bill provides definitions for the following terms: 19 adult, clerk, conservator, court, court advisor, demonstrated 20 lack of consistent parental participation, fiduciary, full 21 age, functional limitation, guardian, legal custody, legal 22 representative, limited conservatorship, limited guardianship, 23 loyalty, minor, parent, person, property, protected person, 24 prudence, and respondent. 25 “Court advisor” is defined as a person appointed by the 26 court to investigate and report information relevant to 27 a guardianship or conservatorship proceeding. “Protected 28 person” is used in lieu of the former term “ward” and is 29 defined as the person for whom a guardian or conservator has 30 been appointed, or who is a respondent in a proceeding under 31 the new Code chapter. “Respondent” is used in lieu of the 32 former term “proposed ward” and is defined as the proposed 33 protected person, including a person who is the subject of 34 other proceedings under the new Code chapter. The bill makes 35 -76- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 76/ 83
S.F. _____ corresponding term changes to the use of the terms “ward” and 1 “proposed ward” in Code chapter 633. 2 The bill provides that all relevant provisions of the 3 probate code, Code chapter 633, shall apply to proceedings to 4 the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of Code chapter 5 633F. 6 GUARDIANSHIPS FOR MINORS. The bill prescribes the venue 7 for a minor guardianship and provides for the transferring of 8 a case in the best interests of a minor. The bill sets forth 9 the requirements of what must be submitted in a petition for 10 appointment of a guardian for a minor. The bill prescribes 11 who shall receive notice of the filing of the petition of 12 appointment of a guardian for a minor, order appointing counsel 13 for the respondent, and setting a hearing on the petition. The 14 bill prescribes who shall be required and who has a right to 15 participate in the hearing for appointment of a guardian for 16 a minor. The bill sets forth preferences for selection of a 17 guardian for a minor. 18 The bill provides for a process for a standby petition for 19 appointment of a guardian for a minor where an adult person 20 having physical and legal custody of a minor may execute a 21 verified petition for the appointment of a guardian of the 22 minor upon the express condition that the petition shall be 23 acted upon by the court only upon the occurrence of an event 24 specified or the existence of a described condition of the 25 mental or physical health of the petitioner, the occurrence of 26 which event, or the existence of which conditions, shall be 27 established in the manner directed in the petition. 28 The bill provides a process for appointment of a guardian for 29 a minor, which includes a background check and consideration 30 of filing a child in need of assistance petition. The bill 31 provides for two processes for the appointment of a guardian: 32 one that provides for the appointment of a guardian for a minor 33 without parental consent and one that provides for appointment 34 of a guardian with parental consent. The bill provides for 35 -77- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 77/ 83
S.F. _____ representation of a minor respondent, providing for an attorney 1 for the minor respondent if the court determines that the 2 interests of the minor are or may be inadequately represented. 3 The bill also provides for representation for indigent 4 parents of a minor respondent, providing that the court shall 5 appoint an attorney for the parent identified in the petition 6 for appointment of a guardian if the parent objects to the 7 appointment of a guardian, the parent requests appointment of 8 an attorney, and the court determines that the parent is unable 9 to pay for an attorney in accordance with Code section 232.141. 10 The bill provides for emergency appointment of a guardian 11 for a minor when the petitioner proves by a clear and 12 convincing evidence that an emergency exists justifying 13 the need for an immediate appointment. The bill provides 14 rights for the protected person to terminate the emergency 15 guardianship. The bill details the duties and powers of 16 a guardian for a minor. The bill provides a process to 17 transition a minor guardianship to an adult guardianship. 18 GUARDIANSHIPS FOR ADULTS. The bill sets forth the 19 requirements of what must be submitted in a petition for 20 appointment of a guardian for an adult. The bill prescribes 21 who shall receive notice of the filing of the petition to 22 appoint a guardian. The bill provides that in a proceeding 23 for the appointment of a guardian, the respondent shall be 24 given written notice of a guardian’s powers, including the 25 potential deprivation of the respondent’s civil rights. The 26 bill provides the process for determining whether to appoint 27 a guardian or whether a limited guardianship might be more 28 appropriate. The bill requires that upon a filing of a 29 petition for appointment of a guardian, a background check 30 shall be conducted when determining who the proposed guardian 31 shall be. The bill discusses all of the areas that the court’s 32 order shall address in the appointment of a guardian. 33 The bill provides for emergency appointment of a guardian 34 for an adult when the petitioner proves by a clear and 35 -78- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 78/ 83
S.F. _____ convincing evidence that an emergency exists justifying 1 the need for an immediate appointment. The bill provides 2 rights for the protected person to terminate the emergency 3 guardianship. 4 The bill provides that the court shall appoint as guardian a 5 qualified and suitable person who is willing to serve in that 6 capacity and the same person may be appointed to serve as both 7 guardian and conservator. The bill provides for a process 8 for a petition for the appointment of a guardian on a standby 9 basis. The bill prescribes the responsibilities of a guardian. 10 The bill sets forth the rights of a protected person under a 11 guardianship. 12 CONSERVATORSHIPS. The bill sets forth the requirements 13 of what must be submitted in a petition for appointment 14 of a conservator. The bill prescribes who shall receive 15 notice of the filing petition for a conservatorship. The 16 bill provides that in a proceeding for the appointment of a 17 conservator, the respondent shall be given written notice of a 18 conservator’s powers, including the potential deprivation of 19 a respondent’s civil rights. The bill provides the process 20 for determining whether to appoint a conservator or whether a 21 limited conservatorship might be more appropriate. The bill 22 requires that upon a filing of a petition for appointment of 23 a conservatorship, a background check shall be conducted when 24 determining who the proposed guardian shall be. The bill 25 discusses all of the areas that the court’s order shall address 26 in the appointment of a conservator. 27 The bill provides for emergency appointment of a conservator 28 when the petitioner proves by a clear and convincing evidence 29 that an emergency exists justifying the need for an immediate 30 appointment. The bill provides rights for the protected person 31 to terminate the emergency conservatorship. 32 The bill provides that the court shall appoint as 33 conservator a qualified and suitable person who is willing to 34 serve in that capacity and the same person may be appointed 35 -79- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 79/ 83
S.F. _____ to serve as both guardian and conservator. The bill provides 1 that the petition for appointment of a guardian for an adult 2 and a petition for a conservator for an adult may be combined 3 and the cause tried in the same manner as a petition for the 4 appointment of a conservator. The bill provides the petition 5 for appointment of a guardian for a minor and the petition 6 for the appointment of a conservator of a minor shall not be 7 combined. The bill sets forth the powers of a protected person 8 in a conservatorship. The bill sets forth who has title and 9 who has possession of a protected person’s property. The bill 10 details the duties and powers of a conservator. 11 The bill provides that there is a presumption of fraud in a 12 conservatorship if a contract, transfer, or gift is made by a 13 protected person after a conservator has been appointed. The 14 bill provides for a procedure in lieu of a conservatorship for 15 money or other property due to a minor when a conservatorship 16 is not in place. 17 The bill provides for a procedure for the appointment of a 18 conservator for an adult on a standby basis in which an adult 19 person of sound mind may execute a verified petition for the 20 appointment of a conservator of the person’s property upon the 21 express condition that such petition shall be acted upon by the 22 court only upon the occurrence of an event specified or the 23 existence of a described condition of the mental or physical 24 health of the petitioner, the occurrence of which event, or 25 the existence of which condition, shall be established in the 26 manner directed in the petition. 27 The bill provides for a procedure for a standby petition for 28 appointment of a conservator for a minor. The bill provides 29 that an adult person having physical and legal custody of a 30 minor may execute a verified petition for the appointment 31 of a conservator of the minor upon the express condition 32 that the petition shall be acted upon by the court only upon 33 the occurrence of an event specified or the existence of a 34 described condition of the mental or physical health of the 35 -80- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 80/ 83
S.F. _____ petitioner, the occurrence of which event, or the existence of 1 which condition, shall be established in the manner directed 2 in the petition. The petition, in addition to containing the 3 information required in new Code section 633F.28, shall include 4 a statement that the petitioner understands the result of a 5 conservator being appointed for the minor. An appointment of a 6 conservator for a minor shall only be effective until the minor 7 attains full age. 8 The bill provides a process for when a person owns property 9 located in the state of Iowa, the person’s whereabouts 10 are unknown, and no provision for the care, control, and 11 supervision of such property has been made, with the result 12 that such property may be lost, damaged, or diminished in 13 value, or that the dependents of such owners are likely to be 14 deprived of means of support because of such absence. The 15 bill allows any adult person to file with the clerk a petition 16 for the appointment of a conservator of such property of the 17 absentee. The bill provides a process for the appointment of 18 a foreign conservator. The bill provides a process for the 19 disposition of a protected person’s will. The bill provides 20 for rules governing claims against protected persons or 21 conservators. 22 PROCEEDINGS, ADMINISTRATION, AND CLOSING. The bill provides 23 that a petitioner or respondent may submit a professional 24 evaluation in a matter concerning the granting, modifying, 25 or terminating of a guardianship or conservatorship for 26 the respondent. The bill requires that the court order 27 a professional evaluation unless the court finds it has 28 sufficient information to determine whether the criteria for a 29 guardianship or conservatorship are met or the petition or the 30 petitioner or respondent has filed a professional evaluation. 31 The bill provides additional guidelines to govern professional 32 evaluations and how a court shall consider professional 33 evaluations. 34 The bill provides direction for the position of a court 35 -81- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 81/ 83
S.F. _____ advisor including what the court advisor shall do when 1 appointed by the court. The bill specifies that the role of 2 the court advisor is to gather and report factual information 3 that will assist the court in making custody, visitation, or 4 other decisions related to the welfare of the respondent. The 5 bill specifies that the same person shall not serve both as 6 the attorney representing the respondent and as court advisor. 7 Additionally, the bill specifies that in a guardianship 8 or conservatorship proceeding, the court shall not appoint 9 a guardian ad litem. The bill sets forth what the court 10 advisor’s written report shall entail and that the report shall 11 be made part of the court record unless otherwise ordered by 12 the court. 13 The bill provides for the appointment of an attorney for 14 adult respondents and protected persons in conservatorships and 15 adult respondents and protected persons in guardianships and 16 sets forth the duties of the attorney representing a respondent 17 or protected person. The bill provides for the cost of 18 court-appointed attorneys for indigents to be assessed against 19 the county in which the proceedings are pending. 20 The bill provides that the district court may, on its own 21 motion or on the motion of any party, order the parties to 22 participate in mediation in any guardianship or conservatorship 23 action. The bill provides that the mediation shall be 24 conducted in accordance with Code chapter 679C and standards 25 set forth by the bill. 26 The bill provides that the appointment of a guardian or 27 conservator does not create a presumption that the protected 28 person lacks testamentary capacity. The bill describes the 29 reporting requirements of guardians and conservators. 30 The bill provides that the court may conduct a hearing to 31 determine whether the removal of a guardian or conservator is 32 appropriate in certain circumstances set forth in the bill. 33 The bill sets forth additional guidelines regarding the removal 34 of a guardian or conservator. 35 -82- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 82/ 83
S.F. _____ The bill sets forth criteria to govern the termination or 1 modification of guardianships and conservatorships. The bill 2 provides that in proceedings to establish, modify, or terminate 3 a guardianship or conservatorship, or to remove a guardian 4 or conservator, the case shall be tried as a law action and 5 governed by the rules of civil procedure subject to several 6 requirements set forth in the bill. The bill provides that the 7 compensation of guardians, conservators, guardian’s attorneys, 8 and conservator’s attorneys shall be fixed according to Code 9 section 633.200. The bill describes the liability of guardians 10 and conservators for their own acts or omissions taken or made 11 in the official discharge of their duties and for the acts of 12 the protected person. 13 The bill provides that a protected person shall be charged 14 with the court costs of the protected person’s guardianship 15 and conservatorship proceedings, including guardian’s and 16 conservator’s fees, and the fees of attorneys representing 17 guardians and conservators. The bill provides that in the 18 case of indigency, the court may, upon application, waive 19 payment of court costs. However, the bill provides that if 20 the protected person becomes financially capable of paying 21 any waived costs, the costs shall no longer be waived and are 22 immediately payable. The bill provides that the provisions of 23 Code chapter 633 are applicable to all fiduciaries and govern 24 the appointment, qualification, oath, and bond of guardians and 25 conservators with two exceptions. 26 The bill repeals numerous sections in the probate code and 27 makes conforming changes throughout the Code. 28 The bill takes effect January 1, 2020. The bill applies to 29 guardianship and conservatorship proceedings on or after that 30 date. 31 -83- LSB 1461XC (12) 88 asf/jh 83/ 83