Bill Text: IA SF484 | 2017-2018 | 87th General Assembly | Enrolled

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to pharmacy regulation, including alternate board of pharmacy members, drug disposal program funding, an impaired professionals program, and pharmacy internet sites. (Formerly SSB 1074.) Effective 7-1-17.

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Passed) 2017-04-21 - Signed by Governor. S.J. 1126. [SF484 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2017-SF484-Enrolled.html

Senate File 484 - Enrolled

                              SENATE FILE       
                              BY  COMMITTEE ON HUMAN

                              (SUCCESSOR TO SSB
                                   A BILL FOR
                                        Senate File 484

                             AN ACT

    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  155A.2A  Board of pharmacy ==
 alternate members.
    1.  Notwithstanding sections 17A.11, 69.16, 69.16A, 147.12,
 147.14, and 147.19, the board may have a pool of up to seven
 alternate members, including members licensed to practice under
 this chapter and members not licensed to practice under this
 chapter, to substitute for board members who are disqualified
 or become unavailable for any reason for contested case
    a.  The board may recommend, subject to approval by the
 governor, up to seven people to serve in a pool of alternate
    b.  A person serves in the pool of alternate members at
 the discretion of the board; however, the length of time an
 alternate member may serve in the pool shall not exceed nine
 years. A person who serves as an alternate member may later be
 appointed to the board and may serve nine years, in accordance
 with sections 147.12 and 147.19. A former board member may
 serve in the pool of alternate members.
    c.  An alternate member licensed under this chapter shall
 hold an active license and shall have been actively engaged in
 the practice of pharmacy in the preceding three years, with the
 two most recent years of practice being in Iowa.
    d.  When a sufficient number of board members are unavailable
 to hear a contested case, the board may request alternate
 members to serve.
    e.  Notwithstanding section 17A.11, section 147.14,
 subsection 2, and section 272C.6, subsection 5:
    (1)  An alternate member is deemed a member of the board only
 for the hearing panel for which the alternate member serves.
    (2)  A hearing panel containing alternate members must
 include at least five people.
    (3)  The majority of a hearing panel containing alternate
 members shall be members of the board.
    (4)  The majority of a hearing panel containing alternate
 members shall be licensed to practice under this chapter.
    (5)  A decision of a hearing panel containing alternate
 members is considered a final decision of the board.
    f.  An alternate member shall not receive compensation in
 excess of that authorized by law for a board member.
    Sec. 2.  Section 155A.3, subsection 36, Code 2017, is amended
 to read as follows:
    36.  "Practitioner" means a physician, dentist, podiatric
 physician, prescribing psychologist, veterinarian, optometrist,
 physician assistant, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or
 other person licensed or registered to prescribe, distribute,
  or dispense a prescription drug or device in the course of
 professional practice in this state or a person licensed by
 another state in a health field in which, under Iowa law,
 licensees in this state may legally prescribe drugs.
    Sec. 3.  Section 155A.39, Code 2017, is amended to read as
    155A.39  Programs Program to aid monitor impaired pharmacists,
 pharmacist=interns, or pharmacy technicians == reporting,
 confidentiality, immunity, and funding.
    1.  A person or pharmaceutical peer review committee may
 report relevant facts to the board relating to the acts of
 a pharmacist in this state, a pharmacist=intern as defined
 in section 155A.3, subsection 31, or a pharmacy technician
 in this state if the person or peer review committee has
 knowledge relating to the pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, or
 pharmacy technician which, in the opinion of the person or
 pharmaceutical peer review committee, might impair competency
 due to chemical abuse, chemical dependence, or mental or
 physical illness, or which might endanger the public health
 and safety, or which provide grounds for disciplinary action
 as specified in this chapter and in the rules of the board.
  The board may establish a review committee and may implement a
 program to monitor impaired pharmacists, pharmacist=interns,
 and pharmacy technicians pursuant to section 272C.3, subsection
 1, paragraph "k".
    2.  A committee of a professional pharmaceutical
 organization, its staff, or a district or local intervenor
 participating in a program established to aid pharmacists,
 pharmacist=interns, or pharmacy technicians impaired by
 chemical abuse, chemical dependence, or mental or physical
 illness may report in writing to the board the name of the
 impaired pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, or pharmacy technician
 together with pertinent information relating to the impairment.
 The board may report to a committee of a professional
 pharmaceutical organization or the organization's designated
 staff information which the board receives with regard to a
 pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, or pharmacy technician who may
 be impaired by chemical abuse, chemical dependence, or mental
 or physical illness.
    3.  Upon determination by the board that a report submitted
 by a peer review committee or a professional pharmaceutical
 organization committee is without merit, the report shall
 be expunged from the pharmacist's, pharmacist=intern's, or
 pharmacy technician's individual record in the board's office.
 A pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, pharmacy technician, or an
 authorized representative of the pharmacist, pharmacist=intern,
 or pharmacy technician shall be entitled on request to examine
 the peer review committee report or the pharmaceutical
 organization committee report submitted to the board and to
 place into the record a statement of reasonable length of the
 pharmacist's, pharmacist=intern's, or pharmacy technician's
 view with respect to any information existing in the report.
    4.  Notwithstanding other provisions of the Code, the
 records and proceedings of the board, its authorized agents,
 a peer review committee, or a pharmaceutical organization
 committee as set out in subsections 1 and 2 shall be privileged
 and confidential and shall not be considered public records or
 open records unless the affected pharmacist, pharmacist=intern,
 or pharmacy technician so requests and shall not be subject
 to a subpoena or to a discovery proceeding. The board may
 disclose the records and proceedings only as follows:
    a.  In a criminal proceeding.
    b.  In a disciplinary hearing before the board or in a
 subsequent trial or appeal of a board action or order.
    c.  To the pharmacist licensing or disciplinary authorities
 of other jurisdictions.
    d.  To the pharmacy technician registering, licensing, or
 disciplinary authorities of other jurisdictions.
    e.  Pursuant to an order of a court of competent
    f.  Pursuant to subsection 11.
    g.  As otherwise provided by law.
    5.  2.  An employee or a member of the board, a peer
  review committee member, a professional pharmaceutical
 organization committee member, a professional pharmaceutical
 organization district or local intervenor, or any other person
 who furnishes information, data, reports, or records in good
 faith for the purpose of aiding the an impaired pharmacist,
 pharmacist=intern, or pharmacy technician, shall be immune from
 civil liability. This immunity from civil liability shall be
 liberally construed to accomplish the purpose of this section
 and is in addition to other immunity provided by law.
    6.  3.  An employee or member of the board or a review
  committee or intervenor program member is presumed to have
 acted in good faith. A person alleging a lack of good faith has
 the burden of proof on that issue.
    7.  The board may contract with professional pharmaceutical
 associations or societies to provide a program for pharmacists,
 pharmacist=interns, and pharmacy technicians who are impaired
 by chemical abuse, chemical dependence, or mental or physical
 illness. Such programs shall include, but not be limited to,
 education, intervention, and posttreatment monitoring. A
 contract with a professional pharmaceutical association or
 society shall include the following requirements:
    a.  Periodic reports to the board regarding education,
 intervention, and treatment activities.
    b.  Immediate notification to the board's executive secretary
 or director or the executive secretary's or director's designee
 of the identity of the pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, or
 pharmacy technician who is participating in a program to
 aid impaired pharmacists, pharmacist=interns, or pharmacy
    c.  Release to the board's executive secretary or director or
 the executive secretary's or director's designee upon written
 request of all treatment records of a participant.
    d.  Quarterly reports to the board, by case number, regarding
 each participant's diagnosis, prognosis, and recommendations
 for continuing care, treatment, and supervision which maintain
 the anonymity of the participant.
    e.  Immediate reporting to the board of the name of
 an impaired pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, or pharmacy
 technician who the treatment organization believes to be an
 imminent danger to either the public or to the pharmacist,
 pharmacist=intern, or pharmacy technician.
    f.  Reporting to the board, as soon as possible, the name
 of a participant who refuses to cooperate with the program,
 who refuses to submit to treatment, or whose impairment is not
 substantially alleviated through intervention and treatment.
    g.  Immediate reporting to the board of the name of a
 participant where additional information is evident that known
 distribution of controlled substances or legend drugs to other
 individuals has taken place.
    8.  4.  The board may add a surcharge of not more than ten
 percent of the applicable fee to a pharmacist license fee,
 pharmacist license renewal fee, pharmacist=intern registration
 fee, pharmacy technician registration fee, or pharmacy
 technician registration renewal fee authorized under this
 chapter to fund programs a program to aid monitor impaired
 pharmacists, pharmacist=interns, or pharmacy technicians.
    9.  5.  The board may accept, transfer, and expend funds
 made available by the federal or state government or by another
 public or private source to be used in programs a program
  authorized by this section. The board may contract to provide
 funding on an annual basis to a professional pharmaceutical
 association or society for expenses incurred in management
 and operation of a program to aid impaired pharmacists,
 pharmacist=interns, or pharmacy technicians. Documentation of
 the use of these funds shall be provided to the board not less
 than annually for review and comment.
    10.  6.  Funds and surcharges collected under this section
 shall be deposited in an account and may be used by the
 board to administer programs a program authorized by this
 section, including the provision of education, intervention,
 and posttreatment monitoring to an impaired pharmacist,
 pharmacist=intern, or pharmacy technician and to pay the
 administrative costs incurred by the board in connection with
 that funding and appropriate oversight, but shall not be used
  for costs incurred for a participant's initial evaluation,
 referral services, treatment, or rehabilitation subsequent to
    11.  7.  The board may disclose that the license of a
 pharmacist, the registration of a pharmacist=intern, or the
 registration of a pharmacy technician who is the subject of an
 order of the board that is confidential pursuant to subsection
 4 section 272C.6 is suspended, revoked, canceled, restricted,
 or retired; or that the pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, or
 pharmacy technician is in any manner otherwise limited in the
 practice of pharmacy; or other relevant information pertaining
 to the pharmacist, pharmacist=intern, or pharmacy technician
 which the board deems appropriate.
    12.  8.  The board may adopt rules necessary for the
 implementation of this section.
    Sec. 4.  Section 155A.43, Code 2017, is amended to read as
    155A.43  Pharmaceutical collection and disposal program ==
 annual allocation.
    Of the fees collected by the board pursuant to sections
 124.301 and 147.80 and this chapter 155A by the board of
 pharmacy, and retained by the board pursuant to section 147.82,
 not more than one hundred seventy=five thousand dollars may
 be allocated the board may annually allocate a sum deemed by
 the board to be adequate for administering the pharmaceutical
 collection and disposal program originally established
 pursuant to 2009 Iowa Acts, ch. 175, {9. The program shall
 provide for the management and disposal of unused, excess,
 and expired pharmaceuticals, including the management and
 disposal of controlled substances pursuant to state and federal
 regulations. The board of pharmacy may cooperate contract
  with the Iowa pharmacy association and may consult with the
 department and sanitary landfill operators in administering one
 or more vendors for the provision of supplies and services to
 manage and maintain the program and to safely and appropriately
 dispose of pharmaceuticals collected through the program.
    Sec. 5.  REPEAL.  Section 155A.13B, Code 2017, is repealed.

                                                                                            JACK WHITVER

                                                                                            LINDA UPMEYER

                                                                                            W. CHARLES SMITH

                                                                                            TERRY E. BRANSTA
