Bill Text: IA SF421 | 2013-2014 | 85th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to enhanced E911 emergency communication systems, and providing penalties. (Formerly SSB 1172.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-12-31 - END OF 2013 ACTIONS [SF421 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2013-SF421-Introduced.html
Senate File 421 - Introduced SENATE FILE 421 BY COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 1172) (COMPANION TO HF 510 BY COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE) A BILL FOR An Act relating to enhanced E911 emergency communication 1 systems, and providing penalties. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 1422SV (2) 85 rn/nh
S.F. 421 Section 1. Section 34A.7, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 1 2013, is amended by striking the paragraph and inserting in 2 lieu thereof the following: 3 a. To encourage local implementation of E911 service, one 4 source of funding for E911 emergency communication systems 5 shall come from a surcharge per month, per access line on each 6 access line subscriber, of one dollar. 7 Sec. 2. Section 34A.7, subsection 1, paragraph b, 8 subparagraph (1), Code 2013, is amended to read as follows: 9 (1) The program manager shall notify a local exchange 10 service provider scheduled to provide exchange access line 11 service to an E911 service area that implementation of an E911 12 service plan has been approved by the joint E911 service board 13 and by the service area referendum and that collection of the 14 surcharge is to begin within sixty days. 15 Sec. 3. Section 34A.7, subsection 5, Code 2013, is amended 16 to read as follows: 17 5. Use of moneys in fund —— priority and limitations on 18 expenditure. 19 a. Moneys deposited in the E911 service fund shall be 20 used for the repayment of any bonds issued for the benefit 21 of or loan made to the joint E911 service board pursuant to 22 sections 34A.20 through 34A.22 , and as long as any such bond 23 or loan remains unpaid the surcharge shall not be reduced or 24 eliminated. Moneys deposited in the fund shall be subject to 25 such terms and conditions as may be contained in the relevant 26 bond documents, trust indenture, resolution, loan agreement, or 27 other instrument pursuant to which bonds are issued or a loan 28 is made, without regard to any limitation otherwise provided 29 by law. The surcharge may be increased, but shall not exceed 30 the maximum allowed in subsection 1 , upon approval of the 31 authority upon such terms and conditions as may be contained 32 in the relevant bond documents, trust indenture, resolution, 33 loan agreement, or other instrument pursuant to which bonds are 34 issued or a loan is made, as deemed necessary or prudent by the 35 -1- LSB 1422SV (2) 85 rn/nh 1/ 6
S.F. 421 authority to secure repayment and assure marketability or a 1 reasonable interest rate. 2 b. Moneys deposited in the E911 service fund shall be used 3 for the following, in order of priority if paragraph “a” does 4 not apply: 5 (1) Money shall first be spent for actual recurring costs of 6 operating the E911 service plan. 7 (2) If money remains in the fund after fully paying for 8 recurring costs incurred in the preceding year, the remainder 9 may be spent to pay for nonrecurring costs, not to exceed 10 actual nonrecurring costs as approved by the program manager. 11 (3) If money remains in the fund after fully paying 12 obligations under subparagraphs (1) and (2), the remainder may 13 be accumulated in the fund as a carryover operating surplus. 14 If the surplus is greater than twenty-five percent of the 15 approved annual operating budget for the next year, the program 16 manager shall reduce the surcharge by an amount calculated to 17 result in a surplus of no more than twenty-five percent of the 18 planned annual operating budget. After nonrecurring costs have 19 been paid, if the surcharge is less than the maximum allowed 20 and the fund surplus is less than twenty-five percent of the 21 approved annual operating budget, the program manager shall, 22 upon application of the joint E911 service board, increase the 23 surcharge in an amount calculated to result in a surplus of 24 twenty-five percent of the approved annual operating budget. 25 The surcharge may only be adjusted once in a single year, upon 26 sixty days’ prior notice to the provider. 27 Sec. 4. Section 34A.7, subsection 7, Code 2013, is amended 28 by striking the subsection. 29 Sec. 5. Section 34A.7A, subsection 1, paragraphs a and b, 30 Code 2013, are amended to read as follows: 31 a. Notwithstanding section 34A.6 , the The administrator 32 shall adopt by rule a monthly surcharge of up to sixty-five 33 cents one dollar to be imposed on each communications service 34 number provided in this state. The surcharge shall be 35 -2- LSB 1422SV (2) 85 rn/nh 2/ 6
S.F. 421 imposed uniformly on a statewide basis and simultaneously 1 on all communications service numbers as provided by rule 2 of the administrator. The surcharge shall not be imposed 3 on wire-line-based communications or prepaid wireless 4 telecommunications service. 5 b. The program manager shall provide no less than 6 sixty days’ notice of the surcharge to be imposed to each 7 communications service provider. The program manager, subject 8 to the sixty-five cent limit in paragraph “a” , may adjust the 9 amount of the surcharge as necessary, but no more than once in 10 any calendar year. 11 Sec. 6. Section 34A.7A, subsection 2, Code 2013, is amended 12 by adding the following new paragraph: 13 NEW PARAGRAPH . 0b. The program manager shall allocate 14 thirteen percent of the total amount of surcharge generated 15 to wireless carriers to recover their costs to deliver E911 16 phase 1 services. If the allocation in this paragraph is 17 insufficient to reimburse all wireless carriers for such 18 carrier’s eligible expenses, the program manager shall allocate 19 a prorated amount to each wireless carrier equal to the 20 percentage of such carrier’s eligible expenses as compared to 21 the total of all eligible expenses for all wireless carriers 22 for the calendar quarter during which such expenses were 23 submitted. When prorated expenses are paid, the remaining 24 unpaid expenses shall no longer be eligible for payment under 25 this paragraph. 26 Sec. 7. Section 34A.7A, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code 27 2013, is amended to read as follows: 28 e. If moneys remain in the fund after fully paying all 29 obligations under paragraphs “a” through , “0b” , “b” , “c” , 30 and “d” , the remainder may be accumulated in the fund as a 31 carryover operating surplus. This surplus shall be used 32 to fund future network and public safety answering point 33 improvements, including hardware and software for an internet 34 protocol-enabled next generation network, and wireless 35 -3- LSB 1422SV (2) 85 rn/nh 3/ 6
S.F. 421 carriers’ transport costs related to wireless E911 services, if 1 those costs are not otherwise recovered by wireless carriers 2 through customer billing or other sources and approved by the 3 program manager in consultation with the E911 communications 4 council . Notwithstanding section 8.33 , any moneys remaining 5 in the fund at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to 6 the general fund of the state but shall remain available for 7 the purposes of the fund. 8 Sec. 8. Section 34A.7A, Code 2013, is amended by adding the 9 following new subsection: 10 NEW SUBSECTION . 5. a. The program manager, in consultation 11 with the E911 communications council, shall establish a 12 methodology for determining and collecting comprehensive public 13 safety answering point cost and expense data through the county 14 joint E911 service boards. The methodology shall include 15 the collection of data for all costs and expenses related to 16 the operation of a public safety answering point and account 17 for the extent to which identified costs and expenses are 18 compensated for or addressed through E911 surcharges versus 19 other sources of funding. 20 b. Data collection pursuant to paragraph “a” shall commence 21 no later than January 1, 2014. The program manager shall 22 prepare a report detailing the methodology developed and 23 the data collected after such data has been collected for a 24 two-year period. The report shall be submitted to the general 25 assembly by March 1, 2016, and every two years thereafter. 26 c. A county joint E911 service board which fails to submit 27 expenses and costs pursuant to the methodology developed 28 pursuant to paragraph “a” by March 31 of each year shall be 29 allocated sixty-five cents out of the one dollar emergency 30 communications service surcharge until March 31 of the 31 following year. Remaining funds shall be held in the carryover 32 operating surplus fund until the expenses and cost report is 33 submitted by the county joint E911 service board. If the 34 county joint E911 service board submits the expense and cost 35 -4- LSB 1422SV (2) 85 rn/nh 4/ 6
S.F. 421 report before March 30 of the following year, the set aside 1 funds shall be provided to the county joint E911 service board. 2 If the county joint E911 service board fails to submit the 3 expense and cost report within one year, funds shall revert to 4 the carryover operating surplus fund and be used in accordance 5 with section 34A.7A, subsection 2, paragraph “e” . 6 Sec. 9. REPEAL. Sections 34A.6 and 34A.6A, Code 2013, are 7 repealed. 8 EXPLANATION 9 This bill modifies provisions applicable to the 10 administration and funding of enhanced E911 emergency 11 communication systems. 12 The bill eliminates existing voter referendum requirements 13 regarding imposition of the local wire-line E911 service 14 surcharge and the alternative surcharge applicable to wire-line 15 communications contained in Code sections 34A.6 and 34A.6A, 16 respectively. The bill replaces current provisions authorizing 17 imposition of the wire-line E911 service surcharge in an amount 18 up to $1 per access line with a requirement that the surcharge 19 be imposed at the $1 level. The bill increases the level of 20 the emergency communications service surcharge from the current 21 level of up to 65 cents per communications service number to 22 $1 per service number. 23 The bill reinstates provisions authorizing wireless carriers 24 to recover their E911 service delivery costs which were 25 eliminated during the 2012 legislative session. However, the 26 bill specifies that the program manager shall allocate 13 27 percent of the total amount of emergency communications service 28 surcharge revenue for such cost recovery. Further, the bill 29 requires the E911 program manager to consult with the E911 30 communications council regarding how revenue accumulated in the 31 emergency communications fund as carryover operating surplus 32 shall be allocated. Currently, this determination is made 33 strictly with the approval of the program manager. 34 Additionally, the bill directs the program manager, in 35 -5- LSB 1422SV (2) 85 rn/nh 5/ 6
S.F. 421 consultation with the council, to establish a methodology 1 for determining and collecting comprehensive public safety 2 answering point cost and expense data through the county 3 joint E911 service boards. The bill states that data 4 collection shall commence no later than January 1, 2014, and 5 that the program manager shall prepare a report detailing 6 the methodology and the data collected after the data has 7 been collected for two years. The report is required to be 8 submitted to the general assembly by March 1, 2016, and every 9 two years thereafter. The bill provides that a county joint 10 E911 service board which fails to submit expenses and costs 11 pursuant to the methodology by March 31 of each year shall 12 be allocated 65 cents out of the $1 emergency communications 13 service surcharge until March 31 of the following year. The 14 remaining funds shall be held in the carryover operating 15 surplus fund until the expenses and cost report is submitted 16 by the county joint E911 service board. Further, the bill 17 provides that if the county joint E911 service board submits 18 the expense report prior to March 30 of the following year, 19 the set aside funds shall be provided to the board, but if 20 the board fails to submit the report within one year, the 21 funds shall revert to the carryover operating surplus fund 22 and be used in accordance with Code section 34A.7A. That 23 Code section states that carryover surplus funds shall be 24 used to fund future network and public safety answering 25 point improvements, including hardware and software for an 26 internet protocol-enabled next generation network, and wireless 27 carriers’ transport costs related to wireless E911 services, if 28 those costs are not otherwise recovered by wireless carriers 29 through customer billing or other sources and approved by the 30 program manager. 31 -6- LSB 1422SV (2) 85 rn/nh 6/ 6