Bill Text: IA SF2077 | 2011-2012 | 84th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act establishing the sales tax rebate for county development program and making penalties applicable.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-02-02 - Subcommittee, Bolkcom, Bartz, and Jochum. S.J. 182. [SF2077 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2011-SF2077-Introduced.html
Senate File 2077 - Introduced SENATE FILE 2077 BY ERNST (COMPANION TO 5041HH BY ANDERSON) A BILL FOR An Act establishing the sales tax rebate for county development 1 program and making penalties applicable. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc
S.F. 2077 DIVISION I 1 SALES TAX REBATE FOR COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 15E.370 Short title. 3 This division shall be known and may be cited as the “Sales 4 Tax Rebate for County Development Program Act” . 5 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION . 15E.371 Definitions. 6 For purposes of this division, unless the context otherwise 7 requires: 8 1. “Base employment level” means the number of full-time 9 equivalent positions at a business, as established by the 10 authority and a business using the business’s payroll records, 11 as of the date a business applies for a financial assistance 12 award under the program. 13 2. “Base year” means the fiscal year immediately preceding 14 the year in which an application is made for participation in 15 the sales tax rebate for county development program. 16 3. “Created job” or “job created” means a new, permanent, 17 full-time equivalent position added to a business’s payroll in 18 excess of the business’s base employment level. 19 4. “Economic development entity” means a county board 20 of supervisors, city council, or not-for-profit business 21 association vested by a board of supervisors or city council 22 with the power to represent a particular city or unincorporated 23 area of a county under the program including but not limited 24 to an area chamber of commerce. 25 5. “Economic development project” means a project involving 26 private or joint public and private investment involving the 27 creation of new jobs and income or the retention of existing 28 jobs and income. An economic development project includes a 29 physical infrastructure project so long as it is undertaken 30 with the specific intent to create, attract, or retain jobs and 31 income. 32 6. “Financial assistance award” means assistance provided 33 only from the special fund of a county established pursuant to 34 section 15E.373, subsection 1, and includes but is not limited 35 -1- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 1/ 19
S.F. 2077 to assistance in the form of grants, loans, forgivable loans, 1 and royalty payments. 2 7. “Full-time equivalent position” means a non-part-time 3 position for the number of hours or days per week considered 4 to be full-time work for the kind of service or work performed 5 for an employer. Typically, a full-time equivalent position 6 requires two thousand eighty hours of work in a calendar year, 7 including all paid holidays, vacations, sick time, and other 8 paid leave. 9 8. “Maintenance period” means the period of time between the 10 project completion date and maintenance period completion date. 11 9. “Maintenance period completion date” means the date on 12 which the maintenance period ends. 13 10. “Physical infrastructure project” means a project 14 that creates necessary infrastructure for economic success 15 throughout Iowa, provides the foundation for the creation of 16 jobs, and that involves the investment of a substantial amount 17 of capital. Physical infrastructure projects include but are 18 not limited to projects involving any mode of transportation; 19 public works and utilities such as sewer, water, power, or 20 telecommunications; physical improvements that mitigate, 21 prevent, or eliminate environmental contamination; and other 22 similar projects deemed to be physical infrastructure by the 23 authority. 24 11. “Program” means the sales tax rebate for county 25 development program. 26 12. “Program application” means an application by a county 27 to participate in the sales tax rebate for county development 28 program. 29 13. “Program year” means the fiscal year beginning July 30 1, 2012, and every fiscal year thereafter during which 31 the authority administers the sales tax rebate for county 32 development program. 33 14. “Project completion date” means the date by which a 34 recipient of a financial assistance award has agreed to meet 35 -2- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 2/ 19
S.F. 2077 all the terms and obligations contained in an agreement with 1 the authority as described in section 15E.373, subsection 6, 2 paragraph “a” . 3 15. “Retained job” means a full-time equivalent position 4 in existence at the time an employer applies for financial 5 assistance which remains continuously filled or authorized 6 to be filled as soon as possible and which is at risk of 7 elimination if the project for which the employer is seeking 8 assistance does not proceed. 9 Sec. 3. NEW SECTION . 15E.372 Sales tax rebate for county 10 development program —— establishment and application. 11 1. The authority shall establish and administer a sales 12 tax rebate for county development program to provide counties 13 participating in the program with a one-time, limited rebate 14 of sales tax imposed and collected by retailers upon sales of 15 tangible personal property or services furnished to purchasers 16 within the county. The rebate shall be used to provide 17 financial assistance awards to local economic development 18 projects pursuant to this division. 19 2. a. A county board of supervisors may make application 20 to the authority for participation in the program. Program 21 applications shall be received by November 30, 2012, to be 22 eligible for consideration in the first year of the program, 23 and by November 30 for every year thereafter. 24 b. Program applications shall be made in the manner and form 25 prescribed by the authority and shall contain, at a minimum, 26 the following information: 27 (1) The identity of the economic development entity located 28 in the county that is designated as eligible to apply for 29 financial assistance awards under the program. 30 (a) A city council shall designate one economic development 31 entity to represent it under the program. 32 (b) A county board of supervisors shall designate one 33 economic development entity to represent the unincorporated 34 areas of the county under the program. 35 -3- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 3/ 19
S.F. 2077 (c) An economic development entity may represent more 1 than one city or unincorporated area within a county under 2 the program, but no city or unincorporated area shall be 3 represented by more than one economic development entity. 4 (2) Sufficient information to enable the authority to make 5 selections based on the criteria provided in subsection 3, 6 paragraphs “a” through “d” . 7 3. After receiving the timely filed program applications 8 for a program year, the authority may, within sixty days, 9 select no more than ten counties to participate in the program. 10 In making selection decisions, the authority shall consider 11 all information contained in a program application, as well 12 as any other relevant information and economic data, giving 13 priority to counties demonstrating the greatest economic 14 development need and the greatest potential for economic growth 15 and expansion, and giving considerable weight to the following: 16 a. A recent business closure or permanent layoff that 17 has, or may have, a significant negative economic impact in 18 the county. For purposes of this paragraph, “recent business 19 closure or permanent layoff” means the loss of full-time 20 employees, not including retail employees, at one or more 21 places or businesses within the county. To qualify as a loss 22 of a full-time employee, the loss must occur because of the 23 removal of the job to an out-of-state location, the cessation 24 of one or more production lines, the removal of manufacturing 25 machinery and equipment, or similar actions determined to be 26 equivalent in nature by the authority. Loss of full-time 27 employees does not include a layoff of seasonal employees or a 28 layoff that is seasonal in nature. 29 b. A potential economic development project that exists or 30 may exist within a county. 31 c. An unemployment rate for a county that is greater than 32 the state average rate of unemployment. 33 d. A loss of population in a county as shown by the 2010 34 certified federal census when compared with the 2000 certified 35 -4- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 4/ 19
S.F. 2077 federal census. 1 4. A county chosen by the authority for participation 2 in the program that receives a sales tax rebate pursuant to 3 section 423.4, subsection 10, paragraph “b” , subparagraph (3), 4 is ineligible to submit another program application to the 5 authority for participation in the program. 6 5. a. If a member of the governing body of a city or county 7 or an employee of a state, city, or county board, agency, 8 commission, or other governmental entity of the state, city, or 9 county involved in this program has an interest, either direct 10 or indirect, in a private person, contract, or entity for 11 which financial assistance may be provided under this program, 12 the interest shall be disclosed to that governing body or 13 governmental entity, and the authority, in writing. The member 14 or employee having the interest shall not participate in the 15 decision-making process with regard to the providing of such 16 financial assistance to the private person or entity. 17 b. Employment by a governmental entity, public body, its 18 agencies or institutions, or by any other person having such 19 an interest shall not be deemed an indicia of an interest by 20 the employee or of any ownership or control by the employee of 21 interests of the employee’s employer. 22 c. The word “participate” or “participation” shall be deemed 23 not to include discussion or debate preliminary to a vote of a 24 governmental entity, local governing body, or local agency upon 25 proposed ordinances or resolutions relating to such a project 26 or any abstention from such a vote. 27 d. The designation of a bank or trust company as depository, 28 paying agent, or agent for investment of funds shall not be 29 deemed a matter of interest or personal interest. 30 e. Stock ownership in a corporation, or other equity 31 interest in a business, having such an interest shall not be 32 deemed an indicia of an interest or of ownership or control by 33 the person owning the stock or equity interest when less than 34 five percent of the outstanding stock or equity interest of 35 -5- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 5/ 19
S.F. 2077 the corporation or business is owned or controlled directly or 1 indirectly by that person. 2 f. A violation of a provision of this subsection is 3 misconduct in office under section 721.2. However, a decision 4 of the governing board or governmental entity is not invalid 5 because of the participation of the member or employee in 6 the decision-making process or because of a vote cast by a 7 member or employee in violation of this subsection unless the 8 participation or vote was decisive in the awarding of the 9 financial assistance. 10 g. For purposes of this subsection, any private 11 not-for-profit economic development entity representing a city 12 or county under the program shall be considered a governmental 13 entity subject to the conflict of interest provisions in this 14 subsection. 15 6. The authority shall notify the department of revenue 16 of each county chosen for participation in the program. The 17 department of revenue shall credit the sales tax receipts as 18 calculated in section 423.4, subsection 10, paragraph “b” , 19 subparagraph (3), to the county’s account in the special fund 20 created under section 15E.373. 21 Sec. 4. NEW SECTION . 15E.373 Special fund administration —— 22 appropriation and allocation of rebate moneys. 23 1. The authority shall create a special fund, and within 24 that fund create a separate account for each county chosen for 25 participation in the program. The fund shall consist only 26 of amounts credited by the department of revenue pursuant to 27 section 423.4, subsection 10, paragraph “b” , subparagraph 28 (3). The special fund shall be administered, allocated, and 29 distributed only as provided in this section. 30 2. Interest or earnings on moneys in a special fund shall 31 revert to the general fund. 32 3. All moneys remaining in a special fund after five years 33 from the date the credit is made shall revert to the general 34 fund. 35 -6- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 6/ 19
S.F. 2077 4. An economic development entity designated in the 1 program application of a participating county may apply to the 2 authority for a financial assistance award from the county’s 3 account in the special fund, to be used for the purpose of an 4 economic development project. 5 a. Applications shall be made in the manner and form 6 prescribed by the authority and shall contain, at a minimum, 7 the following information: 8 (1) The amount requested and a detailed description of 9 how the moneys will be used including but not limited to a 10 description and purpose of the proposed economic development 11 project. 12 (2) The goal of the proposed economic development project, 13 including the projected jobs and income created or retained. 14 (3) The projected source, type, and amount of any private 15 capital or other investment involved with the proposed economic 16 development project. The authority shall not require any 17 economic development entity, county, or city to provide, or 18 demonstrate an ability to provide, local matching moneys 19 in order to receive a financial assistance award under the 20 program. 21 (4) A list of all public and private parties involved with 22 the proposed economic development project. 23 b. If upon review of an application for a financial 24 assistance award, the authority finds that the proposed 25 economic development project meets the definition of an 26 economic development project in section 15E.371, subsection 5, 27 the authority and the recipient of the financial assistance 28 award shall enter into an agreement pursuant to subsection 6. 29 5. a. For each city and unincorporated area within a 30 county, the aggregate financial assistance awards paid from the 31 county’s account in the special fund for economic development 32 projects shall not exceed an amount which is equal to the 33 lesser of the following: 34 (1) The state sales tax imposed and collected within that 35 -7- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 7/ 19
S.F. 2077 city or unincorporated area for the base year, as calculated in 1 section 423.4, subsection 10, paragraph “b” , subparagraph (2). 2 (2) An amount equal to the same proportion of the credit 3 made pursuant to section 423.4, subsection 10, paragraph “b” , 4 subparagraph (3), as the amount of state sales tax imposed and 5 collected in the city or unincorporated area for the base year, 6 as calculated in section 423.4, subsection 10, paragraph “b” , 7 subparagraph (2), bears to the total amount of state sales 8 tax imposed and collected in the county for the base year, as 9 calculated in section 423.4, subsection 10, paragraph “b” , 10 subparagraph (1). 11 b. Notwithstanding paragraph “a” , the governing body of 12 an economic development entity may elect to allocate all or 13 a portion of its share of moneys in the special fund to a 14 different city or unincorporated area within the same county 15 if the economic development entity determines all of the 16 following: 17 (1) That a viable proposal for an economic development 18 project does not currently exist within the allocating city 19 or unincorporated area, and it is unlikely that one will be 20 developed before the expiration of the five-year period set 21 forth in subsection 3. 22 (2) That the proposed economic development project to 23 which it wishes to allocate all or a portion of its share of 24 moneys in the special fund will directly and materially benefit 25 the allocating city or unincorporated area. For purposes of 26 this subparagraph, “directly and materially benefit” means 27 an increase in jobs, population, or tax revenue within the 28 allocating city or unincorporated area. 29 6. The authority and the recipient of the financial 30 assistance shall enter into an agreement describing the terms 31 and obligations under which the financial assistance will be 32 provided. The authority, in consultation with the applicable 33 economic development entity, may negotiate the terms and 34 obligations of the agreement. An agreement shall contain 35 -8- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 8/ 19
S.F. 2077 but need not be limited to all of the following terms and 1 obligations: 2 a. A project completion date. 3 b. A maintenance period completion date. 4 c. The number of jobs to be created or retained. 5 d. The amount of private capital or other investment to be 6 involved. 7 e. The amount of the financial assistance award to be 8 provided under the program. 9 7. The authority may enforce the terms and obligations of 10 agreements described in subsection 6. 11 8. A recipient of a financial assistance award shall meet 12 all terms and obligations in an agreement by the project 13 completion date, but the authority may for good cause extend 14 the project completion date. 15 9. During the maintenance period, a recipient of a financial 16 assistance award shall continue to comply with the terms and 17 obligations of an agreement entered into pursuant to subsection 18 6. 19 10. During the entire life of an agreement entered into 20 pursuant to subsection 6, if the recipient of a financial 21 assistance award fails to meet all terms and obligations in 22 its agreement or experiences a layoff within this state or 23 closes any of its facilities within this state, the authority 24 may reduce or eliminate some or all of the amount of financial 25 assistance award to be received. If the recipient of a 26 financial assistance award under this section fails to meet 27 all terms and obligations in its agreement or experiences a 28 layoff within this state or closes any of its facilities within 29 this state, the recipient may be subject to repayment of all or 30 a portion of the financial assistance award it has received. 31 Any amount repaid to the authority under this subsection shall 32 revert to the general fund. 33 11. In addition to the terms and obligations agreed 34 to pursuant to subsection 6, the recipient of a financial 35 -9- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 9/ 19
S.F. 2077 assistance award shall be subject to all of the following 1 requirements: 2 a. The potential recipient of a financial assistance 3 award shall submit to the authority a report describing all 4 violations of environmental law or worker safety law within 5 the last five years by the private parties involved in the 6 proposed economic development project. If, upon review of the 7 report, the authority finds that a private party has a record 8 of violations of the law, statutes, rules, or regulations that 9 tends to show a consistent pattern, the authority shall not 10 make an award of financial assistance to the project unless the 11 authority finds either that the violations did not seriously 12 affect public health, public safety, or the environment, or, 13 if such violations did seriously affect public health, public 14 safety, or the environment, that mitigating circumstances were 15 present. 16 b. The recipient of a financial assistance award shall not 17 have closed, or substantially reduced, operations in one area 18 of this state and relocated substantially the same operations 19 in a community in another area of this state. However, this 20 section shall not be construed to prohibit the recipient of a 21 financial assistance award from expanding its operation in a 22 community if existing operations of a similar nature in this 23 state are not closed or substantially reduced. 24 c. The recipient of a financial assistance award shall only 25 employ individuals legally authorized to work in this state. 26 In addition to any and all other applicable penalties provided 27 by current law, all or a portion of the financial assistance 28 award is subject to recapture by the authority if the recipient 29 is found to knowingly employ individuals not legally authorized 30 to work in this state. Any amount repaid to the authority 31 under this paragraph shall revert to the general fund. 32 12. Funds and financial assistance awards issued by 33 the authority under this program to any party shall not be 34 deposited in the general fund of any economic development 35 -10- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 10/ 19
S.F. 2077 entity, county, or city, nor used for any of the following 1 purposes: 2 a. Salaries or bonuses of any person employed by an economic 3 development entity, county, or city. 4 b. Consultant fees. 5 c. Marketing fees. 6 d. Operating expenses of an economic development entity, 7 county, or city. 8 13. The authority shall adopt rules for the administration 9 of this division in accordance with chapter 17A. To the extent 10 necessary, the rules shall provide for the inclusion of uniform 11 terms and obligations in agreements between the authority 12 and the recipients of financial assistance awards under the 13 program. 14 DIVISION II 15 CALCULATION AND ISSUANCE OF SALES TAX REBATE 16 Sec. 5. Section 423.4, Code Supplement 2011, is amended by 17 adding the following new subsection: 18 NEW SUBSECTION . 10. a. For purposes of this subsection: 19 (1) “Authority” means the economic development authority 20 created in section 15.105. 21 (2) “Base year” means the same as defined in section 22 15E.371. 23 (3) “Program” means the sales tax rebate for county 24 development program in chapter 15E, division XXVII. 25 (4) “Program application” means an application by a county 26 to participate in the sales tax rebate for county development 27 program in chapter 15E, division XXVII. 28 (5) “Program year” means the same as defined in section 29 15E.371. 30 (6) “State sales tax” means sales tax imposed in section 31 423.2, and shall not exceed an amount equal to five percent of 32 the sales price of the tangible personal property or services 33 furnished to purchasers. “State sales tax” does not include 34 any local option sales and service taxes imposed pursuant to 35 -11- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 11/ 19
S.F. 2077 chapter 423B. 1 b. The department shall assist in the administration of the 2 sales tax rebate for county development program in chapter 15E, 3 division XXVII, and issue rebates of state sales tax imposed 4 and collected by retailers upon sales of tangible personal 5 property or services furnished to purchasers within a county in 6 the following manner and amounts: 7 (1) Upon notice by the authority of its applications for 8 a program year pursuant to section 15E.372, subsection 4, the 9 department shall calculate the total state sales tax imposed 10 and collected by retailers upon sales of tangible personal 11 property or services furnished to purchasers in each applicant 12 county for the base year of the program application and provide 13 that information to the authority on or before December 31 of 14 the program year. 15 (2) Upon notice by the authority of its selection of a 16 county for participation in the program, the department shall 17 calculate the total state sales tax imposed and collected by 18 retailers upon sales of tangible personal property or services 19 furnished to purchasers for each city and unincorporated area 20 within that county for the base year of the program application 21 and provide that information to the county and the authority on 22 or before March 1 of the program year. 23 (3) Upon notice by the authority of its selection of a 24 county for participation in the program, the department shall 25 credit to the county’s account in the special fund created in 26 section 15E.373 an amount equal to the state sales tax imposed 27 and collected by retailers upon sales of tangible personal 28 property or services furnished to purchasers for the base year 29 of the program application, or five million dollars, whichever 30 is less. The credit shall be made by March 15 of the program 31 year to the county’s account in the special fund under the 32 control of the authority to be administered and distributed by 33 the authority pursuant to section 15E.373. 34 DIVISION III 35 -12- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 12/ 19
S.F. 2077 ANNUAL REPORT TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND GOVERNOR 1 Sec. 6. Section 15.104, subsection 8, Code Supplement 2011, 2 is amended by adding the following new paragraph: 3 NEW PARAGRAPH . m. Sales tax rebate for county development 4 program. Data on the sales tax rebate for county development 5 program established pursuant to chapter 15E, division XXVII, 6 including all of the following for each participant county: 7 (1) The identity of each economic development entity 8 designated to represent the cities and unincorporated areas of 9 the county. 10 (2) A report of all deposits, withdrawals, and expenditures 11 made from the special fund of the county. 12 (3) A description of each proposed economic development 13 project disapproved for a financial assistance award by the 14 authority and the reason for disapproval. 15 (4) For each economic development project awarded financial 16 assistance: 17 (a) The project’s description and location. 18 (b) For each project, the amount of financial assistance 19 awarded and the amount of the award actually paid to the 20 economic development entity as of June 30 of the fiscal year. 21 (c) If applicable, the number of created or retained 22 jobs contracted for and the actual number of jobs created or 23 retained as a result of the project. 24 (d) If applicable, the amount of private capital or other 25 investment contracted for and the actual amount of private 26 capital or other investment made as a result of the project. 27 (e) If applicable, other terms and obligations contracted 28 for and the actual terms and obligations complied with and 29 fulfilled as a result of the project. 30 EXPLANATION 31 This bill relates to a sales tax rebate for county 32 development program. 33 Division I of the bill relates to the creation and 34 administration of the program. 35 -13- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 13/ 19
S.F. 2077 The division requires the economic development authority 1 to create and administer a program to participating counties 2 in the state with a one-time, limited sales tax rebate to be 3 used to provide financial assistance awards to local economic 4 development projects. “Economic development project” is 5 defined as a project involving private or joint public and 6 private investment involving the creation of new jobs and 7 income or the retention of existing jobs and income. An 8 economic development project includes a physical infrastructure 9 project as defined in the bill, so long as it is undertaken 10 with the specific intent to create, attract, or retain jobs and 11 income. 12 The economic development authority may choose up to 10 13 counties per year to participate in the program and receive 14 a sales tax rebate, with the rebates first payable during 15 the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012. Applications for 16 participation by a prospective county are to be made by 17 November 30 by the county board of supervisors. As part of 18 the application, each city and unincorporated area within the 19 county is required to designate one economic development entity 20 to represent it under the program. “Economic development 21 entity” is defined as a county board of supervisors, city 22 council, or not-for-profit business association vested by 23 a board of supervisors or city council with the power to 24 represent it under the program. The designation for each city 25 will be made by its city council, and the designation for 26 each unincorporated area will be made by the county board of 27 supervisors. An economic development entity may represent 28 more than one city or unincorporated area, but no city or 29 unincorporated area may be represented by more than one 30 economic development entity. In addition, each application 31 is required to have information pertaining to recent business 32 closures or permanent layoffs that have, or may have, a 33 significant negative impact in the county, potential economic 34 development projects that exist or may exist within the 35 -14- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 14/ 19
S.F. 2077 county, the current unemployment rate of the county, and the 1 county’s population for the two most recently completed federal 2 censuses. 3 The economic development authority has 60 days after 4 November 30 to choose up to 10 counties to participate in the 5 program. In making its selection decisions, the authority is 6 required to consider all information contained in a program 7 application and any other relevant information, giving 8 considerable weight to counties that have had a recent business 9 closure or permanent layoff with a significant negative 10 impact in the county, that have potential economic development 11 projects in the county, that have unemployment rates greater 12 than the state average, and that have experienced a recent loss 13 of population. Applicant counties demonstrating the greatest 14 need and potential for economic growth and expansion are to be 15 given priority. 16 Each county is eligible to participate in the program one 17 time. A county chosen for participation shall receive a sales 18 tax rebate from the department of revenue equal to the state 19 sales tax imposed and collected by retailers upon sales of 20 tangible personal property or services furnished to purchasers 21 in that county for the base year of the county’s application, 22 or $5 million, whichever is less. A county’s “base year” is 23 defined as the fiscal year immediately preceding the program 24 year for which the program application is made. The rebate 25 applies only to the first 5 percent of state sales tax imposed 26 in Code section 423.2, and not to any local option sales and 27 service tax imposed pursuant to Code chapter 423B. The rebate 28 shall be issued by the department of revenue in the form of a 29 credit made by March 15 of the program year into the county’s 30 account in a special fund to be administered and distributed by 31 the economic development authority. Any moneys remaining in a 32 special fund after five years from the date the credit is made 33 shall revert to the general fund of the state. Any interest or 34 earnings on moneys in a special fund shall immediately revert 35 -15- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 15/ 19
S.F. 2077 to the general fund of the state. 1 An economic development entity designated in a participating 2 county’s program application may apply to the authority for a 3 financial assistance award from the county’s account in the 4 special fund, provided it is used exclusively for an economic 5 development project. Applications for funds are to be made 6 in the manner and form developed by the authority and shall 7 contain, at a minimum, the amount requested and a detailed 8 description of how the moneys will be used; the description 9 and purpose of the proposed project; the goal of the proposed 10 project and estimated jobs and income created and retained; the 11 projected source, type, and amount of any private capital or 12 other investment involved with the proposed project; and a list 13 of all public and private parties involved with the proposed 14 project. 15 The authority is not allowed to require any economic 16 development entity, county, or city to provide, or demonstrate 17 an ability to provide, local matching moneys in order to 18 receive a financial assistance award under the program. 19 The maximum aggregate financial assistance awards paid 20 from the special fund of a participant county for economic 21 development projects within a city or unincorporated area 22 shall not exceed an amount which is the lesser of the total 23 amount of state sales tax imposed and collected in that city or 24 unincorporated area for the base year of the county’s program 25 application, or an amount equal to the same proportion of the 26 county’s rebate received from the department of revenue, as 27 the amount of state sales tax imposed and collected in that 28 city or unincorporated area for the base year of the county’s 29 program application bears to the total amount of state sales 30 tax imposed and collected in that county for the base year of 31 the program application. However, an economic development 32 entity representing a city or unincorporated area may elect to 33 allocate all or a portion of its share of a county’s special 34 fund to a different city or unincorporated area within that 35 -16- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 16/ 19
S.F. 2077 same county if it makes a determination based on factors 1 specified in the bill. 2 If the authority determines that a proposed economic 3 development project meets the definition of “economic 4 development project” described above, then it shall enter into 5 an agreement with the recipient of the financial assistance 6 award that describes the terms and obligations under which 7 the financial assistance will be provided. The authority, in 8 consultation with the applicable economic development entity, 9 may negotiate the terms and obligations of the agreement. An 10 agreement shall contain, at a minimum, the project completion 11 date, maintenance period completion date, the number of jobs 12 to be created or retained, the amount of private capital or 13 other investment to be involved, and the amount of financial 14 assistance to be provided. “Project completion date” means 15 the date by which a financial assistance award recipient has 16 agreed to meet all the terms and conditions contained in its 17 agreement with the authority. The maintenance period refers 18 to the period of time between the project completion date 19 and the maintenance period completion date. “Maintenance 20 period completion date” is defined as the date on which the 21 maintenance period ends. 22 The division also lists several requirements that the 23 potential recipient of a financial award must fulfill. First, 24 potential financial award recipients must submit to the 25 authority a report describing all violations of environmental 26 law and worker safety in the last five years. The authority 27 must deny a financial assistance award if it finds a consistent 28 pattern of violations unless mitigating circumstances were 29 present. Second, potential financial award recipients must 30 not have closed or substantially reduced operations in one 31 area of this state and relocated substantially the same 32 operations in another community in another area of this state. 33 Third, potential financial award recipients must only employ 34 individuals legally authorized to work in this state. 35 -17- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 17/ 19
S.F. 2077 During the life of the agreement, the authority may reduce, 1 eliminate, or recapture some or all of the financial assistance 2 awarded if a recipient fails to meet all the terms and 3 obligations of its agreement, experiences a layoff or closes 4 any facilities within the state, or employs individuals not 5 legally authorized to work in this state. Any amount repaid to 6 the authority shall revert to the general fund. 7 The division provides that funds and financial assistance 8 awards issued under the program to any party shall not be 9 deposited in the general fund of any economic development 10 entity, county, or city, nor used for operating expenses of any 11 economic development entity, county, or city, or for salaries 12 or bonuses of any person employed by an economic development 13 entity, county, or city. It further provides that funds and 14 financial assistance awards shall not be used for consulting 15 fees or marketing fees. 16 The division provides conflict of interest provisions that 17 apply to any member of a governing body of a city or county 18 or an employee of a state, city, or county board, agency, 19 commission, or other governmental entity of this state that 20 has an interest, either direct or indirect, in a private 21 person, contract, or entity for which financial assistance 22 may be provided under the program. For purposes of the 23 conflict of interest provisions, any not-for-profit economic 24 development entity representing a city or county shall be 25 considered a governmental entity subject to the conflict of 26 interest provisions. The bill provides that violations of 27 the conflict of interest provisions are considered misconduct 28 in office under Code section 721.2 and classified as a 29 serious misdemeanor. A serious misdemeanor is punishable by 30 confinement for no more than one year and a fine of at least 31 $315 but not more than $1,875. 32 The division provides that the authority shall adopt rules 33 for the administration of the sales tax rebate for county 34 development program and provide for the inclusion of uniform 35 -18- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 18/ 19
S.F. 2077 terms and obligations in agreements between the authority and 1 recipients of financial assistance awards under the program. 2 Division II of the bill relates to the calculation and 3 issuance of sales tax rebates by the department of revenue. 4 The division provides that the department of revenue will 5 assist the economic development authority in administering the 6 sales tax rebate for county development program by calculating 7 the total state sales tax imposed and collected by retailers 8 upon sales of tangible personal property or services furnished 9 to purchasers pursuant to Code section 423.2 in each applicant 10 county for the base year of each program application. The 11 department is responsible for calculating the same amounts for 12 each city and unincorporated area within any county that is 13 chosen for participation in the program, and then crediting the 14 appropriate amount by March 15 of the program year to a special 15 fund within the economic development authority. 16 Division III of the bill relates to an annual report prepared 17 by the economic development authority. 18 The division provides that the economic development 19 authority shall include a report on the sales tax rebate for 20 county development program in its annual report to the general 21 assembly and governor. The report shall include the identity 22 of each economic development entity designated to represent 23 cities and unincorporated areas under the program; a report of 24 all deposits, withdrawals, and expenditures made from special 25 funds of the counties; and a description of each disapproved 26 economic development project and the reason for disapproval. 27 For each approved project, the report shall include a 28 description and the location of the project; the amount of 29 financial assistance awarded and paid; and if applicable, the 30 number of jobs, investments, or other terms and conditions 31 contracted for and actually completed under the agreements. 32 -19- LSB 5041XS (6) 84 mm/sc 19/ 19