Bill Text: IA HSB597 | 2013-2014 | 85th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A study bill relating to matters under the purview of the department of transportation.

Spectrum: Unknown

Status: (N/A - Dead) 2014-02-03 - In Transportation [HSB597 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2013-HSB597-Introduced.html
House Study Bill 597 - Introduced SENATE/HOUSE FILE _____ BY (PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BILL) A BILL FOR An Act relating to matters under the purview of the department 1 of transportation. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ DIVISION I 1 HIGHWAYS 2 Section 1. Section 306.3, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 3 2014, is amended to read as follows: 4 As used in this chapter or in any chapter of the Code 5 relating to highways , except as otherwise specified : 6 Sec. 2. Section 306C.1, subsection 2, Code 2014, is amended 7 to read as follows: 8 2. “Interstate highway” includes “interstate road” and 9 “interstate system” and means any highway of the primary 10 national highway system at any time officially designated as a 11 part of the national system of interstate and defense highways 12 by the department and approved by the appropriate authority of 13 the federal government. 14 Sec. 3. Section 306C.1, Code 2014, is amended by adding the 15 following new subsection: 16 NEW SUBSECTION . 5. “National highway system” means the 17 network designated by the federal highway administration in 18 consultation with the state department of transportation, which 19 consists of interconnected urban and rural principal arterials 20 and highways that serve major population centers, ports, 21 airports, public transportation facilities, other intermodal 22 transportation facilities, and other major travel destinations; 23 meet national defense requirements; and serve interstate and 24 interregional travel. 25 Sec. 4. Section 306C.2, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2014, 26 is amended to read as follows: 27 A person shall not establish, operate, or maintain a 28 junkyard, any portion of which is within one thousand feet of 29 the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any interstate highway 30 on the national highway system , except: 31 Sec. 5. Section 306C.3, Code 2014, is amended to read as 32 follows: 33 306C.3 Junkyards lawfully in existence. 34 1. Any junkyard located outside a zoned or unzoned 35 -1- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 1/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ industrial area lawfully in existence on July 1, 1972, 1 which is within one thousand feet of the nearest edge of 2 the right-of-way and visible from the main-traveled portion 3 of any highway on the interstate system shall be screened, 4 if feasible, by the department, or by the owner under rules 5 and direction of the department, at locations on the highway 6 right-of-way or in areas acquired for such purposes outside 7 the right-of-way in order to obscure the junkyard from the 8 main-traveled way of such highways. 9 2. Any junkyard located outside a zoned or unzoned 10 industrial area lawfully in existence on July 1, 2014, which 11 is within one thousand feet of the nearest edge of the 12 right-of-way and visible from the main-traveled portion of 13 any noninterstate highway which is on the national highway 14 system shall be screened, if feasible, by the department, or 15 by the owner under rules and direction of the department, at 16 locations on the highway right-of-way or in areas acquired for 17 such purposes outside the right-of-way in order to obscure the 18 junkyard from the main-traveled way of such highways. 19 Sec. 6. Section 306C.10, subsections 1, 2, 10, 13, and 20, 20 Code 2014, are amended to read as follows: 21 1. “Adjacent area” means an area which is contiguous to 22 and within six hundred sixty feet of the nearest edge of the 23 right-of-way of any interstate, freeway primary, or primary 24 highway. 25 2. “Advertising device” includes any outdoor sign, display, 26 device, figure, painting, drawing, message, placard, poster, 27 billboard, or any other device designed, intended, or used to 28 advertise or give information in the nature of advertising, and 29 having the capacity of being visible from the traveled portion 30 of any interstate or primary highway. 31 10. “Interstate highway” includes “interstate road” and 32 “interstate system” and means any highway of the primary 33 national highway system at any time officially designated as a 34 part of the national system of interstate and defense highways 35 -2- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 2/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ by the department and approved by the appropriate authority of 1 the federal government. 2 13. “Primary highways” includes the entire primary system as 3 officially designated, or as may hereafter be so designated, 4 by the department means all highways on the national highway 5 system and all highways on the federal-aid primary system as it 6 existed on June 1, 1991 . 7 20. “Unzoned commercial or industrial area” means those areas 8 not zoned by state or local law, regulation, or ordinance, 9 which are occupied by one or more commercial or industrial 10 activities, and the land along the interstate highways and 11 primary highways for a distance of seven hundred fifty feet 12 immediately adjacent to the activities. All measurements 13 shall be from the outer edge of the regularly used buildings, 14 parking lots, storage, or processing areas of the activities 15 and shall be parallel to the edge of pavement of the highway. 16 Measurements shall not be from the property line of the 17 activities unless that property line coincides with the limits 18 of the activities. Unzoned commercial or industrial areas 19 shall not include land on the opposite side of the highway from 20 the commercial or industrial activities. 21 Sec. 7. Section 306C.10, Code 2014, is amended by adding the 22 following new subsection: 23 NEW SUBSECTION . 12A. “National highway system” means the 24 network designated by the federal highway administration in 25 consultation with the state department of transportation, which 26 consists of interconnected urban and rural principal arterials 27 and highways that serve major population centers, ports, 28 airports, public transportation facilities, other intermodal 29 transportation facilities, and other major travel destinations; 30 meet national defense requirements; and serve interstate and 31 interregional travel. 32 Sec. 8. Section 306C.12, Code 2014, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 306C.12 None visible from highway. 35 -3- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 3/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ An advertising device shall not be constructed or 1 reconstructed beyond the adjacent area in unincorporated areas 2 of the state if it is visible from the main-traveled way of 3 any interstate or primary highway except for advertising 4 devices permitted in section 306C.11, subsections 1 and 2 . 5 Any advertising device permitted beyond an adjacent area in 6 unincorporated areas of the state shall be subject to the 7 applicable permit provisions of section 306C.18 . 8 Sec. 9. Section 306C.13, subsections 2, 3, 4, and 5, Code 9 2014, are amended to read as follows: 10 2. Advertising devices located within the adjacent 11 area of nonfreeway primary highways shall not be erected or 12 maintained closer to another advertising device facing in the 13 same direction than one hundred feet if inside the corporate 14 limits of a municipality. No advertising device, other than 15 as excepted or permitted by subsections subsection 4, 5, or 6 16 of this section , shall be located within the triangular area 17 formed by the line connecting two points each fifty feet back 18 from the point where the street right-of-way lines of the 19 main-traveled way and the intersecting street meet, or would 20 meet, if extended. 21 3. Advertising devices located within the adjacent area of 22 nonfreeway primary highways shall not be erected or maintained 23 closer to another advertising device facing in the same 24 direction than three hundred feet if outside the corporate 25 limits of a municipality. No advertising device, other than 26 those excepted or permitted by subsections subsection 4, 5, or 27 6 of this section , shall be located within the triangular area 28 formed by a line connecting two points each one hundred feet 29 back from the point where the street right-of-way lines of the 30 main-traveled way and the intersecting street meet, or would 31 meet, if extended. 32 4. The distance spacing measurements fixed by subsections 2 33 and 3 of this section shall not apply to advertising devices 34 which are separated by a building in such a manner that only 35 -4- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 4/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ one advertising device located within the minimum spacing 1 distance is visible from a highway at any one time. 2 5. Within a triangular area, as defined by subsections 2 3 and 3 of this section , occupied by a building or structure, no 4 advertising device shall be erected or maintained closer to the 5 intersection than the building or structure itself, except that 6 a wall advertising device may be attached to said building or 7 structure not to protrude more than twelve inches. 8 Sec. 10. Section 306C.13, subsection 8, paragraph g, Code 9 2014, is amended to read as follows: 10 g. The standards contained in this section pertaining to 11 size, lighting, and spacing shall not apply to advertising 12 devices erected or maintained within six hundred sixty feet 13 of the right-of-way of those portions of the interstate 14 highway system exempted from control under chapter 306B by 15 authority of section 306B.2, subsection 4 , nor to advertising 16 devices erected and maintained within adjacent areas along 17 noninterstate primary highways within zoned and unzoned 18 commercial and industrial areas, unless said advertising 19 devices were erected subsequent to July 1, 1972. 20 DIVISION II 21 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT AND COMMISSION 22 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 23 Sec. 11. Section 307.8, Code 2014, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 307.8 Expenses. 26 Members of the commission, the The director , and other 27 employees of the department shall be allowed their actual and 28 necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. 29 All expenses and salaries shall be paid from appropriations 30 for such purposes , and the department shall be subject to the 31 budget requirements of chapter 8 . 32 Sec. 12. Section 307.12, subsection 1, paragraphs g and p, 33 Code 2014, are amended to read as follows: 34 g. Appoint the deputy director of transportation and the 35 -5- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 5/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ administrators of within the department. 1 p. Administer chapter 327J Apply for, accept, and expend 2 federal, state, or private funds for the improvement of 3 transportation . 4 Sec. 13. Section 307.12, subsection 1, Code 2014, is amended 5 by adding the following new paragraph: 6 NEW PARAGRAPH . q. Coordinate the transportation research 7 activities within the department. 8 Sec. 14. Section 307.12, subsection 2, Code 2014, is amended 9 to read as follows: 10 2. If in the interest of the state, the director may allow 11 a subsistence expense to an employee under the supervision of 12 the department’s administrator responsible for highways highway 13 programs and activities for continuous stay in one location 14 while on duty away from established headquarters and place of 15 domicile for a period not to exceed forty-five days; and may 16 allow automobile expenses in accordance with section 8A.363 , 17 for moving an employee and the employee’s family from place of 18 present domicile to new domicile, and actual transportation 19 expense for moving of household goods. The household goods for 20 which transportation expense is allowed shall not include pets 21 or animals. 22 Sec. 15. Section 307.21, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 23 1, Code 2014, is amended to read as follows: 24 The department’s administrator of administrative services 25 responsible for the operations and finances of the department 26 shall: 27 Sec. 16. Section 307.21, subsection 7, Code 2014, is amended 28 to read as follows: 29 7. The administrator of administrative services may 30 purchase items from the department of administrative services 31 and may cooperate with the director of the department of 32 administrative services by providing purchasing services for 33 the department of administrative services. 34 Sec. 17. Section 307.22, Code 2014, is amended to read as 35 -6- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 6/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ follows: 1 307.22 Planning and research programming activities . 2 1. The department’s administrator of responsible for 3 transportation planning and research infrastructure program 4 development shall: 5 a. Assist the director in planning all modes of 6 transportation in order to develop an integrated transportation 7 system providing adequate transportation services for all 8 citizens of the state. 9 b. Develop and maintain transportation statistical data for 10 the department. 11 c. Assist the director in establishing, analyzing, and 12 evaluating alternative transportation policies for the state. 13 d. Coordinate planning and research duties and 14 responsibilities with the planning functions carried on by 15 other administrators of the department. 16 e. (1) Annually report by July 1 of each year, for both 17 secondary and farm-to-market systems, the miles of earth, 18 granular, and paved surface roads; the daily vehicle miles 19 of travel; and the lineal feet of bridge deck under the 20 jurisdiction of each county’s secondary road department, as 21 of the preceding January 1, taking into account roads whose 22 jurisdiction has been transferred from the department to a 23 county or from a county to the department during the previous 24 year. The annual report shall include those roads transferred 25 to a county pursuant to section 306.8A . 26 (2) Miles of secondary and farm-to-market roads shall not 27 include those miles of farm-to-market extensions within cities 28 under five hundred population that are placed under county 29 secondary road jurisdiction pursuant to section 306.4 . 30 (3) The annual report of updated road and bridge data of 31 both the secondary and farm-to-market roads shall be submitted 32 to the Iowa county engineers association service bureau. 33 f. Advise and assist the director in the study and 34 development of highway transport economics to assure 35 -7- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 7/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ availability and productivity of highway transport services. 1 f. g. Perform such other planning functions as may be 2 assigned by the director. 3 2. The functions of planning and research infrastructure 4 program development do not include the detailed design 5 of highways or other modal transportation facilities, but 6 are restricted to the needs of this state for multimodal 7 transportation systems. 8 Sec. 18. Section 307.24, Code 2014, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 307.24 Administration of highways highway programs and 11 activities . 12 The department’s administrator of highways is responsible 13 for the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of 14 highway programs and activities shall plan, design, construct, 15 and maintain the state primary highways and shall administer 16 chapters 306 to through 306C, chapters 309 through 314, 17 chapters 316 through 318, and chapter 320 and perform other 18 duties as assigned by the director. The administration of 19 highways department shall be : 20 1. Be organized to provide administration assistance for 21 urban systems , for and secondary roads, and provide other 22 categories of administration assistance as necessary. 23 2. Devise and adopt standard plans of highway construction 24 and furnish the same to the counties and provide information 25 to the counties on the maintenance practices and policies of 26 the department. 27 3. Order the removal or alteration of any lights or 28 light-reflecting devices, whether on public or private 29 property, other than railroad signals or crossing lights, 30 located adjacent to a primary road and within three hundred 31 feet of a railroad crossing at grade, which in any way 32 interfere with the vision of or may be confusing to a person 33 operating a motor vehicle on such primary road in observing 34 the approach of trains or in observing signs erected for the 35 -8- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 8/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ purpose of giving warning of such railroad crossing. 1 4. Order the removal or alteration of any lights or 2 light-reflecting devices, whether on public or private 3 property, located adjacent to a primary road and within 4 three hundred feet of an intersection with another primary 5 road, which in any way interfere with the vision of or may be 6 confusing to a person operating a motor vehicle on such primary 7 road in observing the approach of other vehicles or signs 8 erected for the purpose of giving warning of such intersection. 9 5. Construct, reconstruct, improve, and maintain state 10 institutional roads and state park roads which are part of the 11 state park, state institution, and other state land road system 12 as defined in section 306.3, and bridges on such roads, roads 13 located on the state fairgrounds as described in chapter 173, 14 and the roads and bridges located on community college property 15 as described in chapter 260C, upon the request of the state 16 board, department, or commission which has jurisdiction over 17 such roads. Such construction, reconstruction, improvement, 18 or maintenance shall be done in such manner as may be agreed 19 upon by the state transportation commission and the state 20 board, department, or commission which has jurisdiction. The 21 commission may contract with any county or municipality for 22 the construction, reconstruction, improvement, or maintenance 23 of such roads and bridges. Any state park road which is an 24 extension of either a primary or secondary highway which both 25 enters and exits from a state park at separate points shall 26 be constructed, reconstructed, improved, and maintained as 27 provided in section 306.4. Funds allocated from the road 28 use tax fund for the purposes of this subsection shall be 29 apportioned in the following manner and amounts: 30 a. For department of natural resources facility roads, 31 forty-five and one-half percent. 32 b. For department of human services facility roads, six and 33 one-half percent. 34 c. For department of corrections facility roads, five and 35 -9- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 9/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ one-half percent. 1 d. For national guard facility roads, four percent. 2 e. For state board of regents facility roads, thirty 3 percent. 4 f. For state fair board facility roads, two percent. 5 g. For department of administrative services facility roads, 6 one-half percent. 7 h. For department of education facility roads, six percent. 8 Sec. 19. Section 307.26, Code 2014, is amended to read as 9 follows: 10 307.26 Rail and water Administration of modal programs and 11 activities . 12 The department’s administrator responsible for rail and 13 water modal programs and activities shall: 14 1. Advise and assist the director in conducting research 15 on the basic railroad problems and identify the present 16 capability of the existing railroads in order to determine 17 the present obligation of the railroads to provide acceptable 18 levels of public service. Advise and assist the director 19 in the development of aeronautics including but not limited 20 to the location of air terminals, accessibility of air 21 terminals by other modes of public transportation, protective 22 zoning provisions considering safety factors, noise, and air 23 pollution, facilities for private and commercial aircraft, 24 air freight facilities, and such other physical and technical 25 aspects as may be necessary to meet present and future needs. 26 2. Advise and assist the director in the study of local 27 and regional transportation of goods and people including 28 intracity and intercity bus systems, dial-a-bus facilities, 29 rural and urban bus and taxi systems, the collection of data 30 from these systems, a feasibility study of increased government 31 subsidy assistance and determination of the allocation of such 32 subsidies to each mass transportation system, and such other 33 physical and technical aspects as may be necessary to meet 34 present and future needs, and apply for, accept, and expend 35 -10- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 10/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ federal, state, or private funds for the improvement of mass 1 transit. 2 2. 3. Advise and assist the director in the development 3 of rail transportation systems and programs for expansion of 4 improving passenger and freight services. 5 3. 4. Advise and assist the director in developing programs 6 in anticipation of railroad abandonment, including: 7 a. Development and evaluation of programs which will 8 encourage improvement of rail freight and the upgrading of rail 9 lines in order to improve freight service. 10 b. Development of alternative modes of transportation to 11 areas and communities which lose rail service. 12 c. b. Advise Advising the director when it may appear in 13 the best interest of the state to assume the role of advocate 14 in railroad abandonments and railroad rate schedules. 15 4. 5. Develop and maintain a federal-state relationship 16 of programs relating to railroad safety enforcement, track 17 standards, rail equipment, operating rules , and transportation 18 of hazardous materials. 19 6. Make surveys, plans, and estimates of cost for the 20 elimination of danger at railroad crossings on highways, and 21 confer with local and railroad officials with reference to 22 elimination of the danger. 23 5. 7. Advise and assist the director in the conduct of 24 research on railroad-highway grade crossings and encourage 25 and develop a safety program in order to reduce injuries or 26 fatalities including , but not limited to , the following: 27 a. The implementation of a program of constructing rumble 28 strips at grade crossings on selected hard surface roads. 29 b. a. The establishment of standards for warning devices 30 for particularly hazardous crossings or for classes of 31 crossings on highways, which standards are shall be designed 32 to reduce injuries, fatalities , and property damage. Such 33 standards shall regulate the use of warning devices and 34 signs , which shall be in addition to the requirements of 35 -11- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 11/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ section 327G.2 . Implementation of such standards shall be 1 the responsibility of the government agency , or department , 2 or political subdivision having jurisdiction and control of 3 the highway and such implementation shall be deemed adequate 4 for the purposes of railroad grade crossing protection. The 5 department, or the political subdivision having jurisdiction, 6 may direct the installation of temporary protection while 7 awaiting installation of permanent protection. A railroad 8 crossing shall not be found to be particularly hazardous for 9 any purpose unless the department has determined it to be 10 particularly hazardous. 11 c. b. The development and adoption of classifications of 12 crossings on public highways based upon their characteristics, 13 conditions, and hazards, and standards for warning devices, 14 signals, and signs of each crossing classification. The 15 department shall recommend a schedule for implementation 16 of the standards to the government agency, department, or 17 political subdivision having jurisdiction of the highway and 18 shall provide an annual report to the general assembly on the 19 development and adoption of classifications and standards under 20 this paragraph and their implementation, including information 21 about financing installation of warning devices, signals, and 22 signs. The department shall not be liable for the development 23 or adoption of the classifications or standards. A government 24 agency, department, or political subdivision shall not be 25 liable for failure to implement the standards. A crossing 26 warning or improvement installed or maintained pursuant to 27 standards adopted by the department under this paragraph “b” 28 shall be deemed an adequate and appropriate warning for the 29 crossing. 30 6. Apply for, accept, and expend federal, state or private 31 funds for the improvement of rail transportation. 32 7. 8. Advise and assist the director on studies for to 33 assure availability, efficiency, and productivity of freight 34 and passenger services and to promote the coordination of 35 -12- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 12/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ railway service with that of other between all transportation 1 modes. 2 8. 9. Advise and assist the director with studies of 3 regulatory changes deemed necessary to effectuate economical 4 and efficient railroad service. 5 9. 10. Advise and assist the director regarding agreements 6 with railroad corporations for the restoration, conservation , 7 or improvement of railroad as defined in section 327D.2, 8 subsection 3 , on such terms, conditions, rates, rentals, or 9 subsidy levels as may be in the best interest of the state. 10 The commission may enter into contracts and agreements which 11 are binding only to the extent that appropriations have been 12 or may subsequently be made by the legislature to effectuate 13 the purposes of this subsection . 14 10. 11. Administer chapters 324A, 327C through 327H , 327J, 15 328, 329, and 330 . 16 12. Administer programs and activities in chapter 17 306D relating to scenic routes, chapter 307C relating to 18 the Missouri river barge compact, chapter 308 relating 19 to the Mississippi river parkway, chapter 308A relating 20 to recreational bikeways, and chapter 315 relating to the 21 revitalize Iowa’s sound economy fund. 22 11. 13. Perform such other duties and responsibilities as 23 may be assigned by the director and the commission . 24 12. Advise and assist in the establishment and development 25 of railroad districts upon request. 26 13. Conduct innovative experimental programs relating to 27 rail transportation problems within the state. 28 14. Enter the role of “applicant” pursuant to the Railroad 29 Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, Pub. L. No. 30 94-210, and take such actions as are necessary to accomplish 31 this role. 32 15. Identify those segments of railroad trackage which, if 33 improved, may provide increased transportation services for 34 the citizens of this state. The department shall develop and 35 -13- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 13/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ implement programs to encourage the improvement of rail freight 1 services on such railroad trackage. 2 16. 14. Promote river transportation and coordinate river 3 programs with other transportation modes. 4 17. 15. Advise and assist the director in the development 5 of river transportation and port facilities in the state. 6 Sec. 20. Section 307.27, Code 2014, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 307.27 Motor vehicles , motor carriers, and drivers . 9 The department’s administrator responsible for the 10 enforcement and regulation of motor carriers, registration of 11 motor vehicles , and the licensing of drivers shall: 12 1. Administer and supervise the registration of motor 13 vehicles and the licensing of drivers pursuant to chapter 321 . 14 2. Administer and supervise the licensing of motor vehicle 15 manufacturers, distributors , and dealers pursuant to chapter 16 322 . 17 3. Administer the inspection of motor vehicles pursuant to 18 chapter 321 . 19 4. Administer motor vehicle registration reciprocity 20 pursuant to chapter 326 . 21 5. Administer the provisions of chapters 321A , 321E , 321F , 22 and 321J relating to motor vehicle financial responsibility, 23 the implied consent law, the movement of vehicles of excessive 24 size and weight , and the leasing and renting of vehicles. 25 6. Administer the regulation of motor vehicle franchisers 26 pursuant to chapter 322A . 27 7. Administer the regulation of motor carriers pursuant to 28 chapter chapters 325A , 326, and 327B . 29 8. Administer the registration of interstate authority 30 of motor carriers pursuant to chapter 327B as provided in 49 31 U.S.C. § 14504a and United States department of transportation 32 regulations. 33 9. Administer chapter 321C relating to interstate drivers 34 license compacts; chapter 321D relating to vehicle equipment 35 -14- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 14/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ compacts; chapter 321H relating to vehicle recyclers; chapter 1 321L relating to parking for persons with disabilities; chapter 2 321M relating to county issuance of driver’s licenses; and 3 chapter 322C relating to travel trailer dealers, manufacturers, 4 and distributors. 5 Sec. 21. Section 307.45, Code 2014, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 307.45 State-owned lands —— assessment. 8 1. Cities and counties may assess the cost of a public 9 improvement against the state when the improvement benefits 10 property owned by the state and under the jurisdiction 11 and control of the department’s administrator of highways 12 department . The director shall pay from the primary road fund 13 the portion of the cost of the improvement which would be 14 legally assessable against the land if privately owned. 15 2. Assessments against property under the jurisdiction of 16 the department’s administrator of highways department shall be 17 made in the same manner as those made against private property, 18 except that the city or county making the assessment shall 19 cause a copy of the public notice of hearing to be mailed to the 20 director by certified mail. 21 3. Assessments against property owned by the state and 22 not under the jurisdiction and control of the department’s 23 administrator of highways department shall be made in the same 24 manner as those made against private property , and payment 25 shall be subject to authorization by the executive council. 26 There is appropriated from moneys in the general fund not 27 otherwise appropriated an amount necessary to pay the expense 28 authorized by the executive council. 29 Sec. 22. Section 307.47, subsections 1, 2, and 3, Code 2014, 30 are amended to read as follows: 31 1. The highway materials and equipment revolving fund 32 is created from moneys appropriated out of the primary road 33 fund. From this fund shall be paid all costs for materials 34 and supplies, inventoried stock supplies, maintenance and 35 -15- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 15/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ operational costs of equipment, and equipment replacements 1 incurred in the operation of centralized purchasing under the 2 supervision of the department’s administrator of highways 3 administrator responsible for highway programs and activities . 4 Direct salaries and expenses properly chargeable to direct 5 salaries shall be paid from the fund. For each month , the 6 director administrator responsible for the operations and 7 finances of the department shall render a statement to each 8 highway unit under the supervision of the administrator 9 of highways for the actual cost of materials and supplies, 10 operational and maintenance costs of equipment, and equipment 11 depreciation used. The expense shall be paid by the 12 administrator of highways responsible for the operations 13 and finances of the department in the same manner as other 14 interdepartmental billings are paid , and when the expense is 15 paid by the administrator of highways, the sum paid shall be 16 credited to the highway materials and equipment revolving fund. 17 2. If surplus accrues to the revolving fund in excess of 18 one hundred thousand dollars for which there is no anticipated 19 need or use, the governor shall order that surplus reverted to 20 the primary road fund. 21 3. When the highway units under the supervision of 22 the administrator of highways share equipment with other 23 administrative units of the department, the director shall 24 prorate the costs of the equipment among the administrative 25 units using the equipment. 26 Sec. 23. REPEAL. Sections 307.3, 307.4, 307.5, 307.6, 27 307.7, 307.9, 307.10, 307.25, 307.35, and 307.43, Code 2014, 28 are repealed. 29 STATE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 30 Sec. 24. NEW SECTION . 307A.1A Transportation commission. 31 1. There is created a state transportation commission which 32 shall consist of seven members, not more than four of whom 33 shall be from the same political party. The governor shall 34 appoint the members of the commission for a term of four years 35 -16- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 16/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ beginning and ending as provided by section 69.19, subject to 1 confirmation by the senate. 2 2. The commission shall meet in May of each year for the 3 purpose of electing one of its members as chairperson. 4 Sec. 25. Section 307A.2, Code 2014, is amended to read as 5 follows: 6 307A.2 Duties. 7 Said The commission shall: 8 1. Devise and adopt standard plans of highway construction 9 and furnish the same to the counties and provide information 10 to the counties on the maintenance practices and policies of 11 the department. Develop, coordinate, and annually update a 12 comprehensive transportation policy and plan for the state. 13 2. Furnish information and instruction to, answer inquiries 14 of, and advise with, highway officers on matters of highway 15 construction and maintenance and the reasonable cost thereof. 16 Promote the coordinated and efficient use of all available 17 modes of transportation for the benefit of the state and 18 its citizens including but not limited to the designation 19 and development of multimodal public transfer facilities if 20 carriers or other private businesses fail to develop such 21 facilities. 22 3. Reserved. 23 4. Make surveys, plans, and estimates of cost, for the 24 elimination of danger at railroad crossings on highways, and 25 confer with local and railroad officials with reference to 26 elimination of the danger. 27 5. Assist the board of supervisors and the department 28 general counsel in the defense of suits wherein infringement of 29 patents, relative to highway construction, is alleged. 30 6. Make surveys for the improvement of highways upon or 31 adjacent to state property when requested by the board or 32 department in control of said lands. 33 7. Record all important operations of said commission and, 34 at the time provided by law, report the same to the governor. 35 -17- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 17/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ 8. Incur no expense to the state by sending out road 1 lecturers. 2 9. Order the removal or alteration of any lights or 3 light-reflecting devices, whether on public or private 4 property, other than railroad signals or crossing lights, 5 located adjacent to a primary road and within three hundred 6 feet of a railroad crossing at grade, which in any way 7 interfere with the vision of or may be confusing to a person 8 operating a motor vehicle on such highway in observing the 9 approach of trains or in observing signs erected for the 10 purpose of giving warning of such railroad crossing. 11 10. Order the removal or alteration of any lights or 12 light-reflecting devices, whether on public or private 13 property, located adjacent to a primary road and within 14 three hundred feet of an intersection with another primary 15 road, which in any way interfere with the vision of or may be 16 confusing to a person operating a motor vehicle on such highway 17 in observing the approach of other vehicles or signs erected 18 for the purpose of giving warning of such intersection. 19 11. Construct, reconstruct, improve, and maintain state 20 institutional roads and state park roads, which are part of 21 the state park, state institution, and other state land road 22 system as defined in section 306.3 , and bridges on such roads, 23 roads located on state fairgrounds as defined in chapter 173 , 24 and the roads and bridges located on community college property 25 as defined in chapter 260C , upon the request of the state 26 board, department, or commission which has jurisdiction over 27 such roads. This shall be done in such manner as may be agreed 28 upon by the state transportation commission and the state 29 board, department, or commission which has jurisdiction. The 30 commission may contract with any county or municipality for 31 the construction, reconstruction, improvement, or maintenance 32 of such roads and bridges. Any state park road which is an 33 extension of either a primary or secondary highway which both 34 enters and exits from a state park at separate points shall 35 -18- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 18/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ be constructed, reconstructed, improved, and maintained as 1 provided in section 306.4 . Funds allocated from the road 2 use tax fund for the purposes of this subsection shall be 3 apportioned in the following manner and amounts: 4 a. For department of natural resources facility roads, 5 forty-five and one-half percent. 6 b. For department of human services facility roads, six and 7 one-half percent. 8 c. For department of corrections facility roads, five and 9 one-half percent. 10 d. For national guard facility roads, four percent. 11 e. For state board of regents facility roads, thirty 12 percent. 13 f. For state fair board facility roads, two percent. 14 g. For department of administrative services facility roads, 15 one-half percent. 16 h. For department of education facility roads, six percent. 17 12. 3. Prepare, adopt, and cause to be published a 18 long-range program for the primary road system, in conjunction 19 with the state transportation plan adopted by the commission. 20 Such program shall be prepared for a period of at least five 21 years and shall be revised, brought up-to-date, and republished 22 at least once every year in order to have a continuing 23 five-year program. The program shall include, insofar as such 24 estimates can be made, an estimate of the money expected to 25 become available during the period covered by the program and 26 a statement of the construction, maintenance, and other work 27 planned to be performed during such period. The commission 28 shall conduct periodic reinspections of the primary roads in 29 order to revise, from time to time, its estimates of future 30 needs to conform to the physical and service conditions 31 of the primary roads. The commission shall annually cause 32 to be published a sufficiency rating report showing the 33 relative conditions of the primary roads. Before the last 34 day of December of each year, the commission shall adopt and 35 -19- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 19/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ cause to be published from its long-range program , a plan of 1 improvements to be accomplished during the next calendar year. 2 However, in years when the federal government is reauthorizing 3 federal highway funding, the commission shall not be required 4 to adopt and publish the annual plan of improvements to be 5 accomplished until at least ninety days from the enactment 6 of the new federal funding formula. This annual program 7 shall list definite projects in order of urgency and shall 8 include a reasonable year’s work with the funds estimated to 9 be available. The annual program shall be final and followed 10 by the commission in the next year except that deviations may 11 be made in case of disaster or other unforeseen emergencies 12 or difficulties. The relative urgency of the proposed 13 improvements shall be determined by a consideration of the 14 physical condition, safety, and service characteristics of the 15 various primary roads. 16 13. 4. The criteria used by the commission for allocating 17 funds as a result of any long-range planning process shall be 18 adopted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 17A . The 19 commission shall adopt such rules and regulations in accordance 20 with the provisions of chapter 17A as it may deem necessary to 21 transact its business and for the administration and exercise 22 of its powers and duties. 23 14. 5. Identify, within the primary road system, a network 24 of commercial and industrial highways in accordance with 25 section 313.2A . The improvement of this network shall be 26 considered in the development of the long-range program and 27 plan of improvements under this section . 28 6. Approve all rules prior to their adoption by the director 29 pursuant to section 307.12, subsection 1, paragraph “j” . 30 Sec. 26. NEW SECTION . 307A.3 Conflict of interest. 31 A person shall not serve as a member of the commission who 32 has an interest in a contract or job of work or material or the 33 profits thereof or service to be performed for the department. 34 Any member of the commission who accepts employment with or 35 -20- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 20/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ acquires any stock, bonds, or other interest in any company 1 or corporation doing business with the department shall be 2 disqualified from remaining a member of the commission. 3 Sec. 27. NEW SECTION . 307A.4 Vacancies on commission. 4 1. Any vacancy in the membership of the commission shall be 5 filled in the same manner as regular appointments are made for 6 the unexpired portion of the regular term. 7 2. In the event the governor fails to make an appointment 8 to fill a vacancy or fails to submit the appointment to the 9 senate for confirmation as required by section 2.32, the senate 10 may make the appointment prior to adjournment of the general 11 assembly. 12 Sec. 28. NEW SECTION . 307A.5 Compensation —— commission 13 members. 14 Each member of the commission shall be compensated as 15 provided in section 7E.6. 16 Sec. 29. NEW SECTION . 307A.6 Commission meetings. 17 The commission shall meet at the call of the chairperson or 18 when any four members of the commission file a written request 19 with the chairperson for a meeting. Written notice of the 20 time and place of each meeting shall be given to each member 21 of the commission. A majority of the commission members shall 22 constitute a quorum. 23 Sec. 30. NEW SECTION . 307A.7 Expenses. 24 Members of the commission shall be allowed their actual and 25 necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. 26 All expenses and salaries shall be paid from appropriations for 27 such purposes. 28 Sec. 31. NEW SECTION . 307A.8 Removal from office. 29 Any member of the commission may be removed for any of 30 the causes and in the manner provided in chapter 66 and such 31 removal shall not be in lieu of any other punishment that may 32 be prescribed by the laws of this state. 33 CONFORMING AMENDMENTS 34 Sec. 32. Section 173.16, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2014, 35 -21- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 21/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ is amended to read as follows: 1 All expenses incurred in maintaining the state fairgrounds 2 and in conducting the annual fair on it the state fairgrounds , 3 including the compensation and expenses of the officers, 4 members, and employees of the board, shall be recorded by the 5 secretary and paid from the state fair receipts, unless a 6 specific appropriation has been provided for that purpose. The 7 board may request special capital improvement appropriations 8 from the state and may request emergency funding from the 9 executive council for natural disasters. The board may request 10 that the department of transportation provide maintenance in 11 accordance with section 307A.2 307.24 , subsection 11 5 . 12 Sec. 33. Section 312.2, subsection 2, unnumbered paragraph 13 1, Code 2014, is amended to read as follows: 14 The treasurer of state shall before making the allotments 15 in subsection 1 credit annually to the highway grade crossing 16 safety fund the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars, credit 17 annually from the road use tax fund the sum of nine hundred 18 thousand dollars to the highway railroad grade crossing surface 19 repair fund, credit monthly to the primary road fund the 20 dollars yielded from an allotment of sixty-five hundredths of 21 one percent of all road use tax funds for the express purpose 22 of carrying out subsection 11 of section 307A.2 , section 23 313.4, subsection 2 , section 307.24, subsection 5, and section 24 307.45 , and credit annually to the primary road fund the sum of 25 five hundred thousand dollars to be used for paying expenses 26 incurred by the state department of transportation other than 27 expenses incurred for extensions of primary roads in cities. 28 All unobligated funds provided by this subsection , except those 29 funds credited to the highway grade crossing safety fund, shall 30 at the end of each year revert to the road use tax fund. Funds 31 in the highway grade crossing safety fund shall not revert to 32 the road use tax fund except to the extent they exceed five 33 hundred thousand dollars at the end of any biennium. The cost 34 of each highway railroad grade crossing repair project shall be 35 -22- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 22/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ allocated in the following manner: 1 Sec. 34. Section 312.4, subsection 5, Code 2014, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 5. The amount of the road use tax fund which has been 4 credited to carry out the provisions of section 307A.2, 5 subsection 11 , section 313.4, subsection 2 , section 307.24, 6 subsection 5, and section 307.45 . 7 Sec. 35. Section 313.4, subsection 2, Code 2014, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 2. Such fund is also appropriated and shall be used for the 10 construction, reconstruction, improvement , and maintenance of 11 state institutional roads and state park roads and bridges on 12 such roads and roads and bridges on community college property 13 as provided in section 307A.2 307.24 , subsection 11 5 , for 14 restoration of secondary roads used as primary road detours and 15 for compensation of counties for such use, for restoration of 16 municipal streets so used and for compensation of cities for 17 such use, and for the payments required in section 307.45 . 18 DIVISION III 19 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 20 Sec. 36. Section 321.50, subsection 5, Code 2014, is amended 21 by adding the following new paragraph: 22 NEW PARAGRAPH . d. For purposes of this subsection, a 23 security interest noted on an Iowa certificate of title and 24 appearing in the statewide computer system and the county’s 25 records shall be presumed to be discharged upon presentation of 26 a valid certificate of title subsequently issued by a foreign 27 jurisdiction on which the security interest is no longer noted. 28 Sec. 37. Section 321.176A, subsection 1, Code 2014, is 29 amended to read as follows: 30 1. A farmer or a person working for a farmer while operating 31 a commercial motor vehicle controlled by the farmer within one 32 hundred fifty air miles of the farmer’s farm to transport the 33 farmer’s own agricultural products, farm machinery, or farm 34 supplies to or from the farm covered farm vehicle as defined 35 -23- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 23/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ in the federal Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century 1 Act, Pub. L. No. 112-141, §32934 . The exemption provided in 2 this subsection shall apply to farmers who assist each other 3 through an exchange of services and shall include operation of 4 a commercial motor vehicle between the farms of the farmers who 5 are exchanging services. 6 Sec. 38. Section 321.257, subsection 2, paragraphs g and h, 7 Code 2014, are amended to read as follows: 8 g. A “don’t walk” or “steady upraised hand” light is a 9 pedestrian signal which means that pedestrian traffic facing 10 the illuminated pedestrian signal shall not start to cross 11 the roadway in the direction of the pedestrian signal, and 12 pedestrian traffic in the crossing shall proceed to a safety 13 zone. 14 h. A “walk” or “walking person” light is a pedestrian signal 15 which means that pedestrian traffic facing the illuminated 16 pedestrian signal may proceed to cross the roadway in the 17 direction of the pedestrian signal and shall be given the 18 right-of-way by drivers of all vehicles. 19 Sec. 39. Section 321.257, subsection 2, Code 2014, is 20 amended by adding the following new paragraphs: 21 NEW PARAGRAPH . 0g. A “flashing yellow arrow” light shown 22 alone or with another official traffic-control signal means 23 vehicular traffic may cautiously enter the intersection 24 and proceed only in the direction indicated by the arrow. 25 Vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to other 26 vehicles and pedestrians lawfully within the intersection and 27 any vehicle on the opposing approach which is approaching so 28 closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time 29 the driver is moving within the intersection. 30 NEW PARAGRAPH . 0h. A “flashing upraised hand” or “upraised 31 hand with countdown” light is a pedestrian signal which means 32 that pedestrian traffic facing the illuminated pedestrian 33 signal shall not start to cross the roadway in the direction of 34 the pedestrian signal, and pedestrian traffic in the crossing 35 -24- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 24/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ shall proceed to a safety zone. The “upraised hand with 1 countdown” light is a pedestrian signal that also provides the 2 time remaining for the pedestrian to complete the crossing. 3 Sec. 40. Section 328.24, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2014, 4 is amended to read as follows: 5 If, during the year for which an aircraft, except 6 nonresident aircraft used for the application of herbicides 7 and pesticides, was registered and the required fee paid , the 8 aircraft is destroyed by fire or accident or junked, and its 9 identity as an aircraft entirely eliminated, or it the aircraft 10 is removed and continuously used beyond the boundaries of the 11 state, then the owner in whose name it was registered at the 12 time of destruction, dismantling, or removal from the state 13 shall return the certificate of registration to the department 14 within ten thirty days and make affidavit of the destruction, 15 dismantling, or removal and make claim for the refund. The 16 refund shall be paid from the general fund of the state. 17 Sec. 41. 2012 Iowa Acts, chapter 1129, section 4, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 SEC. 4. ROAD USE TAX FUND EFFICIENCY MEASURES —— 20 QUARTERLY REPORTS. The department of transportation shall 21 submit quarterly reports in an electronic format to the 22 co-chairpersons of the joint appropriations subcommittee on 23 transportation, infrastructure, and capitals, the chairpersons 24 of the senate and house standing committees on transportation, 25 the department of management, and the legislative services 26 agency regarding the implementation of efficiency measures 27 identified in the “Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report”, 28 January 2012. The reports shall provide details of activities 29 undertaken in the previous quarter relating to one-time and 30 long-term program efficiencies and partnership efficiencies. 31 Issues to be covered in the reports shall include but are 32 not limited to savings realized from the implementation of 33 particular efficiency measures; updates concerning measures 34 that have not been implemented; efforts involving cities, 35 -25- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 25/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ counties, other jurisdictions, or stakeholder interest groups; 1 any new efficiency measures identified or undertaken; and 2 identification of any legislative action that may be required 3 to achieve efficiencies. The first report shall be submitted 4 by October 1, 2012. The final report shall be submitted by 5 October 1, 2014. 6 EXPLANATION 7 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 8 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 9 This bill contains provisions relating to matters under the 10 purview of the department of transportation (DOT). 11 DIVISION I —— HIGHWAYS. Under current law, the DOT has 12 the responsibility for regulating junkyards along interstate 13 highways. This bill extends the scope of that responsibility 14 to include all highways on the national highway system. The 15 “national highway system” is designated by the federal highway 16 administration in consultation with the DOT and consists of 17 certain interconnected urban and rural principal arterials and 18 highways. 19 The bill prohibits the establishment, operation, or 20 maintenance of a junkyard within 1,000 feet of the nearest 21 edge of the right-of-way of any highway on the national 22 highway system unless the junkyard is not visible from the 23 main-traveled portion of the highway or is screened from view; 24 is located within areas zoned for industrial use; or is located 25 in an unzoned industrial area defined by DOT regulations. 26 However, a junkyard in a zoned or unzoned industrial area 27 lawfully in existence on July 1, 2014, which is within 1,000 28 feet of the right-of-way and visible from the main-traveled 29 portion of the highway shall be screened, if feasible, by the 30 DOT or by the owner at the direction of the DOT. 31 Under current law, the DOT regulates billboards along 32 interstates and primary highways. The bill expands the scope 33 of that regulation by redefining “primary highways” to include 34 all highways on the national highway system and all highways 35 -26- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 26/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ on the federal-aid primary system as it existed on June 1, 1 1991. Certain restrictions on the placement of advertising 2 devices are amended to narrow the application to nonfreeway or 3 noninterstate primary highways. 4 DIVISION II —— TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT AND COMMISSION. 5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Code chapter 307, which 6 establishes the DOT, is amended and reorganized to reflect the 7 current structure and responsibilities of the department and 8 its various divisions. In addition, provisions which relate 9 to the state transportation commission are repealed from Code 10 chapter 307 and moved into Code chapter 307A, which relates 11 more specifically to the commission. 12 STATE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION. Code chapter 307A, 13 which currently contains some of the duties of the state 14 transportation commission, is amended to include provisions 15 establishing the commission and providing for its organization 16 and membership. In addition, certain provisions which relate 17 to duties actually performed by the department, and not the 18 commission, are repealed from Code chapter 307A and moved into 19 Code chapter 307. 20 CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. Code sections that currently refer 21 to provisions in Code chapters 307 and 307A are amended to 22 update references in conjunction with the changes to those Code 23 chapters by the bill. 24 DIVISION III —— MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Code section 25 321.50 is amended to provide that when a security interest is 26 noted on an Iowa certificate of title and in the statewide 27 computer system and the county’s records, it can be presumed 28 that the security interest has been discharged upon the 29 presentation of a valid certificate of title subsequently 30 issued by the foreign jurisdiction on which the security 31 interest is no longer noted. 32 The bill amends a provision in Code section 321.176A which 33 describes the exemption from commercial driver’s license 34 requirements that applies to farmers and persons working for 35 -27- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 27/ 28
S.F. _____ H.F. _____ farmers. The bill states that the exemption applies to a 1 farmer or a person working for a farmer while operating a 2 covered farm vehicle as defined in the 2012 federal Moving 3 Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, also known as 4 MAP-21, which authorizes surface transportation funding. 5 The bill amends Code section 321.257 to describe new colored 6 lights and lighted symbols used on official traffic-control 7 signals. The “steady upraised hand” light means the same as 8 the “don’t walk” light, and the “walking person” light means 9 the same as the “walk” light. The “flashing upright hand” and 10 the “upraised hand with countdown” lights are now pedestrian 11 signals that indicate when to wait before crossing or proceed 12 to a safety zone, and the “upraised hand with countdown” 13 light also indicates the time remaining for the pedestrian to 14 complete the crossing. The “flashing yellow arrow” light means 15 vehicular traffic may cautiously enter the intersection and 16 proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow, but must yield 17 the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians lawfully in 18 the intersection or approaching closely. 19 Under current law, when an aircraft that was registered 20 in this state is destroyed by fire or accident or junked and 21 its identity as an aircraft entirely eliminated, or when the 22 aircraft is removed from the state, the owner has 10 days in 23 which to return the certificate of title and claim a refund 24 of the registration fee. The bill extends the deadline to 30 25 days. 26 Pursuant to 2012 Acts, chapter 1129, section 4, the DOT 27 is currently required to submit quarterly reports regarding 28 the implementation of efficiency measures identified in the 29 “Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report”, January 2012. The bill 30 requires submission of the final quarterly report by October 1, 31 2014, thereby ending the reporting requirement. 32 -28- LSB 5308DP (8) 85 dea/nh 28/ 28