Bill Text: CA SB575 | 2009-2010 | Regular Session | Chaptered

Bill Title: Local planning: housing element.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Passed) 2009-10-11 - Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 354, Statutes of 2009. [SB575 Detail]

Download: California-2009-SB575-Chaptered.html


INTRODUCED BY   Senator Steinberg

                        FEBRUARY 27, 2009

   An act to amend Sections 65080, 65583, and 65588 of the Government
Code, and to amend Section 75123 of the Public Resources Code,
relating to local planning.


   SB 575, Steinberg. Local planning: housing element.
   (1) Existing law requires certain transportation planning
activities by designated regional transportation planning agencies,
including development of a regional transportation plan. Certain of
these agencies are designated under federal law as metropolitan
planning organizations. Existing law requires metropolitan planning
organizations to adopt a sustainable communities strategy, subject to
specified requirements, as part of a regional transportation plan,
which is to be designed to achieve certain targets established by the
State Air Resources Board for the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions from automobiles and light trucks in the region. Existing
law, to the extent the sustainable communities strategy is unable to
achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, requires the
affected metropolitan planning organization to prepare an alternative
planning strategy showing how the targets may be achieved through
alternative development patterns, infrastructure, or additional
transportation measures or policies. Existing law requires the
metropolitan planning organization to conduct at least 2
informational meetings in each county within the region for members
of the board of supervisors and city councils on the sustainable
communities strategy and alternative planning strategy, if any.
Existing law provides that the purpose of the meetings is to present
a draft of the sustainable communities strategy to the members of the
board of supervisors and the city council members in that county and
to solicit and consider their input and recommendations.
   This bill would instead provide that the purpose of the meeting or
meetings is to discuss the sustainable communities strategy and
alternative planning strategy, if any, including the key land use and
planning assumptions, with the members of the board of supervisors
and the city council members in that county and to solicit and
consider their input and recommendations. The bill would require the
Tahoe Metropolitan Planning Organization to use the Regional Plan for
the Lake Tahoe Region as its sustainable communities strategy, if
specified requirements are met.
   (2) The Planning and Zoning Law requires each local government to
review its housing element as frequently as appropriate to evaluate
specified considerations, and requires specified, different types of
local governments to revise the housing elements of their general
plans in accordance with specific schedules.
   This bill would instead require each local government to review
its housing element as frequently as appropriate, but no less often
than required by a specified schedule. The bill would modify that
schedule as it pertains to local governments within the regional
jurisdiction of the San Diego Association of Governments to require
those governments to adopt the 5th revision of the housing element no
later than 18 months after adoption of the first regional
transportation plan update to be adopted after September 30, 2010,
and would subject those governments to specified requirements
relating to the 5th, 6th, and subsequent revisions of the housing
element. The bill would also specify the schedule for all local
governments to adopt subsequent revisions of the housing element
after the 5th revision. The bill would require the Department of
Transportation to maintain and publish a current schedule of the
estimated regional transportation plan adoption dates and a current
schedule of the estimated and actual housing element due dates on its
Internet Web site. The bill would also require each council of
governments to publish on its Internet Web site the estimated and
actual housing element due dates, as published by the department, for
the jurisdictions within its region, and to send notice of these
dates to interested parties. By adding to the duties of local
government officials, this bill would impose a state-mandated local
   (3) The Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act requires, with specified
exceptions, that the meetings of a state body be open and public and
that all persons be permitted to attend.
   Existing law establishes the Strategic Growth Council and requires
the council to manage and award grants and loans to support the
planning and development of sustainable communities. Existing law
also requires the council's meetings to be open to the public and
subject to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act.
   This bill would provide that a meeting of the council, including a
meeting related to the development of grant guidelines and policies
and the approval of grants, is subject to the Bagley-Keene Open
Meeting Act, and that, for the purposes of this provision, "meeting"
would not include a meeting at which council members are meeting as
members of the Governor's cabinet.
   (4) The bill also would require that existing law, Chapter 728 of
the Statutes of 2008, be known, and would authorize it to be cited,
as the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008.
   (5) This bill would incorporate additional changes in Section
65583 of the Government Code proposed by AB 720, that would become
operative only if AB 720 and this bill are both chaptered and become
effective on or before January 1, 2010, and this bill is chaptered
   (6) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse
local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the
state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that
   This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates
determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state,
reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these
statutory provisions.


  SECTION 1.  Section 65080 of the Government Code is amended to
   65080.  (a) Each transportation planning agency designated under
Section 29532 or 29532.1 shall prepare and adopt a regional
transportation plan directed at achieving a coordinated and balanced
regional transportation system, including, but not limited to, mass
transportation, highway, railroad, maritime, bicycle, pedestrian,
goods movement, and aviation facilities and services. The plan shall
be action-oriented and pragmatic, considering both the short-term and
long-term future, and shall present clear, concise policy guidance
to local and state officials. The regional transportation plan shall
consider factors specified in Section 134 of Title 23 of the United
States Code. Each transportation planning agency shall consider and
incorporate, as appropriate, the transportation plans of cities,
counties, districts, private organizations, and state and federal
   (b) The regional transportation plan shall be an internally
consistent document and shall include all of the following:
   (1) A policy element that describes the transportation issues in
the region, identifies and quantifies regional needs, and describes
the desired short-range and long-range transportation goals, and
pragmatic objective and policy statements. The objective and policy
statements shall be consistent with the funding estimates of the
financial element. The policy element of transportation planning
agencies with populations that exceed 200,000 persons may quantify a
set of indicators including, but not limited to, all of the
   (A) Measures of mobility and traffic congestion, including, but
not limited to, daily vehicle hours of delay per capita and vehicle
miles traveled per capita.
   (B) Measures of road and bridge maintenance and rehabilitation
needs, including, but not limited to, roadway pavement and bridge
   (C) Measures of means of travel, including, but not limited to,
percentage share of all trips (work and nonwork) made by all of the
   (i) Single occupant vehicle.
   (ii) Multiple occupant vehicle or carpool.
   (iii) Public transit including commuter rail and intercity rail.
   (iv) Walking.
   (v) Bicycling.
   (D) Measures of safety and security, including, but not limited
to, total injuries and fatalities assigned to each of the modes set
forth in subparagraph (C).
   (E) Measures of equity and accessibility, including, but not
limited to, percentage of the population served by frequent and
reliable public transit, with a breakdown by income bracket, and
percentage of all jobs accessible by frequent and reliable public
transit service, with a breakdown by income bracket.
   (F) The requirements of this section may be met utilizing existing
sources of information. No additional traffic counts, household
surveys, or other sources of data shall be required.
   (2) A sustainable communities strategy prepared by each
metropolitan planning organization as follows:
   (A) No later than September 30, 2010, the State Air Resources
Board shall provide each affected region with greenhouse gas emission
reduction targets for the automobile and light truck sector for 2020
and 2035, respectively.
   (i) No later than January 31, 2009, the state board shall appoint
a Regional Targets Advisory Committee to recommend factors to be
considered and methodologies to be used for setting greenhouse gas
emission reduction targets for the affected regions. The committee
shall be composed of representatives of the metropolitan planning
organizations, affected air districts, the League of California
Cities, the California State Association of Counties, local
transportation agencies, and members of the public, including
homebuilders, environmental organizations, planning organizations,
environmental justice organizations, affordable housing
organizations, and others. The advisory committee shall transmit a
report with its recommendations to the state board no later than
September 30, 2009. In recommending factors to be considered and
methodologies to be used, the advisory committee may consider any
relevant issues, including, but not limited to, data needs, modeling
techniques, growth forecasts, the impacts of regional jobs-housing
balance on interregional travel and greenhouse gas emissions,
economic and demographic trends, the magnitude of greenhouse gas
reduction benefits from a variety of land use and transportation
strategies, and appropriate methods to describe regional targets and
to monitor performance in attaining those targets. The state board
shall consider the report prior to setting the targets.
   (ii) Prior to setting the targets for a region, the state board
shall exchange technical information with the metropolitan planning
organization and the affected air district. The metropolitan planning
organization may recommend a target for the region. The metropolitan
planning organization shall hold at least one public workshop within
the region after receipt of the report from the advisory committee.
The state board shall release draft targets for each region no later
than June 30, 2010.
   (iii) In establishing these targets, the state board shall take
into account greenhouse gas emission reductions that will be achieved
by improved vehicle emission standards, changes in fuel composition,
and other measures it has approved that will reduce greenhouse gas
emissions in the affected regions, and prospective measures the state
board plans to adopt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from other
greenhouse gas emission sources as that term is defined in
subdivision (i) of Section 38505 of the Health and Safety Code and
consistent with the regulations promulgated pursuant to the
California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Division 12.5
(commencing with Section 38500) of the Health and Safety Code).
   (iv) The state board shall update the regional greenhouse gas
emission reduction targets every eight years consistent with each
metropolitan planning organization's timeframe for updating its
regional transportation plan under federal law until 2050. The state
board may revise the targets every four years based on changes in the
factors considered under clause (iii) above. The state board shall
exchange technical information with the Department of Transportation,
metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, and affected
air districts and engage in a consultative process with public and
private stakeholders prior to updating these targets.
   (v) The greenhouse gas emission reduction targets may be expressed
in gross tons, tons per capita, tons per household, or in any other
metric deemed appropriate by the state board.
   (B) Each metropolitan planning organization shall prepare a
sustainable communities strategy, subject to the requirements of Part
450 of Title 23 of, and Part 93 of Title 40 of, the Code of Federal
Regulations, including the requirement to utilize the most recent
planning assumptions considering local general plans and other
factors. The sustainable communities strategy shall (i) identify the
general location of uses, residential densities, and building
intensities within the region; (ii) identify areas within the region
sufficient to house all the population of the region, including all
economic segments of the population, over the course of the planning
period of the regional transportation plan taking into account net
migration into the region, population growth, household formation and
employment growth; (iii) identify areas within the region sufficient
to house an eight-year projection of the regional housing need for
the region pursuant to Section 65584; (iv) identify a transportation
network to service the transportation needs of the region; (v) gather
and consider the best practically available scientific information
regarding resource areas and farmland in the region as defined in
subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 65080.01; (vi) consider the state
housing goals specified in Sections 65580 and 65581; (vii) set forth
a forecasted development pattern for the region, which, when
integrated with the transportation network, and other transportation
measures and policies, will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from
automobiles and light trucks to achieve, if there is a feasible way
to do so, the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets approved by
the state board; and (viii) allow the regional transportation plan to
comply with Section 176 of the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Sec.
   (C) (i) Within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Transportation
Commission, as defined by Section 66502, the Association of Bay Area
Governments shall be responsible for clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (v),
and (vi), the Metropolitan Transportation Commission shall be
responsible for clauses (iv) and (viii); and the Association of Bay
Area Governments and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission shall
jointly be responsible for clause (vii) of subparagraph (B).
   (ii) Within the jurisdiction of the Tahoe Regional Planning
Agency, as defined in Sections 66800 and 66801, the Tahoe
Metropolitan Planning Organization shall use the Regional Plan for
the Lake Tahoe Region as the sustainable community strategy, provided
it complies with clauses (vii) and (viii) of subparagraph (B).
   (D) In the region served by the multicounty transportation
planning agency described in Section 130004 of the Public Utilities
Code, a subregional council of governments and the county
transportation commission may work together to propose the
sustainable communities strategy and an alternative planning
strategy, if one is prepared pursuant to subparagraph (I), for that
subregional area. The metropolitan planning organization may adopt a
framework for a subregional sustainable communities strategy or a
subregional alternative planning strategy to address the
intraregional land use, transportation, economic, air quality, and
climate policy relationships. The metropolitan planning organization
shall include the subregional sustainable communities strategy for
that subregion in the regional sustainable communities strategy to
the extent consistent with this section and federal law and approve
the subregional alternative planning strategy, if one is prepared
pursuant to subparagraph (I), for that subregional area to the extent
consistent with this section. The metropolitan planning organization
shall develop overall guidelines, create public participation plans
pursuant to subparagraph (F), ensure coordination, resolve conflicts,
make sure that the overall plan complies with applicable legal
requirements, and adopt the plan for the region.
   (E) The metropolitan planning organization shall conduct at least
two informational meetings in each county within the region for
members of the board of supervisors and city councils on the
sustainable communities strategy and alternative planning strategy,
if any. The metropolitan planning organization may conduct only one
informational meeting if it is attended by representatives of the
county board of supervisors and city council members representing a
majority of the cities representing a majority of the population in
the incorporated areas of that county. Notice of the meeting or
meetings shall be sent to the clerk of the board of supervisors and
to each city clerk. The purpose of the meeting or meetings shall be
to discuss the sustainable communities strategy and the alternative
planning strategy, if any, including the key land use and planning
assumptions to the members of the board of supervisors and the city
council members in that county and to solicit and consider their
input and recommendations.
   (F) Each metropolitan planning organization shall adopt a public
participation plan, for development of the sustainable communities
strategy and an alternative planning strategy, if any, that includes
all of the following:
   (i) Outreach efforts to encourage the active participation of a
broad range of stakeholder groups in the planning process, consistent
with the agency's adopted Federal Public Participation Plan,
including, but not limited to, affordable housing advocates,
transportation advocates, neighborhood and community groups,
environmental advocates, home builder representatives, broad-based
business organizations, landowners, commercial property interests,
and homeowner associations.
   (ii) Consultation with congestion management agencies,
transportation agencies, and transportation commissions.
   (iii) Workshops throughout the region to provide the public with
the information and tools necessary to provide a clear understanding
of the issues and policy choices. At least one workshop shall be held
in each county in the region. For counties with a population greater
than 500,000, at least three workshops shall be held. Each workshop,
to the extent practicable, shall include urban simulation computer
modeling to create visual representations of the sustainable
communities strategy and the alternative planning strategy.
   (iv) Preparation and circulation of a draft sustainable
communities strategy and an alternative planning strategy, if one is
prepared, not less than 55 days before adoption of a final regional
transportation plan.
   (v) At least three public hearings on the draft sustainable
communities strategy in the regional transportation plan and
alternative planning strategy, if one is prepared. If the
metropolitan transportation organization consists of a single county,
at least two public hearings shall be held. To the maximum extent
feasible, the hearings shall be in different parts of the region to
maximize the opportunity for participation by members of the public
throughout the region.
   (vi) A process for enabling members of the public to provide a
single request to receive notices, information, and updates.
   (G) In preparing a sustainable communities strategy, the
metropolitan planning organization shall consider spheres of
influence that have been adopted by the local agency formation
commissions within its region.
   (H) Prior to adopting a sustainable communities strategy, the
metropolitan planning organization shall quantify the reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions projected to be achieved by the sustainable
communities strategy and set forth the difference, if any, between
the amount of that reduction and the target for the region
established by the state board.
   (I) If the sustainable communities strategy, prepared in
compliance with subparagraph (B) or (D), is unable to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the greenhouse gas emission
reduction targets established by the state board, the metropolitan
planning organization shall prepare an alternative planning strategy
to the sustainable communities strategy showing how those greenhouse
gas emission targets would be achieved through alternative
development patterns, infrastructure, or additional transportation
measures or policies. The alternative planning strategy shall be a
separate document from the regional transportation plan, but it may
be adopted concurrently with the regional transportation plan. In
preparing the alternative planning strategy, the metropolitan
planning organization:
   (i) Shall identify the principal impediments to achieving the
targets within the sustainable communities strategy.
   (ii) May include an alternative development pattern for the region
pursuant to subparagraphs (B) to (G), inclusive.
   (iii) Shall describe how the greenhouse gas emission reduction
targets would be achieved by the alternative planning strategy, and
why the development pattern, measures, and policies in the
alternative planning strategy are the most practicable choices for
achievement of the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
   (iv) An alternative development pattern set forth in the
alternative planning strategy shall comply with Part 450 of Title 23
of, and Part 93 of Title 40 of, the Code of Federal Regulations,
except to the extent that compliance will prevent achievement of the
greenhouse gas emission reduction targets approved by the state
   (v) For purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act
(Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources
Code), an alternative planning strategy shall not constitute a land
use plan, policy, or regulation, and the inconsistency of a project
with an alternative planning strategy shall not be a consideration in
determining whether a project may have an environmental effect.
   (J) (i) Prior to starting the public participation process adopted
pursuant to subparagraph (F) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b),
the metropolitan planning organization shall submit a description to
the state board of the technical methodology it intends to use to
estimate the greenhouse gas emissions from its sustainable
communities strategy and, if appropriate, its alternative planning
strategy. The state board shall respond to the metropolitan planning
organization in a timely manner with written comments about the
technical methodology, including specifically describing any aspects
of that methodology it concludes will not yield accurate estimates of
greenhouse gas emissions, and suggested remedies. The metropolitan
planning organization is encouraged to work with the state board
until the state board concludes that the technical methodology
operates accurately.
   (ii) After adoption, a metropolitan planning organization shall
submit a sustainable communities strategy or an alternative planning
strategy, if one has been adopted, to the state board for review,
including the quantification of the greenhouse gas emission
reductions the strategy would achieve and a description of the
technical methodology used to obtain that result. Review by the state
board shall be limited to acceptance or rejection of the
metropolitan planning organization's determination that the strategy
submitted would, if implemented, achieve the greenhouse gas emission
reduction targets established by the state board. The state board
shall complete its review within 60 days.
   (iii) If the state board determines that the strategy submitted
would not, if implemented, achieve the greenhouse gas emission
reduction targets, the metropolitan planning organization shall
revise its strategy or adopt an alternative planning strategy, if not
previously adopted, and submit the strategy for review pursuant to
clause (ii). At a minimum, the metropolitan planning organization
must obtain state board acceptance that an alternative planning
strategy would, if implemented, achieve the greenhouse gas emission
reduction targets established for that region by the state board.
   (K) Neither a sustainable communities strategy nor an alternative
planning strategy regulates the use of land, nor, except as provided
by subparagraph (J), shall either one be subject to any state
approval. Nothing in a sustainable communities strategy shall be
interpreted as superseding the exercise of the land use authority of
cities and counties within the region. Nothing in this section shall
be interpreted to limit the state board's authority under any other
provision of law. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to
authorize the abrogation of any vested right whether created by
statute or by common law. Nothing in this section shall require a
city's or county's land use policies and regulations, including its
general plan, to be consistent with the regional transportation plan
or an alternative planning strategy. Nothing in this section requires
a metropolitan planning organization to approve a sustainable
communities strategy that would be inconsistent with Part 450 of
Title 23 of, or Part 93 of Title 40 of, the Code of Federal
Regulations and any administrative guidance under those regulations.
Nothing in this section relieves a public or private entity or any
person from compliance with any other local, state, or federal law.
   (L) Nothing in this section requires projects programmed for
funding on or before December 31, 2011, to be subject to the
provisions of this paragraph if they (i) are contained in the 2007 or
2009 Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, (ii) are
funded pursuant to Chapter 12.49 (commencing with Section 8879.20) of
Division 1 of Title 2, or (iii) were specifically listed in a ballot
measure prior to December 31, 2008, approving a sales tax increase
for transportation projects. Nothing in this section shall require a
transportation sales tax authority to change the funding allocations
approved by the voters for categories of transportation projects in a
sales tax measure adopted prior to December 31, 2010. For purposes
of this subparagraph, a transportation sales tax authority is a
district, as defined in Section 7252 of the Revenue and Taxation
Code, that is authorized to impose a sales tax for transportation
   (M) A metropolitan planning organization, or a regional
transportation planning agency not within a metropolitan planning
organization, that is required to adopt a regional transportation
plan not less than every five years, may elect to adopt the plan not
less than every four years. This election shall be made by the board
of directors of the metropolitan planning organization or regional
transportation planning agency no later than June 1, 2009, or
thereafter 54 months prior to the statutory deadline for the adoption
of housing elements for the local jurisdictions within the region,
after a public hearing at which comments are accepted from members of
the public and representatives of cities and counties within the
region covered by the metropolitan planning organization or regional
transportation planning agency. Notice of the public hearing shall be
given to the general public and by mail to cities and counties
within the region no later than 30 days prior to the date of the
public hearing. Notice of election shall be promptly given to the
Department of Housing and Community Development. The metropolitan
planning organization or the regional transportation planning agency
shall complete its next regional transportation plan within three
years of the notice of election.
   (N) Two or more of the metropolitan planning organizations for
Fresno County, Kern County, Kings County, Madera County, Merced
County, San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County, and Tulare County may
work together to develop and adopt multiregional goals and policies
that may address interregional land use, transportation, economic,
air quality, and climate relationships. The participating
metropolitan planning organizations may also develop a multiregional
sustainable communities strategy, to the extent consistent with
federal law, or an alternative planning strategy for adoption by the
metropolitan planning organizations. Each participating metropolitan
planning organization shall consider any adopted multiregional goals
and policies in the development of a sustainable communities strategy
and, if applicable, an alternative planning strategy for its region.

   (3) An action element that describes the programs and actions
necessary to implement the plan and assigns implementation
responsibilities. The action element may describe all transportation
projects proposed for development during the 20-year or greater life
of the plan. The action element shall consider congestion management
programming activities carried out within the region.
   (4) (A) A financial element that summarizes the cost of plan
implementation constrained by a realistic projection of available
revenues. The financial element shall also contain recommendations
for allocation of funds. A county transportation commission created
pursuant to Section 130000 of the Public Utilities Code shall be
responsible for recommending projects to be funded with regional
improvement funds, if the project is consistent with the regional
transportation plan. The first five years of the financial element
shall be based on the five-year estimate of funds developed pursuant
to Section 14524. The financial element may recommend the development
of specified new sources of revenue, consistent with the policy
element and action element.
   (B) The financial element of transportation planning agencies with
populations that exceed 200,000 persons may include a project cost
breakdown for all projects proposed for development during the
20-year life of the plan that includes total expenditures and related
percentages of total expenditures for all of the following:
   (i) State highway expansion.
   (ii) State highway rehabilitation, maintenance, and operations.
   (iii) Local road and street expansion.
   (iv) Local road and street rehabilitation, maintenance, and
   (v) Mass transit, commuter rail, and intercity rail expansion.
   (vi) Mass transit, commuter rail, and intercity rail
rehabilitation, maintenance, and operations.
   (vii) Pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
   (viii) Environmental enhancements and mitigation.
   (ix) Research and planning.
   (x) Other categories.
   (C) The metropolitan planning organization or county
transportation agency, whichever entity is appropriate, shall
consider financial incentives for cities and counties that have
resource areas or farmland, as defined in Section 65080.01, for the
purposes of, for example, transportation investments for the
preservation and safety of the city street or county road system and
farm to market and interconnectivity transportation needs. The
metropolitan planning organization or county transportation agency,
whichever entity is appropriate, shall also consider financial
assistance for counties to address countywide service
responsibilities in counties that contribute towards the greenhouse
gas emission reduction targets by implementing policies for growth to
occur within their cities.
   (c) Each transportation planning agency may also include other
factors of local significance as an element of the regional
transportation plan, including, but not limited to, issues of
mobility for specific sectors of the community, including, but not
limited to, senior citizens.
   (d) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, each
transportation planning agency shall adopt and submit, every four
years, an updated regional transportation plan to the California
Transportation Commission and the Department of Transportation. A
transportation planning agency located in a federally designated air
quality attainment area or that does not contain an urbanized area
may at its option adopt and submit a regional transportation plan
every five years. When applicable, the plan shall be consistent with
federal planning and programming requirements and shall conform to
the regional transportation plan guidelines adopted by the California
Commission. Prior to adoption of the regional transportation plan, a
public hearing shall be held after the giving of notice of the
hearing by publication in the affected county or counties pursuant to
Section 6061.
  SEC. 2.  Section 65583 of the Government Code is amended to read:
   65583.  The housing element shall consist of an identification and
analysis of existing and projected housing needs and a statement of
goals, policies, quantified objectives, financial resources, and
scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development
of housing. The housing element shall identify adequate sites for
housing, including rental housing, factory-built housing,
mobilehomes, and emergency shelters, and shall make adequate
provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic
segments of the community. The element shall contain all of the
   (a) An assessment of housing needs and an inventory of resources
and constraints relevant to the meeting of these needs. The
assessment and inventory shall include all of the following:
   (1) An analysis of population and employment trends and
documentation of projections and a quantification of the locality's
existing and projected housing needs for all income levels, including
extremely low income households, as defined in subdivision (b) of
Section 50105 and Section 50106 of the Health and Safety Code. These
existing and projected needs shall include the locality's share of
the regional housing need in accordance with Section 65584. Local
agencies shall calculate the subset of very low income households
allotted under Section 65584 that qualify as extremely low income
households. The local agency may either use available census data to
calculate the percentage of very low income households that qualify
as extremely low income households or presume that 50 percent of the
very low income households qualify as extremely low income
households. The number of extremely low income households and very
low income households shall equal the jurisdiction's allocation of
very low income households pursuant to Section 65584.
   (2) An analysis and documentation of household characteristics,
including level of payment compared to ability to pay, housing
characteristics, including overcrowding, and housing stock condition.

   (3) An inventory of land suitable for residential development,
including vacant sites and sites having potential for redevelopment,
and an analysis of the relationship of zoning and public facilities
and services to these sites.
   (4) (A) The identification of a zone or zones where emergency
shelters are allowed as a permitted use without a conditional use or
other discretionary permit. The identified zone or zones shall
include sufficient capacity to accommodate the need for emergency
shelter identified in paragraph (7), except that each local
government shall identify a zone or zones that can accommodate at
least one year-round emergency shelter. If the local government
cannot identify a zone or zones with sufficient capacity, the local
government shall include a program to amend its zoning ordinance to
meet the requirements of this paragraph within one year of the
adoption of the housing element. The local government may identify
additional zones where emergency shelters are permitted with a
conditional use permit. The local government shall also demonstrate
that existing or proposed permit processing, development, and
management standards are objective and encourage and facilitate the
development of, or conversion to, emergency shelters. Emergency
shelters may only be subject to those development and management
standards that apply to residential or commercial development within
the same zone except that a local government may apply written,
objective standards that include all of the following:
   (i) The maximum number of beds or persons permitted to be served
nightly by the facility.
   (ii) Off-street parking based upon demonstrated need, provided
that the standards do not require more parking for emergency shelters
than for other residential or commercial uses within the same zone.
   (iii) The size and location of exterior and interior onsite
waiting and client intake areas.
   (iv) The provision of onsite management.
   (v) The proximity to other emergency shelters, provided that
emergency shelters are not required to be more than 300 feet apart.
   (vi) The length of stay.
   (vii) Lighting.
   (viii) Security during hours that the emergency shelter is in
   (B) The permit processing, development, and management standards
applied under this paragraph shall not be deemed to be discretionary
acts within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act
(Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources
   (C) A local government that can demonstrate to the satisfaction of
the department the existence of one or more emergency shelters
either within its jurisdiction or pursuant to a multijurisdictional
agreement that can accommodate that jurisdiction's need for emergency
shelter identified in paragraph (7) may comply with the zoning
requirements of subparagraph (A) by identifying a zone or zones where
new emergency shelters are allowed with a conditional use permit.
   (D) A local government with an existing ordinance or ordinances
that comply with this paragraph shall not be required to take
additional action to identify zones for emergency shelters. The
housing element must only describe how existing ordinances, policies,
and standards are consistent with the requirements of this
   (5) An analysis of potential and actual governmental constraints
upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all
income levels, including the types of housing identified in paragraph
(1) of subdivision (c), and for persons with disabilities as
identified in the analysis pursuant to paragraph (7), including land
use controls, building codes and their enforcement, site
improvements, fees and other exactions required of developers, and
local processing and permit procedures. The analysis shall also
demonstrate local efforts to remove governmental constraints that
hinder the locality from meeting its share of the regional housing
need in accordance with Section 65584 and from meeting the need for
housing for persons with disabilities, supportive housing,
transitional housing, and emergency shelters identified pursuant to
paragraph (7). Transitional housing and supportive housing shall be
considered a residential use of property, and shall be subject only
to those restrictions that apply to other residential dwellings of
the same type in the same zone.
   (6) An analysis of potential and actual nongovernmental
constraints upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of
housing for all income levels, including the availability of
financing, the price of land, and the cost of construction.
   (7) An analysis of any special housing needs, such as those of the
elderly, persons with disabilities, large families, farmworkers,
families with female heads of households, and families and persons in
need of emergency shelter. The need for emergency shelter shall be
assessed based on annual and seasonal need. The need for emergency
shelter may be reduced by the number of supportive housing units that
are identified in an adopted 10-year plan to end chronic
homelessness and that are either vacant or for which funding has been
identified to allow construction during the planning period.
   (8) An analysis of opportunities for energy conservation with
respect to residential development.
   (9) An analysis of existing assisted housing developments that are
eligible to change from low-income housing uses during the next 10
years due to termination of subsidy contracts, mortgage prepayment,
or expiration of restrictions on use. "Assisted housing developments,"
for the purpose of this section, shall mean multifamily rental
housing that receives governmental assistance under federal programs
listed in subdivision (a) of Section 65863.10, state and local
multifamily revenue bond programs, local redevelopment programs, the
federal Community Development Block Grant Program, or local in-lieu
fees. "Assisted housing developments" shall also include multifamily
rental units that were developed pursuant to a local inclusionary
housing program or used to qualify for a density bonus pursuant to
Section 65916.
   (A) The analysis shall include a listing of each development by
project name and address, the type of governmental assistance
received, the earliest possible date of change from low-income use,
and the total number of elderly and nonelderly units that could be
lost from the locality's low-income housing stock in each year during
the 10-year period. For purposes of state and federally funded
projects, the analysis required by this subparagraph need only
contain information available on a statewide basis.
   (B) The analysis shall estimate the total cost of producing new
rental housing that is comparable in size and rent levels, to replace
the units that could change from low-income use, and an estimated
cost of preserving the assisted housing developments. This cost
analysis for replacement housing may be done aggregately for each
five-year period and does not have to contain a project-by-project
cost estimate.
   (C) The analysis shall identify public and private nonprofit
corporations known to the local government which have legal and
managerial capacity to acquire and manage these housing developments.

   (D) The analysis shall identify and consider the use of all
federal, state, and local financing and subsidy programs which can be
used to preserve, for lower income households, the assisted housing
developments, identified in this paragraph, including, but not
limited to, federal Community Development Block Grant Program funds,
tax increment funds received by a redevelopment agency of the
community, and administrative fees received by a housing authority
operating within the community. In considering the use of these
financing and subsidy programs, the analysis shall identify the
amounts of funds under each available program which have not been
legally obligated for other purposes and which could be available for
use in preserving assisted housing developments.
   (b) (1) A statement of the community's goals, quantified
objectives, and policies relative to the maintenance, preservation,
improvement, and development of housing.
   (2) It is recognized that the total housing needs identified
pursuant to subdivision (a) may exceed available resources and the
community's ability to satisfy this need within the content of the
general plan requirements outlined in Article 5 (commencing with
Section 65300). Under these circumstances, the quantified objectives
need not be identical to the total housing needs. The quantified
objectives shall establish the maximum number of housing units by
income category, including extremely low income, that can be
constructed, rehabilitated, and conserved over a five-year time
   (c) A program which sets forth a schedule of actions during the
planning period, each with a timeline for implementation, which may
recognize that certain programs are ongoing, such that there will be
beneficial impacts of the programs within the planning period, that
the local government is undertaking or intends to undertake to
implement the policies and achieve the goals and objectives of the
housing element through the administration of land use and
development controls, the provision of regulatory concessions and
incentives, and the utilization of appropriate federal and state
financing and subsidy programs when available and the utilization of
moneys in a low- and moderate-income housing fund of an agency if the
locality has established a redevelopment project area pursuant to
the Community Redevelopment Law (Division 24 (commencing with Section
33000) of the Health and Safety Code). In order to make adequate
provision for the housing needs of all economic segments of the
community, the program shall do all of the following:
   (1) Identify actions that will be taken to make sites available
during the planning period of the general plan with appropriate
zoning and development standards and with services and facilities to
accommodate that portion of the city's or county's share of the
regional housing need for each income level that could not be
accommodated on sites identified in the inventory completed pursuant
to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) without rezoning, and to comply
with the requirements of Section 65584.09. Sites shall be identified
as needed to facilitate and encourage the development of a variety of
types of housing for all income levels, including multifamily rental
housing, factory-built housing, mobilehomes, housing for
agricultural employees, supportive housing, single-room occupancy
units, emergency shelters, and transitional housing.
   (A) Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph (3) of
subdivision (a), does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the
need for groups of all household income levels pursuant to Section
65584, rezoning of those sites, including adoption of minimum density
and development standards, for jurisdictions with an eight-year
housing element planning period pursuant to Section 65588, shall be
completed no later than three years after either the date the housing
element is adopted pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 65585 or
the date that is 90 days after receipt of comments from the
department pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 65585, whichever is
earlier, unless the deadline is extended pursuant to subdivision
(f). Notwithstanding the foregoing, for a local government that fails
to adopt a housing element within 120 days of the statutory deadline
in Section 65588 for adoption of the housing element, rezoning of
those sites, including adoption of minimum density and development
standards, shall be completed no later than three years and 120 days
from the statutory deadline in Section 65588 for adoption of the
housing element.
   (B) Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph (3) of
subdivision (a), does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the
need for groups of all household income levels pursuant to Section
65584, the program shall identify sites that can be developed for
housing within the planning period pursuant to subdivision (h) of
Section 65583.2. The identification of sites shall include all
components specified in subdivision (b) of Section 65583.2.
   (C) Where the inventory of sites pursuant to paragraph (3) of
subdivision (a) does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the
need for farmworker housing, the program shall provide for sufficient
sites to meet the need with zoning that permits farmworker housing
use by right, including density and development standards that could
accommodate and facilitate the feasibility of the development of
farmworker housing for low- and very low income households.
   (2) Assist in the development of adequate housing to meet the
needs of extremely low, very low, low-, and moderate-income
   (3) Address and, where appropriate and legally possible, remove
governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and
development of housing, including housing for all income levels and
housing for persons with disabilities. The program shall remove
constraints to, and provide reasonable accommodations for housing
designed for, intended for occupancy by, or with supportive services
for, persons with disabilities.
   (4) Conserve and improve the condition of the existing affordable
housing stock, which may include addressing ways to mitigate the loss
of dwelling units demolished by public or private action.
   (5) Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of
race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin,
color, familial status, or disability.
   (6) Preserve for lower income households the assisted housing
developments identified pursuant to paragraph (9) of subdivision (a).
The program for preservation of the assisted housing developments
shall utilize, to the extent necessary, all available federal, state,
and local financing and subsidy programs identified in paragraph (9)
of subdivision (a), except where a community has other urgent needs
for which alternative funding sources are not available. The program
may include strategies that involve local regulation and technical
   (7) The program shall include an identification of the agencies
and officials responsible for the implementation of the various
actions and the means by which consistency will be achieved with
other general plan elements and community goals. The local government
shall make a diligent effort to achieve public participation of all
economic segments of the community in the development of the housing
element, and the program shall describe this effort.
   (d) (1) A local government may satisfy all or part of its
requirement to identify a zone or zones suitable for the development
of emergency shelters pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) by
adopting and implementing a multijurisdictional agreement, with a
maximum of two other adjacent communities, that requires the
participating jurisdictions to develop at least one year-round
emergency shelter within two years of the beginning of the planning
   (2) The agreement shall allocate a portion of the new shelter
capacity to each jurisdiction as credit towards its emergency shelter
need, and each jurisdiction shall describe how the capacity was
allocated as part of its housing element.
   (3) Each member jurisdiction of a multijurisdictional agreement
shall describe in its housing element all of the following:
   (A) How the joint facility will meet the jurisdiction's emergency
shelter need.
   (B) The jurisdiction's contribution to the facility for both the
development and ongoing operation and management of the facility.
   (C) The amount and source of the funding that the jurisdiction
contributes to the facility.
   (4) The aggregate capacity claimed by the participating
jurisdictions in their housing elements shall not exceed the actual
capacity of the shelter.
   (e) Except as otherwise provided in this article, amendments to
this article that alter the required content of a housing element
shall apply to both of the following:
   (1) A housing element or housing element amendment prepared
pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 65588 or Section 65584.02,
when a city, county, or city and county submits a draft to the
department for review pursuant to Section 65585 more than 90 days
after the effective date of the amendment to this section.
   (2) Any housing element or housing element amendment prepared
pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 65588 or Section 65584.02,
when the city, county, or city and county fails to submit the first
draft to the department before the due date specified in Section
65588 or 65584.02.
   (f) The deadline for completing required rezoning pursuant to
subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) shall be
extended by one year if the local government has completed the
rezoning at densities sufficient to accommodate at least 75 percent
of the units for low- and very low income households and if the
legislative body at the conclusion of a public hearing determines,
based upon substantial evidence, that any of the following
circumstances exist:
   (1) The local government has been unable to complete the rezoning
because of the action or inaction beyond the control of the local
government of any other state federal or local agency.
   (2) The local government is unable to complete the rezoning
because of infrastructure deficiencies due to fiscal or regulatory
   (3) The local government must undertake a major revision to its
general plan in order to accommodate the housing related policies of
a sustainable communities strategy or an alternative planning
strategy adopted pursuant to Section 65080.
   The resolution and the findings shall be transmitted to the
department together with a detailed budget and schedule for
preparation and adoption of the required rezonings, including plans
for citizen participation and expected interim action. The schedule
shall provide for adoption of the required rezoning within one year
of the adoption of the resolution.
   (g) (1) If a local government fails to complete the rezoning by
the deadline provided in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (c), as it may be extended pursuant to subdivision (f),
except as provided in paragraph (2), a local government may not
disapprove a housing development project, nor require a conditional
use permit, planned unit development permit, or other locally imposed
discretionary permit, or impose a condition that would render the
project infeasible, if the housing development project (A) is
proposed to be located on a site required to be rezoned pursuant to
the program action required by that subparagraph; and (B) complies
with applicable, objective general plan and zoning standards and
criteria, including design review standards, described in the program
action required by that subparagraph. Any subdivision of sites shall
be subject to the Subdivision Map Act. Design review shall not
constitute a "project" for purposes of Division 13 (commencing with
Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code.
   (2) A local government may disapprove a housing development
described in paragraph (1) if it makes written findings supported by
substantial evidence on the record that both of the following
conditions exist:
   (A) The housing development project would have a specific, adverse
impact upon the public health or safety unless the project is
disapproved or approved upon the condition that the project be
developed at a lower density. As used in this paragraph, a "specific,
adverse impact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and
unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public
health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed
on the date the application was deemed complete.
   (B) There is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or
avoid the adverse impact identified pursuant to paragraph (1), other
than the disapproval of the housing development project or the
approval of the project upon the condition that it be developed at a
lower density.
   (3) The applicant or any interested person may bring an action to
enforce this subdivision. If a court finds that the local agency
disapproved a project or conditioned its approval in violation of
this subdivision, the court shall issue an order or judgment
compelling compliance within 60 days. The court shall retain
jurisdiction to ensure that its order or judgment is carried out. If
the court determines that its order or judgment has not been carried
out within 60 days, the court may issue further orders to ensure that
the purposes and policies of this subdivision are fulfilled. In any
such action, the city, county, or city and county shall bear the
burden of proof.
   (4) For purposes of this subdivision, "housing development project"
means a project to construct residential units for which the project
developer provides sufficient legal commitments to the appropriate
local agency to ensure the continued availability and use of at least
49 percent of the housing units for very low, low-, and
moderate-income households with an affordable housing cost or
affordable rent, as defined in Section 50052.5 or 50053 of the Health
and Safety Code, respectively, for the period required by the
applicable financing.
   (h) An action to enforce the program actions of the housing
element shall be brought pursuant to Section 1085 of the Code of
Civil Procedure.
  SEC. 2.5.  Section 65583 of the Government Code is amended to read:

   65583.  The housing element shall consist of an identification and
analysis of existing and projected housing needs and a statement of
goals, policies, quantified objectives, financial resources, and
scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement, and development
of housing. The housing element shall identify adequate sites for
housing, including rental housing, factory-built housing,
mobilehomes, and emergency shelters, and shall make adequate
provision for the existing and projected needs of all economic
segments of the community. The element shall contain all of the
   (a) An assessment of housing needs and an inventory of resources
and constraints relevant to the meeting of these needs. The
assessment and inventory shall include all of the following:
   (1) An analysis of population and employment trends and
documentation of projections and a quantification of the locality's
existing and projected housing needs for all income levels, including
extremely low income households, as defined in subdivision (b) of
Section 50105 and Section 50106 of the Health and Safety Code. These
existing and projected needs shall include the locality's share of
the regional housing need in accordance with Section 65584. Local
agencies shall calculate the subset of very low income households
allotted under Section 65584 that qualify as extremely low income
households. The local agency may either use available census data to
calculate the percentage of very low income households that qualify
as extremely low income households or presume that 50 percent of the
very low income households qualify as extremely low income
households. The number of extremely low income households and very
low income households shall equal the jurisdiction's allocation of
very low income households pursuant to Section 65584.
   (2) An analysis and documentation of household characteristics,
including level of payment compared to ability to pay, housing
characteristics, including overcrowding, and housing stock condition.

   (3) An inventory of land suitable for residential development,
including vacant sites and sites having potential for redevelopment,
and an analysis of the relationship of zoning and public facilities
and services to these sites.
   (4) (A) The identification of a zone or zones where emergency
shelters are allowed as a permitted use without a conditional use or
other discretionary permit. The identified zone or zones shall
include sufficient capacity to accommodate the need for emergency
shelter identified in paragraph (7), except that each local
government shall identify a zone or zones that can accommodate at
least one year-round emergency shelter. If the local government
cannot identify a zone or zones with sufficient capacity, the local
government shall include a program to amend its zoning ordinance to
meet the requirements of this paragraph
             within one year of the adoption of the housing element.
The local government may identify additional zones where emergency
shelters are permitted with a conditional use permit. The local
government shall also demonstrate that existing or proposed permit
processing, development, and management standards are objective and
encourage and facilitate the development of, or conversion to,
emergency shelters. Emergency shelters may only be subject to those
development and management standards that apply to residential or
commercial development within the same zone except that a local
government may apply written, objective standards that include all of
the following:
   (i) The maximum number of beds or persons permitted to be served
nightly by the facility.
   (ii) Off-street parking based upon demonstrated need, provided
that the standards do not require more parking for emergency shelters
than for other residential or commercial uses within the same zone.
   (iii) The size and location of exterior and interior onsite
waiting and client intake areas.
   (iv) The provision of onsite management.
   (v) The proximity to other emergency shelters, provided that
emergency shelters are not required to be more than 300 feet apart.
   (vi) The length of stay.
   (vii) Lighting.
   (viii) Security during hours that the emergency shelter is in
   (B) The permit processing, development, and management standards
applied under this paragraph shall not be deemed to be discretionary
acts within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act
(Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources
   (C) A local government that can demonstrate to the satisfaction of
the department the existence of one or more emergency shelters
either within its jurisdiction or pursuant to a multijurisdictional
agreement that can accommodate that jurisdiction's need for emergency
shelter identified in paragraph (7) may comply with the zoning
requirements of subparagraph (A) by identifying a zone or zones where
new emergency shelters are allowed with a conditional use permit.
   (D) A local government with an existing ordinance or ordinances
that comply with this paragraph shall not be required to take
additional action to identify zones for emergency shelters. The
housing element must only describe how existing ordinances, policies,
and standards are consistent with the requirements of this
   (5) An analysis of potential and actual governmental constraints
upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of housing for all
income levels, including the types of housing identified in paragraph
(1) of subdivision (c), and for persons with disabilities as
identified in the analysis pursuant to paragraph (7), including land
use controls, building codes and their enforcement, site
improvements, fees and other exactions required of developers, and
local processing and permit procedures. The analysis shall also
demonstrate local efforts to remove governmental constraints that
hinder the locality from meeting its share of the regional housing
need in accordance with Section 65584 and from meeting the need for
housing for persons with disabilities, supportive housing,
transitional housing, and emergency shelters identified pursuant to
paragraph (7). Transitional housing and supportive housing shall be
considered a residential use of property, and shall be subject only
to those restrictions that apply to other residential dwellings of
the same type in the same zone.
   (6) An analysis of potential and actual nongovernmental
constraints upon the maintenance, improvement, or development of
housing for all income levels, including the availability of
financing, the price of land, and the cost of construction.
   (7) An analysis of any special housing needs, such as those of the
elderly, persons with disabilities, large families, farmworkers,
families with female heads of households, and families and persons in
need of emergency shelter. The need for emergency shelter shall be
assessed based on annual and seasonal need. The need for emergency
shelter may be reduced by the number of supportive housing units that
are identified in an adopted 10-year plan to end chronic
homelessness and that are either vacant or for which funding has been
identified to allow construction during the planning period.
   (8) An analysis of opportunities for energy conservation with
respect to residential development. Cities and counties are
encouraged to include weatherization and energy efficiency
improvements as part of publicly subsidized housing rehabilitation
projects. This may include energy efficiency measures that encompass
the building envelope, its heating and cooling systems, and its
electrical system.
   (9) An analysis of existing assisted housing developments that are
eligible to change from low-income housing uses during the next 10
years due to termination of subsidy contracts, mortgage prepayment,
or expiration of restrictions on use. "Assisted housing developments,"
for the purpose of this section, shall mean multifamily rental
housing that receives governmental assistance under federal programs
listed in subdivision (a) of Section 65863.10, state and local
multifamily revenue bond programs, local redevelopment programs, the
federal Community Development Block Grant Program, or local in-lieu
fees. "Assisted housing developments" shall also include multifamily
rental units that were developed pursuant to a local inclusionary
housing program or used to qualify for a density bonus pursuant to
Section 65916.
   (A) The analysis shall include a listing of each development by
project name and address, the type of governmental assistance
received, the earliest possible date of change from low-income use,
and the total number of elderly and nonelderly units that could be
lost from the locality's low-income housing stock in each year during
the 10-year period. For purposes of state and federally funded
projects, the analysis required by this subparagraph need only
contain information available on a statewide basis.
   (B) The analysis shall estimate the total cost of producing new
rental housing that is comparable in size and rent levels, to replace
the units that could change from low-income use, and an estimated
cost of preserving the assisted housing developments. This cost
analysis for replacement housing may be done aggregately for each
five-year period and does not have to contain a project-by-project
cost estimate.
   (C) The analysis shall identify public and private nonprofit
corporations known to the local government which have legal and
managerial capacity to acquire and manage these housing developments.

   (D) The analysis shall identify and consider the use of all
federal, state, and local financing and subsidy programs which can be
used to preserve, for lower income households, the assisted housing
developments, identified in this paragraph, including, but not
limited to, federal Community Development Block Grant Program funds,
tax increment funds received by a redevelopment agency of the
community, and administrative fees received by a housing authority
operating within the community. In considering the use of these
financing and subsidy programs, the analysis shall identify the
amounts of funds under each available program which have not been
legally obligated for other purposes and which could be available for
use in preserving assisted housing developments.
   (b) (1) A statement of the community's goals, quantified
objectives, and policies relative to the maintenance, preservation,
improvement, and development of housing.
   (2) It is recognized that the total housing needs identified
pursuant to subdivision (a) may exceed available resources and the
community's ability to satisfy this need within the content of the
general plan requirements outlined in Article 5 (commencing with
Section 65300). Under these circumstances, the quantified objectives
need not be identical to the total housing needs. The quantified
objectives shall establish the maximum number of housing units by
income category, including extremely low income, that can be
constructed, rehabilitated, and conserved over a five-year time
   (c) A program which sets forth a schedule of actions during the
planning period, each with a timeline for implementation, which may
recognize that certain programs are ongoing, such that there will be
beneficial impacts of the programs within the planning period, that
the local government is undertaking or intends to undertake to
implement the policies and achieve the goals and objectives of the
housing element through the administration of land use and
development controls, the provision of regulatory concessions and
incentives, and the utilization of appropriate federal and state
financing and subsidy programs when available and the utilization of
moneys in a low- and moderate-income housing fund of an agency if the
locality has established a redevelopment project area pursuant to
the Community Redevelopment Law (Division 24 (commencing with Section
33000) of the Health and Safety Code). In order to make adequate
provision for the housing needs of all economic segments of the
community, the program shall do all of the following:
   (1) Identify actions that will be taken to make sites available
during the planning period of the general plan with appropriate
zoning and development standards and with services and facilities to
accommodate that portion of the city's or county's share of the
regional housing need for each income level that could not be
accommodated on sites identified in the inventory completed pursuant
to paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) without rezoning, and to comply
with the requirements of Section 65584.09. Sites shall be identified
as needed to facilitate and encourage the development of a variety of
types of housing for all income levels, including multifamily rental
housing, factory-built housing, mobilehomes, housing for
agricultural employees, supportive housing, single-room occupancy
units, emergency shelters, and transitional housing.
   (A) Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph (3) of
subdivision (a), does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the
need for groups of all household income levels pursuant to Section
65584, rezoning of those sites, including adoption of minimum density
and development standards, for jurisdictions with an eight-year
housing element planning period pursuant to Section 65588, shall be
completed no later than three years after either the date the housing
element is adopted pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 65585 or
the date that is 90 days after receipt of comments from the
department pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 65585, whichever is
earlier, unless the deadline is extended pursuant to subdivision
(f). Notwithstanding the foregoing, for a local government that fails
to adopt a housing element within 120 days of the statutory deadline
in Section 65588 for adoption of the housing element, rezoning of
those sites, including adoption of minimum density and development
standards, shall be completed no later than three years and 120 days
from the statutory deadline in Section 65588 for adoption of the
housing element.
   (B) Where the inventory of sites, pursuant to paragraph (3) of
subdivision (a), does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the
need for groups of all household income levels pursuant to Section
65584, the program shall identify sites that can be developed for
housing within the planning period pursuant to subdivision (h) of
Section 65583.2. The identification of sites shall include all
components specified in subdivision (b) of Section 65583.2.
   (C) Where the inventory of sites pursuant to paragraph (3) of
subdivision (a) does not identify adequate sites to accommodate the
need for farmworker housing, the program shall provide for sufficient
sites to meet the need with zoning that permits farmworker housing
use by right, including density and development standards that could
accommodate and facilitate the feasibility of the development of
farmworker housing for low- and very low income households.
   (2) Assist in the development of adequate housing to meet the
needs of extremely low, very low, low-, and moderate-income
   (3) Address and, where appropriate and legally possible, remove
governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and
development of housing, including housing for all income levels and
housing for persons with disabilities. The program shall remove
constraints to, and provide reasonable accommodations for housing
designed for, intended for occupancy by, or with supportive services
for, persons with disabilities.
   (4) Conserve and improve the condition of the existing affordable
housing stock, which may include addressing ways to mitigate the loss
of dwelling units demolished by public or private action.
   (5) Promote housing opportunities for all persons regardless of
race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin,
color, familial status, or disability.
   (6) Preserve for lower income households the assisted housing
developments identified pursuant to paragraph (9) of subdivision (a).
The program for preservation of the assisted housing developments
shall utilize, to the extent necessary, all available federal, state,
and local financing and subsidy programs identified in paragraph (9)
of subdivision (a), except where a community has other urgent needs
for which alternative funding sources are not available. The program
may include strategies that involve local regulation and technical
   (7) The program shall include an identification of the agencies
and officials responsible for the implementation of the various
actions and the means by which consistency will be achieved with
other general plan elements and community goals. The local government
shall make a diligent effort to achieve public participation of all
economic segments of the community in the development of the housing
element, and the program shall describe this effort.
   (d) (1) A local government may satisfy all or part of its
requirement to identify a zone or zones suitable for the development
of emergency shelters pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) by
adopting and implementing a multijurisdictional agreement, with a
maximum of two other adjacent communities, that requires the
participating jurisdictions to develop at least one year-round
emergency shelter within two years of the beginning of the planning
   (2) The agreement shall allocate a portion of the new shelter
capacity to each jurisdiction as credit towards its emergency shelter
need, and each jurisdiction shall describe how the capacity was
allocated as part of its housing element.
   (3) Each member jurisdiction of a multijurisdictional agreement
shall describe in its housing element all of the following:
   (A) How the joint facility will meet the jurisdiction's emergency
shelter need.
   (B) The jurisdiction's contribution to the facility for both the
development and ongoing operation and management of the facility.
   (C) The amount and source of the funding that the jurisdiction
contributes to the facility.
   (4) The aggregate capacity claimed by the participating
jurisdictions in their housing elements shall not exceed the actual
capacity of the shelter.
   (e) Except as otherwise provided in this article, amendments to
this article that alter the required content of a housing element
shall apply to both of the following:
   (1) A housing element or housing element amendment prepared
pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 65588 or Section 65584.02,
when a city, county, or city and county submits a draft to the
department for review pursuant to Section 65585 more than 90 days
after the effective date of the amendment to this section.
   (2) Any housing element or housing element amendment prepared
pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 65588 or Section 65584.02,
when the city, county, or city and county fails to submit the first
draft to the department before the due date specified in Section
65588 or 65584.02.
   (f) The deadline for completing required rezoning pursuant to
subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) shall be
extended by one year if the local government has completed the
rezoning at densities sufficient to accommodate at least 75 percent
of the units for low- and very low income households and if the
legislative body at the conclusion of a public hearing determines,
based upon substantial evidence, that any of the following
circumstances exist:
   (1) The local government has been unable to complete the rezoning
because of the action or inaction beyond the control of the local
government of any other state federal or local agency.
   (2) The local government is unable to complete the rezoning
because of infrastructure deficiencies due to fiscal or regulatory
   (3) The local government must undertake a major revision to its
general plan in order to accommodate the housing related policies of
a sustainable communities strategy or an alternative planning
strategy adopted pursuant to Section 65080.
   The resolution and the findings shall be transmitted to the
department together with a detailed budget and schedule for
preparation and adoption of the required rezonings, including plans
for citizen participation and expected interim action. The schedule
shall provide for adoption of the required rezoning within one year
of the adoption of the resolution.
   (g) (1) If a local government fails to complete the rezoning by
the deadline provided in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of
subdivision (c), as it may be extended pursuant to subdivision (f),
except as provided in paragraph (2), a local government may not
disapprove a housing development project, nor require a conditional
use permit, planned unit development permit, or other locally imposed
discretionary permit, or impose a condition that would render the
project infeasible, if the housing development project (A) is
proposed to be located on a site required to be rezoned pursuant to
the program action required by that subparagraph; and (B) complies
with applicable, objective general plan and zoning standards and
criteria, including design review standards, described in the program
action required by that subparagraph. Any subdivision of sites shall
be subject to the Subdivision Map Act. Design review shall not
constitute a "project" for purposes of Division 13 (commencing with
Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code.
   (2) A local government may disapprove a housing development
described in paragraph (1) if it makes written findings supported by
substantial evidence on the record that both of the following
conditions exist:
   (A) The housing development project would have a specific, adverse
impact upon the public health or safety unless the project is
disapproved or approved upon the condition that the project be
developed at a lower density. As used in this paragraph, a "specific,
adverse impact" means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and
unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified written public
health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed
on the date the application was deemed complete.
   (B) There is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or
avoid the adverse impact identified pursuant to paragraph (1), other
than the disapproval of the housing development project or the
approval of the project upon the condition that it be developed at a
lower density.
   (3) The applicant or any interested person may bring an action to
enforce this subdivision. If a court finds that the local agency
disapproved a project or conditioned its approval in violation of
this subdivision, the court shall issue an order or judgment
compelling compliance within 60 days. The court shall retain
jurisdiction to ensure that its order or judgment is carried out. If
the court determines that its order or judgment has not been carried
out within 60 days, the court may issue further orders to ensure that
the purposes and policies of this subdivision are fulfilled. In any
such action, the city, county, or city and county shall bear the
burden of proof.
   (4) For purposes of this subdivision, "housing development project"
means a project to construct residential units for which the project
developer provides sufficient legal commitments to the appropriate
local agency to ensure the continued availability and use of at least
49 percent of the housing units for very low, low-, and
moderate-income households with an affordable housing cost or
affordable rent, as defined in Section 50052.5 or 50053 of the Health
and Safety Code, respectively, for the period required by the
applicable financing.
   (h) An action to enforce the program actions of the housing
element shall be brought pursuant to Section 1085 of the Code of
Civil Procedure.
  SEC. 3.  Section 65588 of the Government Code is amended to read:
   65588.  (a) Each local government shall review its housing element
as frequently as appropriate to evaluate all of the following:
   (1) The appropriateness of the housing goals, objectives, and
policies in contributing to the attainment of the state housing goal.

   (2) The effectiveness of the housing element in attainment of the
community's housing goals and objectives.
   (3) The progress of the city, county, or city and county in
implementation of the housing element.
    (b) The housing element shall be revised as appropriate, but no
less often than required by subdivision (e), to reflect the results
of this periodic review. Nothing in this section shall be construed
to excuse the obligations of the local government to adopt a revised
housing element in accordance with the schedule specified in this
   (c) The review and revision of housing elements required by this
section shall take into account any low- or moderate-income housing
provided or required pursuant to Section 65590.
   (d) The review pursuant to subdivision (c) shall include, but need
not be limited to, the following:
   (1) The number of new housing units approved for construction
within the coastal zone after January 1, 1982.
   (2) The number of housing units for persons and families of low or
moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of the Health and
Safety Code, required to be provided in new housing developments
either within the coastal zone or within three miles of the coastal
zone pursuant to Section 65590.
   (3) The number of existing residential dwelling units occupied by
persons and families of low or moderate income, as defined in Section
50093 of the Health and Safety Code, that have been authorized to be
demolished or converted since January 1, 1982, in the coastal zone.
   (4) The number of residential dwelling units for persons and
families of low or moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of
the Health and Safety Code, that have been required for replacement
or authorized to be converted or demolished as identified in
paragraph (3). The location of the replacement units, either onsite,
elsewhere within the locality's jurisdiction within the coastal zone,
or within three miles of the coastal zone within the locality's
jurisdiction, shall be designated in the review.
   (e) Each city, county, and city and county shall revise its
housing element according to the following schedule:
   (1) (A) Local governments within the regional jurisdiction of the
Southern California Association of Governments: June 30, 2006, for
the fourth revision.
   (B) Local governments within the regional jurisdiction of the
Association of Bay Area Governments: June 30, 2007, for the fourth
   (C) Local governments within the regional jurisdiction of the
Council of Fresno County Governments, the Kern County Council of
Governments, and the Sacramento Area Council of Governments: June 30,
2002, for the third revision, and June 30, 2008, for the fourth
   (D) Local governments within the regional jurisdiction of the
Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments: December 31, 2002, for
the third revision, and June 30, 2009, for the fourth revision.
   (E) Local governments within the regional jurisdiction of the San
Diego Association of Governments: June 30, 2005, for the fourth
   (F) All other local governments: December 31, 2003, for the third
revision, and June 30, 2009, for the fourth revision.
   (2) (A) All local governments within a metropolitan planning
organization in a region classified as nonattainment for one or more
pollutants regulated by the federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Sec.
7506), except those within the regional jurisdiction of the San Diego
Association of Governments, shall adopt the fifth revision of the
housing element no later than 18 months after adoption of the first
regional transportation plan to be adopted after September 30, 2010.
   (B) (i) All local governments within the regional jurisdiction of
the San Diego Association of Governments shall adopt the fifth
revision of the housing element no later than 18 months after
adoption of the first regional transportation plan update to be
adopted after September 30, 2010.
   (ii) Prior to or concurrent with the adoption of the fifth
revision of the housing element, each local government within the
regional jurisdiction of the San Diego Association of Governments
shall identify adequate sites in its inventory pursuant to Section
65583.2 or rezone adequate sites to accommodate a prorated portion of
its share of the regional housing need for the projection period
representing the period from July 1, 2010, to the deadline for
housing element adoption described in clause (i).
   (I) For the fifth revision, a local government within the
jurisdiction of the San Diego Association of Governments that has not
adopted a housing element for the fourth revision by January 1,
2009, shall revise its housing element not less than every four
years, beginning on the date described in clause (i), in accordance
with paragraph (4), unless the local government does both of the
   (ia) Adopts a housing element for the fourth revision no later
than March 31, 2010, which is in substantial compliance with this
   (ib) Completes any rezoning contained in the housing element
program for the fourth revision by June 30, 2010.
   (II) For the sixth and subsequent revisions, a local government
within the jurisdiction of the San Diego Association of Governments
shall be subject to the dates described in clause (i), in accordance
with paragraph (4).
   (C) All local governments within the regional jurisdiction of a
metropolitan planning organization or a regional transportation
planning                                            agency that has
made an election pursuant to subparagraph (L) of paragraph (2) of
subdivision (b) of Section 65080 by June 1, 2009, shall adopt the
fifth revision of the housing element no later than 18 months after
adoption of the first regional transportation plan update following
the election.
   (D) All other local governments shall adopt the fifth revision of
the housing element five years after the date specified in paragraph
   (3) Subsequent revisions of the housing element shall be due as
   (A) For local governments described in subparagraphs (A), (B), and
(C) of paragraph (2), 18 months after adoption of every second
regional transportation plan update, provided that the deadline for
adoption is no more than eight years later than the deadline for
adoption of the previous eight-year housing element.
   (B) For all other local governments, at five-year intervals after
the date specified in subparagraph (D) of paragraph (2).
   (C) If a metropolitan planning organization or a regional
transportation planning agency subject to the five-year revision
interval in subparagraph (B) makes an election pursuant to
subparagraph (L) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 65080
after June 1, 2009, all local governments within the regional
jurisdiction of that entity shall adopt the next housing element
revision no later than 18 months after adoption of the first regional
transportation plan update following the election. Subsequent
revisions shall be due 18 months after adoption of every second
regional transportation plan update, provided that the deadline for
adoption is no more than eight years later than the deadline for
adoption of the previous eight-year housing element.
   (4) (A) A local government that does not adopt a housing element
within 120 days of the applicable deadline described in subparagraph
(A), (B), or (C) of paragraph (2) or subparagraph (A) or (C) of
paragraph (3) shall revise its housing element not less than every
four years until the local government has adopted at least two
consecutive revisions by the statutory deadline.
   (B) If necessary, the local government shall adopt three
consecutive four-year revisions by the statutory deadline to ensure
that when the local government adopts its next housing element
covering an eight-year planning period, it does so at the deadline
for adoption for other local governments within the region also
covering an eight-year planning period.
   (C) The deadline for adoption of every second four-year revision
shall be the same as the deadline for adoption for other local
governments within the region.
   (5) The metropolitan planning organization or a regional
transportation planning agency for a region that has an eight-year
revision interval pursuant to paragraph (3) shall notify the
department and the Department of Transportation in writing of the
estimated adoption date for its next regional transportation plan
update at least 12 months prior to the estimated adoption date. The
Department of Transportation shall maintain and publish on its
Internet Web site a current schedule of the estimated regional
transportation plan adoption dates. The department shall maintain and
publish on its Internet Web site a current schedule of the estimated
and actual housing element due dates. Each council of governments
shall publish on its Internet Web site the estimated and actual
housing element due dates, as published by the department, for the
jurisdictions within its region and shall send notice of these dates
to interested parties. For purposes of determining the existing and
projected need for housing within a region pursuant to Sections 65584
to 65584.08, inclusive, the date of the next scheduled revision of
the housing element shall be deemed to be the estimated adoption date
of the regional transportation plan update described in the notice
provided to the Department of Transportation plus 18 months.
   (6) The new projection period shall begin on the date of December
31 or June 30 that most closely precedes the end of the previous
projection period.
   (f) For purposes of this article, the following terms have the
following meanings:
   (1) "Planning period" shall be the time period between the due
date for one housing element and the due date for the next housing
   (2) "Projection period" shall be the time period for which the
regional housing need is calculated.
   (g) For purposes of this section, "regional transportation plan
update" shall mean a regional transportation plan adopted to satisfy
the requirements of subdivision (d) of Section 65080.
  SEC. 4.  Section 75123 of the Public Resources Code is amended to
   75123.  (a) A meeting of the council, including a meeting related
to the development of grant guidelines and policies and the approval
of grants, shall be subject to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act
(Article 9 (commencing with Section 11120) of Chapter 1 of Part 1 of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), except that, for
purposes of this section, "meeting" shall not include a meeting at
which council members are meeting as members of the Governor's
   (b) The council may sponsor conferences, symposia, and other
public forums, to seek a broad range of public advice regarding
local, regional, and natural resource planning, sustainable
development, and strategies to reduce and mitigate climate change.
  SEC. 5.  Chapter 728 of the Statutes of 2008 shall be known and may
be cited as the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act.
  SEC. 6.  Section 2.5 of this bill incorporates amendments to
Section 65583 of the Government Code proposed by both this bill and
AB 720. It shall only become operative if (1) both bills are enacted
and become effective on or before January 1, 2010, (2) each bill
amends Section 65583 of the Government Code, and (3) this bill is
enacted after AB 720, in which case Section 2 of this bill shall not
become operative.
  SEC. 7.  If the Commission on State Mandates determines that this
act contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local
agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant
to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of
the Government Code.                 