Trending Indiana Legislation

Indiana Legislation - Indiana Dashboard - Indiana Datasets - National Trending

Current trends in Indiana legislation over the last 72 hours as measured by public interest and activity.

#1HB1181PassedHorticultural matters. Provides that the state seed commissioner shall use certain federal agricultural seed and vegetable seed standards as the state germination standards and requirements for agricultural seeds and vegetable seeds. Makes conforming...
Public Law 143
#2HB1004PassedPension matters. Provides that a state employee may affirmatively elect to enroll in the deferred compensation plan prior to the auto enroll date on day 31 of the state employee's employment. Removes a provision that sets a maximum employer surcharge...
Public Law 129
#3HB1216PassedMedicaid reimbursement for certain detainees. Removes provisions in current law specifying that services provided to an individual while the individual is committed to a facility for mental health services are medically necessary when provided in acc...
Public Law 147
#4SB0260PassedNeighborhood and individual development incentives. Defines a "community based organization" as a private, nonprofit corporation whose board of directors is comprised of business, civic, and community leaders, and whose principal purpose includes the...
Public Law 124
#5HB1426PassedLong acting reversible contraceptives. Requires a hospital that operates a maternity unit to ensure that a woman who is: (1) giving birth in the hospital; and (2) eligible for or receiving Medicaid assistance; has the option, if not medically contrai...
Public Law 91
#6HB1345IntroducedTourism improvement districts. Provides that a person may circulate a petition to create a tourism improvement district (district) within the territory of a county, city, or town. Specifies the contents of the tourism improvement district plan that m...
#7SB0234PassedDisaster emergency. Provides that a state of disaster emergency declared by the governor: (1) that applies to the entire state may not continue for more than 60 days unless a renewal is authorized by the general assembly; and (2) that only applies to...
Public Law 120
#8HB1240PassedCriminal law issues. Makes numerous changes to the criminal law, including: (1) changing references from "county prosecuting attorney" to "prosecuting attorney"; (2) specifying the membership of county school safety commissions; (3) removing and repl...
Public Law 148
#9SB0282PassedAbsenteeism and school attendance. Amends the duties of an attendance officer and the state attendance officer. Requires, not later than November 1 of each year, the state attendance officer to submit a report to the legislative council containing re...
Public Law 125
#10HB1121PassedLocal income taxes. Extends the expiration of provisions concerning a county with a single voting bloc and the allocation of votes for a local income tax council. Specifies the amount of revenue from a local income tax rate imposed for correctional f...
Public Law 137
#11HB1179PassedState educational institutions. Requires a state educational institution (institution) to disclose certain foreign gifts and contracts received or entered into after December 31, 2020. Requires the commission to establish and maintain a website for a...
Public Law 142
#12HB1086PassedAlcoholic beverage sales. Allows a bar or restaurant (retailer) to prepare, sell, and deliver alcoholic beverages for carry-out to a customer on the licensed premises in sealed, nonoriginal containers (qualified containers). Defines: (1) "craft manuf...
Public Law 167
#13HB1328PassedDepartment of local government finance. Provides that a county fiscal body may provide a stipend, not to exceed $2,500, to a circuit court clerk that serves as a voter registration officer each year in which a general election is held. Requires a pol...
Public Law 156
#14SB0080PassedCode publication amendments. Makes Indiana Code publication amendments. Repeals and relocates a specific Indiana Code definitions chapter for organization of the defined terms by alphabetical order and to provide for future expansion of the chapter. ...
Public Law 104
#15SB0097IntroducedContinuing education for professional geologists. Specifies that the renewal of a professional geologist license after June 30, 2025, requires continuing education.
#16SB0098IntroducedDependent child exemptions. Provides that a fetus is considered a dependent child for purposes of the dependent child state adjusted gross income exemptions.
#17HB1141IntroducedCrimes against unborn child. Provides that a pregnant woman charged with a drug crime may be referred to the forensic diversion program or a drug court at an initial hearing.
#18SB0005PassedLead water line replacement and lead remediation. Specifies that, for purposes of the statute concerning the replacement of customer owned lead service lines by water utilities, a municipally owned utility includes a utility company owned, operated, ...
Public Law 6
#19SB0144IntroducedFirearms matters. Allows a juvenile who is at least 16 years of age to be charged in adult court for the commission of certain offenses relating to the unlawful transfer of a firearm. Permits a child to travel with a firearm to or from certain activi...
#20HB1190IntroducedMilitary relief fund. Provides that, for purposes of receiving a grant from the military relief fund, eligibility criteria shall be based on the financial need of the applicant regardless of the applicant's income or assets.
#21SB0209IntroducedHistoric sites. Establishes the division of historic sites (division) in the department of natural resources. Transfers management of historic sites from the Indiana state museum and historic sites corporation to the division. Makes an appropriation.
#22SB0131IntroducedCarbon sequestration. Provides that a carbon sequestration project that stores carbon dioxide generated outside a county and transported to the carbon sequestration project located in another county may not be undertaken unless the project is approve...
#23HB1247IntroducedRepeal of right to work law. Repeals the chapter prohibiting an employer from requiring: (1) labor organization membership; (2) payment of dues or fees to a labor organization; or (3) payment to a charity or other third party an amount equivalent to ...
#24HB1274PassedIndiana semiquincentennial license plate. Provides for a semiquincentennial license plate. Establishes the semiquincentennial trust fund.
Public Law 154
#25HB1306PassedLive transmission and archiving of IURC meetings. Exempts the Indiana utility regulatory commission (IURC) from providing a live transmission of hearings regarding which a stenographic record is required to be made and kept by statute. Adds language ...
Public Law 68
#26SB0251IntroducedCall center worker and consumer protection. Requires the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to compile a list of all employers that relocate a call center to a foreign country and to disqualify employers on that list from state grants, l...
#27SB0003IntroducedPrior authorization. Provides that a utilization review entity may only impose prior authorization requirements on less than 1% of any given specialty or health care service and 1% of health care providers overall in a calendar year. Prohibits a util...
#28HB1393IntroducedManaged care and hospital assessment fee. Authorizes the managed care assessment fee to be assessed against specified insurers and administered by the office of the secretary of family and social services. Establishes the managed care assessment fee ...
#29HB1027PassedFire department work schedule. Provides that a fire department may deviate from the required maximum work hours for members of the fire department only if authorized by a collective bargaining agreement, memorandum of understanding, or other similar ...
Public Law 43
#30HB1132EngrossedInvestigators employed by the attorney general. Provides that the attorney general shall designate not more than four investigators employed within the state Medicaid fraud control unit to be law enforcement officers of the state. Provides that the a...
#31HCR0005PassedUrging INDOT to rename that portion of I-69 between the County Road 11A Exit and State Road 8, near mile marker 326, the "Master Trooper James R. Bailey Memorial Highway. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the Indiana Department of Transportation to rena...
Representative Lehman added as coauthor
#32HB1203PassedXylazine. Makes possession of xylazine a Class A misdemeanor, and increases the penalty to a Level 6 felony if the person has a prior xylazine related conviction. Makes dealing in xylazine a Level 5 felony, and increases the penalty to a Level 4 felo...
Public Law 58
#33SB0185PassedStudent use of wireless communication device. Requires each school corporation and charter school to: (1) adopt and implement a wireless communication device policy that governs student use of a wireless communication device; and (2) publish the poli...
Public Law 24
#34HB1380PassedVarious education matters. Requires the secretary of education to prepare and submit to the general assembly the following: (1) A plan to establish a pilot program concerning the use, operation, and management of school facilities to promote student ...
Public Law 162
#35SB0132PassedProfessions and professional services. Authorizes the office of the secretary of family and social services to implement a risk based managed care program for certain Medicaid recipients. Requires the office of Medicaid policy and planning to convene...
Public Law 17
#36SB0150PassedArtificial intelligence and cybersecurity. Creates the artificial intelligence task force (task force) to study and assess use of artificial intelligence technology by state agencies. Provides that political subdivisions, state agencies, school corpo...
Public Law 108
#37SB0009PassedNotice of health care entity mergers. Requires health care entities to provide notice of certain mergers or acquisitions to office of the attorney general. Specifies notice requirements. Requires the office of the attorney general to review the infor...
Public Law 95
#38SB0171PassedReunification plan for a child in need of services. Amends the circumstances under which reasonable efforts to reunify a child with the child's parent, guardian, or custodian or preserve a child's family are not required.
Public Law 19
#39HCR0001PassedTo allow the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 123rd Indiana General Assembly to adjourn and recess separately throughout the Second Regular Session. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to allow the House of Representatives and the Senate of the 123...
First reading: adopted voice vote
#40SJR0014IntroducedVehicle joint resolution. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
#41SJR0008IntroducedVehicle joint resolution. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
#42SB0013IntroducedSupport; minors who lose a parent to a DWI offense. Defines "child restitution order". Requires the court to order a person who is convicted of operating a vehicle while intoxicated causing death (convicted person) and who caused the death of a victi...
#43SJR0013IntroducedVehicle joint resolution. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
#44SJR0012IntroducedVehicle joint resolution. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
#45SJR0007IntroducedVehicle joint resolution. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
#46SJR0009IntroducedVehicle joint resolution. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
#47SJR0016IntroducedVehicle joint resolution. This proposed amendment has not been previously agreed to by a general assembly.
#48SB0014EngrossedRight of certain persons to carry a handgun in the statehouse and state capitol complex. Allows: (1) certain statewide elected officials; (2) members of the general assembly; (3) members of the Indiana lobby registration commission; (4) professional ...
#49SJR0006IntroducedElection of state and federal legislators. Repeals the constitutional provision for drawing legislative districts by the general assembly. Requires the general assembly to establish an independent redistricting commission to draw congressional and le...
#50SB0012IntroducedSex offender residency restrictions. Provides that an offender against children who knowingly or intentionally resides within 1,000 feet of certain areas owned, leased, operated, or maintained by a homeowners association or property owners associatio...