Bill Text: NY A04120 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Amended

Bill Title: Establishes clean energy goals of reducing the annual total of vehicle miles traveled within the state by 20% by the year 2050; requires state and local highway projects to comply with reductions to vehicle miles traveled targets.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 14-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-05-15 - print number 4120b [A04120 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A04120-Amended.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 9, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of A. McMAHON, SIMONE, MAMDANI, GALLAGHER, SHRESTHA,
          SIMON, TAPIA, KELLES, GONZALEZ-ROJAS, FAHY, McDONALD -- read once  and
          referred to the Committee on Environmental Conservation -- recommitted
          to  the  Committee  on  Environmental  Conservation in accordance with
          Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee --  recommitted
          to  the  Committee  on  Environmental  Conservation in accordance with
          Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the highway law, in relation to  reductions  in  vehicle
          miles traveled in highway projects in New York state

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  Vehicle miles traveled assessment working group. 1.  There
     2  is hereby established a vehicle miles traveled assessment working group.
     3  The vehicle miles traveled assessment working group shall meet regularly
     4  and shall study the options and best practices available and make recom-
     5  mendations  for  implementing  vehicle  miles  traveled assessments in a
     6  manner which aligns with the goal of reducing annual vehicle miles trav-
     7  eled within the state by 20% by 2050 and developing a  plan  to  assess,
     8  monitor,  and  approve  a given project's impact mitigation actions. The
     9  working group shall aid the commissioner of transportation in establish-
    10  ing procedures to assist counties and towns seeking to comply with their
    11  vehicle miles traveled assessment requirements, as outlined in  sections
    12  one hundred two and one hundred forty of the highway law.
    13    2.  The  working group shall include a representative from the depart-
    14  ment of transportation, the office of the governor,  the  department  of
    15  environmental  conservation,  the department of state, the department of
    16  agriculture and markets, the office  of  general  services,  the  empire
    17  state development corporation, the New York energy research and develop-
    18  ment  authority,  the  port  authority  of  New York and New Jersey, the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4120--B                          2

     1  metropolitan transportation authority, the New York City  department  of
     2  transportation,  the  office  of the mayor of New York City, and the New
     3  York  metropolitan  transportation  council.  The  working  group  shall
     4  include  representatives from relevant community organizations and other
     5  necessary parties.
     6    3. The working group shall report its findings and recommendations  to
     7  the  commissioner  of transportation, the governor, the temporary presi-
     8  dent of the senate and the speaker of the assembly no later than  twelve
     9  months  after  the  effective date of this section. Such report shall be
    10  made publicly available on the department of transportation's website.
    11    § 2. The highway law is amended by adding a new section 10-h  to  read
    12  as follows:
    13    §  10-h.  Reductions  to  vehicle  miles  traveled  in  state  highway
    14  projects.  1. Legislative finding and declaration. This legislature does
    15  hereby find and declare that the final scoping plan adopted by  the  New
    16  York state climate action council pursuant to chapter one hundred six of
    17  the  laws  of two thousand nineteen deems it essential that the legisla-
    18  ture enact legislation which shall significantly reduce  annual  vehicle
    19  miles  traveled  in  New  York  State. The legislature further finds and
    20  declares that achieving a reduction in annual vehicle miles traveled  by
    21  twenty  percent  by two thousand fifty in New York State is necessary to
    22  enable  achievement  of  the  climate  justice  and  emission  reduction
    23  mandates  in  chapter  one hundred six of the laws of two thousand nine-
    24  teen.  Furthermore, the legislature finds that highway  capacity  expan-
    25  sion  projects, as defined by subdivision two of this section, result in
    26  induced demand, whereas  more  vehicles utilize a highway after a  high-
    27  way  capacity expansion project, and therefore, these  projects  do  not
    28  significantly  reduce pollution,  congestion, or vehicle miles traveled.
    29    2. Definitions. As used in this section,  the  following  terms  shall
    30  have the following meanings:
    31    (a)  "Vehicle  miles  traveled"  shall mean a measurement of the total
    32  miles of motor vehicle traffic in New York state over a one-year period.
    33    (b) "Highway capacity expansion project" shall  mean  a  project  that
    34  expands  highway capacity, including but not limited to the construction
    35  of new highways, highway widening projects, and projects that  establish
    36  grade  separation  at  an intersection, excluding auxiliary lanes with a
    37  length of less than two thousand five hundred feet.
    38    (c) "Vehicle miles traveled impact assessment" shall mean  an  assess-
    39  ment  conducted to determine the net change of vehicle miles traveled by
    40  a highway capacity expansion project.
    41    3. Vehicle miles traveled assessment. Prior to  the  approval  of  any
    42  construction,  reconstruction,  or  maintenance  of  state highways that
    43  would be considered a highway capacity expansion project, as defined  by
    44  paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision two of this section, the commissioner of
    45  transportation shall conduct a vehicle miles traveled impact assessment,
    46  as defined by paragraph (c) of subdivision two of this section, to eval-
    47  uate whether the project aligns with the goal of reducing annual vehicle
    48  miles traveled within the state by twenty percent by two thousand fifty.
    49  If a highway capacity expansion project does not align with the goal  of
    50  reducing  annual  vehicle  miles  traveled  within  the  state by twenty
    51  percent by two thousand fifty, the project shall  be  altered  to  align
    52  with these targets by changing its design or sufficiently offsetting its
    53  net  change to vehicle miles traveled with impact mitigation efforts, as
    54  outlined in subdivision four of this section.
    55    4. Impact mitigation. (a) Impact mitigation shall be deemed sufficient
    56  if the cumulative net change on vehicle miles traveled from impact miti-

        A. 4120--B                          3

     1  gation actions and a highway capacity expansion project  over  the  same
     2  period  of  time  align  with  the goal of reducing annual vehicle miles
     3  traveled within the state by twenty percent by two thousand fifty.
     4    (b)  Impact mitigation shall include projects, programs, and operation
     5  modifications in one or more of the following areas:
     6    (i) alternative means of transportation infrastructure, including  but
     7  not limited to public transit expansion, public transit service improve-
     8  ments,  pedestrian  and  cyclist transportation infrastructure expansion
     9  and  improvements,  and  micro-mobility  transportation   infrastructure
    10  expansion and improvements;
    11    (ii)  transportation  demand  management, including but not limited to
    12  vanpool and shared vehicle programs, remote work, and  broadband  access
    13  expansion;
    14    (iii)   parking  demand  management,  including  but  not  limited  to
    15  reductions in parking requirements and parking cost adjustments;
    16    (iv) changes to land use which reduce vehicle miles traveled,  includ-
    17  ing but not limited to residential density increases, mixed-use develop-
    18  ment, and public transit oriented development; and
    19    (v)  other measures which reduce vehicle miles traveled, as determined
    20  by the commissioner.
    21    (c) Whenever feasible, impact mitigation actions shall be conducted in
    22  at least one of the municipalities where a  highway  capacity  expansion
    23  project  shall  take  place.  The  commissioner  is hereby authorized to
    24  determine whether  these  impact  mitigation  actions  are  sufficiently
    25  localized  to reduce vehicle net miles traveled in the communities where
    26  a highway capacity expansion project will result in a  net  change  that
    27  increases vehicle miles traveled or insufficiently reduces vehicle miles
    28  traveled.
    29    5.  Technical  advisory  committee.  The  commissioner shall appoint a
    30  technical advisory committee made up of technical experts to advise  the
    31  commissioner  in  the  vehicle  miles  traveled  assessment process. The
    32  committee members shall be appointed based on demonstrated expertise  in
    33  travel  demand  modeling,  traffic forecasting or transportation-related
    34  greenhouse gas emissions assessment and analysis and other expertise  as
    35  determined  necessary  by the commissioner. The committee shall evaluate
    36  and recommend tools for  calculating  the  vehicle  miles  traveled  and
    37  induced  demand  of  a  highway capacity expansion project, evaluate and
    38  recommend additional impact  mitigation  actions  which  reduce  vehicle
    39  miles  traveled, and identify and recommend best practices for calculat-
    40  ing the net change of vehicle miles  traveled  for  a  highway  capacity
    41  expansion  project  inclusive of impact mitigation measures. The commis-
    42  sioner shall hereby be authorized  to  request  the  technical  advisory
    43  committee  assess  and  provide recommendations on other elements of the
    44  vehicle miles traveled assessment process, as they deem necessary.
    45    6. Reporting. The commissioner shall submit a report every twenty-four
    46  months to the governor and the legislature  which  includes  a  list  of
    47  state,  county, and town highway capacity expansion projects approved in
    48  New York. The report shall include the  results  of  the  vehicle  miles
    49  traveled  assessment for each highway capacity expansion project includ-
    50  ing any impact mitigation actions and their status.  Such  report  shall
    51  also be made publicly available on the department's website.
    52    §  3. Section 102 of the highway law is amended by adding a new subdi-
    53  vision 19 to read as follows:
    54    19. Conduct a vehicle miles traveled assessment, as defined by  subdi-
    55  vision  two  of  section ten-h of this chapter, prior to the approval of
    56  any construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of town  highways  that

        A. 4120--B                          4

     1  would  be considered a highway capacity expansion project, as defined in
     2  subdivision two of section ten-h of this chapter. If a highway  capacity
     3  expansion  project does not result in a reduction of vehicle miles trav-
     4  eled  which  aligns with the goal of reducing annual vehicle miles trav-
     5  eled within the state by twenty  percent  by  two  thousand  fifty,  the
     6  project  shall  be  altered  to align with these targets by changing its
     7  design or sufficiently offsetting its net change to vehicle miles  trav-
     8  eled  with impact mitigation efforts, as outlined in subdivision four of
     9  section ten-h of this chapter. The county superintendent may request any
    10  resources and technical assistance necessary from  the  commissioner  to
    11  complete the vehicle miles traveled assessment.
    12    §  4. Section 140 of the highway law is amended by adding a new subdi-
    13  vision 20 to read as follows:
    14    20. Conduct a vehicle miles traveled assessment, as defined by  subdi-
    15  vision  two  of  section ten-h of this chapter, prior to the approval of
    16  any construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of town  highways  that
    17  would  be considered a highway capacity expansion project, as defined in
    18  subdivision two of section ten-h of this chapter. If a highway  capacity
    19  expansion  project does not result in a reduction of vehicle miles trav-
    20  eled which aligns with the goal of reducing annual vehicle  miles  trav-
    21  eled  within  the  state  by  twenty  percent by two thousand fifty, the
    22  project shall be altered to align with these  targets  by  changing  its
    23  design  or sufficiently offsetting its net change to vehicle miles trav-
    24  eled with impact mitigation efforts, as outlined in subdivision four  of
    25  section  ten-h  of this chapter. The town superintendent may request any
    26  resources and technical assistance necessary from  the  commissioner  of
    27  transportation to complete the vehicle miles traveled assessment.
    28    §  5.  This  act shall take effect immediately; provided that sections
    29  two, three,  and four of this act shall take  effect  on  the  first  of
    30  January two years after it shall have become a law.