Bill Text: MI SB0377 | 2013-2014 | 97th Legislature | Introduced

Bill Title: Criminal procedure; other; animal abuse offenders registry; create. Creates new act.

Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2013-05-22 - Referred To Committee On Judiciary [SB0377 Detail]

Download: Michigan-2013-SB0377-Introduced.html



















May 22, 2013, Introduced by Senators BIEDA and JONES and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.




     A bill to require individuals convicted of animal abuse


offenses to register; to provide for the powers and duties of


certain state and local governmental officers and entities; to


impose fees; to prescribe penalties and provide remedies; and to


require the promulgation of rules.




     Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "state


of Michigan animal abuser registry law".


     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Animal" means that term as defined in section 49 of the


Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.49.


     (b) "Animal abuse offense" means 1 or more of the following,


but does not include the lawful use of an animal to hunt or to


participate in field trials:


     (i) A violation of section 49 of the Michigan penal code, 1931


PA 328, MCL 750.49.


     (ii) A violation of section 50 of the Michigan penal code, 1931


PA 328, MCL 750.50.


     (iii) A violation of section 50a of the Michigan penal code,


1931 PA 328, MCL 750.50a.


     (iv) A violation of section 50b of the Michigan penal code,


1931 PA 328, MCL 750.50b.


     (v) A violation of section 50c of the Michigan penal code,


1931 PA 328, MCL 750.50c.


     (vi) A violation of section 158 of the Michigan penal code,


1931 PA 328, MCL 750.158, if the violation arose out of a crime


against nature with an animal.


     (vii) Any other violation of a law of this state or a local


ordinance of a municipality that by its nature constitutes an


animal abuse offense.


     (viii) An attempt or conspiracy to commit an offense described


in subparagraphs (i) to (vii).


     (ix) An offense substantially similar to an offense described


in subparagraphs (i) to (viii) under a law of the United States, any


state, or any country or under tribal or military law.


     (c) "Convicted" means that 1 of the following applies to the




     (i) A judgment of conviction or a probation order was entered


against the individual in any court having jurisdiction over


criminal offenses, including, but not limited to, a tribal court or


a military court.


     (ii) The individual was assigned to youthful trainee status


under sections 11 to 15 of chapter II of the code of criminal


procedure, 1927 PA 175, MCL 762.11 to 762.15, if the individual's


status of youthful trainee is revoked and an adjudication of guilt


is entered.


     (d) "Department" means the department of state police.


     (e) "Domicile" means a place where an individual has his or


her true, fixed, and permanent home to which he or she intends to


return whenever absent from the home. In order to be domiciled in


this state, an individual must be employed, with or without


compensation, reside, or be a student in this state for 1 of the


following time periods:


     (i) Fourteen or more consecutive days during a calendar year.


     (ii) Thirty or more total days during a calendar year.


     (f) "Institution of higher education" means either of the




     (i) A public or private community college, college, or




     (ii) A public or private trade, vocational, or occupational




     (g) "Local law enforcement agency" means the police department


of a county or municipality.


     (h) "Municipality" means a city, village, or township of this




     (i) "Neglect" means that term as defined in section 50 of the


Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.50.


     (j) "Residence" means that place at which an individual


habitually sleeps, keeps his or her personal effects, and has a


regular place of lodging. If an individual has more than 1


residence, or if a wife has a residence separate from that of the


husband, the place at which the individual resides the greater part


of the time is his or her residence for purposes of this act. This


section shall not be construed to affect existing judicial


interpretation of the term residence.


     (k) "Student" means an individual enrolled on a full- or part-


time basis in a public or private educational institution,


including, but not limited to, a secondary school, trade school,


professional institution, or institution of higher education.


     Sec. 3. The following individuals shall register under this




     (a) An individual who is 18 years of age or older, resides in


this state, and is convicted of an animal abuse offense on or after


the effective date of this act.


     (b) An individual from another state who is 18 years of age or


older, is domiciled in this state, and is convicted of an animal


abuse offense or registered for animal abuse under a comparable


statue of that state.


     Sec. 4. (1) An individual required to register under section


3(a) shall register within 5 calendar days following his or her


release from incarceration or, if the individual was not


incarcerated for the animal abuse offense, within 5 calendar days


after sentencing.


     (2) An individual required to register under section 3(b)


shall register within 21 calendar days after becoming domiciled in


this state.


     (3) The prosecutor in a criminal proceeding for an animal


abuse offense shall notify an individual required to register under


section 3(a) of the requirements of subsection (1) upon the


conviction of that individual for an animal abuse offense.


     Sec. 5. (1) Upon conviction of an individual for an animal


abuse offense, the prosecutor shall forward the name and address of


the individual and the name of the animal abuse offense of which


the individual was convicted to the department. The department


shall enter the individual's information into the computerized


database of registrations maintained under section 7.


     (2) An individual required to register under this act shall


submit all of the following information to his or her local law


enforcement agency:


     (a) The individual's name and any aliases he or she is known




     (b) The individual's residential address.


     (c) A photograph of the individual's head and shoulders, taken


from the front.


     (d) The individual's social security number.


     (e) The individual's date of birth.


     (f) The individual's fingerprints.


     (3) The information submitted by an individual under


subsection (2) may be accessed by any state, local, or federal


agency as necessary.


     (4) An individual required to register under this act shall


remain on the registry for 5 years from the date of his or her


release from incarceration or the date the individual was sentenced


for an animal abuse offense, whichever is later. A registered


individual who is convicted of a subsequent animal abuse offense


shall remain on the registry for 5 years from the date of his or


her most recent conviction.


     (5) An individual registered under this act shall update his


or her registration information each time he or she moves from 1


residential address to another. An individual shall verify his or


her current residential address annually from the date of his or


her first registration.


     (6) An individual registered under this act shall report to


his or her local law enforcement agency to verify his or her


residence within 5 calendar days after registration.


     (7) An individual registered under this act shall maintain a


valid and current operator's license issued under the Michigan


vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL 257.1 to 257.923, or an official


state personal identification card issued under 1972 PA 222, MCL


28.291 to 28.300, with a current address. If an individual does not


possess a valid and current operator's license or official state


personal identification card with a current address, he or she


shall obtain a valid operator's license or official state personal


identification card within 14 calendar days of his or her


sentencing or release from incarceration, whichever is later.


     (8) An individual registered under this act who is a


participant in a witness protection program is required to submit


only the name and identifying information reflecting his or her new


identity, and the registry and compilation database shall not


contain any information identifying the individual's prior identity


or address. The department shall request an individual registered


under this act who is a participant in a witness protection program


to provide his or her date of birth if it has not already been


provided, and the individual shall comply with that request within


10 calendar days.


     (9) Registration paperwork shall be signed and dated by the


individual required to register and the registering agent.


     Sec. 6. (1) An individual required to register under this act


shall pay an annual fee of $250.00 to the department of state


police. Of this fee, $150.00 shall be forwarded to the animal abuse


offenders registration fund created in subsection (2), $50.00 shall


be forwarded to the local court and law enforcement agency handling


the individual's case, and $50.00 shall be forwarded to the state


treasurer for deposit into the state general fund.


     (2) The animal abuse offenders registration fund is created as


a separate fund in the department of treasury. Money credited to


the fund under subsection (1) shall only be used by the department


for training concerning, and the maintenance and automation of, the


databases, compilation, and information required under section 7.


Money in the animal abuse offenders registration fund at the close


of the fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse to


the general fund.


     Sec. 7. (1) The department shall maintain a statewide


computerized database of registrations and notices required under


this act.


     (2) The statewide computerized database shall contain a


compilation of information concerning individuals, indexed by 1 of


the following:


     (a) Name.


     (b) Social security number.


     (c) Date of birth.


     (d) Zip code.


     (3) An index compiled by the department under subsection (2)


shall contain the information described in section 5(2) for each




     (4) The name, date of birth, and zip code of an individual


listed in the database described in subsection (1) shall be


accessible to the public.


     (5) A written report, document, or photograph filed with the


department under this act is confidential and may be disclosed only


to the following:


     (a) A legally mandated public or private animal protective


agency investigating a report of known or suspected animal abuse or


neglect, or a legally mandated public or private animal protective


agency or foster care agency prosecuting a disciplinary action


against its own employee regarding animal protective services or


foster records.


     (b) A police or other law enforcement agency investigating a


report of known or suspected animal abuse or neglect.


     (c) A veterinarian who is treating an animal whom the


veterinarian suspects may have been abused or neglected.


     (d) A person legally authorized to place an animal in


protective custody when the person is confronted with an animal


that the person reasonably suspects may have been abused or


neglected, if the confidential record is necessary to determine


whether to place the animal in protective custody.


     (e) A person, including a multidisciplinary case consultation


team, authorized to diagnose, care for, treat, or supervise an


animal that is the subject of a confidential record under this act,


or who is responsible for that animal's health or welfare.


     (f) An individual named in a confidential record as a


perpetrator or alleged perpetrator of animal abuse or neglect.


     (g) A court that determines the information is necessary to


decide an issue before that court.


     (h) A grand jury that determines the information is necessary


to conduct the grand jury's official business.


     (i) A lawyer guardian ad litem or other appointed attorney.


     (j) An animal placing agency for the purpose of investigating


an applicant for adoption, a foster care applicant or licensee or


an employee of a foster care applicant or licensee, an adult member


of an applicant's or licensee's household, or any other individual


in a foster care or adoptive home who is directly responsible for


the care and welfare of animals, to determine the suitability of a


home for adoption or foster care. An animal placing agency shall


disclose information accessed under this subdivision to a foster


care applicant or licensee.


     (k) A staff member of the criminal division of a district


court who is authorized by the court to investigate foster care


applicants and licensees, employees of foster care applicants and


licensees, adult members of a foster care applicant's or licensee's


household, or other individuals in a foster care applicant's or


licensee's home who are directly responsible for the care and


welfare of animals, for the purpose of determining the suitability


of the home for foster care. The court shall disclose information


accessed under this subdivision to the foster care applicant or




     (l) An animal care regulatory agency.


     (6) An individual who is the subject of a report or record


made under this act may request the department to amend an


inaccurate report or record from the central registry and local


office file, or to expunge a report or record from the central


registry if no relevant or accurate evidence of abuse or neglect is


found to exist. A report or record that is filed in a local office


file is not subject to expunction unless the department authorizes


expunction, if expunction is considered by the department to be in


the best interest of an animal.


     (7) If the department refuses a request for amendment or


expunction under subsection (6), or fails to act upon a request for


amendment or expunction within 30 days after receiving the request,


the department shall hold a hearing to determine by a preponderance


of the evidence whether the report or record, in whole or in part,


should be amended or expunged from the central registry on the


grounds that the report or record is not relevant or accurate


evidence of animal abuse or neglect. A hearing under this


subsection shall be held before a hearing officer appointed by the




     (8) If the investigation of a report conducted under this


section fails to disclose evidence of abuse or neglect, the


information identifying the subject of the report shall be expunged


from the central registry. If evidence of abuse or neglect exists,


the department shall maintain the information in the central


registry until the department receives reliable information that


the perpetrator of the abuse or neglect is deceased.


     (9) If the conviction for the animal abuse offense that


required an individual to be registered under this act is set aside


under 1965 PA 213, MCL 780.621 to 780.624, the department shall


remove the individual from the registry immediately after


notification of the set-aside.


     (10) In releasing information under this act, the department


shall not include a report compiled by a police agency or other law


enforcement agency related to an ongoing investigation of suspected


animal abuse or neglect. This subsection does not prevent the


department from releasing reports of convictions of crimes related


to animal abuse or neglect.


     (11) If a court determines that public availability of


information regarding registered individuals under this act


violates the constitution of the United States or this state, the


department shall revise the compilation of information under this


act so that it does not contain that information. A violation of


this subsection is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not


more than 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (12) A person who reveals a registration or report in


violation of this act is liable to the individual whose


registration or report is revealed for treble damages.


     Sec. 8. (1) An individual required to register under this act


who willfully violates this act is guilty of a misdemeanor


punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of


not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (2) An incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to


animals, humane society, pound, animal shelter, or an authorized


agent of 1 of an incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty


to animals, humane society, pound, or animal shelter, who knowingly


sells or offers to sell an animal to an individual who is


registered under this act is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by


imprisonment for not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than


$1,000.00, or both.


     (3) The court shall revoke the probation of an individual


placed on probation who willfully violates this act.


     (4) The parole board shall rescind the parole of an individual


released on parole who willfully violates this act.


     (5) An incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to


animals, humane society, pound, animal shelter, or an authorized


agent of 1 of an incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty


to animals, humane society, pound, or animal shelter, who fails to


determine whether an individual is registered under this act prior


to selling or offering to sell an animal to that individual shall


be given a written warning for failure to comply with this act.


     (6) An incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty to


animals, humane society, pound, animal shelter, or an authorized


agent of 1 of an incorporated society for the prevention of cruelty


to animals, humane society, pound, or animal shelter, who violates


subsection (5) 2 or more times within 2 years shall pay a fine of


$250.00 for the second and each subsequent violation.


     Sec. 9. The department shall promulgate rules and adopt


regulations for the administration of the Michigan animal abuse


registry and collection of fees.


     Enacting section 1. This act takes effect 90 days after the


date it is enacted into law.
