(By Senator Caputo)

[Introduced January 22, 2024]


Recognizing January 23, 2024, as Mountaineer Therapy Dogs' Day at the Legislature.

Whereas, Mountaineer Therapy Dogs was founded in 2011 as an informal group to provide attention, well-being, and emotional support through the use of canines to the citizens of  West Virginia; and

Whereas, Mountaineer Therapy Dogs are certified, registered, and insured volunteer therapy dog teams that have passed a multi-step test through Alliance of Therapy Dogs to become certified.  Therapy dogs can be of any breed, or mix of breed, and train with their owner/handler to develop a safe and confident team; and

Whereas, This dedicated volunteer group commits a great deal of time and effort to ensure the safety and training of all their dogs, and to prepare them for events throughout West Virginia; and

Whereas, In 2023, Mountaineer Therapy Dogs participated in 43 statewide events, some of which include Mental Health Awareness Month, Suicide Prevention Week, Alderson-Broaddus University Finals Week, Employee Destress Events, Big Elm Elementary 101st Day of School, Reading to the Dogs, multiple safety fairs, and the West Virginia National Guard Gold Star Families; and

Whereas, Therapy dogs are trained for service and obedience, then certified to provide emotional support and comfort as can be seen through the numerous events that they are invited to and participate in.  They can affect every single person in almost every situation; and

Whereas, Therapy dogs can reduce stress, help reduce symptoms of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety; and

Whereas, The National Institute of Health recognizes this modern but also ancient relationship, as Greek history has shown of therapy dogs.  Research suggests dogs can and do form complex relationships with humans and induce positive and influential changes to a person's biological nature; and

Whereas, Therapy dogs have been used worldwide in national disasters, school shootings, hospitals, nursing homes, and continue to demonstrate how one small dog can bring so many together in a peaceful, calm, and non-judgmental environment; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate:

That the Senate hereby recognizes January 23, 2024, as Mountaineer Therapy Dogs' Day at the Legislature; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Senate hereby expresses its appreciation to Mountaineer Therapy Dogs for their beneficial outreach to the citizens of West Virginia; and, be it

Further Resolved,  That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to Barbara Higgins, Coordinator of Mountaineer Therapy Dogs.