By Senators Cole (Mr. President), Plymale and Stollings

[Introduced February 2, 2016.]


Recognizing UniCare Heath Plan of West Virginia for providing CPR training kits to all Mercer County High Schools.

Whereas, Eighty-eight percent of cardiac arrests occur at home and more than 300,000 cardiac arrest cases happen outside of a hospital each year, making it important that people, including high school students, know how to perform CPR; and

Whereas, Schools are excellent places to offer CPR training, whether it's for graduation requirements, to help students with after-school or summer job requirements or simply to improve cardiac survival rates in their community; and

Whereas, A bystander who administers CPR to a sudden cardiac arrest victim can as much as triple the victim's chances of survival; and

Whereas, During the 2015 Legislative Session, Senate Bill 7 passed unanimously and put in place the requirement for each West Virginia student to complete a CPR training course before graduating high school; and

Whereas, UniCare Heath Plan of West Virginia is working to transform health care with trusted and caring solutions; and

Whereas, Thanks to a grant from UniCare Health Plan of West Virginia, every high school in Mercer County will now have a CPR training kit to help teach students how to properly administer CPR; and

Whereas, The training high school students receive may one day help save the life of someone in distress; therefore, be it


Resolved by the Senate:

That the Senate hereby recognizes UniCare Heath Plan of West Virginia for providing CPR training kits to all Mercer County High Schools; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby requested to forward a copy of this resolution to UniCare Health Plan of West Virginia.